How Renji vs Mask de Masculine BROKE Bleach Power Levels | Bleach DISCUSSION

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now i know that power levels are often a topic of some serious debate among fans of shonen series but at least as far as bleach goes i've always found that they made at least some semblance of sense to me and i was always fairly happy with the way power scaled in this series to be honest i'm not really an expert in this field but to me it always seemed like kubo did a somewhat decent job of consistently improving and increasing the stakes by making the enemies stronger while ensuring that older characters remained relevant captains can always keep up with this spada and stern ritter and to me the power levels only started to balloon at the very end of the iran car arc with obviously the very final battle which makes total sense and then towards the very end of the varvelt invasion right at the end of the series but if you ask me the average fight between a captain and a stern writer is very similar to the average fight between a captain and an espada and i think that makes a lot of sense kubo also does a decent job in my opinion of contextualizing ichigo's power his fluctuations his increases and his decreases and then eventually solidifying him towards the end and cementing where he stands as in as far as how powerful he actually is however there is one example of a fight in the thousand year blood war arc that takes these power levels that are somewhat established and completely just demolishes them and blows the doors wide open regarding who's actually as strong as who and i do think that a lot of this is down to spectacle i think this this fight in particular was designed to be very spectacular to essentially accommodate the character involved one of these characters is a showman he is a superstar and therefore i think the fight is supposed to be kind of insane but of course that fight is rengi versus masked masculine in this video i want to discuss this particular fight and how the power levels seem to just get completely demolished in this battle how rengi seems to be so insanely powerful when you look at how powerful master masculine must end up and i want to kind of look at maybe how musk's superstar ability actually works or at least give an opinion and an alternative opinion as to how it can work and just how powerful renji might actually be by the end of this fight when i do my videos i don't normally have a script or anything but for this one i had to create some notes regarding the amount of times james actually cheers for mask and i have to say with the amount of pluses on here it looks like a maths sheet but hopefully we can actually come up with some kind of an answer in this video as to how powerful renji actually was and how masks ability actually works and whether we should actually take this fight at face value or if it really is just for spectacle's sake before we begin however if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet i'd really appreciate the support make sure to hit that button now if you love bleached videos because you are in the perfect place to get them every single week don't forget to give the video a thumbs up as well if you enjoyed this discussion because it really helps with exposure on youtube trying to get more people to see it than ever before and also don't forget as well to hit the notification bell and you'll keep getting my videos as they appear in your sub box every single week so in the first invasion after biyakia has been pummeled to near death by as not with his own bankai renji attempts to essentially save his captain's life and attack as but he's blindsided by masked masculine who kicks him halfway across the soul society and rips zabimaru in half that's a setup for a grudge match if i've ever seen one and kubo does deliver on that by having renji take on master masculine after he returns from the royal realm apparently considerably stronger but that's not how the fight actually begins mask actually takes on a couple of people before he takes on renji so from the very beginning from about 560 onwards let's look at this fight how it progresses and just how powerful master masculine actually becomes if you've seen my top 10 stern writers video you'll see that i ranked master masculine as the 10th strongest stimulator of the lot of them and i stand by that his power is incredibly vague he notes that he is s the superstar and that his ability is simply described as the cheers of his fans give him strength there's no kind of quantifier to that it's literally that the cheers of masks fans make him more powerful we don't know by how much and we can only try and ascertain that through the research i've done in this video as for james who's the person who cheers mask on i don't think he's a real person i think he is a personification of the superstar itself i think he probably just appears when mask activates his shrift and he's not really living which i think kubo does try to emphasize by how strange and eldritch james actually becomes as the fight progresses there are some people who speculate that james is the real stern writer i don't think so i think master masculine perhaps is actually called james and that's why he calls this guy james it's like a a personification of himself in a way you know it's like an inner thing that kind of comes out and cheers himself on like he's you know boosting his own strength in some kind of weird meta way there's no way of knowing for sure but i think master masculine probably was the actual stern rita but now he needs to get into the actual fight and see just how strong this guy gets as we're not shown james cheering mask at any point before the first time we find out about this ability i think it's reasonable to believe that there are no times he gets cheered on prior to the first time we find out about it so musk initially appears on the battlefield confronting hisagi ikaku and yumichika and we know at least two of these guys are captain level being hisagi and ikaku as far as we're concerned master masculine is currently in base form and we see that he takes down all three of them very easily without barely even taking a scratch however after kensei and rose arrive on the battlefield and kensei beats up mask a little bit hisagi does reveal that he knows that james is the one who boosts masks power implying that james has cheered at least once before kensei and rose arrived so to dial it back a bit basically mask takes on hisagi ikaku and yumichika and at some point during that fight james cheers for him at least once and i think we can probably assume it probably is just the once just because that's all hisagi mentions so at that point because mask has so easily destroyed these three characters he is clearly at least captain level by this point after one cheer from james and i want to try and represent masks power level by having james appear in the bottom corner so at this point we're at one cheer from james and mask has already decimated these three characters knocking all of them out cold and yet in this form he's completely decimated by ban kai kensei and actually that makes sense to me at least anyway kensei was already a captain and a vizard captain at that and bangkai should roughly put him five to ten times stronger than he was initially if we believe that master masculine is roughly captain level for having taken down those three guys then it makes sense that a bangkai captain would beat him up we now get the second cheer from james and this is when kensei and rose realize that they have to deal with james first or else mask is going to become exponentially stronger the second cheer from james when mask reveals that his power is the superstar seems to put him at least in my opinion on a level equal to that of bangkai kensei and presumably bangkai rose but since bankai kent says the physical fights are here it's definitely easier to gauge against and mask is able to knock kensei around pretty handily but also kensei seems to be able to turn the fight back into his favor we see that although kensei gets knocked around a bit he is eventually able to fight back against mask and he lands a punch-on mask changing the way his bankai works presumably to inflict more punches into mask as that's how his bankai works when he punches someone when it connects to them it just simply pummels them over and over and over with bursts of energy as though they were being punched continuously and what it looks like here is that kensei takes a serious beating but then he punches mask and mast begins to scream as though he is getting overpowered kensei says something like don't get ahead of yourself mask sort of blocks the attack but mask is like like he's freaking out like it's too much for him at which point james cheers for the third time once james has cheered for the third time giving mask a plus three mask absolutely decimates bank i can't say like there is just no trouble here whatsoever he completely crushes this guy and then the fight with barkai rose is not necessarily as relevant i don't think because bankai rose fights very differently to kensei he kills james and then attacks mask using his illusions but mast defeats rose because rose is an idiot it's not really a power level thing it's more rose just gives the game away as far as how his bankai works and mask is able to take him down with a star flash it's at this point that rengi arrives on the battlefield having had his training up in the royal realm and now we can assume he is considerably more powerful however if masks power actually stacks on top of itself at this point mask is already far above a bangkai captain which means that renji must have reached extreme levels what's crazy here is that when renji and rukia actually arrive on the battlefield they both seem to believe pretty confidently that renji can handle master masculine no trouble whatsoever and it's this almost kind of cockiness and arrogance that makes you think that they know the extent of their power it's at this point we get the fourth cheer from james however this one is difficult to discern exactly what it does does it actually power mask up like the other ones or is it only used to repair his eardrums if you ask me this one is only used to heal mask as opposed to actually power him up because he's still expecting renji to be about the same level as bankai kensei but renji utterly demolishes mask and he is only in shikai as well at this point but he completely crushes him now renji already prior to going to the royal realm was probably one of if not the strongest of the vice captains up there with the likes of sasuke bay and his sagi and now renji is completely demolishing the same person who demolished baankai kensei there's a lot of demolishing going on in this fight and renji at this point must be an obscene level of strength and now this is when things get really really weird basically renji realizes that james can still cheer mask on even after rose has cut him to pieces so rengi does the same thing and he chops james up into tiny little pieces but james survives as i said before he is not a human so much as he is the embodiment of the superstar itself and as long as mask breathes i don't believe james is necessarily going anywhere until a little bit later on in the fight anyway what we need to work out here however is now that james is cheering mask on from multiple points there's now loads of james being born from all the different parts of his body that have been cut up do each of these james count as a plus one on their own as individuals or do they all kind of count as one collective plus one if we assume they all count as just one james still this is the fifth cheer that master masculine has got however if we all count each sort of individual mouth as a plus one for mask he's now in about plus 10 or 11 which is completely absurd i actually think it's the latter as crazy as that sounds and i think that's how a mask manages to transform into an unknown form i don't know what this thing is it's not a volston dig as that comes later this appears to just be some kind of extension of the superstar but mask himself says that it is a power up and it does make him stronger it's difficult to say how much stronger it makes him but he seems confident now that he can defeat shikai renji now in this state mask does seem to overpower shikai renji and he sends him flying flying backwards unable to even act against masks abilities rengi you see one point kubo shows him clinging onto the wall but even that isn't enough and he goes flying backwards it's important to note that the cheers mask receives when he transforms into whatever that additional form is are the last ones he actually gets at this point as he pushes sheikai renji back he seems to get ahead of himself a bit and he actually activates his holy form while we don't have necessarily a concrete number for how powerful it is it is comparable to bankai in many ways so you have to assume that mask is now 5 to 10 times stronger than he was already so if we put that into the pluses again it's like plus 20 which is starting to get a little bit unwieldy for my liking but mask uses star flash supernova to obliterate renji and finish him off what he does succeed in doing is finish off james and james is actually eradicated by star flash supernova now i don't think this was meant to mean that mask lost any of his power i think it was kubo's subtle way of saying mask is his days are now numbered because he simply can't he can't power himself up but he also can't heal anymore so he's probably going to die soon and that does happen renji is forced to use bangkai here and whether he was actually whether it was necessary or not is an interesting question i think it probably was just simply on the virtue of the fact that what tiny bit of the fight we see renji was getting thrown around like a ragdoll at this point even if he didn't look to be too hurt i think he used the bankai to make sure that he could defeat mask here and now so now that renji has used his bankai his new and complete bankai by the way soho zabi maru he should now be five to ten times as strong as he was in shikai which was already apparently considerably stronger than bangkai kensei now renji's new bankai is obviously a point of contention is he gonna be very good with it immediately off the bat because he already was quite skilled with hihio zabimaru or because he's only just learnt the true name of his arm pukto is he's not going to be too great with it just yet personally i think actually he is supposed to be pretty good with it already a because of the time he spent fighting along zabi mario but also because he gained this from the inner sanctum of ichibe hiyosa based training and i think that that probably pushed him up even considerably more and maybe he's already mastered this new form of his bankai already considering how quickly he decimates mask and decimate mask he does the the bankai is only used for a single chapter but in it renji's able to break mask's arm fling him into a building and then basically kill him in one hit with a new ability zagger tempo and so this is why the power levels in bleach are completely just torn asunder in this fight every single stone writer was commented as having rayatsu equal to or slightly greater than a captain and i think it's fair to say that people like the shut stoffel are definitely considerably more powerful and captains two to three times the riyatsu would be my guess anyway but master masculine's supposed to be your average stern ritter and yet apparently he's capable of completely decimating bankai kensei in a straight fight and then he even pushes shikai renji to use bangkai shikai renji already apparently being able to decimate someone who decimated a bankai captain so you see why it's it's difficult to contemplate exactly what happens to the power levels in this fight so to talk about one of the questions i initially posed at the beginning of this video which is how exactly does mask's already pretty vague power actually work does james's cheering at a plus one to mask continuously and it builds on his power level exponentially making him stronger and stronger and stronger or does the cheer kind of activate masks power and then it comes back down again and then the next cheer makes it go back up again essentially meaning he's kind of like on a baseline level but his power can spike when he needs it to now to me from the evidence we get in this fight i actually think the former is more likely i think mask's power builds and builds and builds on itself every single time but that does make him completely obscenely powerful but worse it makes renji obscenely powerful because masks if masks power returned to a sort of baseline state after he defeated bankai kensei and rose i could buy renji completely decimating him like he does but if mask is already above a bankai captain the fact that renji man handles him like he does is really difficult to believe and it means that renji is three to four times the power roughly of a normal captain by the time he is in bankai so renji's power levels go off the charts and i really think that kubo was mostly just doing this to give renji a well-deserved win like renji had been beaten around pretty badly during the iraq arc and now finally he just decimates a powerful stern ritter opponent and i think people wanted to see that from him it's also important to note that renji never really displays this level of power again we know he has a brief skirmish with basby who i do believe to be probably slightly more powerful than the masculine at least on the basis of their abilities and the potential they actually have rengi and basby have a very brief altercation but you don't really see anything come of it renji is in bangkai but the two of them barely clash on screen and then alongside biakia renji is able to absolutely beat down base form gerard valkyrie only to get absolutely annihilated by gerard once he activates his god size so again it's difficult to place renji although i think he's got to be the most powerful vice captain no questions asked at this point he is beyond captain level he's got to be mid-tier captain if not higher than that because i do think kensei and rose are probably on the lower end of the captain's spectrum and if i was to redo my captain ranking which i probably will do at some point they would be lower down on the list now you might naturally want to compare renji and rukia as they both come from the same royal realm training however their fights are not similar in the slightest and rukia's opponent makes it considerably more difficult to actually determine how powerful she became unlike renji who never seemed in any real danger of losing that fight rukia was actually about to lose the battle to asnot because his fear managed to penetrate her heart and she was about to lose her mind had it not been for biakia arriving at the last second to bail her out having said that in a straight fight rukia now clearly does decimate as not as she does when she manages to block his fear and run rings around him and the way her bank just obliterates his second holy form um pretty much with no questions asked so they both are very very powerful however i wouldn't put it past rinji actually being the stronger of the two um but he isn't the captain yet because obviously biakia is still around and he wants to surpass biaccio whether he has done or not is difficult to say but i would say personally probably not because biakia gets his own royal road training and becomes incredibly powerful himself i do hope this video made some semblance of sense to you like i said i'm not an expert when it comes to power levels and i'm just giving my opinion based on what i read in the bleach manga and my interpretation of what happens i do think that based on the amount of cheering james gives to mask he becomes something like plus 10 the amount of power he had initially but renji just handles him with basically no trouble whatsoever and what that means for rengi's power is absurd and this is what i mean when i say this fight breaks the bleach power scale whatever power leveling system you were using i don't think this fight can really apply because it seems to be such an anomaly done for the sake of spectacle and mask obviously is a wrestler that's his whole theming so whether kubo was trying to go for a sort of tag in tag out theme with this fight with kensey and rose going down but then rengi coming in to save the day against mask regardless of power levels that's possibly what kubo was going for but i also do believe that he gave renji a much needed power-up and basically made him one of the most powerful shinigami in the soul society and i think that's absolutely fair i think the fact that he decimates mask is obviously a sign of him being way above average captain level at this point but i don't think he's necessarily the most powerful by any stretch of the imagination because he does still get handled pretty hard by gerard um and he doesn't seem to make any real progress against basby either so again with the limited amount of content we have it's difficult to say for sure but i just wanted to comment on how i thought this fight was unique in the way it seemed to just obliterate bleach power scaling and make renji some kind of godlike character while also making mask some kind of godlike character but i hope you enjoyed the video guys let me know in the comments below what you thought of renji vs mask damascus i'm sure we'll have more to talk about when we get to this fight as a bleach battle analysis later on down the line but for now i hope you enjoyed this discussion video let me know how powerful you think renji became where would you rank him among especially the end of series shinigami the end of series captains who would you put as above him and how do you think this fight with mask should be interpreted um is it a really serious indicator of how powerful renji actually is or is it maybe just being played up for the sake of spectacle this being a grudge match and all but i hope you enjoyed don't forget to hit the subscribe button for more and until next time guys i'll catch you later see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 108,565
Rating: 4.9396763 out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach discussion, bleach tybw, bleach final arc, renji bankai, renji, renji vs mask de masculine, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, bleach face again, bleach full fights, bleach fights, sternritter, bankai, espada, bleach anime, bleach anime return
Id: 9cdj9uwyGqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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