Yhwach's Auswählen, EXPLAINED - The Lore, Explanation & Inconsistencies | Bleach TYBW DISCUSSION

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there are many terrifying abilities in the world of bleach but few of them inspire fear quite like the quincy king's auschwitz the auschwing or the holy selection is an important part of quincy and vanden reich lore and every time it's used in the series it inspires terror in the quincy's and really helps to change the course of the thousand-year blood war it's a power that really defines both the cruelty of you harbach but also his immense strength and his ability to freely give and then steal power however the auschwing is kind of nebulous in both how it works and how it operates and actually there are some real inconsistencies in the way the ability is portrayed in bleach in this video i want to take a look specifically at you harbok's ability the auschwing and see how it affects those around it and how it affects the quincy the stern ritter and take a look at some of those inconsistencies in its portrayal and see if we can't come up with why that might be and maybe look at some kind of alternative before we begin though if you're interested in bleach lore and discussion videos just like this one and you haven't hit subscribe but you are in the perfect place make sure to hit that button now and keep pushing our channel making it bigger and bigger and also if you haven't hit the like button do so because it really does help with the exposure on youtube and don't forget to hit the notification bell as well just to stay up to date with all of my videos although you have mark and the random right partake in the first invasion of soul society and are around from the very beginning of the thousand-year blood war arc the idea of this holy selection ability doesn't actually show up until volume 60 at the tail end of the everything but the rain flashback it's here at the end of this flashback that ishin tells ichigo the real reason for his mother's death despite being a powerful quincy she was somehow killed by the hollow grand fisher and now we know why nine years before the main storyline begins yu harbach was almost close to completing his revival and he steals the powers of all the quincy's he deems to be impure across the world the mixed blood quinces he utilizes the auschwing for the first time in the series that we know of anyway to steal their powers and kill all the quincies he deems to be impure unfortunately masaki kurasaki is one of those and her powers are stolen from her on this same night uru ishida's mother also had her powers stolen from her kane katagiri also another mixed blood quincy the wife of ryuken who was a pure blood quincy so he was spared from the auschwing yuhaba robbed katagiri and masaki of their powers along with every other impure quincy in the world the only one who survived being uryu ishida you harvard wouldn't use the feared auschwing ability until much later on in the thousand-year blood war arc when he uses it to steal the powers of the stermites as he has deemed unnecessary and help revive his elite guard the shut-scoffle after they've all just been killed by the zero division this is the first time you hobart utilizes the aush violent in the present timeline and you really get to see the terror inflicted on the sternus down below as they realize their majesty has abandoned them it's a really awesome moment and we find out that the auschwitz violin is unique in that it doesn't actually transfer rayatsu or reishi it is a complete transfer of power it is literally sending strength from one person to another and this all stems from uh bach's ability as a quincy who can actually give power as well as simply take it all quincy's are able to take power from their surroundings take reishi and dominate it at their will but uh has the unique ability to actually give out parcels of his power as he pleases and this is actually really interesting and i honestly cannot wait to do an analysis on this character because i think he's really really fascinating in many ways he feels like the devil of the bleach universe so many people make deals with uh unknowingly essentially their lives are going to be cut short because he has this new hold over them it's actually revealed in his flashback you find out when he was a little baby many people almost saw him as this miracle child because they could go to him they would touch him and a part of them would be healed if they were ill or injured or something like that unknowingly to them what was actually happening was yuha was giving them a portion of his soul and that was giving them what they needed but when they would die that soul would return to uh and make him even stronger and those people who actually got healed by him their lives were cut drastically short so yuha is this really interesting character i think he is this super sinister child almost with like these religious undertones of being worshiped like a god but in fact he's actually it's like making a deal with the devil you get something but in return uh has complete and utter control over your life and this is really seen with the auschwitz all of these stir meters have been given something by yuhabak and that is signaled by the shrift etched into their souls but at a moment's notice he can rob them of their power and of their lives in some instances regardless this auschwing is completely successful and it does steal the powers of numerous quincy's down below basby nana nanajakoop lil toto giselle robert acutron all these characters and the elite force the shutzdoffel are resurrected more powerful than ever before the auschwind is used one final time right at the end of the series and this one is a little bit strange i'm not entirely sure what it's actually accomplishing here but basically uh back has defeated ichigo at the top of varvel and he is ready to travel to seoul society and begin destroying all three worlds to create something brand new before he leaves he decides to use the auschwitz on his remaining stir meters claiming he has no need for them anymore so he uses the ausch violent on hash wolf and gerard valkyrie and we get to see both of them suffer because of this ability transfer but what's weird here is it kind of looks like uh is using the auschwitz to actually create this portal to seoul society in front of him building on all of the energy that's being drawn to him and using it to actually rip a hole in in essentially space time and go through to soul society however it's possible he could create this portal regardless and what he's actually just doing is taking their power to make himself stronger that's also possibly pretty likely as well he simply says that he has no more need for his children the stern ritter or for ichigo so those are the times the ausch violin is actually used in the story it's used twice in the present timeline each time with devastating effects on the stern ritter and once in the past in the everything but the rain flashback when we find out what really happened to ichigo and uryu's mothers however the auschwitz indirectly comes back right at the very end of the series to screw over you harvard which i always really really liked i know a lot of people take serious issue at the end of bleach which i completely understand however i love the poetic justice that is delivered to uh bark right at the end of the series so we find out that pretty shortly after category's death ryuken is performing an autopsy on her corpse and uryu stumbles across this and has no idea why his father would be doing this but actually ryuken has a secret agenda when auschwitz is performed on a quincy it creates a blood clot in their heart which eventually kills them regardless and that blood clot is made of something called still silver ryuken takes that silver out of his wife's body and uses it to form an arrowhead which will eventually be aimed at uh bark himself and it is uru fires the still silver arrow at uh bark right at the very end of the series and when it pierces him you see it flowing through his veins robbing him of his powers for just a moment just long enough for ichigo to deliver the final blow on someone who is effectively a regular human at this point but it's really awesome seeing the agony on you hobart's face as he experiences that terror that he has been partitioning out among his so-called children for so many years as far as he's concerned they all simply live for him and this is a mindset he has gained over the years by being revered as a god but in reality he just thinks all these people actually live for him he might be helping them in the short term but in the long term they are all going to die early and their powers will return to him and make him stronger make him live longer and that's why i think he is a fascinating character that i wish kubo would actually go into a bit more detail on because it really is making a deal with the devil in that sense in many ways that you have no choice in however you hobart does lose his powers here for just long enough it's going to finish him off and it's really poetic that a still silver arrow made of the clock that killed uriu's mother is what helps finish uh barkov so for the issues i have with the end of the series genuinely the still silver arrow is not really one of them i think it's maybe not executed perfectly but i love the meaning and the message behind it so that's all the instances of auschwitz in the series but how does this thing actually work and what are the inconsistencies that i mentioned earlier well all we really know is that uh has the innate ability to take and give power almost totally freely he can do so at will he even mentions against ichibe that all things in this world exist for his taking and he's able to simply take power restore his own power even after it's been taken away from him and he even tries to steal ichiba's powers at one point in the fight the auschwing or the holy selection is simply the ultimate version of this you hobart can steal all of the powers of the quincy he deems impure or unessential unnecessary he can take them all and use it to power himself up or then partition it out among quincy that he does deem to be necessary but the auschwing's effects on the victims are strangely varied and in many ways they don't seem to have any kind of consistency whatsoever even as much as on the same page to find out more we need to look at the victims of the auschwing so let's begin with the original victims masaki kurasaki and kane katagiri masaki kurasaki has her powers stolen from her in a single instant and i believe this renders her completely unable to use any quincy abilities whatsoever now it's not actually confirmed or explained but the fact that grand fischer is then able to finish her off with no difficulty whatsoever implies to me that she essentially becomes a normal human but it's pretty clear that her flesh is not stripped from her bones she does just become powerless category is slightly different but there is an explanation given to this one she actually falls into a coma and dies a few months later but it is revealed that she was sickly beforehand anyway so the auschwing was essentially just speeding up a process that was already probably going to kill her so in some ways these two actually all work out absolutely fine they are consistent with what we know of auschwing the real weirdness starts to happen during the thousand year blood war arc during the second invasion when new harbach decides to resurrect the shut stoffel now we see numerous quincy actually hit by the auschwind point blank and each of them seem to have a different thing happen to them the first one and the one that is a true example is robert akatron who has his flesh ripped from his bones the moment auschwitz hits him now when this originally happened i tried to rationalize it as robert is clearly one of the oldest stern ritter he's probably weaker physically at least anyway and therefore the auschwitz was able to rob him of his life force much easier than it could a regular stern ritter however what happens later on completely debunks that theory as gerard valkyrie one of the strongest of all the stern ritters has his flesh stripped from his bones as well so there is no consistency here not only does robert have his flesh ripped from his bones but basby and nanana are also struck head on by the auschwitz and they both survive not only do they both survive but they both keep their shrifts they actually keep their powers i'm assuming neither of them can use their holy forms anymore but basbian nanana for all intents and purposes come out of it absolutely fine despite being hit point blank by the light and nana can't even move when he's hit by it so he's also pretty weak he's basically unconscious at the time yet he somehow survived so it's not explained why robert is killed outright by the other two are able to live on and what bugs me the most about this is that kubo contradicts himself on the same page later on when basbe talks to hashwolf basby says those of us who were hit by the light perished whilst those of us who were able to avoid it simply lost their powers but we know that's not true because basbee himself was hit by the light so i don't know why he even says that that's really really weird oversight lil toto and gisele managed to avoid the beams of light but their volston digs are still stolen from them all the same and this is again i'm absolutely fine with and i wish cooper had just gone this route with basbian nana maybe he could made those two also somehow avoid the light or even just kill nanana off like have him and robert both be struck directly by the light they're both killed out right whereas basby lil toto and giselle managed to avoid it and they're just lose their holy forms that would have made more sense but consistency is thrown out of the window by the time we get to the final auschwing and we only see two victims this time being uh buck's right hand man himself hash wolf and also stern writer m gerard valkyrie and they're just again two completely different ends of the scale gerard valkyrie is supposed to be like basically the most powerful of all the quincy he is ridiculously strong he basically can't be killed but you hobbox auschwitz strips him down to the bone instantly murdering him on the spot hashtag is hit by the same beam and doesn't doesn't die immediately he holds on for a little bit longer even then it's different to how it is with basby and nanana neither of them seem to be in a particularly bad way with basbi even being able to fight hash off later on but hashwolf here the moment he is hit by the auschwitz he collapses on the floor unable to move and barely able to talk it is a little bit disappointing that the auschwitz seems to be so inconsistent that i'm not even sure what kubo was really going for with this ability there are at least four different outcomes apparently either you will be stripped down to the bone and immediately killed you'll either be robbed of your powers but it doesn't seem like anything too bad is going to happen to you apart from obviously masaki was in a bad situation to begin with you'll either have your holy form stolen from you if you're not hit by the light or if you are hit by the light you won't be killed outright but you will still be able to use your shrift and i assume you can't use your volson dig because it's not explained but or you'll or you'll be like hash wolf and you'll just collapse to the ground so it's really really weird that the house violent is so weird uh i think it's a really cool ability conceptually it quite literally puts the fear of god into the stern matters and again i i love the way that yuhar bark is supposed to be this all father he proclaims them to be his children you know he calls them my son and stuff like that but then he'll just kill them at the blink of an eye because he needs their powers and supposedly they should be willing to die for their comrades because they are comrades i love that unfortunately it just doesn't explain the inconsistencies and like i said some of them are so blatant i'm kind of surprised kubo really didn't even notice this the fact that basby actually says those of us who were hit by the light died and yet he was hit by the light as that's really really weird and you get that panel of robert kneeling on the ground looking up to the sky now a skeleton which by the way again is fantastic visual imagery but hashwolf says that those of them who were deemed unnecessary died and their power was given to them who are necessary but robert was the only one who died so again it's really really weird but i do like the ability in concept and it is actually quite simple it is just you hobart's power sharing abilities dialed up to the max essentially him taking power and lives with it and then distributing it back out again as he sees fit and that's pretty much it for this video on the auschwitz i hope it did clear anything up for you if you weren't quite sure about how the holy selection ability actually worked i really don't know uh what to say about the inconsistencies other than they are there and i don't know how they're so blatant without kubo realizing them but if i was to do it differently i would probably have just had basby escape the light whereas nana and robert both die it's a little bit more difficult with the hash off and gerard situation because i appreciate that kubo needed gerard to die like that and so he the auschwitz makes sense because we have seen it kill people like that in in the past but there's no reasoning for why gerard and robert would suffer the same fate but hashwolf wouldn't either way it's a cool power and it does make you hobart really feel like a godly being but i hope you enjoyed this video guys like i said if you haven't hit the button already make sure to subscribe now i would really really appreciate the support but until next time guys i should catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 70,480
Rating: 4.9490051 out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach discussion, bleach anime, bleach manga, manga, anime, bleach review, bleach new anime, bleach anime return, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, yhwach, aizen, tybw, bleach final arc, sternritter, aizen vs yhwach
Id: 4UvmbUxCFGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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