The True Story of Asmongold | The Burning Crusade

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so today i want to tell you the story the adventure the beginning of a grand adventure of a young asmongold many years ago sitting in his room playing the burning crusade there i am 16 years old i was happy hanging out with my friends all the time every day this is all i did and all i knew was playing video games having fun and chilling out with the boys as you can see right there that's cody in the back that's me with the video camera zack mickelrivi you guys know him and then cameron eating there over there eating my hot fries he ate [ __ ] all of my hot fries all the time and this was the case for years there's another one there's jeff in the background that's me playing wow with my old hoodie this is the exact hoodie that i had where is it i think it's like right uh it should be downstairs this is the same hoodie that i wore whenever i was on the stage at blizzcon that's right there that's jeff cameron and toby that's us in my other room and we were just playing games hanging out together having fun and this is what my life was every single day every single day this is what i was doing and this is what they were doing too whenever i was playing wow and i didn't want to go outside [Music] they were not happy they were not happy at all with the fact that i was staying inside all the time but they wouldn't understand the fact that i had something greater that i was working towards i had something greater that i was trying to do i cleaned off my desk and i was ready for that fateful night [Music] january 7th 2007 myself and my mother a long time ago there's me and my mom my mom took me up to gamestop on the midnight release of the burning crusade the very beginning of the game and we waited in the line in the freezing cold and after about an hour we got inside and my mom bought me and herself one copy of the burning crusade as well as that t-shirt right over there that i still have we came home and after a while of loading everything together and getting it all together which took me quite a while trust me it took me a very very very long time i went through the dark portal for the first time now this is all i've been waiting for years or a year about six months i have been playing the game and this is the one reset that i was waiting for this is the one time that i had wanted to go back and see things reset to put myself on an even playing field with all the other people that were in the server and that i thought that i could be better than myself before the dark portal opened during the final event there's me and i want you guys to look right now at the two people that i'm next to this was before i was in the guild overdose at level 54 young asmongold encountered this warrior right next to me here gearbolt and i tried to have him duel me outside of the next entrance and you could see his gear and you could imagine my girl at level 54. i lost i asked him if i could join the guild and he said lol and he said no i could not join the guild i took a screenshot with them and i thought to myself one day i will be in that guild one day i will join that guild i entered the burning crusade and i see of course for the first time the fell river i think this is the first time that i had ever seen him i didn't know what to expect all i knew was that i was gonna play all night and all day as much as i could as much as possible at the very beginning there were some group quests sometimes i didn't really have anybody else to play with and the only person that i knew who was online was my mom and so my mom and i went together into the burning crusade into hellfire peninsula and we did all the quests together at the very beginning and we leveled up and we got all that stuff done the two of us that night back in the day so i stayed up later and later more and more until the sun came out and i hit level 61. and it just kept going obviously i kept farming i kept leveling i kept doing what i needed to do i did all the dungeons of course it goes without saying but i did there's me at level 62 doing ram parts for the first time probably top dps but i didn't show up the damage meter because i didn't want to i i didn't want to embarrass the other people of course ramparts was not the only dungeon i also of course did blood furnace as well and i was the tank as you guys can see i put on a shield and i did what i needed to do because i didn't play an arms warrior i played a warrior i did what i needed to do and i did what uh whatever was was necessary also as well a little bit later on i went to bed i went to bed and i woke up that morning and i heard the fateful words that it was a snow day the day that burning crusade released it was a snow day and so i logged back on i called my friends and we played the game all day it was in texas we get one snow day a year on average i hit level 64. i was working my ass off playing as much as i needed to play i made my way into probably one of the coolest zones that the game has ever really had the grand one of the first times ever i had seen something like this and as an online gamer this is one of my first experiences that i ever had i went to the grand for the first time i was exploring around looking around i was excited to see everything and also as you guys see i was in a guild at that time and that guild's name was silent asylum you'll hear a lot more about silent asylum very soon i did of course the ring of blood this is me just waiting for my turn to do it with my group yeah you'll hear you guys will hear a lot about it and i saw the biggest npc that i had ever really seen at that time in the game i saw during the hunger this was a big ass [ __ ] and we were going to beat his ass i thought it was going to take a lot longer but turns out it just took until like later on probably that day well it wasn't that hard because we had a 10 man group to do it it wasn't that bad at this point it was probably about a few days into the burning crusade it took me quite a while to level up i was actually quite slow with leveling and it took me i would say about on average a week for me to get up to max level but after that time i made my way up and i got all the way to level 69 almost there and finally after level 69 i hit level 70. now if you guys look at my toolbars and my uh my bar there my character was so shitty it was so bad that i decided that i was going to level his prop because i kept dying so much i was absolutely terrible at the game if you look at my toolbars there my task bar whatever you want to call them it was not good it was very embarrassing i was way worse than than i am now and of course what did i do in order to uh get level 70 was the first thing that i did well it's obvious i went and i got my flying i had saved up just enough gold to be able to afford expert flying right there and this is something that i'd wanted was 800 gold back in the day and this was my first time ever flying in the game right there i was excited i was happy i was glad i felt good about myself i definitely did and i spent the next hour or so just flying around enjoying myself and experiencing the world from a place that i had never seen it before i was very happy to be able to do this and then obviously as time went on i went and i did all the other quests that the game had vermont yeah i got the snowy griffin i think the yeah it was a snowy griffin the first time i'm pretty sure right yeah it was and i also did all the max level quests i was trying to get ready because my guild silent asylum they were getting ready to raid see obviously with burning crusade the game wasn't the only thing that was released it was also of course the raid itself and all of the in-game content so i started doing the maximal quests in shadow moon valley and also a netherstorm i saw some very powerful npcs with some armor that i wish i had had that guy over there had dreadnought my character looked like an absolute absolute complete [ __ ] clown i looked like a tank and burning crusade that's exactly what it was i looked like an absolute [ __ ] idiot and as time went on i went over i did dungeons and not only did i do the dungeons by myself but i did them with my guild my guild was very weird see what you need to understand about my guild is that person next to me right there the i twitch that was my uh my guild master and she was crazy and um that craziness led to a number of problems throughout the years i had originally joined this guild in vanilla wow and we'll go ahead and we'll rewind for just a moment here and i want you guys to see something else back in vanilla wow i was still in this guild and this is the guild that i went in to burning crusade with i thought we had high high hopes i mean [ __ ] we killed the first boss in aq 20. you think that's a joke i think that's a joke you think you just kill carniacs randomly nah man that [ __ ] was hard that was hard and so i thought to myself man you know what we can take on anything we can beat any boss we can do anything that we set our minds to and you know what there were a lot of things that we tried to do and it didn't necessarily go quite as well as we thought it would as you can see my armor was beginning to get better i was starting to get some of the fel steel armor you can see those fel steel gloves on my uh on my character i'm getting a better shield i'm still using that sword right there was from the dern the hunger request line the crystalline kopesh if i remember what it was called correctly and as time went on we went through the different dungeons we made our way into heroic and we pretty much had a terrible time but after struggling and struggling and fighting and getting pissed off at each other and then also getting pissed off at each other and then also on top of that getting pissed off at each other i did actually get some pretty cool gear look at me right there i looked like a [ __ ] boss i looked like a literal god look at that though look at that dude yeah dude those are the days man the big dick days and you know what as time went on finally our guild got enough people together to not only get outside karazhan for the first time that was us getting together and gearing up but actually get inside the instance with everybody attuned together for the first time ever this is the first time that i had ever been inside karazhan that's with my guild right there [Music] started off strong it really did we did a great job we defeated attunement the huntsman what an incredible adventure we lost a couple of people it was a hard boss it really was we would raid every friday and i would tell all my friends i'd have to make excuses back then i'd have to tell them that you know i couldn't go out i couldn't do anything because i had to stay home and raid karazhan and you know what i didn't regret it i enjoyed it i was very excited to be able to do that it was awesome and over time i got better gear and i got better stuff but the truth was that a lot of that gear i didn't actually get inside of karazhan most of the karazhan gear was a waste of time but what i did instead was arena i did arena with my mom my first arena team my first arena game ever was with my mom this is not it but it's a screenshot of us playing together i was a uh i was an idiot the first time the gates opened for the arena we ran the opposite direction because we didn't know what side the gates opened on so we were running against the wall while the arena was beginning now we played together everything went relatively well but the truth is that i was an [ __ ] and i would get mad at my mom constantly and i ended up re leaving the arena team and my mom saw that i left the arena team and i remember she typed me in chat [ __ ] you [Music] she was not happy that i left the arena team [Music] but there was a guy that i had played with he was actually in my guild as well his name was nomas evil and he is the guy that i would have done arena with for the next year now we were still in the same guild at this point he was in silent asylum and i was in silent asylum it was a great time or was it or wasn't truth is that we spent a lot of time in karazhan we really did but i'm going to zoom in on this picture here and i want you guys to see the kind of gear that we were going with here that axe right there was the crystal forged war axe and for those of you all with very good vision you will see the enchant that i had on my level 70 weapon that i rated karazhan with was fiery weapon if you don't believe me i still have it in my bank today and this is us killing maiden it took a lot of time it took a very long time it was kind of embarrassing honestly but it was okay it wasn't that big of a deal it would take a little bit of time but i would get better gear i would work on it and i would just do what i needed to do and obviously as i got the better gear i also got better professions i spent time out in the plateau and i crafted my breastplate of kings it was one of the last items that i still needed and as time went on i got better and better gear i worked my ass off trying to get all this stuff and it took me quite a while and i was still in silent asylum and throughout time we finally managed to kill king malcazar the last boss in karazhan i was very happy about this do you guys want to know why i was very happy about this i'll show you [Music] prince malcazar excuse me here's why i was very happy about it i got gore helm that's right that was my first epic weapon back in burning crusade i was [ __ ] ready me and noma sifo right there me and my boy we came together and not only did we defeat and obviously everybody was happy i i realized i just have another screenshot of that as well everybody was happy see vetro t storm these are the same guys that i played with for years t-storm if you guys keep in mind he was the same guy that i saw earlier was it this one here he was in my raid back at level 60 and here we are together raiding in karazhan over a year later i got that axe i was very happy about it it was [ __ ] amazing and we used that axe to obviously keep going through and we were able to kill nightbane as well [ __ ] you nightbane by the way and i did not put fiery enchant on it i put i think berserking enchant on and i believe i have that axe as well too i use that axe for a very long time he's very happy that i got him karazhan at that point we had basically mastered karazhan karazhan at this point was basically like stormwind i spent more time in karazhan than anywhere else i would put people on follow and take naps in between wipes on shade of iran in karazhan and actually speaking of shade of iran i believe i might even have something special here let me go ahead and find it so i don't know what happened but my entire thing just pretty much shut down so i think somewhere around where we left off here was inside of karazhan now karazhan was probably one of the more exciting raids that i had to do i spent days in cairo's inn and then after those days were over i spent weeks in karazhan and after those weeks were over i spent months in karazhan every day every day i spent in karazhan i spent so much time in that raid that the sheer mention of the name karazhan would make me physically sick i'm not kidding by the way but it was with not it was not without its own rewards there were things that i got out of karazhan that were pretty nice of course i did get gorehowl i got a number of other amazing things too i was happy i was very happy karazhan was really everything that i could have hoped for it to be and it was the first raid that i really got an opportunity to take very seriously and play all the time so i was really happy to see that but honestly that time that time lasted too long i spent way too much time in karazhan and that leads us to right where we left off yesterday to the point to where i had just killed nightbane with my guild now back in the day i was what you like to call a nub now a nub is somebody who's so shitty at the game that they're not even worthy of being called a noob absolute trash and you know what you guys might not believe that i was so bad at the game so i figured i'd show you let me see if i can actually make this work here hopefully i will many years ago a young asman gold went over and i recorded everything that i did back in the day all of it i recorded and i put there as you can see there there's my warrior defeating uh what is it terrestrian ilha for the first time with my guild silent asylum now silent asylum was a guild that um i was just kind of a remnant of burning crusade or vanilla well i was in this guild i had friends in this guild everybody was getting along in this guild relatively well but as time went on what started to be realized is that the cracks were showing and we were starting to be a lot shittier than what i thought that we were see karazhan was one of the only raids and we were able to complete karazhan relatively easily but what happened is black temple came out and we were still in karazhan people kept using our guild as a stepping stone which is what made sense because there were a lot of other much better guilds on the server and people would get geared out in karazhan from our guild and then they would join a better guild and i had a conversation with a kid in real life in my computer maintenance class in high school and i talked to him about the game and he told me that his guild killed illidan and i did not have the heart to tell him that my guild killed karazhan i was not happy and this conversation led me to understand my place in the world and it led me to resent it the truth is that i thought that i could be much better than the [ __ ] that moved during flamewreath and shade of iran resentment started to grow with the way that i looked at this guild unfortunately though i was still attached to them and i still played with them for quite a while and it wasn't just these uh i've got more i've got more videos later but it wasn't just karazhan as time went on we finally managed to scrape together a meager 25 players to do gruel's lair now you can see there all these people are many of the different players look at farlin all these guys i played with them all the time and as you can see this is the quality of the people that we were doing gruel's lair with that guy right there was using the shoulders from level 60 wow the raid was harder than it had to be it was and unfortunately we uh i've got the story for that later on unfortunately we had a lot of trouble but as time went on and we spent weeks and weeks in gruel's lair at a certain point is this which one is this this was the actual time that we killed gruel right here so this picture right here we did defeat high king mulgar and we were there in front of gruel and after probably i would say three hours or four hours of wipes we did manage to kill gruel in what i still believe to be the closest kill i've ever had of a raid boss in my entire life and i will show you guys what that was that was the kill right there and i told this story before there's the kill this is how close it was every single player in the entire raid was dead except for one healing priest that he died to dots on the way over to running to kill her that was how close it was [Music] needless to be said we never killed gruel again we couldn't really unlock that same level of luck but unfortunately we uh kept doing other stuff and we kept having fun and you know the guild stayed together at this time but i started to realize that maybe i should do something different and i moved over and i did more arena as well and myself and this other guy here nomas evil he and i played together for quite a long time we got better gear we got better rating and we capped out our points every single week as a warrior paladin two's team it was beautiful but there was a day where that ended there was a day where no moss evil one of my best friends in the guild he and i played together all the time one of my best friends in the guild he quit the guild and he joined spaceballs he left the guild now the reason why he left the guild is as i said before our guild master was like what you like to call a uh crazy [ __ ] and whenever you have a guild master that's a crazy [ __ ] it makes doing everything in the guild much more difficult it's a struggle constantly nothing is working properly everybody is always mad it's always an issue people are constantly pissed off and it's never a good time so she was crazy and her craziness led to a lot of really funny moments because the truth is that honestly this was fun watching her get pissed off was half of the reason why you'd show up to the raid at a certain point and honestly my friend zach he and i played together for years and over time over a lot of time what he and i did is we decided to see the guildmaster she thought it was a really good idea to allow people to change their notes in the guild well we thought this was a good idea too but not for the same reason that she did it's because zach went over and he changed everybody's guild notes to whatever he wanted i think he changed her guild note to like hooker or something like that and he chose he changed his own but they always knew it was him did fallen [ __ ] change everybody's notes again guess who zack's name was it was phone we changed everybody's guild notes and i was laughing my [ __ ] ass off about it and at this point i was looking for a new guild but i couldn't really find one i was upset and i was also i feel like i was falling behind i thought back many times on the conversation that i had with the kid at my school and i thought of all the opportunities that i'm missing out on being part of this shitty [ __ ] guilt and i didn't really know what to do with myself i was lost i was confused and i was disappointed in myself this was the time and the point where it was a turning point for me in the guild and in the game really it's a time where i took took matters upon myself and i decided to i decided to do something else and do something different now at the same time that i was just start talking to the skilled i got messaged by somebody in the guild overdose and i started playing with those people right there those were the first contacts that i ever had with that guild [Music] at that time if you look at my armor right there in front of me i had some of the best armor in the entire game i was one of the only warriors that was good enough to play with this guild on the entire server i know that you might not believe it but i remember on a fateful night in arathi basin i was messaged by this mage sesh here and he asked me if i wanted to play with overdose in a 5v5 team and i knew at that moment at that time [Music] i could turn the tides in my favor and i could change my my destiny maybe i'm not always going to farm karazhan i talked to them about my guild and eventually i said to myself [ __ ] it i quit the guilt i quit that dog [ __ ] ass kill i said [ __ ] it it was a hard decision for me to make i have been in this skilled ever since vanilla wow and for me to just leave the guild out of nowhere it was hard for me to do really was i know that some people they might not really get that or whatever but it was hard for me and i uh i felt bad about it for a while but over time i came to appreciate the fact that i did leave i was guildless for quite a while the reason why i was guildless even though i was one of the best geared warriors on the server is because of one simple one simple little fact i was an obnoxious piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] and nobody wanted to play with me [Music] nobody ever wanted to play with me i i struggled a lot finding people to play with and the truth is that i was basically a um i was a lone warrior i i couldn't really do a whole lot of stuff with anybody really i was just kind of i was by myself but i did have my own real-life friends and my friends and i one thing that we used to do is we used to troll the [ __ ] out of people so i applied to spaceballs the same guild that my friend nomas evil went to and you know what they did you know what those sons of [ __ ] did they declined me i said you know what [ __ ] i said you know what [ __ ] him now i know people i've got friends i've got friends willing to do what they need to do for me i've got a friend and his name is jeff and on a fateful night that spaceballs attempted to do kazakh i had my friend jeff there's me there's jeff there's spaceballs doing kazakh now i want to explain how this moss works because if i don't you won't be able to fully appreciate this kazakh if he is engaged by more than 25 players immediately enrages causing a raid wide wipe spamming a healing frostbolt or sorry shadowbolt that kills everybody in the entire raid so i had my friend jeff there and he uh i asked jeff i'm like you want to have some fun you want to do something enjoyable jeff and jeff said yeah i do and so i said why don't you come on over to hellfire peninsula right now i've got something for you to do right now [Music] and there's jeff riding over to fight for my glory and he rode like a kamikaze pilot into pearl harbor to doom ward kazak and the guild that declined me the guild that defied me jeff destroyed them he destroyed the entire guild they couldn't kill the boss they were furious and nobody knew that it was me [Music] i was just in there now i had friends in spaceballs they messaged me they said bro you wouldn't believe what just happened and i said oh man did you guys kill the boss they said no bro no we didn't i said [ __ ] [Music] what went wrong they said some tauren tauren warrior some stupid ass tauren warrior under the name a big crits that was his name big crits came and ruined it for all of us i said big crits i've heard about him for a long time that guy's a [ __ ] and they said your goddamn right he is i [ __ ] hate that guy and you know what happened you know what happened to jeff [Music] absolutely [ __ ] nothing [Music] jeff got a name change unfortunately they didn't like that name big crits and so everybody in the guild reported them and there's jeff's character right there now this is way later on in burning crusade i'm skipping slightly ahead just for the sake of telling the narrative about jeff now one thing you have to know about jeff is that jeff has a brother named cody now cody was alliance and jeff was horde now uh jeff would always hog the computer as you guys can see with tier 5 tier 6 and tier 4 gear every single weekend jeff would bring his computer up to my house he would carry the cpu and i would carry the monitor with the cords dragging on the sidewalk from his house to mine and he would spend the night at my house with his brother and cody and cameron and all the rest of us playing together in my room world of warcraft burning crusade and jeff was uh jeff's mom would only let me walk jeff home she wouldn't let jeff walk home by himself he was a good boy or was he every single weekend jeff would make a a raid for gruel's lair so he could ninjaloo the aldori legacy defender there was a warrior on the horde his name was all derek on ascent he was the best warrior and the best geared warrior on the entire on the entire server jeff wanted to be alderrick jeff saw that all derrick had that shield jeff had to have that shield he would get together a measly sad pathetic excuse of 25 filthy horde scum that would actually make silent asylum look like a good guild and somehow he did manage to actually get the aldoria legacy defender and blizzard took it away from him because he ninjaluded it twice [Music] jeff was still more geared than cody though cody was sitting around and my mom felt bad for cody she always took a it's like you know you have a a pet that people are mean to and my mom is like oh it's okay cody i'll help you pay for your flying it's all right i know jeff doesn't let you play a lot and my mom would would help cody and she helped him get charizana tuned and cody at this point was in greens mostly he was in greens and blues he wasn't having a good time meanwhile jeff was chilling in full tier four this was before this screenshot he only had tier four at this time my mom took an interest in making sure that cody was happy and that cody had an opportunity to play with uh play with us and here's one more screenshot i wanted to say that's myself with t storm he and i raided together even in vanilla wow that was us getting ready to fight king malcazar and this could have been the final pull that we did before i actually got gore howl for myself but anyway i'm getting ahead of myself for getting behind myself however you want to look at it after that i want to talk about joining other guilds and things that i did past that now obviously time went on and i didn't really know what to do i was basically a complete [ __ ] idiot and everybody needs to keep that in mind i was a complete [ __ ] idiot season three came out and the first thing that i had wanted to do is i wanted to kill doom roller i didn't even know how to say his name or doomwalker whatever the [ __ ] it was and i couldn't even spell back then i couldn't spell [ __ ] i had no idea what i was doing but i knew if i got a big enough raid together we could maybe kill the [ __ ] boss and you know what by the way who's a tank this was my planning for the raid back in 2007 heels on the tank by the way who's a tank so i thought we were gonna pretty much do everything right and if you see that bag over my head i know there may be some new players in there but the the real ones recognize it the real ones recognize it i uh i was gonna steal all the loot but unfortunately sometimes you get it and sometimes you get got even with our 80 man raid doom walker proved to be too powerful of an adversary and so i had to go back to playing by myself again now at this point i had very few friends in the game i was being alienated by more people more of my friends had been leaving the guild but there were still a few that remained one of my friends let me make sure that i've got it open there one of my friends right there i just randomly saw him i remember this was like a really funny screenshot he was just randomly sitting in the deep run tram as i went to take the tram and he says hey man look behind you and i remembered i still did have friends it made me feel good to know that but definitely did i was a lone ranger alone warrior and the truth is sometimes it was better that way i farmed out my own stuff i got my own nether drake and at this point i was basically all about myself i was all about doing what i needed to do for me all the time this was right whenever i got my nether drake right here i'll show you guys some of the screenshots of that as well right here as you guys can see this is whenever i got exalted with netherwing and i was still in group with nomas evo we were still playing together just like the old days man you were now exalted with netherland and then of course what did i do after that it goes without saying but i went over and i got my mount and i want you guys to just take a look at what this screenshot is that's my mom on her nether drake my mom got her nether drake before i did i still i i don't know if i can ever forgive myself for that i actually forgot that even happened until i just looked at it right then my mom was a gamer she had more slash played than i did and it wasn't even close but as time went on as days went on i started to realize that unfortunately i was alone i didn't have anybody else to play with i didn't have anybody else to do anything with and my only joy and happiness in the game was making other people mad in random battlegrounds by putting marks on their head take it off man it's hard to see with a big thing in front of you get this [ __ ] off [ __ ] i'm not leaving till it's off and i would just sit around and put random marks on people's heads and just do whatever i could to make them angry this is all i would do eventually i applied to every guild that i could on the server and much to my surprise and no one else's i was declined until finally i found a guild that was desperate enough to bring me into their ranks that's whenever i joined haven haven was going to be my new home i had upgraded from my tier 4 guild to a tier 5 guild i went from farming tier 4 to farming tier 5 and zulemon i was now playing with much better players i was happier i was enjoying myself more and also i was doing raids that gave me better gear most importantly now there are some other things that i do have to say obviously this guild has its problems as well it had a lot of problems my previous guild silent asylum i was 17 years old at this time 17 years old my previous guild silent asylum at this point was floundering around just like they had always done still wiping in karazhan because they wanted to gear their fourth officer alts instead of actually investing in new players to continue raiding and pushing farther ranks [Music] and they finally decided shame had befallen them so often and so many times that it was time for them to leave silent asylum left the guild they left the server entirely as a guild and of course i took great delight in watching them transfer servers and barely edge out a kill on void reaver and i think they killed one boss in serpent shrine caverns and later on the guild died i was so happy because it made it made me feel like i was right i knew the guild sucked i hated that [ __ ] guild i hated the people in the guild i hated everything about it there were a handful of people that i had liked and they had all quit the guilt they were done i was off to new bigger and better things i was raiding in this new guild and i also want to say right now wait do we have one with the damage meter on where's the picture with the damn oh yeah this new guild i forgot to even say so this new guild they gave me how long do i get member do you know now do you want to know why i wanted to get member in this guild does anybody have an idea on why i would want to get member in a guild i mean it probably had nothing to do with loot right i mean there's no way it had anything to do with luke yeah i mean definitely not no no of course not but they did invest in me and they gave me the red bell to battle that i would use for the rest of the entire expansion this guild appreciated me i forgot to tell another story i apologize rewind back a couple of months before zach and i were playing together and at this time he and i were leveling up alts together right there that was my paladin and his mage on the coast of westfall or uh wetlands looking out playing together every day he stayed over at my house almost every single day and we played together constantly we hung out all the time and it was some of the best experiences that i've ever had i'll tell the other story too so zack was also in a guild that let's just say he didn't get along with very well let's just say that he didn't like them all too much and you know what zach did zach did the only thing that a reasonable good person would do zach went over and he ninja the entire guild bank and he quit the [ __ ] guild zach calls me on the phone he says zack i'm like yeah what up zach he's like dude i got the whole thing i said what do you mean dude he's like dude i got it all i'm like what do you mean dude he's like dude i got the whole bank i said zack you stole the bank he's like yeah i did zach i'm like what the [ __ ] dude he's like that's [ __ ] right dude i said come on down here right now dude zach comes down to the house he logs onto his account and we take these screenshots on his account where zach stole every [ __ ] item out of this dog [ __ ] ass guild that [ __ ] him around didn't give him luden karazhan and zach immediately goes he steals everything out of the bank and the first thing that he does is he turns around and tries to sell the [ __ ] in trade check that's the first thing what else was he gonna do what else was he gonna do nothing he's selling it in trade chat everybody's pissed off about it bottom child just ninja all the [ __ ] out of our guild bank report him and then as zach was walking down i knew this guy arwen arlen starts messaging me and he says bro i said what up man how you doing he says not good i say [ __ ] what happened he says you wouldn't believe it man i said yeah i would i really would believe it he says our guild bank got ninja man our guild bank got ninja i said what the [ __ ] who would do such a thing he says man it's one of these hunters dude i said i knew it was a hunter man before you even told me i knew it was a hunter they can't control themselves so you know what zach did he told me what his name was he said his name was bodum child i said boldum child i know who that is she's like you do i'm like yeah that guy's a [ __ ] zach comes over to the house mike what up bro how you doing man you want a dr pepper he's like yeah and so then then we get a drink and we're reading these [ __ ] messages that the guy is sending me while zach is sitting behind me laughing his ass off he's laughing his [ __ ] ass off and then cody's over there at the same time everybody's in train chat freaking out about it zach asks and chase can i get reported from that we didn't even really [ __ ] know they said they gave you access true that's ownage that's funny nice job did the same thing to someone on another realm good [ __ ] man good [ __ ] this is before the age of twit longers and twitter and canceling okay whenever you stole from guild bank from back in the day you got props people were happy to see it they were loving to see it and especially whenever it's a guild that thinks that they're a little bit better than what they really are [Music] and we knew one of these people this guy craftine was a warrior he says nice what did you get he was a friend of mine of course there's always someone who could who will ruin a good thing and that someone was us cold slurpee was cody's character name because [Music] we had just been to 7-eleven and cody didn't know what to name his character so he looked over and he's not swiping and he named it he named his character called slurpee and he raided with this character for years he even played back in nighthold so everybody was angry what give that [ __ ] back you didn't work for any of that what's the point in ruining the game for anyone else slash lol what did people expect people are scum reported and then other people were saying bad stuff and i told zach to report the people that were saying that they were going to report him and so i said to zach i said you know what let's wrap this up let's finish this off i asked i told zach i'm isaac ask for an invite back to the guild that you just ninja all the stuff out of he says why i said to get the rest of it to get the rest of it man there's still a little bit left in there zach messages he messages old arlen there he says wait is there any engineering stuff in the bank because i need to get that skill up and i might have forgotten it can i get back into the guild it was brutal he made over a thousand gold that day now obviously uh zach didn't have enough to get his epic flying and you know what guys neither did i neither did i but you know who did have enough my mom my mom helped me pay for the rest of my epic flying mount that i paid her back for by the way but it took me quite a while and my mom on that night around that time helped me pay for my epic flying mountain for the first time and i was able to afford it i was so happy and i was also happy about how much health i had because i was the tank in karazhan at that time this is whenever i was not in a guild and i was able to afford my artisan riding and ride around for the first time on my nether drink that's why i had so many screenshots of it because it wasn't just the nether drake it wasn't just my first nether drake it was my first flying epic mount of my entire time playing the game zach and i weren't very good at making money but my mom was she was incredible at making money if you were to equate the amount of gold that she had back in burning crusade to gold gold's value now it would be somewhere around 30 million gold my mom had 30 million gold back in the day the equivalent of that she could buy people's epic flying mounds without even worrying about it and you know what on a fateful night at the end of summer my mother knew that zach was trying to farm for his epic flying mount and there were no more guilds that would invite him for him to steal their guild bank zack was at a standstill he couldn't afford it at all and my mom asked zach that day she said zach when's your birthday zack's like it's in a few months she says well i guess you won't be here whenever it's your birthday right he says no i won't be here she says that's okay i can give you your present now she asked zak to log on to wow and she asked him to go over to shadow moon valley and on that fateful day over 10 years ago my mother paid for zach's epic flying mount for his birthday congrats it was no big deal for her she just paid for it it was not nose it didn't matter dude it is what it is so time went on zach and i kept playing together of course and of course i was also i mean i just want to want to let you guys know i mean you know i'm pretty good at the game and i'll take screenshots like this uh yeah i just i i just go in and do top damage in a bg sometimes i'm bored right just figure you know i might as well just get top damage real quick and uh yeah it's easy it was great i can't wait to do it again this group i got better stuff there are a number of little small stories like that there's also the story of jeff stealing someone's account and then me taking the account away from jeff and then having the people that originally owned the account give me gold to give the account back to them and then meets cheating jeff out of the uh out of the account that he stole i gotten better at this point i had started making macros i had started keybinding my abilities i was starting to become a better player this was the time that i had moved into my own i was fearing the end of my high school uh my high school career it was uh unfortunately only four years many people in my school took them a little bit longer than that i had become much better at the game than i originally was and i i i'm not even kidding i got a lot better at the game and back then whenever i was raiding with that guild haven i was one of the top dps in the entire guild back in tier 5 as an arms warrior i was one of the best players in the guild probably the best player in the guild but the truth is that tier five is not tier six i showed up i did what i needed to do and i felt a certain obligation to them because i had helped they'd help me i was second on the dps meter not even a big deal i worked my [ __ ] ass off in this guild i died but think about why i died it's because i pulled so much aggro i was popping off i was doing what i needed to do and i had been raiding with this guild for quite a while we did all the serpent shrine cavern bosses i was always on the damage meter even though i should have been at the bottom of it and even though i was in this guild i still felt like i was basically alone i had no real friends in this guild i didn't like anyone in the guild i didn't give a [ __ ] about him i was there for the loot and then i would leave i was a lone warrior taking solace only in the times that i would make people mad [Music] after time went on and on and on i finally stopped raiding with this guild and i said you know what [ __ ] it i don't want to be in this [ __ ] guild anymore and i just stopped i stopped stopped showing up to rates i said to them i said you know what i've got to focus on pvp i've got to get better gear i don't want to come to the raids anymore the truth is that i learned that i was on last priority for a number of the pieces of gear that i had wanted from the raid and it was just no longer worth my time i was removed from the guild guildless once again they were not happy with me and to be honest i didn't blame them a couple of weeks later i was guildless and i was doing arena with that original team that i was playing with from the people in that guild overdose and the guildmaster at that time noticed that i had been kicked out of my guild and he said asthma what happened to your guilt i said i said they were a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] i didn't want to play with them anymore they sucked and i stopped raiding with them they kicked me out he said oh man that sucks i was like yeah it does he says type something in chat i say okay the reason why he wanted me to type something in chat the reason why he wanted me to type something in chat is so he could shift click my name to invite me into the guild and the guild that i had wanted to be a part of ever since the time that i was back in vanilla wow i had gotten invited to i had wanted to be in this guild ever since i was level 50. i saw these guys around in the city and they had absolutely the best gear and nobody else was even remotely close uh yeah we had a very special guild back in the day i had joined the guild at this time i had worked very hard for this and i had been so excited and i was so happy this guy right here teflon don was one of the best rogues i've ever played with this guy was such an og he got grand marshall and vanilla wow and that wasn't enough for him he went back and he got field marshall on his second character these guys were gods this was the neckbeard guild this was the guild full of [ __ ] and that's where i wanted to be and you know why is because those [ __ ] despite all the negative things about them they were good at the game and they gave me the opportunity to get to 1850 in season 3 and be able to afford my season 3 weapon this is something i had wanted for years the moment that i saw i had wanted one of those best weapons in the game for so long the day that i saw that sword i was so excited and so happy to get it and the next week or the week after that that i finally got the opportunity i went to the vendor and i bought my vengeful gladiators great sword [Music] and for once i had one of the best weapons in the game i started to make friends in the skill because i had wanted to make friends in this guild and i had started to play with them and they started to enjoy my company even they were a lot better than i was i did karazhan with this guild and i remember a very fateful conversation that we had i asked them how can we do curator if we don't have two warlocks to put curse of doom on the boss and have it expire whenever curator is in the damage phase i genuinely was in such bad guilds that i thought it was necessary for us to have a warlock on curator to even be able to beat the damage check they didn't even know what i was talking about we cleared the raid it was easy it was no trouble whatsoever we did great they even took me into serpent shrine caverns and they brought me in enough times to where i was also able to afford my storm herald i had worked for this for a long time i was so happy to have this every time that i got randomly stunned in arena that happened the isle of quel'donis released i had my storm herald and i was ready to do whatever i needed to do everybody was there everybody was excited it was a beautiful day on thrall and i went into magister's terrace now this girl aileen oh oh boy oh boy this girl if you think this the girls are are uh you know promiscuous now [Music] no oh no there was a time that aileen was doing a shattered halls [Music] with four of the other members in the guild they got to talking to each other and they found out that she was sexting all four of them at the same time like an old god extending its tendrils around its victims this girl was insane one time she said to me that she wishes her tongue was really really long so she could wrap it around my dick like a snake i'll admit that i fell under her spell for a period of time we played together a lot we did other stuff together like that a lot you never forgot that i mean bro would you i mean would you bro i mean come on oh do i even tell this one i'm deciding if i should even tell this one this one's bad this one's bad [Music] she did the peanut butter and dog thing my other friend told me that she told him that like this girl was nuts she was [ __ ] nuts she had this other dude send her uh he sent her a picture of his dick and he wrote her name on his on a side of his dick in magic marker she was insane eventually she quit the game nice i i'm deciding how much i want to tell of this story okay i'm sorry i i did not actually i forgot that i had that screenshot in there and i said [ __ ] it we'll tell this part of the story but i don't even know if i should tell the whole thing uh let me think uh okay so she originally posted pictures of herself on the guild website and she was a cute blonde girl right and at that time uh every guy in the guild was talking to her and she was talking to every guy in the guild and probably other guys that probably weren't even in the guild [Music] now this may come as a surprise to you all but she could she couldn't use a mic and she also it found out we found out that it was not uh it was it was fake pictures here's the twist she finally got a mic and it was a real girl but the pictures that she had used was not of her and a friend of mine rob another person ensnared by the tentacles of this old god got a mail from her in game where she told rob what her actual facebook was and you'll hear a lot about rob if i ever do a story about wrath of the lich king there's a lot about rob there's going to be a little bit about him in this story but he and i really started working together and you'll see what i mean whenever i tell the story um in in wrath of the lich king so um she sent rob uh in-game mail and she gave him his real fa her real facebook and rob sent me a few pictures of what she looked like and she was hot like she didn't even need to use fake pictures she was she was hot like i was like what the [ __ ] why why would she do this like it's like let's say the girl that she posted was like a seven she's like a six and a half right and like yeah am i what do you mean like i think because she had braces or something like that right i don't remember exactly this very very long time ago and she said she's leaving the server and rob asked her why are you leaving the server she said this i will never be on another server that asthma gold is on again i will never be on another servers and you know what i don't blame her [Music] what'd you do a ton of ton of stuff anyway things went on and i got better gear over time and i was very happy to have done that i was playing in the guild and i was still joining and hanging out with everybody and getting to know everyone you're nuts no i i i told people about the dog incident and i embarrassed her in like another way too and everybody started making fun of her for it and it's like because then cause like she uh like she didn't want to like i forgot like why i did this like i think that i stopped talking to her she's i know yeah she stopped talking she like ignored me and then so i told her like yeah [ __ ] it who cares right and that's what it was [Music] now she deserved it i don't give a [ __ ] wait i don't give a [ __ ] so anyway the isle of quality release the the aisle of caldonis releases and this is the first time that i'm actually in there i'm going into the new guild and uh i'm i'm part of it all by myself and i had actually moved into you guys have to understand what a come up this was for me i was originally in at the beginning of this expansion the worst guild on the server and i had just been invited into the best guild on the server my ego was on the moon you guys have no idea i was the most insufferable obnoxious piece of [ __ ] that you could ever imagine and if you think for even a second that the way i act on stream is even remotely close to how bad that i was back then you didn't know me it was insane it was [ __ ] insane i was the worst person you could ever imagine i was playing with my friends and i was happy about that here's a friend right here s t paulie hand of a doll i made a lot of good friends in overdose some of them i'm still friends with s t pali he and i played classic together yesterday now obviously guys i still had to work my ass off i still had to play and do what i needed to do because if you look at my character i want you to ask i want to ask you a question a very simple question that i think all of you absolutely know the answer to what's missing what's missing on my character my shoulders [Music] this right here was my game my last game with winry he was one of the uh druids in my guild this is my last game they got me to 2k rating digital gangstas i know this might sound just a surprise to you guys but i thought of that name i got 2k rating we popped the [ __ ] off and i bought my [ __ ] shoulders and after the longest time for the first time ever in my experience playing this game [Music] i was best in slot i had every best-in-slot item in the game i had full vengeful gladiator gear i was the big dick of the server there was only two or three or four different people that had these shoulders and i was one of them [Music] i felt like a god i still wear this transmog set sometimes because of how happy i was to have it multiple screenshots as well of course obviously i would take every opportunity possible to take screenshots of my character in my full vengeful gladiator gear it was amazing i was happier than ever i had finally gotten the opportunity to do this like honestly it was so amazing for me because i i had never really like it was just so big i can't even i i can't even express to you guys how big of a deal this was for me to go from this guild that i would take literal screenshots next to the members in their guild to actually being in the guild myself and being friends with people in the [ __ ] guild like this was such a big [ __ ] deal for me it was awesome i was so happy man i was so [ __ ] happy you guys have no idea now obviously um we were a great guild but every guild does make mistakes every guild has setbacks and um problems and every guild even in tier 6 gear somehow wipes on karazhan trash we screenshotted this because i couldn't even believe that it happened i i still can't even believe that it happened we also did other stuff as well i want to say also we were doing the uh doing raids in orgrimmar having fun with each other just playing the game enjoying ourselves and doing what we needed to do it was [ __ ] amazing i was super happy about it [Music] unfortunately however the person who had originally got me into the game sesh open trade with me one evening and he gave me a bunch of stuff randomly he was quitting the game i was sad to hear this this is one of the uh this is one of the more unpleasant times it's not happy at all about it [Music] and it sucked really did i didn't really know what to do about it or what to say about it or anything you can't really convince somebody like that that they're gonna uh uh that they're gonna do anything or anything like that but i uh i was sad to see him go i'll say that for sure i definitely was sad to see him go so anyway we'll fast forward a little bit more obviously i kept raiding and playing with them i got a few other better pieces of gear and i'll be honest i think i looked like a big dick badass right there and i don't even think it was close i looked like a [ __ ] god i love the way i look i i still use that belt that i got from that old guild i had my gloves from gruel the gauntlets of marshall perfection i was using fist weapons because i thought they looked badass it was great and i was raiding with one of the best guilds actually really the best guild on the server at that time and you can go [ __ ] yourself there were a lot of times that i would say things to people and do things that would make people mad and then those people would get angry at me and they would message me things like that and i would screenshot them because i thought it was funny i was a [ __ ] but i was a good-looking [ __ ] i'll tell you that i was one of the best-looking [ __ ] out there and i loved it look at that gear look at that armor look at those enchants and you know what patch came out i kept playing with the guys endeavor echo these are all people that i had played with for years i don't remember anything about chaos master except that i didn't like him ecthalian he was one of the best warriors on the server and i would always ask him for advice echo he and i were the two top warriors on the server for pvp and we would always kind of uh there was a little bit of a rivalry between us but we were always good friends and endeavor was a paladin and he was just very good at the game i really was good friends with him but he and i were in the same guild and obviously um you know some people they might not really think that i was as good as i say i was and so i want to go ahead and i want to show a little clip here i want to show a little clip here up back in the day back in the old days back into burning crusade a young asmongold with berserking show you guys what it used to be like how good i used to be yeah i had five fps yeah i recorded everything back in the day man i had full best and slop people had to know about that we got two [ __ ] people on me [ __ ] deleted absolutely [ __ ] deleted destroyed the druid 2009 crit 3000 you're [ __ ] dead yeah yep i can't wait dude it's gonna be so good tbc is gonna be so good guys yep back in the day i used to be good at the game what can i say it was a great time and it was a long time ago that's why i got invited to the best skill on the server as you can see i had a lot of good times back then and uh carried by healer hey there's five of them they should have killed the uh that's their fault so anyway there's another time that i would duel with people now if any of you guys played burning crusade you'd remember this you were able to duel inside of ironforge if you dueled underneath there's a certain building and i would always require anybody who wanted to duel me to duel me over the fire pit because if you dueled me over the fire pit the winner died this right here is bozy i'll go ahead and i'll tell you a story about bosey bozey used to play a character named darkwinds he was a horde shaman and my guild killed him so many times bosey re-rolled and made a character on alliance and joined overdose [Music] that's the way it goes the winner died asthma was defeated that's right now also as you guys see there are two other names in here namani she was a friend of mine that i had known for uh at this time she was in the guild she was like i mean shout out to my she was like 15 or 16 raiden in black temple popping off she was one of the best priests on the server and dekina you guys asked about paladini palladini was dekina i still keep in touch with all three of them bosey's doing great he's got a kid dekina is doing great he has to deal with olympus so that's 40 kids and imani's doing pretty well too it was a good time we just get invent together and have fun and talk and just play with each other and just enjoy our time that we had it was beautiful and then as time went on time progressed and you know what so did i [Music] i was getting better gear season four had released obviously i mean obviously i was getting all the best gear brutal gladiator it was beautiful to see that [Music] and you know what we did in order to get our gear we had fun we took the flag we got so bored of farming honor we would just take the flag and go to some random area and sit down and have a little have a little little feast here have a little picnic just have a little bit of fun and there's me and palladini me and dekina sitting there obviously there's me with the flag on and i'm just [ __ ] around pissing everybody else off in the group and i didn't give a [ __ ] because i was doing what i wanted to do and that was just good enough for me [Music] obviously i made other friends in the guild as well i was friends with almost everybody in the guild this is me right there whenever we were doing just random pvp probably buying stuff this guy in netca uh he spent half the time healing and the other half getting high that was pretty much it and i was uh i was a [ __ ] idiot as well and we were playing together at this point all the time i would join i remember this is very very clear memory in my mind is i remember i woke up on saturday morning and i was going to i was going to my computer and i leave myself in voice chat because i just never turn on my computer same as now right and i i would leave myself in voice chat and i would hear my friends and my guild mates talking before i even put on my headphones to start the day and i was so happy because i knew i'd be able to hang out with my friends and my guild and play well with them and it was going to be [ __ ] amazing but not everything was amazing the fact is that the former glory of overdose was waning the guild was getting worse and that no it was not because i joined at this time the guild had raided all the way from i think they came from uh another they came from another game like overdose players came from another game it was like a everquest or something like that so many of them at this point were about 25 26 they were older and their lives were taking priority over the game much to uh their disappointment we had a lot of people leaving the guild some people uh some people stayed many of the people stayed but many of the other ones had to leave and overdose was losing its number one spot there was a night that the other guild the guild's name was illusion killed brutalis and sunwell before we did this was a guild that we had previously been so far ahead of they were in tier five whenever we were in tier vi this was a wake-up call for a lot of us everybody was lazy they were getting fat they were just so used to being on top they didn't know what it meant to earn the spot but unfortunately they didn't have enough people to go in and do brutalists all by themselves many of the raiders had quit one of the raiders actually was an arms warrior who took cataclysm's edge and left the guild and they didn't have any other arms warriors left in the entire guild and they needed an arms warrior to defeat brutale as pre-nerf because of the debuff but they did have an arms warrior [Music] they had me [Music] they invited me to sunwell on a last-ditch effort to go in there and try to actually defeat brutalis and reclaim our former glory that we once had that we had lost it was embarrassing it was sad and i didn't really know what to uh what to do about it this is one of the most exciting periods in time [Music] and i didn't know exactly how hard the boss was gonna be i had watched eight different videos about it i had been completely ready and prepared for it but the truth is that i i didn't really know what it was like this is my first time ever raiding and as always some things never change begging paladini for consumables because i forgot to bring them to the raid well you know what we were down but we weren't out after a few hours of attempts we came together and for the first time i really meant we we came together and i with the rest of the guild defeated brutalis pre-nerf pre-fucking nerf brutalist was the first serious guild serious guild raid that i did with these guys i was so [ __ ] happy about it it was amazing it was incredible and i would always always always [ __ ] remember this and then they decided to stop raiding stop writing sunwell they were happy with how they had done in sunwell not for not forever just for the week and they wanted to do black temple and oh look look who's in the raid [Music] and they asked me i asked actually i think i asked if i could come with them to black temple and you know what they told me well it was obvious every guild needs an arms warrior i remember the moment that i went into black temple i had all of my friends that i had known for the entire expansion and even in vanilla wow they were messaging me they said bro black temple i said yep and they're like are you kidding me there you're in black temple i'm like yeah dude i'm in black temple man and they were so happy for me man it was like i just made it out the [ __ ] projects into like it's like a [ __ ] hundred thousand dollar a year job man everybody was happy for me they were pat me on the back i was feeling like a god and i had made it we went in and we defeated the other bosses as well they invited me and i brought they brought me along i got a few pieces of gear myself and on top of that i did miss out on the only boss that i really wanted to kill was reliquary of souls i remember my mom made me eat dinner with her in between the boss so i had to go afk and i had made it i was happy and i decided to take a step back and decide what i wanted to do with my time one thing that i decided to do [Music] oh and by the way for anybody who who doesn't believe any of this that's a friend of mine right there from overdose it's all real it it's it's all real i i told them that story i did with the magic marker in you i did so anyway i leveled up my paladin whenever i saw how badass holy palette or sorry prop paladin was i felt like i had to do it i needed to do it he says he has a screen well i told you guys i [ __ ] told you guys that this is what she would do this is exactly what she would [ __ ] do man she's nuts she's nuts man okay so anyway um we were in uh what was this here i was leveling up my paladin just having fun playing with the boys and i was going back and doing old content and we had another guy in the guild and that guy's name and this is going to be another main character in the rest of the story here that guy's name was kryptonites [Music] now does anybody remember the story that i told you all about a paladin who beat me on the roll the corrupted ashbringer his name was barrington [ __ ] you [ __ ] you barrington suck my dick [Music] [ __ ] idiot what battle group is kt i think we're a storm strike kryptonites was a self-starter he was a man that took matters into his own hands he did what needed to be done and he was a jackass and every friday night kryptonites got to gather a raid and we went into the original max ramus in order to get him and everybody else [Music] well his atiesh and everybody else are tier three gear the announcement that max ramos was going to be removed was just made and we had gotten together a group we would do this every friday and we would raid and do this and it was really [ __ ] fun this is my first time seeing maxina that's a big [ __ ] spider that's a big [ __ ] spider and that's big [ __ ] true we went with the 40 man raid we were just there for the loot man that's all it was i was very excited to do this and this right here is us and that's that son of a [ __ ] that son of a [ __ ] that stole my [ __ ] sword man he's right there see him [ __ ] see him man i should have i should have [ __ ] tried to get him to steal it for me man i didn't even try man i just let it go what did you roll who cares i didn't win it [ __ ] it who care gives a [ __ ] man i didn't get it dude probably quit i wouldn't have quit listen back in the day this is what we would do now kryptonites had a way with words and the way that he would use his words is very often and very liberally even though he was so much of a conservative that i believe he served on trump's campaign back in 2016. i still keep in touch with him he was an [ __ ] i liked him a lot though we played together all the time so anyway kryptonite went to explain he went to explain this fight and i knew how long explaining four horsemen in vanilla knacks was going to be i went with my friends and we walked all the way down to the corner store and we walked all the way back from the corner store all while kryptonites was explaining the four horsemen [Music] and we finally pulled and we wiped in ten seconds time went on everybody was pissed off people were sitting around this is uh this is not good or [ __ ] annoyed everybody was pissed off it is what it is we had the full raid together though and everybody was determined to kill the boss i'll be right back i need to take a [ __ ] yes at level 70 nobody knew what to do but the debuffs are really hard to deal with i'll be right back so remember what i told you guys about kryptonites being an [ __ ] you wash your hands while i wash my hands i got a clean dick now remember what i told you about him and nomani not getting along [ __ ] crypto i hated that guy i remember using all my dkp on the last boss so he would spend all of his dkp on that mace good times haha yeah you never forget [ __ ] like that do you you never do it was a good [ __ ] time man you know shower how do you kept clean i actually have showered more often because i'm worried that not showering will leave crust on my head and then the crust will make my hair go gray like i've convinced myself of that so i've actually been showering a little bit more often because i don't want to get gray hairs it freaks me out okay so yeah that's about where we're at so we would raid next ramus every single night we had a lot of fun doing that and it was actually [ __ ] amazing i used to love doing this it was great man let me see if i can find any other do i have any videos of this or not so this is us way back in the day as i said i've recorded all this over the years there's us right there popping off killing patchwork with my computer that's obviously uh the three hamsters that are still alive in it are just running as fast as they possibly can i have all these old screenshots and all these old videos one frame per minute look dude like this was a good this was a good frame rate for me man i know it might sound sad but it's true anyway so we did uh we did all knacks all the time but at this about time something new had come out something special had come out at this time a new mount that i had wanted had been [Music] released and i had to have it that mount was the brewfest coto the reason why i had to have it is on the night that the brewfest coto was announced and added into the game a [ __ ] player got it on their first attempt and he said wow nice i said not not on my [ __ ] server that's not gonna happen to me uh-uh and i went in there every [ __ ] day and i went in there as much as i could as often as i could with my friends i would drag my friends alts into it i would do whatever i needed to do and i put over 500 runs 500 runs to get this [ __ ] mount and you know what it dropped after 500 more runs at the end of a server shutdown i even dragged my mom into it and i remember right i think cinna was like i think it sent it was like stp's uh or sorry stps i was thinking about something else um uh st paulie's cousin and i remember i paid each of them a thousand gold to pass on this mount for me because i had wanted it so much and i wanted it every single to every single day this is all i thought about was this mount like everything that i was thinking about was this mount i want to have this now i need to have this mount mount mount mount and you know what i [ __ ] got it i was so goddamn [ __ ] happy you guys have no idea it was amazing i was thrilled this is why it's one of my favorite mounts and i like using it still it's because if this is the first rare mount that i really went out of my way to farm now obviously i had worked some time and i had done also the attunements as well to get into the raids i've forgotten to show them that before and then as time went on i was able to actually get inside to here this is whenever i got my hand of a doll title right there it took quite a while took quite a while for me to get it but it did finally happen i was very happy about that too that was the day that i became a mountain farmer you're right and then this one right here this is us doing hegan and the reason why i screenshotted this let's look at let's look at what what happened there that's crazy huh that's crazy how is top damage wow damn man look how these kinds of things happen huh let me see if i can find another one here real quick i think there's another one i was waiting for now obviously we also did other raids as well it wasn't just this raid we went back and we would do aq40 sometimes and we would hang out with people all the time i think this was a little bit later on in the past but in the future but we would do all these guild raids together and i would be playing with my guild all the time at this point it was great i was relaxed i was having fun with them and everything was really really good overall i was very happy playing the game and i was doing it all the time and i don't know where the screenshot is i suppose i don't have it or it's not here but very soon after that i continued and i went back to arena and i remember i got my brutal gladiators bone grinder this required item level or sorry rating 20 2050. this is one of the hardest weapons to get and whenever i got this mace i remember very clearly the day that i got this mace i went to community college and i was in a statistics class and she passed out the tests and she showed me what my grade was and i got a 53 and i said [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] i didn't even care because i knew that i was going home my arena points were gonna reset and i was gonna buy my [ __ ] base i was so god damn happy man you guys have no idea it was one weapon was eighteen fifty eighteen rating no the weapon no no yeah the weapon that season three weapon went from eighteen fifty to 1800 in season four but the season four weapon was at 2050 and then the season four shoulders that i never got were at 2.2 k so that's not true yeah that's that's not true um anyway so i did get this mace and the mace helped me out a lot actually because we did need to finish uh finish max ramus and this was my first time ever doing max ramos because back in the day you know i i was not really that good at the game i was the idiot that didn't even know how to get a tune to naxxramas so whenever i finally did get it whenever we finally killed kel'thuzad i was so happy this was such a big [ __ ] deal for me i was just i i was [ __ ] thrilled you guys have no idea how big of a deal this was for me because i had really wanted to get this uh get this kill for a long [ __ ] time and i felt like i had kind of completed the game because this was the final time or the final thing that i needed to do and let me actually resize this so it's not it's not too big for you guys there we go and this is us actually killing the boss right here how do we kill him uh what was the kt loot on your first kill we actually got the nerubian slave maker and uh the guy that messaged me a minute ago in uh int dog uh the on my battlenet he was the one that got the he got the gun i remember he still has it now so yeah nice stacking oh dude we had no i dude we were so excited about killing the boss we didn't even give a [ __ ] man we didn't care at all why did you guys do knacks in bc because it was getting removed and kryptonites wanted to get his atiesh and he had never gotten it and uh we wanted to finish it and get him his uh his shards and so that's why we did it and uh we ended up killing kel'thuzad it was [ __ ] amazing man yes you can count the frames my uh my computer was really really shitty trust me guys i'm fully aware of that so yeah it was it was a bit of a disaster it's a great [ __ ] time now obviously uh we uh we took all of the we took all the normal screenshots that every guild does or every group does whenever they complete uh next ramas i was super happy about doing this it was really really cool and i i don't know like i'd always felt like next ramos was a super mysterious and hard to do uh hard to do get by place it was like really really big [ __ ] deal and there was only really one thing left for me to get there was only one thing left for me to do before the origin before the uh what do you call it before burning crusade came out rather witch king came out excuse me oh [ __ ] yo he has the screenshot look look he still has just sent it to me [Music] one second there he is that's whenever he got it and look there's me there's me wait a minute right there [Music] right there it's kryptonites and everybody else holy [ __ ] man yeah i assumed that nu had a lot of the old screenshots too but uh yeah and um it was it was amazing so the last thing that i needed to do there was a raid that was going to be removed or the reward was going to be removed in wrath of the lich king and that raid was za i wanted my amani warbear i wanted it so bad that for the first time ever i took the initiative and i asked the guild if they would be willing to accompany me in a run to get the za warbear there were a lot of people that still didn't have it and i said you know what [ __ ] it i want to go in there and i want to get for myself and everybody else can roll on it too and we did we did the za bear run every single time that people had time and every single other person in that group won the role on the bear i was the last person that didn't have the bear in our group the day before the wrath of the lich king pre-patch zea reset for the last time and i had one last shot where the bear would be gone forever on that night i went in there and um it was it was rough let me just say that it was rough i had a lot of trouble obviously this was the day right before the patch came out and what had happened to us is as soon as we had begun the timer the server had crashed i recorded the entire run and the reason why you're only seeing part of the run right here is because the server had crashed and my recording had gone away everybody logged back in after the server came back and after chaining potions together using constant consumables and being right up against the wire after time and time and time finally we managed to come back from almost losing it before we even killed the first one to actually having person to actually having the bear mount drop and for me to be the last person in the entire group to get it on the last day that it was available the final day i was the only person left and i want you guys to see what it was like whenever it happened let me move ahead this is the entire run [Music] everybody was so happy for me because i had spent so much time trying to get this mount there's kryptonites grasping me i said holy [ __ ] i couldn't even believe it i honestly my heart sank at the beginning of that run i thought it was never going to happen st was there all the boys were there and everybody collectively passed on the mount for me to be the final person to receive it in our group on the last day before it was removed from the game forever i was so happy man i was so [ __ ] happy there it is there it is dude it was amazing how much time did you have left uh let me see if i can check actually how much time did we have left we caught up pretty fast like i mean we're in like tier four gear right so it wasn't really that bad uh or sorry tier six gear uh i can't even tell like that the graphics are so bad i literally cannot even tell so at this time i had just finished and gotten myself the imani warbear i had ascended to the ranks of an actual raider within my guild one of the best guilds on the server that had reclaimed its throne as being the top alliance guild on the server i had gotten the last mount that i had ever wanted that was going to be removed from the game i had found a new group of friends have people to play with and finally after all this time of playing i was ready to go into wrath of the lich king with a real guild with real motivation i was so happy as you guys can see obviously we took a million [ __ ] screenshots like literally a million screenshots there's everybody with the mount i think one person wasn't riding it or didn't want it i forgot what the [ __ ] happened there it was so long ago i don't remember and there it is on that final day us taking screenshots together with the mount sunwell we didn't finish sunwell a lot of the people in the guild didn't really care to do it with with uh raptor lich king being so close people gave up and there's me and kryptonites as well he and i were very good friends we played and talked together every single day he and i later on in wrath of the rich king would trade runs and we would do like it would be like me on my alt and his main and then i would help his main get them out and then it would be me on his alt and my main and he would help my main get the get them out and like he and i did this together every single day every day after raid we would do this obviously the patch comes out and we go through and we do all of the old content back over again we do everything that there was for the achievements we were super happy about it and you know what else came out at about that same time hollows end yeah i changed my hair the first day hollows end you didn't kill illidan you'll get to it hollow's end and on the first day on the first run [Music] pawadini was so mad yeah he's so pissed off man and i won this [ __ ] on the first day on the first year man and i beat everybody else on the mount and like by the way they had been farming this all morning and i woke up on my first run and just need rolled that [ __ ] and got the mount i was so happy man you guys have no idea i was riding that mount i think the first thing i did was immediately go to like storm light yo guys look at at this and then also i was going into alterac valley getting people to inspect me on the brand new mount nobody even knew what it was and also of course at this point i had become a raider in the guild and you know what i did in the guild is outraged in the guild i popped off we killed illidan we did whatever we needed to do dead again hey i'm number five on dps who gives a [ __ ] man i'm popping off always dead i'm not i'm not no the thing is like i would never attack a boss from the back i would always hit the boss from the front man i would attack the boss from the front so he would be able to see me man not [ __ ] [ __ ] from attacking from the back i would parry haste to boss all the time i didn't give a [ __ ] man yeah i didn't get that's that's literally what i was thinking that's literally what i was thinking back in the day and obviously we did this we did uh the old uh old raids as well we had a whole lot of fun doing that and this was the time where i had gotten together and everybody was playing together it was super fun i was taking screenshots of my character i loved the way that my character looked it was [ __ ] amazing obviously this was just so cool and we were able to go back and do arca mondo and all the other raids and i started to really become a part of the guild and a part of the group and that's whenever it really kind of felt more real to me and it felt better to me i was so happy we were obviously doing the uh what do you call it uh obviously doing this kind of [ __ ] too the wrath of the lich king pre-patch event was a great time aq40 as well of course aq40 some people were new to the fight at this time so i had to tell them what to do i had to help them out with teamspeak we use vent we always use vent and yeah that was it don't [ __ ] set people on fire and uh yeah that was rick's rickshaw was the uh he was the first person in the guild to get the uh uh to get the warg waves this guy was like he was the best rogue in the guild solid advice yeah yeah uh cena was also really good too like there's a lot of people really good but like rickshaws was insanely good he had been in the guild ever since like vanilla wow like he had bone scythe back in vanilla wow that's jeff right there jeff also doing archimonde i want to tell you guys a little story about jeff [Music] jeff was wasn't banned jeff every single weekend would hog the computer and not let cody play jeff was monopolizing the computer and getting all the tier 4 gear meanwhile cody was sitting around barely trying to find a group for heroic shattered halls to hopefully get a blue item from the second boss cody was in a bad place but there was one weekend that jeff had to go to band camp and cody came over to my house he brought the computer up the same as we would do every weekend and that was one of the weekends that we were doing runs for the tier 5 content and my group didn't have enough people and i asked cody i said cody he's like what i'm like do you want to go to ssc he says i'm not geared for it i said it doesn't matter we're all in tier six he says really i said yep log the [ __ ] on and we brought cody in to ssc and tempus keep and we cleared all the bosses and it was not a big deal cody got the pauldrons of the war dancer the shoulders that dropped from high dross the shoulders that by the way jeff had wanted ever since the game came out cody leapfrogged over jeff in gear progression in one one moment jeff lets his guard down one moment and cody was in full tier [ __ ] five jeff comes home the next week and jeff's like what how did you get all this gear what happened is i just did a raid with overdose and zach well how did you get the shoulders though that's from that's from hydra she's like well we kill hydraulics well how long it takes man he's like i was just like three minute fight like y'all didn't wipe cody's like no why are we white we just everybody just did everything right and just like what what how do you go through how do you do ssc without it taking eight hours because jeff didn't [ __ ] know jeff didn't know like because he always would do pugs and [ __ ] so he didn't know what a real guild was like and in that one day cody had better gear than jeff would ever get in burning crusade dude it was so funny [Music] it was so [ __ ] funny man and so uh anyway jeff was over there and this is what would happen it's about the same time around there and uh you know people fyi asthma gold you're awesome that was you know it's pretty nice was good and then there's rob right there again rob is going to be in the level 80 screenshots quite a bit quite a bit and this is again dekina was in the raid mini cooper he was one of the code gms and then rick's as well let me see if i have any more i think this might be via i might be all of these screenshots here let me see if i have any more good ones and i think i have some other videos i can show you guys too let me pull up some videos this is how bad my frame rate was this is me whenever i would try to do brutalis i was so i i was my computer was so [ __ ] bad i was obviously top dps anyway it doesn't really matter so wrath of the witch king i ended burning crusade [Music] i started burning crusade let me see that i started burning crusade a nub with a level 30 vanilla wow enchant on his blue weapon who raided karazhan and i ended burning crusade in nearly full brutal gladiator gear and a guild that was doing sunwell it was [ __ ] amazing it was a very big come up zero to hero yeah it was uh it was a big [ __ ] deal and i was looking into burning crusade i had just graduated high school a little bit ago i wasn't doing anything i wasn't going to get a job i wasn't going to do anything with my time except for play look sometimes uh you get let me let me play another video yeah there you go okay um yeah anyway that's us doing aq40 yeah i i forgot that i died on that i i remember dying on that there's us doing aq 20 as well [Music] caught in 20 fps where the wad screenshots let me ask you guys something did you like the story was it is uh was it as good as you would have imagined you guys liked it but yeah i mean oh yeah let me go ahead let me go to my bank let me go to my bank i can show you guys some of the old items that i talked about oh there it is there's my crystal forged war axe the original one with fiery weapon remember the one that i told you guys with that i rated karazan with there it's it's right there i have it i still [ __ ] have it there's my storm herald as well that i crafted myself back in burning crusade and there's my original gorehowl with my savagery enchant on it that used to be 70 attack power and also my brutal gladiators bone grinder with executioner on it as well and i still have it let me see if i have any of the other items as well i don't know if i do i have oh i did get the the original tier three token items like the decorated bracers and uh and waste guard yeah i still have these as well and yeah i have all this old stuff i have obviously bindings of the wind seeker all kinds of this stuff i've held on to for all these years and i still have this here the tiny voodoo mask from the original zul'aman i did get rid of my berserkers call i'm pretty sure so i don't have that one anymore but i have tons of this other old stuff let's see if i have anything from do i have anything from bc uh i don't know if i do there's just so many other items that i have i might have gotten rid of some of it or put it in void storage which would have cleared the uh the enchants and everything on it yeah apparently i just have stuff pretty much from dragon soul and like cataclysm which is like my oldest and i have some dreadnought stuff yeah i mean i have word waves right but like i got those way later on like i didn't get warg waves like until way later did you get a poly in the soul render no no like brutal gladiators bone grinder was the best thing that i had i remember there was a guy in my in my server that got it and i was like i remember i mailed them uh oath keeper and i was like hey if the sword doesn't work you can have this too earthkeeper was a level 68 uh blue so it was a joke show your fake corrupted ashbringer okay i'll show that i don't think people have seen that before look at this there it is dude there it is dude yeah yeah dude there it is totally real 100 real weapon that i got myself i know guys it's crazy um guys so did you guys enjoy the tv uh the tvc stream the uh the screenshot stream did you guys enjoy it was it fun fun to watch you guys liked it a lot i'm glad and i think that if people want i could get the screenshots together for rather the lich king and tell the story for that too i don't know what the time frame on this is going to be so i don't want you all to be like oh yeah okay it's gonna happen tomorrow or whatever i i have no idea but it will be semi soon and then after it is uh we might go to cataclysm after that and so thank you guys all very much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it thank you thank you thank you boys and until next time boys and until next time boys i'm gonna run some ads and call today [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,879,921
Rating: 4.8897457 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, classic tbc, classic the burning crusade, classic tbc release, tbc release, tbc release date, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold classic, asmongold tbc, asmongold tbc classic, classic tbc wow, classic tbc beta, tbc classic beta, asmongold tbc beta, wow tbc, asmongold classic tbc, WoW Burning Crusade Classic, asmongold vanilla wow, vanilla wow
Id: gnH1Baqe3qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 10sec (7510 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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