THE STERNRITTER ORIGINS - Haschwalth and Bazz-B's Past, EXPLAINED | Bleach Discussion

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so one of my favorite recurring tropes in bleach is how as the story would progress and kubo would develop each new story arc he would inevitably introduce a brand new duo of antagonists who seemed purposefully designed to play off of one another they have totally differing personalities world views and ideologies and this normally leads to some conflict between the two of them but at the same time they are nearly always some of the most prominent villains in the ark one of these characters is nearly always brash rebellious and anti-establishment while the other one is the total opposite cold stoic quiet and generally very authoritarian of course we have renji and biakia embodying perhaps the most famous and first version of this trope in the soul society arc then in the waco mundo arc we have grim joe and all kiara although surprisingly upon a re-read their conflict is actually somewhat underplayed we have a slight change to this trope in the lost agent arc although the same thing essentially applies the gruff rebellious one is ginjo while the colon stoic partner is tsukishima although this time the roles are reversed and that ginjo is the main villain and tsukushima is his subordinate and they have perhaps a much more amicable relationship than anyone else on this list although they do come to blows at points in the story and then finally in the thousand-year blood war arc we have in my opinion at least perhaps the most interesting duo of them all in how differently they are handled in many ways in their overall context in the story their general relationship with the main character ichigo and their relationship with one another and that is of course basby and yugram hashwolf and it's those two that we're going to be looking at in today's video specifically their amazing friend flashback that really delves deep into the frankly really interesting relationship these two characters have before we get started with the video however guys we're incredibly close less 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biakia have major relationships with ichigo so do grimjo and okiora and so to ginjo and tsukishima here basby and yugram are in many ways quite removed from the main character's storyline yes they both meet ichigo at different points in the story but they basically say maybe one line to him maximum basby is a kind of interesting take on this kind of rebellious gruff character in bleach in that he kind of flits around the place and deals with a ton of different characters as opposed to just being locked down to ichigo and of course hash wolf's relationship is considerably more targeted to ulu than it is to ichigo which i always found to be really interesting but in my opinion what makes these characters stand out so much in comparison to the rest of the characters who i mentioned earlier is their fully formed and very intriguing flashback that tells the story of these their relationship right from the earliest days from the moment they first meet it's a fully formed multi-layered flashback that shows these characters at almost three separate points in their lifetimes which i think is really intriguing and genuinely just hasn't really been done that much in bleach prior to this this flashback is one of the best as far as i'm concerned and goes into a decent amount of detail not only a bit of world building as well but actually looking about who these characters really are and what has made them who they are today now the friend flashback is quite unique in its circumstances as well in that it had the opportunity to show us the oldest known period in bleach that we have ever seen in the canon manga and for the most part we kind of get some of that although a lot of it i feel is inferred as opposed to actually told to us but this flashback we can assume is about a thousand years old at the very earliest point and so what we're seeing here is essentially the medieval world of bleach although the slightly more modern day clothes might make you question that regardless though the trappings are all there these characters are hunting for their food using fairly primitive weapons basby is the son of a lord of a manor living in a castle you know definitely the idea that this is a slightly more ancient version of bleach is there and of course the character of juha bark is a legendary man even a thousand years ago when he is currently on a conquest of the leaked reich or the light world which i think we can happily assume is the human realm these elements of world building make for in my opinion a truly fascinating period in bleach's timeline and unfortunately one we just really do not get to spend enough time with which is something i have harped on about in many previous videos but it's still really really intriguing the idea of a quincy and being quincy seems to be fairly ubiquitous um at this point in the timeline presumably because you har bark is a well-known quincy the so-called father of the quincy who has been alive for 200 years at this point and he is something of a legendary warlord who is conquering all countries in the world so if all the countries in the world come under the banner of uh bark then it stands to reason that most people know what the quincy are um and who they are and i think that's really really fascinating and actually we get a little bit more of that that i'll go into a little bit later that these people may know a lot more than the people of the modern day do and so basbee and hashwal first meet each other in the forests surrounding basby's father's manor or his castle essentially and we get a really lovely first meeting between the two of them basby is shown to be inherently caring if not all that smart but he does care about hash wealth despite this being their first meeting hashtag on the other hand is a little more reserved which makes a lot more sense when you consider the kind of home he's come from now i actually really love this and it's cool as well looking at their designs fazbee clearly wearing the black family emblem um on his outfit and his uniform and stuff like that and i just think he overall this is a wonderful first introduction to these two um a thousand years ago if we assume that these characters are roughly sort of 10 or 11 at this point in the story then it's kind of interesting to think that it seems as though there's some kind of coming-of-age ceremony for quincy or at the very least you're kind of let out into the world to discover your powers on your own and hashtag is well aware that he cannot summon his own heilig bogen even at this point in time now this is kind of interesting to me and we are going to skip ahead a little bit here um because i want to bring this up while we're here in the story but basbee can already summon his reishi crossbow which he takes to mean that he's kind of like a genius level quincy who can already summon his high league bogan and have control over that but it's actually revealed later on in the flashback that it's only by hanging around with you graham that basbee's powers have accelerated to this degree and new hobart says you know like you thought you were a genius but you should be thanking this boy but if we assume that this is their first ever meeting then basbee must have some level of skill to already be able to do his high leg bargain doesn't make any sense that he would suddenly just be able to do it around hashwath and be like whoa i haven't been able to do this until now it could be of course that they are living in close-ish proximity to one another it's definitely said that hash wealth lives in the forest surrounding basby's father's manner so that could be enough to be sharing subconsciously power with basby but that seems a little bit weird to me but regardless basbee is kind of quick to help you graham or gives him the early nickname of dugo which i think is kind of interesting as well because ash wealth explicitly tells him not to call him that but he does call him it later on in the present timeline um but yeah they get along they get along pretty well basby kind of sees the state that you graham's in as well we get hints that as not coming from the nicest of households as his arms are covered in bruises and stuff and he needs to hunt some food successfully or presumably he'll face that similar punishment um and basically just gives him his rabbit and he's like you know i was only hunting for fun anyway i don't actually need this and he decides to take him on as his underling i think it's very important to look at hashwath as a child um i think it really shapes the man he becomes in the present timeline it's clear to me at least that he lives a life of fear he is terrified of his uncle who abuses him um and he definitely has a sort of complex that he needs to feel needed or wanted by someone so when basbe takes him under his wing and says you know i want you to become my underling and together we will become the strongest quincy's alive hashwath is like illuminated by this like his eyes light up and it seems like someone legitimately wants him around um without wanting something from him essentially um and it's actually kind of tragic when he believes that someone sees worth in him hashwath is like in a dreamlike state of happiness but that happiness is immediately shattered by the arrival of his uncle which i think is a device used to kind of hammer home to you graham that he's not allowed to be happy um the moment he is happy something will come to take that away again so we know that hashtag has this horrible relationship with his uncle his uncle even like almost mockingly says you know i'm nothing without you i need you but it's like that's like that's like a sort of false love that is kind of giving hash wolf the wrong idea about worth and what it means to be worth something to someone um but he has now found basby and there is a ray of hope for him however six months after their initial meeting everything is turned upside down in basby's world the forest and the manor in which he lived are incinerated by the warlord yuhabak who is on a conquest of the human world having already conquered the northern territories using not bows and arrows but apparently a strange power of his which of course we know to be the almighty so like i said clearly you hobart is a legendary figure in the human world at this point and he has decided to take out basby's family annihilate their home and the forest around them as part of his you know plan to dominate this world before moving on to slightly grander ambition which it seems no one else really knows about yet at this point now basby wants revenge on uh understandably for this um for annihilating his family and his family home um and it seems like basbee's entire character is born in this moment where this kind of rebellious anti-establishment nature comes from he wants to get close to you harbach to eventually kill him now if i'm honest in my opinion this kind of contradicts some of present day basby's actions such as jumping yamamoto um in you know in the first invasion as a part of helping you hub up with his plan distracting yammer all that sort of thing and and basically nearly dying for this man which doesn't really seem like the same character to me it's also kind of weird that when you have arc uses the aux valen on um the stern ritter basbee is surprised by this and he's like your majesty is this how you do things but buzzbees shouldn't be you know basbe supposed to know that uh bark is a horrible person like he's actively out for revenge against him so that was always kind of weird to me kind of made me think that this flashback was a little bit last minute but i don't know either way i'm glad we got it um but basically says to hashtag you know we we need to get close to you har bach too we need to kill him and hash off is kind of like am i supposed to be coming with you and uh basbee's like well you know he burnt down your forest aren't you annoyed about that and and hashtag kind of cursory says my uncle died in that fire and this is like this is a canary in the coal mine moment i think it's really quite well done it's quite ominous that hash wealth is maybe not entirely on board with basbee's line of thinking basbee is very driven by his now desire to destroy you harbach but hashorth is kind of like you know he hasn't really done me any wrong like saying you know thinking this to himself like in fact he's freed me from my uncle you know i'm i'm not necessarily hating on him but at the same time basically is his close friend and together they are going to train to eventually kill yuha so i kind of like that kubo already dropping hints that hashwath maybe feels almost even a little indebted to youharbach and perhaps is not totally on board with it but will go with bazby for the time being at the same time over the next five years they train they live off of money that they dug up from the rubble essentially of basby's house and they train and they get a bit older presumably i'm guessing to around 16 17 maybe a little bit older than that at the same time now having successfully conquered the entirety of the human world you would think that yuhobark was satisfied now being essentially the supreme ruler of the licked reich however he tells his presumably at this point in time second-in-command zedritz um that he actually has bigger plans than that and he needs to formulate a brand new combat unit it's actually really awesome seeing xedritz here and we also get to see hubert and argola later on as well if you don't remember them they are the skeletons that yamamoto showed royd lloyd and i think that was just a really lovely attention to detail on kubo's part that he would bring them back for this flashback you know showing the earliest days of the vanden reich um although obviously it wasn't called the vanden reich at this point i don't think because it's implied by you how about that they only called themselves the invisible empire after they hid in the shadows of the soul society but anyway you harbach says to zedritz you know you're thinking too small we've conquered every everywhere in the lich rike but next i want to take on seoul society and xedritz is clearly distressed by this but uh says that for this we'll need a new unit and they'll be called the stern ritter so i'm not going to go super in depth into this because this video is about basby and hashtwelth's relationship but i do love that we see the very earliest makings of the stern writer and i just wish we had seen more my only real criticism about this flashback is just not long enough like i thought kubo was actually really building to a flashback arc tell about the pendulum everything but the rain style where we would see the origins of the sturmreader leading into the thousand-year battle against yamamoto but it's cut criminally short but it's still what we get is tantalizing and fascinating in its own right so uh now has plans to create the stern ritter going back to our two focus point characters however hashwath and basby and in my opinion this next moment during what seems to be an innocuous training session is a critically important juncture in their relationship that defines not only each of these men but also the paths that their destiny will take them on so basically eugram is there he's whittled down he's basically created this sword and he's just training night and day with this blade and with a bow and arrow because he's still to this day cannot create a high league ballgame unlike basby he cannot draw in reishi from his surroundings to create weaponry with and so he's just having to use basic physical weapons instead and we get this lovely little bit of introspection from basbi he's like sitting there taking a drink after he's been doing some intensive training of his own and he's watching ugram and he says to himself at this point in time i don't know whether it's worth keeping him around you know he says like what is eugram gonna bring to this when we eventually get to the point where we have to take out you harbach how is he going to help me and not hold me back you know because i'm a genius level quincy and he can't even summon an arrow a bow and arrow so at this point you know what worth does he actually have and this idea of having worth is a major theme to both of these characters and it's at this point that basbee makes the crucial decision despite contemplating how useful hashwath will actually be to enact their plans basbee notes that he can never abandon him no matter what and that critically defines the difference between these two men despite maybe not seeing the worth in having hash wealth around basby cannot bring it bring himself to abandon this guy that he has called a friend suddenly several of you holbach's men arrive in the village brandishing flags that show an emblem that seemed to be an early version of the stern ritter emblem currently it's just a big why however presumably for you harbaugh and this is hubert and argola and hubert gets way more to do in this flashback than i was ever expecting but it's just really nice world building and world building for the vandenberg as a whole now what's really interesting as well is if we look briefly at the geography of this flashback um the people here know juha bark to be their lord you know huber arrives on horseback and he's like i bring a proclamation from lord you harbach and the people are like those are yuhabak's uh personal military um you know what what are they doing here and so i'm i was wondering is this the same village where basbee's father and family used to live where they were killed and the forest was burned down and uh bark has essentially decided to take up residence here it would make a lot of sense to me because i don't see busby and hash off necessarily going too far away um but i think this actually is the same location um which is actually really cool and kind of makes the whole situation with bansby and new harbor even more messed up if they've rebuilt the palace where um basbee's family used to live and now uh bark has essentially moved in and i actually think this is kind of confirmed because jumping ahead again a little bit here when basbee jumps out to challenge hubert some of the citizens say oh that's baz the son of the former lord so that does imply that you know basby's family were ousted and or killed here and uh back just kind of moved in and made this his residence which i think is a nice little detail now this is actually one of my favorite moments in the flashback as i think it's some of the closest we get to real world building for this millennia ago story hubert basically tells everyone that the stern ritter are being created to facilitate an invasion into soul society and all the people are really like shocked about this and crucially everyone in the living world seems to know what soul society is um and i think that's that's fascinating and it maybe indicates that the two worlds had a closer relationship all that time ago or that yuhar bach has kind of been talking about the soul society for a long time when he's kind of challenged on this idea hubert tells the citizens that uh bark believes that if the sole society is left unchecked for too long they will become a threat to us and we must act first to bring them down and this is really interesting to me like is this true you know is youhar bach just propagating a lie to kind of conscript people into his army um because he kind of has this complex presumably soul king related about wanting to destroy the soul society overthrow the soul society and presumably the royal realm as well um and is this just a lie because we've never really known the soul society to be hostile of course this is around the time where yamamoto and his the original goatee are a band of criminal thugs including characters like yachiru so it's possible they could attack the human world but i don't really see why they would do that it seems to me more likely that yuhaba just has very grand wide-reaching ambitions to conquer just about everything and that includes the soul society and of course uh mark has personal issues with the soul society as well knowing what they did to his father which i'm sure is not something he has relayed to anyone else regardless it's cool to see that at this point early on in the timeline shinigami and quincy definitely have some kind of a relationship which clearly isn't great and in my opinion it seems like the quincy perhaps see themselves or feel inferior in some way to the soul society that's why they're kind of like trying to conscript as many people as they can that they're the ones kind of manipulating the narrative in a sense being like oh you know um the soul society cannot be trusted we can't trust the soul society we have to attack them before they attack us um and you know this is something we've seen in fiction before and in real life but it's kind of it's really cool to see potentially the idea of the emperor of the soon to be vandan right manipulating the truth um and trying to get people to join his army basbee decides to jump in and challenge huber and i love their little very brief standoff they have but their new hobart arrives and his arrival is great i love how it's done just the massive surge of rayatsu pins basby to the floor along with everyone else um and you get that great shot of everyone essentially bowing to uh bach and hashwolf and he singles out hashwolf as being his other half the one he needs to be his right hand man and this of course is another crucial moment a milestone in the relationship between hashwolf and basby they've spent the last five years together as essentially close friends even family they've had they've got no one else um with a single goal in mind or at least basbee had this goal in mind to take out you harbok and the moment you ha singles out hashwath as being his right-hand man his advisor you can kind of understand how basbee feels basby has deluded himself into thinking all this time that hash wealth while a nice guy is worthless essentially like sure i'm gonna bring you with me because you're my underling but you're you know effectively worthless in this fight i'm the genius quincy and then so to be kind of walked over to be looked over for hashwath instead that's gotta hurt for basbee's pride in my opinion this flashback paints eugram in a pretty bad light in my opinion it's designed to show you the major flaws and faults with this character and the huge mistakes he made in the past however i think kubo does a good job of showing you that the faults don't just lie with hash wealth and that there are mistakes made on both sides hashtag's not just a bad guy he's pretty conflicted kind of messed up and does make a big mistake here but basby shares some of the blame as well we go back to that idea i mentioned earlier about people having worth being a major point of contention in this flashback and basbee's big mistake was to consider that hashwath his best friend had no worth um you know he still like i said carries him around but you get the impression that basbee thinks he's doing yougram a favor here um but actually basby has you know deluded himself he thinks that hashov has no worth and that that's a big fault on his side of the relationship as well he is not a total innocent in this you know the real tragedy of this relationship is that both of these kids betray one another in different ways when they finally reach the point they've been building towards hash wealth tries to vouch for basbe in this moment saying like you know you've made a mistake don't pick me pick him he's the skilled one i've kind of just been following him around showing that hashwealth does also have a good heart and doesn't want to disappoint basby but this just serves to anger basby even more and make him feel even more inferior of course you hobart is having none of it and again i love how he's presented here even him stepping off his horse and putting his foot on the ground is presented as this huge deal um but basby cannot simply comprehend that hugh graham is the supposedly legendary quincy he has heard of the rumors go that uh back has been alive for 200 years and since then not another quincy has been born like him and uh kind of confirms this he says that he's been looking for so long for another quincy born with the same abilities as him the ability to share power and he has found it in hashwolf newhalbach explains to hashwath that much like himself he has the ability to give other people power you hobart discovered this ability himself back when he was a child and he would lend people power nurture it and then take it back away from them this is all explained to us in the chapter god like you about you harbach's earliest days the difference here is that hashwath isn't consciously aware of this ability unlike yuharbach who apparently from a very young age was able to knowingly take his power back from people uh hashwealth doesn't really know how to do any of this and so has been subconsciously feeding basby power all this time making basbe believe that he is the one with the skill finally ju harbach tells hashwal that he needs him and he wants him to come with him and of course this is a huge moment for the character of yougrams it feeds into that idea of worth again someone has actually told him he needs him and this is in big contrast to basby and the direction their relationship was going much earlier on basbee theorizes that hashwath is well aware that basbee has no need for him and he's just saw tagging along because again they are friends however someone has arrived someone very powerful and legendary has arrived and told hashwolf explicitly i need you and this gives hashwath a real sense of purpose that he wasn't getting by being with basby finding someone who actually says they need him is enough to make hash wealth feel wanted and secure enraged basbee tries to go through with his plan and tries to shoot you harbaugh with an arrow but hash wealth intercepts it cementing his betrayal and turning to juha bark's side you know i'm actually surprised that bazbe wasn't executed on the spot for actively trying to kill you habakkuk he even shouts die uh bark and shoots him with an arrow it's a blatant assassination attempt but not only is he not executed he actually joins the sternmeter later on so that's kind of a weird detail but i do think this moment is really awesome and i love how it's paralleled in the present day when hashwolf catches basby's arrow and then finishes him off so when i say this flashback paints eugram in a bad light this is obviously what i'm talking about he's incredibly quick to turn on his best and only friend of five years it's not that he's fickle however that's not really hash wolf's problem hash wealth's problem is his warped perception of what it means to be worth something to someone and his warped perception of what a relationship with someone should actually yield we know this from present day hashwath as well where he has become cold and distant but hash wealth really begins to feel like you need to physically tangibly gain something of worth by having a relationship with someone or else it's the wrong thing for you to be doing um and we see evidence of this throughout the entirety uh of of of this flashback hashwatt's relationship with his uncle is poisonous and hashtag gets nothing out of it um and he's eventually freed from that relationship by juha bark his relationship with basby is a little bit healthier but basby doesn't feel he's getting anything of worth from hash wealth and hashworth is subconsciously aware of that as well um and eventually he finds a relationship where he thinks he can have some worth with you harbaugh as i mentioned though neither of them are totally free of guilt basby definitely shoulders some of the blame for the way he was beginning to see hashwath and the way he reacted to hashwolf being chosen over him but crucially as i mentioned earlier he would never have abandoned him and that's the main difference between them eugram instantly drops his relationship with basby to form a new one with someone who can get something from and perhaps in some ways his relationship with basbie really tarnished his mindset and he felt like he was nothing more than a means to basbeats and to achieve basbee's goal because as we know from the very beginning of this flashback arc hashmoth has kind of felt directionless he doesn't necessarily feel like he wants to go along with basbee's goal but he is doing anyway what's really cool about this is you can see the way this has affected hash off even to the present day he has grown cold he has grown distant even towards his friend um to the point where he cannot fathom why anyone would do anything that doesn't benefit them in some way why they wouldn't side with someone who doesn't tangibly give them a physical benefit you know as he's fighting basby his only real recourse is to say we shouldn't be destroying this castle and you know our fighting benefits his majesty in no way which is something basby can't really understand either and doesn't really want to believe how far gone hashwath is either and yet despite yougram's position within the vanden reich and despite how long presumably they have been at odds with one another it's not hard to see that hashwath is in some way conflicted actually showing a rare piece of emotion when ordering basby to stop fighting him he doesn't want to fight him he knows he can kill him he knows he might have to kill him but he's doing everything he can to avoid that basbee's like why do you keep running away from me are you afraid of me you're afraid of losing to me but of course the truth couldn't be any more different ashworth is afraid of winning this fight i remember actually thinking the flashback arc was going to end there when i was reading it weekly but we're treated to one last piece of flashback potentially the most interesting of them all hash wealth has now joined the stern ritter fully and been with them for three years and basby has now been accepted into their ranks and they may be actually a little bit older here than i thought they were previously so maybe we shift the years forward a bit to me they feel that they could be anywhere between 20 and 25 at this point in the story we find that basbee is constantly challenging you graham to a fight and it feels like there's some kind of inferiority complex here that basbee still can't believe that hashwath was taken in as now the actual captain of the stern ritter as well over him um and that he wants to kind of prove that he's actually still stronger than this person who he once thought was worthless but i also think there's potentially an underlying sadness to this moment as well it could just be that basby just wants hash off to acknowledge him like he once did and maybe they can actually talk again after so long because hashwath has become a very different person hashwealth now only seems to acknowledge basbe in the way a dismissive officer might and i kind of feel like we've all known someone like that perhaps this flashback feels quite relatable you finally see someone again and they become a very different person and they don't treat you the same way they once did and it can be hard to deal with and i think that's exactly what bazbe is going through here we do now however though get my absolute favorite moment of the friend flashback where hashwath berates basby again saying you know infighting is forbidden stop trying to fight me and leave me alone uh he then walks away and he is kind of uh insulted by hubert who has now been demoted essentially to lieutenant captain after finding after you her back found hash off so hubert's pretty irritated he doesn't really like hash wealth very much um after being essentially supplanted by him and he tells him you know maybe you just don't command any respect you know these guys are they you these guys are making a mockery of you um and hash was like yeah you're probably right i'll try and follow your example at this point hubert realizes that basby is the same person who challenged him you know three years ago whatever it was and he says oh you know that's that insolent monkey from back then and and you know it's kind of like you get these two officers making you know talking to each other about roughing up the newbies essentially and hubert's like you know i'm gonna kind of teach him a lesson you know make him realize that if he messes with me again he's going to regret it you know basically saying he's going to go and beat bazby up and hashes like no infighting is forbidden among the stern ritter and and hubert says well you know as long as his majesty doesn't know doesn't matter no one's going to find out no one's watching to which point hugh graham turns around for my favorite moment in the in the flashback and says i'm always watching and hubert looks you know really just annoyed by this hash while it's getting in his way and what this means is that despite his cold and apparently aloof exterior hash off cares for basby you know deep down inside that's never gone away and he's not about to let this upstart beat up basby um under his watch and you know he's like you he basically says to hubert you'll never get away with it i'm always watching but i'm always watching basby essentially is what he's saying um and i just think that's a wonderful moment that shows you that despite the differences between them despite what's happened to them hashwal harbours some love for his friends still and it's a shame we don't get to see any other members of the stern ritter but you do get the impression at this point in time that basbee is kind of the runt of the litter the newbie who has just joined and doesn't really fit in and he's only really there to rekindle his relationship with his lost friend and so basby will continue to keep challenging hash wealth forever and ever until we eventually get to the present day however in this fight when hashwolf does cut basbe down and actually win their fight basbee is surprised to find that it perhaps doesn't sting as much to lose to hashwath as he initially thought it would i do kind of wonder about this because these are essentially basbee's last words and is a it's a brilliant moment when he's killed by hashtag very reminiscent in my opinion of the earliest some of the earliest chapters in bleach where biakia defeated rengine you get these like individual panels of just small movements to really show you the weight of what's happening and you get that here like hashwaters cuts him down basby sort of turns to him reaches out grabs hash wealth's chest kind of collapses in front of him and it's just a really really well drawn moment but basically kind of you know says yeah i thought losing to you would feel much worse than this and you know is that because the whole you know i've never lost to you are you afraid of losing to me it was just a ruse to get asphalt to talk to him or deep down basically perhaps had already accepted hashwolf's strength either way it's a lovely moment and now basby is dead and that leaves one friend left alone in this world and we know that ugram regrets basically everything he has ever done but in my opinion he probably thinks that he is in way too deep now to do anything about it now in many ways uruyu and ichigo kind of reflect hash wealth and basbe and i think that's what kubo is going for in those final few moments of hash wolf's life in his fight with uryu uriu kind of echoes the sentiments of hashwath in many ways you know he mirrors hash wealth story in a lot of ways having been taken in by uh bach granted immeasurable power by him but the difference is is that uru was never on the random right side and turns away from them betrays them because he cares more about his friends than he does about the empire about working with his majesty in many ways uryu is the funnily enough antithesis to you graham plucked out of seemingly nowhere to become you hobart's right-hand man much like yougram was and now ulyu has in many ways supplanted eugram which we actually get to see that kind of festering relationship between the two of them as the thousand-year blood war art goes on it does seem like hashtag harbours some kind of resentment towards syria for becoming yuhabak's heir over him and now ugram is relegated to kind of watching uru and yuhabak and their growth on the sidelines much like basby was when euglan was chosen over him it's not one for one the exact same parallel but the through line is there the crucial difference of course is that uri wasn't willing to betray his friends to reach this point and instead believes that they and their faults make him stronger and in hashweath's eyes that's what he that's how he chooses to balance his scales and this enrages hash wealth not because he thinks uryu is wrong but because he is forced to confront his mistake his lifetime of regret and the fact that he murdered his friend in service of a man who couldn't care less about him and of course this is embodied by the fact that hashwolf is killed by the auschwilen in my opinion this is this is the perfect way for hash wealth to die and honestly i kind of think that even if kubo wasn't having to rush things towards the end this is probably how he would have killed him anyway because it makes so much sense thematically hashwalk has given everything to you hardback he felt for so long like he had worth finally he had found somewhere where he had worth only to be callously taken out have his life stripped away from him by someone who sees him as nothing more than a resource you know that's how hugh hobart views everyone and that's hash wolf's critical mistake thinking that you how about perhaps saw him as something more but he doesn't you hobart cares about no one other than himself and his conquest um and so in many ways hashwatt is a tragic character but it's hard not to see that he brought all of this upon himself but of course he does try and make some amends after collapsing to the ground he still is slightly delusional about helping juha barks still trying to cleanse that idea of having worth as he holds his hand up he says you know you know i'm i'm grateful that he stole my powers and not yours because clearly he views me as being the one who can help him and not you again that resentment he holds towards uh and and i love this moment it's so good because uru kind of sees you graham lying on the floor destitute spouting these delusions he just says okay and like begins to walk away like you know you are way too far gone doesn't matter what i say to you you are not going to see that you hobok doesn't care about you um but perhaps he does perhaps there is hope for hash wolf after all as just before urus goes up to leave hashwath says wait transfer your injuries to me and here he's like what and and hashtag says you know it doesn't matter we were at each other's throats a moment ago and he says transfer your wounds to me give yourself a fighting chance and go and save your friends and this is the crucial final piece of the hugh graham and basbi puzzle the final part of their relationship which happens even after basbee is dead hashwath very obviously regrets everything he did every choice he made um abandoning basby killing basby working so closely with you harbach and he allows uryu this one chance even if he thinks it's fruitless he allows iriu a chance to go against uh and rescue his friends because your friends are the most important thing which is something hashwath has only just realized and he as he dies he kind of lies there and he says you know there is something to be said for not having a single regret and he does have regrets but in helping her you help his friends ashford is kind of freeing himself of a little bit of that burden on his deathbed and of course you see as his hand opens as he dies his moment of death he is clutching the black family emblem from their very first meeting uh lovely lovely i mean the ending is maybe rushed but it's still phenomenally well done and you know it's gonna be so good in the anime as well um but that's pretty much it for the relationship between these two characters and i think kubo did a marvellous job with this duo even compared to the other duos in the series biakyo and renji grim jonal kyora ginjo and tsukishima these are very very popular characters and i think that kubo took the stern ritter versions of that duo to places the others never really went of course biaku and rinji have a pretty great relationship that's really well defined ginjo and tsukushima do as well ul hildegrimjo as i said is actually quite underplayed i think in comparison but this flashback the friend saga finding out more about these two their history together the history of the sterniter and the vanden reich a thousand years ago is so well done and how that translates to who they are in the present day as well but i know this was a long video guys so i really hope you enjoyed this deep dive look at the friend flashback and the relationship between basby and eugram let me know in the comments below if you liked this flashback when it came out in the manga did you enjoy it do you wish we got more than we did do you like the characters of basketball and how do they compare to those other antagonistic duos in the series let me know in the comments below as always if you haven't subscribed yet guys make sure to do that now but until next time i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 45,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach anime, bleach discussion, bleach new chapter, bleach chapter review, bleach review, bleach TYBW, sternritter, quincy, bankai, ichigo, aizen, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 Bleach
Id: Te3yRsKQSXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 16sec (2596 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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