Blizzard Confirms Fresh Classic WoW! Asmongold on Vanilla 2.0

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so gentlemen we have a lot of things to talk about today number one there's a ptr that's been added for classic wow again yeah there's going to be a classic 2.0 they might be bringing out like a fresh classic but i will go ahead and just give you an abbreviated version of this right now before i really get into it later on is that i think that they should do a classic wow a fresh server if they don't make some changes [Music] they make all of the changes classic fresh is here all right let's watch this one here hey guys dev here and we are on the ptr for classic world of warcraft not something that i thought i was going to be saying in the coming months not even the coming years um but out of nowhere blizzard's just throwing up a new ptr with what looks like a phase one classic build wow so this means possible fresh is on the horizon um i know a lot of people um i've been looking forward to fresh it's not something that i'm particularly excited about i think i've um yeah i've done everything that classic web has to offer i've seen everything that there is to see that's why they need to add changes um i've just been down to zg and zg is closed yeah so it does look like a phase one fresh too uh just going to see if uh chromie here yeah okay cool so chromie is selling so they're gonna have the chronoboon so they are in the game but yeah this is extremely strange um not a not a single word has been uh from blizzard i smell desperation we're working on this no no i don't think so waiting for phase two um i don't think this is very long to throw up it's just close a few values to disable the instances they don't want us in okay so just heading over to lights hope we're gonna go see if next is open zg's closed what it says here in the chat so he is in a raid so he should be able to zone in this raid is not yet available yet cool but he can get chronoboon there it is uh we've got classic wow phase one with chrono burns who wants classic again my god well here's why i want classic wow if they are willing to make all of the changes if they are willing to completely turn the game upside down and completely reinvent the game then i am 100 behind getting classic wow again i think that would be super fun but if they're not if they're just gonna say oh yeah hey guys uh we're releasing a new classic server and it starts on phase one so if you want to farm through the same quests that have terrible respawns and no drop rates and then do the same dungeons that have one mechanic to get to the raid boss that has two mechanics like no i think i'm not gonna i'm not gonna do it it's boring but if they go and they say listen we want to go and make this a real content like imagine if imagine if the difficulty of knacks was what classic wow started at and it got more difficult and more challenging from there let me just go ahead i want to write out some things that i would like to see in classic wow like a a new thing and then after that i want to start the uh start the game classic wow fresh wish list so number one no mage boosting uh alternatively uh buff uh quest uh buff all other exp by 5x at least um oh it's actually 3x at least um boob slider more character customization uh a new rate new rates uh harder fights uh and like new raids what i mean by new raids uh karazhan crips dragon isles vanilla outland uh etc let's see harder fights on older uh older content more mechanics uh no world buffs in raids okay let's see here yeah scar crusade i like that yes scarlet crusade yeah exactly no world buffs and raids let's see what else uh new mounts for levels debuff limit yeah no debuff limit um rebalancing classes uh especially rats moonkin and paladin okay uh just that's like three examples uh arena yeah arena add-in actually probably not i don't know more realistic rbgs i think i i feel like arena would be too hard from the bounce i think rbgs will be much easier for blizzard to balance uh no respect cost yeah no respect cost uh i don't want dual spec i want no respect cost i don't want to even think about it like it it's just stupid to me i don't want to waste my time at all yeah no honor system yeah like slash rank 14. yeah that was garbage um let's see here improved graphics i don't care guild banks yup guild banks that's a great example uh cat girls um i don't know about that no repairs no no repairs are fine i think repairs are okay uh chocobo racing more prestige mounts ah we'll do mount tab um mount tab just like just like in retail same with pets yeah i want to mount in a pet tab and also toys as well summoning stones or big titty goth girls well that yeah updated sylvanas model uh let's see no more goldshire shaman and paladin for both factions no i i would prefer if they didn't have that i think that's one of the little like really cool flavor things of classic wow but maybe not maybe not that's just one thing that i think would be special um maybe a new class maybe new classes um dk demon hunter those would be the new classes that i would expect right like imagine if demon hunters were added in and you could play like a lot oh that would be so good dude alliance could get demon hunters with uh with uh night elves and then horde could get death knights oh that would be so cool aoe loot yeah let's go with that aoe loot nonsense shut up dude i think that would be so cool i'd love that yeah i would absolutely love that like dk's used to be a horde only back in uh warcraft 2 anyway i think that would make sense why would alliance get demon hunters because illidan was part of the alliance that's why yeah that's why and there's no blood elves better professions i think professions are fine in classic wow i really do think they're fine there's not really a lot of improvements that need to be made or bigger bags that doesn't really matter who cares about that monk it wouldn't make any sense because pandaria wouldn't be there um so is arthas yeah but that happened in wrath that's the thing that oh okay all right yeah you got me well he wasn't really a death knight you know what okay all right all right all right fine fine okay i i i don't think i can get a i can't get around this ner'zhul was horde yeah yeah but alliant arthas was alliance uh taran gorfin was hard that's true and he was the first death knight ever it's more casual content mini games yeah that'd be a good idea mini game content uh like the darkmoon fair gold saucer yeah uh definitely more mini game content i think that's very important oh um achievement system and uh experience boost on alts uh yeah yeah actually that's a good idea too uh experience boost on alts uh boosted uh boosted further on alts yeah that that's a good idea a group finder uh yeah pre-made group finder uh that's like the thing where you can make listings and stuff not like uh not like lfr and lfd like fates no no fates are garbage uh i think fates suck um i i do think like uh more rare spawn events uh rare spawn events in the world uh that are actually difficult um actually difficult and rewarding okay let's see here um achievement system with chase rewards uh chase meta rewards meta account rewards so like imagine like you get a level 60 and you get like something in retail wow or something like that i think that would be cool direct respawn after wiping oh yeah yeah uh respawn respawn inside of instance after wipe yeah like not having that is just a waste of players time uh let's see here war mode i don't really care about that doesn't really matter transmog is trash uh no reset spots and dungeons i think the exploits are kind of interesting i i actually don't mind the respet spot reset spots and dungeons i don't think that's a big deal personally uh let's see here npcs hearthstone 30 minute i don't really think the hearthstone really matters that much especially whenever you have like summoning stones etc better flight paths no transmog you're tripping man no i i'm not yeah i don't think you should have transmog i really don't i think that like what you could do is you could have like unlockable skins that like let's say you have like for example like you know how they had like challenge mode gold items back in the day like the challenge mode gold set misa pandaria maybe you could have something like that but besides that like no no transmog i don't think so uh make it so you can spit on people again yeah there you go get rid of repair nobody likes repairing it's not even a good money sink um yeah maybe nerf repair costs i don't know about that honestly i don't think it's really that big of a deal um improved threat system improved threat legibility yeah like give people like the info and like in retail wow where it tells you what to do uh let's see what are the other ones battle pass no we're not doing a battle pass man that's not gonna happen no goddamn battle pass absolutely not okay uh ban the n word okay uh i think that's more of like a meta thing not necessarily for this what about more world bosses more world bosses are kind of like um it's hard to say if that's something that would be good or not platforming challenges i think that'll be cool for retail wow but i don't really think that's something that's like unique for wow fresh that's just something like final fantasy has that i think people would want to see in a while uh massres actual like new dungeons that are actually hard new dungeons that are actually challenging uh like atiesh fights and strat okay yeah new hard dungeons yeah like whenever you go in there and you fight ath at the very end of next something like that would be really really cool uh let's see here new combat system i think that would be fine in-game dbm uh yeah no combat add-ons yeah i would love to see no combat islands i i think it would be a really good way this is actually so smart it would be such a good way for blizzard to test out what it would be like to not have combat add-ons if they did this in a completely like specific environment just like wow fresh because they could see okay how to play how does the player base react to something like this like not having any combat add-ons i think that would be great you're expecting too much from blizzard now no this i mean like the thing is yeah it's a lot to do but like this is what i would like to sing uh maserez for all healer classes um yeah i would say like a faster faster battle res in game shop no i don't think limit break really works that well i don't think you need a limit break like i don't want to make the game final fantasy i think that like final fantasy has some things that work really well and it makes sense inside of the game but in wow i don't really see how a limit break would really work that well i'm not really sure if i guess you know what wait now that i think about it we did have limit breaks in a while we did it was the world war two draenor ring the wad ring was effectively a limit break holy i never even imagined that retail flight paths yeah more flight paths of course caring about exterminating bots uh no no now let's not be unrealistic okay guys you wish is a completely different version of the game absolutely yeah absolutely i think you take the skeleton that's classic wow and then you make a good game out of that skeleton that's right that's exactly what i want new legendary quest lines hunter focus um yeah maybe hunter focus um same as like uh i don't know a couple of other things like that too yeah maybe hunter focus better epic mount training i don't think that's really that big of a deal dual spec i already said that like yeah no re i just said no respect costs like i don't want to have to pay for a respect for any reason at all like i don't want to hear the reasoning for why you think respects are good or anything like that i thought that they served a purpose back in vanilla wow but the truth is i don't wanna i don't even i don't wanna even think about any sort of artificial friction that prevents me from playing my character i want to be able to just log on and play my character i don't wanna have to think about oh i need to have this i need to have that i need to respect this i i don't want any artificial friction yeah that's basically it consumable revamp yeah it's a good idea probably probably like tbc because like tbc consumables i think are good you have like you have your food buff you have your weapon enchant and you have your flask that's it you don't have a bunch of eight different items or whatever that's all you have i feel like do you think that we're asking for too much here because i don't think so i actually don't think so at all i think that if they want to make classic plus here's the thing is it this is what is so good about if they could do this right if they did this right they would have people resubbing every single time that a new patch came out and people would play the first month of it yeah that's what would happen like i would love to see that happen instant mail uh instant mail is like um you know what why not and no just play retail no here's the goal okay here's the goal the goal is to make a game that plays like classic wow with the quality of retail wow that is the goal it is not to make it like classic wow oh right remove spellbatching completely let me just add that in remove uh spell batching completely yeah just make the game better what quality um like having a mount tab like for example like to where you don't have to hold all of your mounts in your inventory anymore you just have a tab and you click on that tab and it summons a mount like that's the kind of quality i'm talking about does that make sense yeah flying i don't want flying no flying uh i think classic wow is not a flying game uh i think that they should try to develop the game without flying and i think that if they have flying they should only have it like let's say they do the dragon isles right like let's say they do dragon isles then yes 100 they do flying but not everywhere only in certain areas only in certain areas and like imagine this right imagine you go to the dragon isles and you meet you meet alex drazza and you do a whole quest line for alex drazza and at the end of the quest line they give you a red drake and that red drake allows you to fly around in that zone and in maybe like the greater area inside of that zone that would be lit that would be a liddy on a stack that's the kind of stuff that i want to see like aq yeah just like aq exactly and also like other things um actually like other massive quest lines like scepter uh like aq gate that would be a good idea let's see um fun things like jumping puzzles okay fine all right there we go jumping puzzles we've got jumping puzzles because the goal here this is my this is my opinion i think that i have to make another paint document okay this is really bad um okay so basically you have that's not what you think it is um uh this is time and so this is retail and this is classic classic wow has all has not gone far enough i think retail is past the point of no return retail has already gone past the point of no return there are too many things that have been added into the game there are too many changes that have been made there are too many nuances that have been put into the game and in my opinion i've said this before i have probably more items and more things in the game besides except for like me three or four people in this chat maybe and those are the guys that beat me mount offs besides that i have more than anybody in here i would give all of it i would delete all of it in a second if it meant just the chance to have another game that was as good as i felt like burning crusade was whenever it came out i would delete it in a second it doesn't mean anything to me [Music] the memories are what means something to me looking at the item and remembering what it get what it meant to have that item is what means something to me the item itself doesn't matter it's just it's just pixels it's a it's a code but it's the thing itself that feeling that you had whenever you stood with your friends 15 years ago in front of the dark portal ready to walk in and you put on your shoulders that gave you a midlife crisis even though you're only 15 years old because you spent two years farming for your aq shoulders and they just got replaced by a blue that's the good that's the good so listen yeah just make a new warcraft you don't understand this is the new warcraft classic plus is the only way they can do it it's the only way they can do a new warcraft they can't salvage retail and retail will never be good again you understand that right like it would take three expansions for blizzard to make retail good again ten years that's the truth they have to wipe the slate clean oh oh yeah yeah that's a good idea uh wow classic armory uh while reborn we don't want a new warcraft we want a uh what's this here uh i think that i want a new warcraft yeah i do i want a new warcraft we need a new engine not a new game a new engine um there is something that's really really clean and precise about the warcraft engine however it has shown it has so many limitations it has so many limitations and it has so many problems and it's so old that maybe it's time to have a new a new engine but i think that's like that's so far in the future i'm not even thinking about that to be honest with you i'm really not anti-stream snipe yeah i'll say one thing like if i played classic wow again and they didn't have like they didn't ban stream snipers i would just not play on a pvp server like i refuse to play on a pp server if they're not going to ban stream snipers oh larger servers i think they should have larger servers in general uh unused zones yeah i think that's what i was kind of saying before with like new raids uh new zones as well i'll say that new zones new zones obviously yeah we'll add in new zones of course streamers are such a small portion of the community blizzard doesn't cater to them well so were a lot of people i i mean there's a lot of people there are small portions of the community yeah i mean people the thing is that there's a lot of uh i don't know why i think that the reason why the reason why people are okay with like the stream sniping or whatever and like wow is because the community for wow is so old that it transcends streaming and content creation so you genuinely have people that have played the game since before that and they never liked it and they weren't a part of it ever and now they see it coming into their game now obviously the way i look at it is that if you're going out of your way to harass somebody and stream snipe them i think they should just ban you or uh or suspend you like absolutely i think stream sniping is behavior and i don't really think that there's any there's no positive to it as well yeah absolutely not yeah there's no positive at all to it uh there's nothing good about it it adds nothing to the game it just increases negativity and there's nothing good that it it brings to the game uh story cut scenes i don't care about story cutscenes uh i would say actually you know what um voice acting for more quests yeah let's add that one in for sure remove racials um rebalance racials yeah sure uh i don't know if they should get rid of racials entirely if they got rid of racials here's what i think that they should do if they want to get rid of racials they should add in allied races and then make the allied races have the mirrored racials from the other faction that's what i think the solution should be lag during world boss fights yeah i think that's bad what to replace with gold sinks gold sinks won't matter because the servers will be temporary so there's never going to be a point where you're going to have too much currency in the economy because it's never going to be accumulated fast enough for it to have an impact that would affect everyday players because they're so the the servers will be young you see what i'm saying just buy it well obviously they would have to ban people yeah of course but like that's something that would happen no matter what no professional limits to it's not enough uh i don't care about that maybe you do but i i don't care i think having professions be unique to the player is is uni is cool in a way how about this let's compromise higher ceiling for professions uh enforce faction balance um honestly yes uh that's a good idea let me go ahead and do that uh forced max of 60 uh 40 in pvp servers uh yeah don't don't let it go above 60 40 because 60 40 is already unplayable like honestly it should be like nah nah actually i'm gonna do 60 i'm gonna do 55 45. cat girls guys guys no they're not going to add in vulpira okay like i don't want to have cat girls in loud right like there is a time and a place for cat girls and there is a time and a place where you don't need cat girls okay so just we don't need to mix the two of these together all right that's all i'm trying to say it's not necessary a night and day system actually yes yes that's a great idea um more powerful nights day system because like that's what it used to have and like then it just kind of went away uh they got rid of it because like some people didn't want to do it better weather yeah yeah rain yeah like imagine like if you were out in the pla in like the world i guess like let me see if i can find an example of this here we go so this is an example of what it looks like it's a lot like that like that is amazing you see do you see what's what's possible with like rain and stuff like this that is this is incredible like this is what new world does so well like the graphics and everything like that in new world is phenomenal and it changes your visibility it looks makes the ground look different etc it is awesome so i think that this is good i'm going to save this and i'm going to tweet it out right now i'm going to tweet it out and i'm going to incur the wrath of so many classic andes with the talk of classic fresh on the horizon i think that blizzard should not go with some changes they should go with all of the changes what do you guys think i think um oh it's not i'm not gonna add and i think this is just a fact okay like i don't want to make this it seems subjective it's not it's just it's just it's a it's an objective fact okay guys yeah let's go ahead and just take that i think out of there right there and at um let's see warcraft devs yeah oh they don't have me blocked that's crazy i'm surprised about that okay it's tweeted out here we go classic fresh on the horizon refresh twitter let's see what people say one minute's already got a thousand likes you love to see it as long as the true endgame is preserved no dude no dude no it look what if they made every single uh what if they made every single uh ad here as hard as king mosh and then yeah i think a uh a little bit of a mafia would be a little more interesting right i think that would be badass my passion for wow to be better uh so why because blizzard gonna listen to your feedback no sadly you guys say that blizzard isn't listening to my feedback i understand that you say that however it's not true blizzard has listened to a lot of my feedback in time they have listened to a lot of my feedback i'll give you an example this is just from yesterday blizzard has announced that they uh that characters must now be level 60 to list groups from mythic plus dungeons or shadowhands raids and group finder this is something that i asked for last year now it should have happened last year but this does show that they do imply and they do things in the game that i and other people suggest it's not just me but it's what other people suggest gm show up durham next thing they listened to your stream and made a vendor yes exactly i remember that too yeah gm's did show up during the next testing that's very true oh we pulled there's still acid volley by the way yeah yeah it's fact it's physical or whatever they're called let's just uh heal up though that's what yeah no i'm saying you guys i'll run up while you celebrate let's just chill here there was a chat what did you say a gm [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 613,704
Rating: 4.7271128 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, classic wow, classic world of warcraft, classic wow plus, the burning crusade, classic+, classic +, classic changes, classic wow changes, tbc classic, classic tbc, asmongold classic tbc, blizzard, asmongold blizzard, shadowlands 9.1, wow classic plus, vanilla 2.0, wow 2.0, world of warcraft 2.0, fresh classic wow, fresh classic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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