Go see for yourself | 20/20 PERFECT VISION | Pastor Keion Henderson

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh my shackle no my chains no more bondage I am free Hey [Music] hey everybody [Music] No yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] three no more shackles no more chains no more bondage [Music] I'm free let's sing it y'all no no no if you're free just say yes load I'm free today if you're free [Music] [Music] Yeah right here lift your hands listen everybody say free freedom [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] no longer my soul is resti and it's another blessing [Music] Oh Oh that they can't hold me no more I'm not implanted - no more no shackles no chain everybody just say it freedom Oh hallelujah hallelujah come on lighthouse how many of you know that you are free how many of you know that you are free I thought you liked the show I said how many of you know that you are free from with the sunset free hallelujah is free indeed hallelujah if you didn't know now you know it's prayer time we have our will able consecrated prayer warriors up here for you come up and receive what the Lord has for you on tonight we encourage you to do so if you don't feel comfortable doing that you've got a prayer warrior standing right next to you amen hallelujah we're gonna go before the Lord in prayer father God we thank you we honor you Lord God because of who you are we thank you right now Lord Jesus that we submit ourselves unto you God under your righteous hand Lord Jesus we lay ourselves down we'll lay our thoughts our opinions Oh God when they are our cares our worries on to You Lord God because we know that you will take care of us Lord God we thank you right now Lord Jesus for everything that you're gonna do in this place on tonight God we thank you Lord God how magnified you are in our lives oh god we thank you we won't do anything if you haven't sent us to do it Oh God we think that we won't say anything if you haven't sent us to say it Oh God blessed be the King of Kings you are the Lord of lords Oh Ghana we thank you right now Lord Jesus I break every stronghold right now in the name of Jesus the heaviness the heaviness that's in this room Lord God we cast it out right now in Jesus name hallelujah we thank you look out that we are free because you said it and everything did you say stands Oh God we think that your name is the foundation Lord God that is a strong tower and we flesh and we lift you in Jesus name Amen amen hallelujah [Music] I [Music] three [Applause] [Music] people make some noise in the place today [Applause] we gotta act like it's a party oh this is our last live Bible study of the year we can't go out like that come on show God how bring you on that you made it through January and February and April and May June July August I'm sober now we're finishing off here in November come on give him that kind of praise just to let you know we will still have online Bible study it would still be those of you are watching online we're just not gonna disappear from you we will be online every week until the first Tuesday of the year and then we'll come back the first Tuesday of the air and there will be live and in charge again all right so we're not and we offer both of us we offer for y'all but we offer me too yeah amen I need this one amen so I'm gonna take a little break in I hope to come back with some new stuff in the beginning of the year and we're still gonna finish off this year talking about vision because let me tell you 2020 it's gonna be the year of perfect vision everything that you see you're gonna see did you hear what I said you better lay your eyes on everything because we're going to show you how to see it before you see it amen do me a favor shout its given time come on put your hands together and praise God it's giving time if you need it envelope raise your hand our hosts are gonna serve you those of y'all who are online I want you praying with us we are doing something right now hopefully by the time we get back to you in 2020 we will have an online experience that will be amazing compared to what you're getting now so thank you let's take I don't know if you all know this but on Sundays we have about 1,500 people watching live and about 1,500 people watching live in several thousand and watching over a period of time being the favorite cuz I think we ought to have up and y'all send me some comments online how many of you all online if I had a special Sunday why I invited all of our online guests to come in and have special seating in the sanctuary so you can come in worship live with us how many of y'all will go for it send us some comments and that is know let's show our online audience how much we appreciate them [Music] [Applause] [Music] cuz I they can't see y'all facing away we're ready we're ready to give ol school fair you'll never count your money in front of no back and put the dollars on top so they think you ain't got nothing ain't got no money no way I'm trying to [Music] create a gift I wholly give up in the air how many of y'all expect a supernatural manifestation what have you what have you were wrists before the year was over like what what kind of praise would you give if you woke up tomorrow and money was not a problem that's it papa how would you act if you woke up tomorrow and every bill was paid and you are council running over I'm sure you asking for it right now I bet you say God I have to worry you believe he can do it you have to believe that you have to believe it so much that I believe it repeat after me as I move towards greater I will accept all divine ideas thoughts or concepts that will connect me to my destiny say it like you mean that I believe said again I believe that what Jesus Christ has done for me it's bigger than what any one pass can I will do to me and because of his full gift I will led to many nations what will follow from that if you believe that put a praise on it [Applause] The Bachelor gifts to my right your left [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] see [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please giving some praise to this place how many of you know God is great the scripture says our God is great and therefore he is greatly to be praised so your praise has to match his greatness you can't give a great God in a purse phrase you can't give a great God of good praise a great God deserves a great grace that ever breath give a great guy [Applause] okay so we're still talking about vision I want to take you to the Old Testament let's go to numbers chapter 13 let's go to numbers chapter 13 I am going to read verse 1 through 4 and then we're gonna skip down to verse 26 Genesis Exodus Leviticus I wasn't thrown shade I was just just preaching to the body of Christ numbers 13 chapter 1 if you gotta say I got it you're still looking say hold up and the Lord spake unto moses saying sin thou men that they may search the land of canaan which I give unto the children of Israel of every tribe of their fathers shall ye send a man everyone a ruler from them so this is the story about the spies going over into the land of Canaan let's go to verse 3 the Bible says and Moses by the commandment of the Lord sent them from the wilderness of Paran all of those men who were heads of the children of Israel and these were their names now I'm not going to read all those names because those are not important because it's gonna go from like verse 4 all the way down to verse 16 okay and we're gonna be up here stumbling over names and we don't need to do that amen now let's go to verse 26 so he commands them and the Bible says and they went everybody saying they went and came to Moses so they went and they came to Moses and to Aaron and to all the congregation's of the children of Israel go down to verse 27 and they told him and said we came unto the land where you told us to go and it actually had milk and honey as if to suggest that God wouldn't have provided what he told you would already be there do you know how many people are shocked when it does work that God told him it was going to be flowing with milk and honey and they got there and they were shocked touch you'll never say you don't have to be shocked when God says it but watch this this is our pessimistic personality nevertheless the people be strong that dwelled in the land and the cities were warned and very great and moreover we saw the children of a neck there the Amalekites dwelt in the land of the south and the Hittites and the jebusites and the a mirage dwelled in the mountains and the Canaanites dwell by the sea and all the code excuses excuses but verse 31 but the men that went up with him and said we be not able to go up against the people for they are stronger than we are so here was the synopsis God told them where to go they didn't go they sent 12 spies now I know we only talk about 10 that were actually 12 spies one from each tribe none from the tribe of Levi because they were the priests and they were concerned with the work of God so two came from the tribe of Joseph so there were actually 12 spies that went over to the land ten of them came back and said we didn't like what we saw two came back and had a positive report are you with me so far but they didn't know God sent them but they didn't have enough faith to go all the way they went most of the way and didn't go all the way and now they're getting ready to miss their destiny because they took their destiny from secondhand information I want to preach for the next few moments and I need you to help me look at the neighbor say neighbor in 2020 when it comes to your vision you have to go see for yourself that's what I want to talk about touch somebody to say go see for yourself if you sitting next to somebody who's dead just look over them and talk to somebody who got life in them and tell them go see for yourself listen it is comparing Scripture to scripture is the only way to understand Scripture in fact the best commentary ever written on the Bible is the Bible people always say well what are you reading the Bible well I know you read the Bible but what other books are you reading the Bible because the Bible is the best commentary of itself and the truth is is the only way to understand Scripture is to understand Scripture if you read numbers chapter 13 and you just read numbers chapter 13 you will miss the totality of the entire text because the best commentary and the best cross reference for the Word of God is the Word of God in order to understand what's going on in numbers you got to go to Deuteronomy and you have to cross-reference them because you must understand that the Bible is not 66 books of different stories it is 66 books of the same story that even though we're talking about the tabernacle we're still talking about the church and when we're talking about the church we're still talking about God because it is all about the fact that God is was and is to come it is a book about the entirety of his vernacular of his lifestyle of his so germs of his periodicals and you must understand that there was no book that proves this better than the Book of Isaiah that when you look at the Book of Isaiah it is really a mirror of the entire book of the Bible for the books in the Bible of 66 and Isaiah has 66 chapters and if you would do a reconnaissance of the Book of Isaiah you would find out that Genesis matches up with Isaiah chapter 1 and Exodus matches up with with with Isaiah chapter 2 and Leviticus and so on and so you must understand that the best way to understand scripture is to understand scripture and you have to stay away from the thought process a little lowering listen to me or the tenacity to do what we call Isis eat the text so I sujeet the Bible means to take a purse it a specific thing and to isolate it away from the context of what is being said those who are true to the faith and are agnostic as it relates to being fluent in the Word of God and are faithful to the Word of God they don't isolate they exegete that is to say that you have to take out of the scripture what God intended in its context according to what God said and so when you want to know what Paul said you cannot assume that you understand what Paul says in the vacuum you got to find out who Paul was talking to why Paul was talking to them and in the moment that Paul was talking to them there a lot of people who will say that women should not preach quoting first Timothy chapter 2 verse number 11 when it says that you suffer not a woman to be in silent in front of men but you must understand that the reason why Paul said that through the mouths of Timothy is because in that time there was so much prostitution taking place at the Church of Corinth and there were women standing up in the church saying things that were illicit so that Paul had to four-season silence to women but what Paul said in context does not go for women today because then the Bible follows up and says in the last day I will pour my spirit out on my sons and my daughters I guess that's the last day so y'all gonna take a break today but I feel like preaching this my last one let's go ahead and do it the Bible says that he says to them that you must understand that that the best way to understand Scripture is to understand Scripture and understand that the New Testament is not isolated from the old and the OL is not isolated from the new that they both coincide and they both speak to each other for when we see the Bible talking about the tabernacle we understand that is still really talking about the body of Christ so that's why John says that he came and tabernacled among suss see they worshipped in the Tabernacle in the Old Testament and in the New Testament it is in him that we live it is in him that we move and it is in him that we have our being so you must understand that the Old Testament is God concealed and the New Testament is God revealed and when we look at this text today we find out that God is saying something to us he is saying something to us he's trying to get our attention he wants Christians to know that this is not a news story and that God is not a novice and he doesn't react to anything and he wants us to know that all of his promises are yes and a man and he wants us to know that he has already proven himself and that he does not have to come back to heaven to show you that he is good he was so good when he was here that he's good all the time and all the time I wish I had some Bible readers in here today so you can't understand the church without understanding the tabernacle because what you must understand is that that that when they walked into the tabernacle there was a labor that they had to be clinched to enter into the tabernacle no wonder Paul says in Romans chapter 12 that you have to present yourself as a living sacrifice because the reason why they had to cleanse themselves before they entered into worship is God says I do not want you to bring that filth into the worship that's why the Word of God says that when you enter into the city shake the dust off of your shoes why because I do not want you tracking your old stuff in your new situation I'm trying to go somewhere to get you to understand that God wants us to understand the entirety of Scripture and to stop isolating certain moments and using texts out of context to prove a point and to make people think that you're right based on your opinion the Bible says that not one jot or tittle shall pass away before the the earth shall in other words that there is not one jot or tittle of the word of God that it will dissipate before the Word of God can stand why because when he said it he meant what he said when he said it he knew what he was saying and it was staying yesterday and today and forever more and there is no mistake in the scripture it is what we call inerrant without error which means that even though you agree is still right do I have about five witnesses in here before I can let you go today the Bible says that God now watch this God told Moses to send the spies in the land God didn't really want them to send spies in the land but when you are hard-headed God will give you your way Paul told me to tell you if you need him to prove it Paul says it's what we call turning yourself over to a reprobate mind that is to suggest that if you ignore God enough he'll let your mind do the talking and then also let your grace do the blessing since you don't have the grace to do it I tell somebody in here discipline is far cheaper than regret the Bible says that he says to them go and search Canaan since you want to do it it's not as if God wanted them to do it but have you ever had somebody so hard heavy be like don't do what you want to do now I know you're gonna do it your way so go ahead and she says yeah y'all go ahead and social and never mind that all of this time I have used a pillar of fire to lead you by night and I've used a cloud by date I have led you through the wilderness I have led you through five wildernesses I have given you manna from heaven I have drawn water out of a rock I turn bitter water sweet and you still need me to prove myself how many of you in here need to repent to God for questioning him how many of you need to repent to God for ever thinking that he didn't know what he was talking about anybody want to say god I'm sorry for trying to help you I didn't do nothing but get myself in a deeper hole yet you had to pick me up out of anybody need to know in this place today that God's promises are yes and a man and if you're gonna trust anybody touch three people say you gotta trust in the Lord God says he says he says go into the land here's what Moses says watch this y'all gotta watch Moses he a bad boy Moses said up y'all it's three million of them out there can't you imagine three million people tell my where we goin it's hot out here do they gonna turn the air conditioned on in church ain't no parking well I got to sit in the back ain't no back Christian I sits up front if you let you sit in the back you ain't no upfront Christian give here 15 minutes late how that's your boy all of this complaining all that is complaining and you know when one person wanted hot somebody else want a cold right because they're all in different seasons of our life some people getting here late some get here early you got off all of these people to complain it look at what Moses said Moses told them he says you know what go into the land and possess it don't miss it he didn't say going to the land and search it he didn't say going to the land and see if you like it he didn't say he didn't say go and start the business and see if you're gonna do well he didn't say stop the company and maybe it'll succeed he says whatever it is I don't know what it is I know that Emily the the Melek eyes was there and I know that the Philistines are there and I know that the Canaanites are there and I know that the Jebusites are there and I know somebody lives there but go possess it the word possessed ladies and gentlemen means without regard of ownership see what happens with Christians is when God tells us to go possess it we start going an actual permission you don't have to ask for permission when God says go possess you better understand that God has already worked out a plan for them to be moving out if you got the faith to move in I don't know who I'm talking to but I need you to help me help those sleepy people and give them a high five and say go possess it go possess it stop tiptoeing through the tulips stop walking around town now maybe stop talking about when it is my season and make it your season if you want it to rain command it to rain if you want to be rich say I command my pockets too before if you want to be healthy command yourself healthy whatever you want you got to possess it do I have any possessors in the place today [Applause] polite people don't possess you around here trying not to offend nobody in you don't want to step on nobody's toes step on their toes and leave your name on a toenail and let them know I stepped on your toes because this is my territory do I have any territory take us in the building tonight slap your neighbors say this is the year for taking territory I'm not gonna do here because other people my family do here and I'm competing with them you better go open your shop somebody say possess it you cannot possess and be polite the Kingdom of Heaven suffered by the end the violent sea ain't nobody giving you nothing this you looking for neighbor say I'm I'm a taker I'm a taker and don't leave no blessing on this seekers I've take yours too I'm a taker I'm a taker I'm a taker I'm a taker I'm a taker I'm a Texan see you're waiting on it to come to you and it's waiting on you to take it have you ever heard about people going in people's yards taking dogs that's supposed to bite people cuz the dog will go with anybody who wants it the owner puts them in the backyard and think he's supposed to be loyal to absence [Music] then somebody comes with a little morsel of food and you done fed it bathed it clipped his toenails gave it a doggy bath gave it a doghouse and here comes some stranger walking off with your dog why cuz they took him how many of y'all ever had a dog take it from you just look I'll hurt y'all look for this emoji your love poodle gone I'm sorry y'all I didn't mean to be I know people be serious about the animals some of y'all gonna have a whole funeral and invite 12 people from out of state you know brother chase on these these these Israelites have been in the wilderness well first of all they were in slavery for 400 years they move out of slavery for four centuries and then they go into the wilderness for another 40 years so literally for four hundred and forty years they have been homeless for four hundred and forty years they have had no address for four hundred and forty years they have had no constant water supply for four hundred and forty years they have not seen any milk or any honey and now God finally gives them a house address milk and honey and not a question in him you would think that anybody who has lived outdoors for 440 years would be grateful that now that God has given him something Oh y'all not here with me today but instead of being excited about moving in they get skeptical and go send spies to check it out and see if God know what he doing here is why because when you have gone a period of time without results you will disguise unbelief with precaution let's see see that was so dope y'all don't know nothing about what dope is when you have gone a long time without any advancement or any attraction or when you've go without any results then what you do is you disguise it and say I'm just being precautious but what you're really doing is not believing because when God says go I don't care how many times it didn't work you better go when God says go you better get on the move if God says go up the mountain you better know there's a ram in the bush if he tells you to dip in the pool you better understand that the mud it's gonna make you see if he tells you to bring in the waterpots you better get ready for water to turn away what I'm trying to tell you is when God says go otherwise you're going to be like the man by the Pool of Bethesda get in the water I have no man to put me in the pool how many of you all have been by the seaside of your situation waiting on somebody to push you in I had nobody to show me I didn't nobody loved me so that's why I struggle of me nobody hugged me so that's why the emotions how many of you are used what happened to you as an excuse for unbelief and you call it I'm just being cautious I'm just being college I just think on I just ain't gonna let nobody just walk up in my life and do that to me no again I'm just being cautious no what you you you don't believe same man are outs whichever one you want to say I'm here for both of them when you have no results you disguise precaution and unbelief the first thing you must understand is that being too cautious will cost you your destiny some of y'all been starting a business for five years by the time you get it open somebody gonna be doing it already some of y'all been bout to go to school for the last eight years I'm gonna go get my degree how this look I'm gonna I'm about to I'm fixin to that's it that's the text where I got down here I'm fixing to I don't know what that is but I see it now I'm fen to when you have no results for a period of time you attempt to disguise unbelief with precaution you've been waiting too long it's time for you to go see for yourself okay you open it and it don't work at least you know okay you try you know it is a hard thing to live your whole life knowing you could've did somebody you didn't do it anybody would just help testify like whatever God is putting you to do just do it failure is no problem failure is no problem either you win or you learn those are the only two options in life either you win or you learn I've never lost either I win or I learned that's that those are the only two options you got such an EM so you're not a loser you can't you either win or you learn some of y'all got to write the whole thing I'll just do you know how many things I started and didn't start writing into I was halfway through live do you know how many things I have initiated that I had no plan for just an ocean I just stepped out there and started and found out what I was doing after I was see there was something that that we call in in corporate America's called OJT on-the-job training it's some stuff you don't learn until you get on-the-job you don't know nothing about being a parent until you hear why can't I buy teach you how to be no baby no much a parent with them it takes a child have you ever got advice from somebody who had no children you like what do you know about waking up at 4 o'clock in the morning having to put cereal in the bottle so they can sleep for another two hours what do you know about sleeping 3 hours a night and going to work 8 hours a day and how many are in you didn't know you could do it until you became it when you were younger what were you saying when you were 20 I never have no children the devil I made you a liar precaution has cost you destiny you better get aggressive how you you cannot achieve this vision passive you you have all of these visions and you touch it every once in a while you touch it every once around you say you get that new year's resolution I'm gonna do this this is the year I'm gonna do it and you start off and you do it a little bit and then what do you do the February fall-off I like that the February fall-off how many of y'all have ever signed up for the February fall-off class black man this is the year I'm gonna open up that business you get all your friends involved and and and you get your network marketing company started and you make 3 calls and they say no one you quit and you're too I don't want them to get tired of me calling when you are about your business calling today get tired make them make a decision to either say yes or no don't leave it in limbo where you don't know where they stand make them say yes or no somebody say don't be precautious number two don't be insecure Moses said go see watch this y'all gonna go over there spy all right go see if they strong or if they weak go see if they live in tents or if they live in strongholds go see if they're fat or if they are lean he's telling them to go in and to see who they are it doesn't matter who they are it only matters who you are are you with me so far let's see sometimes you can hinder your vision by heightening your verification okay see some of you all and I'm talking of real entrepreneurs and leaders some of you all you're struggling because you need all the details before you get busy I'm a planner I need to know I got to know all the details I need to know how many ever wrote with somebody where we going how are we gonna get there where we gonna stop for need who get shut up is there anybody here to just like let's just let's just figure it out let's just go we don't we don't we don't have to plan to go to a specific restaurant here to say let's just let's just wake up when we want to wake up for less let's just go to bed when we want to go to bed I don't want to go nowhere with nobody who got alright at 6 o'clock we're gonna get up and then here we're gonna be there you better get out of my face I ain't going nowhere with you I'll see you when you get back [Music] you're hindering your vision because you need all the details and listen you're aggravating people they told you let me tell you for them you're getting on their nerve where we gonna be in two years hopefully alive if you don't kill me [Applause] [Music] are we gonna have a dog or not I don't know depend on how we getting alone you got to have all these details you want to know if it's this if it's that if it's this or if is that when you should be so self focused to make sure that you don't show up to a full opportunity empty what good is it to get over and find out that they have tints or if they have strongholds or if they're fat or if they are lean if you are not prepared to be your best self if you are you you can handle fat or links throw holes at it if you become the best version of yourself it doesn't matter what the obstacle looks like you are more than an overcomer Who am I helping in here such the names they develop you look at somebody else and say develop you sometimes the desire for details is the reason why you're delayed Abraham go to a place called there what a favor him said okay Lord okay all right I'll go but where we going where we're going okay where is there how many miles is that what time I'm sure cuz I got to be back to work at 5:30 we will go I and God okay alright we're going we're going alright okay now we're going but God you never heard him say where is it that was Isaac where is the lamb this is what this is what Abraham did okay son Louis said we got to go let's go where we going dad I don't know I'll tell you when we get there but we're going up here up yonder to sacrifice sacrifice okay that's cool every time we went to sacrifice before no daddy we had a lamb daddy where's the lamp the Lord will provide all right the sense of the service give me the butcher knife all right y'all going back home me and the Sun going up yonder okay the Sun said okay daddy things are getting weird only me and you going up there you got a knife I ain't got a knife something don't look right around here then he gets up there and then he says Isaac lay down okay daddy now what in the world it's actually going on daddy why is that knife coming yep what are you getting ready to do he was getting ready to kill his own child the one that he waited a hundred years to get and when he was willing to give it back to God right before he pierced his son's flesh God says Abraham stay your hand if you look to the other side there's a ram in the thicket I have already provided my own sacrifice do you not understand that if you'll just go where God told you to go he already has what you need waiting on you the reason why you don't have it yet is because you haven't gotten there yet it's up there waiting on you it's up there waiting on you he says he says you don't even have to kill him I've got it I've got a ram in the bush and he doesn't have to kill his own son because Paul told us in second Corinthians chapter five verse seven he said for we walk by faith and not by sight the Greek word for sight is actually the English word for form so what Paul is actually saying is we walk by faith not by form in other words the time to walk is when it doesn't have a shape the time the work it is when it don't make sense we walk by faith not by form do you think that job would have gotten double for his trouble if he had known that God was getting ready to take everything he had it had no form but what he says I'll listen I'll let nothing separate me from the love of God when God doesn't have a farm he requires your faith and when it has no form and you give God faith he gives you favor somebody shot working with no farm sometimes you got to open the business without a business plan you're behind you're late just start God will show you what to do when you start working and don't don't do what other piece some people tell you what this is what I did I understand you had enough time maybe you started on time but I'm behind and I'm late so I'm just getting ready to go where God told me to go and I'm getting ready to do what God told me to do and somewhere along the line I believe that when I get in the flow of what God has me in he's gonna speak to me in dreams or in visions and he's gonna show me supernaturally what you have to go to school again I don't know who I'm talking to in here today but I'm telling you God can give you a supernatural download and he can give you something in a dream there's somebody have to pay $100,000 for a degree to get and I speak it and prophesied right now that God is getting rid of educates you in your sleep you're gonna wake up a master you're gonna wake up a doctor you're gonna wake up fluent you're gonna wake up with a different mindset because God is going to download it in your dreams and now you're gonna go see it for your you don't need all those details do you think that Peter knew he was gonna preach Pentecost after he denied Jesus you know Peter was like that go my chance I ain't just deny to do once I denied him three times ain't no way he's gonna pick me God goes and picks the guy that didn't pick him he goes and picks the guy that didn't pick him and gave him Pentecost to bring people to a church that he ran away from do you understand what I'm telling do you understand what do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth you are equipped but you are insecure you want to know well what are they doing well don't act like you ain't knows they come on now you wanna know what they're doing what the competition hey listen I was watching TV the other day y'all know that Disney just launched his streaming system let me show you how against the Netflix is the CEO of Netflix came out there and said oh we welcome Disney they are great competition you understand business you need competition you know why because Disney came out there and tried the boss and had all those buffering errors and guess what Netflix stock shot right up [Applause] because sometimes people can try to compete against you but they're not ready and if you stay in your lane their customers will come to you help me in this place that they slap somebody say stay in your lane stay in your lane don't try to sing if you ain't got no voice stay in your lane don't try to take care of children if you don't like them stand your lane when you find out what you can do God will use your talent your gift and your skillset to make you a world changer and an earth shifter do I have any world changes in the rule that understand that God has gifted you enough and you don't need a second opinion about your destiny and you don't need somebody to pat you on your back and tell you that you are worthy how many of you know enough about what God has put in you that in you is flowing milk and honey and you don't need a second opinion touch somebody to say I am glory I am favored I am blessed I am an overcomer I am a doer I am a thinker I am rich I am plentiful and teller and I'm fine and y'all who care if you'll tell me if you don't like it is because you don't like quality [Applause] [Music] go see for your self stop taking other people's opinion about your land I try to edit it didn't work cuz you wasn't qualified I did that and it didn't work out for me you know why cuz I'm Moses you're not stop being discouraged about people who didn't have effort you've worked too hard to fail you put too much sweat equity in not for it not to work you pray too low not to be successful you let people off the hook that you should have knocked out you got some stuff coming to you I know I got some fighters in here there let somebody make it against the Christian thugs you you believe in Jesus but you throw hands ain't it ain't like that part that part got some thugs if job didn't lose everything he had he wouldn't have double your problem is is you'd rather you settle for single when God has doubled you rather cheap all ten then get twenty you've settle for what you had you thought it was harvest God said what you got to see that job you got that paycheck you got that angel harvest his seed that's the least amount of money you'll ever make if you go see for yourself what you're getting paid every week right now God says I intend to give you that every hour see ya y'all I got that kind of faith I speak your prophesy that your tithe is about to be your old salary who am I talking to in here today but but you got to go see we walk by faith not by farm we walk when it don't make sense and when people ask how you gonna do when you do what God told you to do for the rest of my life I'm not making sense I'm making somebody say I'm making faith we walk by faith not by form when it doesn't make sense is when is really working for us how many all in the season right now it don't make no sense that you like like God how that's gonna work how is that going to work how are how are we going to get from A to B and God I don't know what you told me but I don't even see how that's gonna happen who am I talking to you that's when you walk it out walk it out walk it now walk it when you are insecure you can be productive and not know it Moses has led three million people through five wildernesses with no water supply with no bread unless it came from heaven and a couple of times God sent quail because they got tired of bread so he gave him a few morsels of meat he has successfully led three million people through a desert and he worried about what they living in over there insecurity makes you look over the fence he should have been looking at his land instead of looking over there to see what they have what they got over there don't matter when God has given you a land flowing with milk and honey y'all still with me when you're insecure you can be productive and not know it you can be productive and I know it let me show you how how how how crazy this is the spies go over there them Joker's have to get a stick to hoist listen to me guys grapes on their shoulder the grapes were so big that it took two men to carry one cluster y'all because see the only grapes you can see is the Malou grapes no a cluster of grapes in Canaan they were so big it took two men to put them on their shoulders so all of the grapes is probably the size of watermelons that's a good grave ain't it hey lord have mercy I just need one grape I'll just sit on the ground and eat my grape can you imagine a grape that big two men carrying grapes on their shoulders that's how productive the land was why are you looking and what they have when your grapes are that size but when you're insecure you can be productive and not know it and they provide the proof that when you are insecure insecurity pays no attention to evidence when you're insecure you'll be in a big house looking at somebody who got a bigger one when you're insecure you can have a new car looking at somebody else's car the insecurity makes you wish for the future at the expense of enjoying the present and most insecure people won't even admit that they are I ain't a secure I'm confident know you're confidently insecurity because most of us myself included you can look in the mirror and find something wrong which you get fast so I can tell you you're beautiful insecure the response like this night I mean I'm all right I ain't I ain't that good cuz you know I got this stretch marking why don't you just take the compliment it's what I call false humility you're insecure because you think that your flaws are calculated but if a person has the ability to look past your flow then bless God that they don't see it instead of always bringing it up I want to take just who would admit sometimes I'm insecure that's a good precaution in security then here's the last one if you get over the insecurity got to give you insight listen to the language of the insecure this is how you know this is what they say one verse they say the land is flowing with what milk and honey go to verse 32 the land eateth up its inhabitants see that look at look at the confusing language of the insecure one day is milk and honey the next day it eats up the inhabitance and look at look at look at what they say we went over there and we spied out the land the people were so tall they made us look like grasshoppers in our own sight which means that people were not that tall they just thought small when you're insecure you shrink yourself in front of little people these are not big people these were not these were not the Giants from the Philistines these are the there is nothing in history that says there Malachi's were giants there was nothing in history that says the Jebusites were any taller than the average tribe they just were so small-minded that even in the sight of small this shrunk there in the land the people and so so the ten spies now there there are twelve spies total but remember the scripture talks about two reports there was the Minority Report and the majority report so here is what the ten people say it now I want I want anybody in here is there any biblical scholar who can come up and tell me who were the ten representatives from the ten tribes mm-hmm now I bet you a few of you can tell me who the two are Caleb and who Joshua you know why because history never records insecurity you don't know who the ten are because they were negative and history doesn't like negative thinkers history doesn't like negative talkers we don't know who the ten are because they went in a beautiful situation that came out with a ugly mind sent history does not talk about people who see negativity but you know - Caleb and Joshua because they saw something the other ten didn't see and I decree and declare that in this next season of your life God is getting ready to give you a super natural instinct to see what other people didn't see they gonna walk right over you gonna walk right to it when something belongs to you people won't even see it they'll walk right past it you'll walk in and say how in the world did I get a car at this price and get this deal you know why because it was for you and God wasn't gonna let anybody get it it doesn't matter if they had the money or the credit because what God has for you it is for you slap everybody around you say what God has for you as for you what is for you it's for you look what they say it the land is the land that eateth up inhabitants and all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature they made us look like grasshoppers watch this insecurity never allows you to measure correctly insecurity always makes you measure wrong they said they're big and and and the Bible already says that God says that the land was flowing with milk and honey negative opinions came back insecurity messes with your insight and you don't see what actually is and let me tell you don't let your insecurities mess with your discernment you know what God told you you know what he said you know that his promises are yes and a man and don't let your insecurities make you question God God said it's gonna be flowing with milk and honey that's what it's gonna be did you know what I'm talking about they went over there and they said they were bigger they made us look like grasshoppers insecurities insecurities and and now they can't see their blessing right because they're listening to the 10 that went and if you would have went and seen for yourself if you had gone to see for yourself you would know that it was not a land problem it was a choice problem you sent people who didn't have the right ability to see how many things have you missed because you took somebody's opinion well such-and-such says so I ain't even gonna I don't care what I'm telling it's like a good movie like I've seen good moves that people say I wouldn't go see that cuss I wouldn't seen it and it wasn't good and then I will go see the movie and it was good to me go see for yourself me and Katelyn going to see frozen - now I don't know what they gonna do are we gonna Friday we want to see frozen - cuz you know the second one don't be as good as the first one but I'm gonna go see everybody was talking about a Lion King - remade wasn't that good it was alright to me I liked it they could have did little more riffs and runs but it was cool the problem with the futures you keep dedicating it to the past and any time you keep measuring what is based on what was you'll always be disappointed because you were looking for what was if you were going to it looking for a new opportunity you would understand it was great in and of itself but you keep measuring it because of what was past all right I'm gonna let y'all go but I'm telling you don't don't you don't need a second opinion about your vision I don't I don't need a second opinion who in here knows what he told you cuz if you know what he told you there ought to be some guy I've known it he told me that it was going to work he told me all things were gonna work together for my good he told me that I was young and now I'm old but I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread he told me he told me was gonna work he told me that no weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper do I have anybody here that has about three promises that God told you and you gotta understand that even when the people are telling you that there are giants in the land and they are telling you it's not going to work and they're telling you that there's no milk and honey somebody needs to clap back and say I don't know what you see but I know what God said somebody shouted I don't know what you see but I know what God said and God told me that I shall live and not die he told me that I am the head and not the tail he told me that I'm above only and never believed I need somebody in here to shout like you know what God said my house ain't got time to play with y'all I said I need somebody in hit a shout like you know what God's sake let me tell you all this last thing I'm gonna let you go if you go back and read it yourself Matt it takes the ten spies six verses to explain what they saw six verses it got to be important to get six verses in the Bible there's too much to talk about to give one person six verses they get six verses to talk now when the minority report comes out caleb is the spokesman and go back and read it it takes up one verse they got over their time about the grapes and the grasshoppers and the people's and it got honey but it ain't that good you don't have people that know no matter what restaurant you take him to they can't enjoy it none that was the food it was hi have you ever met somebody they don't like nothing nowhere it wasn't hot I ordered a pepperoni pizza and last time I went it was sixteen pepperonis this time I was only 14 they get in cheap Caleb said let me tell y'all what I saw you ready for what he said we're able to overcome [Applause] the two spies oh they big oh they got strong holes oh they got tits oh they leave or defect oh they got it oh they got their oh I can't take it Oh came to say it ain't none we can't handle six verses of a majority report one verse of a minority port you know why because negativity takes up too much space that's why you got to get those negative people out of your life because they are taking up too much space in your mind and in your emotions and your heart negativity takes up too much space do you know how miserable you must be to be that man that long negativity is taking up too many pages in your life if you turn the pages of your life it's a negative story off the negative story out the negative story after the negative story and then Caleb comes on the scene it says I see all of what y'all see but it ain't that we can't handle would you encourage your neighbor I know it ain't proper English but tell them it ain't none you can't handle it ain't none you can it ain't none it ain't nothing it ain't nothing you can't handle it ain't nothing it's peanuts to a giant any none you can't handle you can get over this it ain't nothing you can't handle you can survive this it ain't nothing you can't handle you can get through this it ain't nothing you can't handle do I have anybody in here that knows that it is not anything that's too hard for God and it ain't nothing that you cannot handle now I need somebody over the next 11 seconds to begin to give God a praise like you already came through it give your neighbor high-five a shout neighbor I don't care what the enemy has told you go see for yourself all y'all don't want to say it I'm gonna look over here go tell your neighbor I don't care what the enemy has told you go see it for yourself have I got somebody in light house today that understands that God has a vision for you I dare you to give you a neighbor high-five and shout neighbor God told me to tell you go see for yourself the other one it lets go home [Music] I don't have time to pout I'm in the process I don't have time to lay in the bed I got something to do I don't have time to be taken no sleeping pills and wake up pills I don't have time to do any of that I have to get about my father's business I have something to do I can't do it laying down I got a do it on my feet do I have anybody in here who has enough faith to do it when it has no farm somebody shout go see for yourself go over there and see for yourself go see it ain't bad if you go see go see go see what rich look like see if you go back to Bro go see going over there thrown over there be risk for a couple days to see if you're gonna let anybody send you back the other way gonna save your money one good time and I think you ought to do this go buy you a first-class ticket you ain't going back to coach no mo go see for yourself somebody don't matter to me oh yes they do matter it don't matter what you ain't went to go see you ever seen people walking past the people in first class going back to coach like I can't stand you y'all gonna be up there eating are we gonna get his presses in water go see for yourself go see for yourself what it feel like to live in a house with somebody cook for you in the morning and clean up after you at night go see for yourself go see for yourself will you invest your money in something that a curious interest and you look at your money grow exponentially and see if you want to go back to having in your pocket and spin it at the mall and having it in the bank go see for yourself pray yourself through a situation to see if you want to try to think yourself through it the next time the grapes are so big where you're going it's gonna take somebody to carry help you carry them my concern for you is you're gonna take somebody who's hungry and not a carrier because most of y'all have thirsty people in your life and they borrow your influence and they let you go to church and bring them back to sermon what Rebbe said and then you go like a fool and tell them the whole thing you better make sure you got some fool people so they help you carry them grapes and don't eat them don't see for yourself and I'm not talking about you because you got to have a spiritual leader and you got to have a mentor and all that you got to have somebody in your life who can tell you something I'm talking about spies you know what it is you know what you experienced you know what you saw you know what God said and you're gonna let a spy take your knowledge from you and you know what happened to Israel or Moses rather ain't get to go in you can get to go in and ain't nothing worse than being on the outside of your destiny you you looking in because you let somebody's actions frustrate you to make a decision that was detrimental to your growth because you was in your fenders Moses so you're gonna go ahead and strike the rock in spite of knowing that God told you to speak to it or you and your fitness all right the consequence for your feelings is failure this is the last one of the year I've been spending all year trying to get you to the place where you could go see for yourself you are not without destiny you are not without strength you're not without help but you're insecure and cautious and you looking over the fence instead of looking at your yard you know what you don't have but you don't know what you do have all you keep doing this rehearsing what you don't have I ain't got huh you got I don't have I don't have I ain't got but what do you have that's enough to be grateful for I said that's enough to be grateful for I don't have enough money but you could be rich in a wheelchair I don't I don't have friends you could have friends and be blind and can't see them why won't you be grateful for what he gave you oh I'm so grateful oh oh if I ain't nothing else I'm grateful grateful for His grace and His mercy anybody glad that God hasn't given you what you deserved oh we used to say in the old church he's a keeper yes he is anybody know here's the key you got to go through something to know what it means when they say he'll walk and he'll talk with you you got to go through something to know what it means it's a hill rock hewn cradle of his arm you got to go through something to know what it means for him to wipe your tears away you got to go through some oh we know it you do it ain't no form like when it don't make sense that's when you get started when you're clueless that's what God is busy Oh he's a wonder do we ever get to know him for real stop this play bagging dated God and just sniffing around them but say God into inter-are my mama used to say you gotta know that should know that should know that's it you can't make me down cuz I know too much about I know his honey they're not Noah's milk there I know the grape solarz there I know the promises there I know that God is waiting on me I know he's a thief and I did not learn it until I get to the valley of the shadow of death I did not learn it until I was in the presence of my enemies I did not learn it until you have to maintain strength on the struggle but God is able to do exceedingly conjunction and abundantly above all you could ever ask somebody ninja [Music] [Music] he can do it somebody say he can do [Music] guess where it is this is my love you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't you it [Music] [Applause] [Music] the p1 Oh God is not a man that he should like if he told you there is honey over there never is honey over there if he told you that there was milk over there know this that when God said that the land was flowing with milk and honey it was not literally talking about milk and honey it was a symbolism in other words the land has everything you need [Music] it has whatever you need and whatever you need is gonna be flowing when you get there [Music] whatever you need if you ever get there it's gonna flow if you go with no form it'll flow with you around I am a witness I've seen the light [Music] you'll remember that I heard the thunder oh I've even built sin breakers - trying to comfort my soul but of Jesus saying but he promised never you gotta be the trustee go see for yourself on this last Tuesday with the last minute in 20 seconds I have maybe somebody says you know what I want to give my life to God I wanna give my life to Christ today I came to a Bible study but I had an encounter with God and I want to make sure that from here to there this from now on I go and see for myself reviewing this place today this is what we call extending an invitation you can come from wherever you are you just shaking my hand and say you know what this is where I want to grow this is where I want to join this is where I want my family to be blessed this is where I want to get the Word of God in a consistent fashion I'm gonna come every Sunday to see for myself I'm gonna come and see for myself [Music] somebody sing don't give up [Music] [Music] do me a favor actual neighbors say neighbor are you saved by that I mean have you accepted Christ as your Savior and have you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord hallelujah if they said no bring them to the altar did they say no so we all say is your neighbor say come on a shout about it then [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that's my baby [Applause] [Music] else [Music] [Music] like what [Music] [Music] well Duprey [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] I want to say this prayer over you this one's gonna carry until we see each other the first Tuesday of the year remember I told you Sunday by the time you got here Sunday get ready for the rain God's gonna whip some things out just getting ready to blow your mind repeat after me if you only believe the distance between destiny and present circumstances belief it's the only distance and when you believe faster you arrive quicker don't allow precaution to disguise itself as unbelief you've got to believe you have to believe and believing is hard in unbelievable circumstances but you have to do it anyway because you're not relying on your power you're relying on his power and since he never fails all you have to do is wait on the Lord and He will renew your strength anybody feel renewed today God in the name of Jesus thank you for renewed strength thank you God that we have made it all the way to this place at this time and that God some people started this year with us what they've gone home to be with the Lord and we thank you God for their life in the earth we thank you for those who you have given us to cherish us and to love us and to walk with us and to pray with us and be there for us and we pray God that everybody connected to us that you are satisfied then with own life we pray against cancer and sicknesses tumors and diabetes and we pray against hypertension and heart issues we pray against injury car accidents burglarizing of our homes we pray God that our children will be safe don't let the enemy take one of us before we can convene again let us all arrive in this place in January with new hopes new resistance new focus new opportunities and new vision and we know you're going to unlock in this vessel in this earthen vessel you're gonna unlock vision and you're gonna unlock destiny and you're gonna unlock opportunities and you're gonna unlock connections and when we get back together we shall not be the same and then we make an announcement that whatever we're here we're not coming out of an empty we're coming out of it with everything that has our name on it everything that has our DNA and it everything this has our brand attached to it we are coming forth and we receive it in the mighty name of Jesus if you love the Lord scream in this play within the shortening for your time [Music] hi hi [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 36,399
Rating: 4.8916969 out of 5
Keywords: Go see for yourself, see for yourself, go see for yourself sermon, know yourself sermon, sermons on knowing your worth, sermon because of who you are, jesus, powerful sermons, Mindblowing Sermon, Latest Sermon, baptist sermons, full sermons, awesome sermon, bishop, pastor keion henderson, love sermon, spiritual seed, Keion Henderson, Lighthouse Church, mindblowing sermon, shocking youth sermon, new sermon, great sermons, farewell sermon, best sermon ever, shocking sermon
Id: Qu9kylGWbXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 28sec (5968 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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