After the Thrill is Gone | Pastor Keion Henderson

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there's something about that name I think his prophetic that you just keep doing that go to mark chapter 16 mark chapter 16 verse 14 mark chapter 16 verse number 14 so Jesus has died Friday he's gotten up on Sunday now we have about fifty days until we reach Pentecost Pentecost is when the New Testament church comes together and we'll talk about it as as the days come but how I want you to know that Jesus didn't just go silent for fifty days that that after he got up he actually had about 49 days worth of work that he instituted because God never gets you up for the sake of getting up there's always some purpose for getting up amen go to mark 16 the Bible says in verse 14 after he appeared unto the eleven as they sat and ate and unbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart because they did not believe what he said as it relates to being risen can you believe that those guys were with him all that time and saw all of those miracles by the way you must understand that all of the miracles of Jesus were not recorded in the scripture so there was some blind people that he healed that never got recorded there was some laying legs that he fixed that never got recorded they saw possibly hundreds of miracles they saw Peter walk on water they saw him change water to wine and they didn't believe that he would get up see people will believe what you do for them they will not believe what you are I want you to don't don't even if you don't hear what I just said so if I told you I'm gonna pay your bills you'll believe it because you're the benefactor of my act but to have to believe me and not know the perceived benefit see they're people they believe in what you can do for them they just don't believe you are who you are and what they don't understand is the power and in what you can do the power isn't who you are see how many of y'all got a job see the power ain't in the check the powers in you if you left that job and went to another job you can get paid somewhere else the power ain't in that piece of paper the powers and the fact that God gave you enough strength to get up to go to work is this does this make sense so they didn't believe him they didn't believe him and he said unto them go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature Lord why would you send unbelievers to give a message of belief you don't know how to use your enemies [Music] you know you don't know how do you see the only people you want to deal with are the ones who believe he didn't send believers out he sent non-believers out you miss your blessing when you say stuff like this I just can't deal with them see you missing it the ones you can't deal with are the ones God is going to use Jesus what's it ever said man how long I got to deal with y'all will you they went to sleep when he told to pray say how long I got to deal with y'all y'all can't even pray for our those the ones he said I think there's gonna be a heart when I can tell right now so he says he tells people look I'm getting on you for not believing not get up and go make others believe because there is no person who can help them believe in you more than the one who used to not believe God is about to convert some people in your life he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be damned and these are the signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out Devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover did you know that you are standing next to somebody if they use their power they can heal you right now this is what you need to do you need to look at the person beside you say you'd better hurry up and start believing cuz [Music] like literally you are next to somebody that if they access their power they can say I command all of your financial disability so tential name say you better get your belief up a go moon [Music] so then after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received up to heaven and sat at the right hand of God now that right hand is something else Bible says that his right hands there are pleasures forevermore right hand talks about the authority of God see God is about to put you in a position of authority all your life people have had authority over you people have always been your boss people have always been your supervisors people God says he's about the ship that season and he's about to put you in a position of authority touch through people say get ready to be in charge [Music] and they went forth I feel like the holy ghost is number and and they win for and preached everywhere [Music] or working with them and confirmed the words with the science following so he confirms their work with miracles which means that God actually backed over de Bechtel they said it and God did it how God is waiting all you do is open your mouth and declare it [Music] and if you just stop believing God's just gonna stop backing your message I want to talk on this subject for the next few moments I want to talk about after the thrill is gone [Music] let's talk about after the drill is going touched touch three people you're way down to say after the thrill is gone [Music] man I grew up in the house with a mama who led us and listen to old scuse me I think ain't nothing more of a blessing to be raised by somebody who listen to old school music I'm tell you we we were we would have to we had to clean up on Saturday before we went outside what know going outside on the weekend without making sure that bathroom was clean then dumb dishes were washed we had to clean up and and we had we didn't have no vacuum when we first started out we had to sweep the carpet how many y'all remember sweeping the carpet my mother would put in our green and Marvin Gaye and I've been loving that music ever since I still listen to her now my sisters and my wife and them know when they get in the car with me I don't listen to nothing new I get in there I find out all the new stuff when I'm in the car with them when they in the car with me I'm listening to the same old Teddy Pendergrass my latest and greatest inspiration I'm listening I'm that's what I do that's what I that's what I listen to and I in this Luther Vandross I just it's but man let me tell you it's this dude named BB King he had a good time her name was Lucille y'all remember Lucille and he had this song called the thrill is gone now because I'm saved I won't get into all of the minutia surrounding the terminology at the collection of melodies that he put together and called it a song but what I will tell you is that the description is is that there are some things in life that you treat better when you're excited that you have a tendency to lose respect for power after the thrill is gone you see you see if you get married for a thrill you won't want the Mayers for long because sometimes the thrill is gone I remember I remember when when when my wife said to me one day she said we ought to buy Kaitlyn a doll for her birthday that was a good idea dog was cute he came in house and lit everybody on fire oh he was cute then they find out that he go to the bathroom and ain't now they want to get rid of him because the thrill are y'all they send a man in here the three of us go some of y'all you got to that car dealership and you got that car and it was good because they told you you could get it in the first two months was gonna be free and and you thought yeah that's good because I'll be able to save up enough money in the next two months to put up and I'll always be ahead on the notes but life didn't work out that way did it and when that card no came after forty five sixty days you thought Lord Jesus I need to get his thing back because the thrill is go because things are exciting in the beginning but once life shows you that that everything is not an amusement part that that that that there is no cotton candy in life that there is no hotdogs you don't get sweet pickles and put peppermints in them you don't that that that life life is an amalgam of troubles in fact the Bible lets us know that a man born of a woman is of a few days and guess what you only got a few of them and they full of trouble Jesus has been with these disciples and they got an opportunity to walk with Him they have seen him change water to wine thrill Lane people get up thrill eyes opened thrill goes into the temple and turns over the money tables look at our Jesus sticking to the plan he's a great guy look at him going from house to house blessing in and and preaching at the synagogues and look at look at the thrill of breaking a few pieces of bread and fishing and feeding a multitude look at the thrill and now he's no longer performing the miracles and now tells them that the miracle worker responsibility is now theirs now the thrill is going because Jesus did just perform miracles for the sake of performing miracles look at what he has to do in order to perform the miracle see his his miracle-working ministry was offset by going into the wilderness and fasting and praying for forty days that he's able to perform miracles but not without being hungry for over a month he's able to perform miracles but not without being left and and the Foxes of the ground having holes and the birds of the air having nests but the Son of man having nowhere to lay his head look at the difficulty that's associated with the life that can perform a miracle so the disciples saw Jesus performing the miracles and they were excited that they were connected to a God who could perform miracles but once he turned the miracle-working ministry over to them and they now have to fast and now they have to go into the Garden of Gethsemane for forty days and be tempted of the devil see see it's it's never as easy as you think it's never as easy as you think whenever you see somebody doing something great and you sit back and say oh I can do that you may think you can do that but are you willing to go into the wilderness and fast for forty days are you willing to to let somebody smack your cheek and turn the other cheek are you willing to let those speak all manner of evil against you are you willing to go to your cross and let them crucify you and then say Father forgive them for they know not what they do most of us see the miracle but we missed the man we missed the means by which the man became a miracle wonder that God was a faster he was a prayer he would go by himself and get away from everybody he would go up to the mountain of Transfiguration and leave everybody behind look at look at how different he is and so now you've got all of these people these these disciples who who who have seen Jesus do all of this stuff and now the thrill has gone back away and they are left here to do the miracles themselves and Jesus has been disappointed with them before because we're that was a boy who was who was involved in self-destructive behavior the Bible says that that he was foaming at the mouth and he was doing all kinds of stuff and the disciples instead of healing him you know what they did they went back and said Jesus this boy over here is acting crazy and throwing himself into the fire and and and it's foaming at the mouth can't you do something with him Jesus said why are you talking to me I'm paraphrasing but he says why are you talking to me I gave you the power to perform miracles do you know that some of you pray about stuff and the reason why nothing happens is because God ain't gonna answer a prayer that he gave you power for did you know that that you on your knees saying God I need you I need you to help me with my finances and God says you don't need help with your finances you need to budget I'll let I'll wait until you I'll wait until you stop shopping and start tithing and then I'll get involved oh yeah yelling oh say man go look at your neighbor stop so that's one of them yeah they're there the reason why some of your miracles are taking so long as you're praying over things that God is not answering you know everything don't need to be praying for I hate to tell you that and I know that just sounds anti-climactic and and I know you say that you want prayer about it but ever you don't got to pray about everything Lord Lord give me the ability to to stand up no just stand Lord what do you want me to wear tomorrow I don't know and I don't care do you know that some people who actually pray about getting dressed Lord what do you want me to wear so that I can get the job boooooo no it's called preparation that's what's gonna get you the job it's called knowing what you're talking about you're not gonna pray up on the outfit and God gonna tell you to pick the knee-length skirt and the show tool insert and it daddy ain't gonna get you you ain't got to pray about that just going in and do what you got to do a lot of people pray about things and they ask God to do things that he has already given them the power to do and that's exactly what happens in this text now what is amazing about this text is that the Bible continues to prove itself to be inerrant in other words the Bible no errors there was not one error in the Bible not the original language now now these books that they sell us in the store they have errors in them but I'm talking about the original scriptures that were downloaded into the profits the priests and the epistles and the major and minor prophets there are no errors in it the Bible says that not one jot or tittle that not not one of the smallest letters in the alphabet of the Greek and Hebrew will be a misnomer or a mistake in the Word of God everybody say the Word of God is perfect those who apply it or not but the Word of God is in errant it's amazing then when you read mark chapter 16 that it actually mirrors Philippians chapter 2 and that's amazing because Paul and Mark didn't even know each other they were not even born in the same time and so now you have mark writing something that Paul will later come and write and it will mirror each other if you look at it and in mark chapter 1 through 13 the Bible talks about how Jesus is a servant and when you look at Philippians chapter 1 and 2 the Bible says that he is a servant and that he came and he humbled himself to the point of death that's what the Bible says and then the Bible says that he humbled himself even to the point of the cross and then Philippians 2 and 9 talks about his exaltation and then it seems as if mark turns around and says again in our text that he has been exalted and as the choir was singing that he has a name above every other name and then then Philippians goes and talks about how God calls us to the world and then God lets us know that he also calls us to the world and look at look at the the synchronicity of Matthew and Mark and Philippians writers who never knew each other who write about the same thing that's why when you come to the church some time and I preached a word and you say man how does the pastor knows my business our married couples will be arguing with each other and I'll say something and y'all accuse each other oh you must have been talking to past about what we're going through he he or she hasn't talked to me about anything is that you don't know the power of religion and you don't know the power of and you don't know the power of relationship and you don't know the power of coming to church you don't understand that the reason why you come here is because God is going to tell me in private what you have been dealing with in public and what he does is he establishes himself in the sermon to show you that the pastor doesn't need to be in your business that if he listens to the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost will download into my mouth what needs to be saying so that it would be downloaded in your spirit and God is trying to make a connection to let you know that he is revealing himself through the Word of God and as opposed to being skeptical about the synchronicity of what you're going through and what I'm saying what you ought to be is excited about the fact that God loves you enough to give you a Rhema word to give you a fresh word that God will speak to you into your situation on a weekly basis so instead of being skeptical you ought to be praiseful you ought to be thanking God that he won't let you go through anything that he won't tell me about that he won't download in my spirit Here I am standing in one place preaching to hundreds of people and guess what all of you all are not hearing the same thing although I'm saying the same thing some people will leave here and thought it was a relationship sermon somebody will leave here and think it's a faint sermon some people would leave here and think it was a Salvation sermon and guess what it was all of them because God is ambidextrous he has the ability to say many things through one word is there anybody here that that's glad that you don't say that you don't serve a monolithic God that you don't have to come to the water and wait on the angel to trouble the water so you can wait on your turn to get in then he has healing for the nation and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nation and aren't you glad that all of us can be sitting in this place at the same time and you be healed of finances and you be healed of cancer and you be healed of diabetes and you be healed of frustration and you no longer feel rejected and you no longer feel depressed one word but here's one Lord one faith one baptism but he can heal us all at the same time anybody want to give God just about five seconds of praise then he is not such a monolithic God that he doesn't have to heal on Monday and then bless on Tuesday and then give favor on Wednesday any glad that he can be everywhere at the same time anybody glad that you can get a healing over here saying a man and you can get a healing over here down on your knees and that we don't all have to be in the same posture and we don't all have to praise the same and we don't all have to speak in tongues but we all have the power to step on the Serpent's head that we all have the power to speak those things that are not as though they were that we all have the power to go to the next level and dimension of our faith is there anybody that's glad that we served that kind of God when Jesus ascended from the earth it marked the completion of his earthly ministry and the beginning of his heavenly ministry he ends his earthly ministry and passes that own to the disciples says look I've been here 33 years I've been in my earthly ministry for three I'll trains y'all for three years from here oh you got it from here on you got it from here on you got it I am no longer listen I am NOT going to try to do my old job in my new job at the same time I'm about to preach up a hill because I understand that even as God I even have seasons that in my earthly ministry is over my heavily ministry is about to begin he is now going from an earthly healer to now he's becoming our advocate standing at the right hand of the Father he is now in heaven at the right hand of the Father here is the first thing you got to understand that when God calls you to the next level you have to be okay with the end of a season or everybody's shouts in church when God begins a new season but God says I never begin a thing without anything and the thing that most of us don't do well is end Oh help me in this church Holy Ghost Oh we begin real good pastor I'm about to start a business I started writing the book I got in a relationship I met my beau as I got me a believer we begin real good but how many of y'all know that we begin good but we are always in well I thought he was my soul mate but you know the devil does we're sheep clothing we begin well but we don't end well and I am telling you that after the thrill is gold the thrill is go you are not listen children of God there is no more manner coming from heaven he is no longer gonna bring water out of a rock I'm talking to somebody in here today baby if you don't get some water you gonna have to go to the whale and go get it yourself if you go on some bridge you gotta make it I am here to tell you that the resurrected King has sent me to tell you and give you word that your mana season is over your water springing up out of rocks is over he is no longer gonna spoon feed you you are now a mature Christian his earthly ministry is over and it is time that you stand up and make it happen for yourself because he has given you the power some of y'all want to be on spiritual welfare for the rest of your life and God says I'm cutting the benefits I'm cutting the benefits you make too much to get benefits come on and help me in this place you are no longer welfare worthy I'm not going to give you anymore gospel food stamps get your butt up in work because I've given you power I've given you a party and I have given me anointing and here is where the rubber meets the road because as long as God is government you love him you love the Democratic God you don't like the Republican God Oh y'all ought to help me in here today you love getting your benefits but you hate when somebody take them away from you don't you understand that when they take the benefits that is proof that you have made it above a benefit line that you ought to thank God that you no longer need the benefits that you ought to thank God that you can do it for yourself I am talking to some of y'all here this is your season to make it happen this is your year to make it happen nobody's coming to save you nobody's going to do it for you slap somebody say I'm gonna do it for myself you have to be okay with the end of a season and let me tell you something if you read your Bible carefully when Joseph became the leader over the prison understand he was no longer over Potiphar's house did you hear what I said because in order to start a position you have to end a position God is not going to let you continue to be everything you've always been at the same time so if you're if you're going to be a manager you got to stop being an employee come on now if you want to be a wife stop acting like a spoiled brat if you want to be a husband you can't be a plan you got a change lord help me in this church today you can't be rich and have bad spending habits you got to end the season before God starts another and what most of us want God to do you won't got to bless you financially with your own spending habits you gotta end the season to start a season lord help me to say I ain't going nowhere ain't going nowhere I'm not going anywhere God is not going to send you good people and you still evil you got to end the season before you start a season if God sends two people in your life right now that you need and you still got that attitude that you got the end of season slap somebody said you got it in the season you got an end how you think you got it listen you got to come out from among them you got to get away from your evil ways there's some things you got to end before God starts God will never allow you to be you and the future you at the same time and bless you with a tomorrow you've got to put to death one season before God starts another season and I am Telling You and I am putting you on notice that there is a shift in the seasons somebody shout there's a shift in the seasons there was a shift in the season yes the flower needs to rain but if the rain doesn't stop then the flower will be drowned by the same water that made it grow and when the Sun starts to shine if there is no fall then the Sun will take away what the water gave it there always has to be seasons the reason why we have winter is not because God wants us to be cold it's because viruses thrive in heat and they die in cold and so God sends the cold to kill what was May in the heat and then he starts it all over again it's called seasons and if you don't go through all of the seasons of your life you're gonna be sick the rest of your life because sometimes God makes it home to kill what trying to kill you when it was wrong you gotta embrace all of the seasons Paul said I've learned to be a base and the bound I've learned to be contented whatever season it is slap three people say embrace all the seasons you got embrace no single season because if you don't do single right you can't do married right then you gotta embrace your marriage season because if you don't embrace the marriage is gonna be back in your single season you got to embrace all of your seasons because all of them bring something to the table we just want summer all life little spring too but God don't give me no winner I won the win I don't I don't I'm from Houston it's cold I don't like no winner you know you know why we all stick around here right now all this piling is killing everybody because they don't get cold here go to Indiana where I came from ain't nobody sneezing it's still 30 degrees there y'all hear what I'm telling you you got to embrace all the seasons if you ever have any season that lasts too long the same season that made you grow will kill you April showers do bring me flowers but if April showers continue in May it's called a flood look at how the definition changes if the season doesn't shift do I have anybody who you understand what I'm telling you you have to embrace the seasons because the death of one season is necessary for the birth of another he says my earthly ministry is over but I'm going to do my heavenly thing now if the season lasts two longer to rob you of what it gave you if you just make money from now on and you never ever ever ever have another financial problem in your life you learn how to be a good steward the check that you get is the level of stewardship you can handle he gives seed to the sower not to the store does that make sense he gives seed to the sower not the store see see what God gives you is what you can handle nothing more none less that that's not rocket science the end of a season and the beginning of a season is every one of our portion are you gonna be happy sometime you're gonna be sad sometimes sometimes you're gonna come to church you're gonna feel like giving God the praise and sometimes you're gonna come here you're not gonna feel like it sometimes you're gonna come here just want to want to be sadden you want to sit in your fitness and I understand it cuz everybody wants to do it but but somewhere along the line you're gonna have to shift seasons you have to shift seasons you're complaining days are gonna have to be over and and and you know praying days are gonna have to begin like you you just can't be walking around here depressed forever so I mean okay you shift ceases come on I know he broke up with you but so what I know you raising your kids by yourself but that lady next to you is - I know I know I know I know because we all got our own problems I know you've been asking God for a new car for the last two years and he's gonna do it but but can't you get to the season where you start thinking for what you already have but I was just was helping somebody but I'm really I'm really trying to get you to see that you have to shift seasons perspectives conversations it has to shift too much complaining it's not good not enough and good either because you need to say something sometimes but how long are you gonna try your methods that have not yielded any fruit anybody Beyonce you've been trying the same thing over and over and over and over and over again hoping that it work that thing ain't yielded no apples no dice nothing's happening nothing more than you are more frustrated with your method wondering why it's not working you got to ship seasons manipulation stop it it ain't gonna work trying to trick God into a blessing you guys oh stop it he too smart running to the altar this think he just gonna get food cuz you up here crying God like I will wipe revelations 24 and 21 and 4 I will wipe every tear away but I ain't gonna do nothing about what's causing them everybody say shift seasons you have to be okay with the end of a season some relationships are not gonna last forever and you got to be okay with it you're gonna have they gonna break up with you some of y'all don't mind breaking up with people you just don't want them breaking up with you ain't that amazing that when the Lord gave you a revelation that is supposed to be over you know it's holy but when they give you a revelation that supposed to be who he with that's can't nobody leave you cuz you you to bomb I my sister thought about you write about it be quiet season shifts I had to learn that because I when people left the church I used to be mad now just know season shift and good because too much of them will take what God is trying to give me you're not listening to me today you ought to be glad some people left you you ought to be glad some people can't stand you now it makes room for the people who really need you do you know how much energy you have been pouring into a dance season I need you to go to your cell phone and find out how many of those minutes was dead minutes how many dead texts the messages you gave out how many data how many doubt megabytes of data have you spent on dead Instagram pages looking at dead people who have no life to pour into you sneaking up some behind somebody trying to find out what they're doing it's dead let it go they don't matter what they doing stop looking at her you ain't gonna do nothing but get depressed over there trying to find oh who they leave me fo for watching care for she ain't even bad and she might not be bad but maybe she listen he might not be rich but at least he prays and he and he cares and even even even the reason why you get in relationship the seasons and the choices you make to get a relationships need to change you used to get in them because you you need a help pay your bills that need to change you used to get them because you didn't want to be lonely that needs to change now you need to find out God what does that have for me who's going to help me complete my vision who's going to help me - come on man who who do you have for me not who do I want for myself I keep picking for me and then I keep end up but what do you want me to do what do you want me to stop and what do you want me to start oh Lord I wish I had a church in here well I'm listen if y'all could get this this will set you free because God is calling for the end of a season and here you are praying for God to keep a season alive that he wants to be done with you might even be dealing with a season he never started and you asking him to keep something alive did he didn't authenticate Lord help me to save this relationship God says I can't help you save it cuz I didn't help you start it so what I'm gonna do is wipe every tear away I'm a rock you in this band I'm gonna keep you from blowing your brains out I'm gonna make sure that you don't have enough aspirin to kill yourself but as far as that relationship I did not authorize it so I cannot adjust it you always forfeit a holy warranty when you deal with unauthorized users whenever you let somebody unauthorized touch you you are therefore out of warranty lord help me in this place God is not obligated to help you and warranty you when you allow somebody to touch you that he did not authorize my daughter I remember my daughter teneisha I bought our iPhone some time ago and she took it to the AT&T store and and and the screen it broke and she took it to one of them people and got it changed to a yellow screen and one day she wanted to upgrade on the phone I took her back to the store and tried to upgrade it they wouldn't upgrade it I said why not she said they said well we can tell that this phone has been tampered with we can tell that somebody replaced his screen because we don't replace our phones were yellow screams so she took the value of a phone and depleted it all the way to zero because she went for fashion over authorized and she allows somebody to fix the phone that was not authorized to fix it and we have to buy her a new phone from scratch why because she let somebody touch it who was not authorized and whenever you let somebody fix on you that hasn't been authorized whenever you let somebody pray over you that ain't prayed in the word whenever you allow somebody to speak in your life that doesn't even speak to God you be Crees the value of your anointing Lord hit I got it let me stop so I can talk about this all day long I can talk about this all day long you allowing people to speak into your life yeah they are crafty with the word but there are they authorized and that was but what authorized dealer in the Lighthouse Church and his name is Keyon Henderson everybody else who speaks into your life is an unauthorized dealer that's why your destiny is so low oh they're crafty and they're smart but then are authorized no more than if I come to your house step into your house you are the authorized dealer you got to know when season's over you gotta know when they over and you got to embrace it and when they over you just be like you know what is over when God says it's enough of that job I know it might pay well but you'd be holding on to a job and God trying to give you a business when it's over it's over you have to embrace it it's one of the things that comes with giving we're getting older see there's some of us right now you and that 30 and 40 range you still think you're 20 but baby that season is over come on now talk to me when you get 30 or 40 years old you get sleepy at a different time it'd be time to go to bed I remember when I was 20 years old I can stay out all day long and never go to bed now about 9:30 10:00 I'm like all swing low Sweet Chariot I'll be ready to go to bed I'm starting to take naps now I used to never take naps I understand that standing up for 9 12 15 16 hours straight stop your nerves that season is over I need a nap I used to go all day long and didn't eat nothing just get up and run all day and work blow up by nine o'clock now be having hunger pains that season taking vitamins and I and vitamins seeing when I sneeze I sneeze twice now used to sneeze once not it coming tuesd I can't even sneeze once no more you believe the season is shifted I used to spend money on cars and and and expensive cars and all that kind of stuff because I was in the season where I needed it now I need to see my money and not spend my money I used to be in a season where when I drove a car and somebody complimented it it did something for me now I don't care what you think about what I Drive I don't care what you think about what I Drive follow me to the bank and you will see why I don't drive it I don't care what you think about it why because the season is shifted I can't put my child through college with a car if my wife gets sick I can't take them a Lamborghini and say you know Hill her R or if I get sick I can't take them a ferragamo outfit and say do something with it doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't do anything season got ass if you didn't stop buying purses and get some real estate you around here with Fendi bags and red bottoms and written and your season is shifting baby I don't care if you get mad at me daddy just told you your spiritual fight so just season is shifted yeah you bad and boozy but baby now it's time for you to get some property so you can have something to leave your child so that when you die they don't have to go to the church and take up an offering to bury you this season is shifting you know what I ain't gonna preach no more than sermon I am here to tell y'all that the season is shifted your mentality has to change there is a new day and a new season and it is time for you to let one season die and another season to live if Jesus could do it the season is you need to be in a save a season now not a spin the seasons you better start saying I don't care if you saved with $10 a week people be thinking that since you can't save a thousand dollars a day they don't matter baby let me tell you save $10 every day for long enough you save $10 a day for long enough and you look up did you not know that 66 percent of Millennials H born between 1980 and 1990 999 I should say and 80 is you know that 66 percent of us have no retirement and I'm talking to I can tell you right now I'm looking at some of y'all right now you are 30 for 30 to 35 no retirement zero you either are gonna work to you 90 or marry good one of the two and the way the world works and it looked like you're gonna be working a 90 how are you going to retire if you don't start saving to you 40 66 percent of us have no retirement opt it to not all are all properties and to pay down student loans well I wish I could help you I was I wish I could just right now and just and just stop this whole sermon and help you and let you know how backwards it is for you to be so consumed we're trying to pay off these student loans and throwing all this money at a student loan when at the end of the day you need to be saving some of your assets for yourself the student loan people they're gonna be fine just pay the minimum until you can give them a little extra but don't be giving nobody all your money they call you on the phone talking about can we arrange the payment plan yeah I'll arrange to call you back next month that's what we're gonna arrange I'm not saying don't pay your debt but I'm saying that you are your first priority you have to understand that a season is changing you don't have to think different not to change the way you see the world and you better hurry up cuz the older you get the faster these days go by were you young time go by slow when you get older you like did I go to sleep and now that woke up and my thirty what happened am i there my it goes so fast like do you know it's April yeah we just had a watch night service two days ago season is shifting number two everybody say go global with what you got you better stop thinking so small Jesus said to these non-believing jokers go into the world he and say go around the corner he didn't say start a mom-and-pop he said my first Commission for you is to go big or go home you unbelieving believers you still go global with what you got do you understand what I'm what I'm really trying to say to you is God is saying go big even though you're not big dream big even though you're not polished going to all of the world Jeremiah before you were formed in your mother's room I'd already called you to be global they're saying resonating with everybody because some of us are so small in our thought that even when we do dream we put God in a small box one day I'm just gonna start a little business and get a little side hustle think I'm gosh I didn't tell you to do nothing little I told you to go into the world whatever you do do it big if you do it big and you fail you will fail small if you start small you will fail completely does that make sense so if you go big and it don't work at least you'll have something you know you may not reach ten but you might reach four but if your goal is for you're gonna hit zero you have to go big I don't care what it is God is telling you to do right now go all in go launch do not play it safe you got to go all the way if you accident I interview people who are my senior all the time whenever I interview people who are my senior they always tell me I would have went much bigger much sooner he says because one of the fallacies of youth is fear we always play it safe you got to go big I have never seen anybody ever in life died because they were so passionate about what God had called them to do that God didn't sustain them with the ability the life the fortitude according to his will in order to get the job done you got to go big or go home you got to go large or don't do it at all stop going to school just to get some papers go to school and get a degree that's gonna help you if you're not gonna get something that's gonna help you don't get in no debt trying to go get none just to go to school I'm in school for what I'm going back to school for my for my for what y'all know I'm telling the truth always going back to school for what for mo debt because if it aint gonna help you make more money if you don't have a plan for it right away and if you don't have a job lined up and if they're not gonna help you do it why are you going back to get for what's people tell me our time you need to go back and get your doctor degree for what I have a I have a theology degree right now when I go back and get my doctor degree it will be convenient for me well I don't know where will I go give somebody $100,000 to become a pastor newsflash I'm already one and I'm not against education I'm not saying you shouldn't go get it but you got to even be smart about how you do that you already in debt you already can't pay your student why are you going back and adding to it because Commission to value no job that you're going to find when you come out of school is gonna pay you enough to bridge the gap between what you owe and what you're taking all you got to think everybody say go big or go home this is what's called the Great Commission go ye therefore into all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit preaching to all of them the Great Commission when when you Commission something you you actually give it a mandate so he's given them a mandate but how many of y'all know there's another Commission so when you work for Commission's see whenever you work Commission's then whatever you make the person who owns that gives you a portion all right so watch this the Great Commission go ye therefore into all the world what he's actually telling them is that globalization is actually your portion that I guarantee you global because I didn't call you a prophet to the neighborhood I called you a prophet to the nation's just touch somebody say you're sitting next to somebody who's global you are did you know that that you are global that you have world dominance in your vision that not only are you supposed to be working in Houston but you're also supposed to be doing things in Africa and you're supposed to be doing things in Uruguay you're supposed to be doing things all over the world God says I don't know what the devil has done with his children but I know what I have done with mine and I have given every one of you the propensity to go large to be global to be a stinker in this world to be a global partner to do things on a large scale you don't always have to be praising God for what he's done for somebody else somebody needs to start praising God for what he's done for you they need to start reading about what God has done for you they need to start asking you for your advice you don't need to always be asking somebody to tell you what to do you need to put your plan to action so they will ask you see this this this message ain't for everybody because people are afraid of big stuff you know why because when you do big things you got to go into the mountains and pray and you got to go and fast for 40 days and I knew this sermon was gonna be hard because just like the disciples some of y'all don't believe and I am up here telling you the same things that Jesus told his disciples to go big or go home and some of you all are still sitting there in your fear tell me but I can't do it I don't have the education nobody knows me I don't have the hookups God did not ask you who you knew he did not ask you what you had he told you to go how many I received his word in this place today and unless he says this is why I was saying this is prophetic will baptizing them in the name of Jesus you're gonna end one season and begin another and you're gonna go global in the name of Jesus you're not gonna do it in your name and you can have more degrees than a thermometer that ain't gonna help you you can have a business plan written out and it ain't gonna do nothing but be fire paper you're gonna do this in the name of Jesus and he goes on to tell them that in the name of Jesus that you can drink poison and not die that's what he said you you can drink the poison of a snake and nothing will happen to you if you need Bible to prove that the Bible says that Paul puts his hand in fire and it's bitten by a snake and nothing happens in the name of Jesus see the name of Jesus breaks yokes the name of Jesus is the strong tower the name of Jesus it's a name above every other name see what you don't understand is you're going in your name he says your name is only strong when you connect it to a name that's above every other name and when you go to work tomorrow don't go in your name go in the name of Jesus so when you go to that work interview you don't go in thinking that your outfit is gonna get you the job you're in they're waiting on them to call your name and while you're waiting on them to call your name guess what name you're calling Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus do something with the person who's gonna read my report do something with somebody who's gonna see my resume get my name in the name of Jesus I command my resume to fall into the right hands in the name of oh I wish I had some take your situation right now and start applying the name of Jesus to you can't even be saved without the name of Jesus the Lord Jesus and believe in our heart that God has raised a son from the dead thou shalt be saved there was something about the name of Jesus and here's here's the problem you're not utilizing it correctly you're not using your you're not utilizing it correctly you're using it for praise it's really a name for access well y'all missing this sermon did you know that Mary and Joseph did not name him Jesus no God told them and his name shall be God named him his father told his mother and stepfather what his name would be because watch this the name of Jesus is the only name that has equivalent power in heaven hell and earth if you go to hell thou are there if you go to heaven thou are there if you are in the earth thou are there in other words the name of Jesus has access on every level what has been loosed in heaven has already been bound on earth and what has been bound on that has already been loosed in heaven why because of the name of Jesus [Music] you don't use it you don't you don't get that name that name of Jesus destroys yokes demons are subject to it you dealing with evil people you don't got a custom I just say in the name of Jesus I bind their spirit you think it makes you holy but you know what I told you again the name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run in and be saved if you'll start utilizing that name instead of coming in your own flesh and coming in your own trying to get even and letting people know that you're not weakened that you're not that you're not a pushover you're trying to you're so busy trying to show how strong you are and it is only in your weakness that he is made strong so why are you trying to show us how strong and tough you are and how much you not gonna take I dare you to come out of your flesh and start applying Jesus to people and watch what they will do what put the light I dare you right now instead of arguing with somebody I'll tell you to look at the enemy say you know what I find you in the name of Jesus and instead of cussing the mouse start praying for God right now in the name of Jesus would you do something with them that I cannot do you've got to call on the name of Jesus somebody say Jesus that's why I said was prophetic because everything that I'm talking about today you can do in the name of Jesus Jesus climbed up a hill called Calvary he climbs up a hill called Calvary a man who knew no sin became sin so that we might be the righteousness of God and now that Jesus who climbed up a hill with no sin can now send His grace down a hill and save those of us who are sinful it is all done in the here is my favorite term in the matchless name of Jesus have you ever heard that terminology the matchless name of Jesus there is no name under heaven and earth by which men shall be saved it is the only name that makes demons tremble in hell it is the only name that makes angels bow in the heavens it is the only name that makes knees bow in the earth somebody ought to call on the name of Jesus I remember time in church as you said the name of Jesus the whole church will go crazy right now for some of us God means blessings it means money you say money they run around the church you say blessing they run around the church you say miracle they run around in church but they don't understand that I don't need a miracle I don't need a blessing I don't need a car I don't need a house I just need the name of Jesus when I walk with the name of Jesus I walk into the bank with a 500 credit score and Jesus will make everything all right when I call on the name of Jesus application there to go to that are normally be did not why because I came in the name of Jesus stop going in the name of your finances stop going in the name of your money he will not bless you according to what you have but it will be a quarter his riches and glory that name that's above every other name Church whatever you do you better do it in the name of Jesus it's more powerful than politics it's more powerful than pain it's more powerful than poverty there's a little sin that in the war you never find an atheist in the foxhole cuz every time one of those bullets come off even an atheist say help me Jesus cuz that's the name of Jesus every needs known about he God will fix the situation where whether even if you don't believe he'll make you call his name so since you gonna have to call his name you might as well be a believer and benefit from it because the unbelievers still don't have to say it but nothing's gonna happen when they do hear what I just said the Atheist is still going to have to say his name but nothing will happen believers call his name and demons tremble you are saved Jesus from this point on he's gone back he's at the right hand of the Father the thrill is gone what are you gonna do now because if it's gonna work you gonna have to work it you gonna have to end the season you gonna have to go global in you gonna have to do the name of Jesus and right now the warefare line is closed to you stop looking for the mana to come out of heaven cuz it ain't coming don't go to that rock won't be no water there you know that pillar of cloud by day and that pillar of fire by night you know that look that little thing that gotta give you to show you exactly where he wants you to go it's gone you gonna have to seek Him you will have to seek his face this is the season that we are in and this is the lesson you must learn if you will benefit from Pentecost because in the last day he will pour out his spirit on all flesh and he's looking for you and I to respond the only thing you ought to want him to say to you is that good and faithful servant you have been faithful over a few things and because you went global even though you wasn't good and because you ended a season and started another because of that and you did it in my name I'll make you ruler over many things this is your year to rule this is your year to rule this is your year to take over this is your year to stand fast and stand firm this is your year to see things you've never seen before it's your year to walk into the newness of life it's your year to be happy and not sad depress one week said my happy to next week this is the year to have joy unspeakable joy this is the year for you to be happy with yourself no matter what that means not this this is the year for you to know he created you the way you are and you know the way you were made it don't matter how much you exercise you're never gonna look like her the gold lamé to look like her the goal is to be the best version of you [Music] come on sister some of y'all what made to be a to you ain't gonna never be a to you around here starving yourself thinking that that a2 is beautiful it is for somebody but somebody like a 9 and a 10 and 16 come on y'all holla back get some boy as long as you are healthy as long as you're healthy and as long as you're meeting the requirements of the stage of life you're in
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 57,922
Rating: 4.8403139 out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, After the Thrill is Gone, pastor keion henderson, power of success, elevation church, Christian Church, church, Bishop, I Surrender All, faith, senior pastor, trust, Instant Inspiration, Winning Spirit, Latest Sermons, Lighthouse, jesus, God, Waking Faith, power of passion, Christmas At Elevation, Sun Stand Still, Power of Success, waking faith, latest sermons, lighthouse, god, sermon, gospel, surrender, resurrection, message, fear, pastor, power, success, grace, forgiveness
Id: Rj3JZIw0XwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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