Get Up | Pastor Keion Henderson

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there's a real [Music] you feelin it slow Lord we thank you today that there is a river we thank you in that River that there was fullness of joy found the name of Jesus we pray that you would speak to our hearts that we give us a word that will give us a new life in Jesus name we pray everybody shot a man hug your neighbor tell him there's a river there's a river Acts chapter number 9 Acts chapter number 9 we're gonna skip right over the Damascus Road don't worry about it let's go down to verse 32 Acts chapter 9 verse 32 if you got to say man we're still looking say wait a minute action chapter 2 excuse me chapter 9 verse 32 the Bible says in verse 32 of Acts chapter 9 it says and it came to pass as Peter passed throughout all quarters he came down also to the Saints which dwelt at Lydda and there he found a certain man named Aeneas which had kept his bed eight years and was sick with palsy and Peter said unto Him Aeneas Jesus Christ maketh the whole arise and make thy bed and he arose immediately and all that dwelt at little and Sarang saw him and turned to the Lord now there was at Jaffa a certain disciple named Tabitha which by interpretation is called Dorcas this woman was full of good works and alms deeds which she did and it came to pass in those days that she was sick and died don't don't miss this she did not fall into a coma she was dead hoom when they had washed her she had already washed her body and they had already put her in the casket and they had already laid her in an upper chamber and for as much as little was not to Joppa and the disciples had heard that Peter was there they sent unto him two men desiring him that he would not delay to come then Peter arose and went with them and when he was come they brought him up to the upper chamber and all the widows stood by him weeping and showing the coats and the garments which darkus made while she alive but Peter put all of them out he got down on his knees and prayed and turning him to the body said Tabitha arrives and she opened her eyes and when she saw Peter she sat up and when he gave her his hand and lifted her up and when he had called the Saints and the widows presented her alive and it was known throughout all Joppa and many believed in the Lord she was dead Jesus is already gone back so you can't call him but to them gave he power are you guilty of calling somebody to do what God gave you the power to do they said she needs to get up and none of us have been given that kind of power because you got to know what power he gave you so they sent after Peter and Peter came and said enough get up get up just touch on them and said you've been there long enough get up you know what I want that's what I want to change the name of the sermon to get up get up get just high five five people and tell them get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up and this time stay up I was gonna name this sermon help is on the way but that would put you in their frame of mind that somebody else can do this other than you comes a time in life well you just got to do it how many people have just been laying in wait whatever the circumstance is and you're just waiting on you know something to change something to give you a clue a sign from God that it's time for you to get up truth is is that it is never a good time to stay down there's somebody here to tell you even when I'm down I'm not down when I'm down I'm not out when I'm down I'm not finished in fact I'm more dangerous down than I am up I fight better when I'm down I think better when I'm down I pray harder when I'm down so sometimes God will put you in a situation we're down looks up but there's an old country-western singer that says rock bottom is solid ground and see what you need to understand is is if you are down right now this is good news because you can't go any further than the bottom of the pit the only direction you can go from here is up do I have anybody who knows that up is in your future in the book peace in the valley which would be a good read for some of you the author Vance harvest said this he said the business of the preacher is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable every Sunday I preach a schizophrenic word therefore some of y'all you find peace in it and others you find conviction and it is my job to find all of you all who are afflicted and tell you that there is a more excellent way while at the same time to find those of you all who are comfortable and tell you to get up and so you know some people only want to work that matches what they feel like doing but it is not my job to make you comfortable the two that I've been given for the job has been demarcated as a double edged sword which means it's designed to cut you no matter which way you take it and I wish the church would get back to the place where they loved not only the pastor that told him to give that neighbor high five and say a miracle is on the way but I missed today's where when we were rebuked we knew it was because the pastor loved us one of the things that you should know about me and any other leader is that you should not be worried when he is talking to you you should be worried when he has stopped oh I just gave I just gave you all a million dollars the person you're in relationship with as long as y'all arguing there's a chance but when you get to the place where they stop talking to you baby honey child baby you are in trouble when they walk in the house and you going off and they say don't worry about it baby you need to pray because this thing is almost over because the only person you invest verbal equity in it's somebody that you still care about and the fact that God continues to talk to you what do you mean he keeps talking to you he keeps giving you a word every time you come to church don't you say that where it was for me what God is telling you is I'm still on your side I still got so bad you and me we are still in this thing because I'm either going to comfort the afflicted or I'm going to afflict the comfortable Peter went to a place called literally he went there this is what the Bible says and when he got there he found a certain man he found a certain man and this man aeneas he finds him there but but let's go back for a second because I don't want to give you this without any background conjecture you have to go back to chapter 5 to find out that there was something going on in the church see the church exploded the church had a revival and everybody thought that because the revival happened that from their own everything was going to be smooth they thought that because they had two good days of service on Monday and Tuesday that that everything was going to be well they thought that that that the revival meant something and so the devil knew that because the church had had a revival remember everybody was speaking in tongues and everybody was happy and everybody caught the gift of the Holy Ghost and they thought who we finally made it now get ready for double portion and that's when the devil came and introduced Ananias and Sapphira it was two people in the church who had a piece of property and God told them to sell it and give all the goods away but they kind of did a little financial finagling and they kept a little bit of the money for themselves and the Bible says you see BC because people who have never had prosperity don't have habits to cheat cheatin ain't necessary woody ain't got nothing it's not necessary when you know but but once you you have to be able to fight the temptation that that greed offers when you go from nothing to something and so they went from nothing to something and all of a sudden now they find ways to finagle and and so now this evil comes into the church and the Bible says that just in a basic conversation the disciples asked the man who said why in the world did you could have had everything you you God intended for you to have all of the profits but you tried to cheat and and all of a sudden the Bible says that he failed dead and he died then they went to the wife and went to her and said you know what we just finished talking to your husband and and we confronted him with some news who want to find out what you got to say she kept the story bonnie-and-clyde the Bible says that she died and they wouldn't bury her right next to him you got to be careful when God has given you life but you take advice from people who are dying and you got to make sure that your consequences are not those of your neighbors sometime in life when life is going in a different different direction you got to find out where you got to separate from god help me in this place it's it's it's it's true and so now the church has had a revival but but the devil he doesn't he doesn't come after a church that's not in revival no he he you you never saw the enemy come until the day of Pentecost cuz you didn't see the enemy come until there were tongues you didn't see him come until the church was on one Accord and at first the church was built on the law but then all of a sudden there's a new doctrine that's introduced called unity and purity and now that the church has come together and people are now repenting of sin now the devil comes in because as long as you're in sin and you're not in repentance the devil is not a threat because he understands as long as you're in sin he's got you in bondage y'all not talking to me and so so now that you recognize that there is a more excellent way and now you're repenting and now you have the gift of the Holy Ghost now the attack comes now the attack comes now now laziness sets in now you cease to be a champion and you don't know how to repeat because you were good for a season but you don't know how to come back and be good again you were good last Sunday but you don't know how to repeat y'all not gonna help me in here and you got to understand that when you are the champion you always get the enemy's best game you ain't seen the devil's best shot yet because you had never won before you haven't seen this worst demon yet because you had never won before you have not seen the worst of its empty yet now that you're winning now that you're expanding now that you are going through greater here comes the devil so now we get to the church and now all of a sudden that church where there was no sickness God says yeah I know you were shouting when I was healing cancer I want to see what you're gonna do when nobody comes with a testimony I know you were shouting when student loans were disappearing I want to see what you do when yours don't go nowhere I know you were shouting when when when barren wombs were popping out babies but I want to see what you do and when Elizabeth comes for years I want to see if you'll still trust me a Sarah when it takes me to your ninety years old to do it I know you'll bless me when your miracle looks like Mary's when it comes in in 14 years when it comes at a relatively early time but I want to know will you worship me when I make you wait on me mmm yeah come on I want to know I want to know if your worship me when I make you wait I want to I want to know if I'm still good when the loan is denied I want to know if I'm still good when you get evict it from the house I want to know if I'm still good when you leave the apartment and then they send a bill six months later talking about you owe us for something that she thought that was over and you don't have them I want to know because tough times really show you how you feel so now the church is being tested and I came to tell you today oh you thought and we were just gonna walk in the greater and weren't gonna be no valleys no shadow of death he did say he had to prepare the table in the presence of enemies so as you go up the mountain you must understand there will always be enemies Ananias he's gone Aeneas and little we're here and he meets this man and this has been on his bed for eight years this ain't no new problem he's been unable to walk for a decade which lets us know he wasn't born like this something happened paralysis set in because he was bedridden for eight years and sick with palsy that means he was paralyzed right so so he's he's bedridden now you got to understand now pair paralysis today doesn't shock you like that because I was watching a clip on on Instagram yesterday there was a lady who did hair they got this they had a chair and the lady literally lifted the chair up so she could stand up now she's paralyzed from the waist down she was turning the wheel it stood her up she was able to do the hair she was able to push the wheel back to whatever position she needed to be in to do the person's hair what's your Excuse she couldn't stand but she had a job that she could have to stand and and and here she is whatever position she needed to be in to do the people's hair she was doing it see paralysis today we've got all kind of wheelchairs we've got all kind of contraptions and that day you couldn't walk you couldn't walk what no hover around no hover nothing what what no what no no electronics scooter it wasn't you know that scooter commercial wasn't none of them what they weren't gonna give it to you you know insurance could cover it there was nothing no stem-cell research no no no doctors that could perform a surgery there was nothing if you Elaine either had I'll have to have a man to carry you about the gay car beautiful are you a lay in your bed for 38 years so it was about relationship it was about relationship he laid in this bed for eight years everybody say eight years and he was paralyzed for eight years and the reason why I am reading it from the book of Acts is because it is imperative that you understand that the writer of Acts is Luke and Luke by trade was a physician so Luke has properly assessed the situation because he has passed the exam he has surpassed the Hippocratic oath he is he has now bonded to make sure that people are healed he is the one who gives us the best account for the woman with the issue of blood and now he gives us the details the man is not only paralyzed he has now diagnosis issue he asked pawsley he cannot walk he cannot talk from the legs down that's to say and if he's going to get anywhere he has to be carried he cannot get around he's not that there is nothing that can help him there is nothing that they can do no doctor if the doctor could do it it would already be done no nurse if it could be done it would have already be done he is in this condition because he has not yet met the only doctor I'm taking my time because y'all gonna wait on me I wait on you all the time he has not yet met the doctor who could help him and the problem is is that the doctor who could help him a few chapters ago has gone back home he's gone he's checked out of the office he's gone he's not there he can he's taking no more earthly appointments you can't come into his office he's not showing up to your wedding and turning water to wine he is not showing up to your bedside and tell you to pick it up and walk he's not coming to stretch out your hand he is gone if there are any more miracles left to be done in the earth they're going to have to be done by the people who are in it you're not getting this if anything else miraculous is going to happen it is not going to be because Jesus walked on water to the other side and called demons if demons are going to come out of people in that day and time it has to be done by Peter not Torrance about Jason rocky on by Keith Vaseline y'all getting this you are waiting on God to do something that he has already given you the power to do and the person you have been waiting on is yourself the office is closed no more waiting rooms no more to fishing five levels if you're gonna eat you gonna have to go fish every day see this is what the children of Israel had their problem because when they were in the wilderness Manor was fallen from heaven God was bringing water out of Iraq and then he says all right miracle season is over y'all going into Canaan it's flowing with milk and honey if you're gonna eat you got to grow it if I'm not turning bit of water sweet anymore so you're gonna have to figure out a filtration system I want to talk to you about why we're always waiting for miracles when work will do everything has to be maracas I'm waiting on God to do some miraculous go get two jobs I'm in the house not yelling saying stop sitting back here talking about I'm too educated to work for that well if you were that educated you need to do something you are not too smart to go and get a job that will put some food on the table and stop thinking that you too good to do something that's beneath you you know you don't waiting on no miracle a man that don't work don't eat you got to get up and do something well y'all they gonna say man we're always waiting on God to perform a miracle sometimes you got to work from 9:00 to 5:00 and 4:00 5:00 to 9:00 sometimes you got to burn the midnight oil sometimes you got to own the company and still have a job come on talk to me somebody sometimes you're gonna have to make it happen you're gonna have to learn to bake you some some some cupcakes and start your business and and package them in and wrap them up you gonna have to figure out how to do something because the miracle season has come to an end here as a related to the miraculous as it involved God and now it has to be spoken through a man where Peter showed up he said in the name of Jesus make your bed you didn't know you could speak to it did you you didn't know you could go right up to your choice and lay hands on it say in the name of Jesus I pray that attitude offer you so you waiting on a miracle but you are the parent come home talk to me somebody I don't know I'm just gonna take my time and tell you I'll get it but but but you're waiting on God to do something miraculous up here when the power greater is He that is in me I've sent you to do greater works come on talk to me watch what he says he says he says I am getting ready to make you whole pick up your bed and walk pick up your bed don't call nobody you're the only window pick up yo bed mind your business and you won't stop judging everybody else's steps pick up your bed and you are stop worrying about everybody else's relationship pick up yo bed and you are stop worrying about what everybody else got and what everybody else is gonna pick up your bed and you walk all y'all here with me today and when Peter said to him he says Jesus Christ make you whole the emphasis is placed on the fact that Peter was the transportation for the miracle but notice the Bible says that when she was when when the man could not walk Peter was the only one that could speak to him in this chapter we see Peter tell a man to walk and raise a man from the dead now I'm wondering why is it that Peter is the only one who can do this because the other disciples know that we have an anointing is just not a healing anointing the Bible said they sent for Peter you didn't see the other disciples lando hands see the reason why some of y'all haven't gotten up yet is because you have people praying over you that don't have that anointing the reason why you are not seeing development in your life is because you have people involved in your life who don't have an anointing to end that curse that you're going to you got to make sure that you're under somebody who has an anointing for your issue god help me in this place your mama might have a good advice but she may not be anointed in that area your best friend might have good advice but they may not be anointed in that area you need to stop letting people deal in your life who are not anointed over that area you don't let your contractor fix the transmission just because you can fix something on me you can fix everything oh that's gonna be good I ain't even got started yet Peter said in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus not in the name of Peter and he could have been arrogant cuz you remember he preached Pentecost 3,000 people joined church in a day that could do something you go am i right about it he preached 3,000 people joint 1 sermon Peter could not you man I'm about to be the best preacher of all time Peter went up there he didn't say the name of Peter he said in the name of Jesus I'm getting ready to help you because what he understood is that if God worked through him he could do anything some of y'all need to get out of your name get out of your feelings get out of your opinion and started working through the name of the Lord you can do more through God's name then you can through your name and your name you get fired at the name of Jesus every knee must bow and every tongue must confess I want you to take the equity out of your name and put it in the name of Jesus something happens when you call on that name oh sure so I wish I had somebody you know what I remember at church we used to do this sometimes we would say call on the name and people just say Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus why because there's something about the name of Jesus that's what you need to do when you are talking to your children don't make them afraid of your belt make them afraid of Jesus you got you got it in the name of Jesus get those grades up y'all laughing and you're looking at me you don't understand that's what tutoring might be able to do it but I guarantee you that tutoring plus the Savior when you get your children introduced to Jesus the church has forgotten about it he don't even excite us like he used to when you used to say the name of Jesus in church people were losing minds he is the king of kings he is the Lord of lords and you can say Jesus in church now people just something happens when you call that name things change when you call that name literally demons tremble when you call that name you don't have to walk in with an attitude walk in with an anointing in the name of Jesus I command cancer to leave in the name of Jesus I command finances to turn around in the name of Jesus I command marriages to work there is something about that name matter of fact some of y'all oughta just say Lord Jesus work through me work through me working me because if Jesus starts working through you you going to start to see things change in your life when you see Jesus start to work through you you're going to see things change in your relationship in your finances in your struggle somebody shout Jesus said he said he said in the name of Jesus get up and walk and when God gets involved this is what I learned when God gets involved the evidence is always immediate people can make it happen eventually but only God can make it happen immediately the woman had the issue of blood twelve years no doctor could do it she got ahold of Jesus immediately she was healed this man had been laying on the bed for eight years Jesus in the name of joy immediately there was another man laying on the bed for 38 Jesus shows up what immediately when you get involved in that name and recognize the power of that name that's why we are saved in the name of Jesus there was no other name by which men shall be saved Jesus thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus God ain't insecure he already got it he has sent his this mediator by the name of Jesus that we've got to learn more about and start working through and that we've got to learn to be excited about Jesus and got to learn to call on that name and understand the power of that name and that that name every knee must bow and every tongue must confess and what I am afraid that is missing in the church is don't nobody know Jesus that's what separates us from Muslims that's what separates us from Catholics all y'all in here with me today I know many of you grew up Catholic listen this I grew up in Gary Indiana y'all gonna have to forgive me I didn't see a black Catholic I'll move here oh no God y'all y'all don't understand you understand I noticed this normally you where I came from Catholic was synonymous with Caucasian when I came here and saw that black people could be Catholic I had known I was sheltered but what separates us as Christians is the position of Christ and Christ can't just be a good man he can't just be a prophet he's got to be the Messiah he's got to be your Lord and Savior he has to be the second part of the Trinity the second Godhead he has to be the intermediator between he has to be the high priest in our life he has to be in the proper position and God the Son who came through Mary it is his name that Peter used to tell that man to get up and walk and I came to tell you in the name of Jesus it's time for you to get up and walk get up and walk right away from depression just walk right away from you you know that anxiety that you keep having just get up and walk away from it faster you don't understand how hard it is I do I do see the mistake that most people make is when they look at you they think you don't know struggle because you overcame yours such when they would say I struggled I just learned how to walk away from it I've been down I just didn't stay down I've had disappointments but through it all I've learned to depend on Jesus there sometimes I didn't feel like getting up in the morning but when I started calling on that name things started to happen in my life somebody just shout the name of Jesus here was a man that had gone this for eight years on a bed and now instantaneously he's walking I speak immediate manifestation in your life somebody say immediately now some of y'all don't believe this and that's cool but for those of y'all who are listening to me believe me when I tell you that things are getting ready to happen immediately get ready for a season of suddenly you're gonna be like I don't know what happened all of a sudden matter of fact high five three people say all of a sudden all of a sudden all of a sudden my knee didn't hurt anymore all of a sudden my back didn't hurt anymore all of a sudden my credit report went through all of a sudden they approved me for the loan all of a sudden my business just start booming all of a sudden my headaches went away all of a sudden my host husband told me he loved me all of a sudden my wife started to respect me all of a sudden my children started to make good grades why because I called the name of Jesus oh I wish I had somebody saying the name of Jesus blessing my husband in the name of Jesus bless my wife in the name of Jesus touch my children in the name of Jesus give me job opportunities in the name of not in the name of your decree not in the name of your diploma not in the name of your experience in the name of Jesus the name of Jesus we'll do what your grades can't do the name of Jesus we'll do what your background can't do the name of Jesus will make you qualified for a position you're unqualified for matter of fact the next time you go on the spot just holler the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus immediately just subject just it's gonna pop up like where in the world did that come from Oh things change when I call that how do you think government employees haven't been paid for money they made it jesus said in the name of Jesus and he rose immediately not eventually he have to go to rehab he have to get strength in it and he wouldn't he wouldn't I could you imagine it depends on your imagination you probably matter he got up he had I mean this dude literally three years get up I thought you weren't gonna never say nothing just got up and just all walk gotta gotta me tell you no process no rehab immediately no bow to no fencing to immediately you're going from poor to rich from sad to happy from down up from under to over now give God a praise in advance for the immediate blessing [Applause] but what you must understand is he was just not lame he was paralyzed paralysis doesn't take place in the legs paralysis takes place something happened to his head that made his legs stop working ain't nothing wrong with shows security there's nothing wrong with your pride there is nothing wrong with how you look there is something wrong with how you think there is nothing wrong with your circumstantial situation that's nothing wrong with your marriage as a man thinks in his heart so is he the problem ain't the situation the problem is how you see it the man was sick and paralyzed so God touched his head and when he got his head right his head send a message to his legs if you'll get your head right it'll send a message to every part of your life that ain't working let this mind that's in me be also as a man thinks in his heart so is he so really what happened was he just didn't have the right process of thinking for eight years he just let a paralysis paralysis in his mind a paralyzed mind was deaf a it was really it was his head it was his central nervous system he wasn't he didn't have the right signals being sent ain't nothing wrong with your legs as your head ain't nothing wrong with your hands it's your head ain't nothing wrong with your job it's your head ain't nothing wrong with your marriage this your head ain't nothing wrong with your children it's your head touch the neighbors say your head your head your head you can pull it out of the sand if you can pull it out of depression if you can pull it out of a cycle it's your head and your head sabotages you every time every time it looks like God's about to lift you you found a way to go back to your previous level have you ever seen somebody like that is see they get around and environment God lifts them they get away from the environment just to go back down I know people who are afraid to reach out to people they respect because they know it's gonna require them to think differently so they isolate themselves and say stuff like I was gonna call you but I didn't want to bother you no you really didn't want me to bother you you didn't want me to tell you stop being dumb stop being stupid and do some what you're like you didn't want it was about you bother me you didn't want me bothering you you got to be the kind of person that will you come around somebody they had gets together you can't be lame in the presence of a person who God is using look at your neighbors a matter of fact you can't even sit down while I'm standing up in prison you can't even sit down oh my god you go somewhere else you ain't gonna sit down next to me now some of them got attitude ain't gonna do nothing but just just say it cuz I said it and let me tell you what I just did is a test because some people are so stubborn that they won't do it just because you said it that's a head problem they're so headstrong that anytime somebody does something that they don't like they're getting big they blood pressure door you know but I don't tell me [Applause] get up when I was two and you're right you will get up when you want to and as long as you don't want to you won't miss paralyzed any start walking guess what happened everybody start looking at him he must got a twin dude laying on that ground for eight years none of a sudden the Bible said they but then they got saved why because since he was healed in the name of Jesus Peter made sure that the glory went in the direction of the one who did two healing [Applause] sometimes whether you know it or not God causes you pain for his publicity [Applause] you don't get it sometimes God allows you to go through he's using you as transportation to get them to him go to go to the book of Mark the Bible says there was a man who was blind from his birth and in those days they thought a man was blind because either he sinned are his parents sin and they raised the question did his parents sinned or did he saying they said no he's blind simply for the sake of the gospel some of the problems you were going through is because God is using your life as a billboard to get attention because when they saw that the man could walk guess what they went they went to Lord say what must I do to be saved what honor what an honor to be used back what an honor to struggle for the sake of Christ that was put in my flesh a thorn to buff it me lest I be exalted above measure that thorn in Paul's flesh is the reason why all of us are worshipping Him today [Applause] your struggles and your pain has been engineered and orchestrated by God so that someone will go to him and don't worry about it once they come you'll walk says get up and walk you get something wrong because the first thing I want to let you know is that God will restore you I don't know who I'm talking to I don't know who would have message is full but God is getting ready to restore you whatever you lost he's getting ready to restore it and it doesn't matter that it's been eight years or eight months or eight days when God shows up in the name of Jesus you will get up and walk first Peter 5:10 he says listen this is this is one of my favorite scriptures he says that God will perfect you he will perfect you he will perfect you he will perfect you but but he doesn't perfect you until after you have suffered a while after you have suffered a while then the God of all glory will perfect you and establish you but the perfecting doesn't come until after the pain do you hear me the cost of deliverance is pain how do you know he can wipe tears away if you have never cried how do you know that he's a heart fixer if your heart ain't never been broken [Applause] how do you accumulate the knowledge of knowing that he has a mind regulator if your mind ain't ever been all counter mister how do you know that he's a friend that sticketh closer than a brother unless you almost lost yours and how do you know that when he shows up he can be a friend in the midnight hour and you not be lonely unless you've been all by yourself and how do you know he'll feed you unless you've been on the brink of hunger Davis said it was good it was good that I went through this because that's how I learned who he was the lessons difficulty is not based on the teacher it's based on the learner if you learn it quickly to be over faster any hard head Saints in the house God got to beat your tail for you to listen come on talk to me you ain't gonna get it you ain't gonna get it easy you play with the Lord of you if he just give you a little wind God got to give you a storm not only Willie restore you've only got two points number two God will raise you while Peter was in litter there was a good Christian woman Bible says she's a disciple see normally when you see that word decipher you think about the 12 but remember this is this is Jesus it's gone so now we're all being discipled so it's not just the 12 apostles anymore anybody who has given God their this woman was a good good Christian woman Tabitha right it was a good good good Christian woman and she she died Bible says that she got sick and that she died her name was darkness excuse me she was sick and she died Bible says that she passed away and but she was a faithful woman she was faithful she she was so involved in a church that everybody knew who she was she was faithful man she she she was faithful be thou faithful unto death she was faithful until she gave her last breath she was faithful and the disciples got together and they went and said Peter they sent two minutes said Peter you got to come you got to come this lady needs you and we're not gonna get out of our lane the helper somebody asked me yesterday how do you balance all of the things that you have to do I wish y'all could see how many things I have to do in a day I wish when people say I want to shadow you they'd be sleep they'd be like I want to shout you for Dave like you serious about that they come up here and by the time one day they'd be like alright I don't want to pass it no more and just they just they don't want to do it and then you add to the fact that that I'm by vocational that that I pastor and got businesses and got a family and and he said you know how do you balance all of that I said number one I'll never let anybody's emergency become my urgency most of y'all can't handle your problems because you so busy handling everybody else's this woman was dead but these disciples didn't get out of the lane they didn't try to become a healer there was only one man that could do it go get Peter she ain't gonna be no more dead when he arrived she already gone we didn't already watched about it and put it in the upper room it's like you know we have when we started our church y'all this and I'm being sick when we started our church somebody would die every once in awhile we have so many people now that every weekend if it's not a member it's a relative of a member and and there was no way that when everybody dies that I can answer the phone at 3 o'clock in the morning are you with me because I would I would I would never sleep or I would be sleeping with them so so I intentionally know that if a person passes away at 3 o'clock in the morning God forgive me but they will still be in that situation when I wake up at 6:30 y'all y'all not listen but see you that don't make sense to you but that's why you're not effective because you let people's emergencies become your urgency and and you're reacting to everything and then you have nothing left for the people who matter now it amazes me how you run to somebody else's house to see about them at 3 o'clock in the morning but if somebody in your house is sick you won't even roll over number to understand that you're not going to be good at everything every day if I'm a good husband on Monday I'm gonna have to be a good pastor on Tuesday if I'm a good passer on Tuesday I'm have to be a good father on Wednesday I can't be good at them every day and I tell people that my life is like all the balls I juggle I just juggle every part of my life and I just make sure that I touch every part every once in a while because if you stop juggling your life and you touch any one part of your life too long the rest is gonna drop when we got ready to build this church I went to my wife and I told her I said baby for the first six months Jackie are not gonna be meeting 52 times a day we're gonna be having lunches we gonna be having dinners I got her buy-in up front I didn't let her get shocked by involved I told her we're gonna and and I know I don't know how many meetings we didn't had just today but she understood that and so I brought it but but but what I'm getting to is that now Peter doesn't allow somebody got that Jesus didn't even do it remember when Lazarus died he was like I'll be there give me four days I got some other people I need to talk to and he'll and I got to do some other stuff I'd be there by four days three and a half at tops never let anybody's urgency become your emergency make sure that you are honest with yourself and realize you're not gonna be good at everything every day they were not the healers Peter was and they didn't try to do it Peter got there when he got there I don't know how long it took him but she was still in the same situation when he got there and he walks in the room and all these women are crying cause you know they have professional mourners back then see y'all some of y'all ain't been in church long enough to know about the mourners bench y'all don't know about the mourners bench how many y'all just shocked at what I see I raise your hand if you don't know what I'm talkin about all right let me help you Outsiders the mourners bench was a group of people at the church that they came to cry on purpose oh yes this is true they would sit on the front row and at every funeral they were there to cry purposely any other questions so they're just gonna be meeting you in church today you just gonna stop me and talk to me right up in church like that it's all good bro it's all good on purpose they everybody knew the women oh yeah oh so she's gonna be crying watch on three - hood see I told you so so the widows are what we were called in the church the mourners bench they came and they were crying when Peter got that guarantee you they were crying until he showed up they was frying chicken and eating green beans and them Hawaiian rolls came in there and it was crying Deacon Johnson and Peter they start showing Peter all of the coats that she made them when she was alive the dark has made me this look at this since the dog has bought this with me for my third anniversary I just mean so much they were crying Peter walked in there and put everybody out he told all of them get to steppin can you hid in my Martin voice get just get out everybody get out start kicking everybody out why because when you're getting ready to rise up you don't need certain things in your atmosphere what I'm getting ready to do ain't sad so I don't need anybody who gonna bring my mindset down I'm not about to cry I'm about to speak to this woman and she's about to get up and I need every person having a pity party to get out of the room I am telling you what you need to do the next time you get ready to get up you need to get the people who are down out I got another assignment I guess something else I'm getting ready to do and crying that's okay but this ain't the season for it I leave people praying I need people worshiping I need people faster I don't need people who are sad you are too defeated for me to do my job so please excuse yourself well I wish I had a rift I wish I was hearing me in here today Peter had a job to do and their atmosphere was not conducive to what he was trying to do so he did not have he said I'm taking authority over this atmosphere go and the problem with some of y'all is you don't know how to tell people when it's time for them to go you need to know when it's time for them to go they can come back later after she up but right now I'm praying and I don't need no crime now you can get on your knees with me and you can pray with me and we can touch on a dream tell every demonic sad Ashi spirit to go but pastor see my sister go I see you at the family reunion they was in the room before Peter got there but Peter had the authority why because he spoken the name if you start operating in the name of Jesus you can own any room you walk in y'all got to go you got to go because some about to live up in here some about to get up up in here something about to rise up in here and I don't need a Down spirit in the middle of my resurrection get out all right brother Peter you have to be so mean about it they leave man I wish I had time to tell you all this whole thing so he puts them out and they leave no doubt they had a - supposed to be a preacher talking to somebody like that you know I know I'm talking to people in that kind of manner you heard what I say say whatever you want about me but get out hey hey love the Bible says Peter gets down on his knees and past the tourists I saw I don't read this text a thousand times I saw something I've never seen in my life the Bible says that after he finishes praying he turns to the body because it seemed like to me if he was praying for her you know how we do in church he prayed with his back to the situation he prayed with his back to the pain he pray with his back to the failure why because it wasn't about the problem because when you talking to the problem solver you do not have to focus on the problem Peter finally learned his lesson because the last time he looked at the problem he started shaking remember he was walking on the water and the Bible says he was looking at Jesus and when he took his eyes off of Jesus and put his eyes on the storm he began to seek he said this time I'm turning my back on the problem [Applause] [Music] this time I'm a look to the hills some was cometh my help all my help comes from the Lord so whatever he did he started praying and after he finished praying he turned around to the problem said get up he didn't look at his problem until he finished talking to his god and he turned around and looked at the woman and said get up and guess what the woman did bottle since our eyes to open no doubt she was dead because they have already embalmed the body the Bible says they have already washed her they've already wrapped her in linen and they've already put her in the upper room chamber she's dead rigor mortis has set in Peter walks in the room and never looks at her never looks at her he never even looked at it can you every every one of you be honest with yourself every time you have a problem you stare at it [Music] every time you have a problem you eat it again and again and again and you focus on it and you cry about it every time you got an issue it's the egg it consumes your mind Peter never turned around and looked at it my problem is irrelevant in the presence of the problem solver he never looks at it he says all right Laura it's our second miracle today you ready I got some old people that need to be saved all right enough a dozen laying down stuff get on up now you heard me notice her eyes are open but she ain't up yet she doesn't get up until Peter reaches out his hand and when she touches Peter who's operating in the name of Jesus then she gets up this is the second person that Peter got back on his feet in the same day I don't know who I'm talking to but you got enough anointing to get things back up and here's my recommendation don't start off by using your power to help somebody else get up before you lay your hands on yourself you are the one that has to get up and walk so don't give your neighbor a high five give yourself a high five and say get out of this depression get out of this insecurity get out of this problem and rise up and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and she who was dead it's dead no more because he was operating if you if you would just put Jesus name on it if you would just stop focusing oh what they say it stop focusing or how they looked at you where you walk in the room stop focus on the fact that they didn't speak don't come around here don't even speak he never looked at her he put his back to the problem and where we failed as we put our eyes on it and anytime you looking at your problem you're sinking that's really and that's what the devil wants you to do he wants you focus on your inadequacies I guarantee every time you look in the mirror you see what's wrong you never see what's right I was trying to change stuff I got blemishes okay but there are some perfect there are some places on your skin where there are no blemishes why don't you ever focus on those I'm listen haven't you notice how good you are picking out problems one blackhead you all in your face [Music] all that good skin over there you just focus on I want to be flawless turn you back home turn your back home she keep focusing on and it's gonna kill you I learned this I study so much and my wife will tell you sometimes I'll be studying I do it so much and I start getting frustrated like I need a revelation need revelation I learned you know what I'm gonna be and I think this I think I just started resting last week first time my life my wife said I was so sleepy she said wait a minute now I owe for Christmas yeah I got all men she bought me some for Christmas just this little pad she put on the bed see because I can't sleep if it's hot today right now I I needed about 68 at our Lord I can sleep at 60 I only make it 68 so she don't die you understand what I'm saying my mom and then be up there at 79 I I go up there and prefer cated Lord don't let my baby evaporate in this house I want to evaporate my baby she bothers the mattress cover it got air-conditioned in it and I could turn it on and I turned it on next thing I knew it was tomorrow my wife said I stood over you and I tried to find out if he was alive she put a finger under my nose I ain't filled nothing let me tell you I'm a light sleeper you can't you can't move around me she get out of bed I'd be looking knocked out I said baby you know what it felt good to be sleep I'm gonna do that again so I'm gonna do that again but I used to be just like anybody like me I just gotta get it done I gotta get it done get it I'll work myself to him sick I'll work myself tell me exhausted I just I'll learn it's gonna be there tomorrow all these people on the internet lines on my home asleep yes you do otherwise you'll be dead you sleep sometime somehow in our society has been sexy to say I won't sleep y'all know people don't know sleep Texas some sleep Houston the reason why you can't sleep is because you think you can control it you turn your back on that problem turn your back on this situation put your eyes on God and say in the name of Jesus run this business take care of his family take care of his health in the name of Jesus rise up and walk you got to get up people you've been down long enough you've been in the same position long enough and somebody's counting on you to get up you are too important to stay down you're too important to stay down somebody's counting on you and the longer you stay down the longer generation stays down do you know how many people were saved because this man got up and walking because this woman lived the Bible says that so many people ran to Jesus asking for salvation when you get up there's a whole lot of people that's going to get up you are more important than you think you don't give yourself credit enough you just you just discount yourself because you don't have what somebody else has but God is trying to use you where he's trying to use you because yes it is a good thing to be Peter who came and raised a woman up but it's also good to be the people who called Peter maybe sometimes you're not the healers maybe you're the one who has the relationship with the healer and a good thing about having the relationship with the healer is when it's your time for healing you know who to call just be good at what God calls you to be good at and get up in your area just get up in your the world is waiting on you the world needs you to become who you're supposed to be the world needs you to get up and walk it out and prophesy and preach and teach are open the business are are you know some of you all love babies more than the rest of us we need you in our child care facilities not the people who are there beating them and and doing we got to get the right people in the right places and the wrong people out of those places I was I was so disgusted when I turned the news on a couple weeks ago and found out a woman that was in a coma gave birth we got the wrong people in the wrong place and some of you are you would care for those people so much and and you would bathe them and nobody would ever but but you got to get in you're fit if you like seniors there are a lot of places that need people to walk and work in those places that will treat those people with dignity but you got to find your fit you hate your job and everybody you work with know it but you keep going there because you're too scared to start over you're too scared to get up and walk you go there because it's a safe check and you don't even trust it every weekend they land off people you wonder if you next but you won't walk away you would rather sit there and wait on them to get rid of you then you walk away it's too afraid to get up and walk do you know how much courage it took me to walk away from Fort Wayne to come to Houston Texas I started the church from scratch everybody came there because God had planted me there hundreds of people would disappoint him because one day I got up on a Sunday morning and told him God said go to Houston Texas and leave you all behind you should have saw what they said you should have heard what they did and I said it in that order fun on purpose you should have saw what my name I went from to savior to everything but a child of God had to walk away because God said get up and go and for those of y'all that know I didn't come here for a lighthouse this one here it would make sense if this was what I was coming to but I didn't come to this we built this this didn't exist nine years ago nine years ago we don't have one member nine years ago we didn't have no name nine years ago we didn't have a bank account nine years ago we didn't have not a nothing so don't tell me I came here for Prosperity came here because God said get up and when I got here I got fired and when I got here I got embarrassed and when I got here I got put out and when I got here I got lied on but they ain't talking about me now [Applause] after you suffered a while let me tell you when I got here I suffered ask anybody who knows me it was a hell of a road to get here I went up the rough side of the mountain got fired on a Sunday morning in front of a thousand people told to get out and never to return no severance package no no reason just got out of you what I need it now you got to go I was laying and I laid on my bed and times I felt like dying but the master of the sea heard my despairing cry from the waters he lifted me now safe him and now what I came for can't fit in what he gave me I'm not here by osmosis I'm not here because I got lucky we worked our butts off to get here and we just get started quitting was never an option fatigue was never an excuse we just kept fighting what no whole lot of us but we kept on fighting from a little room at a Civic Center from a lunchroom in the middle school from a TV station with no air conditioning to a high school that was so far none of us knew how to get there so many of us got lost trying to get the Kingwood high school back in them days we know what to do but we made it then we got to summer Creek then the Lord starts smiling on us and people who started with us started to pass away and die families started to fall apart we were wondering how we were gonna make it we have mobiles than we had income then we bought property and they wouldn't let us build on it we had to fight him with no lawyers with no budget I was putting on my my tailor-made suit and I only had two of them there was a blue and then the black one y'all remember I switch them up just switch the ties into certain shoes and I put them on and I go to those meetings and I sit at that table and never using words I ain't knowing I was googling what he was talking came back to the next meeting used and they were right back on him like I knew him reading contracts with no with no experience I was so crazy that when we when we finally served sold the property I was so clueless didn't know that they had given me a check for the church I was riding around with a million and a half dollars in my trunk and didn't even know it I thought that they deposit in the bank I mean I never knew that they put it on paper I didn't know see I had I was used to look shacks I ain't know that you can get a big check that was long enough to write that on there I knew looked checks I ain't no big checks negotiated about this builder for 6.4 million knives worth over ten getting ready to add a five six million dollar addition to it I had to get up had to get up they pushed us down before we got here we had to get up and we cried a lot of things together I know the need of Audrina here somewhere out of crowd on her shoulder so many times I remember Zellman up there I remember zelma got in the car to dinner on Kelly Street right in front of the church yeah I remember that we all rushing over that she then got hit and sprint around we can't we cry we thought we lost it Laura got out under she walked away without a scratch [Applause] I'll see you up here she's saying every Sunday you don't know the devil and try to kill ever since you've been in the world she keep on singing she keeps on singing y'all might be looking at me saying pastor why don't you shut up and sit down you don't know how you see the glory you don't know the store
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 145,800
Rating: 4.8616261 out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson, Get Up, Wonder, Witness, Sermon, Worship, Word, Pastor, Bishop, Surrender, Jesus, God, Power, Lighthouse Sermon, Texas, Ministry, Spirit, Preacher, Ministries, Religion, Relationship, Believing, get up sermon, universe sermon, amen jesus, amen, believing in god, beautiful day, son of god, jesuschrist, evil spirit, god's word, pastor keion henderson, pastor, bible, what is god, jesus video, holy spirit video, spirit of fear of god, blessings
Id: 8epFS3n7f20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 0sec (4800 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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