How QUILGE OPIE Taught Us to FEAR the Wandenreich | Bleach Discussion

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the stern ritter and the vanden reich as a whole made a really big splash in the world of bleach right at the start of a thousand year blood war arc it was a very fast-paced beginning to that story arc somewhat unusual for bleach but i think it helped really get people amped up for what was coming and a big part of that was the presence of these new quincy enemies they came and stampeded the soul society you know almost immediately i think the invasion of soul society begins you know not even 20 chapters into the ark and while the phantom reich was making this huge impact making their presence really known there was one character in particular in my opinion at least who really stood out and stood above the rest in helping make the vanden right make a name for itself and that was sternwinter jay the jail and the captain of the hunting army kyrgyz opie and i i think that's how you pronounce his name honestly i've never been too sure um it was a lot easier way back in the day when it just looked like it was pronounced as kurge but now i'm pretty sure it's something like kyuda gay or something like that so that's what we're going to go with today and kira gaopi is such a fascinating character in my opinion he's such a cool villain in the bleach universe because kubo had a set purpose for this guy and he just he just did it and that purpose was to be a purely nasty villainous character who was there to really show and tell you everything the phantom right was all about however in my opinion that did also come with a slight downside kirigay was too good at his job he was so good at being an effective bad guy in my opinion that he kind of made it so that a lot of the ritter to come would feel diluted by comparison so in today's video we're going to be taking a look at kyogre gaopi in particular his the impact he had at the start of the thousand year blood war and how that maybe had a slight negative effect on some of the stern ritter that would follow before we begin however guys just a massive thank you for getting us to 90 000 subscribers i really really appreciate it you know i i'm always feel like i'm saying this to you guys but you just your support is so so amazing to me and it always leaves me speechless and so i just i can't believe that you know with the final stretch to a hundred thousand subscribers is ahead of us and yeah just anyone who hasn't subscribed if you if you want to hit that button you are in the perfect place for bleach content like this every single week be part of that last 10 000 leg um that would be just amazing um and if you do enjoy the video don't forget to give it a thumbs up as well i really appreciate it and it helps you know give the video more exposure on youtube and get it out there to more bleach fans like yourselves to facilitate an even better discussion and if you do want to support me even further on the channel we have a patreon as well where you can go and support me for as little as a dollar a month and you can get early access to videos just like this one and of course a massive thank you goes out to everyone who is already supporting me over there i couldn't be doing this without you so when people look at the start of the thousand-year blood war arc i think understandably many people just immediately think about the first invasion of soul society and you know why wouldn't you it's absolutely amazing as far as i'm concerned the first invasion of soul society might be peak bleach it possibly is the best section of bleach in the entire story that's a video for another time one that i'm very excited to make um but there is a section of the thousand-year blood war arc that takes place just before that as well just before the stern ritzer go boots on the ground in seoul society and that is when ichigo and his friends start to slowly and the soul society is well these these are factions start to slowly realize that actually there is a massive quincy empire out there and they are starting to make headway in places like waco mundo and who's leading the charge in waco mundo kyrgyz opie this guy who let's face it looks like a very stereotypical nazi his design seems to crib elements from uh the real world um nazi heinrich himmler um and it's just you know you get kind of flashes of like indiana jones in there as well the kind of very small round spectacles the cropped head um you totally get that vibe from kyrgy that kubo wanted to make him just look despicable feel despicable and this was back when the kind of allegory to world war ii was really at its apex in the thousand-year blood war it kind of sounds weird to say because we're right at the start of the arc but this is when kubo was really making those um kind of connections and kirigay leading this um authoritarian oppressive army into waco mundo taking iranka hostage it all felt you know it wasn't exactly subtle but i actually quite liked it and i thought that kyogen made for such an effective cipher for that um and really helped show you what the vandenbrite were all about and in my opinion this was again he was also very much kind of an embodiment of the of the earliest days of the vanden reich in bleach and he was he was that kind of face of them as a military organization as an empire that was making footholds in waco mundo as they conquered these lands in an attempt to bring down the seoul society and you look at kyogee as the leader of the hunting army and you're like yeah this dude this guy is really bad news he's uh he's clearly a horrible person but at the same time kubo makes him quite dangerous and i think he makes for such a captivating start to this arc and in general just looking at the operations they're running in waco mundo it was really really intriguing to see what was once such a kind of foreign and alien world to us as readers the home of the previous villains now being subjugated and controlled by this new enemy who had quite literally come out of the darkness um that was so cool and quite refreshing to me as well um and kirigay is the one behind all of that you get this great moment when he's first introduced he's sitting on this you know plush throne very typical villain style trope sitting there like that um and and there's a lot of really nice little details the throne itself is sat up upon this almost like rug you get the impression the quincy or verily or kyrgy was probably like i don't want my my feet to be touching the sands of waco mundo you know it's disgusting to me um and obviously he would have to later but i'm saying for when he arrives and oversees things you know he's like you know i don't want my throne please to be touching the sand i can totally imagine that and and he is just i think his design is so effective as well as i mentioned a minute ago he he looks like no one else in bleach which i think is truly a true achievement of kubo's to be still cranking out character designs 400 and what is it like 480 chapters in or something like that absolutely phenomenal work um but anyway so kierke is overseeing basically the capture and assimilation of iran car forces into the vandan reich any iranka who is willing to subjugate is killed while those who are rebellious are taken back to headquarters for re-education essentially and this is again kubo really effectively using characters we know from the past to showcase the strength but also the ruthlessness of kirigei and the hunting army so lowly and men only are both being kind of led through you know they've got the rags on them and the chains like all the other iran car have and you know there's the you know the depiction of this is it is really quite dark and despite the fact that the iran car were the villains previously you can't help but feel for them here um and lowly and mentally decide to try and take on kirigei you get a really nice moment where kyrgyz i thought we took all of their blades but you know lowly has a tiny little dagger which yammy mentions back in waco mundo where where are you keeping that thing in your skimpy outfit clearly she's managed to hide it here again which i think is really nice um but i just think that kubo kubo must have i reckon sat down with kier again being like this guy is going to be basically the terminator like he's going to be completely unstoppable and really just show you really make the reader think if one of these guys is capable of this much damage then the other steroids are going to be an un undefeatable force and so lowly and mentally admittedly not the strongest characters in bleach they try and stand up to gay and he immediately just knocks one of them out and he's just like you know take these guys back to his majesty we're going to re-educate them um and it's just so cool because when he knocks her out he also sort of swings his sword and as we learn later on that him swinging his sword is what throws arrows out but two of his arrows like embed themselves in men only shoulder at the exact same time it's just a really nice little action scene those two immediately fall down but then kirigay is assaulted by the trey bestia so apache mila rose and sansa and we've we've of course learned at this point that waco mundo has truly been toppled harabel who is the kind of de facto leader at the moment was immediately captured by euharbuk um and then obviously kyrgy was left in his place to kind of occupy the territory and this is one of my one of the things i loved so much about the early stages of the thousand year blood war is how much it felt like a real war you know as opposed to just being a succession of one-on-one fights there's stuff going on all over the place and waco mundo is really feeling the effects of this and is truly at the forefront of that so i love he just captures um apache's weapon and he's just like who are you ladies and then they obviously try and protect waco mundo but the next time you see them they have all been wiped out because this guy is apparently just totally unstoppable and there's a lovely moment where ichigo arrives and kyogre kind of like tips his hat and he's like oh shinigami i'm clearly quite popular today and kubo just created this guy to be the face of the vanden reich for a long time in chapter four eight four we do meet you ha back but he's very much kind of he he hasn't even got a name yet you know we don't know anything about him same with hashvolth um and those two you kind of get the impression they're probably going to be the big shot but you don't see them for a while kyrgy is really our introduction not only to the vandam right but also to the stern ritter which we wouldn't realize until near his death um but he is the first major enemy that ichigo confronts in this arc ichigo has had a fight with airburn or i think it's pronounced airburn that's another one of those where it was originally just ivan but then we got the correct pronunciation through and it became a little trouble a little tougher um but so ichigo's already faced him but he's not even a quincy um and so now we have kyogei and this is when kubo is like you know the chips are down this guy is the kind of caliber of enemy our heroes are going to be facing moving forwards and this is when the fight becomes i love this fight this is genuinely one of my favorite parts in the thousand-year blood war which is ichigo and his friends trying to help liberate wake umundo from this essentially a tyrant this absolutely maniacal person who is going around impaling iran car because he just he wants to do that um and kyrgy by the way as well has been saying to the iran car that if if you if you pass the tournament my test then you'll join us but his men are like you know he's not actually going to take any of them he's just killing them all so it's nice seeing ichigo fight for them um and you get this really lovely kind of you get a really nice back and forth between ichigo and kierke and one of the things i like the most about kierke one of the things i think helps um showcase just how well written he is now he's not a particularly deep character like i said a minute ago he's just supposed to be a caricature of evil um to really kind of hammer home the vandam right not only a bad news but they're capable of making good on their threats however despite this kubo i think balances this character really well um and it's something we'll get into in a sec but ichigo is never really outclassed by him and i think that's really important but kirigei is used now as quite a literal introduction to the vanderrike he's not only the face of these guys early on he is also literally our introduction as readers to them as a faction their beliefs and perhaps most importantly their abilities as well you basically get a play-by-play thanks to kyrgate of everything they can do and in many ways this helped make him feel like an actual quincy which is again something we will get into later on but kyrgyz use of arrows his use of holy form and even ranso tengai really make him feel like a true successor in the story to uriu which is something that many stern ritter would eventually lack but anyway going back to the immediate moment where these two start facing off you get a lovely bit where kyogre is like oh i know exactly who you are um his majesty has designated you as one of special threats you know the special war potentials and he immediately is like you know you you are a number one priority to bring down his men lunge each you go you get one of my favorite panels uh in this early part of the arc where ichigo is like surrounded and these three quincy are like um priming their arrows i think that's that's a lovely panel and i think it also really highlights what this arc is is in a nutshell it's a shinigami taking on a bunch of quincy it's just it's really cool to see and as well you have to understand how like so completely surreal it was back in the day to see all these quincy in their military uniforms taking on ichigo i was like i was losing my mind at this point and it was it was in fact the earliest days of the thousand-year blood war that really inspired me to do youtube in the first place but so ichigo you know fights off these guys and he's questioning kyogee's like are you really quincy and kyrgy kind of holds up his blade and summons his arrows and fires them at ichigo and you know he's like all rounds on target and you know he's i thought you'd be better than this but then ichigo zampato comes flying down and kiriko is like his arm puck toe and then he's like ichigo actually has grabbed his arrows um and kyrgyz is like what and then just throws them back at him and this is what i mean by kyoge feeling very balanced um this guy takes out a ton of characters and as the fight progresses in stages it feels pretty natural but also kyrgy just won't die that's something we'll see as we go along but he just will not die um and it kind of gave us the impression that maybe all the stir meter would be like this but as i mentioned ichigo is never outclassed by this guy um and that's really important because obviously at this point in the story ichigo should not be being defeated by a you know not a random enemy but a kind of mid-tier stern ritter and i really like that kubo kept on top of that here but ichigo launches kyrgyz arrows right back at him and uh he then lands on the floor throws nell at aruhime and sends a getsu katencho towards kyrgate as well as he tries to summon a few more arrows and again you get a nice moment where kanekiego comes out the dust and he's like oh you know to have my arrows caught and then launched back at me i'm reeling from my own lack of skill here and you get a nice moment where they kind of talk about ishida and stuff like that but kyogre is then apparently given the order by you hobart to take out ichigo then and there and this is the very first time we get to see a vanden riker stern stern ritter use their holy form the volston dig and again this is this is awesome because this is the first time you get to see it kirke is once again showing us the first time he uses this power um and it's it's given quite a lot of gravita because it is such a big deal the first time we're seeing with the first time we are seeing a quincy holy form since uulius let steel back in the soul society arc and i think many of us kind of predicted that the vanden reich would use a version of let steel that didn't get rid of their powers that looked more complete than early use did and lo and behold that is essentially what we get the light parts and kyogre has two enormous angelic wings and i think he looks pretty cool he doesn't have the craziest transformation ever but he does look quite good um i like his kind of almost like a rapier blade now attached to his arm his eyes have turned into jail bars which is just like really gross when you think about it but overall importantly he does look like a holy executioner of god you know his wings are very impressive comparatively with basically every other volston dig we get later on um and he just looks really he looks angelic but i like it as well because he's very flamboyant his boots that were once these like black metal military boots are now these light light stilettos or something but i like it because again it's the flamboyancy of villainy you know he is very flamboyant at one point he says you know oh you know um speech is silver but silence is golden or something like that um and he's he is quite there is an element of camp to this character as well which i think works really well and in my opinion this is the in many ways the truest form of the vandenbrite that many sternmeter would fail to live up to moving forwards and despite the fact that you you kind of figure that there's no way ichigo is going to lose to this guy you do still fear for ichigo a bit like he is still on the back foot occasionally once kyrgy activates his completed holy formation goes like sweating but he is still in chicago so that's what i mean i think the power levels in this fight are handled extremely well like kyrgyz going into his holy form before ichigo has even activated bankai and you get the sense like i said that ichigo is never really that pressed but they do have a nice sword fight now where chico's kind of gets cut on the face and they have it they have a clash of blades and kyrgy just looks very impressive a lot of the time there are a lot of these grandiose shots he appears behind ichigo these massive wings and he just looks awesome as well at the same time you really get the sense of him being like an angel of death um descending from the heavens to you know purge the shinigami for their crimes um and this was also back when i thought that you know the history between the quincy and the shinigami might actually come into play um and that kirigay was this kind of holy ambassador of god who hated the shinigami for what they had done and and he kind of is that he kind of is that because he does mention like you know you abhorrent shinigami you know you mentioned my form was creepy and eerie well that's the exact perfect reaction because that's exactly what you should think when you when shinigami and like unholy shinigami like you lay eyes upon an envoy of god i i really liked all of that i thought that was really well handled here um and kyrgy you know like i said he's very authoritarian very he's an oppressor at the end of the day he even says at one point back earlier on to the trey beast yeah like you know i like your spirit so what i'm going to offer you is that you should subjugate you know you should just give up and join us and then you can spend your days serving his majesty in the presence of your dear beloved harabel you know what could be better than that for you you know living out your life in servitude and obviously the rebellious and animalistic iranka say no and that leads to him basically just trying to kill them so i think i do think kirigay is is just handled so so well basically from start to finish and this fight with him and ichigo again is great you have the big angelic quincy and ichigo fighting you know clashing blades in the deserts of waeco mundo and basically you get you get a couple of nice moments ichigo tries to hit kyrge with like a massive gets a goten show and again that's what i mean ichigo is also a badass in this fight like they lock blades and ichigo says oh you know i don't find you i don't find i'm not worried about you i was worried about udu taking a similarly ridiculous looking form this is a massive gets a goten show straight at kirikai however kyogre is basically unharmed i always found this to be a little bit strange this bit because i never quite got what was going on so ichigo says you know your blade is weakening gets a potentio and hits him with a massive blast at basically point-blank range the next time when the smoke clears however ichigo's sword is like against kirigay's neck kyrgy has obviously been hit by something because his clothes are torn here but he hasn't taken any damage my assumption is he's using blue vein to block the attack but he he says you should really aim where you swing so he's like implying that he just completely missed him but i don't know i always found that bit to be a bit weird um but then kyrgate starts to draw reishi from the environment into his blade as he reveals that his voston dig's name is bisciel i think um again the first quincy's actually named their volstendig in the manga something that many quincy would not do moving forwards but again kyrgy feels so much like a quincy here and i think that's the crux of this video he feels like what i expected a quincy to be in this series he kind of looks a bit like earlier with the angelic wings and again that slight campiness to him the pompous facade it's very very what i what i expected a quincy to be and that's only uh exacerbated when he starts stripping the land of its reishi and pulling it into his sword and i was like yes that is what the let steel did that is what uriu did total domination over reishi something that shinigami can't do um and waco mundo is a spiritually rich place it's dense with with reishi the whole place can bend to kirkey's will and that helps make him a bit scarier um and he's you know he's he's ripping the land of its reishi drawing it all towards him and you see it creating this massive blast and it's really cool to see but again this is something that basically the stern ritter would never do again never do again and it's so weird because i don't know if i don't know if maybe kubo thought that after we'd seen kyrge do everything we wouldn't want to see it again um but it's so that's weird to me because this is exactly what i thought a quincy would be like anyway as kyrgy is summoning his massive attack something destroys it from behind and he turns around and gets punched in the face by ion so eye on the chimera horror that is uh summoned by the left arms of the trey bistia has been summoned they've all cut their arms off and they were like you thought you'd taken us out well now here's ion to level the playing field and again this is another really smart decision on kubo's behalf really smart um to show you just how far ahead the stern ritter actually are ion was one of the most terrifying things we actually saw in the iran car arc the iran car for the most part were not the most threatening bad guys ever but ion this kind of strange alien creature with cavernous black when they're not even his eyes that's the thing he's like an eldritch lovecraftian abomination with eyes that like twist into existence he's like just terrifying basically and he takes out about four vice captains with no problem whatsoever and he has to eventually be brought down by none other than yamamoto so when they summon ion against kirgayopi you're kind of thinking the guy this guy's in for one hell of a beat down and kubo plays with our expectations a little bit ion smacks kyrgy around like absolutely sends him flying kick his eyes like white as blood coming out of his face as ion is just knocking him senseless even chad is like this is way too far ion grabs kyogay slams him into the ground over and over and over again and you get this lovely panel where the bottom half of him is just hanging out of the floor at this crooked angle really nice stuff great imagery and his wings like twisted and bent and you're like dude's dead he's dead he's clearly not dead you know as i think we all probably assumed he is not dead and you get a lovely moment that i think really cements how scary this character actually is where you think he's dead and apache kind of saunters over to him and she's like well that kind of makes you like an idiot now doesn't it and then she gets stabbed through the throat and kyrgy kind of like rises out of the sand and he can't any and you can kind of you can totally see this whole fight in the anime and he's like oh you know the the the data didn't didn't mention something of this power as he breaks his neck back into place and you see like the the veins on his on his neck and everything he's like i'm gonna have to advise his majesty crack that the bloop be strengthened and it's like i'm sorry this guy just broke his neck back into place um and and now he's ready to keep fighting again and that was one of the first moments i think truly where i was like this guy can't this guy's not going to die you know what's it going to take to get rid of this guy and it's not the it's not the last time either but then we get i think what's probably considered kyogre's like shining moment um he says you know before i inform his majesty however i must quickly expedite your demise and as he does this his his crown starts his halo starts to almost like pulsate and you get the impression that you know he he he says like you know ion is like this unsightly beast and again i love that i love the kind of pompous nature of this character he's like you know this what is this disgusting beast this creature um and he says now he's like the first one of you to die will be that unsightly creature well actually i should say he'll be the first of you to live and this was this was in my opinion just phenomenal um kind of payoff to ulu's let's steal because we knew that uriu could dominate reishi he was drawing it in from the buildings of seoul society but we'd never seen and we never expected to see either because urugu is a good person at the end of the day someone using that on a spiritual being and ion runs at kyrgat he tries to attack him and mila rose realizes at the last second that something's wrong and she's like wait ion stop and as as he goes kyuge's halo like activates and he just strips ion of his flesh his skin it all comes straight off his face you see ion skull you know i'm not kidding i turned the page to that and i was like i was like oh my god i was like this is amazing like not only has he survived ion but he is now stripping him to the bone just using his abilities and i'm not kidding when i say that like every page of this of this chapter was just completely mind-blowing every page i was like oh my god oh my god and then it just kept getting worse for our heroes when kyrgy was quite literally turning into the monster that he actually is and so ion is just stripped to the bone his legs like fall to the ground you can see his spine you can really again imagine this in the anime watching his his what's left of his skull like shake and quiver as it just disappears on the floor and kirk is like well you know i'm not particularly happy about this because you've you know you've made me taint my holy wings with wickedness with evil and you see him and he yeah he's monstrous now he has like ion attached to his body um like his his eyes are sunken into his head his mouth is replaced by massive ion teeth one of his arms is now colossal light ions um his wings have ions eyes on them kubo is going absolutely crazy with the body horror here and just showing us how terrifying this guy actually is he has a big snake tail now and it's like wow that's crazy and the ability is called slave array and apparently it is total domination over reishi and i remember expecting quincy to be using this power i was like i was like who else are we going to see in the future get basically stuck to a stern ritter we never see it again and i don't believe it's ever been confirmed but at least in my head canon slavery is a kid gay exclusive ability like i think it makes sense at the end of the day he is the jailer quincy you know so it makes sense that he would be very domineering he would take things as his own and so to have an ability that evolves on total domination of reishi be exclusive to the jailer quincy i think makes an awful lot of sense don't forget of course kyrgy is positioned as the leader of this kind of invading force in waco mundo taking everything um that they see fit and it's just so cool seeing so many people come together to try and bring down this seemingly unstoppable guy you know um ichigo and his friends were fighting him to begin with kyrgy transformed into an angel he was then about to attack ichigo as something really powerful aeon arrives the the hollows and shinigami are working together is exactly what i wanted from the final arc so far so far this is exactly what i was hoping for there's a lovely moment where apache says to ichigo you guys aren't our enemies anymore get out of here while you still can or ayon's going to go crazy and i love that i loved seeing the cooperation to bring down a dangerous foe and i think kirigay was the perfect guy for that you know he's a no-nonsense totally dangerous i will kill all of you kind of character because he is just a caricature of evil but it's really cool seeing this brand new form of his and everyone starts running away again you get a nice moment where mila rose says to orihime like wait i know you you're the prince cesar that eisen brought here what are you doing here and again just a really nice moment of everyone coming together to try and save wae komundo from this oppressive force and kyrgy just strips away the camouflage they have and he's like well you had a sound plan but you forgot about the difference in our power but all's not lost because ichigo activates bankai comes in takes out kyoge's halo and you get a really nice moment where they clash um and it's just again done really well where the fight isn't over and i remember thinking like this is going on way longer than i anticipated and i was loving every minute of kyrgyz screen time i thought you did a fantastic job now after this the fight it does keep going kyrgyz kind of used to showcase blue vein and blut artery two powers that honestly would basically never make a return um after the first invasion which again is just a huge shame because i thought they were so well done as i mentioned though before ichigo is now in bangkai and he is just outclassing kirigei at every turn and again that's what i mean when i say i think this character is really well balanced kyrie is like if i use blue vein to defend against his attacks i'll never be able to keep up with him but if i use blue artery to try and attack him he's going to absolutely wipe me out i really i just loved that i thought that was so well written it was kyuge actually trying to think tactics because ichigo is just overpowering him he summons some massive arc of arrows and ichigo blocks them all very akin to the biakia fight which thing is completely supposed to be his right reference and you know i love the introspection with kyrgy as well he's like you know do i call for backup and he's like i can't if i do that you know and he's obviously terrified that you how bark is going to kill him if he has to call for backup and ichigo manages to taunt him and goad him essentially because he can't steal ichigo's baankai and as he gets taunted he gets blasted through the chest by kisuke and he seems seemingly falls down dead and i remember being actually kind of disappointed with this back in the day i was like man kyrgy was such a cool character he was doing such a good job of introducing the vandom right their tropes their abilities um it's a real shame to see him get taken out so cheaply or so i thought um so basically ichigo races to the soul society with the new intel that he has ki skates collected him a bunch of intelligence from the battle with kirigay so he knows everything now about you know blue vein blue artery uh volstein dig slavery all that sort of thing um and ichigo is now armed with everything he needs to hopefully take on the stern ritter except he doesn't even make it to seoul society because kyogre gets back up again and seals the gate shut and this is again one of my absolute favorite moments with this character where kisuke's been blasted in the back and he's like i was careless you know how could i forget ranso tengai and k and kid and kyrgyz half dead corpse essentially is up like a puppet he's managed to lift himself up again using reishi strings essentially his sweat is dripping down his face and he was like i had one mission to not let you go to seoul society and i will give my life if i have to to stop you from going and he seals the door and laughs maniacally his body just being held up by strings at this point and of course revisiting ranso tengai is a deep cut for fans and i loved seeing it and of course uryu kind of mentioned mayuri kind of mentions to you back in the soul society out that he must be a genius for knowing this sort of thing and i don't think that means that kyrgy is a genius obviously the vanden reich have had a very long time to perfect their abilities and also kyogre is older than uru as well but it was just really cool to see ranco tengai again i was like this guy looks and feels like a quincy this is awesome and then of course he does actually die he gets attacked from behind by grim joe who turned out to be and again you could argue that's also a cheap death but i think the fact that he had one last hurrah actually showing ranso tengai to get back on his feet with this huge bloody hole in his chest i thought it was awesome i thought it was really really cool and thus ends the saga of kyrgy opie probably a character you didn't expect to be listening to a video nearly 40 minutes long on but there's like there's just so much to like about this guy i think i think he's just handled so well and like i said he kind of puts the rest of the stirrer to shame in many regards at least until you get to the shut-stop or much later on you know i was going into this now with the expectation that many stereotypes would prove very difficult if nigh on impossible to kill you know you'd have quincy going into their holy forms and they have these massive angelic bodies if they died they would just ran so tengai themselves back up again they'd be using slavery to completely dominate their surroundings but no one does it it never happens again it's so so weird to me that ranso tengai is showcased by kyrgay and then never ever seen again and like you know somebody is probably going to say well kyrgy was clearly a genius but as i mentioned a minute ago i seriously doubt it that's just not narratively that doesn't make sense to me kubo is using kyrgay as a means of reminding the audience exactly of what a quincy is and what they can do that's why so much of what he does is all about drawing in reishi and then the last minute kubo's like don't forget about ranso tengai they actually can't die that easily but then no one ever uses it the stern ritter basically never use these abilities where they draw in reishi it's a huge shame you know for the most part kyrgy himself is just such a brilliant introduction to the vander wright and in my opinion he really helped set the stage for how dangerous these characters would actually feel and that's why i think he helped teach us to really fear this new enemy faction and i think any any loss of that fear later on has nothing to do with him that is to do with stern ritter who were just either jokes or wiped out immediately and just didn't have anywhere near that same presence as kyrgy himself who effectively dominated the series for an entire volume much in the same way as someone like remy does but in my opinion this is way more effective because kyrgy is actually having an effect on multiple factions on multiple characters he's also pushing the plot forward as opposed to just as existing in a vacuum you know he is literally the face of the vanden reich as part of their waco mundo assault and i just think he was handled really really well and yeah really helped us fear these new villains but guys let me know in the comments below what you thought of kyrgy opie and his his uh conquest of waco mundo um you know did you enjoy the character obviously he's not the deepest guy in the world he's basically here to just showcase quincy abilities and help really re-familiarize the audience with what these guys can do but i think he was really effective as a villain and an obstacle for our heroes and i think he helped really um set the stage for the war to come perhaps in the in the section of the story that felt the most like a war all right guys but let me know in the comments below what you thought also don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done already and until next time i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 96,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach anime, bleach discussion, bleach tybw, bleach final arc, sternritter, quincy, ichigo vs sternritter, bankai, espada, aizen, yhwach, bleach hell arc, bleach new arc, bleach new chapter, bleach 2021, bleach new anime, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 Bleach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 52sec (2392 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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