The Misery of Memory | Pastor Keion Henderson

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also I am apprehended of Jesus Christ brethren I count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind me and reaching towards our forward our forth unto those things which are before me I press everybody see I press didn't I tell you Cindy that's what I was talking about when you said you gotta press I pressed towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ I hear a lot of people say I press toward the mark of the prize and they stop but where is it it's of the calling of God and in Jesus Christ the prize is connected to the call you you just can't press to get the prize you also have to be in the call and where is the call it's in Christ so this prize that we're talking about is not for non-believers are you with me today so in order for you to get what I'm talking about today you're gonna have to be in Christ do I have anybody in here who is in Christ now those of us who are not don't don't tune me out because I have enough gospel in this sermon to make sure that if you're not in Christ before I start that he is the hope of glory and that you can be in Christ by the time we finish my prayer is that by the time we leave here today everybody will be saved amen I want to talk though on this subject he says I'm forgetting those things which are behind me I pressed towards the mark I want to preach on this subject the misery of memory talk about the misery of memory because one of the hardest things that human beings have to deal with is no matter how hard you try it's hard to forget yeah I'm not helping anybody so far you have tried everything you can you have numb you overriding right you did all that stuff you didn't you doesn't did air you have done everything you could Ramar said he's starting already I read your lips he says you've done everything you can and is that it's at least five people like in five and five people I know I'm in the right house you've done everything you fast at you've prayed youyou have cried you have you have swung you you have you've changed your diet you did everything you can but whatever that thing is you can't shake it if that's you I let me give you a Baha'i five on the way down so you're gonna learn a day the misery of memory can I just be upfront and transparent and just put myself out there before you get a chance to put yourself in there and just tell you that one of the things that I have struggled with over my life is I've struggled with regret because I'm like my mind is made up that if I see something and I didn't do it I struggle with the fact that I'll never be able to do it again regret I hate missing opportunities I mean it is if I can think of one of the things that frustrates me more than anything is having not done something I know I should have done like if there was a piece of property the Lord spoke to me about investing in and I was acting with no faith and was being cheap and then I come and find out there's a piece of property my wife and I were talking about last week it was fifty thousand dollars when we looked at it we played around and messed around and then we found out that it's worth two hundred and fifty today if I had to listen to what God said then I could have made a $200,000 profit off of a two second decision for some of y'all I'm just gonna say one word you'll know what it means Dumbo only a few y'all I know you know how many y'all get what I'm sayin anybody just a few yeah okay okay okay I see how many decisions have you not made because of your memory how many things have you you know it was God or perhaps you thought it was intuition or whatever it is you didn't do it why not because it wasn't a good deal but because of your experience let me tell you something experience it's good but it can also be bad because experience will make you make old choices with new opportunities and sometimes God is saying behold I do a new thing but the reason why I can't do a new thing is because you keep thinking an old thing I want to give you a new opportunity I want to give you a new relationship I gave you a new job I gave you a new opportunity I gave you a new circle of friends and yet you still have the same anxieties so is it the opportunity or is it you I personally have had influxes of regret that I've said to myself if I knew then what I know now I'd make a different decision then I have to realize that it is not proper nor is it sanity to beat yourself up over something you could not change because the past is the only part of life you cannot influence you can do something about your present right now if you decided to if you're in a bad mood you can decide to feel good right now you can decide that no matter what happens tomorrow you're going to wake up with joy but you cannot do anything about how yesterday went are you with me so far it is difficult to be confident for the future when the only thing you do is dwell in the past I have to ask myself when I read this text here it is again Philippians three and twelve and can I teach you all today Philippians three and twelve Paul really is offering us hope and advice at the same time and I want you to look at the text I want you to put it in notes he's offering us hope and advice at the same time based on his own experience and watch what he says he says but one thing I know I do one thing and here's the one thing I know how to do I know how to I am proficient I am good at forgetting those things which are behind me I'm good at that I'm not good at preaching I'm not even good at being good Paul says this he says if you were to take all of the sinners in the world here's what paul says i am the chief sinner he says i'm not even good at following the Word of God I'm not good at not saying the wrong things I'm not good at not holding a grudge I'm not good at money management I'm not good he's giving us and I'm just trying to find out things that may resonate with you I'm not good at this I'm not good at that I may not be good at paying my bills on time I may not be good at sticking with the diet I may not be good at getting the work on time I might not even be good at getting the church on time but what I am good at is not allowing the Sun to go down on my anger he's saying that the recipe for happiness is to ensure that in the midst of your memory you also acquire the ability to forget forgetting those things that have happened to you forgetting those things that people have done to you forgetting the those those moments that you wish that you could go back and change he says I am good and I am proficient at forgetting those things which are behind me and I am good at pressing towards the goal of the prize for the upper call which is in Christ Jesus which lets us know that moving forward is number one number one moving forth is a selective process in order to be happy you have to choose to be you have to choose to be somebody is always going to take your kindness for weakness somebody is always going to forget how good you were to them somebody's always going to break your heart and somebody's always going to hurt your feelings somebody's always going to mistreat you you cannot get away from it because there are some people in the world they are not built to be happy they are not built for reciprocity they are not built to give you back what you gave to them and so you cannot do what you do for people you have to do what you do for God and for yourself because I guarantee you that there are many of you in here right now you are frustrated because you gave here all to somebody who didn't even give you half of what you gave them back and you are depressed and you are despondent and you are frustrated and you won't allow God to work in your life because you cannot get over what they did to you and that is what I want to talk about today because what I've learned about the human brain is that the human brain always goes to the area of comfort follow me today the human brain always goes to what's comfortable how many of you all know that there's a certain level of comfort you have and you always find yourself in that level of comfort I guarantee you the temperature at your house right now is always set the same it's set the same for the summer it's set the same for the winter if it's 72 you like 72 if it's 71 point 3 you cry no is cold if it's 73 you walking around sweating anybody has got to be a certain temperature for you to go to sleep you can't just go to sleep with a sheet on you you need a comforter because you need something heavy on you some of you all can go to sleep in socks I cannot go to sleep in socks I need everything off hey man Church I don't know about y'all but I can't go to sleep with no clothes on and all that kind of stuff but that's my comfort zone that's my comfort zone some of you all can go to sleep in a full flesh flannel with a robe on top of that and a housecoat on top of that and you're fine with 12 covers on top of that and and and you're always cold but that's your comfort zone and I guarantee you whenever you take two people who have two different comfort zones every night somebody's unhappy every night somebody's hot and somebody's cold and when you turn the temperature down when you're not looking she turns it back up and and you're gonna break the air condition because everybody's trying to find their level of comfort y'all gonna help me in here today am I talking to somebody in here today you own it at 68 she won't sit at 98 now and and you gotta find somewhere in the middle and whenever you find something in the middle you leave two people uncomfortable but what my wife and I have done we made a pact all right you can have whatever Tim but you want in the day as long as I get to pick the temperature at night so she can walk around and I'm sweating all day long but boy when it come down to o'clock and everybody in my house you should hear both because both of my mothers live with us you said hey everybody when they walk in the house tonight when they get in the house tonight after Bible study I've been living with all these people for ten years they say the same thing when they walking out whoo let's code they trying to send a message I don't care this is my time I don't care how many times they complain about it being cold this is my time I have been hot all day I have sweated all day y'all can freeze tonight cuz it's staying at 68 hallelujah praise the Lord do I have anybody gonna holla back it's a boy comfort is a trade-off we all seek comfort you know why you're sitting in the same seat you sat in y'all think I'll be asking questions for no reason do you know why you're sitting in the same section that you are sitting in Sunday because you're comfortable if the usher asks you to be uncomfortable you get a attitude that's it that's my seat Josie you did not pay for that seat comfortable if you come in that parking lot and they don't let you park will you own the park attitude because it's all about comfort when churches over some of y'all get out of here before their benediction why because you want to get out there before it gets uncomfortable so go back and be at home where you're uncomfortable Oh y'all not gonna say man and me today and my Holland is anybody gonna holla at me today moving forward is a selective process you are gonna have to choose to be happy it is nobody's job to make you move on you got to move on you don't listen you should not require an apology to move forward I'm gonna I'm gonna preach in here today whether y'all help me preach or not you should not require an apology to move forward somebody should not have to say sorry to you for you to get over it by the time they apologize you ought to be saying baby it ain't nothing I have already forgiven you it don't even matter if you didn't say sorry I was already over but I appreciate it let me tell you something anybody who leaves an apology to get over it ain't over it what they did is they use their manipulation skills to get you to bow down and to speak the language that they will not accept even when you speak it you should not need an apology to move forward Paul said I pressed or surprised I don't care what they have to say and if there's anybody who is qualified just say I forgot what was behind me Paul because remember when he became a preacher all they kept talking about you know you didn't kill people you ain't ready to preach you know when you move forward everybody talks about your past Paul says I can't move forward until I forget what they haven't even reminded me of oh y'all miss Annette you got to already make up in your mind that if they bring up your past you've already forgotten about it if they bring it up you won't respond to it you got to make up in your mind who you are before anybody else tells you somebody say it's the selection process I am asking you today for the sake of your happiness to choose to forgive people who don't deserve it I am asking you to move on slap three people to say move on fulfillment fulfillment it's only ahead of you it is never behind you recovery is always ahead of you it is never behind you forgiveness it's always ahead of you it is never behind you I have to choose how I feel we live in a society where everything that happens to us is somebody else fault you made me unhappy how because I tried to make you happy that didn't work watch this if me and John were in the argument right and I can prove to you that I could never make him unhappy if he and I were in the argument right now and I hurt his feelings and he say I hurt his feelings and then if I start apologizing and start to be kind if he stays mad then you can I can tell that I'm not in charge of his feelings because when I switched how I treated him he didn't switch how he reacted so that lets you know that I'm not in charge of his feelings he chose to get mad he chose to stay mad he could have chosen me and still be happy in spite of my ignorance which lets me know that sick listen to this which lets me know that anger is always an inside job the only person who can make you angry is you you need to write that down and put that on your refrigerator if I'm mad today it's my fault yes they did what they did but I could've still chose to do something different you gotta be in control of you somebody says the selection process you have to select to be happy I press nobody pushed him he pressed nobody pushed him toward the prize he pressed you're the problem with most people is they want people to do the work for them you cannot apologize enough to somebody who want to stay mad you can't buy a big enough gift to say I'm sorry if a person wants to stay angry so you have to release yourself of the frustrating weight of taking somebody else's feelings and making it your burden you've got to press toward the mark if they come with you god bless them if they stay back there god bless them somebody say selective will you choose to be happy when you wake up in the morning can you just choose to be happy okay things didn't go right you got a hole in your sock yeah you be amazed at what little stuff you let throw you off your whole day you'd be surprised I bet you if I go home and look at you and some of the things that throw your whole day off you'd be ashamed if somebody played it back to you some of the things that you argue about if somebody played your argument back to you you'd be ashamed to listen to yourself you just you just have to choose joy in the midst of sorrow you're sitting next to somebody who has every right and enough to be upset but they chose joy they chose to be happy do you think that when you speak to people that church that the ones you think are nice and you like oh my god they're so kind do you think that their life is perfect no they've just chosen to be content no matter whatever state they're in it's a selection process not only is it a selection process but but it's also a strenuous process I do you know how hard it is to press have you ever tried pressing well help this church Lord Jesus I hear everything just just so y'all know my sister just asked me yesterday she said how do you hear everything I don't know but I can hear y'all all the way back there everybody said it's a strenuous process Paul says we need to forget those things that are behind us we got to forget those things that are behind us Paul was no stranger to wrongdoing this dude was a bad cat like Paul was like it's amazing how we quote scriptures from Paul like he was such a good dude Paul said Paul said Paul better be glad that it's a thing called grace cuz if Paul was alive in 2018 he'd be the worst dude in the church right now Paul was a mess Paul was a murderer Paul was a felon he'd been to jail so many times that we can't even count them Paul was was shipwrecked three times beaten and left half dead bit by a snake he paused life we couldn't even handle the amount of pressure that Paul went under and Paul the second half of his life he went through all of that for the sake of the gospel the first half of his life when he was killing people nothing bad happened to him I know that's how some of us feel like you know when I wasn't in church and when I wasn't turning the other cheek and when I wasn't saying I'm sorry when I had that hard exterior they were bought now I done softened up a little bit and let the Lord in my life and and and and let the Lord hold my mule a little bit and now all of a sudden they keep testing me but they don't know that I still got a little Paul left in me anybody still got a little Paul in you sit down ain't nothing to be proud of sit down you got to stop dwelling on your failures okay you messed up okay your sin come to church every Sunday beat yourself up over your weekend oh I know I met some of y'all might not but I got some honest people in here they not to the point yet in their life where they have let it all go but they still know they need God and so they come in here Sunday if they could it's almost like they're they're hiding they're walking in Bowl but they're hiding because they know they didn't do right by Saturday they didn't do right with Friday they know they're living in sin they know that they're doing all kind of stuff they know it goes against what their mother taught him and they know it goes against the Bible but but they keep coming saying Lord just as I am I come and and we're trying to get it right and I know that we're not married and we shouldn't be living together and I know we shouldn't be fornicating and I know I shouldn't be drinking and I know I shouldn't be smoking but aren't you glad that God doesn't treat you like people do aren't you glad that God gives you the grace to get it right aren't you glad that God says no it's not right but my grace is sufficient for the and my strength is made perfect in your weakness and if I were you I spent about 10 seconds saying God thank you for not exposing me to man and thank you God for giving me just a little time to get it together I'm not where I want to be I'm not where I should be but anybody know that God is still working on your idea to give God just give God some praise and thank him that is still oh god I felt something shift right there anybody want to thank God that he's still working on you I don't say what I should say don't always go where I should go don't always do what I should do but thanks be to God that he looks beyond my faults and he still attends to my knees that's why I praise him this this praise isn't about a house this praise isn't about a car this praise isn't about clothes this praise is because when I think back over my life and see where God has brought me over I'm grateful he hasn't exposed me I'm grateful he hasn't turned me away I'm grateful that my past ain't old Front Street I'm grateful that my employer doesn't know who our airball somehow I'll paint guard who would have thought that she would ever get a good husband who would have ever thought you'd have a good wife Oh thinking God that your children are still healthy thinking God that you don't have a sexually transmitted disease all somebody oughta stop get off of your Holy Ghost high horse and get out of your feelings and stop trying to have your whole of those facade and paint God you ain't HIV positive paint God you don't have chaos on your body thank God while you sitting here acting like you've done everything you should have done and acting like you made all of the right decisions you have laid in bed you had no business being in you have been freaky and nasty and you ought to thank God in the house of God today that you are still on the ground and the ground ain't on you Oh hallelujah to the lamb of God you have had chosen by men you are not married to and you still raise them by yourself as a single mother and a single father Mayer to give God glory get your page your bills and your job didn't pay you enough oh thank god you don't even have the education to have the job you have you don't have the credentials truth be told you are never supposed to be where you are but the reason why you ask because you never stopped when they told you you couldn't you can't press it when they said you should you kept pressing and just when you about to give up God showed up [Applause] people have fathers say he showed up just before I gave up he kept me from finale one to him who is able to keep you from falling and present you before the only wise God our Father be glory Majesty Dominion and power somebody say I kept pressing I kept pressing I was embarrassed but I kept pressing I didn't have the credentials but I kept pressing I make mistakes but I can't press it I showed up even if I didn't think they wanted me there but I can't press her they told me not to show up but I showed up anyway I kept pressing I was embarrassed but I showed up anyhow I kept do I have any presses in the house [Applause] don't dwell then you'll pass don't dwell on your failures don't dwell in your hurt and don't dwell in your misunderstanding you got a you've got to in some instances get rid of your memory every second you dwell in your past is a second you steal from your future you only got so much time the Bible says that we got false card three we got seven years by good measure another score that means 80 so you are guaranteed as a Christian if you live a Christian life 70 years and by grace 80 you are 4550 still in yesterday steeling seconds from tomorrow that's why your future is gonna be so short it's every moment you spend in your past is a second you steal from your future when we were raising our children my wife and I had two different philosophies she was right in some instances and I was right in some instances and so we decided ok well let's come together and figure out how we're gonna raise him together and the one thing that I said out of the shield she had already knew what to do nine of the ten things she was right the thing that I offered her as a as the olive branch if you will to change how we will raise our children as I said to her and Tommy she's here she'll tell you I said she's going to be an adult way longer than she's gonna be a child I don't raise children I'll raise men and women I don't talk googoo gaga - no baby I have four Flair's conversations because you're going to be an adult a lot longer than you are child and so while you're up here raising your children out of the heard of your past and this is what single parents tend to do you raise your children out of your hurt so you you you don't discipline them when you should because you feel bad about them not having a father are or if you are father instead of disciplining we'll show we can you let him get away with everything cuz you feel bad for not being there but you don't understand that you are miss calculating the Providence of what God is calling you to do because parenting out of your past does nothing more than feed your children through an IV a sickness that they don't have to have so what you miss the first half of their life do not tear an out of your past make sure that you are there for the second half and parent like you were there from day one and I'm not saying walk in the door and be dogmatic but you got to ease your way in but the ultimate goal is to be a parent you don't have a lot of money stop going around and buying them stuff like you do if you keep on buying stuff that costs a lot of money it is no wonder they expect it you gotta let them know baby we don't have a jordan budget we have a Payless budget so you better learn today and if they talk about you in school do me a favor get straight A's and when they talk about social soon as you talk about their grades and we'll see how this thing work out in the end y'all not hearing me today we wore pro wings so y'all kids you got pro wing money but they got Jordans in her ah she's own my mama had pro wing money and we're up I remember the first day I tried out for the basketball team and my mama bought me some free wings now if you know anything about proteins this was Payless vest shoe back in the day but the bottom of it wasn't rubber it was plastic I remember the first day that I got that shoe and tried to act like I was Michael Jordan and I stopped but I didn't stop Shh I kept hold slide and they thought I was on a skateboard when we got a little bit of money she took us out of Pro easy we got some stay Diaz y'all don't remember them Stadium we have what we had we wore what we could wear we wouldn't talk to false flag and walk around and and half it just bothers me to see people walking around here kids and and Gucci outfits and Gucci shoes and Amy got dental insurance it's a shame and abomination before the Lord you got a stroke God Danny ain't got nothing to do with my sermon I'm just trying to tell you you got a strain you got a strain you got a struggle through this thing you got a press it's a strenuous activity life is not easy it's a strenuous activity but you cannot dwell in your failure every minute you spend focusing on your problem you take away from the power of your solution you got a move you're always gonna have problems Joe in this life you will have trials and tribulations man born of a woman is of a few days and those few days are filled with trouble so since you already know what the day is full of you got a surprise the day by doing something that they didn't expect you got it all right how should I say this okay let me see Ricky come here real quick all right Ricky come up here if I get two other volunteers just to come up here real quick Laurens coming real quick Brendan cold man come on faster you can do it too we can do it real quick I want Ricky I want you to stand right here now I want you to look at me I want y'all to do stuff that most people you know I don't even really need to have these too close to each other this ain't gonna work you come here that that's gonna make this lesson go a whole lot easy them two together it's just not a good idea I want y'all to do what people do behind people's back don't look at the screen okay now Ricky there's a lot of stuff going on behind you it's a lot of stuff going on behind you but you don't know what it is but their problem is they are worried about it they they are worried about what's going on behind them they're worried about what people are doing insane but here's the thing you don't even feel it the reason why they feel it is because this is what they do [Music] Paul said y'all are not a part of my destiny y'all keep going you're not a part of my destiny you're a part of my history so what I'm going to do is I'm going to press okay and here is what most people will do since they never know what's going on behind them they rely on the responses from the people who do and so they listen to the chatter and they listen to the laughter and they listen to the gossip and they listen they stay on the fall where people who tell them what people are doing behind their back but if you tune them out [Applause] if you trim them out and know that they have nothing to do all you got to do is keep facing forward and if you stay face and forth there is somebody speaking life into you and there is somebody telling you what you can do and where you can go and who you are and it only takes one positive person to help you forget about 500 negative I command you to walk forward I command you to look forward I command you to never turn around I command you to never ask what did they say keep moving forward because the Lord your God is the hope of glory not the memory of glory what they said and what they're doing doesn't have to do with where you are going and this is what most of us do we focus ever so slightly on what's behind us and when you get in your feelings and finally commit to turning around and confronting it you've stolen your focus from the future what's going on behind you is irrelevant it's beneath you and it's behind you why would you turn around to confront something you already passed up [Applause] you gotta stop living your whole life in this section of your life this is where your daddy who didn't take care of you is this is where the spouse who divorced you this is where they are this is where losing your job is this is where being molested as a child is all of that it so so slightly ever behind you close enough that is breathing on your neck but a thousand can fall and ten thousand at your right hand but I don't care how close they get none shall come naĆ­vi joke god the Satan Satan says to the Lord he says I would I would put my hands on them but you got a hedge of protection all around them if you remove the hatch I promise you he'll God says okay I'll remove the hitch you can touch everything that he has but on the man himself some of you get mad over close proximity even when it's not a touch you will respond because somebody got close to hurting you but that's a part of the promise he's gonna let him you can expect that but on the man himself you cannot lay your hand so why are you what they say what they do but your prize is over there so you mean to tell me that you will forfeit the walk to your prize to turn around and go back to your past oh the man looks for comfort and most people cannot move around because the only thing they are comfortable with is what they know and most people are comfortable in their pain because the future is unchartered waters and you'd rather keep confronting people because the reason why you continue to confront people is because you have not yet recognized that life does not owe you an answer so you keep confronting the past because subconsciously you want the thing that hurt you to tell you why to explain to you the cause the purpose and then you want an apology and then you want a hug and then you want to go back on a dinner date when people end up here this is where you leave them [Applause] anybody who wants you will press with you if they really wanted you they would do this I'm sorry they would press hard enough to get into your future instead of you owe me an apology you ought to tell me sorry you need to explain really what they want you to do they won't grow and they want you to digress Thank You brothers give them a hand people dwell in the past until the past provides them with clarity but the problem is that past has never cleared anything up it has never I want to call you to this altar today because I believe in my heart as some of y'all have lived there for too long if you're in this place today and you'll say you know arel I can't even fake it today you you hit the nail on my head as it comes to my life I want you to meet me at this object I don't care who you are this we're gonna get delivers tonight [Music] if you have a struggle to move home from anything I I really believe in my heart and i'ma say this with boldness I believe all y'all ought to be up here I don't think there's anybody in here that can say I've gotten over everything that's ever happened to me and you know it's okay now what do I mean by gotten over I'm not saying that you are still stuck but there's still certain decisions you make based on past incidences all said I I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling but look look at how he finishes the text and I want to tell you the last thing that moving forward is a spiritual process he says basically that I count not myself to have apprehended this in other words Paul is saying what you say it when you came here today I'm not perfect watch what he says I'm telling you to move forward and I still struggle with going back I'm telling you to get on with it but the truth is I still struggle we're moving on what most people will do in that instance they were saying well since you struggle to move on how you gonna tell me to move on because it's an immature response you should never ignore good information even if it doesn't come from a good source being told not to drink by an alcoholic doesn't give you the right to steal drink who better to tell you not to drink than somebody who is currently going through you don't turn down good advice because it came from a bad source so if your mama told you to get over it you don't stay mad and stay in it because she didn't do it oh I know I'm preaching mama how you gonna tell me to stay with my husband and you got divorced two times because I got divorced two times that's why I'm telling you to stay with your husband [Music] don't you be so angry with somebody that you can't hear sound advice lord help me in this place he says I don't count myself to have apprehended this thing 1st Corinthians chapter 13 verse 10 says when the perfect comes the partial will be done away with James one and two counted all joy when you fall into divers temptations knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience let patience have it's perfect work that you may be entire wanting nothing it's the same perfect perfect apprehended perfect whole perfect basically what he's saying is it's a spiritual process that moving forward is the only way you can become whole people who live in the past are always half half happy have peaceful you're torn in half because half of you is going forward and half of you are still in yesterday you're never completely happy you have good Monday's bad Tuesdays you woke up happy went to bed mattes there are people standing here looking at me today you can love and hate somebody in the same day some of the people in your life think you are schizophrenic when they see how how the broad spectrum of how your move changes in the same day they stay with you because number one is financially feasible let me put this iPad down because y'all y'all don't y'all want to I don't want to talk about what's real they didn't leave you just because they're totally in love with you they trying to figure out how to pay this rent without you [Music] this ain't about being in love this is about I need another job so that I can live on my own I need some honest people you are hard to live with the littlest slightest thing will throw your mood off and you know yourself you see yourself struggling to recover but you can't you trying you giving it all you got that old devil won't get off your back I'm talking to you oh I count not myself to have apprehended this but this one thing I know I pressed toward the poor my prize is a higher call and in God and that is in Jesus Christ the less spiritual you are the more evil you can be [Music] that's why the Bible says in the last days they will not hear sound doctrine people have found out that the more they know the more they are held accountable for so they have chosen ignorance over progress so did you stay at home but you are pushers you are God chasers you my sisters and brothers you keep working until you get it right you keep pushing and you keep struggling and you keep going and you keep fighting because you know God has something on the other side I was watching a video and I'm gonna pray for you it changed my life I'm always looking for inspirational stuff I was looking on Instagram I reposted it for those of y'all who follow Will Smith who I think is a genius by the way took his children skydiving you saw the video and he says that when you skydive the instructor says on the count of three we're gonna jump and he says one and onto he jumps because they know through experience that people grab on three so the reason number one that God doesn't always let you know [Music] when the deliverance is coming on when he because then he'd know he knows then he'll grab then he'll be for sure then he'll show up at church so he we walk by faith he just joined Sunday not by sight he says he says so they jump on to I remember your daughter came he says we jump on to and you see him in his children after that first second he says you realize that the thing you were afraid to do your whole life it's the most exhilarating feeling you will ever feel and watch what he says God puts the best things in life on the other side of fear [Music] [Applause] and if you can ever push beyond your fear if you could ever get beyond your comfort zone and precious it's on the other side that the blessing is waiting on you I promise you the moment you forgive blessings the moment you release the person who broke your heart into ten pieces right away I took my wife to lunch today she told me to write it down cuz sometimes I say stuff and don't know what I'll be saying I told her I said you know we were talking about helping somebody and I brought up do you want to help somebody who don't want to help them sit [Music] she said well that's something to think about I told her I said baby hear me when I tell you that we can be born without DNA structure I am standing here doing things that my father didn't teach me so you don't need a good example to do things but I made sure I told her I said you need to understand that no matter how hard I try I'm still him I said through all the things we've been through in our relationship I'm not sitting sitting before you through all of the hard times we've had because I'm a good person I wasn't born in a house where people stay married forever so this is what I told Erica I said being born again it's better than being boring [Applause] [Music] it's a spiritual process the more God you get in you the more forgiveness we'll get in you the more prayer you get in you the more you'll be able to turn the other cheek the more word you get inside of you that word have I hid in my heart so that when they come up against me I won't turn back to who I was you got to commit to this future process and that's why I am glad you are here tonight because something is getting ready to happen for you that you never expected God is about to free you from your hurt God is about to free you from your pain he's about to free you from your frustration he is about to free you from your rejection do I have anybody who wants to thank him in advance somebody say who the Sun sets free he is free indeed God in the name of Jesus over this entire body a fake freedom [Music] deliverance divine favor grace and mercy God wants to heal us everywhere we hurt God I pray that you would blot out our transgressions that you will help us to turn from our evil ways we thank you God that you chose us that you elected us to be sons and daughters we thank you God that you did not allow us to get what our sins deserve but you gave us the precious gift of the Holy Ghost and the gift of Jesus Christ we thank you God that you didn't care if we were white or black or male or female or Jew or Gentile that you did not care if we were rich or poor we thank you that you poured out your spirit on all flesh God would come up against racism and bigotry we come up against anger and frustration we come up against hatred we're all your children dr. King said it long before any of us were born and and while some of us who were children that you created us all equal he was talking about rights but in the spirit God you also created us all equally flawed we're all equally miscalculated we're all equally angry we're all equally frustrated but we cast tonight our cares to you because you care for us you said if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then he would hear from heaven so God we humble ourselves tonight would you hear from heaven on our behalf and God I hear somebody praying for their children tonight somebody's somebody brought that child to the altar God would you bless the child somebody brought their relationship to the altar would you mend their relationship somebody brought their finances to the altar would you bless with prosperity somebody brought their mind to the altar you are mine regulator somebody brought their heart to the altar you are heart fixing somebody brought their waters to you God you are bridge over troubled water God whatever we stand in need of tonight we pray God that when we leave this place today that we will leave renewed refocus re-energize rejuvenated refreshed we don't want to cry anymore we don't want to contemplate suicide anymore we don't we don't want to be hurt anymore we want joy and we ask that you were granted in the name of Jesus we pray somebody released the sound of praise in this place come on lift up your voice [Applause] come on give him glory [Applause] well you can do it I want you to give him 60 seconds of glory and then I'm gonna pray for you as you leave but just stay right where you are giving door give them glory give them glory give Him glory give them glory give him glory give him glory I know you want to sit down but that would be comfortable give him glory give him glory give him glory give him glory give him glory [Music] now we came expecting a miracle we came expecting a miracle we're like shaker we won't let you go to until you bless us we won't let you go until you bless us God if you got a knock I have got a socket knock it out of socket but god we won't let you go into your blessings we won't let you go into my church on the hill we won't let you go until we can rest at night we won't let you go until you turn our house into a home we won't let you go [Music] we've all heard somebody tell them a struggle is over the struggle is over hug them tight like you mean it the struggle is over the struggle is over the struggle is over the struggle is over the struggle is over the struggle is [Music] for you [Music] the struggle is over the struggle is over [Music] I guess over [Music] the heartache is awful for you [Music] this place long night and your mountainside has been rough ow [Music] something in this place [Music] that's been drugged the struggle is over [Music] God dismisses from this place never from your presence allow us to get home and be in order and we're gonna confront some evil spirits [Music] but we're gonna choose to press toward the mark we're going to get pink slips on our jobs but we're gonna press forward [Music] we're gonna be disrespected and rejected but we're gonna press forward we're gonna be misused but we're gonna press forward it's a spiritual process this a strenuous process it's a selective process and we're up for the challenge in Jesus name everybody shot a man hug your neighbor tell them the struggle is over god bless you I'll see y'all Sunday [Music] [Music] struggles over for you the struggle is over [Music] Oh for you [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] all the satisfy to me [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 86,444
Rating: 4.8617201 out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, Misery, Memory, Lighthouse Church, Houston, Rockets, Steven Furtick, Pastor, Success, Bishop Jakes, Jakes, Elevation, Relationship, LightHouse Church, worship, church, Bishop, faith, senior pastor, Latest Sermons, jesus, God, Waking Faith, imagination, determination, grace, success, forgiveness, sermon, god, pastor keion henderson, lighthouse worship, evening sermon, pastor, opportunity, christian music, god sermon, power, strength, missionary, gospel, savage jesus, jesus sermon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 12sec (3792 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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