Asmongold reacts to "Did Classic WoW Live Up to Expectations?" | By Captain Grim

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the classic wow live to expectations [Music] okay dude okay dude wow those are the good old days [ __ ] them dude [Music] we did have a little bit of fun in classic didn't we guys we did ah classic one of the most anticipated releases of a 15 year old game if you're not familiar with it you may be thinking to yourself uh why the [ __ ] would several million people be losing their [ __ ] over the re-release of an old version of their game it's a good question and the answer to that is that long-running online games nowadays go through a lot of changes in their lifespan they do and before you know it the feel of that old game you fell in love with it may have already been wiped away in contrast you can always go back to your favorite single player games and play them in pretty much the exact same state you remember them in classics release intended to officially bring us this option i won't go over every single positive and negative since i don't want this video to last five hours but instead i'll just quickly go over the most major points in my eyes although classic has been amazing to play through i can say that there's aspects in which it's shown to fall flat on its face in a pile of [ __ ] ah let's start with the good impressions oh that's where the 38 dislikes came from gonna activate the classic andes the community that's this is the bad thing i have to say that classic has succeeded in reviving the community in a state that i hadn't seen for a very long time i've been invested in all kinds of wall content for quite a while now and honestly wow videos are what initially hooked me to even get into youtube memes videos compilations and anything like that felt so much more colorful and alive and it really reminded me of things that the community was creating around 10 years ago or so people were inspired to create entertainment simply for fun players just seemed like they cared about the game a lot more and that was really they did see it was great when talking about in-game i appreciate how the game gives you good reasons to interact and group up with other players it does these interactions really give life to them i do actually really think that in classic wild they they gave a lot of opera like there's a lot of like kind of uh videos and [ __ ] like that made about classic wow i think a lot of them are actually really good like they weren't really very the only bfa videos that were really being made were the videos that were like ah this is a compilation of corruptions being broken in arena it's good man it's good i love i love i love being able to watch these like classic wow videos they're funny game and your engagement with it regardless if they're good or bad which can lead to you having more memorable moments within the game i can definitely say that that has been the case for me and during leveling alone i've had some of the best fun and wow in a long while whether it was an interaction with someone while waiting for a quest and getting ganked or when i was questing with a group in an elite dwarven hold and after we jumped down from the second floor on our way out the warlock's pit went all around the back pulling sixly dwarfs to us and goddess and another grouped wipes everybody's all these moments become memorable that's the highest takes on the line yeah and at the end of the day creating memories like this is very important to me you can also see how you remember the situations have inspired a lot of my videos that also becomes more of a factor since it's much easier to familiarize yourself with the players on your realm and recognize them later down the line yeah you recognize people it's that guy from erwin forest when i was level five now he's in my raid group ninja on the loot ah small world i like how it's a i like how it's a warrior doing it he's like just kneeling down just okay okay all right all right all right okay guys next time same time next week boys that was me yeah that was me exactly and uh look uh you gotta do what god do these interactions that i talked about are further strengthened by the world's ability to immerse you classic really puts the rpg back in mmorpg if you think about retail it's always zip zap from place to place all the time which really hinders your ability to appreciate the in-game world i would agree with classic everything is in a much more slow down manner which also makes the world feel that much larger you barely have any flight paths no mounts or air looms you're broke as [ __ ] and sometimes you just have to run off in long distances too you know what sounds really dumb i'm gonna give like a personal experience here is it like the other day i had to fly down to booty bay because i needed to get i forgot why i had to go down there but i went from storm into blue bay and just flying in azeroth and just going from point to point felt really good because like in shadow lands like i really just teleport around it's like i'm basically teleporting to different instances but instead of a boss and like a dungeon being in the instance it's like a world quest it's like okay this is world quest boss one and world quest boss two and then i teleport out of that instance and then i go to world quest boss three in the other instance you know what i mean and like being able to just travel around in the game is it's special man i like it a lot and you can teleport sometimes like i think teleports are good absolutely they're fine and i don't think classic roy has enough teleports but like it just got to the point like in shadow ends now where i feel like you don't really ever go from zone to zone like naturally it's always like some form of like flight path where you can't really see where you're going and it feels it doesn't feel like there's a lot of continuity yeah there's not the same level of continuity along the way you'll notice all the other players doing their own quests and stuff all the cool zone landscapes and the mobs existing around you and especially when those amazing ambient soundtracks hit you yeah oh my god that's when the game world really shines and you can truly appreciate it that's a good idea experiencing music matters a lot the classic lens allows for whole new levels of immersion to add to that this immersion gains an extra layer especially on pvp realms while in retail action for the most part especially through spamming dungeon finder all day in classic once you're high enough level you're basically forced to quest alongside the enemy faction and while there's still a lot of passive players that will just ignore you there's still those that are ready to [ __ ] you up once they see you and that always keeps you on high alert this sense of likely danger makes every task high risk whether it's mining questing or running somewhere to meet up with a friend and i honestly find it very thrilling this was especially crazy during phase two whenever yeah to me like i think i would have enjoyed this way more if i had the opportunity to uh it gets old though it's not fun like to me i actually i actually i don't enjoy it right but one of the reasons why i don't enjoy it is because like everybody knows it's like oh it's asmin gold right so like the whole reason is like oh i i i you know it's like a personal thing for being a streamer but like if i wasn't a streamer and i was just playing and not even having to deal with it at all then yeah i think i would probably enjoy it a lot more than i did it's fun for the first 30 minutes that it gets old yeah exactly it's not organic it's not real it's like just basically spurgery exactly watch big pp server i got peer pressured that's what it was and so yeah it's the same as like in the game in general right it's like uh is in a pp server would i play on a pvp server if i wasn't on stream if i wasn't a streamer no i would not like i i just genuinely like i don't really find fun in it because i feel like 95 of world pvp interactions are imbalanced favoring the person that initiates them like the guy that's higher level is going to attack you like you're probably not going to attack a guy that's you know five levels higher than you or 20 levels higher than you and like if there's three groups of people or three guys in the group and then there's you there's a higher chance that you know they're gonna try to kill you then you kill them and it just ends up being the same thing every time it's just not really as uh it's not as enjoyable for me and i know some people like it and that's cool it's great i'm happy for them but for me personally i don't really play a game for that reason like if i want to play against pvp i'll do arena or something like that and um i also like other people like it that's fine and i don't think they should get rid of pvp servers or anything like that right it's just not not my cup of tea everyone was scrambling to climb on their ranks and there weren't any battlegrounds yet azeroth was an actual war zone back then yeah another aspect of the game that really helps me connect with the character i play is the stronger identity and rpg feel of the classes in retail there's a lot of overlap in terms of what each one can do like how most of them now have tons of damage mitigation self-sustain gap closers burst damage damage over time crowd control escape tools and that can really lose that special feeling in my opinion although in classics some classes can perform way better than others at least everyone feels like they have something unique to offer they can do something cool all in all these have to be the biggest positives that left an impression on me and now i'll move on to the negative impressions well that's one of the things that's uh that's a big thing with classic is that uh certain classes suck at certain things and that actually creates class identity that's the main thing is yeah the classes suck and that creates the identity in itself like the weakness is what creates the identity minmaxing try harding elitism gatekeeping whatever you want to call it before classic's release i was really excited for the idea that it may be such a chill goof fest everyone doing whatever they want not worrying about over optimizing and just trying out fun builds like why would we we know the game in and out exactly cool things like apes getting world first molten core a lot sooner than people expected even without below level 60 in their group i just felt like the theory was true end game classic content wasn't some impossible nightmare that you'd have to be yeah you know extremely prepared for but you could simply do well and roll it over if you played just well enough but yeah boy was i wrong oh you're the wrong race no invite you're not a specific class slash spec no invite red paladin nope delete them that's a good one boys hilarious wow get him out of here oh guys look at this [ __ ] idiot choosing red paladin oh wow what a clown imagine getting this guy and having our run be a little bit more efficient funny funny in all honesty i think that we need to acknowledge the reality that not only the wow community but the gaming community as a whole has matured and changed throughout the years most of us are already used to most game mechanics and concepts we're often pushed to find those no new tricks ways to complete our tasks we also have tons of resources like guides through which we can optimize our overall gameplay even then i was still so surprised to see the sheer colossal amounts of min mexican try harding in classic nowadays especially in smaller realms i feel like it's so weird that people complain about that like i i actually i feel like it's it's really kind of weird that people complain about that because like in my guild for example um we don't require no i don't complain about min maxing oh oh uh because it's too far yeah exactly so like just don't join raids if you're uh if don't join a raid like that if you don't want them in max it's literally that simple i think a lot of the complaining about min maxing is people that are mad that the entire rest of the player base doesn't want to play the way they want to like of course not why would you want to play with somebody who's intentionally making themselves worse it's like imagine playing with a fury warrior in like retail wow that's only using one weapon why the [ __ ] would you want to do that why why would you want to do that like why would you why would you even for a second indulge that idea so an arms warrior exactly they suck except that's the whole point that i'm making yes exactly that's a hundred percent it min maxing wasn't a thing then that is so [ __ ] wrong yeah it was it was so much of a thing back then classic content isn't difficult enough to warrant no it's not about being difficult enough it's about the person having the [ __ ] audacity to handicap themselves and then ask everybody else to make up for it it's selfish pla play what you need to play bring what you need to bring into the raid and if you can't pull your own weight don't expect to get brought if everybody else is performing at 90 and you're sitting around at 30 then yeah of course people don't want to [ __ ] deal with you if you try to go out in the world and level as normal maybe search for a dungeon group well all i gotta tell you is good [ __ ] luck because almost all other people live yeah we'll be getting boosted everybody gets into 24 7. why would someone spend an hour or two forming a group and doing a dungeon just buy a boost when they can simply pay a mage like seven golden city fk while they go around and pull the whole dungeon in there we are down in one minute that's what i did you might as well be playing one of those yeah that's what i have mobile games where you pay a currency and simply wait for like 10 hours for your dumb task to be completed jesus christ yeah the boosting thing does really kind of suck but again it's what people want to do and somebody said uh uh what do you call it somebody said that if i didn't play a warrior would i feel the same way i would uh that's why i was thinking about re-rolling or um like basically i don't really want to play fury in my raids because i feel like fury is useless like fury warrior doesn't bring anything special it's just it's a shittier version of a hunter like it's like i'll either play arms or prod like i don't want to play a spec that's dog [ __ ] yeah and if all my if all my specs were bad then i probably would just play a warlock or something yeah i don't want to play something that's bad absolutely not fury is the best dps what in tbc oh oh sorry i yeah i was mentioned i was talking about in tbc right yeah in tbc yeah it's warlocks and hunters are uh just a little bit better not sitting here trying to tell you that you're playing the game wrong if you min max and try harder i like mine not at all that's fine people choose that gameplay style often the problem is how rampant this seemed through my eyes and from those of people that i've talked with about this like god forbid someone didn't complete some min maxi task to save you 10 seconds on your raid run yeah i even feel like a lot of people playing like this aren't even happy about it but are instead pushed and influenced into it like they feel like they have to do it because everyone else is doing it it seemed like a lot of the community was a part of some inexistent esports organization constantly racing each other for world firsts like why some people that decided to just [ __ ] around with classic went ahead and did silly [ __ ] like clearing on nixia with three people yeah just for the fun of it why does [ __ ] terry your guild newbie have to be screamed at for not ray logging with his world buffs ready when he just wanted to play a bit more in his main this week that was a huge problem that was actually such a big problem then is like people that had to uh that they had to log off and not play their main like if they had done the uh the chrono boon thing a lot earlier i think that would have made like such a massive positive improvement to classic yeah it would have been such a huge positive improvement to classic and uh yeah again though like terry doesn't have to be in that guild though again it's like you're blaming other people for not wanting to play with you it's weird like he's that mentality the mentality of you know oh well let people play what they want let people do what they want the reason why blizzard implemented like dungeon finder and raid finder is because of those people it's because people wanted to do things and play their own way and other people didn't want to play with them that's exactly why they added it odd to me that being said they have recently yeah snowflake mentality new item to classic wild chrono boom displays yeah which lets you save your current world buffs and then you can reapply them at a later time this is honestly a good way to stop all those crazed world buff maniacs from shooting themselves in the foot by only logging and shaping the whole meta around it and this is when we reach classic's main disgrace [Music] all the farming spots once filled with several players now littered with bots almost everywhere you went they were there i like how they're all wearing the same armor and keyboard turning around the bot problem is huge and um i think the reason this this problem the classic wow thing it has nothing to do with the players okay except for like yeah players did buy the gold that's why that they're there in the first place but like that's gonna happen no matter what um the bot problem is a hundred percent on blizzard all day obvious as [ __ ] too you see those seven guys farming lions and bears all day in the main yeah how can we cornmew and the human farms yeah those are bots they're odd straight line movement and then changing rotations what's so crazy is they programmed bots to do some of the different uh the sail runs like the boosting runs like they program bots i've seen bots that were programmed to do the uh uh the zg runs make it painfully clear people thought it was a momentary thing the cheaters seeing a moment of weakness in blizzard's defense that they will soon get what's coming to them right look there's no way to know anything about blizzard's internal affairs but even after executing ban waves where they stated that over 70 000 bots or so had been banned there was still no change in my eyes i could go see the bots all the time anyway with time and little to no change things were starting to get desperate you've seen the video in the wild suburb yes um yeah druids now whenever they get targeted by another player they are programmed to go into stealth so the player can't actively file a report on them isn't that crazy isn't that [ __ ] crazy and this is when i started noticing that we've entered some weird kind of a dystopian phase of classic players with time started accepting the bots as a part of the game seeing as not much was changing as they did they don't care about the issue themselves by figuring out silly ways through which to mess with the bots with tbc classic coming up i decided to make a fresh character and just play a bit i was having fun just doing some quests and running around and eventually i got to village and the first thing i see there was a stack of 10 to 15 tarrant bots spawn camping a chain resurrecting night off but and and that's it i i mean i was fairly speechless and this was a really hard hitting moment for me at the time i honestly just stopped and thought to myself what why am i even playing this game anymore bro poop oh my bracket oh my god so they're botting bracket [Music] what is this dude it was so ah bro it's literally skynet yeah it gets to the point where like you have so many bots do you have to make your own bots to fight back against their bots it's like back in mists of pandaria i genuinely believe because like botting was so bad back then i genuinely believe that there were battlegrounds that happened where there were no real players like 10 bots on one team 10 bots on another team and the zydeck video yeah exactly and uh the best part about that is one of the guys in the zyback video was a friend of mine and i met the guy in real life he's a police officer now but back then he was just a bot and i don't know why like i really i really mean this i genuinely do not know why blizzard can't do something about it because it's like how is it that players are able to obviously and easily identify these things all the time but blizzard can't have somebody whose job it is to do the same thing they make money off of it no because if they ban them they have to make a new account they make more money off of that i i really just felt disappointed but goes without saying i encountered many more bots along the way this got me thinking yeah how can they not get one gm one to just one one guy a couple of hours yeah i mean they're clearly painfully obvious it's not like i'm out looking for them not at all i'm just trying to play my game but i can't keep encountering them obviously they know they're safe just boarding in the open this happened at prime time on a wednesday evening so it's not as if this is a hidden operation or that there's any fear of punishment from blizzard there it is running this operation knows that blizzard can't or won't do anything about the severe boding epidemic is that your palate what's this here is that your pali and karanos enjoying our work this is really great work they're putting in here that's a funny one isn't it yeah he's got the little happy face that's good yeah this is what people do they've got big plans for tbc too yeah and they're gonna be able to do the plans because blizzard just doesn't really give a [ __ ] uh that's the thing not worth resources dying game bro it's always been like this it was like this in wrath whenever the game was the most popular than ever like it's always had this problem this is not a oh managed decline or whatever no it's because blizzard doesn't give a [ __ ] that's the whole reason it's because they don't care they've never cared do anything about the severe botting epidemic this should tell me how many there is of them it almost makes me think like they don't want to even bother banning them what is the point is it because of the subscription money they bring in yeah okay i'll now give you a pitch for a cool and helpful addition to your game okay um when i was younger i used to play this free-to-play mmo called rohan online he had some pay-to-win stuff in the in-game shop but it wasn't anything too crazy just some experience boosts and stuff yeah yeah and later down the line the game started dying out and some bots were starting to run around a lot more often so the greedy devs thought of an ingenious solution okay two birds with one stone they simply added a new in-game store item called the hunter kit ooh sounds sweet huh what is this people well you might have already figured it out yeah it just brings up an inbuilt menu for botting that's it they straight up added a botting software to the game okay i get it i'll be out there this is actually smart i'm impressed by this this is this is great they literally just you make your own bot perfect little 58 boost or that yeah wait yeah no you're right level 58 boosts are basically buying botting holy [ __ ] wow which you could purchase active blizzard my friend this will make a great addition to your future classic in-game shop nobody will complain about the bots anymore because guess what they will be a standard part of the game and you make lots of money come on you know we want to you can't help yourself can you it will even work so well in retail too seeing how rampant those boomkin bots are yeah i think that if blizzard really wanted to deal with this they'd figure out a way to make some inbuilt anti-cheat code in the system itself i'm sure they know all too well that a bad wave once per year won't do what they need to do is they need to have a deputy program and blizzard needs to have like a training program that players can go through to identify bots and then those players get a tabard on it and it the tabard has a police badge on it and then those players that do the reports on those different people will then have those reports escalated more quickly to blizzard and then blizzard will be able to deal with the problems more so in real time so number one people will do this for free and on top of that they don't have to f they don't have to pay anything they pay one guy right you just have what you have the police chief yeah you paid the police chief he's the white works of blizzard but all the deputies are just out there working for free it's [ __ ] simple i i this is [ __ ] brilliant like i should tweet this a booster this is a really good idea and the thing is like i would do it everybody would do it right and then like if you put in a bunch of bad reports you could have like uh you know employee reviews or peer reviews where like will you remove people from the police force that are just stupid or not doing their job very well like it would it would self-regulate itself because like anybody knows like give people the smallest amount of power even if it's not even real power and they'll fight over that to the death action and stronger measures need to be taken i obviously don't understand these things work too well but a good example is how they're currently dealing with the multi-boxers that has really seen huge improvement for the better and i don't want to see similar impacts being taken against the cheaters now all of this ties into another big issue in classic one such as buying and selling gold if you're unfamiliar with the recent trend of gdkp runs in classic it's basically when several people set up a raid group and invite people who can then bid on items that drop with gold and you can see how someone buying gold from a third-party website with two clicks can impact this little situation not sure how you guys see this but there's a lot of people who buy gold they buy gold with real money and then they go to these gdkp raids and they outbid everybody else because they've got a lot of [ __ ] money blizzard they're not trying like i think gdkp's are totally [ __ ] fine but whenever you have everybody that's getting their gold through botting then it's completely [ __ ] different my eyes this is pretty much paid away blatantly breaking that yeah well good luck if mr fat stacks over there decided to treat himself this week and has bought around 400 000 gold on a website and is ready to throw it all down well that's it you're getting that item literally sold for two hundred thousand gold in classic that's sorry 200 000 that's incredible not retail bro i don't even know if i've even ever gotten more than 700 gold to my name i was actually shocked to realize this was a thing to begin with and i think blizzard must step in on issues like this well they're not going to because it would require work and that's the problem that's why they don't do it i wouldn't even pay 200k in retail i mean the thing is like wrestle's like the best item in the game right so like of course you're gonna do that um but like that's like thousands of dollars like i don't know so like if a wow token let me just think about this right so if a wow token is let me do the math how much does a wow token trade for in classic it's like 500 gold right let's just assume it's 500 gold if it's 200 000 divided by 500 times 20 thousand dollars so that's literally eight thousand dollars wow that's nuts man absolutely [ __ ] yeah only eight thousand dollars guys it's only eight grand we could just buy dude dude if you buy now you'll be able to get ready for the patch again you can see how oh bro dude it was at that time it was only three thousand it was only three thousand then man it wasn't that much it was only three thousand dollars and as it's easy to assume they farm most of the gold for those websites now i do think some changes have to be made in order to balance out all these current day trends that are taking away from the games experience as mentioned earlier now of course in the very beginning of classic tbc's gonna happen came out people started becoming very adamant on the idea of and here's why it's gonna be even worse about tbc here's why tbc is going to be even worse because you're going to have people because like in classic there's no real competitive content like like it's speed running who gives a [ __ ] right i mean that's just like a third party thing uh in like pvp like there's grand marshal that's not really competitive it's like having better gear or anything isn't competitive but get guess what happens whenever somebody spends real money they join a black temple gdkp they buy a war glaive for four thousand dollars and then they take it into arena that's 100 what's going to happen and then it's going to affect everybody it affects the competitive like the the one thing that you don't want this [ __ ] to affect it's going to affect it the most that's whenever people are going to spend the most money because everybody wants to pay to win but whenever winning matters they're going to pay even more changes and honestly i couldn't blame them the game was already going to be in a state that i knew i'd enjoy far better than retail yeah i honestly couldn't trust blizzard with integrating changes since their design philosophy seem much more different nowadays and wouldn't really fit old wow in my eyes but if they include small well thought out additions to the game that wouldn't interfere with the overall feel and instead amplify it then it could be very beneficial lastly regarding the negative points i spoke about i want to reiterate that i'm not throwing the blame for these things on the more frontline employees of blizzard like gm's and whatnot and i'm not throwing all the blame on the community as well even though i think a portion of it it's the people that make the decisions like it's not the gm's fault i mean the gm's want to deal with it it's just that there's like you know [ __ ] bobby did snapped his fingers and half of them disappeared and now they're stuck doing the same amount of work so yeah big [ __ ] surprise that it takes a lot longer for things to happen you should chill out a bit with striving for perfection all the time and you know learn to be a bit more accepting and open this all comes down to the higher ups at blizzard that are responsible for more impactful decisions and they're the ones that are letting us down if they want all this to not end up as the burning dumpster they have to start caring for the game better that's again you updating it with small changes that would help bring out the real classic view of the game in the current day although i'm no longer as excited for tbc classic as i was for the original classic due to the negatives i mentioned earlier and among yeah i think there's a lot of things that people are just like tbc i feel like has done everything possible to make people not excited for it between like the dark portal pass the uh the high pricing uh releasing it super fast like cutting short with the pre-patch that people are looking forward to tons of stuff like that like not giving people time to level their characters it just seems like a problem other reasons i'm still sure i'll have lots of fun playing it even for a bit so i'm at least looking forward to that and on that note guys thanks for watching and i'll see you next time slash kiss see you okay also i'm currently live on twitch and hosting a transmog competition so feel free to come hang out look i i like the video i think the video was really good i think you brought up a lot of good points uh the min maxing thing i know that's something that like like whenever people saw the kids clearing it when they saw a cool thing yeah when like when apes cleared uh you know ragnaros's lair in the first week or something like that i think a lot of people are kind of upset to see that etc you know 100 [ __ ] percent uh a number of other things were definitely problematic for uh for classic wow i think that overall classic wow was a great game and it was really fun and blizzard did a lot of things right but there were a number of things that blizzard just kind of let go wrong because they wanted to it's not because they wanted to do anything it's because they didn't care like that's really why like they just didn't give a [ __ ] and it's like yeah the dispel meadow like that lasted for a year like why why would something like that last for a year and like all these decisions that blizzard has made in the past like they really put in as little effort as possible as classic and sometimes it feels like it was almost like malicious compliance like they would do something that they thought the player base would want to like spite them like that's the way that i felt sometimes [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 467,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold classic, asmongold classic wow, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold captain grim, captain grim, captain grim wow, captain grim classic wow, classic world of warcraft, classic wow review, classic tbc, classic the burning crusade, asmongold classic tbc, asmongold classic review, wow classic review, wow review, classic
Id: 9_fbcDERkYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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