Asmongold reacts to fan-made memes | Reddit Recap #36

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uh what's this oh my god from wow to final fantasy 14. sorry i'm just i like the thumbnail i don't know if the thumbnail is gonna if it came better than thumbnail oh [ __ ] the wild refugee show oh man can anybody give me some animal power the mages aren't buffed again [Music] i spent all my money on storm mounts [Music] oh [Applause] wow let's pause right there um so it's so funny to me like how bad things are going for a while and and do you want to know really the truth i'm glad because they have put these systems these incompetent stupid [ __ ] developers and designers have put these systems in the game for years and i am glad that people are calling it out for what it is game's fine guys oh boy [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] he just blows up into a bunch of wow tokens oh my god i'm new to watching asthma gold so i don't feel like capable through my own meme so feel free to create your own memes with this meme template i created okay yeah that's great let me see here mero web you schwarda mumbrida actually true yeah very true what's this one here i hope i get suspended for that i really do i i hope i get suspended for that that would be so [ __ ] funny that would be hilarious if i got suspended for that okay let's see here finally uh family never turned their back on waifus oh my god the petting the cat girl thing is like oh man like i feel like we've really kind of gone off the edge with that huh like you know what they should do they should have it to where like if you are in a party with another cat girl you can actually pet them on their head and their ears will go up and down here's the worst thing about the cat girl thing is that i said the the so the hottest thing and the cutest thing about cat girls was whenever they would move their ears up and down and so somebody in chat whenever i said that it's like so you mean the cat part and i'm like oh my god oh my god oh my god that's the oh no that that is the cat that is like i just don't know um i have no words what the [ __ ] is this guy on um asthma gold revealed and then walker zeppel reaction sorry i have to unsubscribe i can't handle this fake asman gold faking he even like the game it's all about money he's playing final fantasy 14. he's not even near uh to play good as you play zepla and get carried on through all the hard content he done he's his not a truth fan people come from wow to final fantasy 14 not because of him was because all the [ __ ] they've been going throughout with blizz at least they have been moving to other games do you see yoshida honored asthma gold and not you wait he thought the reveal he thought the editing was real he thought yoshida actually gave me an in-game character or something all right let's see here hasn't revealed in walker's apple reaction what's this one one more thing one more thing wait no don't don't play don't play with my heart like that what are you talking about yeah one more thing before the ceo arrives okay we have a video so please check it out right wait wait wait no what is this what is this that gray that's the airfield [Music] that's that's what i think it is okay oh my god the bunny is oh my [ __ ] god oh my god what this is the jesus christ oh my god oh my god [Music] look what [Music] [Applause] this is whenever she reacted to the the male bunny thing right this is what it was i'm just trying to get it right i can't do it yes okay i can't believe it's happening [Laughter] okay i can't i cannot watch another minute and a half of this i'm gonna be [ __ ] honest i cannot [ __ ] watch another minute and a half of this that's great this is funny however yes i put on that it's it's fine it's okay it's high quality yes sure it's too [ __ ] much okay so to me his just like trump if i haven't pre-order end walker i would probably give more time where this [ __ ] show will end up uh final fantasy makes me want to quit the game seriously that proving to me that money talking louder for yoshida let's see how final fantasy 14 becoming the new wow trash can emoji most of every asmongold cover its work from just someone else that did research i think he's saying that i reacted to a video this is crazy you have only fans after banning explicit content the thing is like only fan that's what i said like how is only fans gonna ban porn as i said like that's like kfc banning chicken oh mcdonald's isn't gonna sell uh the big macs anymore you can't go in there with a big mac anymore yeah like what do you mean uh let's see here what's the rest of these i laugh more at this than i should asmongold fresh classic wow this is like an orphan wishing his parents come back for christmas dad will be back from smokes from this corner store real soon okay what is this dude i've never seen any of these movies beyond like the first two [Music] wait the cars flying oh my god are these movies are these movies good anymore like i have no idea if they are or not are they good and they're awful like so i the last one that i watched was tokyo drift and like i don't know when that came out like 2009 or something i have no idea the first fast and furious movies were good the best one yeah maybe it's just it's been so long i mean like when did that even yeah it was so long ago it's like how many of these are they gonna make man the absolute state of blizzard entertainment what's this here not yet released not yet released not maintenance mode lost over half its players somehow still popular maintenance mode lol warcraft 3 forged diablo 4 not yet released not yet released diablo 3 is in maintenance mode starcraft 2 is a maintenance mode starcraft remasters is a maintenance mode blizzard arcade collection that's also really in maintenance mode so this is not wrong how is it that they have so many games in maintenance mode like that's really the question that i'm wondering here like how do you have that many games that are sitting in maintenance mode don't you feel like at a certain point like after you're maintaining enough games like what are you doing besides that it just sucks man like honestly it's just [ __ ] sad asmond and his cactus mount do i want to watch a video of somebody riding something that looks like a cactus oh i'm just a pretty dangerous one let's do it [Music] oh it's a ufo [ __ ] dude i knew they were real oh my god what the [ __ ] dude i gotta i gotta show this to my mom man she's not gonna believe it i actually you know what i wanted to do this is like a long time ago is i wanted to start a youtube channel and it was purely a conspiracy youtube channel to spread misinformation that's all it is like you know the titles are in all caps lock with like you know hand zimmer music playing and it like has you know white text on a black background and it's like dying nasa scientist explains how the illuminati is hiding inside of the middle of the earth and the china flew to the sun at night and they were able to land because it was cooler at night and they obtained a miniature sun and they're going to use it on america and so you have to buy these prepper things you know i really wanted to do that right and just [ __ ] with people but i never really did because it was just uh it was too it required effort right and so it didn't happen let's see here activation blizzard can't hide bottles in your desk too hard to drink openly in the office stop stop you need the goon suit the goon suit looks like any other suit okay that carries litres of cask wine seamlessly in the lining poor booze in through a special foul and a mouthpiece disguised as a pen lets you drink with impunity deep in thought in that meeting or kicking goals in that job interview they'll never know you're really drinking good no more awkward bottles that's good and get the free goon suit phone attachment that's really smart holy [ __ ] cool but you're really drinking good and for a limited time only you'll also receive the goon suit coffee cup it looks like a regular coffee cup but you put booze in that's good why'd nobody think about that before holy [ __ ] that's smart man all right let's look at this asmongold bald put a lot of time into this i'm posting it again hope you all like it holy [ __ ] damn see the sad thing about this like i'm gonna be honest with you guys is the fact that this character has the hairstyle that i wanted to have whenever i was younger and you know i um back in the day i wanted to have a hairstyle like let me go ahead and show you this is the hair that i wanted to have i was going to grow my hair out really long like this i was and it was going to be [ __ ] awesome it was gonna be amazing and honestly like i had and this is back whenever so this is right whenever they added the barber shop into wow you gotta understand this like they had just added the barber shop into wow and i had immediately gone and changed my hair to that stupid-ass [ __ ] hairstyle that everybody thinks is is dumb as hell well anyway that's what i wanted to go with i wanted to go with a hairstyle like this unfortunately um life had other plans for me and i had to uh i had to moderate that and modify that a little bit me and the boys in wow and me and the boys in final fantasy see this is exactly what i was talking about that a guy playing a cat girl is probably less weird in final fantasy than a guy playing a human female in world of warcraft and i know that sounds crazy but i feel like in final fantasy it's just so ridiculous that it's just all bets are off everything is completely off the [ __ ] table and it's just crazy man you know something i'm a bit of an artist myself every time it brings up ms paint listen every ms paint drawing that i do i think i want to save every single one of them because i think that they're just so great and they're so well designed uh they're so well put together and like that the skill and time that i put into these is just on the next level man make them nfts that's actually a really good idea i could take the ms paint drawings that i do on my stream and i could sell them as nft what the [ __ ] that's okay uh let's see mom can we get a new grinch toy mom we have grinch toys at home grinch toys at home it's such a bad that is such a bad picture like that's absol is such a bad [ __ ] picture like i cannot i cannot express how bad of a picture that is to me i i'm not a fan but i am a fan however of this this is actually quite good um this is a uh uh they really there are a lot of these aren't there like i didn't realize how much fan art there was of the final fantasy characters this is great and the thing is i bet now there's more of it because of my stream watch gear watch gear what's this here wash gear why would i wash my gear whenever i've got a clean drip wait what he actually did if you talk to him at the airship boarding area forgot when he'll make a comment about how he couldn't wash the blood no matter how hard he tried wait dude this is my this is the this is my guy man what can i say this is my [ __ ] guy didn't know that yeah i didn't either yeah this guy's [ __ ] amazing i love him he's one of my favorite characters new wow co-lead plays wow we should play final fantasy you're right yeah i think that the new um the new guy right here mike yabara quick uh i'm really happy about him i am i think that it's good we have somebody who talks about video games and he's a leader of a company that's about video games imagine somebody who works at a company who plays video games imagine that check out who won the jumbo cat pod on our server this week well i wonder what they won that is good that is good i like that a lot let's see here haven't seen asthma this happy in a while yeah i'm not surprised that you like this one that was really cool yeah that was really cool piece of [ __ ] [Music] god damn it are you kidding me yeah that was pretty bad i did actually get scared there is there a way to turn off the sound spur this is the furry spectrum so so this is pretty much it right everybody memed on me about that but it's true are you [ __ ] kidding me it's up holy [ __ ] there's so many [ __ ] dude that day was so crazy oh my [ __ ] god oh my god yeah that was just so cool i love that overview of the original blizzard leads and game designers that are left and are still there wow that's that's a lot of [ __ ] people that are gone and um look again like it's just the the game is what it is and there's nothing else roy moore to say about it right i mean like i don't know if it's ever gonna get better i really don't know but as i said i think that if they just bring in new people like this is not necessarily a bad thing i don't necessarily think that having the same people work on the game for 15 years is inherently good or inherently bad it depends on what the game is and the state of the game because plenty of times people have taken an ip and made it better over time you don't need to have the same people uh there's often times we're like i mean and this is like something i think people have learned with classic wow and burning crusade is that the game was not as good as people remembered it it just wasn't the only reason why people thought it was that good is because they don't know as much about the game they didn't know as much about the game as they do now whereas like now everybody knows everything about the game and you don't have that type of like you know natural experience so whenever you go back and you see classic wow for all the flaws that it had and problems that it's had i think that it does keep in mind that a lot of these kinds of things are uh they're not necessarily set in stone in terms of like are these games good or like or whatever because i think classic wow and burning crusade aged really relatively well but there were a lot of things about them that did not age well found this magnificent mughal um standing around what that oh my god who does this um aether's on as well okay i'll watch this e10 gold mix mango let me see whether i got anything for xmango it's okay to be grey no it's not you can improve today right now at this other bootcamp just go to slash others to find out more okay you'll be waiting okay let me say something right now all right i'm gonna be able to do just [ __ ] fine all right i think this is the estimate goes next stop learning how to do its rotation put on your [ __ ] shirt on your hotbar man okay put your [ __ ] on your hotbar man deal when he put when he put away the shirt off his hotbar i legit has got emergency errands look that's not what's gonna happen all right i will eventually be able to figure out what my other abilities do but it will take a while for that to happen okay it will take a probably quite a long time for that to happen but one day i will learn how to use my abilities i don't know when that's going to be however andrew cuomo accepts leadership position activision blizzard now i saw this picture okay i saw this one already so it's not going to fool me however the first time that i saw it i actually clicked on the article and i was like hold up wait a minute what the [ __ ] is this and then yeah it turned out to be [ __ ] okay yeah it turned out to be [ __ ] but it's gonna be on the balance team i have no idea okay i obviously it's not happening it's a joke bold 2000 you guys need to understand whenever whenever bold 2000 whenever bold this is what's going to happen this is now become el britis the boston bloodborne like my chocobo has evolved into an eldritch abomination that is a uh it's a boss and bloodborne it's one of the old ones one of the great ones this is amazing i love this i'm looking at you mentors currently watching skip stormblood change your settings to mine log out to watch trailer change to jab so the only ones that really annoy me are they change your settings to mine because yeah there's people that like they'll get mad at me for not wanting to use the same settings that they do okay it's [ __ ] obnoxious all right uh no i don't want to be an asthma gold inventor listen and this is so these fit together look see guys look at this right here uh redder to the big groups oh god i love this man oh i [ __ ] love this wow the community has been banned this is exactly the way that i would have imagined it mcconnell ever tries final fantasy and doesn't go paladin so i have a good reason to believe that if mcconnell playing final fantasy was a raid boss it could actually be below 50 health right now it could be below 50 health we'll see what happens i don't know what class mcconnell would play uh it could be a samurai i think samurais are [ __ ] cool samurais are basically uh you know eastern paladins uh in a lot of ways actually i never really thought about that yeah you know what that actually what the [ __ ] bro that's crazy yeah i never really thought oh my god blizzard reacts to toxic streamer earning mountain final fantasy 14. what is this yeah that's a good thing i got that [ __ ] yes man yeah i'm so happy yeah i'm so happy i got mr mouth man [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] i'm i'm very very satisfied oh come on patrick's the frostmourne the director's cut okay here we go now you try first get a jar that's the frostmourne what the [ __ ] yes yes [Music] the fountain drink freezes [Music] oh my god oh my god what is this dude better than a wild story not gonna lie true [Music] oh my god there it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a random picture of an owl [Applause] this is so good oh my god summing them into krusty krab [Music] it's so good the editing skills are just so it's it's amazing wow jesus destroying the krusty krab oh my [ __ ] god this is so ridiculous bikini bombs shooting itself true did he kill squidward [Music] oh wait oh spongebob [Music] spongebob sylvanas [Music] oh my god mr krabs what happened to his eyes you need a job oh god [Music] okay we have to go back and we have to watch the [ __ ] ashbringer one because the ashbringer one is probably one of the greatest videos of all time we're gonna open a jar easy now you try first get it it's so good [Music] patrick that's the ashbringer yes in my opinion i think this is the best one like the frostborn one is really good but this one is just like it should it's just completely over the top like what wait wait for it wait for it [Music] [ __ ] your son going down this is what rhett paladins believe [Music] see this is [Music] oh my god it's so ridiculous and this is even the best part the best parts coming it's so ridiculous right here this is it this is it's so beautiful right here boys [Applause] [Music] the [ __ ] mouth i it's just it's [Music] [Applause] this is what mountains feel like whenever they hit level 40. right here all right my god [Music] you need a job yeah it's just like the mount is just like it's so this is what paladins as i said this is whenever paladins are thinking about how good they are and stuff like that this is where they're at [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 362,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold reddit, asmongold memes, reddit recap, asmongold reddit recap, asmongold recap, asmongold subreddit, Asmongold fan made, wow memes, zackrawrr, reddit recap asmongold, asmongold reacts to reddit, reddit asmongold, memes, reddit, reddit funny, reddit memes, ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, wow ffxiv, ffxiv memes, fan made memes, ff14 memes, reddit recap 36, reddit recap #36
Id: uHSsytB0mf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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