Asmongold On How He Became The Guild Master Of Indestructible (Story Time)

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you know if you tow sorry about the dread-nots shoulders in mists of pandaria i think it's a really funny story the dreadnought shoulders of mists of pandaria okay so this was during mists of pandaria and if you guys remember I had a guild master in mists of pandaria that he was he literally had like a he had like a disorder where like his body would trap heat too much and he would literally get heated and I think that's probably the best metaphor for this person this guy was so [ __ ] mad he's mad all the time and all the time he was mad all the time he was pissed off and so anyway will he be in a good mood and then like something would set him off and he'd get really really really [ __ ] that so we've been talking for a number of times oh man dude dude demystified [ __ ] auction houses coming up oh man we can get two or three again duties at all man dude I need to get to your three I can't wait to get out like yeah dude me too this is gonna be awesome and everybody's friendly we're all good everything's fine and we're talking about how much we want to get two or three with each other everything's going great and this is towards like maybe the middle of uh yeah about the middle of mists of pandaria throwing the Thunder somewhere around there and this is also at the same time whenever we had invited this girl into the guild that he absolutely [ __ ] hated but I wouldn't let him kick the girl out of the guild because the reason why he didn't like the girl on the guild is because she kept calling him out for being a bad tank so she called him he who holds a girl as a meme right because that's the last thing that he was doing and so anyway this guy would just get pissed off all the [ __ ] time and I'm like you're not gonna get you're not gonna kick this girl out of the [ __ ] guild just because she calls you out for being dog [ __ ] so finally the day comes and the moment arrives that the dread-nots shoulders hit the black money action house guild chat all the warriors all the [ __ ] paladin's all the Deacons brohoho ball dude is it today is today the day like today's the day this is the day and we're all talking about it like dude how much money do you have how much money you have okay we should bet and see who's gonna get it and I didn't really I was like do i as Madhu what are you gonna do ma'am I don't know we'll see what happens you know we'll see what happens I don't know you know I don't want to get too into it you know we'll just you know see what happens you know I want to I didn't want to go too into it or you know over invest myself into this in a way that would be you know just kind of a little bit too much for me right so I'm just like yeah yeah we'll see what happens well 8 p.m. comes around and we didn't raid that day I go over to the area where the auction house is and it's surrounded by warriors the warriors everywhere awesome alright get my shoulders this time this is it I'm getting my shoulders all these warriors in a few dks2 right but mostly warriors a bunch of [ __ ] warriors waiting there to get their [ __ ] dreadknot shoulders well anyway so if you guys remember the way that the mists of pandaria auction house work it was a bamboo hut and underneath the hut if you had a potion the major character smaller you could walk underneath the hut well our guild leader waltzes in with his money his bag of money boy time to get my shoulders oh-ho-ho right and everybody else wasn't gonna bid on it because he had convinced them not to bid on it and I didn't really talk to me about it a lot so I was like whatever right and so he's going to bid on his shoulders he bids on the shoulders and from underneath the hook I'm targeting the vendor though the black that the auctioneer and clicking on it and then bidding him up on the shoulders with a mailbox that I had planted from my the art the the engineering mailbox underneath bidding this guy up and at the same time there was this other random level like I don't know like probably like 88 warrior I was probably 90 warrior we had like shitty gear right might as well be 88 warrior and he's sitting around and the guild master thinks that I'm actually gay the gold to this level 90 warrior that's in green gear this random player he thinks that I gave the gold to him to pay this guy to use my gold to bid him up because he didn't know where I was but he just knew somehow I was [ __ ] him and he didn't know how it was happening but he knew it was gonna play he knew what was happening so I'm still bidding and we get down to the short duration and he's typing in guild chat he's [ __ ] mad and I'm like bran not bidding he's like I see where you are I see where you are I can target you I don't know where you are but I can target you I know somehow you're doing I'm not doing it man I'm just listened doctors chilling man I'm tired I don't have the money to pay for this meanwhile I'm [ __ ] bidding it up I'm bidding it up as much as I can right and then finally at the last [ __ ] second you know I'm underneath the [ __ ] Hut just bidding it up bidding it up putting it up in his sitting there's [ __ ] trying to go back and forth when the mailboxes didn't have the engineering torii either so in between him going back and forth high out bidam bid [ __ ] closes closes after that I go and I wouldn't I went wrong I went a bid was 180 KS been on I hope I go to my mail I linked them in Gil Chennai Iowa and I look and go Jeff now Mike nice white dreadnought shoulders nice he kicked me out good guilt he kicked me out of the [ __ ] guilt because he didn't know because I also like because I had played him so much and I told him I was bidding on I was bidding on him from under the under the hood right and he's like what he's all yeah dude and I [ __ ] by E because I I think he he just didn't expect any of that to happen right and he kicked me out of the guild here e invites me later on right cuz like he's just so he felt so dumb about her right cuz he just got completely [ __ ] plate and the best part about the whole thing is the fact that he actually thought that I paid somebody else to bid him up on the [ __ ] shoulders like what kind of [ __ ] what kind of a [ __ ] [ __ ] does that oh yeah or can you bid up my guild master and it goes to show like what kind of a what kind of a mind this guy had he thought that I paid somebody else to bid him up like why wouldn't I just do what myself you know I think he just stopping it so I so he wouldn't know it was me right or something like that but he developed this whole [ __ ] conspiracy theory and he eventually Rhian vited me back into the guild but I he was very upset about it and as far as I know to this day he doesn't have the shoulders he never got him never got the shoulders should have been more there it is look at his armory I don't know what his armor is he eventually after the guild basically got out of his control because he was really upset and the guild was really the guilt was having a lot of problems right and eventually this one girl that this girl uh Mandy okay I'm just gonna say Mandy this is the girl's name's Mandy and she she immediately like she would just always [ __ ] with them always troll them not fan D it's not fan D but it was Mandy and she finally I think this isn't like siege of Orgrimmar [ __ ] not even progression like farm he finally decides he's like you know what I'm tired of this [ __ ] guild I'm tired of dealing with these people I'm quitting the [ __ ] Gilbert and he just finally puts the guild at transfer servers he says [ __ ] you guys I'm going somewhere else I don't have time for this [ __ ] anymore I'm done okay yeah metal it maulding Mandy well note she she'd make him so [ __ ] mad and like I remember cuz like on tour dose right on tour dose heroic I like she like obviously like I mean like we're still friends now right and like were yeah everything's good but like back then so I would always take my headset off whenever I would do tour tous heroic because you'd have to hit like a crystal that would allow you to like get an absorb shield and like if you didn't get the absorb shield you'd take a ton of damage during the whole fight so are we jumping down are we jumping down okay let's go down side okay I didn't realize we were going inside yeah it's just running sorry about that guys okay so anyway um anyway so this happens and I'm just being a dumbass right and so i meet i take my headset off homeboy alright now it's time to parse and I can hear I can hear right the the mic right and this is like her cuz I've got the headset down right and it's like this has the gold shield as big old [ __ ] shield as we got shook as we go use the shield houston [ __ ] let's go use the shield I'm just like oh I'm just playing the game and I would know I wouldn't want to hit the ship why would I hit the shield because if I hit the shield that's it that's an auto attack I can't do on the Maus and if I do an auto attack on the boss that's it that's that I'll lose damage I never lose damage never lose damage always killed right first yeah yeah yeah yo right first wait I don't think we're supposed to go down there first because the boss doesn't spawn we have to use these items and then we have to spawn the boss yeah I never never missed damage and this is back whenever I was a padding piece of [ __ ] alright this is all I would do is Pat on the moss oh yeah I would literally like whenever they said don't attack guess what I would do I would attack and they'd be so mad outward at our wood and they'd be so mad maybe like he's doing it again and then you know cuz I was another I was one of the officers I was like the DPS officer so like most people didn't know what to do there I quote he just what do you mean like wait what what I mean cuz they're talking to their officers right nobody knows what to do why cuz you just keep attacking and you won't you won't do the mechanics I'm like I'm like listen I would never even join voice chat whenever we would do the rates I would literally just go in there I was the bigger I was a worse Raider ever I would go in there I would just get I would play at a hundred percent I pre pot every boss I would do my best to try to do like you I never go away FK I wouldn't do anything I would go in there I would do the whole raid and I remember like there would be days whenever my my ideal farm night is a farm night where I get at least you know a good parse or something like that and then I don't have to get invent or mumble at that time because I didn't want to get invoived like I just why they distracted me because I want to be completely thinking you know I wanted to be thinking only of killing the mobs right that's it I always just kill the boss and that's it I don't care about anything else besides that just kill the boss so yeah that's what it was and uh grens man what's your peon properties in classic I don't know they're the best class how about that it sounds like a warrior main to be honest well yeah I was I was a warrior man that's right that's me hold this guy here these guys are jokes anyway yeah it shouldn't even be hard at all okay so we kill all these guys wait is it these guys I forgot really what we do okay let's see yeah just don't need to do management you don't need to do mechanics with boss is dead that's right so the way that I would look at it is that I would never really want to do any mechanics or do really anything I would all I would do is basically just do to kill the boss and I was I was like on all farm content I was always like the highest dps like in like the whole guild right and like you guys this is back in siege of Orgrimmar so like I was actually I made videos about this even like I had like tons of videos and I would have like all these guides on like what to do like for example like we would do general nazgrim and we'd have like a burn strat where we wouldn't want to have him go to like some some face or somebody that like the defensive say oh yeah no defensive stance pays really good idea so defensive stance so general nazgrim in in teach morgan mark right in siege we're on he would go into like a defensive stance and every single time you attack him he would become he'd do like a lot of raid damage basically and or he could do a library damage so you were not supposed to attack me as opposed to get off him completely no damage on nazgrim for the defensive stance base why I told people I'm like that's where I get ahead that's where I get ahead is the defensive stance page because everybody else isn't attacking a boss I'm still attacking the boss and they can't tell me not to attack the boss we cuz I'm not in Boise Jen so it's not really my fault but I didn't attack that was attacking because they didn't tell me not to do it you see I'm saying so this is what I would do back in the day and let's see where did this woman the other fight other mechanics let's see big big strats yeah how are you not kick from the Gilliam I was an officer yeah I was not what we probably know goats go down here good eye yeah I was the officer and then later on I was the guild master so that nobody could do anything about it right this is just like all I would do cuz the way I look at it's like I'm not gonna run in here the only reason I would ever do farm content like okay I only rated for year so this happened in Dragon Soul whenever though I got my last piece of gear that I needed for Dragon Soul it was like the heroic I think it was like a ring or something like that off of off of pagará or al traxion and I completed my best in slot I got every piece of gear every piece of gear that I had was [ __ ] grillak I have brought girth black I had everything room you know what I never did again showed up to rate that was it that was the last rate I ever went to there are people by the end of Cataclysm that didn't even know who I was they're like so who is this at who's this other guy like we see him online all the time he never comes to raids well that's asmin he's always here if we need him but you know he's usually doesn't come to rates because I would have liked all these different like rationalizations in like ways that I would convince my guild like I would log on I would open up somebody stream and I would see them forming the group on their stream you know I opened it up on incognito mode right opened it up on my phone and that way I would see how many people they had in the group and as soon as they set the group I'd walk on my old guys sorry I was late yo if you need me man hey I'm here I'm here you know it's okay we just set up group okay okay that's fine that's my alright yeah oh wait you guys know if you need me that's fine that's fine no big deal right and then I come back and then Malka rocks Oh octagon trick I knew this was he knew my ways so fast-forward to siege of Orgrimmar we have been farming siege of Orgrimmar for a number of months now I had full mythic war forward to get full mythic war force gear every piece of gear that I had war forged mythic everything best in slot except for the necklace from malkipuram the necklace from alcoholic drops tricks guns like a [ __ ] because they knew they had to give it to me because it was the only item that I needed but he also knew this is the last time we're gonna be raiding with asthma gold for all of mists of pandaria this is it and so he says he's like Walt see you next expansion asmin and I'm like yep see you later and everybody else is like ha ha ha ha ha that's funny it's gotten oh yeah that was the last way to ever went to and I would only come for farm runs we were like sale runs and that was it I didn't do anything else besides that I would never show up to raid or anything I'd be like yeah guys if you need me I'm here but I don't want to come I don't want to come there's no reason for me to come to the rig I don't want to go rape so it's not like it's on house being a piece of [ __ ] you know cause like if they needed me I was there but if they didn't really need me and then I'd make sure I'd want to tell you know like how much do they really need me here do they need me a lot or just a little bit so I would log on and this would be like you know maybe [ __ ] you know like maybe like asthma and we need you I wait four and a half minutes I waited I would want to open up the scream again as soon as as soon as I see somebody going to prove five yo what up man y'all I'm here don't worry about it I'm good boyfriend to get someone inside the instance you know I'm here voice yo y'all always for the team yo I you know I'm here you know I'm here I'm good dude I'm good oh no it's okay man we already got somebody okay alright yo but you know I would've be there if you need me man don't worry about me man you know I'm I'm always here always ready and uh yeah it's uh it was pretty [ __ ] funny and so that's what you do know I'd no I'm not dragging I stopped doing that cuz like that's the thing is that Mike dragon I overdo it and drive and do it whenever you're in a guild were you in the guild there and I told I do this all the time because I remember like it was the worst day of my life dude the worst day like naughty good always see I don't think I did the worst day in my [ __ ] life dude is during a [ __ ] what was that raid night hold and this is where I streaming night hold at night I wake up 7:58 7:58 I raid started a a rollover on so I go onto our skype group conversation with the other officers and like yeah guys are gonna be a little wait and the worst thing happened I go and I look at the conversation and our guild master had posted that he was quitting the game I was like cuz now it's like who's second-in-command so I was like man you really don't have to quit man you really don't cuz this I had the bet I had the best [ __ ] guy had a dick dude I had a dick I showed up whenever I wanted I always got loot council gear it didn't [ __ ] mad every it was [ __ ] dick dude but it was so good but I never had the show put on while I was an officer I could do whatever the [ __ ] I wanted and it was everything was perfect and then now it's like oh [ __ ] so now I'm getting promoted right I know I'm getting promoted up to officer probably or out to guild master and I didn't say anything about it but then one day he just logs on and promoted me up and I'm like well [ __ ] I've gotta start showing up now it's not happy about that one at all but yeah I had to I had to start showing up to raid all the time I'd start showing up to raid all the time I had to talk to people like all the time like cuz then they'd get mad at me right cuz like all that people get mad at me and then nerf there's old guild master he had to deal with that so like I say something stupid I call somebody a trash bag you know or I call him a sandbag because they they way the raid down and you know he has to talk them out of he has to talk them off a cliff he has to talk him out of leaving the yield like later on and I can just say where to the [ __ ] I want some officer right but now now I've got to be the one sitting there dealing with these [ __ ] people dude and so I'm saying what key city told me city told me he only gives Luth to good players whatever he gave it to his alt and did he he wouldn't give me any woot BC brought it is all and getting he's getting all the loot and then I'm like and I'm sitting there it's 2:30 in the morning and there's a guild intervention going on there's like 17 people in the voice chat hat like 90% of my ready oh yeah we're [ __ ] mad and it's like this is now my problem whereas before I was just like I was just a funny guy that showed up to raid but now I have to [ __ ] right now I'm in charge of everything and it was [ __ ] yours [ __ ] Karma that's what it was [ __ ] Karma yeah I remember liking her right after if you guys were watching me back then wherever I'd have to mute my [ __ ] voice chat for hours whenever we'd have the guild means I'd be like this and what this that would be whenever we'd be talking about the latest person who's angry about something that I don't care about okay it was so [ __ ] bad man just like Olympus for it well it's just like Olympus for except for it actually mattered because Olympus for has problems we solve all the other guilts but this is like my rating gilben that this is like I am the I am the oldest member of the guild now I have been in the guild longer than anybody else says I am now the torchbearer that has to carry this guild forward into the next tears into the next expansions and into the next raid this is now my duty and my responsibility and I I did it we did it but I was pissed I was I had Sutton dude I had such a good deal I had such a good thing going on man it was great and I had all these other like methods right so I would sometimes um I would sometimes like pop pop all CDs on Pole immediately PO aggro and die okay I'll be right back guys I'm not even right back I'm literally just sitting there cuz I didn't want I didn't want to hit any buttons dude I'm just tired of hitting buttons how am i I already have a good parts to this boss like I don't need to do this one again but I don't give a [ __ ] okay let's just just gonna die right I was the hours old late I was the worst Raider bite every single like selfish lazy late woot [ __ ] just everything every bat like think about every guild every like bad player in a guild every horror story I was every single one of them literally every single one of them like was there anything that I didn't do did you ninja will know listen they don't come back never new to it from your own guild and they don't come back then we'll come back and do the radio with you but anyway so let's see where some of the other good guild stories so basically a lot of the people when they guild like date so there is this other girl on my guild right and her like so this girl was siphoning gold out of the guild bank this is whenever I was the guild master this is a great story so this is whenever I actually had to be you know I'm now the keeper of the flame and I have to make sure the guild stays together right and hi basically the guild the girl is literally stealing dragon knows who it is and so she's stealing gold out of the guild bank and she's sending it putting her in her own guild bank and we found out about this happening and I called around on it in one of our officer meetings I was like so I've been seeing you've been putting some gold you've been taking gold out of the guild bank regularly and she's like always supply flask is to buy these other things that we need for the guild you wouldn't know that cuz you never come to raids asmin gold you would know but no we need this you'd understand if you came to raid but you don't come to rate cuz they just all they wanted me to do right is they just wanted me to show up to the raids because it was such a [ __ ] [ __ ] show that somebody needed to get them in order like somebody needed to get this [ __ ] done because they didn't want to deal with it and I didn't want to [ __ ] deal with it either so we're playing hot potato with all the responsibilities of the guild because at this point I was streaming all the time I didn't want to [ __ ] with this [ __ ] right but anyway so so finally I I get out of it I get it out of her that actually it had nothing to do with her buying consumables or bo YZ for the raid members that I just didn't understand this is this is really good one I guess we were taking gold out of the guild bank because we wanted to make sure that you were still cared about the guild and this was a test for us to make sure and to try to get your attention because we need your help and you haven't been doing enough for us and I sat there in this [ __ ] meeting I thought to myself Mike what the [ __ ] so anyway all these things happened and obviously you know I I convinced them to put the gold back in the guild bank and we get an accounting of all the gold and then you know this sorts itself out how much gold do they take I don't know like four or five hundred K something like that is a lot and yep okay let's see how much gold that yeah like for primary care I mean it's not like a lot but it was like enough for me to get pissed off about it cuz I was mad because it's like that's like you know it's like people are gonna get mad about it and it's just like it's another like bit of [ __ ] that I have to deal with now and that's where I would it comes down to it now this is a problem that I have to solve and the guild and I think that's the way the main thing that I didn't like about it is that this is now this is now again another one of my problems you know it's like they're just giving they're creating more and more problems for me and I was not happy about that right it's like I like to be very hands-off and just have people act normal but you know usually that doesn't really happen and well that's the thing right is that I thought I had the greatest job ever dude and then I I took by the way I took that [ __ ] guild that guild that was falling apart in the middle of night old and we got weak we [ __ ] killed gold and we killed golden and I had to drag them kicking and screaming to it but we killed golden and it was holy [ __ ] man what at what a run what if I got she's still in your guild no she's not I I came back to the raid and she wasn't in the raid anymore and I don't even remember why she's not in a guild anymore honestly like she wasn't so she would always like I don't know if I want to see like what class cuz then people gonna like figure out like who might have been right but you need to go at the fine boy no no they're lighting the flame cuz I don't have any inventory space that's why I can't do it myself please does name is on point right now I don't honestly anyway like yeah it's a druid not a druid but that's the only one I'm gonna say not a druid I'm Andy was a druid though yeah was it fan D it was not fan D where do you have the power to talk on time isn't exhausting no because I'm just sitting here talking about things that have happened to me it's great so yeah anyway so I'm uh I'm sitting here and this is happening you know more and more and more and finally let me think if there's any other times if she got really really mad oh yeah yeah okay so basically whenever I'm recruiting all the new people for the guild because at the same time whenever my guild master quit there were some people that were like oh no because it's like now it's like the guild master was like their only line of defense against Esmond gold right because even during like Croesus they were like asthma and gold's not getting on that she's not getting on the ends and I'd even be on my stream why I'm not getting on ads I'm not getting on it and I go in chat I even tell them I am getting on that like no you're not you [ __ ] we're watching your stream like no not their wine that's not true at all they're not doing that III would never do that I would always always kill the ads guys never would do that and eventually that you know they we just killed the boss anyway but yeah you know that they were Roy pissed so then they're like okay so now asthma's the GM oh yeah I forgot about this okay so this was as Minh gold literal 500 IQ loot council techniques okay I used to not loot council I used to always loot council other people gear before myself at the beginning of the tier that way whenever we actually got to heroic because we get to it very quickly they would already have the upgraded normal mode gear from the same raid so it would only make sense that I would get the heroic gear because they have the heroic here and it would be a bigger upgrade for me why I literally I have years of like just planning and like techniques of how to uh how to sway things in my favorite right yeah never call you out on up no they never figured it out they literally never figured out nobody ever figured it out I was I was in [ __ ] hours so smooth with that man I was so smooth with that alright thank you yeah I did it's holding the slot machine well yeah I mean well the thing is like I go I go into the raid right I have one thing I want to have the rate that's all the loot that's the only thing I want all the way I want all the loop every single piece right if it's any if I can put it on I want it right wait any if it's like oh maybe one time if I ever have to farm deadlines I'd use that item I want it why I still want it still wanted every time dude why I'm literal literally the most toxic Raider and yeah the most toxic Raider and like now cuz like what sucks is like whenever I'm the GM right I can't do that [ __ ] anymore which is a that's the worst part about it like that's honestly I'm it's not in King what is the worst part about being a GM is to actually have to be responsible for this stupid ass [ __ ] and now you're the one that's solving these problems instead of actually causing them you know what I mean like I and now I've got to make sure that everybody gets a fair shot everybody cuz and now everybody knows my techniques right so it's not like I can just do the same thing again and it's just it's the way it goes well Gil falls apart before you get through it won't fall for him I know it wouldn't fall car of course that something would happen but yeah obviously we are guild was really really good I mean like wasn't really really good let's be honest like we were we were okay guild but like we weren't like a world like 100 yield we're just like an average you know if server first server second guild you know and we cleared content a cutting-edge easily every single time not a big deal but again not not the greatest guild in the world Olympus for its karmic justice yeah this is the way it goes and then ya know trust me like I had karma come back and bite me in the [ __ ] dick dude me I really really really did like this whole thing like I had to go back and deal with all these [ __ ] people again constantly ideals people you think the shedder Oh create some classics no I'm hearing stories how did you how did you have people that wanted to play with you well easy I'd be at the top of the meter like I mean I was I was good that's the thing is you can be an [ __ ] or you can be good or sorry or you can be bad you can't be both you can either be bad at the game or an [ __ ] if you're bad at the game and you're an [ __ ] you're out of the guild that's the way it goes and I assure you were look at my logs from back then I had numerous rank one walks like I and like back in [ __ ] siege of Orgrimmar I don't think really that many rank one since each in like emerald nightmare even like back in Dragon Soul like I all of my parts ascetic or injure arses on every single fight okay like yeah I was a god man I was a [ __ ] god and I was a long time it's a long [ __ ] time ago too but yeah I was the way all of the like the horror stories and everything you know usually those are like personally applicable to me more hair equals bigger better Parsees well I mean like back in Emerald nightmare and everything I had pretty good Parsons too even on a pretty call it on but on night hold I had really good Parsons - I got the rank 1 all classes I got rank 1 all classes on star auger back in in night'll and that was like the DPS check fight the DPS fight I got rank 1 all classes so it's not like I was terrible at the game back then at all I was really good but you know that's also quite a while ago and now it's not really the case I don't really focus as much right thank you buddy yeah I thought you got God taken away cuz of padding no wait no it didn't they didn't take away my log shut the [ __ ] up no they didn't suck on my dick and balls so the guild the guild would ask they're like yeah basically like don't leave us with him right talking about me whenever I was the guild master because I was also like a huge [ __ ] like back in Dragon Soul because you'd have like the other the other like the other guild masters everything they were very nice with people right but if somebody made a mistake I would I would make them say that they made the mistakes and I wouldn't I wouldn't do the poll until they've they said it and just to make sure that everybody knows that you can't just go around and be a big dumb [ __ ] idiot you know I would make them [ __ ] say it but I I [ __ ] up I did it wrong and doesn't matter like I would break down any excuse they had I would figure out like oh the flaws in their logic with like what they were saying and like messing up with everything like that and I would do this like obviously in front of everybody and because this is like this is my leading style you know I did this all the time and you know now obviously I don't do that as much but I still do it a little bit whenever we do them at the grate and anyway so this is uh this is what's happening and every single time that I would raid weed somebody would quit the guild okay yeah yeah we're okay right yeah everything's fine so like they were really worried they were really really worried that like oh no you know if we get asmin gold as like the guild master that's it it's over you know like we're not gonna be able to be clowns anymore in the guild and that's like what I would do like as soon as I'm the guild master or I was the other raid leader I would like all the people that I would just shut the [ __ ] up during I would never like say anything about as soon as they'd make a mistake and I I wait so I anyway hi this is pretty much what happened and this isn't my guild and you know I had to deal with all these people and all this [ __ ] all the time right and eventually like I kind of got burnt out dealing with it and that's why I stopped reading right I mean the main reason why I stopped reading was my stream like if I didn't stream I probably still read but you know since I have my stream now I kind of have to focus and like make that the priority but back then oh dude I was going crazy dude I was such an [ __ ] because there would be like these people in the Gildan you guys know what I'm talking about there are be these people in the guild and they would [ __ ] they would [ __ ] up every time every [ __ ] time they mess up they'd mess up and then they'd [ __ ] you've come up with you try to get you'd probably call them out and they come up with an excuse and then there rainmeter wouldn't want to deal with it right because he's like okay yeah whatever who gives a [ __ ] so he would never call them out actually on it in like any serious way just be like yeah you know yeah okay whatever you know try not to do it next time right just to try to be nice well I wasn't a nice guy I wasn't about being nice I was about getting the [ __ ] raid done and it's the moment that we [ __ ] something up somebody messed it up I would be like why'd you mess up and then I would I've got a why'd you waste our time or something like that right and immediately like I would call them out I would get them this [ __ ] stop doing that right and I I used to be a lot worse right and like really it's just to me like my perspective is it like I got called out all the time then like my old guilty and I looked at it as like we're working together to try to kill the boss and like overcome the raid so whenever I get called out that's like like we're all working towards the same goal so I'd never get mad for getting called out like I never get mad for calling I mean being called out like really and so it's like I would apologize say okay I did this wrong and okay you know I could have done this better and I just I'd do it better next time right every mistake right because like the way I look at it it's like this is a group effort like nobody you shouldn't feel like you're being attacked because you're holding yourself back just as much as your old in everybody else back to right so it just like didn't make sense to me that people got so personal about them but they did and so yeah that's the way the Iowas looked at it too [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose of Asmongold
Views: 412,286
Rating: 4.7204475 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold channel, asmongold guild, asmongold indestructible, asmongold guild master, indestructible, wow guild, wow indestructible, asmongold story, asmongold story time, wow guild master, asmongold classic, asmongold classic wow, classic wow, classic world of warcraft, wow classic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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