HELL, EXPLAINED - An Introduction to Bleach's Most UNKNOWN Realm | Bleach Discussion

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so of course i was planning on discussing hell at some point on the channel in the future but i think it's pretty safe to say that with the new chapter now out and potentially a brand new story arc to follow and of course all of the excitement bubbling up from the community about this story that seemingly is all about hell my hand has been forced somewhat and you know what i'm absolutely fine with that the idea of hell in bleach has always fascinated me and it seems to be a really cool and interesting realm albeit one that we know next to nothing about however just because hell has barely appeared in the canon manga doesn't mean that we haven't seen any kind of depiction of it in the bleach universe of course as you all know the fourth and final bleach movie to come out not including the netflix live action one is all about hell it's the hell verse movie um and shows us a potentially really creative and unique depiction of that realm but it's one that i'm unsure if we'll ever see again but of course we're going to talk about all of that in today's video and so i thought now was a great time for us to do a crash course video on the realm of hell in the bleach universe before we begin however guys we've hit that milestone of 75 000 subs all thanks to you thank you so so much the reaction to the live reaction of the new chapter and the review of the new chapter is just amazing the newest chapter review i put out got more views in 24 hours than any of the thousand year blood war arc weekly reviews i did back like six seven eight years ago whenever it was so that's you know blows my mind and i can't thank you enough for that and you know the next big milestone is really 100k it's we know we've got 25 000 subs to go if you haven't hit subscribe yet i'd really appreciate the support and of course you get weekly videos just like this all about bleach and if you did like the video make sure to hit thumbs up as well because it does help get that video out across youtube to more potential bleach fans and if you do want to help support me just a little bit further we do have a patreon for the channel as well where you can support me there for as little as a dollar a month get potential videos early and of course if you have supported me there already a heartfelt thanks goes out to you for being a patron and supporting me i really appreciate it so hell kubo is finally doing it and it's really kind of weird to see it's quite surreal hell has always been this weird thing in the backdrop it appears very early on in the canon manga i'm talking really early which we'll get to in a second and then never appears again um and it's just real that's really strange because every other realm is obviously a major focus of each individual arc they get their time in the spotlight so to say seoul society is obviously the sole society arc but it also crops up as you would expect throughout the rest of the story wei kumundo again the iran car arc a big porsche and a big chunk of the ark is set there vandanrigh you know the quincy realm shattenberric is the major focus of the thousand-year blood war but it also includes elements of the soul society and the royal palace as well and then you have the agent of the sh of the shinigami arc and also the lost agent arc which focuses primarily on the human world and so hell has always just kind of been there in the shadows lurking behind everything maybe that's quite fitting for this realm but i know it's always been on people's minds as well people have always wondered about this realm where supposedly the most evil of beings end up and now we're finally going to see it and as i mentioned in the intro to this video we did get to see it as the major topic and focus of the fourth bleach movie um which is interesting in and of itself and i think i don't want to speak for everyone but i think reception and the general consensus around that movie was a lot more popular when it first came out than it kind of is now but we'll get into the movie a little bit later on first of all let's take a look at what we know of hell in the canon manga prior to the newest chapter new breaths from hell which i completely mispronounced in my chapter review um but yes so there's really not a lot to go on here basically hell appears very early on during ichigo's kind of like training as a substitute shinigami with rukia by his side in the earliest days of bleach the kind of monster of the week part of the series if you will where he deals with almost like a different crisis each time and this is actually quite a big deal one this is in volume two where this kind of whole sequence is happening and basically one of ichigo's best friends chad is trying to protect this parakeet from a pretty devious holo named shrika and you find out that the parakeet houses the soul of a young boy called yuichi shibata whose mother was murdered by shrika not as a hollow but when he was still a human being shrieker's human life was that of a serial killer something he is very proud of um and then he's essentially trying to finish what he started he's tormenting this boy um in the afterlife and it's not you know it's it's pretty sad it's all pretty sad stuff it's actually quite a tragic tale um and it's pretty clear that shrieker is a new level of low life um and when normally when a shinigami kills a hollow it's almost like a moment of relief for these spirits they are killed by a zampato their crimes are cleansed the crimes they've committed as a hollow and they are able to pass on peacefully that's not so the case however as ichigo suddenly discovers when he kills shrieker he smashes his mask in two slices him across the face essentially and expects him to disappear however upon learning of shrieker's misdeeds and crimes as an actual human shrieker's true fate is considerably more grim and i do think the depiction of hell in the canon manga that we have seen so far prior to the new chapter is kind of awesome like it's really kind of dark it's pretty metal you know it's like kind of messed up but basically what seems to happen is so shrika has this huge gash in his face and it seems like the energy that generates the gates of hell forms from that wound which is something i find really fascinating but basically he you know he looks terrified um and the energy shoots out of his head and creates the massive gates of hell that form behind him and i kind of like that because i kind of get the impression that the fact the energy comes from the wound on his face is like hell's way of saying you have no way of escaping you know we are literally making the doors out of your reaction so you you know you have no chance of getting away there's a wonderful double page spread of hell's doors swinging open shrieker in the middle like looking absolutely terrified as rookie and ichigo look on and then of course the most kind of shocking moment he is suddenly impaled through the back by a massive weapon um which is being held by this huge ominous arm complete with shoulder plating armor and some strange tattoos on it and ichigo and ruka kind of look they gaze momentarily into the gates of hell and they see these very sinister eyes and there's like a chuckling sound and shrieker is dragged into hell for all eternity um and it's really really awesome it shows ichigo that you know dealing with these hollows is not always as simple and nice in a way as they get to pass on some of them do genuinely deserve a worse of fate um and it's it's it's it's honestly really cool because generally speaking when it comes to the afterlife it has always been depicted as having that duality um and it's so intriguing to think that a series all about the afterlife generally speaking has basically never showcased this idea of hell because something like waco mundo is more clearly supposed to be more of a purgatory than anything else um but hell with the way it's depicted in the way shrieker is depicted more importantly is definitely supposed to be a place for the worst of the worst and until the other day that was it that was it for hell's appearance in the canon manga which i can as i'm sure you can aware and as bleach fans yourselves has always kind of left you wanting more um but i guess kubo beforehand never really got the time to explore it considered other realms to be more important i don't really know but basically that was all we got for hell itself now in can't feel your own world it is also mentioned that hell itself predates the separation of the other three realms by the soul king and again this just this idea of primordial bleach makes me so excited and i i want to see more of that and honestly if we can get like hell backstory from this new arc that would be absolutely wonderful honestly one of my biggest um i guess failings or worries is that i am getting myself too excited about this new arc and the possibilities that we might get and already kubo has gone like above and beyond what i expected so need to keep it in check a little bit but i i regardless i would love to know more about primordial bleach it's a fascinating time period for me that just hasn't really been explored much but of course as i mentioned earlier that's not the last we ever saw of hell but it's also not really canon the next stuff we saw the bleach movies aren't really canon they're just not um it acts much in the same way as anime filler now that doesn't mean the elements from these non-canon series can't be brought into the canon at a later date if kubo does so choose for instance ichigo traveling to the valley of screams or i believe it's called the kyogoku or something like that in japanese um in the film memories of nobody is explicitly referenced um in the thousand-year blood war arc because they actually use the valley of screams later on however you know there's never any mention of the dark ones there's never any mention of blanks really of cena anything like that so really the first movie is not canon unless you apart from cherry picking certain elements out of it um you know you take diamond dust rebellion and i'm not going to suddenly believe it's possible for there to be more than one of the same zampak toe as intriguing a scenario and concept that is fundamentally i don't really think it works when azam fuchta is supposed to be your truly individual um you know manifestation in in weapon form uh and so for me i think it's much easier to look at these as non-canon stories that kubo can take something from if he so chooses and i actually think he's already done that so before we dive into the hell verse and the way hell is depicted there it's my personal opinion that i i really think kubo will give us his own vision for hell in this new arc i'd be surprised if it looks exactly like it does in the movie and honestly i kind of do want something different because i'd love to see what he can do when he's like you know fully able to focus on bringing hell into the canon manga i think that would be awesome but before the hell verse movie came out there was a tie-in promotional chapter um and i've actually done an entire video on this about a year ago but basically it focuses on two fallen espada xyloporo grandes and aruniero ararueri both of them falling deep into hell after their respective deaths um the two of them are then met by shuren who at the time was believed to be the main villain of the hell verse movie and his followers it's a really neat little side story um but again i don't consider it canon despite it appearing in the manga at the end of the day the canonicity of stuff doesn't really matter too much as long as you enjoy it and you love it as a bleach fan then take what you will from it that's absolutely fine doesn't matter um but for me personally i don't really consider it canon because i'm not expecting people like shuren to ever show up in this new arc i'm not expecting hell to look like this but again i think kubo was writing this and he really loved the idea of xyloporo ending up in hell because let's face it he probably deserves it the guy is deranged um and so decided to bring him back for the new story arc and i'd love to see aranero back as well i think that would be neat personally i could see a number of asparta ending up in hell in this new story yami could easily be there um but yeah for me i've already talked about this promotional chapter so i'm not going to go too much detail here but it's basically done to give us a small insight into hell and also the plot of the movie as after defeating the two espada shurin and his togobito companions basically have a look in this like creepy lantern and they see an image of ichigo in his fully qualified state someone who's able to essentially bust them out of hell which is what they're after and so the depiction of hell that we get in this movie is kind of interesting i think um it's kind of gives off this really vast and empty vibe also giving off this idea of just total sorrow despair and the idea that you just cannot escape doomed to live out your life as a togabito of suffering under the ever watchful gaze of the guardians of hell the kushinada and hell in the movie is made up of five layers that change and transition the lower down you get starting out was kind of weird and like really abstract and moving to maybe what i would consider a more traditional depiction of hell um i i do like what they've done here i can't i can't personally wait to see if kubo decides to change anything up in terms of the way hell actually looks and functions um but the hell verse movie put a decent amount of work in i would say did a decent amount of leg work to flesh out how hell as a realm works and actually i think the film had an unenviable task in that sense none of these other movies have ever really had to introduce a brand new realm and make it the entire purpose of a film make that carry the whole narrative whereas this one did and i think they did a fairly okay job with it but i personally can't wait to see if kubo brings any of his own kind of real unique flavor to this in the manga now that he has full control over what he wants to see in the story the hell verse movie actually has a nice bit of continuity however at the very start of the film when shrieker our horrible hollow friend actually makes a return now as a togabito a prisoner of hell wearing the garb that they have to wear to kind of bypass the cucinata's gaze and escape outside um it's really neat to see him here although he is killed off pretty fast in the movie um but i actually do wonder if maybe he'll show up in uh the new manga arc it seems like the sort of thing kubo would do it's a pretty deep cut um return and i would love to see it although maybe since it has already been done in the film it won't happen again here but regardless it was pretty cool to see him come back now in hell the togabito the sinners essentially prisoners of hell who are there because of the crimes they committed exist in a constant cycle of death rebirth and regeneration you basically can't die in hell because that would defeat the purpose of it you're supposed to be there for eternity to suffer forever um and we even see this a couple of times in the film they are killed and reborn um in the depths of hell and i do think that's a pretty cool idea another major motif of the hell movie is this idea of chains these unbreakable chains they seem to be you know attached to every individual it's like their own kind of personal shackle their own bond that binds them forever to hell that just cannot be broken and in a way it's a sim it is a symbol of their own damnation which i think is is a really cool idea and chains seem to be again playing a big role in depiction of these characters in the new manga um obviously xyloporo is slinging chains all over the place that's kind of cool as well and he seems to have direct control over them in many sense um he himself doesn't seem to be chained that's actually kind of interesting and something i wonder if we'll see in the future because zile is full-on fighting ichigo in the skies of karakura town he doesn't seem to actually have chains on him he's just using them which is interesting but i do wonder about that but the chains themselves uh maybe don't hold the same weight in the manga as ichigo smashes through them like they're nothing but it is also ichigo does that so um that could be a special case so let's take a moment to look at the different levels of hell as they are presented in the hell verse movie now i am probably gonna do a full video on the hell verse movie sometime in the future we've talked a lot about hell recently but we'll go into the characters and the plot and everything in that film but i want to talk about the actual realm itself and the different levels as they are presented to us as i mentioned earlier i think they are fairly creative in the way they are shown off here and each level they've clearly tried to make as distinct as possible but they do sort of homogenize the lower down you get which i think is done on purpose so the first layer is perhaps immediately the weirdest to me and i i also kind of wonder what what their thought process was with with this because basically the entire level is just these strange almost like computer generated looking cubes that float along the place the whole place is just made up of them the kuchinada patrolled them and many kind of destitute and very weak-willed togabito live here doomed to suffer at the hands of these massive wardens essentially for all time if a togabito is grabbed by a cucinado it will eat it and it's like gruesome and painful and then that togabito will be reborn again it certainly does put in perspective that soul society may not actually be as bad as first thought despite its clear class system problems um uh and major class divide between those living in the seireite and the rookongi still perhaps isn't quite as bad as bleach's version of hell or at least the movie's depiction of it anyway but yeah this first level just looks kind of weird to me you don't really get any kind of a hell vibe from it the cucinada do look pretty cool though i actually really like their design overall and clearly they are supposed to be a perhaps retconned version of the arm that stabs shrieker they're wearing very similar shoulder armor i don't think it's quite exactly the same but there are a couple of notable differences that i'm surprised they didn't just try and deal with for instance the arm that gets shrieker is covered in like tribal tattoos where i don't think the cucinata have these at all and of course the glaring eyes that ichigo and rukia see and the sinister chuckling also don't really seem to be able to be attributed to the cucinada either but it seems to me this is certainly what that was supposed to be and perhaps the kushinada and what i'm most intrigued in seeing are they going to show up in the new manga arc or are we actually going to get whose arm that was is it going to be something totally different um you know it wouldn't be the first time really that kubo has kind of contradict not gone out of his way to do so but contradicted filler in some ways either way i could definitely see something like that happening but as i mentioned before many things have been borrowed from filler arcs and then brought into the canon manga for instance sassa kibe doesn't have a lightning zom-puck toe until it was shown off in the zampakta rebellion arc and it's an awesome idea and i'm glad he does but it's cool regarding the first level that renji mentions that the rayatsu here is so twisted and warped that any kind of normal being would completely lose their mind and that's a very sort of typical hellish thing moving on to the second level then we have essentially a great lake a great body of water with which is filled with like these stone lilies actually surprisingly kind of beautiful to be honest um in the center of the level is a giant skeleton of a cucinado again which is kind of strange to think about um but i kind of like the tranquility on offer here and it's a real juxtaposition with essentially what we get once you go deep below the water and you kind of see the beginnings of the more traditional hell in my opinion the third level is perhaps the most recognizable the one i would immediately associate with the hell versus depiction of hell um and that's the one that's filled with like these layered craters each of which are brimming with a sort of bubbling viscous yellow lava-like substance but it's bright yellow i'm talking like sunlight yellow um and i i think it's a wonderful visual i love the way it looks this is also the level that both xyloporo and arduinero fall to upon their deaths which is why i think it's perhaps the most recognizable um because we have actually seen it in the manga but these pools of yellow liquid look really really cool and that one shot of shuren sitting in his throne or something in the pool again is also really awesome once we get to the fourth level we find ourselves with a desert floor the sand is made up of the crushed bones of millions of togabito over countless number of years and that's honestly again a pretty unique and creative visual um right kind of in the center of this is a giant skeleton that seems to be similar to the one on the doors of hell itself um and it's surrounded by these giant sort of stone fingers and of course in front of the skeleton as well is this small pool of lava from which it seems togebito are revived and that's again just a really awesome kind of idea just the visuals in this film i did enjoy quite a lot there's a lot of themes going on here the theme of fire the theme of chains the theme of rebirth and they all work really well tonight give you this cohesive vision for hell and finally you reach the lower most level the fifth level which is where the character of kokuto himself was actually imprisoned and it's a blackened charred dead landscape very reminiscent of something like mordor for instance from the lord of the rings lava veins kind of flow through the land they encroach upon blackened hillsides lightning blasts strike the earth almost random intervals and again like i said as the lower down we get the more kind of traditional uh looking this version of hell becomes that's not a bad thing at all though in general i think if you go from movies one two and three and even the manga and the anime and then get to movie four the hell verse i think you will find it on the whole quite dark and quite bleak in comparison characters like ichigo's sisters are involved at a personal intimate level at one point i think yuzu has like a soul chain implying she's basically dead which is pretty pretty dark um and that is kind of reflected in ichigo himself and the way he's presented in this arc um the weight of the riatsu of hell the way the reaction of hell works and kind of um reflects off of him affects his hollow vacation and transforms him against his will you get this idea that it brings out his inner darkness which is what should and cockatoo both essentially want um and yeah it's i think it's quite well done there is some pretty dark imagery like i think i'm pretty sure rukia like flat out dies certainly renji and uru like their desiccated corpses are hanging from like a tree of bones at one point i remember watching the movie and kind of loving it for that reason i was like whoa this is going places i was not expecting and clearly to try and do hell justice they're making it really dark and i i appreciated that back in the day and in fact the overall layout of hell was actually drawn up in something called the hell verse invitation book so i love seeing kubo's input here and seeing how much of a kind of control he had over how hell itself appears but as i mentioned i am really expecting it to look different in the mangle though i won't be disappointed if it doesn't um it would just be awesome to see regardless and that's really about it for everything we kind of know about hell so far clearly we're going to be finding out more in the future we've already found out about this new thing called phosphoplasm which is like this strange thick gloopy blood like substance that hangs around in the air really nice creepy visual i love seeing shin sweet kind of catching on his blade and watching it sizzle there's no denying that fans have been dying to find out more about hell um just for ages now and to see that the manga might actually be taking us there is really exciting so i thought it was worth taking a trip down memory lane essentially to look at what the series has offered so far both canon and non-canon in terms of depictions of hell i already love the imagery seeing things like black hell butterflies bursting out of wounds when xyle gets stabbed by ukitake his blood kind of goes everywhere but it also seems to be hell butterflies as well um this idea of the portals looking like mouths gaping moors implies to me that more than ever kubo is going to go down some kind of creepy eldritch just unnatural and unsettling direction with this realm and i'm really excited to see more but that's it for this video guys let me know in the comments below what you think about hell so far based on what we've seen both in the manga and of course non-canon material i'd love to know what you think let me know what you're expecting from this chapter in terms of what we've seen so far are you expecting to see kushinada if they go to hell you're expecting the levels to look the same and maybe you're expecting to see any other familiar faces characters like aragnero who appeared in the promotional tie-in let me know in the comments below as always guys hit subscribe if you haven't done already and until next time i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 82,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach chapter, bleach new chapter, bleach new manga, bleach anime, bleach 20th anniversary, bankai, ichigo, aizen, sternritter, bleach tybw, bleach final arc, bleach new arc, bleach 2021, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 Bleach
Id: i5YfSXDnT4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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