Dead but still deadly | The Power of Partnerships | Pastor Keion Henderson

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that you would come to see about us and every person who's at home the earth is the Lord's the fullness thereof and they that dwell therein I prayed that the Lord would enter into your house into your automobile into the cubicle at work and even so that woman who's bald up on the bathroom floor not knowing what to do I pray that the Holy Spirit will lift you up puts you back on your feet and lets you know that you belong to him and that no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper I pray that every person in this room who came with their head bowed down who came with their hearts broken who came with their spirits fractured let us know your heart fixer and you a mind regulator and that you are the restorer of our soul you are peace keeper and your mighty fortress your tower the righteous will run in and be saved your bridge over troubled water your water in dry places and when the Sun is too hot you're a cloud when the night is too cold you're a pillar when the storm is raging you're a boat when we're hungry your food when we're lonely your friend that sticketh closer than a brother when we're dead you are the resurrection holy spirit have your way have your way have your way Holy Ghost have your way baptize us by the fire move by your shake this house like a rag [Laughter] you are the joy of our salvation your peace will in the middle of a we are Great God that you are have your way in this place in Jesus name we pray if you love them just say Amen hug your neighbor and tell them God can do it [Music] [Music] I'm gonna leave you right where you are just for a few minutes though I we don't have to move on I just just stay right there so I was just thinking as I was listening to Rob he's over the same bless bless your name Lord and he what she what you might not know is he was in Dayton Ohio he was at the place where they shot up and killed all of those people you know nine were killed and 26 were wounded he was one of the wounded but he walked away [Applause] I just came to tell you if God is blessing your neighbor that mean he's in the neighborhood just touched somebody to say he's a keeper he's a keeper he was a keeper he's a keeper he's a keeper I don't know what's happening in this room right now but I know who's responsible for it some of you are specifically God has put you on my mind and I can't shake you out I just I know I know when when he's here and whenever you see me standing this place and I mess around with you and tell you what are you all doing and and and why did you come here like that it's because I know this is in you this is what glory looks like and this is what he deserves every time we walk in the room who is this King of glory the Lord strong one writer said I'll let nothing separate me from the love of God what he was saying is I don't care what's going on in my life I won't let anything stop me from giving my Lord adoration and glory come on bless the Lord with me let us exalt his name together come on let's bless the Lord what if this was your last time what if you never got another opportunity to give them glory somebody ought to say Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna [Music] we give you all we were sure you [Music] we give we give us [Music] you want everybody just sing it together if we don't sing it together let's do it together we give you all we give you all [Music] one more time just give it to him one more time we give you all we give you all [Music] [Music] all of God's people said amen may be seated in the presence of the Lord anybody feel the Holy Ghost in this place so maybe I can just cannot can I come down here young just can we check this down I just feel so far away from y'all up here right now you know when intimacy has created you have to take advantage of and I feel like the Lord is in the room and I don't want to be on the stage and I just want to come down here because sometimes we'll have a moment like that and it'll be all worship then sometimes we may not have that kind of worship and it'll be all word but when worship and word meet at that intersection something can happen in your life that will transform it for a generation I bring that conversation to the forefront because I recently read a story about a man who took his family camping every summer and they knew that every summer they would have one problem and that was the area that they went camping in it had nice lakes it had my streams it was great camping ground but the problem was is that the area had an infestation of snakes now they went camping in this place every year I knew automatically that they were not black because black people number one we all mess with no snakes number two we don't sleep no outside pardon my ebonic relapse if we sleep outside it's gonna be because he was drunk and did nobody wake us up and then we're gonna be mad because we're gonna say why you leave me let let me out here like that you know and nothing nothing against that but we just we just don't do certain stuff and sleeping outside is one of them we only sit on the porch that long especially the depending on what kind of hair you got you don't even go outside you know if you got a flatiron you're gonna go outside at night because there's too much humidity and I I read the story and this man what he would do is at the campsite he would take line cuz snakes don't like it he would take nine and he would put it all around the campsite where he and his family would sleep he would he would put lime all around it so you know snakes don't like lime so they would just stay on the other side but every once in a while you would get a snake that wasn't concerned about the boundary and will cross over the lime anyway I'm already preaching because some of you all got some snakes in your life that don't respect boundaries they don't they don't respect boundaries they're so evil that they're mad at you but they'll come after your children because some snakes don't respect boundaries they'll they'll throw the whole thing in it and I want you to know that you're saying right now I set boundaries you know I don't let them close some some snakes don't respect your walls and and and and I want you to know that for the rest of this sermon I don't want you to automatically associate the word snake with a person because there are some other ways that the enemy can get into your life other than people one of your snakes maybe depression another snake that could keep crawling in your life is your inability to balance your money another snake that could come into your life is that you always gossip and you can't help it there's another snake called insecurity there's another one called rejection there's another one called a quick temper there's so many things that the enemy can use to get into your life and and we call them gates so if he doesn't have control of your mouth gate then he can use your eye gate if he doesn't use your I get he can use your ear gate I want you to think about all of the holes you have in your body mouth nose ear those are all ways that the enemy can enter into your atmosphere so he put this lime out some of the snakes and most of the snakes respected the line a few snakes that don't respect boundaries will cross over so for every snake that didn't respect the boundary they got a bat and he took the bat this is mode like my speed and he beat the snot out of those snakes and he tells the story that he would beat it over and over and over and over and over again until it was lifeless and if that wasn't enough he would take the bat and the barrel of it and he would smash it down into the head of the snake and called his son his son would pick it up by the tail and pull it into the head snapped off the body that's my kind of caring on anybody like that and and so he's walking around now this is the first thing he tells us that gets us excited about what's going on as he says he's he's got 12 or 13 snakes in his hand that they've killed and and they're still moving they they're dead but they appear to be alive because the central nervous system of a snake is still active after death and so they still have the nerve to move you didn't you didn't beat me to death you don't snatched off my head you've detached to me and decapitated me from physiological asymmetric body and now you and and you see there there are some things in your life that you have killed that you've prayed about you fast about it you blocked it and it still got the nerve to move you you you've tried your best to get away from it and yet it's still wiggling now I don't know if anybody in here is gonna be honest but there are some things in your life that you have tried to get rid of but but it's still moving you you you you can't stay off the Facebook because it's still wiggling come on help me in this church you you you want to be done but you can't help peaking over there to make sure they ain't date nobody else and ain't that you want to date them you just want to see what they quit you for come on say man to me don't don't don't don't say oh say Amen that's who is for the club a man is for the church they met so I it's it's it's dead but it's wicked if I were if I were going to give you a title for today's sermon I would call it dead but still deadly that there are some things in your life that you kill but it's still moving there are some people that you don't want to connect with but if you're honest there is still some kind of gravitational pull that's pulling you in the direction of somebody you know ain't good for you and and you're trying to figure out how to be disciplined and still keep your destiny and and and one of the things that human beings that we do is that even when wrong is wrong we don't mind doing wrong where we're comfortable we don't do wrong in new places but we will do wrong in old places and so he would smash the snake's head into the ground detach the body until one day his son gets up and goes to the bathroom in the middle of the night and he gets up to go to the restroom in the middle of the night and one of those snakes that he killed his child stepped on the snake's head with no shoes on nothing happens until 30 minutes later his son's ankle begins to swell up and he can't figure out then his leg begins to swell up and then he's foaming at the mouth and they can't figure out what's wrong it's what did he eat he said I haven't eaten anything he said there are no snakes around did you get by bit by a snake he said no and they went through all of the things to try to find out what was wrong with him and the only thing he could remember is that when he went to the restroom he stepped on the snake's head and then they realized that a dead snake head still has enough poison in the fangs to still a kill and and what I'm talking to you about today is this dead but it still deadly because there is still enough left in what's dead to kill you and here's what the devil will do if he cannot bite you he will poison your steps and what I want to talk to you today is about being careful where you walk being careful where you step and being careful who you step out with because sometimes the snakes are not for you they are old heads from the family members that you do not know and there are bones and dead bodies that they did not tell you about and you will find yourself stepping on a head that was not intended for you there is enough left in the dead thing to still kill you touching them you say there's enough left in the dead thing to kill you what you must understand is just because it's dead doesn't mean it's not dangerous just because it's dead doesn't mean it isn't dangerous just because the relationship is over doesn't mean you cannot have a relapse just because you are not depressed at this moment doesn't mean that you cannot go back into it and just because you're taking medicine to keep you level doesn't mean that something won't come on you that your current prescription will not be able to maintain I'm telling you right now don't ever forget this the bigger your level the bigger your devil the higher you go the bigger your devil will be you used to be able to deal with your devil with 10 milligrams that joke is so big now it won't even make him smile you got to go to the next level only in your faith but in your prayer walk because when your devil gets bigger than your prayers have to be bigger when your devil gets bigger your fasting has to get longer and when your devil gets bigger your circle has to get smaller can I help somebody your circle ought to be too small for your Devils if you will shrink it they won't be able to get in if you stop trying to be everybody's friend they won't get in if you stop trying to have a big crowd they won't be able to get in your problem is you hang out with so many people you can't identify your Devils because they get lost in the shuffle get you two or three people that you can call a friend and you lucky if you get one do I have anybody in here that knows that a good friend is hard to find and if you got one you better thank God for him I heard if you got one you ought to praise God for him or her because let me tell you the devil is trying to get in your circle somebody say don't step on his head now what do I mean by that because the Bible says he has given us he has given us the authority to tread on the Serpent's head so we're supposed to trample on his head but after we finish we're supposed to dispose of the head do you remember when there was a man that was land by the Pool of Bethesda for 38 years laying on his bed and guess what he says he says year after year I've been laying on his bed for 30 years I don't have nobody to help me I didn't have anybody to help me here's the first problem with most of us excuses somebody else's I didn't have no one that put me in the pool but here's the problem every year somebody got in the pool how did they get in they didn't have anybody to help them I didn't have anybody to help me to raise my son a lot of people didn't have anybody to help raise their son and they did it anyway there's some single mama's and hid out on holiday at me right now you got to stop making excuses my daddy didn't love me there's a lot of people here who daddy didn't love him my mama didn't hug me so that's why I'm not emotional there's a lot of people in here who mama didn't hug them I didn't have this I didn't have that there's a lot of people in here that didn't have that you got to stop using what you did not have as an excuse for what you did not do and then you need to flip that and say I did what I did because I didn't have what I needed because there's somebody in here that has turned their pain in the fuel who am I talking to in here today you are who you are because of what you did not have you are who you are because of what you did not here you are who you are because of what you did not see do I have anybody say I didn't become bitter I became better I did not get angry I accelerated I didn't stay down I went higher do I have anybody in here it's not somebody to say you don't even know what I went through you have no idea what I went through you have no the idea what I saw growing up you have no idea what I experienced you have no idea how I was raised by an alcoholic you have no idea how I was molested by people who am i family who have no idea how broke we were growing up I had drugs on my table alcohol in the refrigerator but none of that stopped me from getting to my destiny because I viewed all of those that snakeheads and I made sure that I did not step on my pass hoping for a future your parents past does not have to be or tomorrow what you saw doesn't have to be a reality all you got to do is step over that's why the songwriter says order my steps in your word Psalms 37 the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord you gotta ask God to order your steps so you step step over the snakeheads so this is not about who's in your life this sermon is not about who you married to this sermon is not about who you work with this sermon is not about who left you this sermon is not about who rejected you this sermon is about the pain you've caused because you wouldn't watch your steps I'm not gonna let you blame nobody for your attitude I'm not gonna let you blame nobody for your negativity I'm not gonna let you blame anybody for the fact that you can hold a grudge for nine months it's nobody's fault you keep stepping on it and you're gonna have to decide am I gonna step on it I'm not gonna step over it because the truth is you have enough power to step over it the truth is is you sit next to somebody who stepped over some of you struggling with well I I wish I could give you 29 minutes to interview your neighbor I wish I could I wish I could spend the whole sermon say just interview that person you sit next to by the time they finish telling you everything they've been through you're gonna lay hands on them and pray for them and start speaking time like I don't know how you made it is it just just it's just let your neighbor knows I've been through hell and high water I wish I could tell you everything that I have been through but God [Music] [Applause] let me tell you why you keep getting bit Ephesians 6 says that you ought to put on the whole armour of God and the thing that you ought to put on your feet is the shoes of the gospel of peace the reason why you keep getting businesses you ain't got no work you don't walk in the word you don't labor in the word the only word some of you all get is the one that I give you on Sunday and if you got enough energy you might come on twos if you feel like it you don't have enough word you got so much hell in your life you need to be reading the Bible every day put Harry Potter down and pick up the scripture stop reading all these novels and getting online and reading blogs and doing all that stuff and get some word that word have I hid it in my heart that I might not sin against thee you got to have some word because the word is the only thing that tramples on the Serpent's head somebody say the word the word the word the word became flesh the word became flesh the word became flesh so you can't have Jesus and not have to work because he is the word in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and then verse 14 of John chapter one says that the word became flesh and tabernacled among us the reason why the Bible says they did tabernacled amongst us is because it was a shadow of the substance because the children of Israel were in the wilderness and they carried a tent around called the tabernacle beyond the holiest of Holies was something called the Ark of the Covenant was represented the presence of God and inside of it was three things Aaron's rod that did not build the law that had been given to Moses and the Bible lets us know inside of there there was some bread called manna that did not spoil so you had a rod that blossomed with no roots bread that did not spoil and the law that had been made over the second time because when you get in the presence of God you don't need roots to blossom when the presence of God things that have a shelf life are now eternal Oh y'all not here with me today and everything that's broken God I give it back to you again I don't know who I'm talking to in this place today but God told me to tell you if you get in his presence you would see the fullness of joy so now we no longer need the tabernacle because we have become the tabernacle why because the Ark of the Covenant was beyond the Holies of Holies where the hi priest Aaron went God says no longer do we need a priest because now I have made sure that I am the high priest and so now you are little priests and you can come to me directly and you don't need a tabernacle or tent because I now live in you you are the tabernacle and the word became flesh and tabernacled among us you got God in you like right now ain't that dope like if they did a spiritual autopsy cut you down the middle Jesus gonna come out you don't even know see a house is not expensive because of what is made of our house is expensive because of what's inside of it or you don't believe me you can build a house uuugh you're gonna build all of it out of two by fours all of the singles costs the same amount the side and it's gonna cost you it's gonna cost you the brick is gonna cost you what it's gonna cost you the stucco is gonna cost you what it's gonna cost you but get in and start the finishes somebody might have laminate town somebody else might have travertine see it's about what you put inside of it that increases the value what you have inside of you increases your value greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world actually neighbor what be I'm not asking you what you got on you I'm asking you what you got in you so just so you don't think I'm safe here's not saviors your first scripture Genesis 3 and 15 says that I will put enmity between you and the woman's seed I will put enmity I will make sure that you can't stand them and they can't stand you how many y'all don't like snakes in here let me see here look like the Lord did his job I mean your imagination every snake is poisonous when you see it in the old grass snake tomorrow I did bite you here and got nobody teeth but he just represents something because there is enmity between man and the snake and it's not our fault the snake allowed itself to be used by the enemy now the serpent is synonymous with the enemy because of who he let's use him do you not know that you will be defined by who you let use you who you let speak through you who you let hide behind you who you let send you like John the Baptist as a forerunner to do their dirty work and and you're wondering why your reputation is tore up in places you've never been it's because you let somebody use your name and and use your influence and they went and messed up what you could be because of who you let connect to you who you let speak for you who you let speak through you the snake is forever ruined because he let the enemy speak to him let me tell you something if you if you go back and trace the history of a snake when they were first born they had legs snakes had feet they walked around he didn't the snake didn't crawl in the garden he walked in it he crawled out because God cursed him to his belly and said they were crawling the dust see when you allow the wrong people to use you you'll walk in but you got a slither out touch your neighbors they don't don't lose your legs because you won't you won't use your mouth don't lose what God gave you because you let somebody else speak through you he has to crawl out but he walked in he walked in with dignity had to slide out and defeat now he's crawling in the dust and God says you can bruise the heel of man but he will crush your head look at how much God loves us see when Jesus died on the cross is this helping anybody when Jesus died on the cross let me tell you something people say this Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins Jesus Christ did not down the cross for your sins he died on the cross for sin si n period singular he only died on the cross for the sin of unbelief now after he died on the cross for the sin singular of unbelief now when you accept him as Lord and Savior your sins are covered by grace your sins are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ it's covered by grace so the sin of unbelief is the only thing that can keep us from the wages of sin is death but the wages the gift of God is eternal life if I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead then thou shalt be saved I am NOT saved because I'm perfect I'm saved because he is and now I have consequences but I am saved by his death from the damnation of sin and now I am safe from the consequences by grace that's why to every man there was given a measure of grace y'all not here with me today so you got Jesus dying for the sin of the world unbelief but he did not die for the sins of the world that's covered by grace I did not come to abolish the law but to what fulfill the law and what was that what was the law thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steal thou shalt not commit adultery thou shall not this that then the other so now grace covers that and then God is what love love covers a multitude man let me let me hurry up let me hurry up let me help me get through this so so so so Genesis 3 and 15 is what we call a proto vangelia which is actually the first pronunciation of the gospel so the gospel does not come in the New Testament the gospel actually comes in Genesis 3 because the Bible says that I will put enmity between them and you will be able to bruise his hill and he will be able to crush her head bruise where have you heard that word from bruise Isaiah 53 and 5 bruise he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities do you see that it's the Tetragrammaton we're back together so now you got the bruising of the heel you got the bruising of our Savior and by His stripes and by His stripes we are healed so now you don't have to be bruised because he was bruised and you don't have to die because he already paid the price that's why I cannot figure out why people wouldn't come in a church and just go crazy do you know how much admission it should cost you to come into the house of the Lord but do you know why you can walk into the house for free because jesus paid it all I wish I have 500 people gotta slap somebody to say I thank God that jesus paid it all because the debt that I racked up anybody know what you'll see and that is do you hit me I do I need to repeat it I said does anybody in here know what you're saying that is do you know how much of a bill you wrapped up after the food I want you to add up your college years your high school years see some of y'all get so saved you start your life from the day not so save self not so ensure self I'm talking about your devilish you know good nasty trifling freaky no-good self the one that got a tattoo on the back that don't nobody know about right now I'm talking to her and him [Applause] you got a tattoo right now I'm gonna put it right here cuz ain't nobody gonna see it I'm talking about the one that got a nickname if somebody come up to you call you by your nickname you're like whoa whoa whoa whoa Oh bro ain't nobody know me about that no mo I mean I got a nickname don't nobody know nothing bout come on thank you bro it's like only me you were here honest man you were bruises heal but he will crush your head you will bruise his heel but he would crush your head you will be able to shake his face but he will make you final he can he's a roaring lion he can bruise the hill but he can't do anything final do you know that the enemy has already defeated and we always shout about the fact that he's defeated but he's still deadly he still has enough venom in his fangs to take one more person out that man who was at the bear for 38 years and he picked it up what does what do we say when we quoted we always said God said now pick up your bed and what take up your bed and walk I need you to pick this bed up before you walk away because I don't want nobody else to step on it it's the snake's head and if you leave that bed on the ground your children may get comfortable in it if you leave that bed on the ground when you get tired you might return to it oh my god oh Jesus now and I how many of y'all make your bed up before you leave home okay thank you but the rest of y'all I go to your house right now bed everywhere here's what you're saying well I'm gonna get in it anyway you know since the making of them get back in it and mess it up the devil is on you make that bed up make that bed up y'all not leave the house without making up your bed I ain't got no Bible but I just got an opinion pick your bed up make your bed up you know why that's why you keep hitting your snooze alarm nine times and then you go brush your teeth and get out the shower three minutes later oh I got three more minutes I'm gonna go back and get in the bed if you make it up you won't get in it anything you don't make up your lay in okay I proved it to you if you go to the house if you go to somebody's house and they got a couch and they put the pillows on there and karate chop it in the middle so that you know how to put that that look that little thing in there and and sit them up on that it's all nice and you got to let throw so over the couch you like this is nice because you always admire things that are made up [Applause] when you go to somebody house and the carpet is clean and you walk you're near your man that's kicking you black do I need to and they be trying to a call all dope no I'm going in walk no yeah yeah and that's why them socks is in that bowl over there gonna put some socks on if you ain't got your own walk in somebody house that's nasty walk in somebody house where stuff ain't made up you don't even actually just walk in tread let's go on the bathroom where's urine on the flow you ain't gonna watch women go in the bathroom that stink and it's filthy you'd be like i'ma wait till I get home we won't be home for three days that's okay women can hold it for seven years they've not use it in the bathroom that looked like something gonna jump up on them by them be like we're California I live in Texas I'll wait but when it's clean when it's clean you make sure you throw the paper away properly when it's clean you make sure you wipe the water off the come on y'all because presentation will determine how you treat a thing that's why I want you to make sure that you make your life as neat as possible so you won't treat it any kind of way that you make sure that you watch what you step in and who you step with and where you walk and who you allow to walk with you because you don't want to step on the head that has enough venom to kill you with this last bite I wish I had somebody touch somebody say watch where you walk watch who you walk with this is a bigger picture though this is a bigger picture than you think when he says I will put enmity between you and the seed you have to read the prophecy of Isaiah to recognize that the devil wasn't dumb enough to just be after Adam this was not about the first Adam ladies and gentlemen this was always about the second Adam just had nothing to do with Adam in the garden it had to do with Adam in the garden don't miss it it wasn't about the Adam in the Garden of Eden it was about the Adam in the garden of Gaga I remember the first Adam was a living man the second Adam was a quickening spirit according to Corinthians so it was not about the first Adam it was about the second Adam because he had already bruised the heel of the first Adam which is why the second Adam came to reclaim the lives of man I am redeemed I have been brought with a price so the second Adam comes to undo what the first Adam could not do and now he is after the second Adam because through the second Adam comes you and I we are the ekklesia of God we are the called out ones of God we are Christians Christ Chien's we are his children we are the Sheep of his pasture so he was after the seed of David because if he could get to see the David he could get the seed of Torrance he could get the seed of Nicole he could get the seed of Mary he could get the seat of the humphreys he's been after your children y'all not listening to me this ain't about Adam and Eve it's about Cain and Abel and what happened Cain killed that's why your children keep finding the wrong crowd that's why and I know I'm talking right now cuz some of y'all kids are back in school in the next three weeks you'll know exactly what I'm talking about you didn't raise in the tough like they talking you didn't raise under when you look at they friends you like what in the world are you hanging with why does she have he's in one ear what are you doing why you could tell they talking like somebody they've been around nobody in the house laughs like that nobody in the house uses those phrase nobody in the house uses those statements I'm trying to tell you that when you have put lime around your house the blood come on now when you put the blood around your house then what he does is he sneaks in house where your children grow that haven't been covered and when your children walk with the wrong people they step on hands that are not in your house somebody see us dead but it's not dead it's still dead but it's still deadly it's still dead but it's still deadly so now your children are hanging around people and they bring habits home but not at grades are slipping and you wondering like what in the world see the one thing about parents I'll always want to act like everything going well in the house until it ain't you always want to walk around here how your kids doing what are you doing good dem Jokers is terrible and you know it they ain't doing good they lying all the time they still in food out of refrigerator you asking who drunk the Hawaiian Punch say nobody drunk it but it still going down they old enough to date but you don't like who they date but you figure if you say something they're gonna date them anyway so now you appear having to act like you like somebody they like but you know you can't stand them they grown so you know growing people gonna do what they're gonna do nothing live in my house at the same time they ain't grown me you live on your own and when you live on your own you can do what you want to do but that's for me and my house we listen to me says Isaiah says that unto us a child was born unto us a saviour was given so when there was enmity between the seed and the woman we're not talking just about Cain and Abel we're actually talking about Jesus because Satan was after Jesus where do we see this Herod Herod put a decree out and said that every child that was born that was under the age of 2 had to be killed where do we see that somebody say shadow this is the same thing when Moses was born when favor put out an edict that said that all of the people who were - and old was he Moses is type of Christ Moses was the deliverer of Israel and Jesus was the deliverer of the church and anytime you give birth to a deliverer the devil will kill everybody to find it that's why the devil is after your children because he doesn't know who the delivery is he's still trying to keep the next Martin Luther King from being born he's still trying to keep the next Malcolm X from being born he's still trying to keep the next Barack Obama from being born he's still trying to keep somebody who will make a way out of nowhere and somebody who can lead a group of people through the wilderness and so their enemy is after your son and you know why it's because he's the only one that recognizes your child's potential you too busy being mad at them that you only see how great they could be you so mad at them that they snuck the car out the house without permission that you don't see that they could be the next ambassador for the UN and you treat them like a car thief instead of a promise that love covers a multitude of sin and I don't know why the Lord has taken me in this direction but God told me to tell you some of your parents need to forgive your children some of y'all mad at your kids you upset with him because they did not become what you thought they were going to become they didn't follow the path that you thought they were going to follow they don't fit what you think they ought to fit but what if what God has for them is greater than you could imagine and sometimes great children don't start out good y'all don't hear what I say it sometimes great children don't start off good sometimes great Church and drop out of high school they ended up starting schools you mad at your daughter because she fast she might be but look what God gonna do with her when he finishes after she get out there and find out ain't none of them Joker's worth from nothing she gonna come back home and say mama I spent all my money in the hall pen I spent all my money on writers living some Bible readers and hidden know what I'm talking about but your job is the parents to make sure that when the prodigal does come home that you don't meet them with I told you so you're supposed to meet them with a ring and a fatted calf somebody's just shot if you need to God bring my baby home let me hurry up and get y'all out of here first Peter 5 and they says be alert see that's the kind of delivers see I did all of that for her I did all that for her cuz see some of y'all just sitting there like what it ain't my child not today your child just saying ran up on the wrong serpent yet they just Saints stepped on the wrong head yet some of y'all need to send a praise out in advance to say God can you order my child steps they've been doing good so far God they've been doing all right so far can you keep this away from my baby I need somebody to send up a sound of praise God keep the snakes away from my daughters keep the snakes away from my sons keep the snakes away from my nephews my nieces my grandchildren do I have any grandparents that gotta praise glory to God in this place I said glory to God in this place I don't know what's about to happen in here but I feel God shifting the atmosphere somebody needs to thank God that your seed is being protected I'm speaking to the mother who's not pregnant yet oh how good does it feel to know that that baby's gonna come full turn and healthy with everything it needs and you're not even pregnant yet I need some future momma's to shop we tread on the surface we crush his head but we got to make sure we bear it ahead because if we don't bear it are chosen are coming behind us and they don't know where to step they don't have the kind of relationship with God yet that they know what to ask for we got a relationship and don't even know what to do some of us been in church all our life and we still struggling come on help me Holy Ghost somebody oughta heard a thousand sermons but if somebody get on your nerve right now you go act like you ain't ever had no religion I'm praying for you daughter I see you I can see people out in this room see for some of y'all this a sermon for some people is life for some of y'all you in here getting the word somebody here getting a life all together because they have been through this they are in this right now and they're saying some people are thanking God that their children didn't succumb to the snake and others are saying God if you don't do something quick parents are like Goodweather people you can see the forecast you know when something looks off you just got to watch where you step because there's enough is it's dead but it's still it's still deadly you got to you got to watch walking around depressed all the time so you walk around negative you become somebody else's snake head some of y'all are so full of toxicity that anybody who gets around you they depressed before they walk away from you you're so negative you don't know what you walk around looking mad all day anybody ask you are you ok you swear everything is ok we can't tell by looking at you some of y'all wake up mad some of y'all married to mad people some of y'all spouses is married to a bad person because you're the mad person and you're mad about everything you won't let nothing go you say you want to marriage but you can't release the grudge and it's a snakehead and you keep stepping on it maybe it's your grudge you holding but it's a snakehead and you keep stepping on it and every time you get deliverance every time you're on your way to deliverance every time you're on your way to the next level your memory gets jogged and then you start digressing right back to that place where you were most damaged and you just need to ask God can't you order my steps I'm tired of stepping on these same landmines I'm tired of stepping on the same issues I'm tired anybody even tired of having the same conversation [Applause] well I mean who am I talking I'm tired can we find something else to argue about can we argue about how like your mama I'm so tired of arguing let's argue about how you chew I've been wanting to tell you since I met you you chew like a camel and it's making me want to leave you can you change your chewing game immediately in Jesus name it's how talking about money talking about bills talking about how we raise these kids and whether whooping works a timeout works let's whoop them until they get knocked out and you're equal whooping a timeout let's make something together I don't know what you're gonna do but I bet you if I came to your role the problem you have with the people that your life is the problem you've always had with him he don't open up to me snake [Music] how many brothers heard the time speech [Applause] oh they wanted I never actually read anything but we know who is like we use to and brothers I'm gonna keep it balanced I gotta get y'all to know don't start saying Amen that's just her mouth like he was just doing a minute ago now come on RAM let's get your started now let's show face me and do it kill I know I'm coming hey so busy for me to get them you hear me about you I can't think what we do wrong I'm gonna come back to that [Applause] [Applause] then I got to say something they're gonna run me up right here yeah it ain't enough of y'all to help me see the snakehead of the man is his silence and your silence is the reason your silence is the reason that the snake was able to get in the garden because God had already told Adam what to do but when a bit of the Apple he did not open his mouth and your problem is you sit in the house you got issues but you won't express them and then when you do talk you yelling like you somebody daddy so you have yelling skills but you have no communication skills and you cannot yell at a woman because you will bruise her you must talk to her you be surprised what you can get out of woman that you sit down and reason with it like look baby listen us listen listen listen a woman wants truth under control strength out of control is called rage she does not want your rage she wants your power but she wants it in a container it needs to be harnessed and it needs to be applied with care if you handle the room in the wrong way you can drag her and she won't go you handle the woman the right way of life I don't know why you leaving me always I God put us together where you going I'm telling you what I know she'll follow you to your mama house [Applause] where are you going you're saying what the Bible say [Applause] now the fellows time all right Riven that's enough I can't push my own sermon y'all leave me alone the snake has these land mines that are a result of how you were raised well you were raised where you came from and we don't deal with them we step on them over and over and over again and then we pass them on to generation after generation one of the greatest things in the world you could do for your children is identify where the holes are don't step there don't do that that ain't worth it don't go there let that go it won't be worth it in the end I'm telling you what I know cuz I'm getting old y'all need to know the scripture cuz I think I say First Samuel Chapter seventeen First Samuel Chapter 17 I think verse 50 so David kills Goliath with a sling like he could have hit him in the head and was like see he's going but it's not what he does let's connect it he goes and gets a Goliath sword and then goes and does what cut off his head now I know your imagination may make you think that when he cut that head off yeah just kind of like you know how you know cuz you watch movies you know so you thought that he just was like and it went through Goliath was 9 feet anybody who 9 feet got a thick neck he was thick-necked it ain't no way in the world that he had no look he was nine feet tall his neck and he had a helmet it was about thirty pounds so you know he wasn't he wasn't loose neck he was strong neptr so that mean that that mean he took that sword and he had to concede there's some things in your life they won't come loose on the first hit some stuff in your life it ain't gonna eliminate itself cuz you pray one time cuz you came at all - one time and fell out and got up and thought it was gonna be straight with you yeah you know you might have to come to this all - all year cuz it took you all year to listen to God God like I told you to cut the neck off of that Joker in 2002 you want me to deal with it not at you Todd I see you in 2025 because you let the neck get so thick and you got to cut through so much to get it severed and even when the head is going it's still still moving it got the nerve to still move and he cut his head off and he went and showed everybody look at this this is what happened when you mess with bloody yummy I grew up in the field cuss lines and bears oh my I had I grew up like this yeah I mean that's what I do I mean you you necks I know I'm a kid but Cubs become killers don't you judge me because the way you met me it was always in me I just didn't need to use it yet don't ever let anybody bring the killer out before it's time you keep that killer in you until it's time because there is going to be something that's worth it and they don't need to know you're a killer before it's time for them to die you got to hold it back you got to know when to hold it you got to know when to fold it because if you kill everything that ever comes up against you then the reputation will get out there but if you killed the right thing they'll make a song about you Saul has killed his thousands David kills his tens of thousands now let me wrap this up the first snake comes in the garden to get Adam he has the ability to crush his head the second time we see a snake loses his head is Goliath he comes up against David and he loses his head that would have been it but the Bible lets us know that now that the curb has become a killer the king is now jealous of the kid and the Bible says that Saul would throw javelins at David trying to kill him this is what David would do I know I couldn't have been David David would be playing to heart for Saul to calm his evil spirits and then Saul will come and try to kill him and would be unsuccessful and David will go right back to serve can you serve somebody who wants you dead because here's what the Bible says pray for them that despitefully use you [Music] he is actually playing the heart for a man who wants him dead but by the time we get to first chronicles chapter 10 Saul can no longer stand on his own impression when you go back and read the Bible says that Saul fell on his own sword and now Saul has no head look at it Adam first Adam out of him would come David out of David would come Jesus because when we've traced the lineage back to when Naomi and Ruth met Boaz and Ruth and Boaz begat obed and Obed begat Jesse and Jesse begat David and David begat Jesus and now Jesus is the seed of David he's the son of David which is why went blind Bartimaeus was sitting by the wayside begging he says thou son of David have mercy on me he is now the son of David or the seed of David and now the second snake Goliath is after that seed and he loses his head and then Saul who doesn't take great advice now he's after the same seed and he loses his head and then the Lord told me to tell you this that everything that comes after your seed will lose his head I don't know who that's for but I want to prophesy and proclaim that every parent in here that every attack that the enemy has for your children is being dealt with in the spirit right now and I don't know who that's for but some of y'all know the devil been after your children slap three people to say the devil don't lose his head coming after my seed Oh somehow I praise God right there somehow to praise God right there that your children are protected that your children are covered that your children are covered there is a there is a hedge of protection around your children a thousand will fall at the side 10,000 at the other but none shall come not thee now every person who either has a child wants a child or has one on the way and you know that God is going to protect them for the rest of their life and every weapon formed against them has been annihilated give your God some praise they don't have to live in your house for God to protect him your baby can be off in school right now God knows exactly where that school is God knows exactly what city your child lives in and maybe they stepped on the snake head but Paul tells us that the snake bit him and all he did was look at it and he shook it off and sent the snake back in the fire two things I learned about that the Bible lessons know that he was collecting firewood to keep everybody else warm tell your children they don't have to help everybody it's not trying to be everybody's friend stop trying to be everybody's company the greatest thing about it is he shook it off and the snake went back into the fire nothing happened because when so you remember the snake can bruise the hill but he can't kill it kept so some of your children have been bitten they don't even know it that's what that's what the grace of God would do some of your children have been in the wrong relationships around the wrong people and they just keep coming out like here go why because they are covered there you are [Applause] covering from the ones you holding in your arm to the ones that are walking down the altar saying I do they're all covered because it doesn't matter what age they are they steal your child [Applause] somebody ought to thank God just thank you for covering my baby thank you for covering my baby thank you for covering my baby they said that they had a learning disability thank you for covering my baby they said that the baby was born with an abnormal heart beat Lord thank you for covering my baby they they looked at the ultrasound and thought that things were not going to be normal but thank you God that my baby didn't die in the car said then thank you [Applause] well if you love your children you understand that you got to watch those steps because you don't want to transfer that venom in the house says I'm I'm going to put enmity between the seed and the serpent and everything that the enemy has planned for your seed our prophesy has been canceled in the name of Jesus and Church you need to stop shouting about the battles you know about and you need to start shouting for the battles you don't know about and you need to start thanking God there's some stuff you won't even have to witness because God's gonna protect us eat somebody just praise him for the seed praise him for the seed he gives seed to the soil and then he gives protection to the sower I was young and now I am old but I in my whole life have never seen the righteous forsaken here it is or is see God told me to tell you your seed will never have to be I don't care if they're four or forty your seed will never have to beg for bread because God is about to provide for your seed glory to God glory to God I say glory to God I feel like I need to pray for your children you know what and I hear the Holy Spirit speaking to me I need to pray for grown children we're always praying for the seven year olds and the ten year olds but some of y'all got some 21 year olds and some 25 years and some 19 year olds and some 26 and and they need they need to lower - I want you to meet me at this altar if you got a grown child you need me to pray for if you need me to cast some demons and some Devils out of your grown children Lord don't let my daughter marry the wrong man don't let my son find the wrong woman in your word lead me in garden every day signora 19 Father I pray please come on I said again [Music] [Music] I will anybody know that God does not change you are still you are still the same whoa Oh [Music] world is ever trained you oughta point heavenward thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] in your [Music] [Music] listen one of the most important things that you must learn and I know why God did it the way he did it earlier now now I understand Genesis 11 and 1c begets after its own kind let me tell you what a lot of you parents need to learn you can raise your children you can pour into your children you can discipline your children you can be friends with your children if you so desire one of the missing components is that you have not planted seed on the behalf of your child that is the missing component you have nothing in the ground rebuking the devil you got a rebuke in poverty but not see you sown cease not to be broke but you haven't sown seeds and your children's success so you have the same as account but you don't have a college fund because when you have a savings account you're still soaring into you everything we saw today is gonna be on behalf of our children every time every offering every greater gift we haven't taken off from yet but we're gonna give this seed an assignment if you lose your Holy Ghost right now you ain't serious about it it's a seed if seed baguettes have their own kind the only thing that's gonna save your seat as a seed you gotta sow seed on your children's to have I give offerings for my children to make sure that my children never have to experience poverty and I don't have to have money to make sure that they don't do that all I got to do is have seed see my mother didn't I have a million dollars to leave me in a trust fund but she did give for me all of her life I'm the beneficiary of her seed and now she's in harvest time [Applause] and one day your children will rise up to call you bless it and I'll speak that the day will come in your life that your children will not forget what you did for them and that the day will come where you will be able to rest in their labor hallelujah Holy Ghost so I'm going to pray for you I'm gonna this I'm gonna trust you today because see this is that moment where people can kind of sneak out and act like they're gay but they didn't and the Bible says that you know that you shouldn't give the grudgingly because God loves a cheerful Giver well I don't care how you give cuz I'm not God I will take the Grudge gift and the good gift whichever one but that's between you and God but I'm praying I got my tithes I got my offer and I got my greater gift even if you don't normally give in either one of those you better understand the importance of moments and atmospheres if you were to give in this atmosphere it could make up for other moments you skipped every person in this place get your tithe i'ma pray for y'all don't leave get your tithe get your offering and do something in greater I want a challenge and the Lord gave me this the Lord gave me this that maybe some of y'all say I want to do greater but I don't I don't have it like that I don't have it like that I don't have a thousand dollars a week I don't have $500 a week I wish I did I'm gonna pray for people who have faith with no funds and I'm gonna ask God to make sure that your funds match your faith that if you'll promise him that if he'll give you the funds that you are matching with your faith raise your hand if you'll go in prayer with me on that god I pray right now that you would bless these who say God if you give me the funds I will have the faith to release them for Kingdom business and trust that you will do what you need to do in my house in Jesus name somebody shout amen I'm praying that God will bless you because the Bible says he gives seed to the sword here's what the Bible says money answereth all things money answereth all things don't let anybody fool you money answereth all things money answereth all things everybody say all things the money answer with all things if you get sick you got enough money you can get well money asked with all things so I'm praying that God will let you not step on the snake head of not being honest with your resources that's the snake head that we keep steppin on tithing there's one of those snake heads we keep steppin on it wondering why our money's poisoned I pray that you'll just release that and say God I don't have a lot for such as I have give on the deep God says I don't need the whole thing I just need a mic you give me the might I'll take care of the much somebody said God break the curse of how I view money say it again Lord break the curse of how I view money one more time Lord break the curse of how I view money stop calling it money and start calling it currency when you call it currency you understand it moves and we call it currency you understand it moves it don't just flow from you but it flows I'm praying that God will allow money to flow to you in abundance and your endeavors somebody say clients I see God sending more clients to your business [Music] so I'm challenging people you said I can't get 500 I think if you would take 20 weeks the next 20 weeks and gave $20 20 weeks $20 here's what I'm going to pray for every person who will take the challenge with this $20 additional with your tithes and offering our $20 in greater that's about 400 dollars over the next four months not a lot of money if you think about the return and I'm careful to say it's not a lot of money because for 400 dollars in debt a debt of change somebody's life so I'm sending out a lot of money when you consider the return but here's what I'm going to pray for if you'll do an additional $20 for the next 20 weeks whether it's in your tithes and offering are in greater I'm gonna pray that God will give you 20/20 vision and when 2020 comes I'm gonna pray that God will make everything you see clearer you will know who to trust what to trust what deals to attack what deals to Passover somebody say 20/20 in 2020 I'm gonna pray that from this week going forward that people who will take that challenge so I'm gonna have $20 - my tithe or I'm gonna just tie that 10% and do $20 in greater you can distribute it however you want to and God's gonna give you 20/20 vision how many of y'all accept that challenge with I'm gonna start it with you all right I'm gonna pray for you and then we're gonna give God right now these people came for that children they didn't come up here to play they came here for their kids they came up here because they can see the devil trying to system is wheat and they know that they have put the right things in them so now God would you allow what they put in the stand up help our children to know that they were not created to blend in they were created to stand out help them to know that there was a gift inside of them and now God we ask that you will show us give us the way in the words that will help to stir up the gift in them deal with depression in their lives deal with the spirit of comparison in their lives deal with the spirit of poverty in their lives deal with the spirit of despair in their lives God whatever they're struggling with there is nothing too hard for you touch our grandkids some grandparents came up here because they want to connect with parents and say we want we want our children EE cover god we want ahead your protection put around them God and we pray right now in the name of Jesus that no weapon no devilish weapon no family weapon no familiar weapon god that is created against them shall be able to prosper in the mighty name of Jesus we decree and declare now that our children are healthy that they are healed that they are free that they are in their right mind and that they are surrounded by the right people and that every sickness that has invaded their body is eliminated both present and future and their children's children are covered in Jesus name we pray if you believe it I need you to lift up your voice and give a shout of praise come on come on this is for your child I said this is where your chart this is where your son this is how your daughter [Applause] all right all right I'd assume that you all don't have your gifts with you already if you do I'm gonna do something I never do this but the Lord told me to tell you we need to bring that gift today we need to bring the offering I want to pass no bucket because some of this stuff you got to throw on the altar so if you don't have your gift go back to your seat and get it if you already have to stay up here and those of y'all who already got to us come up here to this altar I'm gonna pray for you you are dismissed you're going to have the benediction but I want every gift to be laid on the altars come on servant leader security get your positions everything is coming to the altar everything is coming to the altar when you touch this altar I want you to say this is for my family this is for my family this is from my family those of you who are leaving I pray that God will bless you and you're going and you're coming that you will get home and that you would find everything in order do not leave this place without leaving the Lord a gift if you need an envelope we have our servant leaders and hostesses they have them up in the air you can grab them take your time the church then get ready to close we got time today in your yeah [Music] anyone show me how in your world in your world wash my anyway show me how in your show me how to charge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're naughty please order my steps in [Music] lead me and guide me signore no I take father I pray would you please this is for my children for my son for my daughter not a quarter to my will but according to yours [Music] blessed will [Music] but you are you are you are you are you are the same you are still [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are still the same [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] I'm gonna pray for those of y'all who stay just and I pray for you you stayed and I'm gonna pray for you again I want you to note that there was nothing that ever said this was gonna be easy no it was it wasn't it wasn't in the promise it wasn't in the plan God says my yokes are easy my burdens are like yours won't be but if you give him to me cuz he's a heavy load sharer he's a burden bearer but because of the bruise on our heel we don't root we don't have trials and tribulations but God says don't worry about it cuz I have already overcome the world and when you get in your mind that you are already on the other side of victory listen you have never fought for victory you are fighting from victory you're already victorious that's the position you fight from you already fight from the position of victory that's why you have to be careful where you step you're not fighting for victory fighting from Victor you are a winner what I'm looking at right now are the kids who did the extra credit you you're the kids who wanted to do the extra credit to make sure your grate was secure here's what's getting ready to happen in your life I hear the Lord saying because you stayed he's gonna give you the power to stand [Music] some of y'all almost folded some of y'all almost gave up but but God said because you stayed I'm about to give you that little last bit of energy to stand and after you have done all you can you gonna stand anyhow you're gonna stand up against every enemy every demon every which every warlock and every devil I don't care how much the weight is on your shoulder he will never put more on you than you can bear and I want you to straighten your shoulders out and understand that God was creating a champion and he who has began a good work in you will establish it unto the day of Jesus Christ and I'm telling you right now that everything that you have gone through was God's Way of getting you to this moment and when you walk out of these doors today I want you to walk out in the strength of the Lord and in the power of his might and I want you to walk out of this place knowing that not only do you have favor but you are highly favored and I want you to know that your seat is covered and I want oh god help me Holy Ghost some of you all have been praying for stepchildren some of you all have been praying for children these are not biological children you've been praying for these are children that are by the person that you in relationship with and I come up against oh thank you Holy Ghost I come up against anything in your house I called everything in your house that doesn't have your bloodline to get in line with your spiritual line oh god I knew it I knew it was gonna break because some of y'all have some children in your house you did birth you're not fighting against blood you're fighting against the seed of something that doesn't match what's in your house but I call everything in alignment with the spiritual thing that you're setting up in your house stepchildren biological children they all have to bow to the same God and I pray right now doesn't matter who their mother is it doesn't matter who their father is they have a Heavenly Father that's in charge of your house and everything is about to come in alignment with the Word of God if you believe it shout yes I felt it in my sphere some of you love their children like they're your own [Music] what do you do when the child you're trying to influence has a bad influence you wait on the Lord something's about to happen to the point that whatever you put in them some of y'all have to send them back for the summer and you're afraid that by the time you see them again they won't have but God is gonna don't let it stay it's gonna let it stick God said it's gonna stay in this gonna stick whatever you put in them it's gonna stay and it's gonna stick somebody said it's gonna stay and it's gonna stick i prophesy brother next time you see them you go see a difference I gotta go [Music] just lift your hands you lift me up [Music] thank you for lifting [Music] come on sued universal acceptance [Music] [Music] before you leave before you leave grab the person once you're standing next grab that hand we're about to get out of here grab this hallelujah just look at me tell my praying for you father God we just want to say thank you for the word that was given today we thank you Lord that this is a seat for us that God on this week to come god we're gonna see some harvest not just on the jobs but in our homes God with our children with our finance and God we thank you Lord that you're handling all those things God that we don't even see it coming our way right now but what they've already been prepared for so all of our steps this year ago this week this month even for tomorrow God allow us to step in the places you wanted to step and God we just want to say thank you for 20/20 vision all these blessings we ask in your son Jesus amen [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 24,549
Rating: 4.9084792 out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, The Lighthouse Church, Houston Texas, Dead but still deadly, The Power of Partnerships, Pastor Keion Henderson, dead but still deadly sermon, The Dignity, perpetual blessings, Lighthouse Church Worship Experience, bishop, lighthouse church live, lighthouse church live stream, jesus, God, sermon, prayer, amen, how to pary to god, christian sermons, house call, please accept my prayer, god you are awesome, pastor, dead but still deadly part 2
Id: OCRd23pKlFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 11sec (5891 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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