Tackle The Text Manifestation Part II

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uh [Applause] [Music] now [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] now [Music] wow [Music] oh [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] [Music] i am here to give god some praise [Music] sure we'll find it here authenticity in this atmosphere anticipation with a lot of action we take it so far welcome to the lighthouse let me introduce you to my father [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up lighthouse we thank you so much for joining us once again for another worship experience listen be sure to comment be sure to like be sure to subscribe share this video with your family friends or anyone that you may know worship is about to start right now three two hallelujah welcome to another worship experience here at the lighthouse church as you know it is prayer time here in the sanctuary so let's go to god in prayer because if we cast our cares upon him he is concerned for us and he will care for us and take care of every need that we have so let's go to god in prayer father in the name of jesus we behold who you are we behold your glory o god we behold everything that you have done and that you continue to do in our lives father we ask that you will continue to make the way straight for us oh god we ask oh god that you will continue to keep us safe from any hurt harm or danger oh god father we ask that you would give us clarity of mind that you would give us a sound mind that you would give us peace in our hearts oh god father we ask that you would send your holy ghost oh god we ask that you would send him so that he could straighten out our path oh god that we you asked that we we ask that you would send him o god that you will continue to keep us in your will oh god we could be anywhere in the world oh god but as long as we are in your will o god we know that we are in a safe place so father we ask oh god that you will continue to give us your power that you will continue to give us your love of god and your mercy oh god that watches over us that keeps us o god father we ask that you will continue to cover us with your riches and your goodness and your love oh god father we ask that you will continue to keep us in perfect peace and health in these trying times oh god so father as we come to you and as we bring our minds in as we reel our minds in to receive your word god we ask oh god that you will continue to do all things well and it's in jesus name that we do pray and we give you thanks and we say amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah father we thank you we love you and we bless your name we welcome you wherever you may be to join in and worship with us for he's most worthy of all the honor the glory and the praise [Music] [Music] throne [Music] you're worthy of it [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] oh [Music] the crowns before [Music] all that we have god [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on we lifted up tonight [Music] [Music] and far from [Music] why do we lift you up [Music] foreign [Music] so we take a moment and we worship you guys so day and night and day let it sit all right day and night night and day let it sit around day and night the night and day let it sense [Music] we say [Music] [Music] how do we [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] one more time you're worthy [Music] oh [Music] so worthy of my heart [Music] god you deserve the glory and [Music] so worthy of my own [Music] you deserve the glory and honor and glory and honor and glory and honor and glory you're worthy of mine everything that we have got your world [Music] [Music] you is the glory [Music] listen i'm telling you if you believe last week was amazing check out what's getting ready to happen next it was so good that we couldn't put it all on the same plate so here is your second serving of our discussion on manifestation see the problem then is john the baptist is uh is not revealed until he's manifested into his appointed time but when he was revealed his hair was all over his head he had camel uh camel hair on her clothes for clothes he smelled very bad and he ate wow locust yes sir and honey so then you would look at him and say that ain't manifestation the reason yeah the reason why it is mr manifestation is because it looked like john they thought they they're looking for the manifestation to look like jesus yes sir you know on the mount of the transfiguration with a white glowing light and and his eyes are shining and his hair is like lamb's wool and his feet are are are like bronze and and that's what they're looking for but sometimes manifestation looks like a filthy stinking creature in the desert eating bugs and honey for dinner what happens when manifestation is ugly see most people want to that's why john did what most of the people found him in the backside preach reverend because that's why we keep the manifestation there we don't like that what does it appear to be sometimes manifestation is ugly yes it is sometimes it's ugly you want you know what here's the real deal here's the real deal when you do the etymology of the word manifestation yes sir it comes from the latin manifest us which lets us know that many of our manifestations have been infested by man it's really a man [Music] it's it's it's it's a manifestation doubt reverend too much man too much flesh too much us too much self and it goes from manifestation to man infestation you god now now you're god now you god now you're god and i'm a jealous god yes this is one of the ten commandments there would be no people and and he did not come to abolish the law but to what fulfilled fulfill it so i am still a jealous god yes and i will have no other god before me so now you become an idol and and here are five things maybe four that the lord gave me that you have to be careful when your manifestation becomes man infestation number one talk reverend when it becomes man infestation you have now ignored the sovereignty of god yes sir that now i think i get to have it even though god says not yet because when the dreamer is immature immature and the dream is premature so now i i have to be careful that i'm not trying to be sovereign that i'm trying to make god do a thing on my time because i'm calling it you're not going to force god to do it in your time frame because you desire it they that wait on the lord shall renew their strength matthew 7 7 asks and it shall be given seek and he shall find knock and the door shall be don't you know that every time we are looking for the miracle it requires the human responsibility and the patience of the miracle receiver to wait on the miracle worker all right so sometimes i gotta go get the water part and i gotta bring it to him and then i gotta wait on him to bring the water in the wine or i gotta go to the pool and i gotta dip seven times or i gotta pick up my bed after 38 years and wait on the angel to trouble the water whatever the miracle is there is always an incubation period and this is what most people do not know about manifestation is that yes you can call a thing but it must line up with the will of god let me stop because if we read first kings 17 and 1. the bible says that there was a king yes sir ahab that just had become king over the land but yet there was a prophet named elijah who was in the place of tishbed and the bible says that he says as the lord said to me i say to you there will be no rain nor do for three years so it looks like elijah called the thing into being yeah but remember he's the spokesman of god so when he came out and revealed that there will be no rain he was echoing echoing echoing what god had already said to him he didn't just decide he wasn't going to reign he was a servant of god he had time with god he had prayed with god he had fasted with god and god says you know what elijah ain't going to be no reign elijah says listen i can come out and say with holy boldness as a prophet of god that there will be no reign and i say to every preacher and every prophet we're not healing people with our mouth we are healing people with our faith because god has already decided to heal them and then we speak those things that are not as though they were because he spoke those things so we echoing echo all the way back from the time that jesus walked the earth we could just name this the echo chamber someone is going to ask for scripture yeah in the new testament for those people that need scripture of what pastor is saying hebrews 13 5 says let your conversation blah blah blah says for he has said i will never leave thee nor forsake you that is hebrews 13 5. it says so that we may boldly say yeah he has said god has said first yeah so that we this is for those who need they don't want the story of elijah and all of that this is new testament paul is saying for god has said so that we may say and pastor you've taught us about the word being a double-edged sword because now when god says it we repeat it so it is consistent and there is proof in the bible that whatever we are saying hold on hold on hold on hold on okay all right now you got me you got me you got me you got me because that's james the word of god yeah is sharper than any two-edged sword man but the word edge in the greek means tongue hold on so you shouldn't have did that to me because now you got me excited the word of god go back and study it read it in the greek the word of god is sharper than any two-edged sword the word sword is actually tongue because the only reason the word of god is sharper than any two-edged sword or tongue is because it only is it's his tongue in connection with my tongue and it only cuts if my tongue will lines up with his see there you go so it only cuts if i'm saying what he's saying because it's his will it's his will it's his will revelations chapter i can revelation chapter two i'm about to run out of here revelations chapter two verse one until the angel of the church of of ephesus right these things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand every time we go back all right let's and the angel of the church in smyrna write these things said first and last which was dead and now is alive and the angel of the church and pergamus write these things saith he which has the sharp sword with two edges help me holy ghost until the angel of the church and thy terror right these things saith the son of god who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire so on and so forth i bet you if i go to chapter 3 it says the same thing up and the angel of the church in sardis write these things every revelation that we have first came from the angel of the lord then to the leader of the church and then the leader of the church said it to the people so when i come up and i say god says that you can claim the house is because god has already told me that he's about to release houses and then when i come up and say go get the house it ain't because i'm gonna say it and you're gonna get a house it's because in my prayer time the angel of the lord told me i'm in a season right now i'm ready i'm getting ready to give houses that you didn't build go tell the people i come to the pulpit god told me to tell you to go claim the house that you want and then you'll get it because his tongue and my it's an echo echo echo echo i'm saying what he said but here is where most of us fail we love the speaking we never get to the doing yes sir that's it pastor as funny you segued into that because i think the most important lessons in life are the hardest to learn i think about the three hebrew boys they're in this fiery furnace and they're in there because they refuse to stop praying and the manifestation appeared in their doing of defying what the order of the king was that they were willing even until death to serve god in a way that this says i'm going to still obey god because if i obey him i'm not worried about what man can do to me i'm not worried about the effects of the flames and immediately in the after the flames got harder the manifestation of god and i think could it be that there are times in our lives where we're waiting on ourselves to manifest in times and in season where god has not manifested we have to wait into the fire because if i go through the fire i'll come out as pure gold i like what you talked about the the rotting of the metal and see it has to be formed in the the process of being formed uh if i think of an iron smith when he's has that metal uh when it's liquefied it's it's in that that that vessel but then he has this device that he blows air on it that's the quickening and i believe that there there is the the holy spirit will begin to blow on what god is forming in him for you and sometimes when then when we go out of god's will and manifest things on our own god says i'm going to take your manifestation i'm going to throw it back in the fire and yes you manifested this relationship and it ended in divorce i'm going to take that manifestation back in the fire and this time i'm going to wrought it with the quickening and now i'm going to come out a whole different person god is the only one that has the power of creation good god almighty brandon what you got to add today because what you got me thinking about man infestation come on man versus the manifestation when i when i when and i'm gonna toss it to you because uh there is another idea that manifestation at its origin means watch this it doesn't mean to speak with the mouth the word manifestation in its original language means to catch with the hand so here we are speaking and speaking and speaking but we ain't reaching up and grabbing it and we're not catching it you have to grab hold of what god said yeah you have to take hold of what god said that's manifestation that that i heard what god said and i grabbed it i pushed toward the mark for the prize of the upward call i grabbed it and and i caught it by hand and that is when things began to manifest in my life when i catch a hold of what god said go ahead be i believe it's when you have faith to trust and believe what god has said that you would reach and grab something yes sir but if you don't have the faith to believe what he said you're going to be operating in doubt and trying to make something happen on your own because you don't trust in what god said what he spoke you don't trust in his ability to make something or bring something about have you ever have you ever operated in doubt absolutely look in the camera and talk to a thousand people who've operated in doubt and tell them how you overcame doubt for me i struggled with believing that god could make something happen for me physically here on earth when i knew that it was a struggle to hear his voice for me but in order to hear his voice i had to decrease myself decrease who i was decrease what i thought that i knew and submit my mind my tongue my physical ability everything that i had to god so that that way once i started hearing what he said i could continue to move in faith according to what he spoke and then that's when he begins to bring about what he uh has planned for my life what he has purpose for my life what where he positioned me and that's when he begins to open things up that i could never even imagine even sitting on the stage like this well man you you've literally he's literally embodying manifestation yes sir because he's been speaking it i remember when he met me he said pastor one day i'm going to sit on the stage with you guys but he didn't get up here because he spoke it he got up here because he showed up when it wasn't his turn to speak talk reverend that's the word and that's the work by faith that's the word that's the route and and and he came and listened to us talk weeks after week after week after week oh all of a sudden he's an overnight success no he didn't manifest it because he spoke it he manifested because he caught it he showed up when it wasn't his turn and then all of a sudden the person who had the decision saw the person who was present and then all of a sudden it's manifestation now people who will want to be in this position we'll be at home time by god one day i want to be up there one day i want to be at the one day i want to be up there but would never come here yeah until it's their time to be here and it'll never manifest because you can speak it all day but if you don't if you don't show up if you don't catch it by the hand if you don't align with the permissive or perfect or salvific or uh sovereign will of god then it'll never come into your life i saw you raise your hand and i'm gonna come to utorrents so this is just to piggyback on what pastor torrance said when when you try to make something manifest on your own you become arrogant and so god just kept telling me this past week he said most people when they operate in arrogance they always act like they've arrived somewhere but you haven't arrived when you haven't killed any giants you haven't arrived when you and you haven't brought life to somebody else all you did was merely show up that's quick nobody expected you to be here so they're not expecting your arrival you just showed up so just be grateful that i allowed you to be in this place with people who have slayed giants awesome awesome awesome pastor i thought when you were talking you know i had a pastor rhema moment people want presents without being present and so can't take two words and do that he can do that but pastor and piggybacking what brandon said um it brought me to second peter 3 and 9. the lord is not slack concerning his promises um but it says as some men count slackness but in long-suffering to us we're not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance i think manifestation comes to those again who are willing to wait this scripture the writers letting us know through long-suffering not that we should perish and i think manifestation for some we're not willing to wait on others to do the manifesting for us so we want to manifest it ourselves it's like you go home and you thought stephanie's supposed to have the food she didn't have a food i'm gonna go fix it myself no you can't manifest with something that was originally designed for somebody else to manifest for you because you may know how to make it but i'm sure your mom's uh soup a goosey soup tastes better if you wait for it then if you go to do it yourself absolutely oh my gosh pasta i i don't know how my mind works because when you're saying something or when he's saying something acts past turns i think in conversations and while you are saying that and you're talking about being in the position and being at the right place scriptures that are connected and the scripture that came to my mind i think in scriptures is for this purpose was the son of god made manifest okay let's keep that aside the the whole earth is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of god so the reason why god or jesus in flesh which is god could manifest things is because he was manifested and could it be possible that a lot of people that are not manifested are trying to manifest things and by the way before you manifest the whole earth is not waiting for the manifestation of the signs but songs before you manifest things have you manifested a lot of people want to manifest the house the car the job and that's fine that you have not yet manifested listen when you are in your season everything you touch turns to gold when you are in your season everything works out all things this is why we we keep calling for things and nothing is happening because you're trying to manifest things when you have not manifested the reason jesus showed up and he turned water to wine and he and he fed the 5 000 was because his time of manifestation had shown up you remember when he turned when he turned water to wine remember they they said listen you know jesus we ran out of wine the first thing he said is my hour has not yet come he said it's nice but his mama says do whatever he says and see that's the problem are we willing to do whatever whatever he says before time before time remember daniel was trying to get clarity from god he had to pray and fast for 21 days yes before he got assigned yes sir how many of us are guilty of rain if it didn't i went to church on sunday and i tried to manifest health for my mom because she was sick and she's still in the she's still in the hospital so i don't believe yes see it's we got to understand the difference between manipulation and manifestation you're not going to manipulate god into a miracle man like he's dumb and don't know what's going on but listen i was looking at something on social media and it was uh jay prince and jay prince said that every when you wake up oh man i saw it everybody got a chance and a choice and a choice yes sir and when i thought about that i said everybody has the opportunity to come do the work part of manifestation because you got a chance to show up like brandon did when you didn't when you had the opportunity to come show up now your choice is what will you do with the chance that was given because the manifestation is really after the choice yes you got to make the right choice to see the manifestation so now here we are pastor that once the bible says that nebuchadnezzar is walking around his palace and he says look what i in the book have done yes sir i didn't did not i build manifest i manifest this great kingdom and the bible says that a voice comes down from heaven and says nebuchadnezzar you're removed from this kingdom i'm gonna put you in the field and seven times are gonna pass over you and you're gonna have to eat grass like oxen now here we are i've already manifested something but if i don't make the choice to throw my manifestation back to the one who gave it to me then i'll be separated from the thing that i thought i created that's that's in samuel that's insane that's in first samuel yes sir uh chapter eight yes sir when when samuel um is kind of dethroned because the people now want a king that's it and and then he goes and picks saul and and i was talking about this last time oh boy everybody talks about how saul ended but he started good says he was a good man he was a keeper of his father's uh uh flock and all that kind of stuff but see the manifestation became man infestation see that's it and that's when he lost the oil i'm also reminded of john 5. remember the bible talks about lazarus and and he had two sisters who um you know were used to hosting god yeah and this time that he shows up after a long day because they went to sin for him because their brother had passed away and the bible says that he tarried yeah and he waited four days before he showed up and when he showed up they were arguing they were arguing about who was going to get a chance to serve him and and and when god shows up we know the story they says our our brother your friends and people when they want to manipulate you right and not to see you got to be careful with manipulation and manifestation because now they thought if they called him your friend he would hurry up and do something for them right your friend whom you love your cousin is is dead yes and and and yeah and now he knows yeah i know i know i got the message i'm god i'm sovereign i got a sovereign will i know all of that yeah well but i'm here on the fourth day now i'm here oh and he gonna get up yeah i know he's gonna get up again at the at the resurrection oh i am the resurrection yeah and the life and no one comes to the father except by me now we put all of that into the biblical language which it explains but now we've got to step out of the biblical language and let's step into the cultural lane and find out that the bible doesn't say this but cultural says that they believed that whenever a man died that the spirit hovered over the body for three days so then it is intentional yes sir that he shows up on the fourth day not just listen not just to go against the custom but so that they will understand that he is not the christ because the christ is going to get up on the third day morning so he's not just working on the culture he's working on the crosstalk wait a minute wait where do we drop wait a minute wait a minute because he wants him to know who lazarus is not yes oh he is not jesus and he's not about to get up on the third day with all power so i'm showing up on the fourth day to show you who i am and who he ain't yeah let's put that aside and you're not gonna you're not gonna manipulate me into manifestation so i'm gonna get them up on the fourth day i'm gonna get them up on the fourth day right why you keep messing with me wait a minute he has some of that water that's the that's the allergy man that's it that's theology to show that he was the christ and lazarus was not because he remembered that's theology he was listen wouldn't he was already in the tomb the stone was already over the tomb [Laughter] being connected to god he already had a reputation and notoriety he had relationship so some would have felt oh if he wakes up oh my god this is the one maybe is this reverend so he he doesn't show up until the body stinks we are going for another 20 minutes the enemy wanted that man the enemy wanted that think about it the enemy would have celebrated if he would have raised him up on the third day absolutely because christ wouldn't have been who he was it would it would have because he would have been present so oh my god the spirit of uh is not hovering so the spirit is gone oh so now i'm going i'm getting ready to raise lazarus up on my terms and he made them wait four days listen for something he could have done without showing up yes oh he did not have to be present oh my god he did it before oh my god he said let there be light he did he spoke everything we knew into existence so why would he have to be where lazarus was just to raise him he could have spoke it remember when he was on the cross he says y'all y'all don't know who i am all i gotta do is call my daddy and he'll send legion he'll send legions of angels to get me off of this god he said i have to be careful what i say when i say and who i say it to because i speak those things that are not so the fourth day was strategy it was strategic because if mary and martha could have manifested it without him lazarus wouldn't have still been dead when he showed up the double-edged sword took place when jesus showed up they had been saying get up get up get up get up get up but he was still down it wasn't to the other edge of the sword showed up and connected with the sword their tongue right now he then why he had to remind them that i am the resurrection the resurrection reverend you didn't kill so when he showed up that's why he said that i am so he delayed the manifestation to avoid the confusion exactly exactly reverend that that's what it was about remember let's let's go back to john 3 before we get to john 5. nicodemus and him are in this battle about well are you god yeah you know maybe he is but then he says you know the first time he came with spices next time he come with a testimony so now we get to chapter five and we're in chapter five and all of a sudden we are faced with manifestation because he doesn't say i am the lord thy god that healeth thee or i am the pallbearer no this is a conversation i am the resurrection and the light and no one goes to the father except by me that's the answer to manifestation even the one that was manifested john the baptist sent word to ask him are you the one the one are you yes sir god and he said yeah he said go back and tell john that the lame walk the death here in the blind seat yes sir oh my goodness yes sir that's good man oh so the one that was manifested had to go back to manifestation so so what would it find out yes sir what is my position in here because i said hey reverend you know you don't blew my whole mind so so past the t wait wait wait wait wait wait i don't want to blow your mind this man then said that jesus showed up on the fourth day yeah as far as the number of men to prove that laughter wasn't the christ oh my god remember he was going to raise him i think he strategically picked the fourth date for those two reasons because culturally they believe the spirit hovered over the body but to also to show this is i am the resurrection not him now i'm about to show you manifestation because i already spoke in the heavens there had to have already been a conversation between god and jesus about the fact that he was going so this was manifestation absolutely that wasn't resurrection what took place on golgotha because it had not been coordinated with any other force no other man had said that he was going to get up nobody believed he would get up that's why when he got up there was nobody at the tomb but a woman there was no collaboration the only person who believed that jesus was going to be resurrected was his father the woman who showed up at the tomb because remember yeah he had to send her to go tell the disciples and peter and peter okay if i lay this temple down in three days i'll rebuild it not the physical temple the old earthly tabernacle he was talking about his body yes sir yes sir manifestation they go up to the mount of the transfiguration but everybody can't handle manifestation because there are some disciples who couldn't go only three could go peter james and john and then when he went up there he revealed himself the bible says that he he had a glowing white light and his glory came because there were only three out of the 12 who could handle manifestation because it ain't for everybody everybody you cannot leave that story and start going to transfiguration we are going to spend another 30 minutes but you know you know what i'm going to say is that i'm going to drop the mic on the floor give me your last word i'm done this is my last word [Laughter] i want everybody to hear that manifestation is not favorable that's my last word because everybody can't handle manipulation how many people saw john the baptist who could have saw him and said he gets to baptize the savior him yeah he he's the forerunner of jesus everybody can't handle manifestation because it doesn't always look because manifestation is hairy it's hairy it stinks bad diet doesn't look like and and who would have believed that on that cross talk reverend talk man that that was actually a savior talk the savior that's what that's what the taunts was about okay if you say if you are then come down that's what that was his temptation from the devil in the wilderness if you are who you say you are manifest turn this stone into bird yeah or jump off this cliff and your father sent angels lest your foot dash against the stone yes sir never allow see but he couldn't do it because he understood that manifesting out of season is a dreamer who is immature yeah and a dream that is premature gold would always say wait yes sir reverend you didn't kill this today and they that way upon the lord because sometimes what you are waiting on you need strength to handle it when it manifests but that's a different conversation god lazarus i think is the next chapter where the bible says that they came to see lazarus there is a phrase there i don't know exactly which which of the synoptic gospels that the bible says in the next chapter that when when lazarus and jesus were sitting and eating they came not just for jesus but also for lazarus this is the reason why i say this because it ties to what pastor said about the four days what would what would they have made out of lazarus if he resurrected on the third day they would have made an idol out of lazarus yes and god doesn't give his children idols he gives them blessings because the bible says without me you can do nothing and i'm going to end with this maybe the reason why it has not manifested is because you have made it an idol and god does not give his children idols god gives his children blessings pastor my last word i thought about what you were saying and i think manifestation in the absence of purpose doesn't equal revelation if i think about this church if i think about what it takes to build this church a board is a board but until it can fulfill its purpose it can't be the church i think about christ in that uh in first john 4 7 through 10 and this was manifested the love of god toward us because that god sent his only begotten son into the world that he might live through him herein is love not that we love god but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins so the manifestation of god was that he had a purpose and his purpose was to be fulfilled in the earth for our sins so that manifestation purpose in god equals we have the redemption power of our sins i just wrote this because it was it was amazing uh is the reason why you aren't manifesting is because god has strategically delayed the manifestation because you would get confused about who really manifested those things your manifestation will will always be delayed until you give glory to the one who manifested his will for your life good god almighty listen i i don't know where you are right now to me this has been this has been amazing because look at god look at god in john 5 raises lazarus out of the grave then you talked about the next chapter see the next thing we see him do after he manifests is he multiplies two fish five loaves of bread because when we manifest into the full glory of who god called us to be there should be more of us to go around we when we me when we really walk see because you saw god do something on an individual basis but the next thing you see him doing is feeding 5000 not including the women and the children that's that's how you know you're manifesting because at that moment you're also multiplying it's not one thing come on man and now when you speak it's not just so you can get a couch in your house now when you speak you're speaking that god will bless your nation your city your church your state that you're allowing the things that come out of your mouth to bless the multitudes and i speak multitudes and i'm not telling you this because i'm calling it i heard what he said to me i'm using my double-edged sword i'm telling you what he said there are multitudes coming in your direction people are going to knock on your door seeking your advice and your help and you're going to have to have something to say there is miracle working power within your purview and don't believe it isn't because i remember the bible says that the disciples went to jesus for a miracle and he said why are you bothering me didn't i give you the power to speak to demons now understand that we don't speak to demons because we're powerful we speak to them because they're defeated and because he already defeated them now we can say that i have the authority to tread on the serpent's head when you align your will with guards you'd be surprised at the miracles that be that will be befall your house that will come into your family's domicile that would that will be attached to your last name stop speaking those things that are not as though they were he has already spoken those things that are not as though they were find out what his will is and say that speak what has been spoken find out what god has spoken over your life and speak that i'm above only never beneath i can say that all day no weapon formed against me shall prosper why because isaiah said it yes i'm the lender and not the borrower death and life is in the power of my tongue yes sir i can say all of those things i was young and now i'm older but i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor seed begging bread i can say that yes because he said it reverend i'm going to give pastor torrence the last word he's going to pray us out i want you to prepare your hearts to give right now as you get ready to give i want you to give with um with expectation i want you to give believing that this next seed will manifest something in your life these are not your final words i want you to give before pastor gives the final word and here's why here's why god the reason why i want to do it is because if you give knowing the final word it's an action but if you give not knowing the final word it is faith and faith without it is impossible to please god i want you to please god with a precede that precedes the blessing that precedes the announcement you don't even know what he's going to say but i want to i want to know if you have enough boldness and faith right now to release a seed when you don't even know what the final blessing is going to be they're going to put instructions up on the screen right now thank you lighthouse south thank you lighthouse west thank you lighthouse central thank you lighthouse north you have been magnificent in the pandemic thank you for lighthouse 2.0 members all around the world thank you so much for watching this tackle the text they're putting instructions up on the screen right now but right now before we leave pastor torrance is about to put an instruction on your heart i want you to receive it and i want you to believe that things are getting ready to manifest in your life speak to a pastor perhaps i just want to because you said so much already it was so much said up here so i just want to close with this scripture and if you would just go there it's first john 5 14 through 15. and it says now this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of him find out what god will is and whatever you ask according to his will god will do let's go to the lord in prayer father god we just want to say thank you just for the opportunity got to sit here on this stage amongst these men of power and authority god we just want to say thank you we ask god that you just align your will not just with ours but with those who are watching us yes for god we know lord what it is that is in that you know what is in their hearts but god align yourself and align them with you that god that they are able god to speak what you speak then they become echoes god in this earth god they will have a resounding voice that will entice others to come to hear that sound to motivate others to come to build that relationship that'll motivate others to come to seek your face yes and god we just want to say thank you lord for the multiplication god that's going to happen because of the manifestation of your voice and your word in the earth yes god we thank you lord that there'll be children who are run to you yes that they'll be parents who will come seek in your face that marry couples god will bond together in you and become lord a strand that is caught up in your third strain and god we thank you lord that power is going to flow god because the power has been left god through your echo in your voice god minds are going to be changed hearts are going to be renewed chains are going to be broken god feet are going to be given stability and god we thank you lord through the resounding voice the echo in the earth that the devil's hand is going to be broken right now so god we declare god in this god in this prayer time in this this video god in this broadcast that someone god will hear your voice and speak what you speak hear your voice and believe what you believe hear your voice god and walk how you walk god hear your voice god and feel the strength god of your power hear your voice god and change god the perspective in the earth hear your voice god and sit like you hear your voice gonna stand like you're staying hear your voice god and fiend like a scene and god we thank you lord through worship god that someone's life is gonna be changed right now hallelujah god i see it happening right now god i see it moving right now god i i feel god your vibration right now god i feel your strength right now god that someone god is going to stand in front of a door and through your voice it's going to open someone's going to stand in front of their family and through your voice god is going to be changed someone's going to stand in front of a sick bed and do your voice god someone's going to be healed and we just say thank you god hallelujah thank you lord for tomorrow thank you god for new days yes thank you lord that we are not consumed for god your grace god and your mercy god has been on our side yes lord god i think a new mercies are being made new every morning and we need them god yes so lord we lift you up we praise you god we just pray god a blessing on those seeds we pray god that that seed go forth god that it do a new thing in the earth for those who sent it god that seed was sold god with an expectation placed on it so god i pray lord that whatever that expectation is if it be according to your will yes god hear it hear it allow it to work on their behalf yes and we say thank you america all the blessings we ask in your son jesus name amen amen what's up guys we thank you so much for watching this message be sure if you haven't already check out the box below and these are instructions on how to give also if you just don't know where to go where to turn who to turn to if you feel connected to this church if you've connected to our pastor in this ministry be sure to also look down below on how to connect with us and to just join us every single time that you see us on sundays or tuesdays whatever worship service that we may have and i also want to take this thing out with a prayer for you guys we pray that this word penetrates your heart may the blood of jesus be with you all the days of your life every way your free show tread he will be with you we thank you again for watching us and y'all have a good day hey everybody what's going on this pk here and listen i want to tell you that i get so many dms so many messages of people saying pastor how can i connect with you i love your messages but going through youtube is kind of difficult where can i come to a centralized place we heard you and that's why we created lighthouse 2.0 lighthouse 2.0 is our tribe it's our village it's the place where all of the people who say i want pk to be my online pastor and pk says i want you to be my online member this is the place where we go the watering hole the ecosystem where we all come to grow together and it is exclusively for you they're getting ready to put a link up on the screen right now that shows you how you make that exclusive step and everybody can't get in so you better take first movers advantage and get in while you can fit in i can't wait to see you inside of 2.0 may god bless you and let's do this thing for christ [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 5,535
Rating: 4.9770775 out of 5
Id: Y0agfIly8E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 3sec (3543 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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