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and so it seems my glorious canvas of manga image thumbnails has come to an end at least for now anyway um but i figured we were way past you talking about something to do with the bleach anime on this channel and so for my first video talking about the anime in quite some time i wanted to discuss one of my absolute favorite aspects of the anime the zanpakta rebellion filler arc now the bleach anime has an awful lot of anime only content or filler and it is very much a mixed bag there are some story arcs that are incredibly good so good in fact that some people would consider them you know nearly canon quality material and then there are some filler arcs that aren't quite so good the zampocto rebellion arc firmly falls in the good camp and i think most people would absolutely share that opinion in fact the zampacte rebellion arc was really exciting in that it was the first time in bleach filler we were just blown away by what we were seeing or at least i know i was anyway i absolutely adored this arc when it first came out and there are a number of contributing factors to that and so in this video we're going to be taking a look at that filler arc the zampato rebellion seeing how it played out the new characters it introduced and just looking at this filler arc overall before we begin however guys if you haven't hit subscribe yet make sure to do that now hit that button down below and you'll get bleach content like this every single week and i'd really appreciate the support also give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it because it really does help spread the exposure of the video out across youtube so more people can see it and if you want to take that support from me a little step further we do now have a patreon for the channel as well where you can go and support me for as little as a dollar a month i would really appreciate that and again as always a massive thank you goes out to everyone who has already become a patron so far so running from episode 230 to 255 and basically the entirety of the thirteenth season of the bleach anime the zanpakto rebellion arc was a filler unlike any other and as i mentioned earlier the bleach anime was no stranger to filler i believe until this point the two major filler arcs we'd had were the bount arc and the kasumi ogi ark now the bountar for me very quickly i thought it was way too long and frankly too boring uh some of the new characters were quite interesting um but it didn't grab me quite like this arc and the ray guy one did later on the kasumi ogi arc i actually remember kind of enjoying when it came out on a weekly basis i didn't actually hate it i think i have a slightly lower opinion of it now looking back than i did back in the day um but to be honest bleach could do no wrong as far as i can i was concerned back then that being said it's not all sunshine and roses as far as the xylem puck toe rebellion arc is considered for me at least anyway and i want to initially talk about the context surrounding this arc and the way it was just dropped into the series very unceremoniously and at the worst possible time now is there ever really an opportune moment to suddenly have a filler arc that breaks up the pace of the canon manga clearly not but i mean the bleach anime was hot on the heels of the manga particularly coming up to the end of the iran corrupt there were moments in deir side where it could have only been a few chapters behind because they were animating single episode filler to intersperse in the final eisen battle essentially i remember there was a filler episode i think about hisagi and matsumoto i think that literally took place during deicide and that was incredibly weird and i believe also the kasumi ogi arc just sort of randomly happens after ichigo and grim joe's final major battle this one is just as egregious i remember i had been waiting and waiting to see the top three asparagus top four is spider if you include the perennial ulchiora fight finally animated and we sat through that laborious fraction battle section which admittedly was pretty cool in the anime i especially love the yamamoto ion stuff and of course the legendary hisagi versus findor battle but we'd sat through all of that the top three espada were gearing up to fight their rayatsu was like blasting into the sky it was really really hype and then they dropped to filler arc and i remember watching that weekly and just being like no like i couldn't believe it i couldn't believe we were going to have to wait potentially another season if not more to finally see the parts of the manga i had been anticipating the most and bear in mind a season you know roughly about 20 to 25 episodes or so that's an awful lot of weeks to finally get back to the part you'd really been anticipating admittedly they did do it in a kind of cool way i really enjoyed the joke where basically nell pulls it you go aside and she's like look due to an executive order from the producers we can't do this fight yet and all heroes like if anyone needs me i'll be in my trailer that was kind of funny and it did actually make the transition a little less annoying but certainly i was so geared up to see that ichigo versus ulcura fight that i was disappointed luckily what they had planned for us however was pretty special so the premise of the zampakto rebellion arc is that mysterious man called muramasa appears in seireite one evening and basically begins freeing the zanpakto spirit so i should say freeing the zanpato spirits from the control of their masters in some act of revolution turning zampakto who have their own free will and deserve to live free against their masters in an all-out battle royale and sure i was reeling from the fact we weren't gonna see the top four aspada fighting for a little while but it definitely was made up for in the fact we suddenly got to see all of these zam puck toe spirits and their designs are incredible you know at this point they are iconic to the point where certain zompoc toe spirits even ended up appearing in the manga um which honestly was just really really cool um seeing characters for the first time properly like so they know shirayuki hyorin maru senbon zakara wabiscay kazushini heineko tobiyoume gigetsuburi um just it was incredible so many fresh new designs and i'll be honest with you there's not a single one that fails among them as far as i'm concerned there are some that i think are a little bit weird like hozakimaru for instance it felt like they didn't quite know what to do for essentially just a long pole um and that's fair enough so they basically just turned him into this burly sort of monster man but you know that's fine but there are some zampato that instantly became iconic you know kazushini the edgy teenager in me back in the day absolutely loved this grinning devil with the sides i thought it was just an awesome design and it still is pretty cool today but character designs like soda no shirayuki were like truly sublime and honestly huge thousand-year blood war spoiler coming up i think i think sodium shiroyuki is quite clearly reflected in rookie as ban kai hakka no toga may later on in the thousand year blood war and it's absolutely fair enough she truly embodies this icy queen this ice princess and she looks absolutely wonderful um and characters like heineko would go on to become so well known as well simbon zakira maru i remember characters like zabi maru were also quite popular although i did miss the monkey snake zompot toe spirit renji originally had apparently him getting the sex change on his unpacked toe was properly cannon also turning it from animals into humans but you know whatever now obviously technically the zampato rebellion filler arc is non-canon everything that happens here is not canon to the bleach storyline but certain elements of the zombucto rebellion arc were eventually incorporated into the canon manga as i mentioned earlier certain zompop toe spirits actually showed up and in my opinion at least anyway that canon canonifies canonizes canonizes i think is the word um the rest of them and i'm absolutely happy with that because i love their designs i think they all look phenomenally cool some of them have such great intricacies as well characters like wabiscay carrying this massive ball and chain on his back at one point signifying obviously the weight ability of wabisca but also the depression that izuru feels just this huge burden on his shoulders i love that design i think it's phenomenally well done now you take those incredible designs and i actually will also include muramasa in that but we'll get to him in a moment and you combine that with movie quality animation and you have an amazing premise for an awesome sub story in the bleach universe and yes the animation was that good as far as i'm concerned it actually probably is better than the movies we had up until that point maybe not diamond dust rebellion but certainly memories of nobody i honestly can't remember if fade to black was already out at this point or not but um the animation is wonderful from start to finish in this story arc the light and shadow into play is so good it makes everything have this kind of glassy sheen to it but that's you know a real sign of high quality bleach animation anyway where the artists are just totally on point the whole way through now we're off to a great start with the zampokto rebellion arc it's immediately exciting everything crazy kind of happens in the first episode to really set the stage for what's going to come the zampakto spirits appear they basically start decimating the soul society there's explosions everywhere the captains are gathered on sokyoku hill it's a really dire situation there's a lovely moment before that however where biakia and renji are actually sparring and there's a moment where simbon's accura sort of turns on biakira and slices his hand a little bit really kind of weird thinking about it now is how that was like a harbinger of doom for biakir is obviously what happens in the manga at the very start of the thousand-year blood war arc it's so weird to think that we saw this back in the day and i think i'm i remember being like whoa was that like simbon zacchara just cut biaccia or even a little bit like it's a big deal um kind of funny to think what would happen later but regardless we're off to a good start and none of this would be possible without the main villain muramasa very mysterious character i loved his character design as very much the sort of villain i am into especially in bleach the kind of villain they do really well looking back at the character now it feels obvious to me that they were definitely trying to siphon some of the zeitgeist surrounding ul kia ora that character was massively popular at the time and muramasa is extremely similar in many ways stoic cold emotionless but also calculating very much sort of this kind of laid back but you know very sinister villain even the way he cries blood from his eyes looks very similar to the tear marks on all kiara's face you know these similarities i don't think are coincidental it feels to me they were very much trying to opine the popularity of one of the major bad guys at the time i didn't really mind it though you know again like i was a teenager at the time and i think muramasa does fulfill that sort of edgy teenager villain vibe and i actually i do still really like him and i think i like you know even just the small details like him having incredibly long fingernails just adds to the whole creepy puppeteer vibe he's got going on but there was good mystery surrounding muramasa as well we wouldn't find out for a couple of episodes yet that he was actually a zampato spirit too well i think it's something that many people probably kind of put two and two together um but he has this really kind of just kind of creepy ability to send these like invisible hands out to kind of take over a zombuctose and mind in some way but he kind of ran the show for basically the majority of the zampakta rebellion arc so the reception of that arc a lot of that was going to be down to muramasa and how well he did in that main villain role and i think for the most part he did a really solid job now that's not to say there weren't issues off the bat and there were there were already disappointments at the very start of this arc comamora of course is used as the guinea pig character he is instantly wiped out by tenken in the first episode and doesn't reawaken from his coma until basically the end of the arc which as a common moro fan i was like this guy takes so many so many losses why have you just wiped him out immediately at the start of this arc it makes him look so amateurish he basically walks up to tanking and he's like you know do as i say why have you turned against me and tenkin just wipes him out um so yeah that was that was definitely a shame i know why they did it they basically did it to be like um you know we we need to establish the zampato as a credible threat if i remember rightly i think chojiro is also given a really bad rap in this arc he sort of chojiro might even get it worse if i remember rightly he sort of staggers onto the scene already half dead and then like collapses and it's like oh okay um so that's that also kind of sucks and you get some mystery though surrounding yamamoto and his whereabouts but despite a couple of those character-related disappointments the zampato rebellion arc really got off to a great start and it mostly carried that momentum for at least the first half of the season being helped along the way by like i said this great quality animation the story itself looking back was actually quite simple it was basically just a succession of consecutive battles between shinigami and zanpak tow spirit but like i said the fan service was so good people loved to see these zompucto designs which kubo had so obviously had a hand in they looked so good and getting these really great fights was just wonderful to see whether that was shinigami versus their own zampakto like hitsugai versus hyorin maru or characters like ichigo versus sodano shirayuki that sort of thing they were just really cool battles to be had and it was great seeing the zampato spirits communicating with one another being characters in their own right as i think they really deserved to be and of course these characters absolutely hit a chord with the uh audience they absolutely love them all for the most part obviously there are some zampato who will always be less popular gonorrhoea mario go get suburi for instance there's only so much you can do for those guys but certainly the most popular zampato were beloved and there were some breakouts as well like kazushini and even if the zampakta rebellion arc isn't canon it still made us ask some really interesting questions i think of the relationship between a shinigami and their zan puck toe you know how many shinigae actually do just use darmpakto as tools how many don't treat them right and if they had the chance would the zampakto break away you know strive for independence because maybe zampato do deserve to have free will perhaps they do already and actually i think it did ask some really genuinely great questions of the bleach law and the bleach universe remember of course the relationship between a shinigami and a zampakto is an integral part of the bleach universe and story you know even more so later on in the manga um so in many ways this arc was ahead of the curve and i quite like how prescient it is and actually i do enjoy those questions being asked even if they technically come from a falsified place as we find out later on muramasa is essentially just brainwashing these zampakto to turn against the shinigami rather than actually freeing them he is making they are being made to do his bidding essentially thanks to his power and the zampakto rebellion arc essentially like i said it's just a series of fights but that doesn't mean there aren't any cool moments there are some really good ones actually a couple of standouts i remember during the hitsugai versus jordan mario fight hilumaru actively just freezes a shakahoe blast in mid-air and like holds it in his hand that's really really cool to see ken patchy arriving on the battlefield and one shotting wabiscay was also awesome just sort of turning well obviously i think tries to hit him and can actually just turn around takes him out a single move very kenpachi esque but biakia is a character we need to talk about because he plays a pivotal and interesting role in this arc so biakia seemingly betrays his shinigami allies and turns against them to work with the zampakto spirits um this is after sort of briefly clashing with senbon zakara and you kind of realize that maybe something's going on here biakia can't surely have turned evil he obviously has a reason for what he's doing but muramasa allows him to join their ranks anyway he proves his loyalty by basically destroying soderno shirayuki which was a pretty kind of gut punch moment when you know how much biakia cares about rukia that obviously hurt him to do that and really what's actually happening is biakia is leading this inside operation to go against muramasa because he understands the truth of muramasa um which is that he belongs to a specific shinigami which we will get into later on but it's really cool that biakia plays such an active role in this arc to try and in secret undermine the main villain to try and stop his ultimate goal which muramasa has claimed to be the liberation of zampato but that's not quite accurate he is working with an ulterior motive in the background and biaquia is kind of a huge part of that subplot and i love the way it's done i remember there were being just immense mystery about biakia being enveloped by senbonzakara very early in the arc and disappearing into this into this building just a massive explosion going on we didn't know what happened to him had he been taken out obviously he wasn't gonna be dead but had he been you know wiped out what was actually going on here it was the last time many characters had seen him and there's just a good layer of mystery in this arc in general you know clearly they thought we need a couple of additional plot threads to really uh make this more than just a succession of battles where's yamamoto that's a huge one it's like where is where's the location of the captain commander what's going on there um you know has something happened to him like i said we saw sasuke bay right at the start of the ark um as again like this herald of doom again very similar to the thousand-year blood war which is kind of interesting to think about um but the mystery was really effective and there's also a really great part kind of early on where ichigo is kind of the focus here and muramasa takes control of zangetsu now obviously this is prior to the thousand-year blood work and again i'm going to have to put a thousand-year blood where i'll spoil her right here um you know probably skip ahead a couple of minutes at least because we are going to be discussing ichigo very briefly obviously in the anime they didn't yet know i i assume about kubo's upcoming twist because we were a long way away from that point in the manga yet by the way um you have to remember that when the zompoctor rebellion arc came out in the anime i think we were still reading the iran karak so certainly anything to do with like zangetsu in the thousand-year blood work i don't think had really been thought of if i'm completely honest or at least communicated with anyone so at this point in time we were still under the assumption that old man zangetsu was ichigo's zampato spirit and white ichigo was just the hollow with him which is why when muramasa uses his powers he takes over old man zangetsu but what's really cool about this is you can kind of look at it in a brand new light after the thousand-year blood war arc it doesn't really make any sense that zanget the old man zangetsu would be taken over by muramasa since he's not a zompak toa spirit but it is cool that muramasa has to fight white ichigo essentially for total dominion of ichigo's inner world because white ichigo is the real azan park toad so i think that's really really cool to see that and it's a really good fight in each of those inner worlds as well but it is kind of funny going back and obviously having read the thousand-year blood war ichigo says things like you know he kind of makes a pact with hollow ichigo being like you know you might be a hollow but at least you're still a part of me and you know we have to get rid of this intruder and it's really cool seeing you know why ichigo throwing zangetsu like he does before and basically just being all around better with this sound puck toe but it is cool having that almost inside the knowledge that actually this is ichigo's true zan puck toe um and he's fighting for ichigo's inner world in a sense and that's that's a really cool connection to sort of make now even if it's not what they had intended back in the day and this being a filler arc there is a lot of fan service they do try and cram it in every possible opportunity there's a moment where you see ichigo in his like fully hollow fied form that he attains very briefly in the iran corrupt during his visa training um did he need to turn into that form no but i won't pretend i wasn't hyped to see it again and actually fighting with it that was really cool to see um but just all round the fights are good and they carry this arc pretty much for its entirety that's what you're here for the bombast the spectacle the fan service of seeing these zompak toe spirits really in action actually taking on the shinigami i'd say probably the most fan service moment or aspect or element of the zampato rebellion arc is the fight between biakir and ken patchy when you think biakia really has kind of gone evil um and kenpachi arrives on the battlefield they actually have a proper fight which is which is really cool to see it's what fans have been wanting for ages um kubo had kind of hinted towards it in the manga right towards the end of the iran crack with all the yammy stuff um i did just make a video on that whole sort of thing as well by the way if you haven't seen that um but yeah that was this was big fan service right here we then kind of move on to the last third of the arc because like i said it really is just fighting up until now we finally find the yamamoto he's hiding under lockdown essentially in this huge green kedo pillar protected by the zampato spirits of sogyonokotawari katen kyokotsu and minazuki minazuki in particular is a really cool one it's this shady sinister looking zompuck toe that's just a hood like a hooded cloak that kind of resembles the big ray that she has but i like to think as well that that inner darkness is supposed to kind of reflect the other side of unohana as well that's a really cool little touch but the other two zampato spirits as well look awesome obviously kaiten kyokotsu you know again thousand new blood war spoilers i think everyone watching this has probably read it but she is the zampoto spirit that later shows up in the manga itself i remember seeing that when kyoraku activates his bankai and just thinking like that's awesome i love seeing her here she looks great i'm more than happy to accept her as his actual zampakto spirit i'm more than happy to accept all of them as being canon even if you don't really see any of the others but there's a nice twist here where it turns out that muramasa is actually just trying to get the power of ryujin jakka which obviously makes a ton of sense yamamoto is hiding in this barrier of his own volition he hasn't he hasn't been trapped here he is hiding here so that his damn toe can't be used against them and ichigo being the sort of brash hot-headed guy he is uses this massive attack against muramasa muramasa redirects it at the barrier and is able to get the power of ryujin jakka by freeing yamamoto i remember like i was i was a fan of muramasa it was so cool seeing his demeanor just change momentarily as his plan came to fruition he looked really insane all of a sudden and that was a great moment as well and so i guess the final major component to discuss is the true secret major villain of the ark who only really is revealed very late into the story but you can tell the arc was really well thought out i think because his uh role in the story is obviously connected to the biakiah subplot that's the entire reason biakia turns against the shinigami earlier on and that's because muramasa is actually the zanpakto of a once banished member of the kuchki family kogakuchiki who basically was this i believe he married into the kuchiki family i don't think he was actually a kuch ki from birth i'm kind of just trying to remember all this now um but he is this incredibly powerful shinigami this ruthless shinigami who is just naturally monstrously strong and kokakuchiki has this really kind of fascinating backstory where he's sort of accepted into the koochi household but not properly um and he has his own zampato obviously muramasa and then eventually they've kind of become so afraid of his power that gin ray and yamamoto sort of team up together to try and seal him away as he sort of turns on the soul society and it's really cool to see that sort of betrayal of him which leads to him feeling very jaded and bitter and turning against the people he used to work with and gin ray and yamamoto do successfully seal him away and muramasa's whole game plan has been to free koga who is residing in the human world in secret locked away essentially um and reunite with his master once again this idea of this wandering nomadic zampak toe spirit who has been without a master for so long is honestly really cool and you kind of have been had hints dropped about this earlier on muramasa has this like terrible cough where he like coughs up blood and his like body disappears and stuff and that's because he has no real link to a master it's been severed a long time ago and he's trying to keep himself alive by essentially devouring hollow rayatsu which was really really bad for him um but it's a nice little twist but there is one final twist at play here uh muramasa finally frees koga and you get this like really kind of humanizing moment from muramasa where he's so happy to see his master again and koga just stabs him in the gut and koga's like you know you you're pathetic you know you failed me you are worthless you are tall and i don't need you you know koga is so powerful and he has spent all of these years ruminating on what happened to him and just becoming this twisted despicable shinigami who just despises his arm puck toe and thinks it's weak and he says you know i called out to you so many times when i was in trouble and you didn't come um this is referencing the very end of their backstory together he tries to try and um call for muramasa's help but muramasa is unable to reach him and koga blames him for that and it's just it's a really it's a it's a great moment because we've never really seen not not truly seen a shinigami have such disdain for their zamp toe before to the point where they are willing to like brutally hurt it or even kill it um and muramasa is like absolutely devastated by this and koga then turns biaku arrives on the scene and we have this big showdown between the kuchki clan members which is like a kind of a fight for pride but also for the name of kuchiki but also because biakis disgusted by koga and the way he's treated muramasa you know muramasa might have committed all these crimes against seoul society but he did it out of a place of passion you know he cared about his master like any any zampato should and it goes back to this idea of free will for azan puck toe and you know in a sense they do have free will but azam pakto and shinigami are supposed to be one and the same you know they are they are the same person that's the whole journey ichigo goes on later on in the manga to realize that himself and koga has shattered that bond not only figuratively but literally you see it when he turns to [ __ ] and he's like i don't need my zam [ __ ] tony it smashes the sword to pieces just to be like i don't need it it's worthless it's brutal and i know a lot of people didn't really like koga because he kind of does come out of nowhere essentially to be the final villain of this arc in a way he's the main bad guy but i do enjoy it and i think it helps as well that the final battle between him and biaccio is astonishingly good like the the the animation is just off the charts koga because he's got rid of his arm [ __ ] toe is using these insane kido abilities that we've just never seen before but they all look amazing biakia is really pushed to his limit here and koga can use like these creepy illusionary powers that he he can essentially just use himself even without the abilities of his zampato because he is that powerful um he does kind of remind me of eisen in that sense and again i much like muramasa and all cure i do think they are riffing off eyes and a little bit here but i think it works i don't think it's too big of a problem but eventually bjakir proves himself worthy of being the household head uh the kuch ki clan heads and he defeats uh koga this final clash senkay is being used shukei hakutek and you know it's a filler so they can go totally balls to the wall if they want and i absolutely love the end of this fight um it's really stuck with me forever the way koga kind of like is like leaning on his weapon he's just like you know where are you muramasa you know i'm calling out to you and he's like come to me muramasa and obviously there's no reply and this time there's no reply because he's severed that link you know he's injured muramas almost killed him and he just says you know mura and he just collapses into the water and it's like it's a really really cool moment i think it's an awesome moment for the characters and actually i think it's a great way to end the zombunto rebellion arc now the ark's technically not over muramasa kind of loses his mind and turns into a weird hollow zampato hybrid um because of all the rayatsu he's been having from hollows and we get this final this feels like if there's a final battle between ichigo and muramasa they have a they have a fight it's a pretty regular fight the animation is also starting to suffer at this point it feels like they ran out of budget a little bit here which is a shame um because the faces are starting to look a bit weird and we've come so far as well and to get to this point and to start look a bit rough is a shame but i truly wouldn't be surprised if they spent all the money on the koga biakia fight because it really is that good but eventually ego defeats muramasa there's a moment of understanding between the two of them which is really nice and ichiko kind of lets muramasa rest and yeah it's a nice way to end the arc i think the ark wraps up pretty well muramasa is a pretty tragic character in many ways you can see the pain he goes through a lot of the time and it's nice that ichigo eventually connects with him understands where he came from even though what he did was wrong and all the zampato spirits kind of return at last for the big finale against all the hollows and they've all come to their senses again and ichigo we know he's very good at empathy and understanding with his with it with his enemies and he comes to that understanding with muramasa and it's really nice way to just wrap the whole thing up and end the zampacto rebellion arc so that was basically it you know muramasa goes on this rampage but it's all so that he can eventually free his master who at the last minute turns on him in this real cold act of cruelty which leads to a stunning finale in many ways i don't think you really needed the ichigo versus muramasa fight but it feels like they felt they couldn't end the bleach filler arc without an ichigo battle but i think the bayakia koga fight is more than sufficient but that's basically it for the zampocto rebellion filler arc guys let me know in the comments below what you thought of this filler arc is it your favorite in the series like i said i know a lot of people love the ray guy arc as well which i do too but i do think this one really stands out to me i absolutely love it and the opening and ending for this arc is really nice as well opening 11 i believe it is anima rossa i think it's called it's just it's really really nice opening there's a lot of jazzy colors and just really cool imagery being used and i also really love one of the endings as well i can't remember what the number is now i feel like it's i want to say like ending number 20 or something like that i could be completely wrong 21 perhaps but i really love them i love everything about this arc i think it comes together really well it maybe gets a tiny bit long in the tooth towards the end it gets a little self-indulgent but i think it does end where it needs to unfortunately because they still were too close to the manga this arc is then immediately followed up by the beast sword arc or the toju mini arc and that is just bad that is really bad it's kind of like a follow-on from the zampakta rebellion arc it's not really the same thing so we're not really going to discuss it here but it's just it's not great um but they needed more episodes so so i'm glad they ended the zombactory billionaire when they did but yeah like i said that's it for this video on this filler arc it truly was very influential overall people loved the zompuck toe designs myself included and they went on to just be a staple part of the bleach universe from here on out even appearing like i said in the canon manga so i think the influence of this filler arc really can't be understated let me know in the comments below guys if you enjoyed this filler arc which one of the zompot toe spirits is your favorite i'd love to hear that as well do let me know in the comments below but until next time guys i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 52,895
Rating: 4.9636598 out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach anime, bleach discussion, bleach filler, zanpakuto, bleach zanpakuto arc, bleach zanpakuto filler arc, bleach muramasa, muramasa vs ichigo, byakuya vs kouga, bankai, aizen, espada, sternritter, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, bleach new arc, bleach final arc, bleach new anime
Id: 7ut7JeaT1tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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