ISHIDA'S Role in the Final Arc, EXPLAINED - Was Uryu WASTED? | Bleach TYBW Discussion

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of ichigo's close circle of friends i personally have always found uryu to be the most interesting among them and for me it's always been really satisfying watching his gradual evolution throughout the series going from that kind of weird fringe friend who no one's really sure if they like that much the hybrid between something of a reluctant friend and kind of an enemy slash rival all the way through to say the end of the iran car arc when he truly has evolved into one of ichigo's closest and dearest friends potentially even usurping the position of best friend away from chad as someone who can perhaps more reliably understand and sympathize with ichigo's level and status and is also afforded one of the very exclusive positions atop the dome to witness ichigo's darkest moment and i think that small section there really does a whole lot for their friendship and establishes a level of camaraderie between the two of them this understanding that they do actually have each other's backs which is a role that chad sadly used to fill and in my opinion this is only reinforced further in the execution arc when chad at the start it really seems like kubo's doing good things for this character and his relationship with ichigo but unfortunately for chad he succumbs to tsukushima's mind control essentially and it is once again uryu who is there to bail it to go out and see eye to eye with him on the same level so for me uru has always been a very fascinating character to follow throughout the series i think he has a huge fan following as a result now for those of you who maybe weren't there when bleach was coming out weekly as we were going into the final arc the thousand-year blood war information was sparse however speculation was rife and we went into this arc with the understanding that each of the prior arcs had been somehow belonging to one of ichigo's close friends the seoul society arc was rookies the iran car arc was orihime's the fulbright arc was chad's and so many of us assumed fairly i think that the final arc would probably be uruz fueling speculation further that somehow the quincy were going to return in a major way and of course we were right on all accounts and because of this i think most of us expected earlier to play some kind of a major pivotal role in the final arc giving him a unique perspective in the story that he's never had before and now that the final arc is all said and done we can say honestly that yes uriu does play an interesting and unique role in this arc but whether it lived up to its full potential or not is something i want to discuss in this video so from this point on there will be spoilers for the final arc of bleach that so far has only been released in the manga so if you haven't read it yet or you know you are very cautious of spoilers i would maybe watch this video at a later date but if you just don't care that much or if you have already read it then this is perfect for you in this video we're going to be looking at uru's role in the thousand-year blood war arc how it kind of relates to the fact that he had such an interesting status beforehand as the last quincy um and whether or not he was really used in the best way in the final arc or not so yeah i hope you guys enjoy before we begin if you haven't hit subscribe yet make sure to do that now if you're a fan of bleach help push this channel towards 60 000 subs i would really appreciate the support give the video a thumbs up as well if you enjoyed it because it does help with exposure on youtube and also i do now have a patreon as well where so many people are already helping support the channel even further and it's thanks to them that i can keep bringing you videos like this every week so if you're interested in that go and check out the link in the description below and thank you very much so as we do with all of these looking at a character's role in the final arc videos we're going to be going through uru's role in the story in this video however i want to preface this by saying uryu is very unique as far as the thousand-year blood dwarf is concerned he is one of the only characters who we kind of went into this arc with a preconceived expectation for and that's because prior to this arc being a quincy held a lot of weight in the world of bleach he was the only quincy in the series for a very long time until we learned about his father ryuken and then it still was only the two of them they were the only two left from this supposedly almost mythical race of warriors fast forward then to the thousand-year blood war arcanists revealed that actually the quincy are not only still alive but they are commanding a colossal empire from the shadows poised to destroy the soul society and you know that sounds like a big deal that's because it is an enormously big deal with huge ramifications for the story and rightly so i think it set off a lot of questions for fans as to what was actually going to happen to uru in this arc and it's difficult because we know that uru has a lot of loyalty to his quincy heritage you know one of his favorite sayings back in the older chapters was you know on the pride of the quincy i'm going to do this he holds his grandfather's teachings in incredibly close regard however the vanden reich have kind of come out of nowhere as this almost like bastardization of what it means to be a quincy they've not experienced the same growth that uru and his father have in some ways the issuers have almost remained stagnant whereas the vandenreich have taken twisted steps to become something even greater than quincy's in many ways almost looking to be like a sort of warped model of what a future quincy could be which i think is really cool the issue does in many ways seem to hold cling on to more of the traditionalist values of the quincy whereas the vanden reich in their pursuit of power enough to destroy the goatee 13 because that's clearly what's going on here uh bark has attempted to amass a military fighting force capable of surpassing the goat a13 and in doing so they have become something decidedly not that quincy something almost unholy with the drinking of juha's blood and having letters etched into their souls in many ways they've become monsters and i think this is something that kubo really did want to show off and for many of us then we we were kind of asking the question is are you really gonna like sympathize with these guys they seem to be monsters they're very clearly themed on nazis they're subjugating waeco mundo and kubo does a couple of interesting things at the very beginning of this arc to kind of set you on edge as far as uriu's character goes things that he's not really done before so you get a couple of nice moments a couple of slice of life moments um at the very beginning this arc where each go and his friends are dealing with day-to-day stuff ivan as giardo shows up there are a bunch of hollows that show up in karakura town and kubo drops a couple of hints very early on that something might happen between ichigo and uru later in this arc orahime ra rather randomly points out how happy she is that the two of them are now such close friends and then later on in the battle of waco mundo ichigo mentions how he hasn't been attacked by ulu's arrows for a very long time therefore setting some kind of expectation in the back of your head that maybe they're going to come to blows at some point in the future who also mentions something kind of weird in my opinion i think this also felt like it came a little bit out of nowhere in that he refuses to go and help donda chaka because quincy exists to destroy hollows and that felt really weird to me i that felt a bit strange because it does kind of feels it comes out of nowhere he works with hollows in the in the iran car arc to fight for the greater good essentially you know peche dondchaka nel in that lot and it just seems kind of weird to me that he now would just refuse to go and help one it doesn't feel like it doesn't really feel like uranus character uryu is all about helping the little guy you know he always has been on the surface he's supposed to be cold and calculating and somewhat distant but if a friend or a comrade is in grave danger he'll do so and let's remember that uru has absolutely no love for the shinigami and yet he was disgusted by the way mayri was treating nemu and was trying to do everything he could to help her in such a horrible situation so at the start of this arc when it's revealed that waco mundo has been uh enslaved essentially and donda chaka is kidnapped it always kind of rubbed me the wrong way that uri basically just flat out like i'm not going to come with you this time it's obviously done to separate uri from the rest of the group this is this is a degree of separation that's supposed to make it hit harder later on when it looks like he's gone behind their backs now this is actually the last time we see uru for ages because you get the whole first invasion you get the whole first big fight and again like i said it focuses on ichigo and the rest of his friends and you're kind of left to wonder what is going on with uru and i actually want to say that i think a lot of people called the uri would join the stern writers it did seem like that was what was going to happen after kubo created that separation between the friends um but that it doesn't make that moment any less impactful at the very end of the everything but the rain mini arc uh and hashwolf reveal that they have recruited earlier and this is the next time we've actually seen him sporting some really cool looking uh looking uniform as well and that's you know clearly if you're going to join the vanden rikers because they have badass gear um now there's always this this one come around to this point now because this is a major point in the story where it's revealed that uru has joined the bad guys essentially uh these dudes are unequivocally evil we've been told on numerous occasions that they are essentially the worst of the worst senjumaru saying to ichigo like this is kubo's way of telling us that eisen was you thought eisen was bad these guys are on a whole another level and uri has just joined them you know he's like walking in the into the throne room of the big bad who murdered yamamoto and yet this whole scene has always been a little bit weird to me and i kind of want to ask you guys as readers and fans of bleach straight up how many of you honestly believe that uru had turned evil like i just want to let that question sink in want you to type out your comments below how many of you honestly thought that uri was a bad guy because i'll tell you i didn't think he was evil for a split second and like you can kind of go back and look at my reviews and it's weird because i don't know what angle kubo's going for here the whole thing is kind of set up to make you think that uri has gone bad that's why there's the degree of separation he doesn't go on his usual adventures with the friends at the very start of the arc uh calls him his his son the chapter is titled prince of light um and you're supposed to think yeah the uru has gone bad and yet this reveal of uru joining the stern ritters is set immediately after everything but the rain and during everything but the rain we get vital backstory on uru as a character that we have never had before so everything but the rain is a fantastic little segment in the series as well written as something like term at the pendulum kubo's writing always seems to excel in these like microcosms and everything but the reign is no different and in this backstory we get we get really crucial and interesting information that you know masaki was part of the issued as family essentially um because she was like adopted as the last of the kurasaki bloodline this the quincy's are all obsessed with pure bloodlines and stuff like that which feeds into that nazi ideology that the vanden reich now kind of espouse and we also find out uru's mother was a character called kane category um a maid in the issued a household who eventually ends up with ryuken in the grand scheme of things it's not a massive piece of information it's one of those tiny little almost like nice little law nuggets that the thousand-year blood warrant in my opinion is so good at really fleshing out the world of bleach which i love um but what is crucial here is that we find out that you harbach was responsible indirectly for the death of masaki and also for the death of kane katagiri using ausvalin to steal their powers that caused masaki to lose in battle to grand fisher but kane was apparently already frail and sickly and she basically just dropped dead because this is not that long afterwards um you know you see there's a really nice shot of like a photo of her on ryuken's desk showing that obviously that he's never forgotten about what happened to her which which will come into play much later on and i just want to say that i actually love the stuff with ryuken in this arc as as like minuscule as it is and how much more it should have been what's actually here is a real good taste of what i think kubo had really in mind for these characters for the ishida family but anyway what i'm trying to get at is it's really weird that kubo reveals uri was a bad guy just after telling us that yuhabak is responsible for his mother's death now perhaps uryu doesn't know that or at least we don't know if he knows that but you have to imagine that ryuken might have told him at some point and so now we're kind of stuck with an interesting situation where the reader is like is uri a bad guy or is he a double agent and the double agent thing is obviously more likely but what's odd is kubo is i can't tell if kubo wanted us to think he was a bad guy or not because he never goes into uru's introspective thoughts until way later on into the series into the ark and because of that you're left with uryu who looks like he's wearing a mask you know he looks like he's wearing a mask of a villain and is that just to fool the vanderrike or is it just a full us and it's really really weird but i want to say that i think uru joining the bad guys is actually a really nice move a really cool story twist that i really enjoy and it's what's awesome about it is it it sets up uryu for an interesting role in this arc that he may not have otherwise had if he had just stayed as ichigo's friend this puts him immediately in the spotlight he's now part of essentially the main trio of bad guys um and i think that's that's really cool and i think it fits for his character he's a quincy therefore it's viable that he would join this resurgent quincy force he's you can imagine him being like my family this is my family essentially they're back and i want to help them um but of course the uru we know wouldn't suddenly drop everything to side of the genocidal force going against the essentially the new family and friends that he has made so that's where this conflict comes in anyway we don't really see too much of uriu moving forwards there's a little bit with the random right coming up though that's very important and it takes the whole thing in a totally different direction that i was never expecting we get the whole vanden right stir meter meeting chapters which i was dying to see like he you know again in my reviews we had gone maybe three like 30 chapters with no vanden reich whatsoever after the first invasion i was dying to see them again and we finally got 543 letters where we saw the vanden reich all kind of coming together and it's at this meeting where things take another abrupt left turn with uryu's character in the final arc you hobart basically announces to the stermiter that he is making uru his heir the heir to the vandam reich empire uh this is again super weird kind of comes out absolutely nowhere it's designed i think to just create tension among the sternum so none of them are happy about this none of them have even seen uru prior to this point um and yuha's just like you're my heir this does a couple of things for the reader as well it makes us think maybe uru's status as the last quincy is going to hold some kind of importance or some kind of reverence among the vanden reich um but also how sincere is this whole setup who's trying to fool who if uhuru really isn't a bad guy then he's doing a decent job at getting close to you hard but like is uh the kind of guy who's really planning for his defeat his death i don't know and why make uru the the air and not hash wealth which is a big point of contention that comes up between the stir writers we get a nice little conversation between you harbach and uri where you kind of questions why he did this and uh says that when he used the al's valen a long time ago and he robbed the powers of loads of impure quincy uru survived um and i think uruz i i it's always been a little bit muddled but i think uru is an impure quincy because uh kane was a gimmiched quincy which is a half-blood quincy and ryuken was an act quincy which is a true blood quincy there then they mixed and unfortunately that means uru is now mixed as well so that's so basically uh was expecting him to die but somehow he survived uh i think this is never explained this is something i do want to get into as we move on later into the into the story but i think it's never explained i think you're supposed to assume it's something to do with uriu's innate antithesis powers but that is a can of worms that we will get into later on so uri who's been made the air no one's happy about it everyone's finding the whole situation a little bit weird it then does kind of feel like a bit of a re-run of the mental prison that eisen has supposedly put orahime in which all kia ora then explains to neutral after the espada meeting yada yada basically the same thing happens here hashwath explains to his maid that yuhai has done this so that all lies will now be on uru no matter where he goes he will have no privacy and this is interesting because now it tells me that the vanden right actually suspect uryu of being a traitor but once again we're offered no insight into urayu's mind so we have no idea but now we can kind of assume okay he probably is a bad he is a traitor because now they don't trust him apparently uh doesn't really trust him at least according to hash wealth anyway um and so we're getting kind of i'm getting the feeling at this point that uruz traitor story is a little bit thin on the ground it's a little bit wishy-washy and i think the primary reason for that is we don't spend enough time with uruyu uriu has he has an interesting role in this arc and he has the potential to have a really interesting role in the arc the problem is kubo it feels like he's like waiting and waiting and waiting to give her you his big moment and it never comes because he runs out of time essentially uh in that storm at a meeting yuha says you know i'm not going to listen to objections uri will show you his power in the battles to come that never really happens um again there's a lot of setup for something that doesn't really work but it is a shame because i think it's a really interesting and unique position for you to be in it's kind of like the rescue arc for rookie or he may but flipped on its head uryu has like taken charge of his destiny here and thrown himself in deep with the sharks and i kind of like that i like that but we just should have seen more of it but anyway if we move on we don't see uru again now until the invasion into soul society the second big invasion uh and it's cool seeing him up on top of the building with juha and hash wealth establishing himself as the third in the trio of villains the new eisengeen and tozem um and it's really cool seeing him up there like i said super like refreshing and interesting seeing one of ichigo's friends essentially leave that bubble and do something in the plot i think that's really cool unfortunately uru acts as a bystander for almost the entire time he's doing this sort of thing basically walking in yuha's shadow at kind of the midpoint in this second invasion the early stage anyway we actually get to see earlier again just after master masculine has been defeated and we get a fascinating chapter a genuinely fascinating chapter called god like you um and it starts with you yuh's asleep essentially and therefore he's vulnerable and uru is like making his way to his yuha's chambers ostensibly i do think this is meant to make you think he's going to do something he's up to no good like is he going to try and assassinate you har something like that it's definitely it's definitely framed as being a bit dodgy hash wealth is not happy about it he's acting very suspicious and you get a great moment between uryu and hashwat which i think works really really well actually where hashwaff is like bitter about uri being in the air um which again doesn't really seem to jive with him supposedly knowing yuha's plan but you get a nice moment where hashtag kind of puts the fear of god into uru quite literally essentially uh reveals that he knows uru is kind of only there to avenge his mother's death there's a really nice moment where he like comes in really close to her you put like stops him from getting away and he's like you know you're in too deep now you know there's no way out for any of us and i actually i i remember reading this chapter and again i think i i kind of want to say i called it i think most people called it to be honest but i said that by the end of this arc there is no way these two characters are not going to have a fight and it's just it's really well done because hash wealth is kind of like saying to uh you're in you're in with the sharks now there's no way out um i know that you only came here to avenge your mother but you're in you're you know you you're in too deep you've already had a letter carved into your soul a part of his majesty is in is like lives within you and you when you die like the rest of us you will go back and help his majesty become more powerful um and it's this real great sense of hopelessness that permeates the vanden right and i think it's done really well in that god like you chapter um but to be honest that god like you chapter was a bit weird because hashtag submission about uriu just kind of tells you immediately that he's not a bad guy but again kubo doesn't really confirm it in any way so that's a bit weird um but then later on we do get the first major conflict uh uru doesn't really do anything until uh until uh prepares to assault the royal palace and we get our first really kind of interesting moment here when ichigo discovers the truth he attempts to attack yuha only for uru to reveal himself standing by his majesty's side we get the first moment of the ichigo uru conflict here it's kind of what you would expect are you telling ichigo not a lot basically just saying like you know get out of here if you value your life you can't stop his majesty ichigo just shouting again and again like what are you doing why are you siding with them ishida what's going on et cetera et cetera nice moment where ichiday uses a licked reagan to attack ichigo but or he may blocks it but even here you can kind of see that uru is like his heart is not really in this so it is the whole situation is weird because you have to assume that the bad guys don't really think uri was on their side and the readers don't really think uruz on their side so the whole situation is kind of weird but there is a nice moment where uh says to uh you we're going to leave now have you said goodbye to them because it will be forever and areas like yes i have and then they all they all ascend to the royal palace so it's it's interesting because like yuha has this like twisted way of like caring for you seeing him as his son essentially which he also kind of does for each ago as well um but yeah that initial meeting between everyone i think it's effective i think it gets the job done uh i'm obviously looking at the story now with the benefit of hindsight but when i read it back in the day it was effective it was really good seeing uru firing those arrows at ichigo orihime arriving to defend ichigo from her friend again it's like a flip on the tsukushima stuff in a way but it's kind of more effective here because they all actually do know each other um and or he may also looks really sad about it and it's these these characters who went through so much on the dome are now turned against one another and there's another there's a couple of nice moments like that littered throughout like um renji and rukia renji saying did you see what happened and ruki's like yeah issued a how could you do this uh i think now's a good moment to bring up the whole stir meter stuff because it almost completely ignored after this moment on but supposedly supposedly being the vanden reich's air is something that the stomatas really care about um most of them apparently thought that hashwath was going to get it understandably and like basby is like really angry about this and they all basically hate her are you um but absolutely nothing comes of that the closest you get is basby saying to renji oh yeah you guys used to be friends with that who are you guy don't you just hate it when your friends backstab you which i love which i want to believe is foreshadowing for the harsh wolf stuff with basby later on down the line but i'm not sure it is but i want to believe it is and he says you know we hate ishida as well if you want we'll team up to help you kill him uh rengi is like really shocked by this but it is never brought up again never the whole descent among the steroids about the the air is just never brought up again and it's really weird so perhaps understandably during the assault on the royal palace uryu really is just completely left uh left to the wayside here but then so is hashwath as well this is all about the shootstoffel characters like that arriving for the first time um you know considering kubo was like uryu can show off his powers in the future i'm surprised something wasn't done here to just show you how powerful uru has actually become but it's not um instead uryu is completely left at the waistline just to listen listen to hash wealth talk about their one thousand year prayer and uryu of course bears witness to the reveal of the almighty how yuha is in fact essentially a god the soul king's son they then attack the soul king they attack the throne room and this is the next point when we get a nice moment so ichigo and his friends have also arrived in the royal palace to try and stop them there's a clash and uryu actually shoots yoruichi in the back which i think is quite an interesting moment because that's and again it's handled really weirdly like what are we supposed to think like are we supposed to think uruz actually evil or not like i know obviously if he really wants to get close to the vanden reich then you know this is a great way of doing it and he certainly does the job of proving to the shut stoffel at least any way that he's on their side there's a great moment actually where ichigo is falling off the the palace and leo barrow prepares to snipe him and essentially kill him but uru shoots him first and obviously knowing that ichigo won't be killed by it but he's like you know i've knocked them off the palace that's that's the easy way to get rid of them and it's actually this sort of thing is really well done this this i like this gerard valkyrie buys it immediately like he's like oh yeah i love this kid you know he's part of the gang now lil barrow looking a little bit more suspect and hashtag obviously just doesn't buy it at all the main question here that i have always wondered and i think makes it difficult to truly gauge the effectiveness of uriu's plan is does youhar buy it because it's really hard to tell it seems like at first he does but then it seems like maybe he doesn't certainly when he gets the almighty he must be able to see the future um and he kind of goes back to referring to hashwath as his first son and stuff like that which makes me think maybe he stops buying it but regardless it's kind of weird that this ultra powerful seemingly really efficient military organization allows uri to just wander around its new palace like with no no security detail or anything like that but i will say that i think the relationship the burgeoning trouble relationship between uryu and hashwolf is done nicely it's a nice through line of consistency throughout the final arc even by the time we get to varvel hashwath is like i should never have left are you alone it's way too soon to trust him and then we get the basbi fight um but yeah uru just kind of disappears that's the main problem with this finale this final third is that uru just sort of disappears um and then he kind of comes back and you find out that he's been like dropping things all over varvel these tiny little squares um that i really wish had some kind of design on them i think i don't know why it just really bugs me that they are just white squares i just think they could have had some they should have had something on them um but anyway apparently what it is is they are the same material that essentially made up uranus sun ray glove i think so that when he detonates them they will destroy reishi they will destroy the reishi of varvel essentially and finally uryu's plan is revealed as it looks like he's going to clash with ichigo and ko one more time his plan is revealed now bear in mind up until this point things have been kind of weird between ichigo and uryu they don't say anything of substance between each other back in the throne room i kind of skipped over it because it's just not that important but ichigo is just shouting uryu all the time being like why are you doing this or he was like if i gave you an explanation would you would you believe me it's because i'm a quincy i will say the artwork never falters the facial expressions are great oreo has like this look of disdain on his face and then much later on here he has a look of why are you here like why have you followed me which i just think he's done really well portrayed really nicely ichigo kind of coming across as a bit of a blunt instrument during all of this and just just shouting at him like you know turned back to the light all this sort of thing and uru does finally reveal his master plan basically he didn't tell he basically he is planning on bringing down the vandam reich he now is in varvelty he's in the perfect place to annihilate their headquarters using the sanre stuff that activates at the touch of his rayatsu he didn't tell anyone because basically he has to die to accomplish this he has to be here when everything blows up because only his rayatsu can activate it it's essentially that he believes like almost like the destiny his grandfather left him that's why he didn't tell anyone about his kamikaze plan the whole thing though smacks of kind of like anticlimactic stupidity it sort of comes and it goes it's a bit weird the whole this whole scene is a bit weird it kind of feels like kubo's health was starting to really impact the story at this point he was starting to have to speed things up a little bit um and you do get the sense that things that maybe should have been more grandiose are kind of just brushed over it's like uru u's master plan to destroy varvel it's kind of just like said and done in one chapter and then they then he kind of like abandons it because he has to fight hash wolf so again it kind of just makes you think like if he had this plan if he had the sand ray stuff that could destroy the the vanden vandenreich from the very beginning so from the very beginning it seems like we were right he wants to destroy the vandal right because i guess they killed his mother no other there's no real other motivation given and he wants he wants to stop them from destroying all three worlds like everyone else i guess he shares the universal motivation but as far as personal stuff goes it's just because juha killed his mom which you know it's a fair enough motivation um but like why not just tell the soul society you have this technology get them to mass produce it get them to turn it into weaponry or something that can utterly annihilate the random rights foundations destroy them before uh murders the zero division and the soul king you know it's it's really tough it kind of reminds me of gene you know it's that whole severus snape trope again where he like gets in really deep with the bad guys to deal some kind of critical blow like right at the end when they're at their most dangerous um and you know at the end of the day i don't dislike this i just wish it been given more room to breathe given a chance to have the gravita it deserves um because at the because it feels like a throwaway plot point uh has been through all of this um and because kubo it feels like he's been waiting for that big moment uh has effectively done absolutely nothing for hundreds of chapters and then we get to uru's big moment and it's too late it's too late because the clocks run out on kubo like he's starting to really suffer from his illnesses and stuff and he's just like i've got like three big fights to finish up as well uru's plot now has to become this thing of secondary importance and it's like it's it's frustrating it really does suck um you know it could have been cool if like uh was like unstoppable and then uri manages to pull off his plan just freaking blows up varvel he obviously survived somehow maybe ichigo saves him at the last minute or something like that but like it critically wounds uh makes it so it's possible now for the goatee to actually fight him and his men or something like that i don't know i kind of wish yuri had just pulled off his plan like at least gene pulls off his plan and dies afterwards but uruz just is a whole lot of hot air that nothing comes of it anyway ichigo goes to face uh and uru faces hash wolf like i said as predicted and they don't they don't get a fight again uru is kind of tossed to the wayside and it really sucks because this is supposed to be his arc again i want to reiterate that i actually do like what we got between uru and hashwaffe it's a real shame that you basically don't see them fight at all the battle of their shrifts is weird and intangible and you don't see any of it and it's just a one-up game of like hashtag can bestow misfortune upon uryu or you can reflect it hashwat can do it back and it's like where does the antithesis even come from what does that have anything to do with uryu you know it's it's it's really weird you know of all the because obviously the stir meter are all new characters they're effectively like designed around their shifts as not is the fear and he looks creepy you know asking is the death dealing and all of his abilities look like poisonous kind of stuff candice the thunderbolt she looks like she has lightning in her hair and stuff or you the antithesis doesn't really mean it like there's nothing you can draw visually from that he doesn't necessarily look like the antithesis of uh or something like that so it's a really vague and kind of disappointing ability and that whole bit is just a bit of a mess of like expectations not being met for uru but on the flip side i love the ideological stuff i love the conversation they have i think it's honestly fantastic that uryu comes full circle to admitting that he is he does everything he does for his friends that's what he weighs on his own personal scales which causes hash wealth to flip out because he knows deep down that he's betrayed his only friend um and therefore weighed up something on his scales that is not really right uh honestly i love that all so much and that's fantastic uriu though just gets beaten around in this fight like again we're supposed to believe that he has this great power now he gets absolutely wiped out by hashwath it's really weird you know hashtag gets ausvalend he then dies there's another really nice moment where he lets uh transfer his wounds to him so he can at least have some chance of defeating yuha and then we get obviously stuff is being sped up a bit now ishin and ryuken arrive ryuken ishida this is the first time essentially he has appeared in the present day storyline in a thousand year blood war arc an arc about the quincy's and ryuken has only just arrived at the very least i thought back in the day that he was going to take over the fight from hashvulf that doesn't happen um which sucks but ryuken basically is just there to give uru this still silva arrow and actually in kubo's defense this is foreshadowed at the around the start of the final third of this arc when they go into the varvel stuff it's revealed that uru walked in on his father autopsying his mother's dead body and like that scarred him for life but we know that the ryuken has been preparing to take down uh since then and that kind of thing is really powerful to me i love that i think that's really cool that ryuken kind of like shut his heart off to the world but he's been busying himself with revenge essentially ever since which i think is really cool he must have he must have assumed that uh would return at some point and that they would have to be ready to finish him off once and for all so i think that works really really well and i really like the short conversation they have i love that it ends with ryuken being like you must be the one to shoot this arrow i think that that that's the sort of thing that could look amazing in the anime it's like some incredible music behind it as it swells u realizes his destiny the the part he has to play in this final battle as his father bestows upon him the key to defeating the god of the quincy's he's like you must be the one to shoot this arrow and i think that's really great i just wish there was more of it i just wish there'd be more build up more time with the issuers more time to establish their importance what does it mean to be the last quincy in a world now apparently full of quinces you know what does uri you mean to the vanden reich as a whole what does the vandenberg mean to uru does it mean anything that these quincy are back to him or does he just not like them um you know so many questions that i just i would love for the anime to go into a bit more of this um but then as you know uru arrives at the site the final battle shoots yuh in the back with the still silver arrow i love this moment i think it's cathartic i think it's you know really satisfying seeing juha like paralyzed in fear as his powers are just stripped immediately away from him rendering him essentially a normal human being with time enough each go to cut him in half and kill him and i think that's just if that bit is nice it's really cool seeing you hardest like terrified hit with his own power the same power he's been using to dominate and terrify quincy for years uryu finally hits him with it himself and how does yuhan not see uru i don't know is it like a chosen thing again where he's not really paying enough attention to what's going on behind him because he's so coop in the moment maybe either way it's not that important that is in a nutshell a pretty long nutshell a 40 minute nutshell kind of everything uru does in the arc and you'll notice it's mostly a whole lot of nothing which is really disappointing um so to summarize uriu's role in the final arc and i want to ask the question that's in the title of this video was uri wasted in an arc all about the quincy and it's a little bit of both i think it's a little bit of both i think kubo is very obviously laying the groundwork for a really cool and unique role for uru to play this traitor this good guy turned traitor now right hand man to the main villains he's you know quincy therefore he's got the backstory with them it kind of makes sense but at the same time he's a double almost triple agent going in to try and take these guys down from the inside how much sense does his plan make not a huge amount it's not bad but it could probably been worked in a little bit better but it's just it's so disappointing in a way to get an arc finally about the quincy and then predominantly have it about these guys now don't get me wrong i you know that i love the stone ritter but a lot of them don't really feel like traditional quincy that is very much the ishida's thing so ken is like brought up three times in this arc and it's completely like insubstantial it doesn't mean anything and it's like this is this has been such a good moment to really lift the issuers up to real prominence and importance and it feels like it starts like that and it feels like it was supposed to end like that as well i love where you can bestowing uri with the weapon to kill yuha but there's just not enough it's it's nearly inexcusable to have an arc about the quincy and then have ryuken ishida only appear 10 chapters from the end for the first time in the present storyline like yes he's in everything but the rain but yeah it's just it it is a bit annoying and i hope the anime flesh is out was are you wasted i think it's a bit of both yes yes undeniably like he does nothing he hasn't he has it's so weird to think that in the soul society arc and the iran karak the iraq about shinigami and hollows uru has character growth normal character growth he has fights girobo mirey uh you know ice winger sarucci zile and throughout these fights he evolves he grows he gets new bows everything like that and it's weirdly like thrown aside in the final arc uru's new bow is just like randomly there he has some big bow made of light that he didn't have at the start of the arc you see him with the little one he has in the lost agent arcs so i'm guessing this new bow was caused by him drinking yuha's blood and then towards the end of the ark he has another new bow that he's like it's like four-pronged bow and then it's like where are these coming from and he doesn't have a proper fight either which is so disappointing so yeah i think undeniably you have to say uri was wasted to a degree but regardless i did like i liked him seeing him in the final arc get this point of prominence i thought it was cool i just think yeah more could have been done with the ishida family on the whole all right guys but i really hope you enjoyed this much longer than anticipated video let me know in the comments below do you think uri was wasted or not i'd love to hear what you think let me know in the comments below like i said don't forget to hit the subscribe button if you are new here for more long-form bleach content like this to tide you over until the anime arrives give the video a like so i really appreciate the support and don't forget to check out the patreon as well if you want to help me out with what i do here but until next time guys i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 167,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach anime, quincy, sternritter, wandenreich, uryu, ishida, ryuken, ichigo, aizen, bankai, yhwach, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, bleach discussion, bleach lore, bleach fights, anime, manga
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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