When God reverses the curse | Pastor Keion Henderson

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let's pick up where we left off last Sunday go with me to the book of Hosea chapter number 2 go to hosea chapter number 2 I want you to indulge me for a moment because I normally would just read a couple of verses and then skip over it and let you go and we'll get started with the word but I think it's important that we talk about everything that's in this text it won't take any longer than normal but I want to read it so that you'll have context as I explain the text say man I want you to go to hosea chapter 2 verse 16 they're going to put it on the screen and I'm gonna get to reading so that way we can get to the Word of God the Bible says and I'm reading in the new English translation for this particular sermonic expression so it may be slightly different from yours but I wanted you to hear it in this translation hosea chapter 2 verse 16 in the NE t says at that time declares the lord you will call my husband you will never again call me my master for I will remove the names of bells idols from your lips so that you will never utter his name again at that time I will make a covenant for them with the wild animals the birds of the air and the creatures that crawl on the ground and I will abolish the warrior's bow and sword that is every weapon of warfare from the land and I will allow them to live securely somebody say you're gonna live securely I will commit myself to you forever somebody say forever I will commit myself to you in righteousness and justice in steadfast love and tender compassion I will commit myself to you and faithfulness then you will acknowledge the Lord verse 21 at that time I will willingly respond declares the Lord I would respond to the sky and the sky will respond to the ground then the ground rules Spahn to the grain the new wine in the olive oil and they will respond to God's splints just real then I will plant her as my own in the land and I will have pity on no pity somebody say no pity and then he says I will say to not my people you are now my people and I will say you are my god go to chapter 3 go to chapter 3 and I'm almost done chapter 3 verse number 1 chapter 3 verse number 1 if you got to say man here's what he says the Lord said to me go show love to your wife again even though she loves another man and continually commits adultery likewise the Lord loves the Israelites although they turned to other gods and love to other raisin Kate's to Idol gods so I paid 15 shekels of silver and seven bushels of barley to purchase her back then I told her you must live with me many days you must not commit adultery I'll have sexual intercourse with another man and I will wait for you for the Israelites must live many days without a king or Prince without sacrifices are without fertility pillars without an ephod are without idols God says I'm stripping you when I bring you home but verse 5 afterwards the Israelites will turn and seek the Lord their God and their Davidic covenant then they will submit to the Lord and fear and receive His blessings in the future thus as the reading of the word of God if you were here last Sunday you heard me talking about how God has cursed Israel now it seems like God has gotten in his feelings and said the opposite this week of what he said last week last week he says you're not my wife this week he says you are my wife last week he says I'm a bottle of you from the land this year this day he said that lands gonna respond to you last week he says I have nothing to do with you this week he's saying I'm your God and you are my people I want to talk about reversing the curse I want you to high-five everybody on your way down to your seat and tell them God is about to reverse the curse in your life man you may be seated in the presence of the Lord how many want to shout that God's about to reverse the curse in your life this this part of the text is an absolute about-face from what God just said to us in our last reading Israel now it's under a curse for idolatry yes God as he stands is poised to forgive Israel of a mess that Israel got themselves into is there anybody in the light house are watching online that knows that we serve a God that will get you out of stuff that you got yourself into that ain't hardly convincing I said is there anybody in here that knows we serve a god that will get you out of a mess that you got yourself into you knew it was a mess when you were headed there you knew it was a mess when you went you knew it was a mess when you said yes anybody want to thank God that he'll bless you in your mess it's exactly what he does for Israel Israel has turned their back on God they have turned their back on God and they are worshiping a god named bill be a al everybody say bill bill is not a monolithic God nor is he of the kind of guy he's a polytheistic expression and that is to say that you don't just serve Him you serve all of his sub deities that is that bill also represents the god of fertility but there's also the God of rain and there's also the God of the Sun and there's also the god of the moon and then there's the god of the earth Polly many polytheistic theistic God theology the study of God polytheistic the worship of many gods and so now they are worshipping many gods still the plant that watch this worshipping many gods still realize on the only God isn't that amazing that that they will step out on God and receive benefits from a god and yet rely on God as if he is to be there whenever they decide they want him have you ever had people in your life that they only use you for what they can get leave you for something else and when that dries up they come back like they never walked away this is exactly what Israel has done to God God has gotten them through many dangers toils and snares and now after God has gotten them out enough and and has upgraded them now Bale wants them to worship them you see there are some people that only want you and I don't want to bust your bubble they only want you because somebody else upgraded you Oh y'all don't want to say man if you were in the same state before that person that God blessed you to raise your level of thinking that that person god blessed you to change you out of those baggy clothes and put you in something that fit come on talk to me that that got you off of alcohol and off of drugs and and sharpens your speech and help you to fill out your FAFSA form and sent you back to school now all of a sudden you forgot who took you when you were rusty or somebody in here you ought to never leave the Lord because the fact that when God got you he didn't get a good deal when God got you you had an attitude problem when God got you you wasn't tired that when God got you you had issues and God has fits you up and dust you off and started you out on your way and if God before you he's more than the world against you I believe that we owe God a praise not because of how he deals with us as we are but the fact that he dealt with us in the condition that we came is there anybody oh god I wish I had 36 people just thank God right there that he took you when you didn't deserve to be taken that he blessed you where you didn't deserve to be blessed that he kept you when you didn't deserve to be kept somebody's slap your neighbors say we serve a faithful God the Bible says that hosea says in the text someday everybody say someday when God restores the people he says someday they will banish the name Bale from their lips they are currently worshiping bill but Hosea is talking about a day where they were no longer worship bill they are still worshipping the idols but he is talking about a day when they were no longer worship the idols they are still in the Evan flow of idol worship the bill is talking futuristically about a day that they were returned back as the young man said to their first love because what Hosea does to us is he gives us our first point for living for today's sermon and that is that no matter what your circumstance is you have to develop a speech that speaks to the future somebody say a futuristic speech yeah Hosea is talking about a day that has not yet come Hosea is talking about an opportunity that's in the future Hosea is talking about the day that they will no longer worship God they are currently worshipping God but he speaks futuristically here's point number one and I'm speaking to everybody in here if you're going to reverse the curse in your life the first thing you're going to have to do is reverse your speech touch three people to say reverse your speech it's important that you reverse your speech most of us in here are always talking about the past we're always talking about the good old days we're always talking about when we were a size five we're always talking about when we were this and when we were that but the truth is you ain't a five or six anymore you are 14 and you better thank God for do I have anybody in here the fact is is you don't make as much money as you used to but the truth is is you ought to thank God that you haven't lost anything even though your income is going down touch your neighbor say you got a reversal speech and while you are developing a speech that is in the opposite of your circumstance you have to also understand that life puts a demand on anybody who has a pro pissah tee the gall and mitigation to speak about the future while you're still in your presence oh I wish I had about people who came to church today they didn't just come to put on your Mother's Day outfit and look cute oh I'm gonna say something about the momma's butt touch don't let me say I know I know I'm a mom I don't need him to preach about me I was am I was a momma when I was pregnant for nine months I knew I was a momma when I laid on the table and gave birth to that baby I don't need to be reminded the fact that I'm a mama I need to be reminded that God is about to reverse this curse not only on me but also on my children i'ma get there but I need somebody in the house that understands that when God reverses this curse he's gonna do it for your whole house somebody ought to shout so mom was the first thing I'm telling you is you got a reverse your speech you got a reverse no speech I don't know they daddy ain't none but you got a reverse no speech I know he ain't paid child support but you got a reverse no speech I know that you're the one that took him to school and you're the one that bathed them and I know you did it by yourself but hit that reverse slap he'll I need every sister to slap another sister and say put that thing in reverse I don't care if he wasn't there you ought to tell your child that even though your father wasn't there let me introduce you to my father his name is Jesus the Christ slap your neighbor say reverse your speech but understand that when you have a speech that speaks to the future it puts a demand on your life that the devil doesn't like Joseph would have been fine if he would have talked about the present Joseph got in trouble because he told him I had a dream and in that dream when I saw you in the future I saw you bowing to me understand that a future speech puts a demand on your life it's the reason why Jesus was crucified Jesus was saying to them listen you're talking to the resurrection and one of these days I'm going to go back and be with the father and while you are looking at me the scripture and the prophecy of Isaiah has been fulfilled and thusly he is living the cross for crucifixion because whenever you speak to the future somebody always to kill you and assassinate you because a future speech puts a demand on your life that living in the past does not require out of you I came to tell somebody in here if you ever get the courage to speak about tomorrow somebody's gonna try to take you out oh you're not here with me today if you have the courage to speak about tomorrow somebody's gonna try to take you out today but I came to tell everybody in here who got up this morning that is a reversal speech you're gonna see God start to change things in your life that your life is going to go in the direction of your conversation so I want to tell you today to change the way you talk and you'll see that God will change the way you live such a touch of never say I'm done gossiping see some of y'all won't even admit that you do but I just wish I had somebody there to be honest I'm done gossiping I'm done lying no folks I'm done worrying about what and what they doing I'm done I'm done watching I'm done watching block size huh I don't care who's dating who and I don't care who's sleeping with who and I don't care who blocked you on Facebook I don't care who blocked you on Twitter and I don't care who just had a baby and a reveal and I don't care how many drums they play I came to get what God has for me and my blessing ain't nobody's business you didn't hear what I said touch don't ever say my blessing ain't in your business that's why I'm not worried about it I'm trying to reverse the curse that's on my life I'm gonna reverse alcoholism I'm going to reverse drug addiction I'm going to reverse teen pregnancy do I have anybody who's going to reverse the curse somebody say bail the word bail actually means my lord look at how slick the devil is that he does not give them a name to call he takes his name and aligns it with the God they're already calling Oh y'all missed it you missed it when when bail named himself he could have named himself something else but he named himself something that when translated means the Lord y'all missing this remember Yahweh was already the Lord bail could have called himself something else but what he does is he does what most enemy does they align themselves the things you already like oh lord help me in this place today haven't you noticed that some people came in your life and what they did is instead of being a good friend to you they just became a good friend of a friend you already haven't you notice these people in your life they don't have any friends all of their friends or your friends y'all not y'all not gonna say man but I'm a person too the lights fall down up in this piece today I promise before God in buttermilk the Bible says that that that he calls himself bail the Lord which means that when they are worshiping they can't call God's name without calling I'm getting ready to help you the devil is on the same job he still trying to smuggle stuff into your worship some people can never worship God or tentacles because when you came in here you allow the devil to smuggle something into your worship you were just getting ready to thank God and then somebody got up that you didn't like and you start focusing on them walk to the bathroom then worshipping your God just when I say it's something you were trying to figure out who is he talking to the devil smoke or something in your worship just when you were just getting ready to give God the praise then you started to get an attitude about something that happened at home or something that happened on the way the church haven't you seen that every time you get better get a breakthrough the devil always smuggle something in your worship that's why when you come in church you don't need to be worried about who ran what and who and who it who said what and who not here and who's sitting there and who's standing up and who need to sit down and who to loud you need to shut your mouth and open up your mouth at the same time and give your gossip praise slap your neighbors say what I'm doing ain't got nothing to do with you who's standing up ain't got nothing to do it you if the people standing up bothering you stand up with them if the people who sitting down bother you sit down but my worship is for real and it has nothing to do with you I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord this ain't your house these are not your rules I am NOT for you I am NOT here for you I am here to give God some praise is there anybody in the lighthouse today that came to give God the glory snap three people to say guards your worship there was only one I said three come on class I said slap three people and say God your worship Ecclesiastes 501 says guard your steps when you go to the house of the Lord there are too many people who come in the house of God thinking that because it's a church you can come unguarded no baby you gotta come in here with the full armor of God you might be sitting next to a devil and don't even know it and just because they praise and don't mean ain't the devil cause the devil knows the language in the Bible you gotta come with the full armor of God I'm so tired of people thinking oh I can't believe I got hurt at the church they pose to be church folk the devil go to church just because you got hurt at all y'all don't make don't make me do it [Applause] anywhere but the church no sometimes the only place is the church you got a guard your worship you gotta listen you got to stop letting people vex your spirit what kind of spirits you got to get fixed every time somebody say something to you I can't worship they too loud we can't worship you too quiet you quiet people in church scare me when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me how you gonna be quiet in the presence of a God and woke you up this morning and started throughout all your way and gave you a reasonable portion of help this trip do me a favor and get all your neighbours nerve for the next five seconds and shout like you have lost oh man point number one reverse the speech everybody's just saying reverse the speech to moe this ain't this ain't no new car you got to bring it over in this this ain't in lecture you can't just push it come on everybody shifted you got to put show speech in reverse and once you reverse your speech the second thing God will do is reverse the order there is something of serendipity that is happening in the text when you go back to verse 12 the Bible says that the Beast will eat the people you heard that last week in verse 18 God has now reissued order and taken the order and the authority from the Beast and has given it to the blessed he has reestablished the Covenant of Genesis where he has given man dominion but because they were under a curse Oh y'all not here with me today because they were under a curse now they are subjugated to the authority of the animal what that doesn't make sense because Adam had Lions in the garden but they didn't eat him Adam had Tigers in the garden he named them he looked at the line and said you a lie you know some of y'all missed it y'all so slow you got to be 80s baby to understand that one he looked at the tiger and named it Tiger named the bear bear named the giraffe giraffe that's why Daniel was able to survive in the lion's den because he had authority over the Lions the reason why the men who threw Daniel in the lion's den got ate up because they did not have authority over the lion now God has reversed the curse and has given man authority back over the animal that has subjugated and has stolen authority from him I don't know who I'm talking to in this place today but I am telling you that God told me to give you a word he's about to reverse the order in your life he is about to get everything back you are now the tail but he's about to make you the head lord help me somebody you are beneath but slap your neighbor say gods about to put you above I'm telling you the orders about to reverse God said that he claimed that you may have life and have it more abundantly some of y'all have not been a living the abundant life but God told me to tell you he's about to reverse the order oh I wish I had somebody in the lighthouse today that has just spent about 30 seconds giving God praise because the enemies you see the day you will see no more and I'm not just talking about the people I'm talking about the enemy of poverty I'm talking about the enemy of cancer I'm talking about the enemy of diabetes whatever enemy did is in your life right now slap your neighbors say gods about to reverse order you better get ready to be on top because you'll never be on bottom again you better be ready to get rich cause you'll never be broke again you better get ready to be happy because you'll never have another sad day in your life the devil might try to bring you down but no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper slap three people to say reverse the auto reverse the auto reverse the order you're going from an employee to an employee or you're born from having a job for providing jobs you're born from catching the bus to owning a bus line you're going from an apartment to an apartment complex do I have somebody who understands that God's about to reverse the order in your life somebody's shot reverse the order say it like you mean it reverse the order God says I'm gonna reverse it I'm a reversal I'm reversing I know I know I know I divorced you I know I told you you wasn't my wife no more I know I told you you wasn't a good woman I told you that but now god moves from righteousness and justice to love and compassion are y'all with me today because he understands that a woman doesn't respond to righteousness and justice if you want a woman to respond to you you have to do it through love and compassion all right now we had mother's day yeah now yeah now y'all coming right now yeah yep because see brothers what we don't understand is that the reason why we have so much static with our mates is because we think they respond to what's right and what's what's what's according to authority and and and you don't understand that sometimes she's saying I know what's right but because you have no compassion because you have no compassion I'm on refusal I'm not done I'm not stupid I understand what submission is but you're not going to make me do it I will do it through love [Applause] come on women I'm giving you I'm giving you a gift this is what you've been wanting to say you better act like you happy about it I'll go to other way the Bible says that you've got to get ready for the reverse somebody say the reverse what is especially important though is that the Bible says that he moves from righteousness to compassion now now watch this I used to think that there was a way that man could be righteous you know the Bible always talks about it and you'll have preachers to come up and we'll talk about holiness in and you got to be righteous you got to be righteous and and I believe in righteousness but but I'm trying to figure out if we were born in the sin and iniquity and if he who knew no sin became sin that we might be the righteousness of God then how can we be righteous if he had to become it so we can be it also the Bible says that Noah was a righteous man after he was found but naked and drunk now if that's righteous I am y'all not gonna say man I I know I know y'all perfect and you ain't never been tipsy and you ain't never had a problem but I only came to talk to the 56 real people who was say that if they put my life on this screen I'd have to put up my church finger and tiptoe and go out the door I'm anybody glad that he hides you in his secret place it's not people to say no future in your front so then I thought I said well this is not about Israel's righteousness because Israel doesn't have the ability to be righteous because the human concept of righteousness is we think that that righteousness is our it is our addendum it's our oh it's what we add to the Holy Writ it's what we give to God through our moral behavior like that that's somebody here right now that's some self righteous people sitting next to you right now and let me tell you what self righteous is self righteousness people are people who think that sin is everything they don't do are y'all not gonna say man they're gonna say man they're they'll tell you that drinking is a sin they'll tell you that smoking is a sin that's because they don't do it but they won't tell you not tithe an is they will tell you that because that's the thing they don't do y'all not gonna say man I ain't scared of y'all y'all so no I'm scared [Music] so I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believed first to the Jew then to the Greek are y'all not gonna say man in this place today watch this watch this this is what the Bible says for in it is the righteousness of God for it is written that the just shall live by faith then I thought that we can't be righteousness because it's his righteousness God doesn't reverse the curse because you get it right he reverses he reverses the curse because he's always right so I came to tell the devil and to tell every person who ever doubted God who thought that God was going to bless you when you get it right God sent me to tell you he's not gonna bless you when you get it right he's gonna bless you because he made it right oh I wish I had about a hundred people will just give God praise right you mean to tell me that I messed up and God won't make it right you mean to tell me I lied and God don't make it the truth you mean to tell me I had the baby out of wedlock and God still gonna help me raise it by myself you mean to tell me I lost the job and still don't help me pay the bills you mean to tell me I lost the job because I cussed above all south and I deserve to lose a job and God's still gonna get me another why because he's righteous oh yeah I'm in the Bible I'm in the Bible such three people say God's righteousness God's righteousness not your righteousness God's righteousness it's not our righteousness that reverses the curse it's God's righteousness God made him who knew no sin to become sin that we might be the righteousness of God that means that if you have the ability to sin you cannot be righteous but he makes us right Oh God now how does he do that how does he make it right does that mean that we can do whatever we want god forbid does that mean that you can sin and do whatever you want no God forbid what righteousness means is that underneath the blood you're still wrong but when God looks at you he doesn't see the sin he sees a crimson stain now the Bible says that they were answered to Jezreel one of you were here last week you understood that the Bible says that he was going to do away with Jehu because that's where Jay who had killed Jezebel and that's what Gideon had had the army and that's where the Israelites had fought the Philistines bloodshed you remember their text now they're going to be saved and the curse is going to be reversed because now they're going from bloodshed to being under the blood god help me to search see I don't know when the south I'm telling you that you have just attained salvation and the curse has been reversed and you didn't even have to say it blood for it the only thing you had to do to get this blessing was to confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised his son from the dead and thou shalt be saved do me a favor and just spend about 30 seconds thanking God that He blessed you in spite of yourself that's all you got alright let me move on because some of y'all really think you better than you are let me just start calling you'll see it you know the wages of sin is death the gift of God is eternal life you have done enough this week [Applause] remember I don't need you to confess but there is one who looks hot and looks low I'm not asking you what you did all I'm asking you is to paint God then he didn't give you what you deserve tell somebody something go tell you my business but I will show you my blessing the Bible says verse 20 I will be trough you through faithfulness I'm gonna marry you through faithfulness not perfection God is not looking for perfect people because perfect people don't need salvation he died on the cross because we did not have the ability to pay the debt for the propitiation of sin so he gave himself as proxy so that we might become the leaves of the tree and the leaves of the tree or for the healing of the nation do I have any Bible readers in here today somebody shout God's gonna reverse the curse not only is God going to reverse the curse through your reverse speech and reverse the order but the next thing he's gonna do is renew your resources anybody tired of robbing Peter to pay Paul anybody tired of having to wait to the third month to pay your bill do I have anybody who don't pay the bill into this a different color time how let your boy you don't pay no white bill you pay pink and red bills come on now you got to be yellow pink red fuchsia gotta be something you don't even open the envelope until they say it's last notice you're like alright now I got two huh some of y'all cart note behind three months right now if you see Lexus on your caller ID black don't even bother with that I'm gonna send it on the 18th like I always do I have it last month ain't gonna happen this month God says I'm about to reverse broke yeah I know you're gonna shout now he's a I'm a but but but but not until you reverse your speech Oh God see everybody was God to reverse the curse but they want to keep the same language I knew I put water on your fire because I'm gonna let you I'm not gonna sit up here unless you shop God's gonna make me rich you still talk broke God's gonna reverse the curse and you still talk a cursed when you reverse your language God will reverse your life when you get it in your mouth you'll see it in your money I wish I had a church but I came to tell somebody who got the courage to talk to the devil God's about the reverse broke in your life somebody shout God's gonna reverse broke in my life God's gonna reverse your resources he's gonna take you from defeat to victory he says he says I'm about to make the hit and revealed I'm about I'm about to take the shadow and make it substance I'm a I'm gonna I'm gonna reverse it in your life and not only in your life but for everybody connected to you you're gonna start to see broke fall off of children who are not born can you imagine being so blessed that you can see a secure future for a child that hasn't been born god help me what watch what he says watch what he says he says I will plant Israel in her land I will plant Israel in her land I will plant Israel in her land I said again the hidden now becomes revealed because just real in the first half of the text meant bloodshed when you look up the same word in the second half of the text it means God souls he reverses a definition mid takes that what meant bloodshed in verse 1 through 12 now means sowing and reaping in verse 18 through 24 that God can show up in the middle your story in Reverse Oh God help me in this church somebody say reverse it now Jezreel means God souls no wonder he says I will plant Israel he says Israel I'm going to plant corn joel 3 and 18 gives us the prophecy that the mountains will drip with new wine and that the hills will flow with milk and that the lagoons will come forth with water then he says I'm going to make sure that you have oil and wine matter of fact two substances that were demarcated only for wealthy people so they must not be poor anymore because poor people don't have oil and wine so God has renewed the resources and they have gone from destitution to being blessed and highly favored God help me in this place I declared that something is about to happen in the area of your resources God's about to bless you with finances and getting ready to bless you with money that you didn't even see coming but watch this God says I'm not just going to plant corn I'm going to plan Israel can I give you a word from God God says I'm not just gonna plant stuff I'm getting ready to plant you [Music] [Applause] and he shall be planted by the rivers of water God says I'm getting ready to come and I'm getting ready to pick you up out of your mess I'm getting ready to take you what a blessing is and I must sit you right in the middle of it oh I wish I had somebody who is getting ready to shout because what the word of the Lord is saying you now gonna have to go to the blessing the blessing is getting ready to come to you oh I wish I had about five hundred people who knew that you were getting ready to walk into a season that every time you turn around God's don't snap you upside the head with a blessing give your neighbor high-five to say I'm blessed in the city I'm blessed in the field I'm blessed when I go less where all of the blessed people in the house [Applause] tell somebody say God getting ready to plant you guys getting ready to plant you somebody shout abundance somebody shout abundance see some of y'all still using that broke language I told you you got to have a future speech I didn't say it was gonna be in your pocket I said it had to be in your mouth I need some ounce for Louis's our clients I need somebody who's broke to shout sex whatever you need our data put it in your mouth right now but getting a shout out now y'all shout like you want it you shall like you own it but over the next 20 seconds I need you to shout like you got it [Applause] I can't hear you you got a shop [Music] [Music] [Applause] just some buddies they already got it I can't show it to you I ain't got proof but I already got it I don't have it to show for it yet but I already got it faith is the substance of things hoped for some medicine I got evidence [Music] now decree evidence over your life somebody's don't go to the bank with a 600 and get a good interest rate i decree evidence over your life get ready for a job you apply for two months ago to call you back and say we just ran across show application he says and what I will you reverse the speech and I reverse the order and I renew your resources I want you to renew your response I'm tired of doing stuff for you and you just sitting there acting like I'm supposed to he says every time I bless you you bless me oh you missed it you missed it every time I bless you you bless me if I lift you up you stand up if I give you something to shout about you shout about it do I have anybody in here you'll tell somebody every time the Lord blesses me imma bless him that means if he blessed me and Kroger right on all night if he blessed me in a parking lot I'll dance in a parking lot if he blessed me in the bathroom Shantanu stall I have the career in the class somebody I'll go show washing your hands in the bathroom you're gonna shout at the water fountain you don't be shouting in the parking lot you gonna shout at a red light reverse your response if I show out you show out God says I'm so tired of Shawn out for cool Christians I keep showing out and you keep on sitting there like I haven't done anything for you over the next 23 seconds if God has ever showed out in your life you ought to show out in this sanctuary I said of god of a showed out of your life you ought to sell out of this sense River somebody lift up your voice and shouting yeah [Applause] [Music] he said if you reverse your response I'll come and get you from wherever you have fallen to I don't care if you're falling into prostitution I'll come and get you out of that Oh y'all to hear what I said he said if you became a I'll come and claim your back if you got broke out claim your back if you fell off and bat slit I'll come and get you back if you became a liar I'll come and get you back [Music] you can be an adulteress and I'll come and get you back remember people don't forgive people but God does every time if your wife don't take your bad God will if your husband don't take your back God says I will and there ought to be somebody here that knows when you were sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful Shore very deeply staying within secret arise no more but the master of the sea her response tired my despairing cry and next attack from the Wallis [Applause] somebody shall renew your response every time he bless you you bless him every time he bless you you bless him he bless you you bless him if you got 10,000 tongues you still couldn't do it enough bless you then he says I gotta go and buy my wife back so I'm go get my wife who is currently sleeping with another man and if I have to i'ma go while she's in the bed with him and I'm gonna ask him to excuse himself and I'm gonna allow my wife to play the role of the prodigal son and I'm not gonna remind her of what she did because the way to get the woman out of the bail is with open arms and he says I know you have left me for another man and you have fallen into slavery but I'm gonna take my 15 shekels of silver and all of the barley that I've saved up and I'm gonna use everything I have to get back a woman who took me for everything I had [Applause] Goma come home you'll never hear me mention that you were with this man some people say all of pastor the theology is off because if you go to chapter one of Hosea the Bible says he calls her Gomer when you get to chapter three he does the call about name he says go get a woman so some theologians say this is not a wife this is another woman that he wouldn't got but I have Bible for that that is absolutely untrue because if it was a single woman that he got a single woman can be promiscuous but she cannot be an adulteress so we are talking about a married woman and he goes back and he gets her and he says come home God told me to tell somebody I don't care what you did come home [Applause] while you are out being promiscuous I was here watching our children but there's always room at the cross I was building a house and you left it Makaha will lastly renew your residents he'll give you houses that you did not build and I speak a prophetic word over this house today get ready for new houses I heard it as clear yesterday when I was studying last night the Lord said tell the people in the lighthouse that whatever they do for my house I'm going to do in their house I speak prophetically and you watch what I told you it's getting ready to happen get ready to pack your bags and I'm not talking spiritually this is a manifestation and a Rhema word a word of knowledge get ready for new houses I want you to go to the post office and I want you to get that packet already that you got to change address I want you to have it ready because your new mail is gonna have to go to a new location I [Applause] want to extend an invitation I want everybody to stand on your feet if you're in this place today on this Mother's Day I want you to do your mother and your God a favor that whatever reason you left God [Music] whatever reason you left church whatever reason you got disgruntled and frustrated and decided I could no longer go back to that place I want you to hear the word of the Lord he says come home I won't judge you I'm gonna take a robe and put it on you I'm going to put a ring on your finger and I'm gonna tell them to go get the fatted calf wherever you are I want you to meet me at this officer just come home just come home just come home maybe you said I I want to join this ministry this is my home whatever whatever you hear me saying if you want to join church if you want to come back to church if you want to renew your faith if you know you've been a strain you've been gone too long if you know that this is where you're gonna worship and this is where God has called you it's just come home just come home just come home come on lighthouse praise God for them as they come just come home God says I don't care why you left I'm just glad that's you're back get ready to see your life reverse get ready to see God take you to new heights and new levels come on praise God they're still coming come home come home I've been waiting on you I've been praying for you I beseech you brothers and sisters by the mercies of God to present yourself as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable under God Romans 12 which is your reasonable service come on come home come home I don't care if you're in the back I don't care if you've got alcohol on your breath I don't care if you got drugs in your system I don't care if you got a dime bag in the glove department come to the altar I don't care if you're high as a kite I don't want you thinking I can't go up there next to rip he might smell look I don't care you two met me on the right day you to smell some on me hallelujah praise the Lord I will not stand before you and act like I've never drunk anything in my life all they've seen if they just messed up your testimony of your perception me then I ain't no preacher I don't have a sip every once and again [Music] there are some things that I have not done I've never done drugs in my life it ain't cuz I ain't think about it it ain't because I think about it I'm just scared to be stuck and you know the truth is everybody got a drug of choice they don't always have to be powered in peels come on talk to me somebody some people addicted to themselves come home come home come home I'm gonna give you 30 seconds I don't care where you are in the back in the front maybe you came with somebody and they don't want to go with you you can't go to heaven this ain't a coupon you don't get this in conjunction with a discount you got a dorm for yourself if they don't want to go you come by yourself and you tell them listen next Sunday it might be your Sunday but this is my son come home come home [Music] nini I bet you never knew I bet you never knew you wasn't smart enough to do it nobody is I bet you would have never known that God will bring your sister back to him today you gave your life to him I bet you never knew that your baptism have more ramifications than you just going in the water sometimes gotta use your life Oh to reverse the curse over the whole house [Music] well that's what I'm sometimes you got a foul before the Lord [Music] else could help let's sing that from the top everybody second love lifted me [Music] everybody said [Applause] [Music] lifted me god I pray right now as you all follow Miss Mary and go back I pray that the enemies you see today I'm saying this four times a day that you'll see no more that this is the beginning of a new season and a new day in your life that God is about to reverse the curse and you get ready to have something to smile about again you mark my words in the next 12 days pains just gonna fall off you're not even gonna know where it went you're gonna have joy unspeakable joy you're gonna have a peace that surpasses all understand and God is gonna use your life to change somebody else's in the name of Jesus I pray God that you would bless them indeed that you would enlarge their territory that you would give them a peace that's beyond comprehension in the name of Jesus we pray everybody shout a man if y'all
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 398,536
Rating: 4.8619456 out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, Potter's House, Lighthouse Church, TD Jakes, Houston, Relationship, worship, worship 2018, Pastor, church, Bishop, faith, senior pastor, Latest Sermons, jesus, God, Waking Faith, imagination, grace, success, forgiveness, sermon, god, pastor keion henderson, lighthouse worship, best worship, evening sermon, bishop, message, pastor, opportunity, christian music, god sermon, power, strength, missionary, gospel, savage jesus, waking faith, When God reverses the curse, reverses the curse
Id: 3eK7GvtBRVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 1sec (3301 seconds)
Published: Sun May 13 2018
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