Starsector - (Open World Space Sandbox) [part 1] -- Update 0.95.1a

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uh so the the new update is 0.95 0.1 a um and don't let that confuse you it is a sizable update uh there's lots of little things lots of little tweaks that if you are a star sector person you will find uh interesting uh for those of us that uh play the game a bit but don't get into the big numbers kinds of parts of the game um there's some big up a big changes are we've got some new ships uh we can see them all here we've got a slipstream thing which like it's like um so i have i have kids um and those of you that have i will i will metaphor everything with with um pixar movies uh you know on nemo whenever they hit the um the east australian current they have those east australian currents uh through space now and so you can like hop on the slipstream and kind of take you through space which makes the uh like the big journey from system to system and much quicker because you could just hop on to the slipstream and then you know um go on with the turtles and and uh speed through space i suppose uh the update the the skill system has been changed so it's more flexible rather than having to go uh right yes yeah yeah um rather than going from uh like you had to go in order before when you had your skill tree thing you don't have to do that anymore uh we've got a lot of the skills been respected all that there's the new ships we have an eradicator class cruiser fast cruiser we have a manticore class destroyer a vanguard class forget these are like little guys right uh we got new missions missions will also show us where the mission location is whenever we accept it why isn't that a thing before we have sensor ghosts and hyperspace also is a thing so yeah lots of little things lots of little things and i'm excited to try it out so let's try it out this game by the way i'll get some questions about this this is not on steam it is only on star or far uh where you can pick it up here uh and if you already have the game in order to update it there's no update system you just you just download the game again and it does it all for you so uh there you go um let's let's play it hey let's do that um i i um every time i get in this game i always forget my buttons just like every game i get back into but i'll i'll get there i'll get there i dabbled a little bit with some missions and kind of got my fingers a little bit worked thanks uh thanks gold um it doesn't oh it is not a free game uh it's 30 25 i don't know how much it is it's not a free game um but let's go and build ourselves a new game here so what's my face look like that's that's the most important question of the day at the moment anyway uh i think i want to be i have been that guy before i've um see any any new faces in here i think they all kind of look the same that's what i remember before it was an old guy oh there's sean connery over there i always point that out because it's because it's funny um let's see we can go with just sort of generic guy with face mask or um oh look at this guy oh look at this guy yeah i've i've seen some things it's it's been rough so when you when you download it you can download the game but you can't you need to you need to put a key in to uh to play that that's what you pay for it is the key this is all done by i think it's it's a solo dev that's done pretty much everything this um alexander mall more or something um it's the most everything by them by on their own so this is this is one of those where you know yeah you gotta support the guy because this is you know this is sort of his this is his baby uh what's my name my name's gonna be oh zune burns um i like it that's good um arcturus perez oh man you know what um we'll we'll stick with the basics we'll be we'll be no cream today and not just plain old nook he's he's the lead there's two three dudes working on this one okay thank you thank you uh will for keeping us in there all right so there we go i will not go on iron man mode we'll you know we'll we'll leave it as it is mixed galaxy uh we've got a normal size sector and uh let's uh let's begin so recent occupation was this is sort of our starting thing bounty hunter commanding a wolf-sized world-class frigate scavenger we can be explorer leading a salvage expedition aboard a uh cruiser these are the faster starts which gets us through um like uh uh speed just past like the uh the tutorial kind of bits of the game um it also gives us like we begin like a fleet basically rather than just just the one ship um freelancer doing whatever jobs you've been able to find randomized collection of ships slightly weaker overall than either the faster start options i think i'm going to start with the the basic one though because i want to work myself up i want to start with the whole fleet let's start with the basic stuff i realize my face is in the way we'll see when we get in the game if i need to move my face if i do uh if i'm in the way of things shout at me um so i've done both of these do we have a do we have a request do we want to go as like a go out and shoot things way way to go out like scrapping things um we've gone into the lemonade business before on this now i'm on twitch now um however this this this video this stream will make its way over over to youtube so so we're still going to be in the lemonade business by the way um for those of you curious about this um i think i i like the wolf we'll stick with we'll stick with it we'll go bounty hunter right now and we'll just see what happens so in addition to my bounty hunter uh my wolf class frigates do i have a kite class shuttle which is just somebody who knows with somebody who knows how to fly one or we start with a drone tender which um drone boat um yeah you know what maybe we're gonna go i've always wanted to do this like a um i've i've teased it i've started a little bit but i've never really gotten there but like a like a like a small fleet of really good tiny ships um maybe i don't know i don't know we'll we'll see what we get to with normal mode it's fine skip that tutorial we don't need it all right so uh we can go pick what we start with we've got one skill point to spend spends so we put it into each one of these oh no oh it is different isn't it right right we get to pick and we can pick whatever we want there is no okay this has changed um so we go comp combat performance of my flagship we can go with skills these are whole skills that are helping my fleet so do we want to be a good fighter do we want to have a good fleet do we want to have uh like exploration stealth scavenging all that kind of stuff or do we want um uh building things the planet building well i had a game a while back where we went we made a planet and we had a whole industry thing going on making the money uh we had i think i even had fl yeah i had fleets in my name as well um this game is by the way if i haven't said it i try to keep my opinions on myself when i'm playing these games but i will not today because uh this is one of my favorite games ever so um opinions will fly out everywhere uh today um i don't i don't know what to begin with here with this one um we can just fly faster this is just my ship so this top row is just my ship um this is gonna be my crew i mean i don't know um sustain burn sensor range unless flux is always good man i don't know um damage dealt by ballistic weapons let's just stick with like me for now peak operating time that's not a good thing yeah you know what let's go with this combat endurance that's that's me yeah we'll figure it out once we i don't know what i want to do right now so we'll figure out when we get into this we'll see what kind of missions we get we'll just kind of we'll just we'll just let it play and see what we can make skull is asking for drones that's another thing i've considered doing before is just like a big drone fleet and just having a bunch of ships that just load up the drones and just see how that works so anyway welcome to uh where we at we're in the uh yeah gengala system so i've gotta remember my buttons here we've got a map here uh we're in jingala uh in jungalo there's other systems there's stations there's pirate stations there's a sun there's planets all that stuff uh we can also then go into the uh the sector or the sorry the the yeah the sector and see all the space now the game plays out where the central planets are mostly sets um but then the outside stuff is all is all new stuff and so ideally what we do is we'll go out uh we'll get some little missions we'll get ourselves a fleet and then we'll go out into the scary space and we'll do some real jobs we'll build ourselves a fleet of like um we'll build so it's like an empire basically if we wish um or whatever so i don't know i don't know what we're gonna do we're gonna go hang out in corvus we're gonna see if we can just get ourselves some jobs and figure some things out so let's pop on into gengala here and uh and have a chat in friendly old gengala let's take a shuttle on down to that dockside bar let's talk there's a there's a man there real this if you want but we're we're in the bar giving us the set the delay of the land we got a man looks disappointed by the commodity traders hey buddy what what's wrong there canada looks up with a flicker of hope as you approach you're a starship captain right so he taps on his pad it's telling me where it is which is great thanks game 130 units of transportation or delivered to this place uh you be paid if i i don't i don't know that i can do this because i have a tiny fleet um we can try it um does it tell me i can do it yeah yeah yeah sure i'll do it okay give me a job yeah it's a load up we also trade here as well if we want to um and we can correct we can buy from either the market we can buy from the military we can buy from the black market if we wish if you buy from black market it makes the cops a little suspicious of you and they um they won't like you let me make sure we have some supplies and fuel before we really go anywhere let's stock up on control yeah control that to to fill up the old fuel tanks which money do i have about 20 grand 32 grand what i've got right now so we'll buy that we'll buy some supplies while we're here that's a lot of supplies we don't need that main supplies wrong button no i can hold all that no uh let's just take like we won't take any actually we're full never mind um so we'll do that with uh with those we've we don't have any storage space so i can't carry those ores anywhere so one thing we can do is go buy a ship so let's go see what kind of ships you uh you have which i go to um i forget um that's my storage uh i forget where my ships from some remind me it's just in fleets right yeah fleet okay so i have the nova and the calorisborn ry2 ships and i've got mason flex that's a name here's my other captain i've got here uh let's go buy a ship so i've got 32 grand i'm gonna buy something kind of cheap probably from the black market something that has a little bit of storage space what can we do here for i can get another wolf this guy's damaged what's what's wrong with you buddy what do i see uh what was the button for that oh i see your uh oh that one let's see here so his problem is he has a degraded phase skimmer um so he's a little bit slower than everyone else yeah it's fine um what's the storage space on you cargo passes 50. i can also buy like these little these little hounds are pretty good storage space of what you got what you got storage space storage space 75 that's not i'm not opposed to that for 10 grand for for a little hound we might go and just buy one but yeah i like hounds i like them a lot the one i think if i remember the one i really liked i really like a lot was not the mule uh i don't think they don't have one here let's see here i remember what there was there was one really cool that i really got attached to was it the centurion i think it was the centurion that was like it's an alternate version of this interior was i really like that a lot um you guys are expensive though and they're also kind of damaged there's d there it's broken uh yeah you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna go to black market it's fine it's fine it's pirate ships nothing wrong with that we'll buy ourselves a mule one of these please yes okay got a new ship thanks game uh refit screen we can come in here and deal with this thing by saying uh autofit and i'm gonna put you just just a standard old uh whatever you are standard ol oh the skull taker that's fantastic the iss nova is a good name but um no if if i'm in it's like air force one if i'm in the ship it's called bob ross and then we need a uh we do need a backpack skulltaker's so good though it's so good uh we could buy would probably won't be enough space we could buy another ship i think i have the money for it so maybe i should do that yeah go away um oh am i turning that off i am aren't i yeah i did it last time i played this game i think too also uh let's see i need a just uh um what do we have it's a tanker there i got that one and then there's a little shuttle and we have there's a drone guy um there's a there's a i don't have money for that do you have anything anything good any freighters you get a little a little freighter there also another hound we could buy two hounds that would probably give us enough space we need to look and see how much we actually need to carry we take a look at that real quick so that was uh where was that it's which you can to confirm okay um now do i do i pick it up here okay his uh his mission or is that something i pick up here or is that something that he just loads up on me i haven't double like doubled my space so that's not too bad um i forget how that how that actually works i have 30 use of trans plutonic delivered to there and should i wait you confirm so just get 130 units of a transplatonic or oh you don't care where i get it from you just need to go pick it up somewhere and take it over there okay i gotcha i understand what's going on you know you could just leave with that um i realized he did but so what's one uh it's like blue right it's transporting or sort of a bluish kind of color so we gotta go find the stuff and then deliver it yeah whatever we can do that um let's go um let's not buy another ship just yet but i will soon and we'll get ourselves someone to go and uh um and join our uh a nice hauler for our fleet i'm gonna go ahead and gas up on fuel here because it's cheap and i think i'm happy with my 49 supplies hopefully that's good yeah it's fine let's go fly around let's get out of the station let's do some flying around so all the things my ship can do those of you have not seen the game yet uh are just done here so we can we can do our transponder on if we have it off the the um the non-shady types will be suspicious of us uh we can go dark if we need to we do have a sensor burst to go try to find things we have a emergency burn which is a button i should keep my finger on when we get in the scary space uh i have a sustained burn as well which is gonna make me go fast we've also got a scavenge if we need to and a interdiction pulse to um slow someone down if we need plus we've got a way over the other side of the stress call which we will never use that today i'm sure so there's pirates over here we can go have a chat with them i don't think they're gonna attack us unless we oops unless we um you know uh make them mad for any reason a little scout there he is pursuing my fleets we can take him out if he wants to attack us though um wherever you identity by transponder being on so we can chat with the guy um you know i'd probably take this out what's he gotta how he yeah you know what he's all broken up yeah you know what let's take him out let's do it i'm bringing him everyone in flagship is going to be the bob ross of course whoops uh yeah run run button okay now we're gonna select uh everyone okay let's deploy let's fight okay so it's fighting time uh i told you give me give me a couple minutes and i'll get my hang i'll get my head around what's going on okay so i am in the wolf uh my my blue helmet guy is in that shuttle over there and then the uh the new guys over on the side uh we can command the game this way we can play the game in rts style or we can go into my ship and actually fly the thing around which is what we're gonna do do the wolf is a cool ship because it has this little pulse thing it can do let's go ahead and target this guy turn on the old shields and blast them i'm going to turn on my gun so that they fire on their own i'm really bad at shooting here though keep an eye on the flux here come some missiles coming in my flux is a little high i can go like that sort of bounce around because it's cool uh we can vent that flux like clean up the old um what do you i tried i think i tried to uh talk about this last time what do you call that what the flux be considered let's get over here we're gonna we're gonna bounce on up here bouncing up here and blast them at the back turn them get those on you stop that okay you can see that little that little thing right there is telling me basically how their how their hole is looking back keep back get away from me i'm gonna help my friends over here i can point defense things are shooting those missiles around this is a very very pretty game just wait for it here it comes here it comes there it is yeah there it is so if you're like you know if you're like me and you're in you're like on your phone in bed and occasionally you're just gonna have these bright flashes so i hope you're okay with it with that steady especially when we hit the big chips flux this junk build up i'm about to i've got a vent there we go we did it we did okay first fight i won all right i'm i'm happy let's let's do some recovery here what do we got we have a uh jord we can try to recover this ship it's a little broken it has uh some increased maintenance it's a faulty automated system it's also got some compromise armor what a ship um i don't want it so no let's continue i will take the scraps however pirates don't like me uh much they kind of hate me you know my last playthrough was me being a pirates i forgot about that the charge building up on the surface of your ship which is way which is why it shorts everything out at max yeah okay so it's like like static you're building up a lot of static um space static and you have to like vent it out otherwise you're gonna over uh you're gonna fry everything yeah space static through the wreckage i'll take all your stuff thank you very much i got too much fuel um it's okay we'll uh i think i can shift click control click we're going to go away what happens if we have too much of this stuff i forget i don't undo too much of the supplies is bad it just uses oh we can see it there so we're using five 4.8 supplies per day versus 5.7 if we have too much fuel so we can carry it it's just we're like stashing it in the bulkheads you know and putting it like it's just sitting on the um it's sitting in the kitchen and it's just it's just a bad deal heat's hard to dissipate in space it's good insulator got it uh feet supplies consumption has gone up okay are you gonna attack me again i don't know i don't wanna fight again i i don't wanna okay so maybe we should try to get away from these guys okay let's get out of here so my ships are low uh comment radius yeah yeah we'll get out of here we'll we'll leave them be maybe we'll go visit the pirates just yet i can turn my transponder off and go go visit them maybe not just gents maybe not yet um we got some things we can come over here maybe do a little cell bob ross have got some repairs the ships are going to take care of themselves as time goes on because my supplies are being used up as we as we fly we're using those supplies basically to fix my ships my damage my damage ships what is this what is this are you pirates are you pirates are you chasing me oh yeah i can be in there i wanna i'm winning on this give me this okay i'm gonna join the battle you know let me in okay so yeah um take command i want it flash of course is the bob ross um let's do it yeah yeah send us all in okay me and me and the uh in the hegemony the cops basically space police are we're gonna help out space police here so you know last time we were last time we were the pirates maybe today maybe this time we're the good guys let me add them let me let me add them that was certainly because of me you're welcome what you got would you drop a cerberus which is a little broken it is a combat freighter we could just grab this guy i don't know he's no good he's not good i'll just take some scraps though so he jimmy likes me a little more the pirates like me a little less i will take my one supply thanks guys all right so let's go and let's pop back in here real quick we got a bounty over there we can take a look at uh we'll pair my ships here seven supplies and i'm gonna go ahead and dump off the metals i got a little gun here we can toss on dump the thing though and i think what i might do is go back to the bar and see if we can find someone that wants to give me a good job maybe uh is not anyone here we can talk with we can chat with i don't think it seems like rio is is someone else i can be a commission oh you know what i could do i've never done this before i could be commissioned by one of the the big powers that's an interesting thought that i've never done before we can go in we can like we could basically work for this empire there's what four different factions in the game um let's see that's all that's in this space right is jengala there's another station around here so let's let's run to see he wants me to go to uh at's lands where it wants me to take it so um i'll stop over over here galatia let's head over there okay we can hold shift right shift to speed yep my my star center muscle memory is starting to kick in some of my buttons are starting to work and then we go jump to hyperspace good there okay we got a job okay hang on i want to see this one so they're like shipped here in oh that's way down there we're not going there we're not going there folks over here fighting fighting i want some of that there's any scraps around or something oh just a smuggler no no nothing nothing to see here buddy i just want to see if there's any scraps turn my transponder off so i don't get hit by something i mean our probe will ignore that that where we're going yeah we'll just avoid these things that are hanging out because we're kind of small transponder on as we hop back in oh you pirates want to hit me right now come on now well you're not very good though yeah i'll take you out i'll take it let's fight some more okay um play everybody all right nope it's like why am i going that way stick my buddies over here we're trying to work together pop in behind the guy maybe maybe maybe oh there we go his is sealed down there he goes i got you now i got you now take that okay we got him we got him we got him where's those other guys at down here okay we got this one now shields up there goes the missiles they're on auto fire we got him these guys ain't so tough there's a little bigger got a cap on them on there too some people that are like good star sector players they got these wolves down and there's there's a way of playing where you can like i know you like you like bounce around you bop in behind folks and you just like you're yeah i can't do it but it's it's impressive to watch those that know how to do it anything good here we've got a cerberus oh yeah cerberus combat freighter so the problem with this is mostly has to do with is anything else we can get anything else that's going to hurt so it takes more crew to run it because of these these systems it's broken we can fix it eventually it's just expensive more it's cheaper just to buy your chip um it does have a good hole integrity i guess um it's got a lower peak performance which means it's going to be more more costly essentially but no we'll just scrap them through some wreckage we'll take all the stuff uh and okay authorities uh have posted bounty on all hustle fleets in here which is oh in the system that i'm in is that why i got money on that so uh there's i get a thousand gold or a thousand space bucks per frigate that i kill in this system you know what maybe i'll go join maybe i will join the hegemony i don't know i want to be a don't want to be a cop am i yeah let's go let's go find ourselves a a space station let's go over here let's get over there get some new supplies and see if we could buy some of that uh the transportation ore that's the stuff we want so do you have either or yet you don't i think it's i think it's blue am i right about this being blue is the black market have it well you have lemonade i see that was the business we were in last time country goods and it'll blow i don't know where we get this stuff from uh what's the price on this so last time our business was was lemonade and so i could buy these things for 188 uh credits for per unit uh i can then sell it in actually this is a good price i could sell it in corvus up there at the pirate station they don't like me for 100 for 330 per unit so i can make a big profit on this stuff problem is it's not the most legal and um well you know might might put a damper on our relationship but that that's the station the pirate station that's the one that uh we tried to go to and they attacked us but we could go there we could sell this stuff make a lot of money and i'm not i'm not opposed to that there's some organs over here as well anyone want some organs oh look at that that's good that's a decent deal not the greatest but it's a good deal if we can sell it at the pirate station here would buy it for a decent amount we put it up there at um nova maxios five jumps over that we could sell for 645. we could go to nomios yeah no meows how much of stuff how much how heavy is this stuff and we could buy buy it for 261 then we could sell at nova maxios which is just a little bit further out that way for 6 40 for a lot make a lot of money it's just organs i mean they don't need them anymore um let's see what kind of ships they got what kind of ships we got here so if let's say we want to go into the uh the the hauling business there's nothing there's a hound over there um there's a salvage rig that's nice nice there's a big big freighter there i can't resist i'm not doing it we're not doing the lemonade and let's just maybe a quick buck and then we'll be good um the shade what's the names of the new ships i read them off the beginning i don't remember what they were though i want to see them rebecca that's one right there eradicator that's one it's a new ship nice i like it it's pretty fine the wolf what's wrong with this guy he what's wrong with him he's got a lower fuel capacity where's the where's the the thing that's wrong with him erratic fuel injector at the bottom so i think i read it wrong last time so he um takes more fuel to run and he can't hold much so there's a little a vigilance a little frigate here can't hold much you don't have much for me here a tanker would hold us some fuel there's another hound for 19. new ships of the eradicator the manticore and the vanguard that's all i think vanguard okay there it is that is the new guy i hate custom frigates okay okay okay there's another yeah there's one there nice 39 grand um let's go past 30 and you're gonna be a small right 30 yeah this guy's not so great um yeah no none of that none of that let's go to the bar see what we got so we got tattooed uh a table tattooed roughs see if the contract is up um you guys want me to do what um you're gonna go go do some bombing yeah go attack something no no no thanks no thanks uh we got a woman contracting out underworld bounties yeah a bounty i'm up for that uh something a little more manageable i think it's probably what we need for our first our first mission so you want me to go to uh asira ten years ten years away this is in the persian league i i have a um a small um uh cringe whenever i hear the word persian because they were not our friend last time so tell you what uh put a word to a friendly office and custom department to hold up the inspection and the serial the system 34 000 for taking them out time frame is tights 30 days inspection so we're going west anyway i'm gonna do the oregon job i think we do it trade fleet owner needs to receive a stern message yeah i'm up for that let's do it i accept what i do not accept what is this i can't fight this no no what is this well whatever you got works for me what do you got trade fleet down there no okay okay what is this what is this all right so buy some supplies how much of these things 101 okay we'll stock up on those we'll just fill our supplies our spot with that i'll sell these guys away i sell the guns okay so i got 19 grand we're gonna go get we're gonna get those organs and those organs were where they're in the system in nomios in the arcadia system so let's go to the arcadia system that's that's at least gives us a spot to go maybe we'll find some of those transparent orders also if something tells me those transplatonic or something for some reason i'm maybe i'm remembering this are in they're only in like who's the blue people like only in their space is this are you fight what's going on over here i mean you fought somebody eh let's go see what we got here yeah let's explore that we found a a wreck there's a kite shuttle um hey we'll take a look at it a broken is he now just i'll just grab him take all that's okay we get a thousand bucks for shooting somebody here if we see any more pirates who is this it's gotta be a pirate identified fleet you are sizeable you're just you're just a smuggler i don't worry about you okay let's let's hop out back to our our course there's a back on course turn that on turn the uh that thing off it's a big fleet i want to see a slipstream okay to the arcadia system we're going to nomios right over there we're just in the business of just buying some things we've got a little bit of storage space we can always dump some supplies if we need to hopefully find a ship here that can hold some stuff we need a backpack sometimes are only away from core worlds ah okay okay that makes sense all right so we'll hop in here let's see what do you got some fancy armaments you have there you don't have the transparent stuff but you do have 300 of those and they're cheap they're very cheap they're incredibly cheap they're demanding 400 of these uh what's it actually carry 20 of them so we gotta buy a ship dump this off uh not the black market though let's sell those i gotta buy a ship we got it we're going in the oregon business it's called it's the oregon trail i would like to buy something you have a little uh a little tug there there's a there's a combat freighter another hound he's very broken you have over here oh i have i got 33 grand uh lashes are okay cerberus capacity of 150 on this little wayfarer guy what's your speed where do i see that one that's makes me burn 10. so is that maximum burn 10 is what i'm looking at because we're at 110 top speed 158 is what my ship is so we're gonna go space as slow as the slowest ones 54 180 on this little guy um you're at 120. so you're pretty slow but in the interest of of picking up some some stuff and and making a quick buck this would do it they're like a they're uh they're basically a um an organ per unit of space so let's give us 150 organs 170 or so we could do yeah third moon of mars is the name of the ship with a name like that i'm going to buy it just as it is it's fantastic okay i'll buy you uh thank you i want you to be a freighter yep standard fi is fine i don't know how to do the fitting real well so i'm gonna leave it alone okay and let's go ahead and pick some up um do i want to buy another one i guess that's the question let's see what we can grab i mean 190 of them i don't the money for that i guess i should have considered that right i gotta buy them um um let's see here sell the head machinery i kind of need that what if i sell this how much is that it's not not enough of course detents what i should aim for okay uh what can i i can only buy how much of this guy can i actually buy all of it i've only got what 12 grand i think there's a button to push for this but i don't know what it is so i could buy it's not real far away 50 of them we could take the 50 drop them off uh and then come back and get the rest that might be that might be an idea uh i got enough i have enough of everything else to get there back oh no never mind don't do that a couple more pieces of fuel okay um we'll try this we'll just see if we can come over here we'll just pick this stuff up and we'll uh we'll quickly hopefully without being caught by anybody run on out not enough crew at great okay so let's get as quickly as we can into um in the the magic system which is where right there we're gonna go over there so let's get as quickly as we can avoiding any sort of prying eyes to um cause any problems check out the sun the sun's are always really cool looking in this game so since every dime that i have on a couple organs leave me alone hegemony i don't want to see you okay and away we go now we're gonna get through this no blinkies okay we got we got blinkies okay let me change my my ship real quick uh we've got the third moon of mars we're gonna name this thing i'll change your name um refit okay you are now um backpack okay calorie is born i'm not happy with my name for uh from for my my second ship this is this is my kite class ship i need something good like um tinty's pride or uh this is the lemonade i think i want to call this one it's kind of yellow all right so let's get over here and hopefully avoid things like that there and we want to go to is it no not there we want to go to there if we see something scary i guess we're gonna go dark s right s is this all right okay i forgot about that one max been repaired avoid anything such a pretty game avoid any nonsense avoid the sun because that's going to hurt and let's pop on into novius max so whatever okay so have i got a uh something for you it sells for 7 30 per unit the price has gone up all yours for 35 grand excellent hey um yeah that's that's the deal actually that that's no i won't do that that's a really good deal that's a crazy good deal okay uh i accept for the change the mind uh and i'm gonna go ahead and buy some crew to fill up our ship a little bit what do i want what was the that was shift it's alt shift and then click yeah uh give me yeah 60 crew and we'll also pick up a little bit of of these how much are these 83 that's cheap pick up some supplies and maybe too much vision to that just do a few supplies i gotta have room for more more of these things he'll pick a little bit of fuel actually we'll just we'll just fill the tanks okay so we spent nine grand we made some money okay should i dump my my heavy machinery i always begin with this i don't think i what i need it for yeah i don't need this right now okay so we've made 28 grand let's go back and do it again repair my ship says if i can we'll see if anyone here wants to have a chat shady woman an off brand datapad yeah yeah hello minerva what do you want let me move 34 units of harvested organs to volturn three layers away i'll give you 37 grams for just 34 units i'll do it i'll do it how far just three light years that ain't nothing yeah i'll do it okay let's go so we gotta go to i didn't work on my map uh where's my mission mission mission mission uh which one is it that one yep so we're going there playing the course over there let's go okay so we should have all right 34 organs yeah let's go do this 37 37 grams really good job off my back okay oh roxy roxy robofox thank you very much thank you very much you can hold s here and do this yeah thanks for the gift subs so if i hit s it like doesn't even hurt me right yeah there it is nice okay yeah thank you very much okay and we go let's make some money stay away from anybody that wants to uh to look at us um requires coming with the transporter turned off you know what sometimes don't don't no no no no leave me alone leave me alone okay so we're gonna get out of the range this is always kind of annoying uh it's kind of tricky so that goes off transponder or we're going to go dark i'm going to sort of ease our way in here without being seen we're stick to the belts because it's going to help our our scan raid which is somewhere down here i'm going to cruise on in okay 37 grand done done okay what do we got see how much of your organs 251 that's that's cheap i can go back where i just came from make a whole bunch of money i don't want to make this a drug uh well it's not drugs it's it's sorry it's not lemonade either it's i mean quick cash we're gonna do it um oh they have those lobsters that's right this is the lobster place oh yeah i can buy them for 83 bucks a piece we can sell them for all of those plates for expensive okay i'll take some lobsters too lobsters are cool and you don't have that fancy order yeah um i'll take all your lobsters can i have them all 23 grand lemonade mystery meat that's what it is my street meat we could so we bought for like 80 we could sell them in the hegemony at aslan for a good price so i think what we'll do is we'll go um let's see we'll we'll take these things back back to magic yep back to magic and then we'll go over uh and and go back to the um i don't want to go back uh back over over here yeah that's that's our business that's what we're doing i'm gonna hit t people need organs i'm practically a hero that's right that's right i'm doing i'm doing good deeds here yeah people need me what would they do if i wasn't around well they would they would die i'm basically a saint okay let's go be a saint uh do you have any any uh um well let's see we got here spacer offered by him something more powerful what you got buddy hey farrell uh you got a base over there okay thanks underworld bounties what do you got you know what dennis if you've got a good bounty i would i would like it 49 grand for this one commanding a persian league patrol fleet that sounds like something i don't want to do it's a tiny little a brawler class assault gunship those are nice the hound and the kite i could do it so she's not a she's not a pirate you're a pirate what's she's telling me just look at this do-gooder pulls up standard id holo of a military officer in uniform too up tight and honest no one it's time to compromise a bit make things easier on everyone okay yeah this is a pirate job uh no no thanks um yeah i don't think i want to go kill not yet we're not not the position for that yet or maybe ever uh okay transponder on now uh let's go back to where we just came from back to magic let me alone everyone organs are grown in churches everyone knows this oh i failed that one yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry you know um i got i got saint work to do all right and we go 60 grand to go check out a probe over there uh where are we trying to go we're trying to go back to where is that now this one i gotta go through the sun whatever okay thanks for following uh nikki good morning there making some good cash i think what i'll do is i can probably afford to buy better ship once we get this this this money done then we can really sell some organs who's this guy just some security guy okay let's go over there so um i came here because you guys will buy this no you won't buy that very very well sell these things that's right so sell those 40 grand that's made off events there's still a there's still a deficit a sizable deficit you don't want my lobster but someone does so we can we're going to go back to atlanta i think it can sell by lobsters which isn't it's still a it's still pretty a deal so we'll go to atzlan in uh in collateral and sell those things i don't have enough crew and supplies and all that i'll go ahead and gas up i suppose big bucks that's right and there's our trans that's with it wasn't an ore though just that one i'm not sure um let's see if there's a good ship here well while we're here we got money that's me i'd like to i kind of want to see one of these new guys a bunch of broken ones what do you have over here in the black market it's a strike um centurion's pretty cool tempest what was what was the the um it was a vigilance was it there's another wolf we could pick up you like the tempest tempest is quick what's this it's termination sequence what's it do supercharging one of the terminator drones and sends it after a target drone deals thousand energy damage 500 emp is it like a drone boat it has a terminator drone wing it does have a yeah and a fighter bay oh yeah it's a big drone guy a couple couple uh um yeah you know i could do that i'm up for that you want to spend our money our meat money on uh on tempests sure i'll buy it let's fit that guy out so the bob ross is uh it's no longer the brawl process suppose we're going to do this one um we will go ahead and upgrade you to an attack one because whatever we can you are the i can't say that words you're not gonna be that you're going to be the new bob ross and um this one if we change the name maybe we just name it we will leave bob ross as it is we'll call this one like uh untinty's what's a good fighter bay name for something of tinty ontinti's um offspring there we go um sorry i'm just cracking myself up over here do that and then you saw three ordinance points well then use them cannot have oh i can't yeah all right whatever uh i i will captain this one yeah and then i can put uh oh this guy into the into bob ross there you go buddy mason flex you're now commanding the bob ross take care of her okay i'm eager to see what she does can we do the roller repair go in there spawn tinty [Laughter] okay that's good stuff uh okay let's go let's go um fill up that and uh that's good that's really good um uh what else i think i think we're gonna do the we're going to do the lobster job and we'll go finish off the the um mr meat job and yeah so let's go back to nothing too crazy just yet back over here make some make us some money uh the uh i'll i'll go by way of yeah so we'll stop by there first because we bought the stuff what did we buy this stuff it was in it wasn't it corvus was it i don't know where we bought it uh it was there and nomios so we want to i want to go out there with with illegal stuff so we'll stop by atlanta we'll buy that and then we'll come back maybe we'll find some something worth telling over there okay i think i've probably had a tempest before but i don't remember um seems like i stick with the um i still stick with the wolf the lasher this seems to be my my usual go-to ones last time what i did last uh when i played last time is i had a pretty good fleet going i had wolves and lashes and all those things um and then i and i i decided to go build up my fleet of bids and then i died i didn't die all i didn't die die but i got i lost a lot because i was um i don't know why i just i was not i got out of my my smuggling business and i tried to make an empire and i died a bunch so we're going to go to it's kawada right it's where we're going i think it's where we're going let's have a chat with these these fellas these are the this is the persian league um i'll make some money all those little jobs popping up over here too we could always do that make some good money um so you know what my love oh you doing yeah you want my lobsters for 440 which was the best one right yeah that's good why is it more than what this says this is 327 but they're actually going for 440. so there you go buddy have some have some lobsters it's a lot of taxes i'm not sure i'm a fan of that i can sell the black markets for a lot of money which which isn't really a lot of money but it's a lot right now that's a good deal um yeah we'll do that can i fit my ship out a little better right now there we go now we have things here anything better we can do with this guy so i don't want him i think i want him to stay assault if anything we can do since this is a pretty good-sized station you will be a uh yeah just just support it's good and then the the skull taker standard's fine okay and then backpack i think i've already got your fit out but just in case i think a couple things i guess can fit you out a little bit differently someone goes that way it goes on with the stated price and demand multiplier all right so we've we've got oh i didn't select these dump these things off now uh i got a good i got a good crew we got plenty of space now we can do all kinds of of things let's buy a few supplies like 50 supplies there and let's take a quick look at your ships available buffalo mudskipper couple tankers we got i think i got good fuel space for right now what i've got oh look at that to buy the military you have to yeah you have to have a commission to do that right the brawler over there let's see here a little cerberus over there another centurion okay well um let's let's go yes sir um your fleet matches the profile of suspected smuggler on koat no no no it wasn't me um i didn't buy this stuff right yeah scan away um what did i do yeah inspect away i don't have anything on nothing on board i didn't think i did well that's the combat readiness you know it's fine you leave me alone i got nothing so buying from black market that does that uh so we want to go back to go back into uh into acadia arcadia and then i think once i get some cash we get a good ship we can maybe do some bounty hunting some proper bounty hunting make some good money there's one right there who is this guy he has a bunch of broken ships he is where is he at way out he's out there which isn't too far for 40 grand for a bunch of service a bunch of hounds i could probably take them survey a world we'll see what pops up though will keep my album he's through that world to go to go survey which survey takes a lot of was it anyone that takes heavy materials could do a bunch of surveying okay and we're going to go to nomios cool looking planet oh scraps yeah i'll do some salvaging what we got that's that's where we use it uh yeah yeah don't get anything well that's not very good maybe took it away where you can't salvage over and over again right that's it you get one salvage and you're done right now okay yeah no meows that's where the heavy machinery comes in i forgot yeah yeah these heavy machineries of salvage i knew there was a reason to have it i couldn't remember what the reason was all right uh i'm here for those give me all you got i can carry all of them i think there was a there was a deficit there of about that much i'm buying them for for only 214 and i can go sell them for about 600. so 400 bucks a piece that's uh at a bunch i'll do it confirm uh and uh what you got over here there a little tempest there what do you have compromised armor bad armor okay another little ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha we could pick up a second uh a second hound i'm not opposed to that you know like a nice little fleet of hounds um i kind of like them they're not real tough but these are the guys that are good at yeah they have a shielded cargo holds which which i am in the business of of doing at the moment what are you all about you're you're on uh would you a missile boat energy and missile and missile mounts shines in a fleet setting can easily overwhelmed by large numbers of smaller threats maybe grandma the phase guy is he's sort of like oh he's a face field and delicate machinery missiles on them okay all right uh let's buy some fuel and let's get out of here excuse me at the bar we were here before though what do you want dixon um you know my operation is capable of discreet operative i authorized propose a simple mission for you to carry out payment would consist of 4800 000 credits what you got uh if a briefing is uh if as if briefing a cadet enter a standard orbit of uh hesperus in the eos exodus system and deploy a spy satellite package than these before just a little spy satellites and that's it dump it off take off uh yeah slip stream sorry i haven't seen one yet but slipstreams are in the game as of right unless i've read something wrong now you've got me confused uh as of this update so if you go in there we turn off transponder we drop the thing and we make 4 800 bucks it's not that far away blue church is hanging around there they're a bunch of jerks anyway yeah that's fine we can do that maybe we'll shoot some blue church folks while we're at it there's a tough guy here too hey tough guy uh yeah you're not a scared little dirt worm excuse me what do you want there's a dominator heavy cruiser collecting space doesn't lightly armed guarded an orbital hanger i need a plane to jack the ship sponsor got cold feet dirt worm 30 000 credits non-go show and you'll need at least 50 marines so i bring 50 marines i get myself a dominator a broken domino what is a dominator big heavy custom cruiser big slow a lot of weapon mounts a lot of ballistic weapon mounts okay i'm not read that yet okay so let's uh let's make some um well not yet let's go make some money okay so now we gotta go over to um it's over there right yeah so let's go um right which is two neomaxios which one is it oh they're both wait that says magic that's the acumen system magic system magic system magic system magic system wait a minute is it a binary system or something micromegas thanks for following yeah 2013 when you bought it for a long time when did it used to be called what it was called um what was it called i changed its name several years back now starfarer that was it that was it okay so now we're gonna go to that one what's the button to let you look around i clicked i hit a button to look around what it is though middle mouse right there it is okay right mouse click see now there's something that's a big fleet never mind that's a lot of money too much okay uh here you go um you don't sell for anything you sell for 261. am i the wrong spot did you feel did you fulfill your need of them that's not what i want i don't want to go to a pirate den hm well we go to ludic path um they don't like us i think it doesn't lose the past attack attack on site i got all these i got all this meat what am i supposed to do with it well that's no help i mean at this price not not a good price all right uh anything here at the bar african bounties what do we got manageable target what do you want to hold out in the uh the akum system 27 light years away that's a long window no thanks okay okay so now we got to go to i don't know i don't know um i'm going to go here anyway this is this we're trying to send me to so to the kumari kandam there he wants me to go to this place okay am i am i wrong in thinking do they attack me on sites i forget if they attack if they immediately attack on site or is that something that sort of suits up later on whenever you help out the hegemony or something i don't remember it's not a good idea um no you know look at all this meat i gotta get rid of it uh let's see so we gotta go it's real close just pop in there we'll see what happens okay nothing to see here he's gonna attack me they are hostile no wait we're gonna go in we're gonna go dark and then and then we go excellent excellence make me some money there we go i made 150 grand excellence that's that's more like it i accept i'll take your money okay i'm not scared anymore there's the transporter that's what i was looking for before uh that's a good price 31 bucks we could go sell it for or uh yeah for a lot of money somewhere else if we wanted to do that i probably need like a hauler for that though okay um real quick before we before we head out we're gonna go fight here in a minute we want to buy oh look actually these guys are all kind of greenish color was that always how it worked these always had all the ships work like this every faction has different color looking chips i know they have different facts and chips i didn't realize they all had like this is clearly the the colors of them that's really cool um i got broken hounds there's a broken wolf a broken brawler you guys are just in bad shape i don't want any of this stuff okay so i got some money now let's go visit the bar real quick i've got a hard drinking spacer hey buddy hey zeus get our frigates uh let me need any more looks at you uh a wayfarer class freighter 4 600 bucks that's cheap that thing lone star it's i got it's called lone star i got to get it i can't say no to the lone star it's got damage mounts faulty automated systems uh it takes more crew to run it's uh it takes a little less supplies to fix or to recover i mean it's called lone star though i i have to get it where's it at 4 600 bucks yeah i'll take it thanks buddy okay let's go fix it up real quick the lone star um spaceballs by the way those of you not not not sure why i'm why i love this so much i can't just go like i don't want this iss nonsense there we go okay standard fit it's fine and okay now this is just going to be just going to haul some stuff around we may not keep it all very long but um we got to fight here a minute so let's go fight oh he left us alone i have three story points to spin which i use uh right those are the things that i use i have experience i'll pick on this first story points i use oh never mind i thought i got some skills i might um uh uh if if i get a pickle i can use a story point [Music] can i go salvage that i don't have any machinery there's a fleet there let's go see what we have here nothing what is this guy look i'm gonna you're losing path aren't you i can tell you about you must be yeah i'm avoiding contact dessert because i'm tougher than they are i don't have any just don't have any of these um let's get out of here before we get any more trouble so uh the next i guess the next quest let's take a look at some intel see if we can find so this is way out there i'm not doing that one it's a ring of adamantine material derelict of former age okay okay so they're not they're not angry with me but oh the path is hostile the church is not right that's what too that's the way i always get mixed up um all right so let's go um let's just get out of the system probably the best idea we know where we make good money let's go stop in let's just pop over here just get in the thule just for now just to get out of the system and we'll see what we can do a bounty there in zagan to go do some shooting speaking of shooting you know what i'm up for some shooting neutral posture not anymore okay deploy everybody let's get him uh i think the lone star will stay i don't need him he's just a waste of supplies uh and let's deploy so i'm getting confident now which is not very good sign shields right shields are just front arc there's my little drones take that that went so quick i didn't even watch it i was trying to get my guns um on auto shoot the lonely rover like that okay i didn't get to push my button either see what it does what's it do what's it do termination sequence it makes my my drones really crazy good right do i have both drones still out there like one's dead a little uh what is it i'm what am i shooting at a graviton what am i shooting mining blaster pretty nasty if i can actually hit it let's go over here and push the button let's look at my drones up here there's a graviton beam okay done um oh yeah spy satellite that's right spy sally mission sorry about that okay um we took them all out i guess ran away oh we'll go what you got we got another another uh hound and a cerberus give me all you got okay let's get in here and that's my style mission was at exodus that's the church the church is fine it's the the path that we don't like okay so what are we doing here we're doing um we're doing fighting i suppose and i think yeah you know what let's let's let's fight so holy is less less crew lost during that um weapon engine damage taken by active phase cloak damage to fighters damage to missiles um seems larger than frigate um max readiness for combat ships that's always a good one i think having it right fight a replacement rate yeah you know what i'll take it because i gotta i gotta um i'm flying a drone boat right now or a boat with a fighter sorry a world eh how far away is that okay so we're here i think we have to turn our transponder off just to do our job uh where does it want me to put it though over here yeah let's go over here i forget how to do this because we'll find out animation we got here um 13 light years away for 53 grand and she's certainly we can certainly take her out tory's pirates to justice we may go do that that's that's pretty cheap can we get over there and back with what fuel we've got i think maybe i can i'll i'll take it uh well we'll go see if we can find her keep that in mind is it this spot right here nope up here okay so we gotta go to this spot i think we have to do a dark we'll find out i'm being tracked yeah yeah so i gotta i gotta be quiet and go in there and drop it off it's a very large fleet going by so we're gonna wait until they go by we go dark i'm pretty quiet except for that frigate that or that freighter that i just picked up come in we dump that off stay out of their sights let me get in there he's searching for us somebody's searching for us let's see if we can sneak in there real quick uh am i seen by somebody oh yeah yeah yeah nothing to see here nope nothing to see here uh um all right fine how am i supposed to do this i don't know that i can with let's go out here it's just so close to the um them i think if i had problems i got this this thing tugging along with me if i um where's my fleet if i if i have a mothball am i out of strength if i mothball this guy does that do any good i mean it'll give me crew we'll try and see if that helps us out any i can always scuttle it because my sense of profile is well it's massive right now of course that thing's on i'll turn that whoops okay let's go around here just take a little have some time here while this burn goes okay this has to think a thousand over on that side let's do it let's do it 225 oops do we stewie nothing to see here buddy stay away okay something is right i think i can get i don't know if i can do it oh we got it we got it try this display it 48 grand okay and let's get out he wants he wants me nope nope nope nope get it okay see adam have a good one let's uh let's get out of this system and let's go take out a pirate i'm out of supplies let's go stop by this station right here i gotta get some crew anyway so let's buy uh we gotta buy a lot supply so let's buy i don't know buy i'll buy all of them i think yeah that's fine uh i'll keep those i'll sell that stuff off you can have my uh my mortar and my uh my machine gun i wish i knew my guns one of these days i'll learn them i don't know them what's good what's not and whether i should keep the stuff and put it on my ship or not i never learned that stuff i need more crew though since i've got a ship so let's let's buy another another 50 crew and we'll gas up while we're here okay okay um let's see now back to back to the fleet uh because mothball i don't need to be mothballed anymore so you can no longer be mothballed outside my crew for you question is should i keep keep you around you're good for like doing the um the hauling missions but i don't think you're really worth keeping um i realize i've got one of you already so maybe what your what were your negatives you take more crew to run and you take you're a little slower um how um let's get rid of you i'm gonna sell you sell lone star okay it was nice while i had you you were great but i don't want you i don't need you anymore buffalo we got a shade a little gremlin there a lot of stuff here another hound what's the brawler he's like a little um yeah a little gun boat so he's he's a little yeah he's slow and he shoots there's some big stuff up here there's there's the big guy i could buy the big guy you know this is the eradicator this is the pirate version of the eradicator i could try out the new the new big ship and see what it can do i fear what i i i'm not a fan of the big ships because i always die whenever i use them i don't know how to use them but that that's the one of the new ships that came in and i kind of i kind of want to see what it can do but maybe not yet um i'll pick up another wolf though wolves are cool nice pirate wolf sure okay and let's refit this guy and give him something let's put him in uh so we have an assault uh i think what are you the other one is i don't remember what he is uh assault so we'll make you like um yeah this is another support guy with a bunch of missiles and lasers and beams sure come on stick with us and shoot things um and then you are the what the uh kokomidle um it's really a name probably more devoted to a drone boat but you can be spontaneous yeah all right uh let's go make sure we get more crew because we need them just a few more okay and i'm gonna buy a few more supplies because i am going out a little ways i can't buy from you uh that's all i got is 136. i guess that's enough give me give me more fuel uh you know maybe i should buy a couple of these just to make sure that yeah i'll i'll buy some of those just make sure i've got us we need to do some some scrap and we can okay let's let's go let's do it we're going to find us a pirate she's out here somewhere in one of these and i think it was in uh one of these rishi at a bounty bounty it was it was um her anyone even closer you get a big fleet you're over that way oh there's two of you over there you're over there too oh yeah you're both there in the chiral wisp let's try it we can get 100 grand if we go do this if we go over there and and yeah both of you we're gonna we're looking for bulan and valentine we'll go valentine first because they're uh they're they're uh uh oh is that a black hole okay set of course for the black hole that's somewhere in this nebula let's go black hole let's let's just hang around the nebula and we'll find them okay let's get out of here and go make some money because this guy wants nothing i don't have much of a fleet yet but we've got a fleet i think one that can handle a couple pirates as long as they're not working together no pirates pirates don't work together that'd be outrageous oh slipstream let's do it there it is see it okay so i want to hit slow down maybe this way there it is ah look at that so this thing it moves it um like it's here for a little bit and then it changes i don't exactly know how well that works but it's it's a you know it moves plus it's like safe it's like safe flying this way ah check it out that's great it's neat let's go into that star there so we'll we'll hop off right over here somewhere if we if we can i guess we'll go i guess we'll take it to the end he got off just fine it saves you like supplies saves you fuel it's just an all-around good thing where's my s not working why is it just stopping me there it goes okay something because i have a corset okay so they're not necessarily in this system they're just somewhere around here we don't actually know where so just sort of search around here and try to see if we can find them they're going to be you know it'll be around here somewhere probably around around these we'll go look at the other one and i don't i don't know exactly where right i just know that they are near a frozen world in a black hole system oh you are the black hole system are you also there in the nicole star system near a barren world in the nicara star system which is where i'm at baron world bearing world baron world right there so she's gonna be over there okay turn the transponder off i don't want to see her to see us coming very cool looking star there are you who i'm looking for are you just a just a ship it's a derelict ship huh we got a manticore yeah what are you um assault destroyer i'll take you yeah take a look chief yeah get it oh i just take a story i didn't i didn't see where it says it was i saw that i wasn't sure if it was gonna take a story point or not all right third move to mars we already had that chip yeah yeah yeah i got it i got it um so this guy uh i think i cannot fit with anything can i put you as a uh as assault or assault we'll do the the assault which can't really do anything right now there they are there they are i'm gonna burn but i'm gonna get him come on get him come on come on there we go we got him all right move into engage you got a bounty on your head and i'm coming after you so the third move of mars is going to stay here for today but everyone else is going to go in and yeah let's go turn my beam on auto and my that on auto all right where are they at here it comes i'm such a terrible shot with that gun there we go there's a oh hit the do the thing come on get in there drones that guy's really beat up there goes the drones let's go get this guy here should i should have vented that's her is it like um is it like suiciding my drones when i do that are they like ramming her when i hit the the deformation sequence it is isn't it termination it makes sense termination sequence so i do this it goes oh i can't do right now there they go boom do it again there it goes boom okay i see i like it okay uh yeah let's vince uh there should be another one out here somewhere right there's one up there that looks like little guy's fighting okay let's get out there where is he there he is no dying little guy so let's you know what we're going that we're going in with yeah go get them there they go you missed okay i'm quite happy with our fleet it's quite impressive if i do say so myself two crew and no marines were lost what do we got what kind of ships can we get here there's a mudskipper we've got a a couple hounds the billing and the uh the wide again uh they look pretty beat up yeah yeah uh no thanks i thought i have supplies for it anyway got some cash out of that take all that stuff okay job done uh bounty complete we've got uh more points have been added to us now the other one is at uh it was in the black hole nebula or black hole systems let's go over there let's go get her yeah the story points are sort of a i think i don't know maybe there was a better idea for them to explain but like especially for like a new player uh sometimes you get like a real bad situation it's kind of um i don't feel like not completely like mulligan things but they um i don't want to go there let's go let's go in here they they certainly help out like in in times of of in bad times a saving throw yeah there you go that probably works so she likes to hang around here somewhere we don't know what she's just somewhere around the black hole i think where were you at near a frozen world okay frozen world where's the frozen world baron baron frozen hey i'm uh yeah right there an old acorn over here hello are you nearby there you are okay no wait hey get here follow well i didn't work i'm really bad at this okay we got her yeah she's pretty broken i don't have a lot of supplies hanging around so i'm going to leave you i think i actually might leave let you take you stick two i might um i'm going to leave you behind also because i'm a little low i guess i well maybe i do have some 177 i guess maybe i was thinking raw i guess i read that wrong i thought i had less than that okay uh let's let's get them let's do this again there's the big uh flagship they got those little drones they've got as soon as we get close we'll put our shields on right now and oh let's turn it on see if i can get over on the side here pretty big oh oh that up so as soon as they like vent i think we go in there we just i diagnosed suicide my my drones there we go now now get them get them there you go can you stop that can you stop that ouch i got a vent the shields on this guy lots of little drones over here not good i'm gonna find this guy here we go we got him we got him get him yeah there you go this guy's broken probably shields up you can see his hole there he's almost there he goes okay what we got left uh just one guy running away that's a big guy okay coming back all right okay yeah there she is make sure i'm vented just in case okay shields up uh yeah we've been here a little it's been kind of a long battle we've got to get this thing done with camera radius is going down she's actually fine her hole is fine we can get those shields down we're going to go get her oh shield's got it okay get up there you i go a lot of uh i had some flux problems with this ship yeah we got it now we gotta surround it check this out that's yeah this this is the kind of combat i want just a little ships just pestering this guy pestering this other little ship now flux again a beast how'd you get away come on now chase it down okay pursuer and we're gonna send in i think only a couple are going to go in because she's broken we'll send in just a few of you um just ones that can handle it yeah yeah just deploy these three all right so we got to get yeah we gotta get our oh full out assaults okay she's trying to run i think is what she was doing she might be she might be broken her weapons might be broken i can't really tell no that one's working one thing i learned last time playing this is don't be the first one in stick with my friends want to be the center of attention here maybe it's the shield there's too much flux oh you know that that gun is using a lot of flux maybe i shouldn't shoot that sorry let's sit back here let my drones do the shooting the sculptor has been disabled now we now we got her that hurts there we go perfect timing shields went down right as the right as they hit we're not getting that one back okay we did it uh i don't care about recovery they're all broken uh oh yeah yeah one of mine disabled oh the skull taker um i'll keep y'all i like you okay no one there's take all that stuff okay uh uh it's like yeah mountain blade in space yeah that's what yeah you're right that's that's star sector okay so there's we got wait we got the money rights there it is yeah okay so let's let's go back because i'm a little bit up here let me push my buttons here let's get uh we'll go to here little church and we'll go there it's fine yeah this place i do have only a few supplies left i don't have any supplies left um hang on can we no too late now mothball this guy and that's it but we're not in good shape so no fighting no ongoing repairs is gonna happen suffering accidents because we have a combat readiness i know it's a bad day yeah we went through those supplies pretty pretty fiercely let's just have a peaceful way back uh maybe maybe the slipstream's gonna help us out maybe it's gonna go the nice the right way for us maybe we wouldn't count on it but maybe okay yeah i should have done that before i got into that i should have uh messed with this who would i lose the skull tanker oh i like the skull taker okay yeah we're gonna go nice and slow we can't take any damage from this because we won't fix it it was a kind of a risk to go out there but i've got 300 grand now i got 300 grand and no supplies so we got um you know it's like like whenever uh the apocalypse hits um people that save up all the the the gold bars you know for for the whenever the uh the apocalypse hits you i got all the gold bars saved up i'll be fine nobody wants gold bars when the apocalypse hits oh who's got damage bob ross got damaged i gotta get some supplies in here real quick oh yeah here there's this the stream uh i don't use offspring we're losing crew we're just getting beat down here i was hitting s but i didn't hold it good enough i didn't really want to go this way no get me out get me out of this thing how do i get out of this thing hang on can i get out please please get me out thank you okay yeah we're broken uh i don't have to do really other than just say we're gonna moth ball a few of us we're all in terrible shape let me know what has any of that we're all on supplies of course we can't do that one too many people too many crew what if i say muffle this guy he's the one who actually has readiness we'll see if we can make it there go go low on fuel oh this is bad oh man i i knew this was a bad idea but look at all the money we've got accident reports oh no we're all dying to spend all our money fixing this all back up come on put me in here give me in the gad what system is this oh kanan's fine uh ludic folks but that's fine can you go here hello uh do you have things i could do some things you can have oh let me let me see if i can refit real quick before um okay so i need to buy uh i can't just i can't just repair here i buy the black market here don't i so give me i'm gonna use like all these supplies like immediately just give me what i can carry right now i need some fuel also okay oh i keep doing that he didn't escape can't dance that guy off okay let's go visit the bar real quick rakish woman hello watches me approach he went in on the business that right she says i'm using your audacity give you a job so easy that a rad adult spacer could manage it but she shrugs regrettably it's a real shame how many of them just can't follow instructions and end up getting tossed out an airlock so deliver uh the item to fray 10 lighters away slips tripad out of a coat display large brilliant cut diamonds that's it 79 000 credits okay i'll do it just drop it out in space got it deal uh we gotta fix our ship up real quick though now there's no is there a shipyard here somewhere gilead do you have one let's go to gilead i need all my supplies just just in the flight back the lemonade has been fixed uh i can unmothball this guy yeah we'll do that and then we'll stop off we'll do a quick repair and we'll buy some more supplies and then we'll head up there and do that job you leave me alone oh whoops sorry sorry sorry i didn't realize why can't i oh right and uh yeah i'll buy a few crew a lot of people here okay what what what 202 what abort 200 per unit this is the most expensive supplies in the galaxy yeah it is it's one of the most expensive it's the second most expensive place in the galaxy to buy supplies and of course i had to come here uh well wait a minute um i gotta fix my ship up i'll i'll buy a little bit i'll give me like uh not that i'll buy him from the black market i guess man i tell you what i'll buy that uh give me some of your people are they are they the most expensive things in the galaxy two 25 of them just to fill up there we're just going to go take what we can and then do the repair what do we need 100 supplies for the full repair um i don't want to be cheap or anything but that's ridiculous i'm going to be cheap so it's like 170 to repair our fleet i got to buy more than that man okay if i didn't small amounts it doesn't seem so bad maybe i can make some money back where am i going oh hey chalcedon which is only a hop skip and a jump away we can go and yeah let's do that let's make some money back then we'll go sell it at calzodon which house it on whatever it was okay i'm good with that let's do a repair which is going to cost us a lot of stuff we got 44 supplies we're all using a one per day i think that's enough to get there let me buy just a few more it's so expensive um that's enough that that'll get us there we'll take our uh these things make some money yeah that's that's it i think that that's the idea i'm going to we're going to what's it called kumar kandam uh chalcedon the ludic path it's brisky those are expensive too well is everything expensive here they're expensive here i heard this universe is a terrible place to live yeah it is i'm ready for 24 selling for 36 when i go up there it's not a bad idea just uh i'm trying to find if there's something that i can buy just to fill my cargo hold with you know go make a couple quick bucks i'm going to chow sedan right now oh you know what that's that's the thing let's do that i'll buy the rest of those things eight grand i'll buy them i'll sell them for i'm buying i'm paying for 88 i can sell for 227. yeah that's that's the kind of money i'm looking to make do anything in what was that was luxury goods gonna have in the open market too yeah okay so we're going to here and there let's go and watch where i fly no wasting my supplies hostile things are nearby bounty hunters taking out some looted path folks good we all appreciate that surveys there's a bounty in we saw that before okay nothing okay avoiding good please stay away from me uh do i have to come in here is this where i'm going no i'm going to towson are hostile right we have to go dark to approach these guys i forget we'll find out no uh yes yes i do at least the transponder has to be off i think i think is is the rule [Music] yeah as long as they don't know who i am i'm fine so i turn my transponder off i walk in i take my name tag off i'm good okay so let's go sell some of that's not a deal you told me there was a deal and you lied why'd you do that it says for 81 you liars oh man but but i got all this stuff man that's not a that's not a profits uh we go to the persian league that's that's fine we'll go up there and hopefully make some money what about you persian league yeah yeah um they're both in western-ness so to westerners we're going i'll see if this is good we can buy these things oh it's expensive here too man that's expensive too this is just not the place to be whether looking man what he wants crypt a crypto key exchange turns out the master farming community communists come to town he's got 200 units of food he has to move as soon as possible if you fight all day he'll get an under market price of 13 per food as pious folk we need not bother we're not bothered with church's tariff i can hold i can't hold them all no i'm not doing that all right so we're going to i tell you what this one here now if this if there's no deal i'm not gonna be happy i'm gonna stop by this dog though real quick because there's some loot here okay we got stuff with salvage i'll take it i'll take freebies i got a bounty hey um um a lot there's a lot of if you're familiar with star sector you'll wreck you'll you'll under you'll i'm trying to say you'll you will see what the new stuff is you'll recognize lots of little tweaks in the numbers and skill changes and and ship stats and things that are in the in the patch pretty big it's a good size patch uh the big changes are new ships uh we've got uh in this the the slipway thing the space highway that's in the game that's the big changes and the way the skills work pretty sizable uh oh i'm trying to go uh we're gonna go to uh both these so a full funnel is one of them stop in there persian we don't mind these guys i used to hate him but no now they're all right so that's not where i want to go where's this i'm going there yeah i can we can dock at all these places okay so do you want this which one's the one you wanted you wanted these yeah oh that's a good price that's a oh that's a good price yeah you have them all there you go all yours not a big profit but something doing a lot of shady business here or um black market was probably a bad idea 100 per unit that's a much better price than we paying like 300 250 per unit whatever it was ridiculous i'll buy those i'll buy some fuel and let's see these were going to go over to seden that's where we want to go with this one which is where which is that where's that one that's up right there okay they didn't real quick you didn't have any here did you you did uh okay just turn around quick buck not the best profit but it's profit can we like stop off at this one also i'm here to pick up all your organs you got more organs yeah give me all your organs please and then what about you organs no organs okay twisted and then we sell we sell for lots of money 100 grand okay oops yeah i'll buy what i can here i'm gonna buy that well well the luxury guys are going we can just go right like across the street to sell these luxury goods okay sure let's i could buy some more i'll i'll do black market things i shouldn't but i will i'm going to dump this machinery off because so i can get oh wait you don't have any more i bought all i could i'll sell one heavy machinery so i can buy that okay so we got all 185 we'll just take them across the street and then we're gonna go to what was that one which one was that it was i don't remember okay i hear you guys are looking for some luxury goods yeah i don't remember that i don't remember that ever happening before where i could buy something and then take it to the next door place and make 30 grand off of it um i'll i'll take it though it's definitely domestic goods here um no i'm happy with my money uh for now let's see what we can buy you got any cool ships nearby um nothing there a manticore we can pick up um let's see so i kind of like this on tintis guy tempest i don't have any more of these here though i wonder how um i wonder how how good um like a fleet of those things would be tempests i've got this big mana core that i'm hanging on to i don't know if it's worth it he's slow um i don't i don't know that i want to keep him around we'll do it for now though what kind of job we got here underworld boss yeah what you got oh yeah we'll do something for me what do you want bring kansas den offline for 60 days i'm not doing that okay so my my job right now was where was it this one which is oh not where i thought it was down there and fray so the pirate wants me to go do that job so last time i remember i um i think it was 95 a is that what is that when i added in like the mission chains so if we do a job for for um for you then then they become she becomes like a um uh what is it called a way for us to keep getting jobs and where do i see those i don't know where i guess maybe i just didn't save her but then they become a person that we can keep going back to for more jobs and it gets better and better as we as we stick with them um let's see that's kind of way out there what else we have over here bounties i know i'm i think we're um i think i got some some i can do some killing here go ahead a pirate base it's not too far away it's a pirate base though destruction of this base i'm looking okay i can't break any bases we can always go to valhalla and just shoot them make some money i think i would like i'm i'm worried about going back out there again way out there i guess that's the perk of having that big ship is it can hold a lot of supplies so this is a over here in morga 11 light years away 78 fuel to get there where's the where's the thing that shows me fuel range that's the button i've been looking for yeah that's what we want so i don't have fuel for that one okay there's you what's this one that's that base it's like a staging ground for raids against nearby colonies go find the base and um go blow it up let's go um let's just pop in let's just stop in here in the water world let's go to the bar talk to the man who ordered the cadet to apprehend you nervous cadet holy drink approaches you uh my captain my uh i mean the man over there wants a word yeah fozzy fozzie wakka wakka uh my spirits recognize that your new unique talents could serve a faction our faction there's no drink on a table no invitation to sit we need an agent extracted from the colony at chelseadon so you know 150 marines do that i can't carry 150 marines no i'm not doing that one how about the fancy fancy woman another location of the fans phantom blueprints give me a blueprint for that i don't want that one let's go stop over here oh is this are these the same people in the same oh it is isn't it okay okay i could be commissioned by the persian league i wasn't gonna do a faction and fighting the big fights from day one is probably the easiest start so make sure you don't break a lot yeah that's i've heard that that's um that's a good way of like if you're a newbie to go in and join in with the the commission um i could try you know i've never done that before we could try it um who do we wanna who do we wanna join up with though that's the question we've got persian we've got over here we've got the uh tritakion and of course hegemony is that it and then we've got atlantic folks where's my folks where's my people all these folks we have sindran syndrion dictat um yeah we all know the hegemony attacking on the independence they already like me a little bit by six i don't know who we want to go join up with who are these guys where are these guys at not well known by them they uh they don't like harvested organs italian has the coolest ships oh and they don't they don't mind organs they're hostile with all these folks you know what um yeah they got a cool little logo there let's let's go over there and say hello to try tachyon let's do it i've never i've never tried it so let's go to myasura here port c say they're tech focused i don't know although i said the hegemony is basically the i've always heard them they're like the space police um i guess are the the tech people the path i know they're the the cultists i think is why black market trade what do you mean i wasn't black market trading with you or someone else percy on uh what's perseon i don't remember what they're all about like the traders or something let's head on over here to this place let's go get are you trying to no let's go see don't go in the sun don't go in the sun look at the supplies drop man i need a is there a button i can push to like avoid the sun that's what i need personally the the anti-hegemony gotcha all right let's go take a let's go ahead down here we gotta we got a concerned man hello concerned man what's wrong i i got 26 units of war urgently needed to be delivered to agreus um no thanks so we can go chat with the com directory and say hello to the stage commander is that who we talked to yeah all right that matters so welcome what business do you have here i'll be commissioned by the tri tachyon please afraid the human capital department supports that you simply don't mean the standards we expect i need to be 10 with you before i can do that all right all right um well what do you want me to do you're not you're not trying takion are you paid their activity uh i don't think i can carry that i can hold 207. you got 260 units i can't do it hmm let's see 10 units 10 with you um how much would that give me if i did that let me go look at this so i could make space we could dump those things i gotta keep my supplies uh i could pick up a boat uh ship a couple omens there um oh yeah and we could buy from the military if we could if we do that uh there's a wolf there there's another tempest yeah give me that tempest i want another one yeah two tempests please buy the black market it's gonna make them mad at us which i probably shouldn't do uh autofit this guy uh yeah attack is fine and uh we need a name for you this is blackbeard's head well i mean that's that's pretty good that's you don't get much better than that third move to mars i don't know what to do with you so i'm gonna call you i'm gonna call you um uh um um what's what's a what's a good name uh you're gonna be around about that's that's what you do you just round them out okay pair up um i've got the space and i think yeah i got the space i certainly have space now so we'll go do the job i don't know if this is who this is for but i'll do it yeah so it's in my pocket now right yep i'm a little bit over so let's dump a little bit and then we're going to do that job which is to go where yeah we're gonna go there okay do i have school points where do i see that character no i just have story points the third moon of mars isn't there isn't the god of war it's not it's not mars third moon bringer of war i guess what we could do is we could keep an eye on this is where we find our intel if we go over here we can say if we want to help these guys out we do this and do whatever they want us want us to do we may pop some things in here we see one we'll go do that job for now we're just hauling ore we're just a big truck independent one okay there we go that was with independence anyone here there's a pather over there uh yeah what are you out what do you want you are i need you to help you better like be uh arrange a new identity for me i tell you where the base is applying the paper cells they'll call you look at i don't care about that deal with your own problems buddy uh info on our freighter wait for class okay kind of supplies to do another job what is this just trader there um oh hey we're here we're here again i recognize this place you don't have any jobs for me i need to go into their space so they're mostly up this way right in they're way up here aren't they hybrid yeah high bristle that's them let's go back up there i should have the supplies for that we'll do a couple jobs see if we can join up with them uh if it takes too long we can always just jump in with the hegemony just to get just to see how that works we have over there now i hit i hit s it wasn't fast enough i broke my roundabout hang on hey avik how's it going welcome to the welcome to star sector thanks again for the raid havoc i appreciate that uh let's see what we got here so um yeah this is my first day back in the star sector we got the new update we have um a few new things i'm not taking this guy though so now we'll just take his scraps um i'm working on um [Music] trying to go with tritakion i've never done a game where i i join a faction so that's that's the goal right now we'll see how it gets but uh i saw you playing real world how was room world nights thanks for the follow uh talauza thank you very much we're popping over here just to basically pick up some some of this some to find some intel so we can do some tritakion jobs let's see what we can find over here do it didn't even just pop up uh uh we're gonna add a path over there that's all we have i don't know hey thanks rode my dude thank you very much for the for the follow and an avocado witch knits excellent excellent still let's take at the end we use the problem 50 consciousness to perform brain surgery fantastic which leg was lost um well i don't know i don't know what is this one movie pastels on colon what does this want me to do this is say um administrator we could go over where is that at colon the hyper system that's where we're at so am i supposed to go like mess with these guys i've never done one of these kind of missions where it actually does like that so it's a basis for that faction yeah so it's it's a oh where to go um it's a ludic path cell so they only i just basically go kill them it makes them happy just pay their bases over there so it just just by doing that is going to make tacky unhappy we can try it out yeah i mean it's that's one of the things like if it was any other game um you know you might get kind of grumpy about going in for like you know a routine uh sticking a um a hook on someone's hands and then you end up you know cutting the guy's leg off or what whatever i just saw a um a news story i didn't i didn't read the article i just i just i just saw the um the headline so who knows what really happened um but somebody like went in and had like they went in to have their leg amputated and they cut the doctor cut off the wrong leg um just happened just recently some i guess it happens not only in real world at least the headlines think it does that would be that'd be that'd be something to wake up to so there's looted path things here as i was trying to say so like what do you want me to do about it let's pop in over here oh yeah we'll sell this junk sell that um sell my laser we've got a um all-time blunder yeah you can put yeah yeah that's that's one way of putting it um let's see here that's my main business right there is the uh the old uh the old organs but no no we're on a mission to make tritakion like us so we're gonna come visit the bar um a pather so there's so that yeah he's here what do i do about it let's go there's an angry woman in expensive suits what does she have to say right 64 000 credits to find their way to your account if that happens what do you want to do injustice done honest folk irony laws yeah yeah yeah warehouse on salomon salamanca was rated by another one regular occurrence in room world yeah it certainly is um so here's the pather and you want to be um i don't know deal with your own problems i i say um what if we gabriel level 10 huh and i'm zero with you and i just don't know how to get any jobs maybe maybe we just go maybe we join the other folks let's see here i'm not giving me any jobs to do we could visit another base i guess and see if we can find some jobs from from there we were just at uh there i'm not only going here i want to go to yeah there was i was just there was i was there was i at the the [Music] the base there we go here same thing right yeah don't know hmm other station officials uh i don't think they really do it's all oh here we go i told you i haven't done this before he's independent though we don't talk to him um he we hire him though right i think that's how that works the port master yeah see nothing we've got the admin same thing uh and most of them say the same thing we got station commander over here yeah you know same thing sean connery doesn't like me either um the quartermaster we no nothing so i think we mostly just have to find someone you're freelance because you're you're the independent guy if you finally return cores it gives reputation okay i've not found any of those yet well let's go pop in back over here see we can find um i'm surprised there's not like a you know is there a pirate base in this system there is i'm surprised there's not like a go kill pirates mission that would probably be a job we wanted to look who's giving me this job independence it's all independent stuff they they already kind of like me maybe we go do that path things the person league uh who was i friendly with there were seven with independence we could try them we could go be in with with the independence you know try that uh the major folks are the hegemony persian and tritakion are the three big ones i think those are the three biggest and then we've got the other smaller guys let's pop in over here again someone else may know may know better than me but um let's pop in here let's see i was just here wasn't i let's go chat with you have nothing yeah yeah there's a shadowy guy none of my organization i quote discrete operative i'm off a simple mission for you to carry outs yeah he's blue does that mean he's somebody that's way out there though that's outside my space how do i know who i'm working with here thanks guardian yeah i could go to the hegemony let's just let's do that that's probably a better way of doing it just because i just want to see what this is like because i've as many times as i've played this game i've never messed with joining anyone um and yeah i kind of see what happens there so let's go over here let's pop in at raisvilleg and we'll go join the hegemony it's fine everyone likes the hegemony these guys are great stay away from the sun please i need that stay away from the sun button and we'll go we'll go pop in there and we'll join them they're i think they're at war with people too they'll be exciting let's be passed by systems of broadcast that's what i was trying to do as i was that's why i flew here i was hoping to see some pop up but nothing happened try attacking i guess they're just they're just happy with life they don't have any missions there's a smuggler over there one button this derelict ship over there uh here let's go let's go check it out turn that transponder off we got over here nope that one get in there it's just a little kite shuttle i get beat up trying to pick this thing up so i guess because it's green means it's a story mission is that where we're going yeah okay uh transponder on we don't have that offer on the gym yeah they are pretty warm monday aren't they so that'll work out pretty well all right hey gemini remember me yeah let's uh let's let's do some business i got i got eight fuel like i said good thing i stopped here we'll gas up and we're gonna go have a chat with uh with with four kila nope with with wednesday wednesday 4th what a name wednesday 4th accepting push by hegemony is a serious matter citizen you will be required to fight enemies of the hegemony and assist in upholding law and order with the apparent with the official apparatus cannot reach above all you will dedicate yourself to fighting for the restoration of the domain over human space informing you that you have the right to resign your commission any um and you give me ships or i can buy ships so i'm a hostile with everyone basically the path persian and tri-tactical and pirates i accept paravestment off the high hegemon offer you commission as auxiliary to the hegemony navy i do wish to sign on okay so now everyone hates me so so much for that try tacky on stuff let's go and um let's stock up on some of these how much are these things they're not like a stupid price are they yeah that that's the kind of price i like much better much better i probably shouldn't buy from black market from these folks i'm tempted to do with them i'll buy a few crew as well okay then while i'm here um i got 300 grands uh do you have any ships like do you when can i when can i buy from from your fleets from you what if i can go look this this station doesn't have anything but maybe another station would have stuff i can buy from is that is the mercury no that's not a new one is it no dry screen it's a military um which one they don't have one here right i missed them am i missing it normally there's a bottom military um there's a lasher there okay nothing too exciting all right so now uh give me a job yeah we need to go to there was a station i think um ragnar here so we're we don't like tritaki on now so we can go fight him let's stop at this one just take a little peek here what they've got just away from the sun this game's so pretty for being like a like a 2d top-down kind of space thing whatever top is it's so pretty i told you this is normally my opinions are kept to myself not today not today there's a few games i i let it slip so we'll pop in here we'll maybe we'll buy ourselves a ship whoops this guy's pretty big we could get to him so this is my get to and back this is get two and then it gets stuck marines acquire that tritakion ship the proper way all right so let's see what you got here me look at your ships there's military so i can i can i can buy so as long as i am what am i am i friendly i don't think so oh i can only buy a wolf and a kite this is a a hegemony wolf however what's different about it i don't know what the difference is for this um jimmy marking system modifications otherwise superficial i don't think anything too special about it it's just kind of orange um yeah you know i'll take an orange ship i like orange sure what do we call it it is uh remember the 200th okay uh we're gonna make this this is gonna be an overdriven guy we don't have a point defense yet let's get a point defense in there actually can i take if i got blue i couldn't take marines and take another person's station can i i know you can like weaken it and then you um like you ruin the market or whatever that was like a way that was something that was also fixed i think in the um in an update was i guess you could like hit a pirate base and attack it again and attack it again and uh make money that way um you can't take over a uh a place okay bummer that's what i want to do um let's see okay so we're not gonna be remember the 200 that's that's not we're gonna be you know what we'll be we'll beat we'll be 200th i do i'm okay with that yeah that works all right let's go repair um yeah and let's go see what they want us to do if there's any can i come here and get one i can hire you right pant suits commodity trader no no no um just resign and the uh the next girl in mod that's why every time i play the game people mention the next one mod and one of these days i'll check it out the hero of the hero of the siege of railsville looks you over what's the freelancer doing okay yeah you leave it on all right so now we have hegemony jobs is there anything new popping up commission that's just that we know we're hostile with these guys farmer lulu pastel yeah that was one it was yeah uh pirate outposts uh maybe the other ones as well you can just keep doing repeatedly i guess that's been changed i don't know how i don't remember i don't know how to do that before but that's something that was uh uh fixed i know those so um yeah hey jimmy what do we have so we're at war with these guys so what what's this saying just go kill them i can try that submissions this ones we have before there's another side the ship's destroyed so if i just just i get 300 bucks just for blowing up every frigate okay um so i mean there's scavy right there let's let's just see if there's any hegemony around this big fleet will run away you know we're not brave we just want some money what was that what was that what are you strike uh yeah let's see what this little uh little broken pirate shrike is all about i don't want it somebody's got some scans going here but they're my people privateer over there so we're gonna go make our way up north here there is here they are okay it's over here he's flying this way am i over on i'm around fuel i won't be for long what are you all kinds of ships out here a brawler hey uh bro not a bad um what's that dudia let's crew can be run on here and this is like this uh it's like a little gun boat thing or just just a tank uh i don't want it so i'll just take your bits all right well if it's not gonna give me a um specific job then i will go over to let's see here no no missions yeah you know what let's hop in here and see we can find out there yeah it just opened up it opened up a whole world of few things we can attack now because we've got a nice sprite that's probably jettison oh wait that's that looks hang on hang on hang on wrong button this way what is that like this like this right here actually okay across the storage of commodities it carries in addition to uh reduces accessibility of scavy by eight percent tri-tachyon distribution convoy outrageous nothing gets me more riled up than a distribution convoy all right let's get them uh pursue them yeah they ain't getting away from us okay i'll take command of this action uh we'll play everybody and i think even roundabouts gonna go in this time you know everyone wants a piece of this action so let's let's do it they're probably gonna run away aren't they those cowards how am i supposed to work for the hegemony if you're gonna run away from me get some good supplies here though put that on let's blast this guy and mostly sort of lets my drones do the work yeah he's all yeah we got this guy there we go if you were sleeping you're not sleeping anymore i apologize but it's it's great i love the explosions but i can just imagine if i was like in my bed on my phone watching videos like i do like all the time and then all of a sudden the flash happens wake my wife up because all of a sudden it's daylight i'm like you know that might be a little concerning but it's great we run away oh yeah they're out okay claim victory yeah let's record what are we getting then uh i don't want that garbage a uh an omen though what are you all about cancer right structural damage i don't know do i want you i don't know i don't remember i don't recognize that ship oh oh yeah yeah yeah you now is that going to be a is it telling me that it's gonna require the story point okay yeah gotcha it's green i should pay attention to that green stuff okay let's go scrap this guy call that [Music] what do you think you're doing oh yeah he wants to slow me down you're over fuel again i gotta dump that stuff that way i gotta stop suck i gotta stop taking fuel am i that far over on supplies too oh well those are expensive let's dump those and let's just get to a station real quick not that one so far away let's go there we'll leave them alone we've done enough to them already [Music] i know my cargo passing is terrible right now i know but it's worth so much money well that's an idea just dump it off and then and make two trips yeah of course well i'm here now uh that's not not a bad deal and it's not too far away we could go get this could we get this guy i think we could do it yeah we could do that uh he has the new ship the new eradicator which is new to this update um i want to do that job so we're going to mark that on my map uh where was it he's he's where he's in near a barren world in the system with a red primary star in the laminos constellation so it's one of these so we'll go ahead and mark it it's just on the edge of our our range which might be oops might be a bad idea let's go trade i want to get rid of this stuff excess i'm not going to make any money i was gonna go and i'm carrying all the fuel i can it's like at my range so i could go i could buy a tanker which i haven't done yet it might be good about time to do that give me cheap tankers around here uh look at that guy right there how much do you hold i think i want you yeah i think i want this little this little guy anything good in here just so i'm gonna carry some fuel for me so i can get out there uh how much are you 13. yeah we'll buy this uh this little guy then we'll fill them up look at all that fuel space we have now that's what we need okay so give me all that and supplies are a little uh we got 45 let's go with that that's that should do i always run out of supplies but that should be enough i hope um let's go and make sure that you are fit to you know carry fuel or whatever you need to do your name is the the adamant sure um your name is uh you're the fuel guy you're like you're like a tank engine a tanker uh uh thomas tank engine that's what you are um all right so i have crew a few more crew here they're cheap okay now let's take a trip we're gonna go get ourselves a bounty yeah that guy right there we want him where's this thing at no way over there we're not going there we're gonna go let's go get this guy away we go we're gonna be careful with our fuel uh if i can hit a um uh i guess if i can if i can hit the slips i always do that i'm too busy talking not paying attention to the sun right in front of me uh i'm gonna try to hit um lost my train of thought now that i ran into a star we'll get there we'll take this guy out uh and then we'll make some money yeah and then the hegemony will love us we'll try to see if we hit a slipstream that's what i was trying to say before i got blinded by a star see look at the gemini they have all kinds of jobs for us i wanna try attacking i'll never have this any jobs it's just i guess it's just a bad time to pop in there pirates are vengeful with me now i'm not gonna get a slipstream is this the where i'm going no we're going past this okay one light year away or something there it is oh it's originating i know it's ending here i also have a distress call coming in from here i bet you the pirate trying to trap us okay so we don't know where he is uh specifically but we know that where is it where was it where it was a bounty we know he's he's here uh bearing world in the this is the guy right yeah in the uh kuma system that's where i am i am okay a barren world here there's one there however we'll pop off we'll see what this thing is down this way something over here ah scrap salvaging maybe get some fuel out of this a little bit i'll take all that i do kind of like to get rid of the the salvage multiple times thing i kind of like that let's go just over to this spot let's see if we can find this guy i'm gonna try my transponder off turn off my speed boost oh there he is right there okay so this could be a big fight because they're a lot bigger than we are but um but we have confidence um let's engage we're gonna send everyone in on this one except for thomas all right here it goes this may be it uh this might be the end of the stream if if all goes poorly but no we have confidence that's all we need confidence in drones yeah i think i went quick okay good good vent this thing out i like this ship i like this ship a lot okay let's do this this is my main guy isn't it i'm gonna let i wonder if i should leave him for you just leave him be and just deal with like the little guys first i think probably a good idea we'll let the big guy we'll leave him alone something we all team up on him get over here what are you running away from me for i'm trying to kill you why is he running away like that they're all running away over here got a big guy over there the rest of the fleet's over here can i get like how do i do this i forget how to command can i get you yeah get over here leave him alone just get over here and help us out on this side there's a bunch of them stick with my friends here nice guy's got some missiles on him i like him we got him down yeah what's he doing over here okay oh let me get on this one get him down get him now uh choco girl thank you very very much or mashleth mashleth thank you very much for the uh for the gift subs distracted me at a an exciting time thank you very much mashallah it's incredible what welcome new subs thanks thanks to masolis right folks on both sides of us here um what's going on over there that's cool we're on this guy now all right yeah thanks again master that's that's incredible thank you very much spontaneity's having some troubles here oh oh ow oh no that hurt a lot oh no oh oh no um well that's not what we want um i think we might still be winning the fight but i don't know um that's difficult who's this this is let's go let's go to bob ross to come in we're kind of spread out wait who's that one i want this one now we can do it we can do it okay now how we look in here um we're looking a little bit maybe we need to run away so we've got what uh cancel that's yeah i think it's not wrong away let's get out of here let's get out all right so maybe they're a little bit too much for us i thought maybe maybe i get away it was it was close a little too much for us though i thought we had in there for a minute i thought things were going good uh it didn't didn't go so well if i hit forward it'll just go on his own right he'll go on his own yeah all right so he's getting out there getting away with as well there's a lot of drones over there he's a wolf he can get away from that i'm worried about this guy but he's his hole's in decent shape hopefully he makes it here i'm out now now that i've seen what his missiles can do i like that guy oh he barely look at all those drones coming at him uh buddy run oh yeah you did i round about that's not what you're supposed to do well um okay um i think we're gonna disengage let me pursue my forces um i don't i don't i don't want to be pursued i want to run away okay yeah yeah everyone get away and they come in so what five of them left versus four of us ma'am it's okay oh they deployed on oh look at how this how smart they are what they're deploying on the side of the map which is something i forgot i could do you go a little faster buddy look at that he blew him up good job buddy i want to zoom how are we zooming into him um he's in kind of a he's in kind of a oh that's my tanker no but he was carrying all the fuel thomas thomas that's not very nice okay um let me pause real quick so we're in kind of a bad spot uh oh i got a skill point okay let's use that that'll save us uh more maneuverability uh maybe a fleet mod that's what i got last time i guess a fleet upgrade damage to ships larger than frigates if forget 10 damage the capital ships and cruisers if destroyed better operating time how many might even have um plus 500 damage for combat ships you know maybe just just more damage that sounds like a thing we want okay uh we gotta get out of here now now we're kind of in a bad spot so let's let's get out of here quickly okay uh how are we doing on supplies and things we could use this little slipstream thing to get somewhere but i don't think we just got to go up how we looking nine supplies a day all right so who is going to be mothballed we've got bob spawn and blackbeard's head is all that we have left um oh i lost my cat i lost my uh my leader didn't i i think i lost him a long time ago actually uh no no he was in bob ross i don't know when i lost him actually do we suspend yeah we'll suspend all repairs that'll give us that'll get us back back home at least and we're gonna make our way this way i'm gonna try and make our way this way hopefully no one will look at us oh i hit i hit s i hit s it wasn't fast enough all right we'll come limp back and say hey remember us remember whenever we um you thought it'd be a good idea to have us work for you well maybe it's a bad idea let's go yeah we'll go to um i want to go place the house military is there any of those military let's go pick up some some some new nice new hegemony ships cs gold thanks for hanging out again have a good one all right let's dump all those things off and i'm going to buy some fuel i got crew i could use some more of these which these are expensive here not not too expensive uh that'll fill up what we've got let me go look at um ships so i can buy a new tanker a mud skipper and it's all i can really get what do you have over here i know mule some kites i like the hounds whenever i was doing the smuggling stuff the hounds were nice because i had those shielded cargo holds nice and quick i kind of like the hounds but but um i think what i want to get i'm going to try i'm going to stay with the the smaller ships i think i just i'm just comfortable with him so they don't have anything i want here any jobs here for me nothing here we can talk to um we can hire an officer i suppose maybe let's go look and see what they've got over here on even tide oh there's an independent independent fleet let's go there we're not war with them are we no what do they have here centurion a very broken centurion hmm let's see what do we have anything good centurions pretty fancy looking a little lash over there i don't know i think i want here though [Music] now um let's stick with what we've got here and see what we can we can find around here analyze the probe i don't care about that let's stop off an even tide take a look around what are you bounty hunter can i always go back to what we were doing before just pick off the little guys that made some good money for us big place let's see here look at that thing that's what i want that's fancy starliner that's cool looking too looking at a lot of folks have done like art of of these ships some of the cool looking ones out there folks have made senator or hammerhead used to be really fast uh i remember i remember the hammerhead i haven't seen any hammerheads i may have passed over them i haven't none of them i don't remember seeing any of them oh there's one right there let's see here uh what's the a you you have what's your wrong we have compromised armor what's the a next to it mean uh say yeah see i was watching somebody do that the safety overridden um hammerhead i know what you mean yeah that's ridiculous yeah i don't know who it was um a while back i saw someone doing that a little bit of a broken hound compromise armor with whatever the a is i don't know auxiliary is uh it means i don't remember hmm with all the money i have i could buy something real cool if like maybe maybe it's time we say you know what forget the little ships maybe it's time we go and get the good stuff like we could buy this really cool eagle here um this isn't a little broken we can go get ourselves a griffin a missile cruiser what's he do dedicated missile cruiser designed to provide a highly mobile platform for heavy fire fire sports not a frontline cruiser best one provided with escort so we could like have him with a bunch like wolves around or something like that we can go with like a real big ship um what big ship do i want do we want to try the new one is that we want to save my money for because those are about a hundred those that i've seen and we can we can move our way up like we can keep the little guys around they'll keep good um support you know let me go to the big guy and then then i get killed uh i know kites are good at little support things just a little point defense to keep the missiles off of me the drones doesn't say what it is as a threat to all enemies often found at the core of military fleets headed for battle not hard to see why don't put all my money into this guy of course we need to go with the basic hammerhead um i want to see so we got a new ship right we got a new update new ship let's go see if we can find that new ship and buy it what else we have over here we got tiger city it was called the we shot we actually we just fought one whatever it was called did i pass my spot oh oops the something it's a falcon damage falcon yeah nothing here on the hegemony auxiliaries systems has been upgraded to a military standard and rigorous schedule of servicing force so yeah it is a little bit better kite i think it's what that's done to tell me so yeah i'll buy that sure give me one of those um what if anyone try what if we went in there um 13 is just like my starter money i'm still getting what if i went with like just like a fleet of kites just a whole bunch of kites all set to like um point defense and i build one big ship that does the def the the fighting like a falcon or something you know something cool something bigger is that is that is that a strategy is it a sound strategy we can come in here and we can say or whatever it is if it's not i'm going to try it i want you i want you so these things are made to be broken it might not be good because the way that um you know um my supplies and all that kind of stuff works but we're gonna see what happens ships tend to die quickly that's what we're going for uh what am i expecting from these guys structural damage um this will take you let's just see what happens you know it's what's it's a it's an experiment so uh we gotta go and all of these guys they're all gonna be we want an interceptor is that what we're going for or just a support thing i think it's probably best the job is just to sit back and hang out on my main guy he just runs runs out ahead of the pack right and takes down the other little guys we'll just see what happens this is this is our drones our drones are little little kites now we're still missing of course the big ship but uh this will at least get somewhere buy those for some supplies i'm using just one per day uh we'll go ahead and fuel up and we both gotta buy some crew there we go okay so let's go to here let me just look around see we can find who is this guy privateer let's go to uh where was that yeah this one oh some intermittent stuff here too cool i'm not sure what what um keep buying from the black market i guess as long as i'm not buying anything with black market it won't really i'm not i'm not actually having illegal things it won't hurt my hegemony status they might not like me anymore but they like me a bunch so i'm not gonna go down too far uh what do you got here uh oh look at that thing dominator 14. that's big except for extreme damage there's another an eradicator it's got what it's also a pyro one increased maintenance i don't think i want that a venture what do you do tough dependable not overly expensive venture class cruisers are usually constructed by private corporations escort duty small and non-aligned worlds for defense there's a vanguard that's an that's a new one we can buy it just to have it this is down here nothing before we do that was thinking about getting the vanguard this is that guy if he wasn't broken i might get him and he wasn't a pirate one he can hold more crew what is that what the pirate ones they're like they're worse ships they take more repair more maintenance but they can hold more people and sometimes more cargo or something i don't want that let's go over here what's that do you want to carry something oh just convoy gotcha uh i don't know this one stark white holds the glacier academy station crawl passing slow ministerial rotation from alumni have you considered donating to a scholarship trust with it sure let's let's talk it makes quiet requests through their personal comms gives you a patient look provost is very very busy and we'll follow you after a discreet secure access door to a series of passages that bypass the public's concourse a brush with a travel lift which activates an academy or agent's presence and step inside the agents encouraging non okay regard wearing a mirrored faceplate dismisses the junior agent ushers you through the first doors to an anti-chamber filled with small groups of people who are presumably waiting for the meet the profit beneath the provost provost smiling wink at him you special you know it's head's turn as you were led past all of them towards a set of large doors purely inlaid and wood play it cool into the office the doors closed silently behind you she tries to acknowledge your entrance while concluding a call via her desk tablets but just for the mess she says having noted your examination i've only just moved office constitution is not devoted to purely in theoretical work she forms a cradle with her hands as if to hold an idea she explains it first what uses knowledge if it does not give us the power and wisdom to change the world for the better so there's a question hanging in the air for a moment um knowledge can be profitable um i don't know what i'm doing here um knowledge is good for its own sake no no yeah knowledge is good for um um um money cut you off as you begin to speak the question was rhetorical captain she brings her hands apart the point with you is that the galatia academy could make use of someone like you someone capable discreet and here she pauses a tactic for emphasis she appears to employ often i'm very well paid i do not wish to make the same mistake as my predecessor if one wants work done properly one must provide appropriate incentive i'm listening i shall put you in contact with the uh uh machine whatever alves you'll be a liaison to academy and you'll receive a few mundane tasks from various departments along the in the academy you'll work in rapport as well you provide you with funds you require to bring your fleet up to my standards all right speak again before long we'll talk to this guy sebastian sebastian sebastian what's this academy all about finding a pre-collapse a humble institution of research and higher education on the grand frontier of the domain all right um all right uh where's this guys was talking this guy he's here isn't he at the academy how did i miss him before there he is oh it's you your contact almost looks surprised that you're calling but manages to launch into an upbeat introduction my name is alves uh nice to meet you nervous about meeting a real life space captain you ideally want her i wonder how he even got to this position different departments within the galaxy academy tell me they need what they need done i coordinate you know such a self to procure the necessary services run jobs by the finance office maybe various jobs open to you just have to check with me first priority okay sure jobs you got let me look at what you've got lined up for you today team of non-linear mathematics would like a special instrument package run on a ring system in the alpha toured bogotanma system uh about it run this the standard orbit approach that's way out there 28 light years away excuse me now what about this vip transport yeah that's more like this student is the nephew of aiden demos base commander of ragnar complex you know uh take him there 62 000 bucks that's that's more my style threats you know threats simply wait for him to elaborate keeps the most instantly there are a lot of very bad people out there and they say all kinds of things it's about important people i'll do it okay i'll take him to valhalla okay now before we do that though we're going to stop by this mining station i think now i have what i want let's go so we're going to valhalla let's just stop by corvus on the way there and we'll see what happens there we go to corvus uh and maybe pick up our big ship i fear i might get attacked by something and i don't really want to yet but when i get my big ship i'll fight you know what's gonna happen this this is a um a recurring thing with this game i don't wanna spoil anything but um last time i played this i started out smuggling small fleet things were going great i decided to go out and buy a big ship and i got destroyed so we'll see no promises any sort of um you know big ending here all right hey what you got here uh you got cheap stuff here right this is a cheap place i'll buy a couple of those i'll fuel up while i'm here and we'll go to the fleet screen all right there's the eagle uh nothing cool there a couple wolves or a wolf uh what's the military i have here anything i can i can buy no black market then oh amora what are you are you a you're a carrier class carry was commissioned during a sometimes yeah more was nevertheless the commission's in masses doctrines shifted to favor heavier guns capital ships flanked on lane cruisers um three fighter bays that could be cool or a big missile boat it's not the one i was gonna go i'm not the one i was planning on buying but um oh hey martin how's it going that would be kind of that'd be kind of a cool thing wouldn't it to have a big boat a big uh a big drone boat a more class carrier and then we just have him and we have all of the other little uh little kite things flying around i like it more drones is more good okay fast mine thinks it's a good deal and m carter then okay i accept spending lots of money on this oh i do have an ios sir okay i buy it okay let me put my officer i'm not gonna fly this one i'm gonna fly my bob ross ship and i'll let the computer handle that one because uh i don't trust myself but can i move you up here you're gonna go up here all right i have to do it this way um zodiacal liked okay yeah you go back down here with a name like that you get the back um blackbeard's head is i think the one i want to command i guess i can stay with the bob ross bob ross is cool hopefully does the game know how to find that i mean i'll i'll take care of it now though how do i move myself over here i'll do it i'll do the first couple fights just see how it goes it might be really cool so i'll take those i'll put you on on the bob ross oh yeah you uh what does mentor do takes a story point mentoring officer ex exclusive experience gain and giving them a wider range of skills to choose from of course the story point gets you more expensive yeah you know here you go buddy i'll mentor you i want you to be more steady yeah i'll spend the point for that okay i'm gonna go buy some crew okay now we can hold some supplies now we're using a little bit more those i'm going to fill a few up we got to get a lot more people how many people do i need here i'm going to buy these guys that's a lot of that's a lot of taxes that's not too bad i guess okay you've got a lot more people in this in this place okay uh i didn't refit it yet let's do that now i want you to be a um i don't know so strike has no flux capacitors so it's going to be all like it's going to get a lot of flux but if it i don't know unless vents as well there's not any events this one has a lot of vents so there's gonna be a lot of a lot of shooting going on with a support guy right because he's gonna be trying to i don't know uh let's see with salt i wish i knew things like that i wish i knew that stuff more but i don't know sorry i don't this is just going to be on tinties um um spawn yeah that's fine okay we're good repair there um let's go you know trade things i don't want trade i want to shoot something now oh we got to take something to what are you smuggler me how about what what do you want reduce my five by who callisto who who's this callisto fella what do you mean it's fine we didn't do anything we just we just visited the black market it's fine all right let's go um we're going to take this guy to wherever he wants to go over this mission i didn't do revenge uh we want to go uh where was this important mission was this one okay let's go to valhalla the ragnar complex yeah we're gonna go there all right let's deliver this guy hopefully he can go there without causing the ruckus and all that there you go that's that hurt a lot more than i thought it would i thought that i didn't think minus five from that or a space taxi yep it's a really big space taxi oh you wanna oh well you're sure are big um i can't fight that look at the size of him i got a lot of little drones but so does he there's no way plus bob ross is all broken here uh we're gonna do some some exciting new maneuvers i'll try to disengage first there's no way i should really turn my transponder off okay i don't know why i decided to leave it on as i'm carrying this guy here but you know uh some dumb things sometimes okay i got the income i got that and the other thing did i wait i lost what why like what do i still have wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute whoops i knew there was something funny about them being being whoops i lost bob ross well that's not that's not good whoops yeah remember when i said something about about dumb things um well so much for um so much for that man i just squandered i got a lot how much money did i scare that that and the the thing going there man well that's that's kind of a bummer i lost bob ross um but i've found it before i got into a fight so that's good okay let's go with what's his face oh because he's on bob ross get in there all right um bob ross is dead outrageous i'm gonna buy from you he doesn't really like me anymore i can buy a couple hegemonies uh a couple kites for me i'll buy them more kites a little face on there isn't there what do you have here more kites what's this guy all about that's that's the guy we saw him before um i'm doing it they're all gonna get blown up in one fight but then they go out in a blaze of glory probably it's usually on the the uptake what what does that mean okay now um i think there's a way of setting this up to where we say like your job how do i do this you are supports boxing i can put it in there it's a way of telling this ship like the way that it whoops uh the way that that it sets itself yeah this way right another way uh to where it always sticks to whoever oh gotcha gotcha village hey ko fishy thanks for the uh for the follow yeah uh oh um let's see so yeah fine fine let me leave it as it is we got we got 62 grand we got uh everyone likes us a little more um where's the rest of of your people at i i like that with uh with elvis and and uh these are just the independents we're chatting with what do you want send some marines over there uh in battle you can you can tell i'm in battle i thought we could do it um outside we can like set it as a as a mission maybe not i'm going to try tacky on place right now let's go let's go hunt so a little a little hunting return that turn that thing off no sense everyone knows we're at ouch what are you like you're not gonna like you knock it off look i'm no cause i'm trying to hunt you i turn it on i'm not happy bad though look it's off for a reason are you guys attacking this thing right now let me in let me in um i'm gonna join the fight yeah yeah uh a the attacking forces right that's what i want to do i've got to allow you to join the battle on their side i do i do i do let's do it okay uh everybody get in there yes okay we're going after this station let's do it okay she didn't fly carriers press z to talk about what fighters are doing okay thank you i have another before all right here we go i'm gonna set everything just sort of on on its own so z does what i'm not sure what it does i'm very slow hey you uh you guys supposed to be buzzing around me you remember that i can set you to uh this way right i can say but i'm way back here defend me okay don't leave me no pants no war crimes there we go this is what i want to see yeah there we go okay that's a big ship wow wow that's fancy okay go get it no dying allowed what a battle as long as they're shooting me i think we'll be good we're getting just in range here i got it just in time for like two hits there they go hope you're awake these thin fires yeah i saw it i saw it work now i got the very last second i sent the fighters in there okay we got complete victory try attacking reduced by three hegemony where do you uh improve by one uh we've got two thousand bucks for this thing and i got some stuff i'll take it all okay and i leveled up all right that's a raid i don't have any marines i can't think about that it's overwhelming i can't do that can i where's fuel i have 204 times if i do that i'm like i do i don't know that works i think i've done a little bit of that stuff before but not scams a little bit okay it's fighting again what's going on oh you're just i see i'll take that i'll drop those and that's are you fighting this over here too i'm gonna linger around here we got over here i'll follow these guys around nothing something up there just a whole lot of nothing's like okay well do my dude for the day there let's go stop by here i'll try to stop doing black market stuff because i do want to get it better reputation with the hegemony and the black market stuff is probably kind of ruining some of that stuff big thing also changed uh with this update with the skills there's no longer a so they changed it with 95 the last update changed it and they changed it again to where you can pick any skill now in any in any order there's only a couple of them on the ends these on the ends you have to have certain amount of tier of things as you have like this one you can do any of these red ones and you have to have more in there oh story point makes it elite well i didn't that was a thing uh yeah okay oh yeah yeah some of them oh cool okay okay i didn't catch that before so elite ones every two seconds a single hit hold damage above 500 points at the portion of the 500 by 60. okay sorry i'm mumbling to myself sorry um let's go over here let's go and take a peek at your ships maybe what happened we didn't lose anybody last time there's the erratic here that's that's the new one um pirate crew so it takes uh more people to run it or can hold more people mass cruiser uh features powerful dual engine cells that allow to deliver uncompromising firepower and a powerful missile barrage to the weakest point of the enemy battle line we can try this as well this is another big ship we could buy and it's a new one and i want to see it i'm going to do it let's buy it black market again um yeah we'll do it i would buy it from the open market but you don't have one i probably wouldn't buy from this dude too much taxes uh let's fit this guy out this is going to be no the tarasque i like it now your job is going to be just to send out those missiles strike over nothing that that that it might be okay to have you overdriven if you have support all over you fdr supports and it's just assaults i don't know i don't want to blow it up okay heavy cans or torpedoes means you need to be close right i'm going to do the support one there we go so i spent a lot of money on that there's the tarasque prepare that guy let's go buy some more of this stuff buy some fuel and some people okay there goes all my money [Music] hey burns thank you very much for the tip so um let's go um into okay i want to go like the in into their space we could try hitting my asura just to see what's over there or with any with everyone so we could attack anybody what are you no no it's it's nothing it's nothing um i just i don't want to be scams i don't want to be scanned i'll i'll i don't want to leave me alone okay please thank you try attacking hates me they like me uh a bounty what do you mean like find see if there's a bounty out there i'm sure there is officer promotion candidate oh where's he at oh he's like oh this is is this new so he's someone that's just in my fleet he's just a junior officer his name's aaron aaron third shift i wonder what shift he works i'm sorry uh he's cautious impact mitigation is what he does so he just kind of hides some things yeah you know what yeah take me apart sure come on in buddy so i have a new uh dude okay he can stick with black beard what do you do you're good at helmsmanship um yeah you know what there you go aaron go go get like that okay nice to have my carrier i'm on my carry right now but yeah i'll put my on on this one because it'll stay back and launch his missiles rather than jumping in there i hope um what's my hope oh he has some drones too cool okay uh yeah speaking of bounty let's take a quick look at the bodyboard see if there's anything nearby that we can hit uh it's a little ways out there oh that's that um so there's two over there in in madrone that's that's too much for me that one i can easily take that one might be a bit much it would be tough and it's it's right at the edge of my of my fuel and i don't have if i stop by where is this we could go into salamanca which one oh it doesn't one day remain you're right i didn't see that yeah you're right okay um let's just keep flying where we're going and see if i can just pick up some persian folks and um make some money that way and while we're flying we'll pick up some bounties and we'll go do those so this is telling me like this one here there's a corporate trader is it it's not it's not someone we really want it's not someone we want to fight it's someone that we want to like assist am i right about that oh we don't like perseum that's right we're at war with persianus also i forgot it wasn't only the one who was this who is this i saw that what are you pirates okay here's a good here's a good test here's an excellent test so they're trying to run away from me that's that's also a good sign it's a very good sign okay uh everybody's going in there uh let's get them okay now i keep forgetting i can do things like this i can say right i can put you can i put you in different spots i forget how to do that maybe not i think it nobody has a spot for it so uh cancel that commands okay so now i want i think they got they got it figured out they can they can should we tell them to stick to me we probably should so everyone stick on me and run into asteroids there buddy let's go get them now you don't need to get light like charging out there or anything before depressing depressing deploy i select okay niflheim is dead thing sure is slow isn't it sure is slow you guys are supposed to be what are you doing supposed to be protecting me this isn't this isn't how you do it come over back here still i think most of them are running away does he set fires even if i'm back here though just give me like a oh yeah engage oh i see i see where it changes i see it okay is that all of them or is it just those guys what are these little guys why aren't they going i want to just use this ship and i want to see it happen it's yes it's only 7 the ones though get him there we go oh engagement rages got it hey takamiki by the way how's it going uh what do we got here um the niflheim little a little kite we have the enforcer invest keeper um we can get him can we there it's green yeah yeah i'll take all that take that pirate raiders what do we have over here running for my fleet sort of hanging out here for a minute give me give me in on this i will join the battle let's get these pirates he uses 75 um supplies every time i deploy that's expensive that's the wings of similar top speeds on a carrier always go with different spots yeah that makes there's that's all there okay cancel i'm gonna i'm gonna send in oops i don't want to like pause anyone in send in this guy okay i want command of them alright well now wait a minute don't do that oh there's a lot more than i thought wait hang on in seconds i thought those two ships okay let's bring it a couple more um let's get them all in here okay nope oh get those shields over there hang out here for a minute okay i like these quicker ships actually gets me in there as soon as those things go down yeah yeah cinnamon there we go that's perfect hey here comes some fighters nice okay where the guy hats so much more fun playing the the big guys or the little fast guys okay that's it i guess i get some back that's something uh hey hey venom and and and blue thanks for following okay so we've got pirates over there we've got a uh persian league place there we've got titanium so everyone's around us there's a convoy next to us let's go hit that convoy i think i'm in decent shape i can fight that [Music] it's a that's a that's a big fleet i'm not sure i can handle that we're using we're doing a lot of repairs and all that right now look a little up um okay so so finally has some sort of a fighter boost thing um oh you know what we have a ton of frigates those little uh the little kites so some sort of bonus to kite things would be a good thing to have so maximum rating is for all ships that's good uh hey cat thanks thanks for uh following uh um let's see uh i i thought about getting this one that's damaging with larger than their figures we fight big things big damage um we've got um for deployed frigates that's good there's no um yeah i think i want i think i want this i could change me to like do some sort of a fighter boost thing i think they did already though didn't i damage the fighters energy missiles damage dealt by ballistic weapons nav rating of fleet for deployed frigates i mean that's me that's what i've got yeah okay somebody only affects frigates with officers uh does it say all frigates and destroyers with officers including flagship whoops it's all combat ships okay i'm going to reassign how much did it cost what's now that i've uh is it just the one that we did redid so that one's gonna go away i guess i can do a few of these can i all combat ships this is all fighter bays all fighters affects all fighters and grants increase effect with ships with officers and confessions uh her lesser fighter so lose less crew with fighter losses we go faster this is all maximum of eight or less fighter bays in your fleet your fleet has five fighter bays that would be better to have you like my picture thanks crying god so this one will be everything just better combat readiness just across the board and that that's good um but this one would give me we'd lose less people all fighters grants increase effect with ships two ships with officers include fighters so the ones that have an officer gets a little bit of a boost but it's sort of better just across the board uh i'll take that one okay let's go take a peek over here and see what's happening he's got a big scan range there he's he's not like attacking me which makes me think maybe he doesn't think he can take me i need your two stars i don't know how to read that but i'm i'm uh yeah you're trying to run away from me you know what i'm looking to kill look at that one that's a bounty i want to look at so i mean we're big well maybe kind of tough we're going to lose some ships they're trying to run away deploy everybody let's get him in there um let's go running yeah they're running away i'm not all running away though mostly red yeah right away okay i see my stuff out but you know i'm just gonna run not much to this one i got that guy under control what was the um yeah they got that yeah that's they got that all done how are we doing up here big guy that's a cool effect these little kites don't mess with them looks like just a whole bunch of missiles going under there's there's that one kind of quick just realize what time it is i had no idea i had no idea was this late i should really go to bed someone why didn't someone tell me this is late um no star scepter thumper take him out there goes his friends drifting by there we go that's everybody right even the big guy made it for that one a ship recovery what do we have um the uh the rocket destroyer they call it lasting damage he's just broken i don't want him almost lunch time [Laughter] all right so there was a big bounty that just came in i want to see it uh where was that at i need to go to bed um but one second this one look how expensive that is oh he's got some big ships he's an elite battleship i probably can't even do anything that can i can i you think i could damage that i know my little guys wouldn't do anything to it but could my big guys do it 157 000 space bucks that's a capital ship is that what that is i did this before where i went in and i i thought hey i had a good sized fleet and i thought oh you know i could take this guy out it's only one of them and i had a good sized fleet and he just like wiped the floor with he wiped the space floor with us he was ugly that's a lot of money though all right um i gotta go to bed so uh i'm gonna do that so let's go i probably find a spot just to to stop so i'll be i'll be streaming tomorrow night up um i'll probably show you some more of this tomorrow just because it's star sector you know um let's see where is do i have a safe place i can i can run to no no one likes me there's an independent spot there if let's go to here old north yeah we'll stop at northea we'll at least end the night on a peaceful spot so when i come back tomorrow i won't be very confused i'll be extremely confused like i am today we'll come back and we'll build a fleet we'll do one more day of this tomorrow um i'll i'm going to be streaming a bit more actually i'll probably come on i'll be streaming a lot this week i think more than usual because um there's a lot of stuff coming out um i've got a stream on tuesday during the day actually during the morning uh my time which is outrageous uh and then uh um santa salazar is hitting 1.0 here on um the 16th and there's something else um which wood is coming out on the 16th all kinds of stuff coming out so anyway uh there'll be some streams this uh this week let me just get a video on a couple of them done but i really wanted to play like longer time on a couple of them so that's what we're going to do so thanks for watching thanks for all the follows um sir devil nodder in 10 10 10 pp's thanks for the follow and everyone else and thanks for hanging out for uh for the night or morning or lunch time whatever it may be and uh as soon as i get back to station here i should probably go fly a little faster here this is stational dock and okay there's a good repair here uh can i come in here and talk with so we had that thing with the the the i should go back also you know i have a good thing going with that whole academy thing maybe go look at that that's something i might be doing i think but anyway um let's wrap it up so uh how much of these things okay just take a peek um let's save it here yeah and how far we get today what what's what cycle are we on how do we see that that was in oh i guess we can see this around 207 oh you know what about the same as where i was last time i played when i played for a few days i think i was level 16 at cycle 207 and this time i'm a level four what what did i do that time i was good that time i did something right there anyway let's get out of here uh you know i think that was one of the updates i think was that that leveling up is slower is that what it was i know there was one um there was something something along with those lines i think i don't know uh all right let's let me find some on the right here anyway thanks for watching everybody thanks for hanging out thanks for all the follows and all the uh all the gift subs um and the subs and and uh and the bits and and the tips and all that stuff that happens
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 48,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, star sector, space rpg, space kenshi, starsector 0.95, starsector 2021, starsector planet, Starsector update, Starsector 2021, Starsector gameplay, Starsector game, Starsector, nookrium space, open world, space sim, sandbox game, pc game
Id: SNxfK-IwAW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 8sec (14288 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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