ÄS NÖDT - Bleach Character ANALYSIS | The Primal Fear

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so recently i asked you guys to let me know which character you'd like to see as the focus of the next character analysis video on the channel and to find the answer i uploaded a poll featuring three popular stern meter characters as not basbe and gremie and you know what interested me the most about that poll was actually how close the results were for the majority of it um at one point it could have honestly been won by any of the three of them however after 5 000 votes and thank you so much to everyone who did vote in that i really appreciate it your winner was made pretty clear and so in today's character analysis video we're going to be taking a look at the creepiest quincy the stern ritter of fear himself as not and of course for anyone who has watched any of my thousand-year blood war arc videos in the past you'll know this is an outcome i am more than happy with as asnot is easily one of my favorite stern ritter and honestly just a top-tier bleach villain at least in terms of design anyway and that design helped him have a real substantial impact on the thousand-year blood war both in the story and on fans and of course speaking of which there will be spoilers for bleach's final arc in this video but before we move on to the video in question i just want to give a huge shout out to everyone who has come out for my recent soul king video on the channel it's done really well and it seems to have gone down really well with you guys too so i just really appreciated that and just wanted to say thank you for your support there but of course if you haven't actually subscribed to my channel yet now is the best time to do so click that button down below for weekly bleach content videos just like this one and help keep pushing the channel towards that hopefully soon-ish subscriber milestone of 75 000. that would be completely unreal to reach and if you enjoyed the video don't forget to give it a thumbs up as well to show your support and also to help spread the word on youtube as likes really do help with the exposure and if you want to take that support a little bit further as well we do now have a patreon on the channel too where you can support me for as little as a dollar a month and i really just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has become a patron so far your support is really well and truly appreciated so first things first before we talk about as no i think it's interesting to look at the context of how he was introduced and the surroundings of where he was introduced into the story because when you look at the stern writer kubo took a slightly different tact when it came to introducing them as he did with the espada when it came to the espada and a lot of information in the iran karak in general kubo took the approach of drip feeding it quite slowly throughout the arc kind of giving us very little information about the majority of the espada until we finally reached that espada meeting chapter but by that point we were a good third of the way through the arc with the stern ritter it was a little different because there was quite an emphasis on them having these big relentless rush attacks on seoul society the first invasion is just this crazy moment where we actually get introduced to quite a lot of stir meter now of course it is relative because there are more steroids than there are spada but because we see so many of the stern mitsub you really had to have a great design to stand out from the rest and i think obviously this is where as not absolutely excels his design is incredible in my opinion it is a true testament to kubo's designing capabilities that 490 odd chapters into the series he was still creating characters this iconic and this memorable so as not along with a couple of other quincy really stood out as the tentpole examples um of why the vandom right should be feared so early on so in this character analysis video we're going to be taking a look at as the same way we do every character first looking at his personality and overall character design moving on to his role in the story and his character overview then finally his battles his abilities and his relationships if he has any so starting then with his personality and design and of course his design has to be the first real touch point because i mean just look at this guy he looks phenomenal as far as i'm concerned he is totally a standout character in terms of design in bleach instantly recognizable whether you just see his eyes you just see his frame or his creepy marks there's so much about him that's totally unique from the really long creepy black hair to the black spiked mask to eventually the black spiked gloves and of course those wide ultra expressive but also kind of dead and creepy eyes as just looks phenomenal and really embodies that idea of the fear now of course one big criticism of many of the stern writer is that their entire character revolves around their shrift and the same is true for as that permeates both his design and his personality his character's entire philosophy is fear as doesn't have an awful lot of screen time in bleach and nearly every single line he utters is to do with fear and this is both a good and a bad thing in my opinion i appreciate the character's thematic consistency overall i like that kubo actually goes all in with the fear as well with this guy there's no half measures where as not is concerned this character looks creepy he looks stereotypical in the best kind of way he really just looks like he's jumped out of a horror movie or something which is exactly what i think kubo was going for but again that's what i mean it works really well no one else in bleach looks like this and as really stands out from the crowd as for his holy forms design well that's something we'll get into a little bit later but needless to say kubo completely knocks it out of the park where that's concerned as well now as his personality on the other hand is a little more interesting and a little bit more difficult to unpack in my opinion there are two very different as not there is the one in the first invasion and the one in the second invasion now in my opinion the first invasion was a testing ground for a lot of the quincy i think kubo was testing the waters for the quincy that he liked the look of the most the quincy he thought might be the most popular and it's really interesting to kind of see the beta designs for some of these quincy bg9 looks almost totally different his face looks more like an axe here whereas later on it gets a slightly more squared look around the side basby when he jumps yamamoto is wearing a bog standard quincy uniform under his cloak and as not while being perhaps more well realized than some of them because of the prominent role he plays in the first invasion his personality is nothing like it is in the second one and it's actually quite fascinating in the first invasion he's mostly silent he's quite stoic but then when he even when he does speak he's cold calculating callous you know he's all the c words you know he's calm composed all that sort of thing um he's just very much your sort of statuesque terminator style enemy who seems unstoppable but doesn't really seem to have too much in the way of personality in fact i honestly envisioned him having a really deep voice when he spoke in that initial moment against spiakia however when he arrives in the second invasion against rukia he seems to have taken on a totally different persona more childlike more impish now he's like giddy and laughing all the time talking to himself talking in very strange ways just saying things like i'm so lonely i'm so lonely where's my sembon zachariah like in just really weird ways you can kind of imagine him almost bouncing around like a jack-in-the-box or something when he talks he's laughing a lot kind of cackling to himself which he did absolutely none of in the first invasion so there's two in my opinion very different characters here but luckily they do actually coalesce in my opinion to make one pretty consistent character overall the first invasion tonally is very different to the second anyway it's just way more serious um and i think as fit the bill they're perfectly fine because you have to understand he was the poster child for the fandom right characters like as not characters like kirk aop of course uh bach but as far as the stern writer were concerned as was a leading member of the stern ritter in that early section of the thousand-year blood war and fans were latching on to him as well um so it kind of makes sense for kubo to think okay this guy i like the look of him he seems popular we're going to keep him around but i'm actually going to get a chance to really flesh out what he's like in the second invasion so for me it worked out fine so looking at as his role in the story overall and it's not particularly extensive as his first appearance is chapter 494 and then his last appearance is chapter 570 so his manga lifespan isn't that long and he also doesn't really appear in that many chapters in between those i think i calculated it as he only has 14 separate chapter appearances which really isn't a lot but of course he is only a supporting villain at the end of the day that being said of all the stern ritter as is treated pretty well by kubo all things considered he gets a volume cover and he gets some semblance of a backstory but as i said as his first appearance comes in chapter 494 the closing chapter part one a really exciting chapter overall where the stern rita launched their first major assault on seoul society and as is one of six initial stomachs shown alongside hash wealth appearing from pillars of blue flame and it's difficult to gauge much about this guy he doesn't say a word for ages but he does have some really cool moments each stern ritter is kind of sent off to a different division and as gets squad six where he ends up taking out a number of their foot soldiers you see this great imagery of him like stalking them walking forwards really slowly casting a massive shadow a ring of reishi thorns around him impaling some shinigami who are just hanging from them by their heads kubo obviously as we all know massively playing up the gore in the thousand-year blood war and it really works to create this ominous atmosphere for as not now of course one interesting thing about az is that actually he's never his epithet is never properly introduced in the series despite the fact he is such a major quincy he's only ever referred to as f in the actual manga itself i know it's pretty obvious what his power actually is unlike someone like bg9 or robert acoutron um considering all he ever talks about is fear but of course also kubo would write the fear in one of the chapter volume sketches so we do actually get that confirmation but like i said with aznot it's pretty obvious but anyway as leads the assault on the sixth division and one cool little detail about this is the blonde shinigami who basically tries to stand up against him and tells his comrades you know don't run you're supposed to lay down your lives for the retake is actually the same nameless shinigami that tries to stop renji when renji kind of pushes past him in the soul society arc to try and get to rookia it's consistent to see like that that really made this first invasion have more punch really made it more impactful seeing shinigami that even if we only slightly recognize them that tertiary acknowledgement really helped make it feel more real but anyway renji comes in and saves the day bringing zabimaru down between the two of them and saying that he'll take over from here and you get this great panel of ads he's kind of looking up at renji but you can't quite see it kubo masterfully creating that air of creepiness with this guy making him seem really eerie and it just works really well now of course coming up against the sixth division would normally have spelled certain doom for a villain biakia and renji are major characters they're both fan favorites and biakia especially is the poster boy for the soul society for being the ultimate shinigami the ultimate all-rounder who wins nearly every single one of his fights the model shinigami that people are supposed to look up to and i think that's probably why kubo chose biakia for this moment um but anyway az and renji square off a little bit as uses blue vein to block renji sabi maru but then renji gets blindsided by another stir meter mask damascus at which point biakea arrives to save him biyakia quickly takes control of the situation and renji says i can't damage this guy with my zampak toe but biakia sends senbon zakara towards as bear in mind as still hasn't said a single word yet at this point but it's quite interesting because he lifts his hand up um i don't quite know what his plan was here whether he just wanted to see if senbon zakara would hit him or not i don't know but it does hit him it slices through his hand a lot and you see him just kind of like looking kind of a mix of horror but i'm also assuming curiosity as well his eye just widens at the sight of all this blood running down his hand mask is like why on earth did you just do that why did you let him cut through your blue vein but you kind of have to wonder what's going through as his mind at this point because obviously they've come prepared to steal the shinigamis bankai that's their main strategy so he's probably thinking like oh wow this is the bankai you know this sampukto is the bank i'm about to receive that's that's really quite exciting to me but miyaki quickly takes control of the situation sends master masculine fooling multiple stories down and now it's just them versus as and the shinigami enacts their plan they release ban kai expect to have it sealed but of course the quincy actually steal it and as once again is the poster child for the bankai stealing moment he is the main one we see activate it he brings his bloodied hand up holding the quincy medallion this strange alien-like black rayatsu lightning comes out grabs the bankai and draws it into the medallion and tobiaki's horror he realizes that the bankai has actually been stolen from him and at this point people were still a little unsure about the stern ritter we'd only seen them for about two three chapters max at this point and yet this moment for az really kind of sealed him as an early fan favorite because like i said he hadn't really had any personality yet rather than just looking kind of creepy but as he brings the medallion to his face he kind of gives off this really gleeful grin um you can't see his face obviously but from his eyes you can tell he is just smirking at biaki a big time this proper like trolley grin like i've got your bankai now and people loved it i loved it it was such a great moment it's he doesn't say anything but it's just really cool to see and it carries over to the next chapter as well when you see that the rest of the captains who used banankai have had them stolen so the quincy have succeeded in their plan but we don't actually get to see as again for a couple of chapters as it moves back to waco mundo but then moving back to seoul society and the fight continues and as manages to strike byakia with one of his reishi thorns and so begins one of these to this day most shocking sequences in all of the bleach manga where people weekly just could not believe what was going on um to the point where people were questioning it and then some of those questions would actually turn out to be true that biaki actually hadn't died but regardless biakea begins to tense up something strange is happening to him he's been hit by this thorn but it's something weird he thinks at first it might be a kind of poison and finally as talks and he says you know can you feel it you know what's happening you probably don't because this is something you have left long behind captain you're feeling fear and uh he kind of comments and compliments biakia on the fact that he is staving off the fear for as long as he is because most shinigami will scream and their hearts just basically inflame and burst from the fear they are feeling that's how as kills people but biakir is sort of holding this off and he tries to strike it as but as blocks it with the blue vein again and says that you know your mind has already been encompassed by my fear engulfed by my fear i'm now in control of this fight and yeah i i don't think people could quite believe what they were reading they were expecting some kind of kubo trick and troll i think but it didn't really come biakia tries to maintain his composure but he sees this vision of rukia turn into a fully gruesome corpse before his eyes and he just stops like terrified at the sight he's seeing aznat comes in punches him through the gut basically blood comes out behind biaccia and as is like you know your legs have just stopped and biaccio tries to move away tries to attack him again but as basically goes on this spiel essentially about how fear is primal primal fear is a an instinct and we cannot ignore our instincts and biaccia sees himself covered in bugs crawling up his face and he just screams tries to attack as but as uses his own bankai now to decimate him um rising up above biakea he just summons senbon zakura kagiyoshi and biakir falls to his knees chapter 502 which i believe eventually got the title of falling sakura or something like that it was untitled when it first came out which was kind of weird it's a mind-blowing chapter even to today even knowing what actually happens to biakia in the end i still can't forget the way i felt when i first read it and so biakia crumples to the floor but he's not defeated yet and renji jumps in as well to try and support him attacking as saying you can't use the captain's barn kai how dare you as not uses the bankai however to deflect renji's attack biakia gets back on his feet and instantly as not turns his attention back to the captain um and again it's so alien seeing the bankai being used in this way used by someone who's not biakia in the canon manga but as not just ruthlessly pummels him with his own bankai um and it's it's it's still crazy to go back and see that kubo even went this far um biaki just gets shredded then he gets shredded again his pupils are gone his eyes look lifeless renji is pleading with as to stop he's like stop and he shouts like you have to stop and he tries to use bankai master masculine comes out of nowhere rips zabimaru in two kicks renji halfway across the seirete it's a moment i that stays with me and i still love it to this day and i feel like maybe that's controversial to say but i think and it's so weird because as not and masking master masculine just turn out to be mid-tier stern meters basically for the most part and yet this moment is such a crushing defeat of of just the normal shinigami complacency that normal shinigami power that can brute force their way through every fight so far they've just been torn to shreds biakia has been pushed about five layers deep into the stone wall more blood on the outside than in his rib cage is showing like kubo is really pushing that gore factor as scolds master masculine for attacking renji saying you know we could have you we could have stolen his barn kai and mask is like oh why i thought any captains could use bankai as he casually tosses the remains of zabimaru away and as just basically says you know you need to go back home and re-read the dayton that his majesty gave us and it's a real shame in my opinion that this is the only time that az actually interacts with another stern ritter considering how outwardly strange he is and how creepy he must be and what a vibe he must give off i'd really like to see him interacting with people of his own kind see how they kind of approach him how they kind of handle him maybe he's like really friendly with everyone in the sternmeter but i kind of doubt it somehow i suspect the reason you don't see him really interact is because he mostly spends his time alone um but i i again it's impossible to tell because we don't see it so as has won a resounding victory here against piagia in one of the series greatest upsets it's a crazy crazy moment actually seeing a villain with this ruthless bloodthirsty streak the majority of bleacher villains so far have been lackluster in that area you know the iran cardiaspada they're awesome but they don't follow through as not actually just desecrates biakia of course biakia survives this because asnot apparently doesn't finish him off either but for those of us reading it weekly it was still a level of brutality and efficiency from villains that we just hadn't seen before whether or not biaccia should have survived is not really a topic for this video i've done that video if you want to check that one out you can but as for as not himself we only see him one more time in the first invasion when he jumps yamamoto and i have to be honest i didn't like this when i read it i couldn't believe that kubo might have just killed off the best stern meter at this point in the story just like that um you know basby nana nanaja coop and as not all attempt to blindside yamamoto when he challenges you harbach and yamamoto just predictably incinerates them in a single hit you even see as collapsed to the ground i think the reason kubo did this is because he expected backlash for the biaccia situation uh it's not the first time he's attempted to offset that moment that basically the moment after you find out that biakia is dead kenpachi shows up with three dead stermiter on its back that's clearly kubo being like you know guys it's not all bad um and then later on he has as burnt to a crisp as well so i think that was supposed to be a bit of retribution for biaccia fans luckily as does actually survive this there was a long period of time where i was really concerned that he was actually dead already but no he does survive but unfortunately we don't actually see any of the steroids for a long time after the first invasion the next time we see the stir meter is chapter 543 letters which is essentially their version of the espada table meeting and when we find out about earlier becoming the new heir we actually get to see a lot of their reactions and as is there looking shocked and pretty unhappy about this and this was the confirmation he was still alive and i was so happy about this if you if you see my weekly review of chapter 543 i actually put in the title as not alive because i was so happy about it um but yeah that's the only time we get to see him in that chapter as well so unfortunately like i said he's quite an impactful stern ritter but you don't get to see much of him he only really appears in that one instance in the first invasion and one instance in the second with very minimal interaction in between when kisuke helps the captains retrieve their bankai there's a single shot of ads looking up into the sky noticing senbon sakuras rayatsu is leaving him essentially it's a cool shot but it's all we get um and then rukia and renji arrive now after renji took on masked masculine i think most people guessed that rookie was going to be going up against az and this was a match up people were really happy with overall i think i know i was i was really excited to see rukia hopefully avenge her brother obviously we knew at this point he was still alive but regardless the feeling was mostly still there and it was really cool to see the little sister now taking on the same creepy monster that decimated her brother i'm not going to go into super in-depth detail about this fight because i've already done an entire video on that battle uh rukia versus as but suffice it to say when i was reading it weekly i was all over the place with this battle because i thought as not was being treated really weirdly first of all um kubo kind of contextualizes the fear a little bit makes it a little bit weaker in many ways by fleshing out now whenever one of aza's thorns hits something it gives off this black ooze they never did before um but that makes it seemingly easier to avoid but also i never liked rukia's explanation for how she was able to circumvent it i thought it was kind of rubbish that she could kill her body but she's already dead but you know it didn't really it never made sense to me back then i kind of wish kubo had just said that she had covered her body in ice as simple as that now it can't actually penetrate the skin but he did something about her killing her nerves or something um so that fight was kind of all over the place for me as is holy form however when he breaks out of rukia sub-zero was a sight to behold many quincy don't get fancy holy forms and the disparity between who gets what kind of volston dig is all over the place um but tartar forest the fear of god looks pretty sublime i think it's a full-on transformation um his eyes always had a tendency to roll upwards but now they've gone so far they've started to bleed um also when he actually frees himself from the ice we get to see that he's missing his lips which is creepy that's cool um that's why he's wearing the mask i guess it's actually quite understated i thought kubo might do a bit more body horror with that or maybe there would be nothing wrong with him at all but missing his lips that's actually pretty creepy that's a pretty creepy visual before we knew what was under the mask i actually envisioned it as him having his mouth stitched together although i don't know how he would have spoken but but i guess it's not really important but that's what i was envisioning um but actually no lips was was pretty creepy as well and when he transforms he's just like this demonic hell spawn with these twisted barbed wire rose thorn wings this thorny halo his body is like a skin sack that's stitched down the middle he just looks fantastic i have to say he looks so so good and i cannot wait to see it again in the anime like i think it's going to be off the charts cool um and he looks he looks great and the fight with rukia continues and the fear kind of becomes a little overpowered here now this is what i mean by this fight being like just kind of all over the place uh the fight is extraordinarily popular though i think i'm pretty sure it's the second most popular shinigami fight in japan as of the most recent poll i believe which is crazy i'm guessing that's because it's got rookies bankai in it but i like to take that as a reflection on as as a as a worthy enemy as well um but yeah so he basically reveals that now whenever rookie looks at him she'll be affected by the fear and there's basically nothing she can do about it the imagery of the fear is not quite as good in this fight i guess it's a bit of a trade-off like we get the amazing holy form but actually the fear itself is a bit not so great you just get to see some old panels in rukia's memories but now everyone's eyes are replaced by these dead black eyes which is actually again pretty cool to be fair but it's not a patch on corpse rukia or you know bug covered byakia for instance from the first invasion but as um as not creates this veil of eyes surrounding rukia biakir arrives to help save the day and we get a lovely little addition to as his personality here where he kind of says to be akia oh you know i've been really waiting for you to arrive you're looking a bit trim are you having trouble keeping your food down perhaps you know i did take out a lot of your stomachs so that would be understandable and it's like so sassy it kind of comes out of nowhere as well but he has this just really twisted sense of humor about him um and it's cool because he's been he's been waiting for biakia this entire time you know the whole reason he challenges rukia you get this amazing moment at the start of their fight where she feels his rayatsu she senses him but it's visualized by this creepy hand like coming out of the darkness and touching her and she's like what the hell was that but there's obviously he's not there that's done really well but as is the whole time he's like where's my senbon sakura you know how do i get biakia back if i kill you will he come to the battlefield and ruki is like maybe which is a pretty great answer but i will say that throughout this whole battle kubo's art for asnot is always phenomenal the characters eyes are constantly expressive whether they're rolling upside down to reveal a quincy cross whether they're turning into these crescent moons as he goes crazy about attacking rukia whether he kind of looks almost religious like as he stands there with his arms out and the light of ring of thorns forming around him i do think he looks really great throughout this whole battle kubo is really making the most of this awesome character design but going back to the fight biakia kind of counters as his sarcastic comments by basically saying well i really appreciate you stealing my bankai because the fact that you did allowed me to really kind of reassess my relationship with it and become more powerful than ever before is effectively what he says and as not doesn't take this well uh and it's a little bit weird this is honestly where the character gets a bit jarring for me um it felt like kubo realized he was coming to the end of volume 63 in terms of chapter count and was like i need to kind of kill this guy now so he has as not just absolutely fly off the handle for like very little provocation um as is just like i will not kill you i will not kill you i'll let you experience the torment of life and death between life and death instead like just going crazy like repeating i will not kill you 10 15 times and unfortunately master masculine before him but as not now as well are examples of the quincy in particular just completely losing their mind over what seems like the slightest little provocation and it was a bit of a shame to see but again the visuals were top-notch the stitches all burst open this massive as not head comes out of as his body and like replaces as turns into this massive twisted monstrosity the old as not is now this like mask of skin hanging down from his chin um you know kubo just totally going awol with the design but in the best way possible like he still looks phenomenally good um but of course as we know rukia activates her bankai and kills him in a single blow um the massive new as is just completely frozen straight to the core and the top of his head is cut off and he dies on reflection i actually don't mind the fight at all in some ways i actually quite like it now that i'm not quite so annoyed i'm able to look at it with a slightly clearer mind rather than when i was reading it weekly and yeah i don't actually mind the fight at all i quite like it perhaps the most interesting thing for me though outside of rookie as bankai of course is that as not randomly is a stern writer that gets a backstory as small as it is but i'm really appreciative of it because not many stormers to get backstories but as is is pretty cool so you see him at some indeterminate amount of time in the past but it looks to be relatively modern i think um he is lying in this hospital bed he's got a respirator on again really cool that he has a mask on his face even here in the past but you can actually see his mouth it looks like his lips are intact here um and he's just lying there pretty much catatonic i think he can barely doesn't seem to be able to move or anything like that and he's basically just thinking to himself like i'm in i mean there's so much pain here i'm not dead yet but even breathing is painful um and you see a german bible next to him as well which is a really awesome character trait the quincy's have long been associated with religion specifically christianity um for a while now and it's cool to actually see one of them is a believer in christianity um and as even says in his inner monologue you know when i die you know i feel like i'm gonna die soon and when i die am i gonna go to heaven or am i gonna go to hell you know and i've heard that hell is this horrible place and i'm terrified of going there and you know will i go there i hope not i hope i go to heaven and he's just clearly terrified all the time living in this state of perpetual fear um he's afraid of the potential afterlife he's afraid of dying he's afraid of the state of life he's in it's great because the book is next to him clearly you assume providing some kind of comfort but at the same time providing this proverbial fear for him but as he's lying there destitute someone steps in through the door and it's you har bark um and i kind of like the idea of uh visiting a modern day hospital coming in through the window like some weird peter pan character it's quite a funny visual but um he basically stands at the foot of az's bed and he's like um oh so you're one of the survivors okay well i will bestow immeasurable power upon you unfortunately it's pretty vague we have no idea what has survived why uh found him how he found him i guess he knew he was there because he had quincy blood but uh it also looks pretty old here so this must be pretty recent you harbuk my assumption and i think it's probably the same as most people's assumption is that this is very recent this is probably uh around the time masaki died um so what was that like you know fifth 10 15 years before the present timeline uh we know that uh used alg valen to basically drain the powers of every mixed blood quincy he possibly could to help bring himself back to full power and is it a possibility that as was a gamished quincy and that he it nearly killed him to have his powers drained from him like that but yuhar decided to you know you survived i'll give you strength the only thing that i don't really buy about that is like why because uh clearly sees these mixed blood quincy as lesser beings so would he really allow one into the stern ritter like that just because it survived and it has looks like he's about to die and we know that category survived for a little while as well so why didn't uh seek her out or perhaps he did unfortunately we don't really know but regardless as seems to have accepted this offer this uh deal with the devil which is also really cool little uh little thing as has the bible beside him he he thinks all about heaven and hell all the time but he accepts this deal with the devil because he's afraid of dying um but ironically the acts he commits as a stern ritter the way he has become this twisted individual you know would imply if he believes it as such that he would end up in hell anyway when he dies um and he dies terrified like he dies his head is cut in half but the last thing he thinks is i'm afraid clearly thinking back to that moment where he he first met you harbach and it's just so great you see the extra amount of detail we can go into because we actually find out a tiny bit of asnot's history um and that's just so refreshing to me i love being able to talk about that and it's such a shame many of the stermiter didn't get that don't really know why as did i think kubo just really liked this character that's the only thing i can think of like i said volume cover actually two fights and a backstory he's pretty well-rounded for a supporting villain i think kubo probably just liked him a lot in many ways after we see his backstory and we understand his motivations for serving you hobart as is something of a tragic character constantly afflicted by this state of fear he was afraid he was about to die but even then he was terrified of going to hell but when he accepted this deal with juha bach from that point on he was terrified of his majesty killing him essentially that's what he says he says the only thing i'm afraid of now is having my existence just taken away from me by his majesty so he goes from one perpetual state of fear to the next and it's actually kind of fascinating that biakia is kind of able to verbalize this for us during the finale of their battle when he says to rukia the only thing you are looking at now is his own fear visualized on his body as as has become this twisted monster kind of trying to project his own fear onto other people but truth be told he was the one who was terrified all the time in the end and so i think that as while not a perfect character not given anywhere near enough time to truly shine um is a really cool villain supporting villain at the end of the day and definitely one of the better of the stern ritter and so that really about does it for his character overview and we've talked about his battles and his abilities already so if we look now at his relationships and unfortunately as a stern ritter he doesn't really have many of them and a mid-tier stir meter at that as well his main relationship would have to be that with his master yu habakk and we know he is absolutely terrified of this guy all the time despite you giving him the almighty power of stern ritter making him a captain level fight from this feeble broken and bedridden soul um but we can only imagine juha is the one who put him there in the first place he might not have been of course it might have been something completely unrelated but it seems to fit the timeline based on how uh looks and stuff um but yeah as is this small person in comparison to his majesty terrified of letting him down and being killed despite being afraid of hell as well um so it's a great relationship and obviously there is the kind of christian angle uh is seen as a god by many people in this series much like the sulking he is one of the closest things to an actual god so as has gone from almost conventional christianity with the german bible next to him to worshiping this actual bleach god um and being just terrified of him as well so yeah it's a pretty twisted existence for as not um and it's also really cool that he is that seems to actually be german as well i'm pretty sure the bible is spelt b bell which i believe that's probably terrible pronunciation but i think that is german um and his name appears to be german as well so that's pretty cool the quincy have a german motif it's cool to see some of them actually are german as well um and yeah that's as is main relationship um he has a semi relationship with the biakya and the cooch keys in general but it's not a not exactly a relationship there's an interesting thing going on with as kind of craving senbon zakara losing it and that goes back to the idea i said of him looking down at his hand in like kind of awe at senbonzakura and deciding from that moment on that he you know wanted it to be his and he even says to rukia like oh you know and biakia or how i wish that bank i was still mine um in this really creepy way and it's just really kind of cool to see him like develop this attachment this kind of horrific attachment to sakura because as is really the one you see the most of regard regarding actually using the stolen banankai kang do does it a little bit as well but that's kind of it really um so yeah unfortunately aznap doesn't really have too many relationships and that is the character in a nutshell stomata f the fear as not i feel like i've talked a ton about a character who doesn't really appear that much um but he is one of my favorite steretters so i was always going to have a lot to say about this guy but i do find him to be really truly interesting with a just genuinely brilliant design um and i just i love the way he looks i love the way he acts and i honestly just can't wait to see him in the anime can't wait to see that grotesque monstrosity that is his holy form and his second form after that as well and i think most people are in agreement that we're all looking forward to seeing as in the anime as one of the major stir mata threats with two fights and just overall great presence in the story all right guys well that's it for this video i hope you enjoyed it let me know in the comments below what your thoughts are on as not himself i'd like to know if you share the same appreciation for the character that i do or if you see him as just another supporting bad guy who didn't get that much time to shine thanks a lot guys for watching subscribe if you haven't done already and i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 111,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach discussion, bleach anime, bleach tybw, bleach final arc, as nodt, sternritter, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, bleach face again, bleach new anime, bleach 2021, bleach 20th, as nodt vs rukia, rukia bankai, bankai, as nodt vs byakuya
Id: jfYZ_AwlQx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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