The Second Chapter | Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Applause] pastor mike mcclure is one of the gift most gifted men i know you hear him sing like that you'll go to birmingham and he's got the mega ministry there in birmingham alabama has done phenomenal things one more time for pastor mike jr [Applause] i got to be honest with you um i came out here and they were already in my key and i almost started hooping too cause it just felt like it but i remember uh growing up in gary indiana and as i was we we grew up in an apartment complex it was called westbrook and apartment complex is a nice way of saying the projects and it was four or five of us in there with two bedrooms and i have to remember because it's not the shower that i have now that i remember it's that porcelain bathtub that mama used to put us all in the same water and it used to leave that ring around it and we used to get a whooping for leaving a ring in the tub and we didn't have fabuloso like you young folks we had comet and ajax and it came in a can and it was powder but at the end it was a little ball that always survived to shake it was always a little ball in the bottom and it survived the shake and you had to cut it open to get what was left in the bottom i soon realized in my life that after life finishes shaking you the rest can't be extracted until you're cut and those were the cutting days and we started that church with five people in those days and it grew to 600 in the town that only had 500 5 000 african americans and before i do this i i've got to do this give me is my birthday i'm going to take two couple minutes that what i was being cut uh before there was ever a mega church before there was ever lighthouse church when i was driving a 1991 ford escort navy blue interior and exterior my sister ebony and i had to share it there was a young man named pastor tenet jordan who saw something in me that i didn't see in myself and i was angry then and i was frustrated then and he raised me in this house and he and his wife fed me three times a day until i was able to get on my feet and they are here today pastor jordan mama george would you just come and stand here for y'all have to see these people you have to see this man you have to see this woman [Applause] oh i have to show you all them he showed me what it was like to be a man i remember one day he went to jamaica he took his wife to jamaica and they go to jamaica every year for vacation and he came back and the power had went out in his house and uh there was a deep freezer he would always go buy fresh meat he had a deep freezer this big with meat and i remember just the one day i never liked him because he came back and the power went out we were gone for two weeks and we got back as soon as we turned the corner to come this neighborhood we smelled something and it was the smell of hundreds of pounds of rotting meat in his garage maggots were crawling out of the deep freezer and i said pop what we going to do i said i'll tell you what we can rent a truck and we can put the deep freezer on the truck go to the dumpster and push it off he said i'm not throwing away my deep freezer he made us open that deep freezer and scrape all that stuff out i didn't eat meat for six months because i couldn't stand the smell of it and now i'm even more angry because now i'm old enough to know that that dog on deep freezer was a hundred dollars i thought it was expensive back then he taught me what it was to be a man i honor you and i thank you so much so one man watered me but another man raised me and the person who's coming to this stage would not know me if it were not for him but you would not know me if it were not for him he gave me my first big chance loved me when i didn't love myself has coached me through the most difficult moments of my life has never judged me once and has lifted me time and time again and his own expense has stuck his neck out to ensure that i could keep my head up and he's in this place today and before he comes to this stage he would do this because she doesn't know it she has made a tremendous difference in my life there is no woman in the earth like sarita jakes can you praise god for the woman who has been the wind beneath his wings i love you and i appreciate you i want you to put your hands together and welcome to this stage the man who over 40 years ago stumped his foot in the whole world shook who has preached on every continent in this globe [Music] but today the world's bishop has convened to stand in this secret and sacred place would you praise god for bishop thomas dexter jakes bishop td jakes come on make some noise [Music] come on and clap your hands like you really love jesus come on and clap those hands like you really love jesus i don't mean like you church people i mean like you've got the holy ghost yes yes yes yes yes yes yes sit down in the name of jesus and rest in the presence of the lord grace and peace i am just bum-fuzzled i don't know what to look at first i'm all emotion rated uh pastor introduced pastor jordan i was about to start crying i thought food they didn't feed you i'm just i don't know what's going on i'm looking at this beautiful church that keeps evolving every time i come back give yourselves a round of applause aren't you glad you go to a church where you don't have to wonder where the money is going he puts it right where you can see it come on make some noise somebody oh y'all get out of here let me tell you something some folks been in a building front drive for 35 years you better get up on your feet and make some noise in this place [Music] yeah y'all don't know nothing about that old school we the money for the building fund we're in the building fund drive everybody give another thousand dollars for the building food it'll never be no building y'all sitting up in a metropolis going on down here in houston clap one more time for the good leadership good stewardship good staffing good commitment good accounting good business principle a lot of people can preach but everybody can't lead come on let's honor the man of god for being a leader there's a big difference between being a good preacher and being a good leader and you got both and he can sing too glory to god i'll tell you just got everything it ain't fair it ain't fair he off trim and fit and everything i got a little jealous i tried to pray a little fat on him and you know just to even things up a little bit so it'll be a fair fight he already got me about 20-something years and that joker got in the gym and wore me out give god praise for persecution i love you i love you well i don't really know how i got here i have to explain sit down relax i i have to explain how i got here i didn't exactly get invited i sort of got invited he called me up on the phone and said you know they planted my 40th birthday and the staff is all excited about who all they could bring and your name was one of the first names to come up with the first name to come up he said i told him where no we can't uh we can't bother him he got so much to do you know i said oh that's so sweet and i hung up the phone you know and about it took me about two days to realize that he was trying to sneak up on the invitation i called him back i said was that your way of trying to invite me to come he burst down started laughing but i i am here because every time i ever needed you you're always there he was at my mega fest event and i had a strange thing happen to my eye my eye was my contact that got my eye infected and my eye was bleeding and it was bleeding so much i had to go to the emergency room and he he had just been with me everything was fine i was fine till till it happened i was fine when it happened i couldn't even see i couldn't even see it all he had he had driven back to houston made a u-turn and drove all the way back to dallas to see if i was okay that's the kind of pastor you got isn't that good now i want to do something at the top and get all the mushy stuff done at first um my son asked me my natural son asked me daddy how do you get to sit at the table with with the chiefs he said young people are trying to figure out how to get at the table with the chiefs i said you don't get to sit at the table just because you want to i said you got to go out and kill some i said if you're going to sit around the fire with the elders you got to go out there and kill something bring a lion throw a deadline down or something like that they'll respect you and i don't respect you because you have desire to respect you because you kill something david was anointed to be king over israel saul anointed him to be king but he didn't bring him into the kingdom because he hadn't killed anything the gateway to the kingdom always has something that has to be killed because you earned the right to be respected by the level you kill on you understand what i'm saying you don't get it cause you think you're supposed to have it you don't get it because you have my last name you don't get it because you got a phd you get it because you were still something you endured something you built something you fought for something you survived something you endured something and then people respect you respect is never given it must be earned to commemorate it this day i wanted to make this presentation to you as a as a part of our birthday gift my wife and i to you because you killed something [Music] come here [Music] so i want you to put it somewhere every time you run into a battle just to remind you that giants do die they do that and when you cut their head i'll put them under your feet yeah that represents everything you had to kill to get to where you are right now at 40 years old that means you get to sit at the fire with the elders that means this is official that means you're a grown man yeah in every sense of the word and don't ever let anybody make you doubt yourself who you are what you are where you came from [Music] jesus couldn't be jesus until john pointed him out and when john pointed him out he said behold the lamb of god who taketh away the sins of the world and it all started because a man pointed him out and a god spoke from heaven and so with this tribute today we point you out god has already spoken from heaven kill it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay i want to honor my wife you maybe see that i honor my wife stand up baby show them what i'm working with [Applause] i want all of my spiritual sons that are here to stand all of you all of you i see several of you stayed over i'm glad to give god praise for them you stayed over to be here or maybe you stayed over to go shopping but you're here i'm glad to see you nonetheless wow i'm at the lighthouse i sent my daughter sarah to my church so i could come to your church so we playing musical chairs i hope i have a church when i get back i thought it preached good but not like real good she get dangerous go to the book of ruth for just a few moments today the ruth chapter 2 verse 1 to 3. it's in the second chapter of the book of ruth when you have his amen i'm going to read out the king james version there's no particular theological reason that i'm reading out of the king james version other than the fact that it's old and i'm old and we've been hanging out so long ain't no need and breaking up now and naomi had a kinsmen of her husband's a mighty man of wealth of the family of elimelech and his name was boaz and ruth the moabitess said unto naomi let me go to the field and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight i shall find grace and she said unto her go my daughter and she went and came and gleaned in the field after the reapers she gleaned in the field after the reapers and her hat was to light on a part of the field belonging unto boaz who was of the kindred of elimelech can you say amen remain standing i'm going to pray with you the real thing that i want to focus on is not so much the text but the heading of the chat text ruth chapter 2 i want to use a subject the second chapter so if you miss the wordings remember the number look at somebody and say this is the second chapter the spirit of the living god found fresh of us today i await your reign i wake up to the dew falling on the roses i recognize your mercies are new every morning you have assembled us out of our homes and from our towns and our villages and some have driven a ways to be in this place today not that we might hear me but that we might hear what the spirit of the lord is saying to the church in terms like these we need a word from you in times like these we need direction from you in times like these we need prophetic utterances from you for that here's your word if you don't speak we can't move if you don't speak we can't breathe if you don't speak we can't talk if you don't speak we can't walk if you don't speak we can't think if you're gonna speak we can't decide we need a lot from you if we don't hear from you what shall we do if we don't hear from you where shall we go if we don't hear from you what shall we say take over the service throw your weight around show hell who's boss move cancer out the building disease without the building affliction out the building turn them all out the building distress depression and fear you can take anything that says exit on it you got to go today in the lab of jesus i thank you for what you're about to do spirit of the living god i have your way ah i'll be careful to give your name the praise the honor and the glory in jesus mighty and righteous name we pray every believer in the house shout amen you may be seated in the presence of god it is distressing to note that the particular book that is before us today is reserved for mother's day women's days first ladies days and things of that ilk it is because of the hidden mesogenic philosophy of our society where we have categorized the value of the text by the gender rather than the depth of the revelation it is deceptive to believe that god has decorated the old testament with the ornate ornament of a feminine character just to suggest that he has diversity in the way he thinks it is not her gender that is of paramount importance it is her movement it is the way she moves it is what moved when she moved if if the book of ruth were not in the bible there would be no book of judges no book of kings there would be no book of kings there would be no books of history the psalmists would never sing the psalms if the book of ruth were not in the bible if the book of roof were not in the bible zephaniah would never utter a prophetic word can i take my time if the book of ruth were not in the bible malachi would have never been written if the book of truth were not in the bible matthew mark luke and john would not be categorized amongst the scriptures 27 27 books of the new testament would be obliterated they are all predicated upon this particular book this book the book of ruth is really about change somebody shall change the lord said to me at the beginning of the pandemic he said when you pray for change i answer with disruption and when i send disruption don't allow the disruption to become a distraction because most people think solving the disruption is victory when in fact i sent the disruption to facilitate the change you can't have change without disruption everything has to be disrupted in order to change you can't keep your waistline and have a baby change is disruptive you can't plant an acorn in the ground and tell it not to disrupt the soil because growth itself is disruptive wherever there is change it will always enunciate itself by the level of the disruption that precedes it the book of ruth is more than a display of femininity it is in fact a book of disruption it starts with disruption how you handle disruption determines how far you can go hear me good hear me good if you can't handle disruption then stop praying for change most people can't handle disruption because they allow the disruption to become a distraction and they stop their mission to settle the disruption as if settling the disruption was victory this is why nehemiah did not respond to sand ballon and tobias because they were a disruption the victory was in ignoring the disruption and staying on the wall second thing he said to me in the midst of the disruption it will always want to be a distraction because every disruption presents an opportunity that will only mean something to people whose lives have been disrupted whose jobs have been disrupted by the way y'all sang your face off excuse me that don't have nothing to do with the text you know a person can sing when they sing so where you think you can brother got the moaning in the mic i tried to moan too i sound like a frog with a sore throat disruption disruption comes into all of our lives but we don't always realize it because poor people think that rich people don't have disruption and some rich people think that poor people don't have disruption because they don't have much of anything they don't think they have real problems and poor people look at rich people say look at how much money you have as if you could buy peace problem however is that peace is not for sale [Applause] disruption comes to attractive people and you look at them and you're amazed at the beauty and you think oh if i could just look like that and then you get to know them and you find out that some of the craziest people i have ever met in my life were fine [Applause] somebody ought to back me up in here you're cute but you're crazy you take nice pictures but you insane you're gorgeous but you are lunatic you understand disruption comes both to the intellectual and to the illiterate often in the same degree of intensity disruption comes no one is exempt from disruption the text before us is disruption because disruption is always the gateway to opportunity look back over your life and the times your life has been disrupted and you thought it was over only to discover that it was the gateway to a new beginning and a new opportunity can i get 10 witnesses in the building [Applause] such is the case in the text today how you adapt to change determines how far god can take you your adaptability your ability to adapt there are certain people that are inflexible the gifted but they're inflexible they're talented but they're inflexible they're married but they're inflexible they can preach but they're inflexible they're intelligent but they're inflexible you cannot couple yourself with somebody that's inflexible and expect to grow because they cannot go they cannot go therefore they cannot grow because they are inflexible in order to survive the vicissitudes of life you have to be prepared to go at a moment's notice to to to re-evaluate your circumstance to reconstruct your position to change your plans and alter your strategy and remove your course you can't be more married to your plan than you are your purpose i said again you can't be more married to your plan than you are you purpose some of us love the way we praise the lord more than we love the lord we praise [Music] [Applause] oh y'all gonna make me get started early it's too early for me to grab my head yet but i feel something creeping up my spine and hear something is about to happen in this place we love the way we praise and we enjoy what we do more than we do the one we're doing it for you have it really praise the lord until you praise him alone [Applause] until you dance in your living room you don't have a praise what you have is a show until you have had tears running down your face while you're driving and you were wiping tears out your eyes and said lord you're the only real friend i got you don't have a relationship until all hell has broken loose in your life and you said like job though he slayed me [Applause] yes our civilizations have survived for years because we had the adaptability to move to change to evolve to travel to be nomadic in our essence has produced our survival because our culture was not predicated on geography our culture was not predicated on geography so we went where the food was and we went where the water flowed and we never lost our identity because we changed locations because we were never defined by our location [Applause] if you study the history of africa you'll begin to understand that before there was a nigeria or ghana or a congo there were people there were teachings and uh there were europeans and there were people like that there were there were people of different tribes and origins who did not define themselves by the territory they dwelt in but the language they spoke the food they ate the culture they had the blood in their veins the way that they moved it was only when colonialism came in that they start cutting up the land because the europeans stopped the land what's valuable not the people so they split the people to get the land never really recognizing that the land is only as valuable as the people that are on it in our own country we are here because we migrated here and i'm not talking about us as a people i'm not talking about the even the people that we found here when we got here migrated here and i'm not just talking about white people but even the people they found when they got here migrated here migration has been essential for our survival the ability to be flexible the ability to make a move the ability to pack up your stuff and go where you can plant and where you can build and where you can grow i'm trying to prep you because change is coming how do you know change is coming because i just spent the last 400 days watching god push a reset button and whenever god pushes a reset button it's a sign that change is imminent in our society can i get a witness in the room is there anybody in here that's been sensing in your spirit that something is about to happen your normal has been shattered you're predictable cannot be predicted and all of a sudden you're in a place of instability and vulnerability if you hear me holler at you boy if you hear me right now in chapter one we understand that naomi she migrates to moab because of the famine that existed in bethlehem bethlehem is a modern semi-modern name for ephrata bethlehem means the house of bread but the house of bread had developed a famine and when the famine got bad enough naomi said i'm out of here when the famine when the famine i know you've been working with somebody trying to get them to see and they will not hear you don't worry about it when the famine gets bad enough people will migrate the only reason they stay where they are is that it hadn't gotten bad enough when they get hungry enough when they get sick enough when enough people die when enough distress comes you won't have to get into an argument to get them to do better you won't have to push them you won't have to beg them you won't have to cry you won't have to sleep with them when it gets bad enough to leave if they got to leave on a tricycle they'll get out of there shove somebody and say i got to go i can't stay in a famine [Applause] sudden i am we grabbed of her husband and her two sons and put them in a wagon and headed out for moab willing to risk the rejection of the moabites rather than to die in bethlehem because all change has risk factors some people don't experience change because they are so afraid of the risk factor that they are not willing to have a new experience because they're not willing to risk rejection they choose to die in the famine rather than to risk not being accepted where they're going oh y'all hear what i'm saying develop all the programs you want to feed everybody you will start all your stem and your steam and your this we do all of that start all of that do your financial literacy but there are some folk who are more comfortable stay where they are than to evolve to the next level but there's a few of us that refuse to die in the desert of despair and ignorance there's something more that we want out of life and if we got a crawl if we got a cry if we got a scratch if we got a dig if we got a pull and we got to take night classes if we got to take courses after school and we have to go back to class we're going to get up from here look at your neighbor and say i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving if your bags ain't packed i'm leaving you i got to go change is imminent i know i was not created to die like this is so then my brothers and sisters when we are introduced to the text we are introduced to it in the midst of a grievous famine the famine is so severe that the cattle have succumbed to it the sheep have withered in it all lifestyles are affected in a famine goats die chickens die in a famine when a famine gets severe enough a whole life begins to suffer and most famines are preceded by drought for it is the drought that is of course to which the famine ultimately comes as long as there is water there will be growth oh that's why i got to be in a wet place that's why i get happy when he said he leads me beside steel waters i want to be where the waters are because if there's water i can grow if there's water i can live if there's water i can survive i got to be in a wet church i got to have a wet pasta i got to have a wet wife i got to have wet children i got to have a wet house i got to have something i can grow in something i can move in deliver me from dried up people i don't need any dried up people i don't need any dried up people look at your neighbors are you dried up if they say yes move run away from them get away from them i gotta have wet because what is possibility [Applause] and so naomi lose up the wagon and she decides to change for some reason the liver-like is not really doesn't have a strong voice in the text this is much about the decision made by a radical woman where are my radical women in the house a radical woman can is sensitive enough to sense when it's time to move on a radical woman can sense more in her spirit than you can discern with your metrics and all of your tests and all of your science i need some radical women make some noise in this house some rat some radical women that you know when it's time to leave the beginning of wisdom is understanding when it's time to get out enough is enough i'm done [Applause] excuse me it's over excuse me i've had enough i resigned i'm out i gotta go it's too dry [Applause] good god almighty my god my god my god outta her family put him in a wagon and said i'll take my chances i'll take my chances with moab if i die i'm going to die in motion i'm going to die on my way somewhere i'm going to die clawing and scratching i'm going to die moving with my wheels turning if i perish i perish but i'm going somebody holler i'm going [Music] i don't mind following you long as you're moving [Music] but don't expect me to submit and get behind a parked car i will not line up behind a car that ain't moving make a milk bust a move buddy [Applause] bust a move or i'll start a movement bus to move or i get out of line i can't spend the rest of my life tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock i'm running out of time i don't have time to sit behind your car if you're not going anywhere i've got to go i want 30 seconds of crazy praising this all of that happens in the first chapter and she gets to moab and she stays here many many years in the first chapter and her sons find wives and they married her and she has a family and she has a good life there and over the course of time things happened she lost her husband people died she lost her husband but then it got tougher because she lost her son and then she lost her other son and all of a sudden she finds herself in another kind of famine a famine for love a famine for love can be as detrimental as a famine for food no one ran in the house and hugged her no one wrapped their arms around her at night no one told her she was a beautiful woman no one appreciated her as a mother the love for which she thrived off of had ceased to exist and she found herself in a famine again and she says i'm going back home all of that's in the five-step and so what happens as she announces what she's going to do it's kind of like this i don't know what you come to do [Applause] i can't speak for nobody else but me i am going home i'm leaving i'm going to hear and then comes this character in the bible one of her daughter-in-laws named orpah and oprah is seldom talked about but i want to spend a few minutes talking about orpah can i talk about oprah i want to talk about orpha because orpah came out there to her mother-in-law and kissed her goodbye and decided to stay all three women teach us a different kind of person that we will deal with in life there are some people that just cannot go with you even though they started with you they can't stay with you there are certain people in your life that they will kiss you goodbye even though they were connected to you they ate with you they were related to you they laughed with you they followed your customs and they seem like one of you but when push comes to shove they identify themselves as not being fit to make the journey with you because their roots are in their past and not in their future their roots are in where they came from and not where they're going in other words she was related to naomi but she wasn't as related to naomi as she was to moab there are people who are related to you but deep down they're more related to other things than they are to you and they will be with you as long as you stay in other things but the moment you move out of other things they will drop off because their real commitment is not with you it's with the environment that you're in and if anything changes they will kiss you goodbye look at somebody say kiss me now if you're leaving kiss me now ain't no neither dragon this thing out ten more years kiss me now if i'm gonna cry let me cry right now if i'm gonna have to get over it let me get over it right now cause i'm going and if you're not going [Applause] judas kiss me now [Applause] why have you transformed me with a kiss because you can't go in the spirit of judas or for kisses naomi goodbye it means i will not be in the upper room i will write no amazing books of the bible i will establish no churches i will do no great words i was with you as long as you were doing what i expected you to do but when you change your expectation i said that for somebody who's trying to understand why somebody else left you they left you because they were more attached to the situation than they were to you and when you started growing they were willing to kiss you goodbye i know you don't want to blow your cover in here but if you don't care what nobody thinks and you have that experience make some noise make a sound make a sound the elasticity the nimbleness of wit and thought and mind and strength to be able to be flexible enough she is not dexterous enough she she lacks the capacity to be able to evolve with the times and so she stays in moab rather than to take a risk you would be surprised how many people in this room who have allowed fear to paralyze mobility the paralysis of fear has kept you trapped in a situation that you called the devil you've rebuked it you've pleaded the blood on it you've anointed yourself with oil and it doesn't change and the reason it doesn't change is because it's not a demon it's you it's your fear it's your fear of taking a risk you can't you can cast out a demon but you can't cast out you [Applause] you talk yourself out of every blessing you talk yourself out of every progress if i put you in a good situation you self-sabotage because you don't think you're worthy to go forward to the next dimension if i give you new friends you'll mess it up every time because deep down inside you're only comfortable amongst the moabites [Applause] have you ever tried to raise somebody who refused to be raised [Applause] next time you run into them just say okay orba they won't know what you're talking about but you tell them okay orphan okay or i understand i understand you you you are a friend of evolution you are afraid of migration you are afraid of movement you are afraid of a flow and you can't walk with god if you're not gonna get in a flow because our god is a moving god the very first thing that genesis teaches us about god is in the beginning the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters and from the book of genesis where it moved upon the face of the water to the book of revelations where he said even so come lord jesus throughout the texts the cloud moved the pillar fire move the rustling in the trees move the glory move whenever you want with god you got to be ready with to move because god will migrate from place to place most people are staying where god was rather than to be where god is but i'm too old to be where god used to be and build a monument to where he was i want to be in the movement look at two people that's three people say get in the flow get in the flow get in the flow our god is a moving god our god is a moving god our god is a moving god our god is a flowing god a god is an evolving god if you're gonna walk with god he is ruach he is breath he is air he is breathing he is motioned he is movement he is flow and because he is a moving god everything that he created moves the earth moves the solar system moves your breath moves your blood moves the rabbis come to the wailing wall and they move because everything about god is moving if you're not moving you're not with god because god is moving look at your neighbors say move if you can't walk crawl if you can't crawl get in a wheelchair and spin around in a circle but you got to move or you're going to die oh you're going to get stiff if you don't move you got to keep moving somebody say keep moving [Applause] so i talked about oprah let me talk a little bit about naomi naomi naomi has lived life she is an older woman she has seen spring she has seen the leaves bud she has smelled honeysuckle in the air she has seen the blossoms peeked through the buds and add just a touch of color to nature itself she has smelled the fresh air of springtime she has felted misting do cascade upon the ground and could almost hear the grass grow in the yard she has been in the morning of life when love was fresh and everything was simple she had survived the hot summer heat when everything was warm and growing and raised her children and enjoyed her life and gone to the graduation and cried from the balconies as they graduated in the summer of her life she has survived autumn in her lives she has watched her face change her hair change her friends change her world change her situation and circumstance change obviously her perspective is going to be different because whenever fall hangs out with spring they always have a different point of view so far because you hear what i'm saying for naomi to hang out with ruth is fall hanging out with spring follow those things that spring has yet to encounter fall understands things that spring will evolve to eventually it's hard to have a conversation when you have a spring mentality talking to a fall experience naomi has a fall experience and she has lived life she has had such an experience that even though she is bitter and even though she has lost her husband and even though she has lost her sons she has kept it moving baby you can say whatever you want to say about her being bitter but even in her bitterness she's kept it moving because naomi comes to teach us that you cannot allow your emotions to stop your movement feel however you want to feel but keep it moving cry if you gotta cry but keep it moving hurt if you gotta hurt but keep it moving i need some naomi's in the house make some noise i lost some stuff but i kept moving i cried some nights but i kept moving i had a broken heart but i kept moving i want some survivors to make some noise in display some survivors some survivors i'll take a man i'll take a woman i'll take a goat anything that survives the death of something makes some noise let me hear you come on let me hear you look at somebody saying we'll keep it moving i'm hurt but i'm going to keep it moving i may be bitter but i'm going to keep it moving i may cry sometime but i'm going to keep it moving naomi has learned not to make decisions out of her emotions she said you may be bitter but you're going home you know why bethlehem is a house of bread and there is bread in bethlehem and naomi is going where the bread is the fulfillment is are you hearing what i'm saying and so naomi teaches us not to make permanent decisions off of temporary emotions oh that was worth coming all by itself because most of the time i see people who allow their emotions to make decisions for them and then they suffer the consequences of regret because the emotion passes but the decision remains naomi is not responding to her emotions in making a decision she's bitter but she's moving because she is not rooted in her circumstances she is rooted in her identity and even though she has been with the moabites she still knows who she is no to all possible candidates for marriage don't marry anybody who doesn't know who they are [Applause] note to every ceo i don't care how many degrees they got if they don't have a good sense of who they are leave them alone because they're going to find out in the middle of the job and it may not include you and you don't have time to deal with a trauma case while you're trying to build a building because some of us are traumatized and half out of our mind and we don't know who we are all we know is who touched us last [Applause] you are not who touch you [Applause] you are not defined by what you got on it is not the name you wear it's the name you have god says i will make your name great and you won't have to wear all those brand names when your name is great hallelujah i can't find nobody's name to put on that's any greater than the name he gave me because god said i'll make your name great not your title not your office not your suit god said i will make your name great [Applause] and i don't know who it is but somebody in this room god is about to make a name for you he's about to establish you he's about to lift you up into a better place he's about to give you something that he couldn't give you earlier because you were unstable but now that you're getting stable god is ready to give you what he promised you years ago you're now gonna come into it you were anointed to be king but you weren't ready to be king until you killed something now that you got some heads under your feet now god is about to crown you as king and if that prophetic word is for you i dare you to praise him like you're coming into your kingdom [Applause] come on into it come on into it come on into it come on into it come on into it i know i'm gonna come into it i know i'm gonna come into it 600 000 people died in the last 400 days in america and thankfully i wasn't one of them and god kept me alive for a reason i know i'm gonna come into it some of you got sick but you survived god didn't let you survive for nothing you're about to come into something the devil wouldn't have fought you like he fought you if you weren't about to come into something whoever i'm talking to you might be online throw your computer in the air hit yourself over the head with a pillar cause god is about to bring you into something somebody give me praise i mean old-fashioned pentecostal holy ghost praise in this house come over come on give me praise in this house give me [Music] you hear that you hear that you hear that that's the way you praise when you know you're not opera that's the way you praise when you know god's got a future for you that's the way you praise when you know god is about to unlock something for you oh god oh god i feel it in the room i stopped preaching and started prophesying somebody's about to step into something somebody's about to move into new territory if i'm talking to you give him a prayer i don't care if you look like a fool i don't care if it looks silly i don't care if you mess up your makeup i don't care if you tear your crawls give god a praise in this world i said i said give god a praise [Music] and so naomi is about to leave and ruth said you ain't leaving me yeah that's what i'm talking about that's what i'm talking about that's all i'm talking about that's what i'm talking about that's the way you praise god when you're telling hell i'm not staying where i was that's the way you cut the fool in the house of god when you're rebuking every devil that's trying to cement your feet to the ground make some noise that's what i mean by the lord give god one more time one more time one more time me i'm gonna give you another chance to tell hell i'm not standing [Applause] and so ruth says ruth says to her can i catch a ride can i catch a ride can i catch a ride i'm going with you naomi says i can't have no more sons she said no it's not about your son it's not about who touched me last it's not about who kissed me in the ass i got a future if i got to have it by myself i got a future if i got to go alone i got a future if mama don't go if daddy don't go if sister and brother don't go i got to go for myself am i talking to somebody thy god shall be my god thy people shall be my people and where thou dwellest i will dwell and without diet i shall die chapter two [Applause] now naomi is at home she has been an immigrant in moab now she is a resident in bethlehem all of her relatives lives here she speaks the language she knows how to cook the food she understands the music and she dances like they dance [Applause] [Music] somebody that's home say i'm home i'm home i'm home isn't it funny how your spirit knows when you're home you know when you're there your belly knows that your guts know it your smile knows it you're walking around with a silly grin on your face cause you know you're home look at somebody say i'm home naomi who was an immigrant is now at home ruth who was a resident in moab is now an immigrant this is why ruth is important and i'll be done if ruth had not moved to bethlehem david would have never been king he would have not his birth was predicated on ruth's courage to be an immigrant it takes courage to be an immigrant it takes courage to come out of your familiar and be in an unfamiliar place it takes courage to walk into an atmosphere where you don't have the beat and you don't understand the rhythm and you don't understand the flow and you don't understand the protocol but the lord sent me here with the prophetic word were in chapter two you have just turned the page you have just stepped into a revolution you have stepped into a new place and you got to be prepared to approach it with the thoughts of an immigrant everybody's been prophesying to you telling you that you're next and you're next and you're coming into your kingdom and it's about to happen in your life but what they didn't tell you is your destiny always feels like immigration because your destiny does not line up with your history so when you come into your destiny when you come into your destiny you're not going to feel the sense of celebration that you expected because even though you prayed for it and you asked for it you're going to feel funny in it because you step into it as an immigrant you come into it as an immigrant chapter two ruth is now an immigrant in her destiny she's an immigrant in her prophecy when god gives you what he told you he was going to give you it's not going to feel like what you thought it was going to feel like [Applause] i keep trying to teach people that success doesn't feel successful because when you first walk into it it's gonna feel foreign and if you're weak-minded you're gonna go back if you're not willing to feel strange for a while if you're not willing to have people looking at you funny if you're not willing to have people rolling their eyes if you're not willing to glean behind the reapers but ruth said i may look funny and i may dress funny and i may move funny and i may talk funny but i ain't going nowhere i need some tough people now you got to be tough to be blessed you got to be strong to be blessed it takes courage to be blessed right now lift your hands right now i hereby declare and decree that you will have the courage to walk in the door that god is about to open up for you at the end of this message an opportunity is going to come to you that it's going to feel foreign and it's out of character and it's out of your norm but i decree and declare that you will not back up from it you will step into it you will seize it you will give birth in it you will make it your own in the name of jesus if you receive it receive it with a pray receive it with the praise receive it with the praise receive it with the praise you may be laying on your couch but receive it with the praise you may be at your kitchen table but receive it with the praise you may be watching over your phone but receive it with the praise praise him until hell gets nervous praise him until demons tremble praise him until sickness gets up off of you slap your name and say praise him i just turned the page the devil should have killed me in chapter one but the devil is a liar he's a lion he's a liar he's a liar i just turned the page everybody turn the page and give y'all to praise like you lost your mind i just turned the page i just turned the page the reason i blocked your number is i turned the page the reason i brought you on my facebook i just turned the page somebody shout in this house make some noise in this house this is a place this is a place where you give birth this is a place where the door is open this is a place the bible's she came in as an immigrant none of the other women would have nothing to do with it they were getting all that they could get going on about the business she said that's all right i'll catch what i can i'll grab what i can get but while she was moving the bible says she hopped up on boaz's field listening that she hopped up on boaz's field you just gonna happen to be at the right place at the right time and meet the right person you're just gonna happen to be who am i talking to who am i talking to your holy ghost ought to let you know i'm talking to you you're just gonna happen if you're gonna be happenstan you didn't plan it that way you didn't expect it that way it just happened that way who am i talking to make some noise [Applause] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i want everybody in the room to shift change seats with somebody change shares with somebody change anything you got to change tell them something's got to change something has got to change something has got to move something has got to flow something has got to break i can't stay where i was i just turned the page every yoke has got to break up every wall has got to come down everybody who i feel like preaching about i feel the power of the holy ghost in this room somebody help me praise them [Music] i got this anointing on me and i can't get it off i need some 30-something 40s for them give god some praise for me help me dance this off help me shout this off help me lead you everybody in here just leap forward i'm gonna move into it i'm gonna step into it i'm gonna move it to it i'm gonna flow into it give me my praise come on give me my praise come on give me i said give him a praise i said give him a praise don't make him take it give me my praise give me my praise out of your belly out of your spirit out of your soul open up your mouth and give god a place [Applause] quickly quickly i got to give you the rest of this prophecy when she stepped she stepped when she stepped on it she didn't own it [Music] when she stepped on it she didn't own it she was an immigrant she wasn't even a rightful worker she was gleaning behind the reapers and somebody saw her somebody saw you for her it was boaz she just happened [Music] somebody's getting this word i can feel it i can feel virtue going out to somebody i can feel the spirit of prosperity going into somebody who's who's pulling that spirit of prosperity who's pulling it down who's pulling it down who's pulling down that spirit of increase who's pulling it down right now who is pulling it down who's pulling down that spirit of influence who's pulling it down you just happened and this is the word of the lord chapter two in three verses she goes from working in the field [Applause] to owning the field that she used to work here y'all can't handle it let me try y'all can y'all handle it over there can y'all handle it over there do you believe that you could start out working in something you're gonna end up owning do you believe that do you believe that you could start out catching whatever they left for you [Applause] the bible said that there are handfuls on purpose and she was just catching whatever they dropped not complaining didn't get mad didn't get bitter wasn't spiteful she was just catching whatever they dropped just glad to be in the number she was an immigrant she was an immigrant in a field of dreams she was an immigrant anybody who saw where she came from would not make a connection with where she is anybody who saw what you used to be [Applause] would not make a connection [Applause] with where you are and that's why you don't complain about nothing whatever they drop you just go ahead and take it up you're just grateful because you you got the spirit of an immigrant you're going to do whatever you have to do to pull up to get up on your feet you're just just working whatever whatever door god opens you just go through it and somebody saw all of a sudden she ends up married to the owner of the field which by virtue of that marriage makes her own the field she used to work in now i'm i'm finished all of this the holy ghost told me to tell somebody in this room on it watch this the holy ghost said own it you've been playing with it you've been visiting it you've been hoping for it you've been praying for it own it you're already in it you're already doing it but in your head you ain't owned it let me tell you why you haven't owned it yet how about cochlear i see your bar cause you're scared it's gonna leave and you can't totally settle into it because you're afraid of it if it looks like i'm looking at you i am you you're afraid it won't stay you're afraid it won't last you're afraid it's not real and you don't want to be hurt again and you don't want to be disappointed anymore and you don't want to go through any more heartache and you're scared to relax [Music] you already know what you're going to do but you're afraid to own it because of the intensity of the rejections of your past [Music] you you you take the bowels you get the plots but you won't own it because you've been abandoned before the holy ghost said own it what god is getting ready to do in your life it's so real that if you don't own it you might as well stayed in moab do you not know you are living in the field of your dreams [Music] your today's reality was yesterday's miracle it was yesterday's miracle it was yesterday's fantasy it was inconceivable that it would be possible that that would happen for you and god said i'm just all i need you to do is just own it this ain't nothing gonna change on the outside this is gonna change on the inside it's just how you perceive it i ain't talking about changing nothing on the outside i'm talking about something in your heart i'm not talking about signing no papers i'm talking about your heart holy ghost said on it who am i talking to in this place can i obey this spirit i gotta obey the spirit i gotta obey the spirit for just a moment because when i go back to dallas i don't wanna have this hanging over my head god said on it god sit on it because it only you don't feel worthy of it you don't feel worthy of it you don't feel worthy of it but god said on it it's by his grace it's by his grace it's by his grace somebody says by his grace it's god's grace if you just own it it'll come into your spirit and not go if you just own it if you just walk into it if you just walk into it and stop wrestling with it and stop always being so hard on you and just believe god said i'm waiting on you to own it i'm waiting on you to own it you can't catch it cause somebody got to catch you own it god said on it ow that's it on him god said on it this is the day that the lord has made on it [Music] it don't matter what the people say i'm talking to that voice inside of you god said on it god said on it god said on it god said only ah gods and hold it god said on it god said on it god said on it god said on it come and make a praise somebody make a praise somebody make a praise just a praise just a praise on it in your life in your soul in your personal life in your inner life god said oh what he's doing inside of you just own it just own it just own it just own it you can't hardly see yourself in it but god said own it own it just own it just own it stop struggling with it just own it stop doubting it disown it disown it disown it lift your hands and open your mouth before god own it own it on it own it [Music] i have an anointing for you will you receive it on it on it on it the spirit of prosperity the spirit of increase the spirit of increase the spirit of ocean moves the spirit of increase god said on it god said on it god said on it don't just hope for it don't just think about it don't just pray for it god should own it walk in it and hold it and all and all in and on it and accept it for yourself open your mouth and give god pray i wish i could get all out of the crowd god said god said on it god said on it god said on it god said on it god said on it you own it you own it you own it you own it you own it you own it this is yours this is yours today is a special day today is a special day today is especially where is he where is he lord where is he lord where is he lord where is he little brother in the sunglasses yellow jacket come here right quick come in real quick real quick real quick real quick real quick real quick real quick i don't know what you're trying to do trying to be god said on it god sit on it that's it stop putting it off stop delaying it say not there are yet four months and then comes the harvest holy ghost sit on it on it step into a step there is a new you who don't even feel like you don't even feel like you but god sit on it can i pray for you on it it's a new you it's a new you it's a deeper you it's a fuller it's a richer it's a it's a richer fuller you it's a brighter you holy ghost said on it holy ghost sit on it lift your hands everybody the spirit of god has taken over this place all up in the balcony the spirit of god is falling all up in the balcony i feel faithful i can see faith pouring down the walls from the balcony the spirit of god is in this place hallelujah there's somebody in the bag faith is dripping on you right now all you got to do is own it all you got to do is own it all you got to do is own it all you got to do you want it on it just on it all you gotta do is hold it all you got zombie all you gotta do is hold me lift your hands here knowing he's in this place open your mouth and talk to god right now you talk to god you you you you [Music] with your struggling self with your struggle itself with your wrestling self with your conflicted self talk to god he wants you out on it on it on it on it i can't leave until i get here on it on it on it you've been through so much you've had so much trauma you've been through so much pain you can't hardly believe it but god said all the trauma you have endured will not stop what he has prophesied over your life all the hurt and all the heartache and all the shame and all the pain that you have ingested on the inside with nobody to talk to and nobody to speak to and you walk the floor at night and god told me to tell you that he heard you he said he heard you he heard you he heard you and today is your day as i lay hands on you today the holy ghost is gonna break that yoke in your life you are not going home with that pain another day [Music] all the way out all the way out today you go all that holy ghost city [Music] today today today today yeah yeah you gotta receive it cause i'm gonna pray for you till you get it i'm gonna pray for it till it breaks i'm gonna pray for it take you give away i'ma pray for thank you somebody open your mouth i want a worship moment lift your hands hold the music open your mouth god said he wants his house to be filled with your mouth with your mouth with your mouth with your mouth come on brother battle i got an anointing for you i'ma break that trauma i'ma break that trauma that's been killing you you've been breaking it for everybody else but i'ma break it for you i'm gonna break it for you i'm gonna break it for you it comes out today it comes out today and you're gonna own this new peace and this new power and this new place and the only reason hell has been fighting you is because you just stepped into chapter two somebody shout chapter two you are in the second chapter turn the page you are in the second chapter turn the page you in the second chapter turn the page block some numbers let some people go let people talk turn the page turn the page turn the page get rid of the anger and turn the page turn the page turn the page on there turn the page turn the page everything god has for you is in the next chapter it's waiting on you it's waiting on you it's waiting on you time time time the anointing is here the anointing is here that hurt that bitterness that little girl that you keep trying to protect that little girl that you fight everybody away from that little girl we're gonna put her to rest shonda we're gonna put her to rest we're gonna put her to rest there's a little girl down in you there's a little bitty old girl and i hear her crying i hear her crying and today she gets free hey glory glory today today she gets free today she gets treated today she gets free today lift your hands everybody open your mouth holy ghost is working holy ghost it's working holy ghost just working holy ghost that's working when the hall of y'all starts working every yoke [Music] don't be scared don't be scared don't be scared [Music] don't be scared don't be secretly scared don't be secretly [Music] mama you're in the field of your dreams you're in the field of your dreams you're in the field of your dreams girl you're in the field of your dreams girl you're in the field of your dreams don't let the enemy polluted or diluted or discourage you or make you bitter you're in the field of your dreams you're in the field how many people since you just stepped into the field of your dreams you stepped into the field of your dreams you stepped into the field of your dreams we got to uh [Music] the feel the feel the feel the field success don't feel successful it was 10 years before i look back at my life and saw what everybody else saw because in the middle of it all i saw was trying to manage the stress of being where i was and i didn't know i was in my promised land i was in my promised land on the outside but i was tormented in my own head i was tormented in my own head and it didn't matter how much i fixed on the outside because i was tormented in my own head and there's a man thinking in his heart so is he so is he i don't care what you drive i don't care what you wear if you got hell in your head you got hell in your life am i helping anybody own it one more time just lift your hands i got to stop i'm old school i'll lay hands on everything in here it's shot double caution i will wear i will lay hands on everything in here i came out the old church i came out the whole church where we would not let you go to hell we would not let you wither up and die right in the midst of us we would not let you break down and shatter into pieces not judge you got too much to do you got too much to do come here come here i'm pulling you out [Music] i'm setting you aside and i want you to own the person that god said you were in spite of the person you knew before i want you to own it on it right now lift your hands church this is this this word comes against all the trauma that we have swallowed for months and months and months and months in our personal lives in our professional lives in our family lives and you come here we don't get to get together this often i don't have time to play games i don't care i don't care about what day it is this is my opportunity to speak life to you you are king you're not perfect you make mistakes you do stupid stuff you hide it you are a king half of the dumb things you do is because you don't know who you are and the reason you don't know who you are is that you didn't have anybody to tell you who you are not the way you needed to hear it but today as john the baptist i pointed you and i'm telling you you're bigger than your circumstances you're better than your darkest fear come here let me lay my hands on you i want to lay my hands on you as a father would a son i want to lay my hands on you just something in you opens up i want to lay your hand my hands on you until you get the change you've been waiting on i want to lay my hands on you lift your hands up lift your hands up no hiding no surrendering no holding back no fighting no holding it in as i lay my hands on you today is your day it's all right let the tears come because god is breaking you open so that he can get in and do what he wants to do he wants in he wants him he wants all the way in he wants him he wants him boy he wants it [Applause] yeah yeah you don't know who you are but this day this old man from dallas flew down here to tell you you're bigger than your fears [Music] you're bigger than your doubts you're bigger than what you didn't get you're bigger than what you didn't see you're bigger than what broke you you're bigger than what broke you let it out let it out let it out let it out come on come on man let it out let it out you're bigger than what broke and what was meant to break you is gonna bless you going to rise up and you're going to rise up and you're going to come into your kingdom and you're going to own it and you're going to own it because this word declares it and it is so how come i didn't get it how come i never get it i come it never happened for me today it happens for you today it happens for you today it happens for you today it happens for you today it happens for you today it happens for you today it happens for you today it happens for you today it happens for you today it happens for you today it happens for you clap your hands and give god glory grab your hands and shout out to god clap your hands and rejoice before god clap your hands and give him some praise clap your head i want to see somebody turn the page right now turn the page it says chapter two i'm in the second chapter say it again i'm in the second chapter i'm in the second chapter that means we leave orpah we leave moab we leave the moabites we leave all the confusion that means we're willing to feel funny in a new place you willing to feel funny in a new place we're willing to feel funny in a new place it's gonna grow on you you're gonna own it it's gonna take a minute don't go by your feelings you can't trust them you can't trust the way you feel about it your feelings are still in more head but you are out and here whom the son have set free is free indeed this is a word of deliverance how many people are glad you're in the house right now [Applause] i know we are living in radical times i know that many of us have been sick and many of us are not working many of us have lost people i understand all of that i'm not insensitive to all of that i grew up out for government cheese okay i raised my daughter off a wick i understand what hard times are but as many as can respond i want 40 people to rush up here with a thousand dollars and claim this seed as your word of prophecy today i want you to come and just stand right up front stand right up front i don't i'm not going no trans i'm not gonna prophesy you have to sense this is my liberating word i own this word it was for me i have it it is within my power to sow it and i'm going to do it there's somebody in the balcony you want to give but you don't want to come down you come all the way down i don't care if you give it on your text i don't care how you give it i want you to respond to this word because this word has specific significance to you and i want you to respond to it right now you're watching online you've been crying the holy spirit has been speaking to you the power of god has arrested you the anointing of god is upon you i want you to sow right where you are because something just broke something just broke in your spirit if something broke in your spirit make some noise in this place [Applause] i don't care if you don't have two corners to rub together make some noise you can make some noise you can make some noise you can make some noise you can make some noise you can make some noise you can make some noise you can make some noise you can make some noise you can make some noise there's some people in this room there's some things tied up in process i don't know whether there's litigation i don't know whether you're in the middle of it but you're on the verge of a breakthrough i want you to sow in this moment because it's not by might know about power it's going to be by my spirit say of the lord god is going to be your secret weapon and he is going to get it done and i want you to come and i want you to sow that's right come down out of that balcony come down the anointing is in this place i don't care if you're giving it on your phone i want you to stand here as an act of defiance as an act of ownership as an act of authority all over the internet all over the zoo i want you to saw thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus the fear will hold you back now i don't fear holding you back if you ain't got it that's broke and ain't fear but so many times we don't take the risk to move forward or we self-sabotage it can be everything from love coming into your life to a promotion to a new circle of friends that are coming into your life and you feel awkward you feel out of place god let that happen to you own it god let that happen to you own it and even though your old friends say oh now you acting funny let them say whatever they want to say this word is for you this word is for you people are always running their mouths but don't let them run your business i want everybody else to get the best you got it might be a hundred dollars it might be twenty dollars it might be a kfc coupon i don't care what the best is you got i want you represented in the sewing i want everybody watching on the internet to sew into this moment on some level ten dollars fifty dollars hundred dollars thousand dollars ten thousand million dollars i don't care what it is on some level i want you to acknowledge that this is your word and you know why i want you to do it because in chapter 2 ruth comes to bethlehem in the time of the harvest it just so happened that she stepped into the right place at the time of the harvest there will be a harvest on your pain yes there will be a harvest on your sacrifice there will be a harvest on the nights you cried and nobody saw it glory to god there's somebody in this place you don't normally sow you don't normally give to churches and you're skeptical of preachers but the holy spirit is speaking to you and you're wrestling inside of yourself you can be awful if you want to i don't mind i'm good but you can sow into this moment into this word into this flow into this glory everybody get your best seed and lift it up for god there won't be a thousand dollar prayer and a five hundred dollar print printed ten dollar prayer and a fifty dollar prayer it's gonna be one prayer because all of us are lifting up what we can on the level we're on and the only thing i ask you if if you have that thousand and the holy spirit is nudging at you before i pray get up here right now last call last call it is your obedience that god is watching over it's not just it's not your money it's your obedience the bible said obedience is better than sacrifice come on they're still coming they're still coming they're still coming the reason i want you to come you can get from your seat but the reason i want you to come is i want you to take position because we are now in chapter 2. my god it's a bunch of people coming the rest of you lift up your seed before god lift up you see as for me and my house we will serve the lord lord we thank you for pastor keon's birthday because it created an opportunity for us to hear this word the day will come and the day will go but it created a moment for us to get a prophetic utterance and today we thank you because something that we've been needing to do is turn the page and to fully enter into and embrace the second chapter of our lives i pray for every person who's been tormented in chapter one every person who has cried their way through chapter one who lost loved ones and lost friends and lost jobs and lost properties and lost confidence in themselves in chapter one i pray that they would really turn the page and step into chapter two i pray for everyone whose heart has been broken who's been lied to cheated on betrayed belittled and denied you can't stay in chapter one god's got better things for you in chapter two you're watching me online you need to hear this let chapter one go [Music] this is the second chapter in your life it's so necessary it's so necessary if you knew what god had in front of you it would be easy to let go of what god had behind you it's not hard i want you to change the way you talk to yourself the way that you talk to yourself is keeping you in chapter one and i don't want you to say that it's so hard i want you to say i'm so strong i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this the bible said we are snared by the words of our own mouth lift it up lift it up you watch it online lift it up lift it up i can't see you but god can see you you in the balcony god can see you lord i said to them what you said to me i didn't come to take anything i came to give something i came to impart something i came to leave something i came to be a blessing in chapter 2 ruth owns the field in chapter 2 somebody sees her chapter two she steps into the field of her dreams even though the field feels funny the people whose hands are raised the feel feels funny it don't feel like it's really you and when you're in it you feel like an imposter you feel like an impostor because all your memories are in moab you're an immigrant but you're gonna be an owner father bless these people in a supernatural way open up the windows of heaven and bless them and fortify them as they sow this seed other people can sing to them other people can preach to them other people can greet them other people can direct their cars in parking but can't nobody offer up a sacrifice for you but you this is our sacrifice let the fire fall on it in jesus name amen if you have an envelope leave it on the steps if you're given by phone text to give [Music] if you got an extra minute don't leave i got further to go than any of you and i'm going home in just a minute if you give me five more minutes it's been how long has it been since i've been here two years yeah two or three years since i've been here so i ought to be good for five minutes how to be good for five minutes please don't leave i should stand at the door please don't leave steve please don't leave there's some women who got a breakthrough in here they ain't gonna never be the same again sisters make some noise there's some brothers that got a breakthrough in here that you've been needing for a long time i want every man in the house to make some noise give me one minute give me one minute i don't need nobody saying nothing we don't need to be entertained we're not children give me one minute this september i will have been preaching 45 years when you do something 45 years you got nothing to prove if you ain't looked up and preached a good sermon in 45 years you need to quit 45 years a minute receive it bless it while they're receiving it it's harvest time clap your hands it's harvest time [Applause] i want you to i want you to think about owning i want you to think about owning i don't care that you don't have no money i'm just asking you to think about it i'm asking you to get a mentality of winning i want you to get around people that are winning even if you're gleaning behind them get in the field of your dreams every head bowed every eye closed there's a backslider in this house and there's a person that doesn't know jesus and i don't know whether somebody invited you or you just came but all the while the music the ministry was going forward something on the inside of you recognizes that god is in this place and i know you feel a little bit funny because it's not the world you spend most of your time in but it's the world god is calling you to i'm not asking you to give an offering i'm asking you to give yourself and i want you to come to this altar because you belong in the kingdom i want you to get up and come forward and stand in front of me and say preacher pray for me i've been living in moab but i need jesus come right up front [Music] [Music] come on i don't care what you did i don't care who you did it with i don't care what you strung out on i don't care what you've been into i don't care if you just climb down off a pole if the holy spirit is calling you don't resist it come come right now if you're watching online if you're watching online if prayer is going out online right now as you open your heart to give your life to jesus give me just one moment i have any three minutes if you're wrestling with it and you really want to come but you're wrestling with it and you're afraid you won't be able to keep your vow but you're wrestling with and you want to come get up i'ma wait 60 seconds come on come on come on come on come on come on i'm gonna tell you something it takes a lot of faith to do an audition in a church you don't know they just built that balcony on there they just added a center on to this place they're doing a lot of things they built it for you they didn't know your name but they built it for you built it for you can you imagine god has somebody building something for you god said i'll give you houses she didn't build and vineyards you didn't grow they built it for you pastor kion would you come and stand with me i must decrease he must increase i am not the watchman in houston i'm the watchman in dallas but this young man is a watchman in this city [Applause] i don't want anybody to be left out of this because this is getting serious the world is getting serious they say over the next 10 days we're gonna break all records for heat in this country breaking all records the world is shaking we got diseases we got heat we got conflict in the middle east we got everything i don't know whether to read my newspaper or my bible they're looking just to like they're looking just to like man my bible and my newspaper are looking just alike if ever was a time for you to get serious about god it is now it is now i've been high i know what high he is it ain't worth it i know what drunk he is it ain't it ain't worth it i know what sex is it ain't worth it ain't worth we believe in being the hands and feet of jesus christ this is a city set on a hill oh my god what a powerful service we just heard that music by pastor mike oh my god and celebrating our pastor pastor kian henderson and what about that word from bishop c d jakes listen i believe you shouldn't hear that word just once because the bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing the word of god so right now you can go back and watch that whole sermon and relieve that experience here the lighthouse we believe in being the hands and feet of jesus christ this is a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden and a lot of you are asking how can i plug in how can i be a part of what god is doing in this season listen there are many ways to connect you have all the information at the bottom of your screen you can text the number and you can be plugged in to what god is doing in this day and age and one of the ways you can plug in is by giving by giving and all the information you need to give is right at the bottom of your screen listen this gospel is going to the ends of the earth to the four corners of the earth and we need the money to do what we got to do every single day but i don't want to leave without praying for you because i believe even as we're celebrating pastor kian henderson today with all the special guests listen you are also special to god and i begin to decree and i pray over you today that you are the head and not the tail you are above and not beneath and you were blessed and this is going to be the best week of your life in the mighty name of jesus we pray like we say in lighthouse we love you and there's nothing you can do about it god bless you see you soon hey everybody what's going on this pk here and listen i want to tell you that i get so many dms so many messages of people saying pastor how can i connect with you i love your messages but going through youtube is kind of difficult where can i come to a centralized place we heard you and that's why we created lighthouse 2.0 lighthouse 2.0 is our tribe it's our village it's the place where all the people who say i want pk to be my online pastor and pk says i want you to be my online member this is the place where we go the watering hole the ecosystem where we all come to grow together and it is exclusively for you they're getting ready to put a link up on the screen right now that shows you how you make that exclusive step and everybody can't get in so you better take first movers advantage and get in while you can fit in i can't wait to see you inside of 2.0 may god bless you and let's do this thing for christ [Music] you
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 243,137
Rating: 4.8763623 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 36sec (7596 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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