URAHARA KISUKE vs ASKIN NAKK LE VAAR - Bleach Battle ANALYSIS | A Question of Mortality

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for those of you who have been watching my videos for some time now you'll know that stern rita d the death dealing askin naklavar is one of my absolute favorite characters in the entire series and throughout all of his appearances in the final arc i was always curious as to who he would eventually have his final battle against he does spar up against a couple of characters through his time in the storyline whether that's myri or oetsu or even ichigo and his gang later on in varvelt but his actual final battle comes about courtesy of yoruichi shihoei which is a really unexpected but frankly refreshing pairing that i didn't see coming however when yoruichi does go down during that fight who should take over but kisuke urahara himself to finish ask it off once and for all and when kisuke showed up i was so excited because it really felt to me that yeah we may actually get a proper fight between these two if you've seen my top 10 favorite bleach characters list you'll know that both askin and urahara make that list so i was really excited to see the possibilities and hope that we would get a great fight between the two of them and in this video we're going to be looking at just that this latest bleach battle analysis will focus on the fight between kisuke urahara and ask naklava and everything else in between before we begin however guys if you haven't hit subscribe yet make sure to hit that button down below for videos like this every single week if you're a bleach fan you're in the perfect place so i hope you'll join me also don't forget to give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it because it really does help spread the reach of the video on youtube and help it be seen by more people i'd really appreciate it if you want to take that support for me and what i do here a step further we do now have a patreon where we are inching ever closer to 50 patrons i think we maybe need one more perhaps so i'd love to hit that milestone if you want to support me over there for as little as a dollar a month you can do and a huge shout out goes out to everyone who is already supporting me there so thank you very much so kiskay versus asking this is a fight that i have pretty obviously been really wanting to talk about hence why i've just decided to do this one normally i do put a poll out for battle analysis videos and i will do there probably is one out now perhaps um if not it's coming out soon but i really wanted to talk about this fight now you could maybe argue that this battle and the one preceding it involving yoroichi and yushiro is all part of the same big fight however bleach wiki separates these two into two separate battles so that's what uh that's the approach i'm going to take here and to be honest i think i'm going to talk enough about the keyscare asking fight alone where we will need two videos anyway and yeah bringing these two characters together was such a great idea on kubo's behalf they're actually very similar characters in many ways they're both very genre savvy they seem to know that they're in a manga it feels like they're always subverting expectations and just demolishing tropes of the series and just being standout characters who are almost unlike anything else in the show they seem to feel like they're having a great time all the time and bringing them together was bound to lead to some gold and it does although i have to get a complaint out of the way straight away this fight is way too short it is way too short only lasting from chapter 664 to chapter 666. it is so short it's criminal um and i think there's some really interesting things going on with the pacing here that i want to address as well before we get into the fight itself so it seems to me that when starting the varvelt sub arc kubo really wanted to take his time and give each member of the shutstoffel a major lengthy and satisfying battle and actually i think he does succeed in that regard for the most part however i think time was against him here and he over indulged himself on the first two battles maiari and nemu vs pernider and then kyoraku and nanao versus lille it's no coincidence i don't think that there are flashbacks in those first two fights and then no flashbacks in the askin and gerard battles which again is a huge shame i think kubo probably spends too much time on those fights and realized actually i have to wrap this thing up soon um and i think the biggest casualty of this is obviously hash wolf hashtag and uri basically don't get a fight because kubo clearly had to toss up between that fight and ichigo and uh and probably rightfully chose ichigo and yuha um so that has well fight kind of gets left to the wayside but it's fascinating just taking a look at the varvelt sub arc in a nutshell and seeing how these fights play out because there's also no denying that the asking and gerard fights are shorter than the lille and pernido fights as well um it cannot it can really feel that way because of how broken up they are um but they're actually still very lengthy in their own right i think asking fights for a total of like eight chapters altogether which is still pretty good going and i am quite happy with that i will say though again before we get into the fight itself i'm nearly certain that this is the fight kubo was going to show kisuke and yoruichi's history together their flashback um it just it makes total sense he said prior to this arc that he was going to show their backstory together that was one of his early promises he made you've got backstory for characters like nemu and nanao and kiraku happening and then you get to this fight and there's no backstory and i'm like okay i feel like we were gonna get that but we are running out of time which is a big shame and kubo obviously was really starting to feel the effects of his illness towards the end of the series as well so i'm grateful that we got what we did to be honest because all four members of the shuttle do get pretty damn good fights and so let's move on then to kisuke vs askin it is only about three chapters long it takes place after the bulk of asking's fight has actually already happened so for some context asking's been fighting yodawichi yoruichi has mostly been beating him around kisuke has actually already arrived at this point to sort of work with her against asking which is a really nice dynamic and using her shunko electric cat form the true name of which escapes me she defeats asking to the point where he has to use his holy form hashane and yoruichi at this point succumbs to the poison that she's already been afflicted with leaving kisuke the only person left who can deal with asking who's now in his volstendig and i think the stage is set for a really awesome battle one of my favorite panels actually uh in chapter 663 prior to this fight is the scene setting panel where you see the massive gif ball deluxe like completely enveloping a huge part of the zveiter asked that they're on at the moment and it looks really great it's a great sense of scale really shows you just how massive this ability is it really sets the stage for an awesome fight to come and so now that we're here on chapter 664 what do i think of this fight and it's great you know it's it's just as good as i was hoping it would be and without hyperbole chapter 664 is probably like in my top 10 favorite bleach chapters of all time it has everything i would love in a chapter in it with like the ultimate cherry on top at the very end so with chapter 664 then asking has just revealed his volston hashane he's using it to counter the ever-changing rayatsu of yoroichi's cat form essentially and he looks cool i like it his voston dig is nice and understated very much like his character very in keeping with his character reminds me of kyrgy opi's volston dig actually and it just slightly changes some of their outfit but a bit more so than the vast majority of holy forms do but less so than some of the outright transformations but he looks really cool i love the visor that's a really nice little touch and he kind of confronts kieske and he's just like you know i've got my new my new boston dig i'll explain to you what it does um he tells him everything about it that he can adapt to the changes in the poison basically so that kiska doesn't try anything different after that asking activates an ability called the gift berric which is basically the deadly poison domain apparently in english which is cool as hell um and you see the gift ball deluxe that he has created around them he then summons essentially like i don't really know what they are they're like modular nodes i guess these like white modular nodes that then like attach themselves to the outside of the dome and this creates this inescapable poison fortress essentially basically asking's making it so that neither of them can escape you get a really nice moment here as well where asking says you know i don't like to speak in definitive terms i think that the guys who do sound like that end up coming across as losers you know who can't whose bark doesn't whose bite doesn't match their bark and this again is a fantastic example of asking just crushing bleach bleach his own tropes kubo comes across as extraordinarily self-aware when writing this character um because the vast majority of quincy and stern writers talk in these absolute terms the vast majority of these characters say things like a shinigami could never destroy me shinigami's bankai is pathetic in comparison to me i am god my power is divine and unstoppable so many of these characters say the same thing so it's incredibly refreshing for asking to come across and be like i don't say that sort of rubbish you know i i like to remain understated and keep my keep my composure and i think that way you know i come across better and he's right because then after that he says so you need to take what i say now as serious as it can be it is impossible to escape from this domain and therefore it's really good you know that he's telling the truth it must be physically impossible to escape because he doesn't normally say things like that it's a really clever way actually of establishing that um but now we get the moment that i love the absolute most from this chapter which is the major dialogue sequence between key skate and asking and this is kubo taking snatching this golden opportunity to have these two characters together and have them actually talk and that's kind of a big part of this fight in general what's important about it is not necessarily the fighting there are some cool choreography here but really it's too short to really get into a crazy fight but the actual talking they do is awesome it's so good um and so basically kiska is like well you know if you wanted us to stay so badly you could have just said so and we would we would have done um and then we get a nice it kind of comes out of nowhere i feel like it does feel a little contrived to get to this point where kisuke basically just says you know it feels to me like you're not acting completely out of loyalty towards you harbaugh and if you know the stern ritters if you know how they operate this is completely like unacceptable they are all uh they all live and die quite literally for his majesty so for one of them to maybe not be completely loyal is like a really out there thing especially one of them who is so close to his majesty like asking is literally part of juha's elite guard so for kisuke to kind of throw this idea out there it's a pretty big deal and asking kind of turns around and says you know that's pretty rude of you i i think i exude loyalty you know i have as much loyalty as a pomeranian which is quite a nice line but then he says actually though your assessment isn't completely wrong you know and i find his majesty to be interesting and i remember reading this for the first time and i was like yes yes kubo is giving asking a motivation like an actual motivation for the fact that he's in the stern ritters other than just i want to serve his majesty or i'm terrified of his majesty or something like that this character has a singular motivation that singles him out from the rest of his comrades and it's a cool one as well that i really enjoy and it it helps to flesh out his character even more and also it's so good that he's against kisuke here for reasons we'll get into so basically asking says you know kisuke you you you're the kind of man who has seen everything there is to see in this world you know everyone knows who kisaki or o'hara is he's this decorated scientist and uh in many ways what asking's saying is true kiki probably has seen just about everything there is to see and so he says you know how often do you think someone like you hobart comes around you know he says if i hypothetically let this moment go and decided you know not to work with you heart and let him die how when when do you think we would get someone with this kind of vision again you know he says that the fact that uh wants to destroy all three worlds and build something brand new is so it's well he's a visionary that's basically what asking is saying he's saying that he doesn't follow yuha because he necessarily believes in him he just follows him out of a sick curiosity basically to see what would be created in the wake of his destruction and it it's fascinating i think it's really fascinating he even says to kiss aren't you the tiniest bit curious to see that as well to see what new world would be built um and i remember reading this and it was it was really interesting actually because i was really holding out hope that asking would survive because so far he had come across as like so relatable you know and that was like the reason it felt like he was in the stopper was to be the grounded one compared to like these god-like characters and then i remember reading this and reading his motivation and i just thought he's probably gonna die like because that's so that's a pretty messed up motivation like basically asking in some ways it's even more messed up than the majority of stern writers because at least they believe in something asking doesn't really believe in anything like he doesn't he doesn't care about the vandan right cause he doesn't care about the other stern writers he doesn't even care about you hi he's just curious to see what the new world would look like and he's happy to let all three worlds be destroyed to get there and kisskey obviously doesn't take too well to this either he basically just tries to strike asking immediately and he says you know i don't agree with you kisuke even mentions that maybe mayri karatsuchi would share askin's demented vision however he would never want to sit around and just wait for uha to create this brand new world myri would almost certainly want to create it with his own two hands as that's what it means to be a true scientist this is really this whole thing is just so fascinating to me this whole conversation is so interesting there's a lot of subtext here i think one of the tropes that the vanden reich is missing is that of a mad scientist character they don't really have one um you know obviously myery and kisuke and eisen to some degree are all mad scientists tropes in the soul society you've got xyliporo in the iran karak you they don't re considering how massive the organization is they don't really have one in the vanden reich askin is probably as close as they as it comes you know his abilities are all like modular node themed almost like dna themed and he and he fights kisuke which is you know pretty good indicator um but i i love this dichotomy these two characters are like diametrically opposed just in their way of thinking which permeates to their very being one thing you need to know about asking is that he is a follower he's very like lethargic he's very understated um and he likes it that way you know that's how he makes it he doesn't want to appear too much of a big deal to anyone basically he likes to just chill out in the shadows but this is all part of a sort of bigger uh machination i think like he's a little bit not machiavellian but he is quite sinister in the way he does that you know that's how he's survived for so long um he he he lets other people take the lead essentially and he's very happy to do that here as well you know he's like you know i'm i'm not fussed about creating a new world but i want to see what his majesty does whereas kiskay is the total opposite like kisgay is the driver of events the driver of fate and destiny for so many people um he takes action whereas asking lets other people take action that's the kind of like crucial difference between these two and ki scares like really lambasting him here i think like he's properly outlining the difference in their philosophies essentially and it's just a lovely moment it's a really great moment where key skate is like really standing up for what he believes in what it means to be a true scientist what it means to bring about change it doesn't mean you just sit on the sidelines and let someone else do the dirty work you know it's about getting your hands dirty yourself now if this were any other villain they would have absolutely flipped out at this insult and just been like how dare you you know they would have done an as not where he was like i'm gonna kill you i'm gonna kill you i'm gonna kill you uh but not ask him asking just gets like this crazed smile on his face and he's like that's a pretty good answer you know i really like that answer however we kind of get to this unspoken agreement that their viewpoints are irreconcilable you know so they have to fight and asking's like but i still want to see what his majesty will create and he activates gift ring basically one of the one of the rings around his wrist expands massively and he like holds it over his head he's got this great pose he's kind of like this um he just looks really funny but it's like it's all part of his like eccentricity um but yeah clearly realizing that they probably won't be able to find mutual ground he'd like launch his gift ring at urohara and it's a really cool ability it spirals towards ki skin then disappears at the last minute and kiska is like where's it gone and it reappears in his eye before bursting his eye it's pretty gruesome uh it's a really cool visual though actually seeing it in his eye is like pretty gruesome um looking forward to seeing how they do that on the anime um but yeah kiski's eyes just like blow up there's loads of blood and asking's like you know gift ring condenses the ability of death dealing into one small area so you know if he had attached it to kiesky's arm it would have probably destroyed his whole arm completely or something like that but asking chooses to blind him and he basically says you know i have to use this on people who the death dealing doesn't really affect that well and you can kind of see this because kisuke's been able to mostly maintain his composure despite being inside the giftball deluxe which is crushingly suffocating him essentially um and poisoning him all the time which is something i don't think kubo did a good enough job of really showing like he skate is sweating and asking mentions a couple of times that you shouldn't be able to even move at this point but i think we could have done a really good i think we could have done something really cool with like showing this like crushing suffocating uh ability affecting keyscape but regardless asking says you know you've left me no choice i now have to basically use gift ring to destroy you bit by bit and and then kill you at which point kisuke says okay well you know you had this coming uh don't say i didn't warn you and he activates ban kai and that's the end of chapter 664. that's what i mean by the ultimate cherry on top it it's a great great chapter that gives us amazing character moments between these two brilliant characters who remain very true to themselves but also continue to just shatter bleached tropes and then it ends with ura harakiske's bankai of all things like one of the most anticipated reveals of the entire series no questions asked kanon buraki benahime and one thing i don't uh necessarily appreciate and i've mentioned this before is the rushed nature of kiesky's bankai reveal you you can really see it when you read the whole thing again you know if you go back and read the varvelt section of the story again you can you can really feel it um kubo and you know i i'm i'm two halves of a coin i'm two halves of a coin because clearly he he really wanted to give us a kisake versus asking showdown and he was also clearly so out of time um he was like you know i have to i really want to do this and i'm glad that he did um but kisuke's banco just literally appears it just appears behind him this huge woman this massive wooden doll looks amazing like the design is as incredible as ever you get a tiny little bit more build up at the beginning of 665 you see like a shadow sort of building in front of asking but that's unfortunately here another nice a big nice double page spread though of the bankai with its hands around kisuke like that which again looks awesome but like you think about the amount of fanfare that kirakuzbankai had in the last fight literally the fight previous to this one um you know he's against the wall there's like an entire chapter of build up to the fact that he has to use banankai brings his swords in front of him like that you get the massive page spread then you get all the sky turning dark whereas kiskay's bank is literally just it's right there but you know i'm glad we saw it at all to be honest so moving then on to 665 um it's easy to break this fight down because it's only three chapters long um this is another great chapter another really awesome chapter because i love kiss kay's barn kai i think i've mentioned this you know i've done a whole video on keith's case bangko in the past i think it fits him perfectly well um but yeah it's awesome because the massive doll appears behind kisake and asking's like what the hell is this you know like i didn't have any detail on your bank i given to me by you hobart and it could and keepsake is like well you know i've never really used it in front of you guys before so you wouldn't you wouldn't know what it was um and asking like tries to leap away from it and as he does so like his arm is just like split in half right down to the end of his finger which is like another really nice visual there's like a void inside it and it's not like an injury it's like it has literally been pulled in two um which is yeah again just really creative and and as he like he then at this point is when he tries to run away and as he does so his arm stitches itself back together again and we find out from kisuke as the massive doll's hands like closing over his face and start working away at his face that his ibankai has the ability to just simply restructure anything it touches and his the hands pull away and reveal that he has his sight back it's genius you know i've mentioned it before i think it's i can maybe maybe you'd be underwhelmed by the fact it just has one ability but as i've mentioned in previous videos that one ability can do everything and that's what's so clever about this bankai you know it is the the man with the unknown means this that's his bankai in a nutshell it can do anything um from this one ability and i think that's just so cool uh it works really really well it fits ki skate down to a t and i absolutely love it it kind of looks like kind of sinister as well which i think is really cool the cross like the stitching appearing on his face like some kind of homage to frankenstein or something which you know would make a lot of sense because kisuke you know is a character who has been known for essentially playing god in the past and now he's got asking really on the back foot and i think that's again another kind of um allegory to their their differing philosophies like is now has like transformed himself rewritten his own body to gain the upper hand on this fight and i think that's that's so so cool it works really well for the character um but he just leaps towards asking cuts him across the shoulder there's like stitches following them in the sky asking sort of spins around keesuke spins around and they clash blades and it's like a great moment god i wish this fight was longer because like moments like this is so good but they're like they're so short asking's now got like this molecular staff thing that he's kind of got out of nowhere um but it looks cool and he's like how are you doing this i destroyed your eyes on the spot and keys case like they were destroyed but they were restructured and then you get this really nice again i keep saying this but they're all great moments you get this awesome moment where kisuke brings out his free hand and you watch it unravel and then it re-ravels and gets stitches all over it where he's used his bankai to restructure his arm give himself more physical power grab his blade with two hands and just smack asking like across across the cityscape great moment and like this this is a fight that i really do hope the anime extends even just a little bit you know just give us a little bit extra with kisuke's bankai give us a couple more examples of how he can use it you know show him restructuring his legs so that he can like leap miles in the air or like jump really far or run fast or something like that i'd love to see that sort of thing um but asking like goes smashing through the buildings and then urahara is running towards him and asking is like no no no i this is not how this is supposed to go you know i thought we were having a nice little chat but you're turning this into a battle of physical strength um you know he brings his uh staff around him and and as kiesky is trying to make it towards asking askin says well if you're gonna do that i'm gonna dial up the poison in here even more and the gift ball deluxe just starts freaking out like it starts warping and distorting and it's like basically becoming very very thick laden poison in here that's just like should be crushing keisuke and pushing him to his knees essentially um and asking's like you know if we're gonna do this then that's fine i'm just gonna keep dialing in the gift board deluxe's poison to the right amount until you won't be able to stand anymore but unfortunately for asking kisuke has him beat because he's now got asking focused purely on him which means he's very unaware to something that's going on behind him and we you know the fight is too short like i can't believe kiesky is only just using his barn kind i'm about to mention this is the end of the fight um but behind askin somebody just punches through his back like rips his heart out as well it's just there in front of his face it's super gory one of the best defeats in bleach like it's up there for me with biakia versus tsukushima and how good like smart and satisfying a defeat it actually is it's really well done and asking's like just staring at his own heart which is which is awesome and it makes a lot of sense as well because like this sort of thing should already be saved for an asking video um but because of his ability the death dealing because of his again nature the way he tries to appear like an underling and stay out of things he always says that he feels very far from death's door like he death is always felt so far away to him like even as he lies there on the battlefield at one point he's like even with all this rubble around me i just won't die like i can't i basically can't die um and it's so fitting to see his death comes from him staring at his own heart essentially looking at his own mortality in the eye uh and it's grim joe grim joe has come up behind ask him punched him through the back and ripped his heart out in like a a real display of just animalistic ferocity the ironically the likes of which grim joe would never have been able to show in the iran current because kubo has just gone off the wall at this point with like the maturity and like the themes and just the the gore in this arc which is just so good and i i you know i know the anime has a later time slot and i like i hope they leave this in as it is because it's just me perfect but yeah basically kiskey says you know you said that the gift ball the bear ike the gift berric was inescapable but you never said it was impenetrable and so basically what he's done is he's used his bankai to create a hole in the gift ball deluxe miles away to allow grim joe access he's then basically used the bankai to restructure the space around them to create a portal for grimjoe to jump into and then jump out of again behind our skin and punch him in the back and you can see the the pathway of that portal by the stitches in the ground leading up to asking right behind him and then at the start of the next chapter 666 you can see that portal in the floor beside asking where grim joe has clearly come out of so it's really really clever i think it's a great defeat it makes a lot of sense like asking you know had already defeated grimshaw a little while back and kind of mocked him a bit and moved on and it's so it's cool to see grimshaw kind of get his revenge essentially coming in from outside the gift ball deluxe moving along that portal of stitches essentially to jump out behind him and finish him off and kiss like thanks for your help uh mr grim joe as grim joe just destroys asking's heart and then we move on to 666 which is the final chapter of this fight criminally short fight um asking just collapses to the ground and you might be thinking well how can this be a chapter of the fight if asking is already on the floor and actually the fight still carries on for about i would say 80 percent of this chapter is still this fight um and you know asking's on the floor and he's like oh man i thought i defeated you you know i'm surprised you're you're back up and grim just like how the hell are you still talking i just pulled your heart out so even now asking is struggling to die properly uh and and you know urahara is like i appreciate your help and he says that you know on the way here i healed mr grimjoe and we set this whole thing up and asking's like just utterly in disbelief that keyscare had thought that many steps ahead and casey is like well why you know it's it's a war this is a life or death situation you know i can't help it if i you know so so as to avoid myself being caught out i come up with every possible solution ever and it's nice to get this moment and it comes across as like a really sinister thing the way kisuke looks you get the impression that kisuke goes into every battle thinking it could be his last and he prepares for every possible eventuality and it's nice to get that side of kisuke verbalized like actually get it out in the open this is how this guy thinks you know he is the ultra prepared one to the point of almost being a bit of a joke but like actually hearing it and it's deadly serious i think is really cool um and it just it kind of i think it makes asking feel like he wasn't taking the fight as seriously as he could have done even though he probably even though he probably was but like kisuke was always fighting for his life which i think is really really cool and it's a distinction again between the two of them because as i mentioned earlier asking has always had this very lackadaisical attitude towards death perhaps where you could say he didn't respect death the idea of death being i guess the death dealing has made him feel like he has a control over death that he meets out to other people instead of actually having to deal with it himself whereas kisuke is like i fight every battle by the skin of my teeth like every fight i go in with so many preparations because i don't want to die you know and it could happen to me so i prepare myself for that um and asking's like i just that's amazing you know you you you really are this incredible guy um and then grim joe just stabs him again he's like you need to die now and then grimshaw says we've completed our contract this is referencing something way back way back at the start of this arc that doesn't really make that much sense at this point in the story i don't think basically in about chapter 519 or 18 i want to say after the first invasion urahara reveals to ichigo that he has made a contract with grim joe that should make him safe to be around so we can get that one stipulation of that contract was that grim joe had to help urohara i guess if he was at that in in danger of dying um or you know just defeat urohara's enemy perhaps i don't know what grim joe gets out of it because you never really find out i'm guessing you know in kisuke maybe he's like offered up ichigo as like a rematch opportunity or something but we never really find out however just as the two of them are discussing this they suddenly get afflicted again by the effects of the poison both of them are just like oh what's going on like grim joe crashes down to his knees and he's like i don't understand what's happening and it's revealed that asking is still alive um barely hanging on at this point and grim joe's like can't believe it and asking sort of like kind of gets up a little bit and he's like oh man when i die the gift ball deluxe goes haywire like it's a contingency thing in his shrift that when he dies the gift ball deluxe just magnifies in in in um toxicity and he said and basically you know you get another lovely moment where he goes out with a lot of dignity i think and he actually says to keyskate i would love to spare you like i would love to spare you out of respect um but i can't you know at this point it's too late the lock has been taken off essentially and the gift ball is going it's just going nuts um and he says you get a great moment though asking sort of forces himself up onto his hands and he looks at keyscan and he just sort of says like but i'm sure mister i'm never caught with my pants down we'll find some way of getting out of this and then he kind of just collapses and dies and he says you know i've said this spiel many times before so i'm not gonna say that this is a fatal situation and then he just dies and the gift ball goes crazy and it's a brilliant end it's a brilliant end to a brilliant character like maybe i'm super biased but i just love the way that he tries to show respect to kisuke um you know he tries to he he says that i want to spare you but i physically can't um but i'm sure you'll get out of this somehow um and it's just it's really really nice and kiskey does have a contingency planned nelly l is waiting just outside the gift board in case it does go nuts and she's about prepared to go in and rescue them all but it doesn't end well for kisuke though because the effects of the poison take hold pretty quickly we see his bankai collapsing behind him involuntary um an involuntary dispelling of the baankai is a sign that you are very close to death um and the banikai just collapses to pieces behind him the the mannequin falls apart and kisuke just collapses to the floor like spraying blood out of his mouth like looking really unwell um and blood is leaking out of his stitches as well and he basically says that i'm done here like i'm gonna have to leave it to you now ichigo and rukia um him saying rukia still a bit weird but considering she does absolutely nothing after this but um it's a cool it's a cool end to the fight and grim joe like collapses as well he's i'm not not going to let this be the end of me and they both just like fall to the ground kiss case falls to the ground in a pool of his own blood and that is the end of the fight that's the end of ki skate urahara vs askin naklavar um it immediately cuts over to the gerard battle and i'm not gonna lie to you i could have easily had an extra chapter of this fight and won less of that fight but it is what it is it's what we get for the most part i love this fight i think it's so so well done despite its short running time kubo crams a lot of greatness in here you really do get the sense that he he wanted to show us this battle i think um even though he was clearly running out of time um but it's just so nice to get it anyway you get great character moments from both kisuke and askin as they explain their you know their juxtaposed philosophies that just can't quite be reconciled um and so they they must fight you get ki skate's ban kai you know if you remember it for one thing you should remember it for that it's an awesome barn guy that looks really cool and again kubo crams in numerous ways the baankai can be used powering up kisuke's arm restoring his sight um you know creating a way for grimjo to traverse in that you have healing strength and traversal all in the span of one chapter so yeah it's a shame that this final segment of the fight is so short but like i said the majority of askin's fight takes place prior to this skirmish this duel in a way between these two characters and the twist ending with grim joe showing up is just brilliant so that's it guys let me know in the comments below what you think of the battle between urahara and asking like i said i'm going to put up a poll very shortly if it's not up already for the next bleach battle analysis thank you so much for joining me if you enjoyed it don't forget to hit subscribe if you haven't done already and give the video a thumbs up and until next time i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 112,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach discussion, bleach anime, manga, anime, sternritter, bankai, urahara bankai, discussion, bleach fights, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, bleach new anime, bleach tybw, bleach final arc, bleach 20th, bleach 2021
Id: 1Xpfs2lm-t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 14sec (2234 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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