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meh, that guy is like "lol look how broken this is" after using blatant exploits or just cheats, but hey, glad its introducing new folk to the game

also lets not mention how annoying the long winded "look i caught you off guard here so i can yap on about sponsors or whatever" sections are

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 76 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Space_Reptile πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I honestly wish Spiff had more to say in his videos. He talks non-stop for 40+ minutes and says almost nothing of value. His video format needs definite work. It genuinely feels like one of his fans asked him to do a video on this game, gave him the Ancyra exploit, and he did no further research. I’m glad more people are seeing the game, but is there anything he said that can’t be found here in under 2 minutes? It’s not even that good as an introduction to StarSector.

Say what you will about Sseth and his sometimes questionable humor, but he went into more detail about the game in half the time, and he produced a better video at that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fluffy2253 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ah shit, here we go again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Denserthancake πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

60k views vs 1.2 mil+

not sure about that

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The website crashed again lol. Just like the sseth-wave.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kako32 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I, too, enjoy traveling long distances without sustained burn, and only speeding the game up half of the time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Yirkarja πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Boring video, and exploit is fixed in the next version but more exposure means more people playing it. I'm really happy about this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jaridan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Regardless of what you think of Spiffs videos (some of them I find quite hilarious), I am grateful he does them, otherwise I would never have known about this game. I was very interested by the end of the video and will no doubt purchase it when (if) I can ever get my computer fixed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mathwayb πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MDFification πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Britain today we're playing star sector a game which you probably recognize from watching that one save tech video I know this game is basically a concoction of if everyone took the best features of a league dangerous EVE Online and mountain blade and mashed it together into one glorious single-player experience and that is exactly what we're playing today this game is like someone extracted the tea leaves of a thousand Yorkshire teabags compressed it down to the size of one and added some beautiful boiled water to it and just serve it to me on a silver platter my goodness this game is fantastic with limitless possibilities see some games offer limitless possibilities Mass Effect free for example offered you alternative endings which actually were just free different shades of ending this game however when it says limitless possibilities it realistically means it if you want to join the human organ harvesting trade and become a smuggler then by all means do that alternatively if you want to sign up for the military of some kind of mega corporation then by all means do that as well today however instead we're going to be becoming a god by finding a system which becomes so desperate for supplies that they rely on us to be their one source of everything making us the Lord and Savior of an entire khalaqtu system now doesn't that just sound fantastic and best thing of all no one else outside the system will be aware of the war crimes will be committing within oh it's fantastic anyway I've spoiled enough of this exploit already we should probably dive right into it as I'm sure you're aware I'm the sniffing Brit you guys are the fantastic community who watch these videos and if you are set back you relax you have a nice warm cup of tea in front of you you've saluted that massive fantastic picture of the Queen II above your computer and hey you know what maybe if you're feeling absolutely fantastic you've even left a like on this video you lovely amazing person thank you very much it's people like you that allow us to get these games which have absolutely no presence on YouTube on to for some reason at the YouTube gaming trending tab sandwich between fortnight and FIFA which is a very unique position to be in so thank you much anyway ladies and gentlemen let's dive into this fantastic game as always we're going to be starting a brand new game and oh my we need to create our hero yes fantastic I mean first we actually need to pick one of these fantastical portraits and then we actually need to come up with a name well I mean as you know we're not creating a bad person we're simply creating a opportunistic traitor and that's why we want a nice friendly face something that is very easy and approachable to the people you know this person looks fantastic if that man offers you food you know that man he's probably got some good food that you're gonna trust so we're gonna pick this lovely man here and you know what this man actually reminds me of see more cleavage this man looks like someone took her Cemal clothes from a fantastic video and kind of deflated his face now sadly I can't fit the full name see more cleavage into our lovely named Jane Eyre to him but of course the legendary see more cleavage he's now in space he's a very intelligent guy he needs to be needs to know the market needs to know how to make money he's know how to take money most importantly he needs to know how to make a proper cup of tea which is of course as we all know putting the milk in blast people have put the milk in first what's wrong with you okay there are places for people like that we call it Australia please go to Australia okay no please do not go to Australia the wildlife would literally destroy you so of course instead dr. Seibel cleavage is going to have to shorten his name down to dr. seek lavage a much better abbreviation of the name see more to create the glorious name doctor cito Bosch and you know what I understand you see more and you know what I think we're ready let's dive into this game let's see what kind of life dr. C clevage kind of began with your most recent occupation was all my goodness he could be a bounty hunter a scavenger and explorer a leading a salvage operation a mercenary leading a small force from aboard a hammerhead class destroyer or a freelancer doing whatever job you've been able to find who knows you know what I think dr. Seif lavage he's an intelligent guy he's an explorer so it makes sense that he's leading a salvage operation from a board and class cruiser that sounds fantastic and of course it does always help to have a bit of a faster start in this game but this one's it is to sit down and slog out this game no no no no we want to get down to the exploit and show of some fantastic things anyway let's dive into this game with the perfect normal difficulty and this is the most important thing ladies and gentlemen this is where the exploit begins the game is going to ask you do you want to start with the tutorial or skip the tutorial now a normal person would see this and go no no no no no I do not want to play the tutorial it's just gonna sit me down throw up a load of text boxes it'll be exceedingly boring and I'll gain nothing from it well quite contrary to the fact Liddy's and gentlemen the tutorial in this game is actually the greatest source of world for this game will even offer you so let us instead of avoiding the tutorial like everyone else would let's start with the tutorial fantastic dr. seek lavage he's so excited he can't wait to bring happiness to millions brilliant now we're in the game welcome to the sector your fleet is in the middle of nowhere critically low on supplies you don't acquire more supplies your fleet will suffer for a slow but ultimately fatal decline Oh No how terrified what naturally we're going to have to get some of these fantastic surprise the games talking about also as you can see ladies and gentlemen this is our glorious fleet of ships with our one great big ship in the middle now luckily we start off near a debris field which is going to allow us to use a scavenge ability to harvest some resources from these asteroids over here now as you can see this is basically a top-down space scape now the game doesn't normally look like this it does have a very extensive battle simulation screen which is absolutely glorious to watch for example I'll demonstrate it now so this here is our glorious flagship which we control and as you can see we can control its weapons we can do everything it's glorious and also some of our weapons are auto firing so this is what the battle screen of the game looks like we can deploy our shields and as you can see we've encountered a hostile ahead of us so we're just going to plow a couple of lasers into him and hopefully he will die fantastic a glorious slog but one which will ultimately prove very valuable and successful for us and glorious success the little ship has been defeated as you can see this is kind of how the fleet combat works naturally I'm not particularly good at the game so we won't be doing much of that combat II stuff no no no combat is not where the money is of course war is profitable for some and it's very profitable for us indeed but not fighting in a war what is profitable is trading and relating a war which is exactly what we're going to be doing anyway we're going to start the tutorial by doing acid commands and beginning a scavenge operation let go let's begin the salvage operation and lovely large quantities of supplies fuel and heavy machinery metals have been discovered perfect now let's perform the next task perform a quick safe or very difficult having to hit the f5 key this tutorials really pushing me to my limits of gamer of skills oh no pirate fleet is approaching okay this sounds quite easy let's go defeat this pirate fleet which is closing in on us go ships away arm ice just a single minor ship okay let's move into engage and continue you know what I can deploy my entire fleet in this operation but actually that's a terrible idea because it will just waste supplies so instead I'm only going to deploy myself it makes no sense to deployed entire fleet when it is just one ship we're facing off against and it's not even a very good one and come on ship you're almost done for there we go come on one more shot fantastic the ship has been defeated and glory success is ours we've minimal damage as well so our battle is complete and as we can see that pirate function doesn't like the fact that we did blow up one of their rogue miners but I mean not really our fault he did kind of come and attack us we're going to pick through the wreckage and steal all of his supplies thank you very much anyway let's quickly perform a quick save now our next mission is the fact that after battle we've managed to level up our character to level 1 now when you first start out the game you're given an additional three points to help you begin of course with each level you gain one point to invest in skills but what a skills like well they're absolutely fantastic allow me to demonstrate you see some skills aid normal play would look at and go my goodness this is amazing we can increase the weapon damage of your current piloted ship and make it to all of the bullets are faster what a fantastic idea alternatively I can make it so that we use 25 less supplies for maintenance when it comes to the entire fleet that's very important or what about increasing your colony management ability my goodness that's one of my favourite skills I love a good bit of colony management but no sadly doctors see clevage is an absolute intelligent being and consequently we're going to sink all of our points into tech knowledge now what kind of technology are we going to go for well some people would probably go for increasing your maximum flux capacitors making it to the energy weapons of better all of those fantastic lovely things but no no no no instead you want to sink everything you have into navigation for the sole reason that M it's low levels it's not the best sure your ships consume less fuel and you don't take as many penalties when moving on dodgy terrain however it's the last skill in navigation which is very important you gain the ability to transverse jump and I'll explain a little bit about transverse jumping later on but let's just say it's one spicy meatball of exploitation anyway with the pirates defeated it's up to us to return to the fantastic planet in this system as you can see we're situated down here and the planet we're headed up to is Ankara over here which is a fantastic human controlled planet it is a planet however controlled by the hegemony which are kind of like a dictatorial military regime they're pretty spicy and exciting but honestly relatively chill we don't need to worry about them that much anyway I'm just going to speed up some time until we arrive and there we have it we've arrived at Ankara let's take a look at what this planet is like it's a dry and old world with a sluggish magnetic field ok very interesting and basically it's been exploited by human colonists a lovely fantastic colony to be on now of course we're going to immediately start trading away some of our supplies because we've had a successful operation salvaging various goods like for example we can sell all of our glorious metal we can sell the Vulcan cannon Ted we could even sell some of our fuel books we have a fair amount now we can sell goods on the open market of this colony however let's demonstrate the main reason why doctors see multi-level wouldn't want to do that we can transfer a heavy machinery over and as you can see if we sell 56fe machinery as you can see we can get 3,000 credits that's very good however because we're selling on the open market we receive a minus 30% tariff on every single profit we make so instead only gonna be receiving 2,400 credits we're losing a thousand credits to tariffs alone so that's why we don't trade on the open market instead switch to the black market oh my where's your tariffs now admittedly yes when it does come to colony management tariffs are a absolute necessity and I 100% love and or tariffs however as an exploiter I'm always going to dodge and avoid them unless their have Majesty the Queen's tariffs are themselves in which case I will remain loyal to them you know we're going to get rid of all of our excess fantastic lovely good stuff confirm lovely stuff that's an extra four thousand added to our bank now the only issue with trading on the black market is that it raises your fleet suspicions as you can see we've now been registered as a suspected smuggler and as a result Alison Carey over here the commander of the garrison Fleet is going to scan our entire inventory to check see if there are any illicit contraband substances in there as always no why would there be with lovely people we would never smuggle bad stuff anyway let's go continue with the tutorial by speaking to the station commander basically the lowdown of the situation is that the local siren station were running tests on a bit of ancient technology in the area and accidentally destroyed the systems warp gate now basically the warp gates used to jump from one galactic system to the next and when it comes to moving goods around they're an absolute necessity for this colony to get the supplies it needs it needs to be able to have traders and send traders in and out of warp gates to go from one system to the next for example this colony here doesn't produce any food it needs a food producing colony to send a shipment of food over ever sadly because of the fact that the gates have gone down some local miners have become pirates trying to steal off the last of the food shipments and this is where we're going to fit in basically we're gonna go join an inside job and the tutorial mission is all about trying to get this warp gate up and running so that the supplies can come back into the colony and of course you know me I'm a good person of course I'm going to assist and get the warp gate up and running aren't I let's go meet with the agent on the inside of the pirate forces to try and see what kind of information they have for us now when it comes to actually moving around in this game there's a couple of important things to know your fleet can detect other objects and fleets from a certain range our range is 570 now one map grid like this is effectively 2,000 units so we can see basically any fleet provided it is in that radius of us and then we have our detection range which is the range at which other fleets can detect us at legs at the end of the day does matter how powerful your sensors are if you have a fleet which is so low-profile they'll never get detected a quite simply will never get detected and we're going to improve this statistic by activating going dark meaning you need to be twice as close to us to actually even see our fleet coming that's exactly why we're going to be able to suddenly sneak our way into the pirate station I love having a glorious low profile means you can smuggle resources oh so much better now as we can see there's a unidentified fleet over there patrolling around the pirate station now I'm gonna have to guess and say that's the Pirates themselves of course we don't want them spotting us so said we're just gonna in mind some Salvage over here yes just perfectly normal mining Salvage people - right let's make a run for the station and there we go fantastic we've managed to dock into the station and of course they have no idea who I am so they're 100% fine with me arriving and you know what there we go fantastic success that's our mission complete we're going to immediately emergency burn out of there so the pirate fleet can't catch up we've got the information we need so which is going to return back to the quest giver now our next mission is to try and locate a AI relic from back when humanity had a massive space empire and was very prosperous so that's exactly what we're going to do we've just got to head on over here so we're going to do a quick scan and try and locate our there's something over here but try and locate a precursor kind of sensor array thing which will hopefully contain some very important stuff for us there we go a probe lovely stuff let us explore it oh no there's some automated defenses won't you know what this doesn't look too difficult at all time to deploy the entire fleet let us begin naturally we're just going to have all ships commanded to just follow us so we backed up by a couple of carrier Clause ships but when it comes to damage dealing our ship is basically the main deal and there we go warship down and never ship down just one left now now by these tutorial missions very easy the only should we do have is that our ship is very slow to turn around because of how big it is but don't worry it's size does have an advantage anyway the mission is complete and we can pick through the wreckage and borrow some supplies we've even advanced a level now let us begin the salvage operation to try and locate this AI and there we go fantastic the AI gamma core has been discovered gamma cause technically exceedingly illegal you're not to have access to them but it's okay we find a way now after doing that mission we've managed to gain another character point so we're going to be able to level up once more and all we need is one more point to unlock the ability to transverse jump now as I mentioned the ability to transverse jump it's very important for the sole reason being that transverse jumping means you are able to jump from system to system without the use of a warp gate this effectively means we don't have to finish the tutorial to leave the tutorial area and of course if we don't connect the system of Gaussian to the rest of the galaxy then gauja is going to start having a couple of supply issues our supply issue is aware we're going to start frying because my goodness you'd be surprised how much humans are willing to pay for a scrap of food so whilst we might be pretending to do all of the missions that this game is offering us we're actually only here for one fantastic purpose and that's to steal almost all of this planet supplies and then become its sole provider of everything but first we have a mission to go Salvage some ships which are located down here and there we go fantastic we've harvested the area of all of its very important ships and decided to grab the fantastic ISS stellar rose and the ISS tell Chuck a check up something-something two fantastic ships which are going to help us out now once they are quite combat focus ships combat is not really something that I'm interested in instead I'm very interested in by the cargo capacity of our fleet because cargo is an exceedingly important thing if the addition of those two ships as you can see our cargo capacity is risen up to 875 we can now carry 875 miscellaneous random items which is quite important because we're going to need to start ferrying a large amount of food and oh no what's this the food supplies of the colony is that quite low there's only 50 for food Darren a hundred and ten there oh no there's a local food deficit oh dear oh dear oh dear food has gone from costing 10 credits to now costing 66 credits which is quite a noticeable jump actually it's only a matter of time until this happens to literally all of the supplies in the system so we're going to naturally leave it be although whilst we're here we might as well aid the process a bit by by grabbing the rest of their supplies ah thank you much now our mission is rather simple we quite simply need to get over here and stabilize this jump gate there we go there's the little jump point right there and all we need to do is literally click on it and press maybe the one in two key for a dialogue option and Bob's your uncle everyone in the system is saved however no no no instead we're going to farm experience by defeating the pirate fleets over here hello there pirate fleets I'm sorry but there's no escape from me you are mine hello there minor pirate force we are going to naturally pursue you and of course I can't really be bothered in fighting I'm going to naturally take the British approach and make my second-in-command handle the entire operation ago all of my ships go pursue them or something fantastic glorious success has happened oh my goodness and the wreckage is most bountiful look at all of these fantastic weapons they've given us lovely stuff indeed and there we go that was enough to actually level us up twice so we have just been able to upgrade our navigation ability and with that upgrade we have finally managed to gain the ability to transverse jab lovely stuff indeed naturally of course sons were very industrious and money minded man we're going to be sinking our next couple of levels into the industry side of things anyway job done so where do we sit at the moment well naturally this is the error of the tutorial where you are meant to stabilize that jump point and save the day we're not going to be doing that no no no instead we're going to be hitting the number 8 key and immediately transverse jumping now this is basically as the exact same effect as going through that little wormie whole thing there but instead we simply jump out of orbit and now we're into effectively hyperspace hyperspace is a fun little place which allows us to decide which direction were headed in which solar system we want to end up in gal shear is the tutorial solar system naturally we're going to be heading away from there and instead be heading straight towards this lovely planet right down here save go we arrive in Samarra which is a very nice system with a very unique planet over here it's a very large Terran eccentric world which has a very large surplus supply of food and organics oh my oh my oh my that's because this is a farming planet this is the planet which is designed to keep the other planet whose system is currently locked out it's designed to keep them up and so naturally food is rather cheap for them at the moment heck supplies on even that bad as well and organics are relatively cheap too so what we're going to do is naturally switch to the black market because we're not paying any terrorists I'm going to sell this colony are metal and of course you might as well also hand over some of the fantastic cheap guns which we stole in our fights what's this flat cannon that thing is worth quite a fair bit we might have to be able to use that so we're going to buy the food and surplus as you can see the food here is purchased for 11 credits each and on the planet we're who's in such high demand they were willing to pay 66 credits for it my goodness so if we're going to buy as much food as we can possibly carry there we go 425 this leaves us a little bit of cargo space to fill up with something else hmm I'm thinking what about a few organics everyone loves a good few organics there we go fantastic we now have 400 food and 185 organics our first mission Harry's done and a glorious bit of service has been had on the black market naturally however the local fleet is a bit suspicious they know we've done a couple of dodgy dealings so they're going to scan our inventory oh no suspicious cargo was found oh well contraband what have they taken away I don't actually know what they've taken away it certainly wasn't any of the food or organics oh they found something and they've taken it away who knows what it is the very least is they're technically not actually hostile against us and we can still continue trading that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to jump to the samara jump point jump into hyperspace and then fly back to the glorious tutorial Start zone areas the planet over here or we're getting scanned again they've done the scan we look all good fantastic stuff and so we're going to arrive on this lovely planet of Ankara and of course as you would expect things aren't looking so good at the moment there is actually physically no food left yep they've run out of food it's not available on the open market or the black market the population is technically starving my goodness they are actually low on basically everything then you have four days left of supplies that's fantastic news for us that's amazing anyway let's trade our goods these organics which we picked up for I think 25 credits each are all going to sell for 100 each so we're gonna drop them onto the black market oh my that's 17 grand and same with the food that's all going to go into the black market oh my my oh my that's 44,000 suddenly we're making a fair amount of money there we go fantastic trading has been done and sadly naturally there is absolutely nothing to buy here because this system is technically dying it just doesn't know it yes and we look at as a stability of one due to the ridiculous food shortage that is currently going on oh no things are not looking good for this planet or we're going to leave we've done our trading and it's time for us to immediately transverse jump out of here we have a big fleet to create ladies and gentlemen so now in hyperspace we're going to head back to that system we were just in to go pick up some good stuff and also bugs all of that fantastic profitable trading we've done we've gained 8,000 experience meaning we can level up once more so where are we going to invest our money into I don't see anything wrong with a bit of industrial planning to decrease the upkeep of any governed colonies we might have our might yes I do believe that's the dream ladies and gentlemen set of a fantastic colony of our own oh it will be fantastic so now back in hedgerow nice space we see this lovely colony which they have set up I mean this colonies huge it's got tens of millions of people living here or working in farmlands manning the mining stations who knows what they're doing but they're doing good stuff and look their worst ability of ten things are going great for them colony is in full swing meaning they have a lot of spare supplies to give us don't you now we're going to buy into the food stockpile of the black market and apparently we can buy up to 500 at a reduced cost so we're going to buy 500 food at a glorious reduced cost and I guess for the rest of what we can buy let's buy some cheap domestic goods because I'm sure the lovely colony is going to start needing some domestic goods sooner or later not that they're going to be able to afford any of them but we're going to be charging a lot anyway our trade is complete now let's see about actually expanding our operation and the best way to do so is to buy great big ships with large cargo capacity like for example this glorious Buffalo d-class freighter it's got 300 cargo capacity that's amazing as far as solves this glorious freighter because it's going to allow us to actually buy an extra 300 goods and transport them with us let's buy an extra 75 food and then just a couple of extra chemicals lovely stuff glorious trading has occurred so we're now going to immediately leave and get on out of here what a glorious success it's been so we're gonna head back on over to the lovely tutorial area where I'm imagining things are starting to get ever so slightly worse yes I mean we didn't really give them that much food in the grand scheme of things couple hundred food parcels ah yes there is only one fuel left and there are no suppliers oh my goodness people are willing to pay three hundred and thirteen for supplies you buy these for a hundred and food yep food is up to 56 units that's good Oh in the domestic goods 157 each oh my goodness this is looking good right let's give them all of the food we have they only have two food left yeah we should give it to them and give them some domestic Goods and also so organics lovely stuff oh my goodness seventy-three thousand it's very good indeed but a magnificent profit we're making oh and the stability of the planet is now down to zero okay that's not looking good and are we going to naturally transverse jump out of here I bet you guys would love to be able to transverse Jam wouldn't you but no instead you're trapped in this system to slowly starve and run out of supplies now we've always gone down to the star down here in the south so we might as well shake things up a bit and go north up to the Corvis star system have a hegemony own planet which is a jungle world hopefully they're going to have some supplies which will be very important egg there's even an independent colony over here which we can deal with my oh my this independent colony has a large amount of food but it also does have a fair amount of supplies now our fleet will start churning up supplies so we probably want to buy supplies now when it comes to buying things off of the black market you do take a hit in reputation however these guys the independence honestly I'm not that first when it comes to making the independents upset fantastic stuff we've gained some extra supplies and worst case scenario independence get a little bit upset with us here we go the lovely planet of jangle are a very large jungle world and see just how big you are my goodness populations in the millions this is one big planet with one very large supply of organics organics to reduced price and foods at a reduced price as well only eleven and ten credits per unit well now whilst people technically need food to eat organics the rate on them is much better you see when you buy food for ten credits were only gonna sell it for sixty but when we buy organics for almost ten credits we're gonna be selling them for like ninety to a hundred so we're going to be buying an absolute metric ton of organics heck I'd love to buy a thousand but sadly our ships just can't fit a thousand in what am i doing why am i buying them on open market we can buy them off the black market that's so much better everyone knows black market organics so much more trustworthy than regular market organics yes don't ask where all the smell came from or why the organic still scream but just let it be I mean there Lee as the harvested orchids sell good this oh that's quite a unique item now let's see about buying an extra ship as well oh here we go another freighter right here it's quite a low-tech but it will provide us with an extra 300 cargo capacity soap welcome to the board added freighter and with the added extra 300 cargo space you know we're doing with filling it up with good old-fashioned organics and we've more ships also comes an increased capacity for fuel now fuel doesn't take of cargo space it just takes up fuel capacity space now as we know the planet itself is running low on fuel so we might as well buy ourselves some bonus fuel to go along with it fantastic stuff that's a good bit of trading we've just done I think it's time for us to finally leave the system delay share the best system who knew all it took was one simple tutorial exercise to allow me to get the best money-making system this game has to offer put this into perspective we are doing some of the easiest trade route jumping in some of the easiest space the world has ever seen and yet we're in a situation where we are making more money than probably most late-game missions this game has to offer I mean just look at it it's ridiculous we're able to sell fuel for 82 credits and food for 50 free there we go there goes all the food and don't even get me started on the organics BAM there you go that's 71 grand right there let's even sell a bit of fuel you know what we don't need all of this fuel cell' 100 that's an extra 10 grand lovely stuff that's a great trade and most importantly we've given this place a little bit of food just enough food to kind of keep on going anyway we have a large amount of money we should probably go start spending it somewhere you know we're gonna try heading up to this system up here to the north it looks quite exciting so that's what we're going to do now because we have an absolutely ridiculous amount of money now I'm able to buy the Colossus heavy freighter this is one of the biggest ships in the game and it has a cargo capacity of 900 meaning buying this almost doubles our cargo capacity we're now to 2,300 cargo capacity that's absolutely huge now once we're in the area we're going to buy ourselves some supplies to our fleet going at 13 grand down the drain sadly you know let's actually buy a large amount of supplies we might as well try and move some supplies about because they're quite valuable things let's grab a spare 50 which hopefully we're going to sell and for the rest of our Goods what's wrong with a good bit of food fantastic stuff and we've got cargo hardly full we are now ready to do another trip to the tutorial star zone well yes the supplies are in Bravo high-demand we're going to turn a profit of around about three hundred percent on everything we sell here very good Wow turns out they basically are low on just about everything other than human beings for some reason now as food is in high demand I've decided by one thousand food because you know we have the cargo space for it's probably about twenty five thousand worth of supplies let's say three hundred organics Oh three hundred and seventy seven domestic goods also sound quite good I would love to smoke us some harvested organs in but something tells me that surprise I'm not willing to take we could always try smuggling in some luxury goods I'm sure everyone would love to try and get some luxury goods not that anyone can even really own luxury goods on that planet but you know what it can dream a perfect trade absolutely amazing now I did do that entire trade whilst having my transponder off which is basically my ship's ID and as a result the local authorities will have no idea who conducted that heavily illegal trade deal so no-one is going to raise any red flags and of course as part of the tutorial of this game you're told that you can have your transponder off and the local fleet has been told to not raise any issue with it normally if you had your transponder off that's almost a death sentence your entire fleet will just be exceedingly punished for it however because the tutorial is still technically quote unquote in progress the local authorities don't mind at all which means we can conduct all of these trades without the hegemony realizing it's actually happening meaning that they're actually going to kind of like us ah and some fantastic trades are about to happen because the food yep there's a local deficit of 1700 so west we can't feed all of the mouse we are at least feeding 944 miles for the next few days oh and let's not forget all of the organics that we decided to buy instead of food as well as the domestic Goods and of course the luxury goods for those who can afford it which is basically no-one but hey they're paying a lot of money so we might as well provide thank you very much there is 150,000 credits this is more than enough money to now go and set up a colony of our own if we really wanted however I like farming the tutorial area for as much as I can get out of it and I can get a lot out of it now I'd like to start doing some dealings with the pirates but the best way to do that is to stuff your way in there because of any pirate fleets spot use you try and run to the pirate planet lo and behold they're going to attack you so we've turned off our transponder we've gone dark and now you need a sense of range of 41 to even detect our fleet you practically need to be standing in front of our fleet to even see it look those guys missed it completely fantastic so we can now trade with pirates no the Pirates don't really have much to trade if I'm honest this is terrible pirates what are you doing even the little pirate planet is having issues with food shortages oh those poor guys right yeah we're going to leave that place because that is terrible there is nothing good for us there instead we're going to head to a human planet where they actually have food and potentially even money I know it's amazing oh my goodness I think I found the mother lode it's amazing planet which has a surplus 2000 organics in a surplus 1000 food food or organics food or organics ladies and gentlemen what do you think the charitable and benevolent dr. Seymour clevage is going to go for today I mean he could give the people food or he could give them fuel solvents polymers food products biotech life support and a vast array of open desert ease you see it says necessities here food doesn't say necessity there at all no it just has various food products which means it's not a necessity let's instead just buy 2000 of these yep it seems good we could also do some extra fuel so let's max out our fuel and buy everything this planet has to offer in terms of fuel some supplies would also be good so let's instead fill up the rest of our capacity with some good old-fashioned supplies perfect there we go traders completed you know I think it's time we sell our lovely organics because apparently there's a deficit of 2000 organics on this planet so BAM that's 139,000 we've just sunk on to the black market my goodness we could sell the supplies for a lot as well but no let's just take our ridiculous amount of money and be done with it what we could do with though is a couple of crew members because I'd like to get colonizing ladies and gentlemen you know we're going to do we're going to save some of these poor souls on this plan by buying a large amount of crew yes we're going to actually begin operation colonization it seems like a fantastic idea there we go we now have a thousand people in terms of crew that's absolutely fantastic now we just need to go collect some supplies and then beyond that it looks like we can set up with colony of our own they gave a fantastic we've arrived in the hegemony colony a very big one at that so we're going to buy up some of their food because I imagine colonies are going to need food right to start out with so 200 food should be good what we're probably going to need some supplies so I'm going to say 300 supplies are going to be absolutely perfect and we might as well top off our fuel whilst we're here and then I'd imagine some heavy machinery is probably going to be a necessity when it comes to Anthony's setting up a colony fantastic there we go now we're going to go see how cheap it is to set up a colony of your own for the little cost of maybe only fifty thousand or so so let's jump into space real question is what star system do you want to go for there's two star systems up here which are completely unexplored which would be rather interesting that you know finished out over here because there's a nice set of stars in close proximity they look like they'd be perfect for a good bit of colonization my goose isn't an identified fleet or the way out here a warning beacon okay let's see this warning beacon apparently the system contains a potentially active autonomous weapon system ah so we probably don't want to jump into this system but you know what we might as well try it out so I'm gonna drop down a safe on at least see what's inside the system because hopefully it'll be okay he's a unsurveyed barren world and a couple of unidentified entities oh no this is quite a few unidentified entities one of these all dormant chips let's perform a survey what have we got down here now we could set up a colony here but I'm afraid the planet does have no atmosphere and is incredibly hard so it's probably not the one for us we'll go take a look that arid world however that could be interesting well this plant is actually surprisingly habitable other than the fact that it's D civilised it seems to be quite fine it's perform another survey oh my goodness this seems rather impressive there are common organics there's moderate or deposit adequate farmland and extensive ruins lovely stuff no I think this is perfect for a colony let's go down and establish a colony of our own where the ruins of this planet must be explored a civilization if it can be preceded okay explore the ruins then cargo manifests found by the salvage crews sent to the surface indicates the presence of a large quantity of transport on it or am i you need to do a salvage operation to find it let's do one good lord that's a large amount of trans blue tonic oh oh and some very high-tech stuff oh my goodness this is a great planet to land upon fantastic this will all be ours we've got some high-value survey data some brilliant metals and so on this is perfect let us continue and now we can establish a colony fantastic what will we name the colony welcome to British Empire v-tool it's going to be majestic and it won't last forever oh and now we actually need to come over faction name immediately wants to be named lavash Corp no no no no no we will be the British Empire once led to flag so many cool flags will of course has to be the Eagle II Empire love you want perfect British Empire is being created we've done it of a tiny population of thousands of people and that's it but it's it's gorgeous it's glorious now we're going to be building a fantastic spaceport what else are we going to be making what we could probably do with a good bit of farming I imagine people are going to need farms to survive so let's get a farm up and running there we go so the farms gonna take 60 days apparently but that will produce lovely food oh my goodness look at this is perfect it's British Empire version to an arid world of the British Empire which is very friendly oh I'm so excited I love building colonies you know we've managed to set up a colony we haven't even finished the tutorial yet that's one of the best things about colony management goodness now there is a neutral nap boy over here which we're going to be able to take control of claim it and bring it online and by doing so that's going to allow us to move even faster within our own space and added free speed perfect look at how fast we can go and there's only three days left on the spaceport but it is almost complete and as soon as it is we're going to open up this colony to the public so that basically anyone can do trade here they can bring their ships they can bring trade supplies whatever they need and we are in a bit of a remote area of space in the hero star system as our nearest colony ok our closest system is this hegemony over here of Naraka it's only nine days away which isn't too bad provided we have enough supplies and fuel to get us over there we can probably keep this Conley running forever fantastic news the spaceport is up and running growth is occurring my goodness 2% growth because we have this spaceport up and running apparently growth is happening faster because we have a DC valets subpopulation yes apparently there was once a Connolly somewhere on here and has since been I guess absolutely knackered it does give us a increased population growth it does hurt stability but honestly that's fine my goodness what's this is this a fee moving around remnant fragment maintaining contact with your feet what is going on here where is this remnant fragment headed what are you doing where are you taking me let's open a comlink quickly not received target hostile respond Nidal greetings from try TAC in integrated space defense system what's going on here not really too sure what to do with this remnant chip they do appear to be kind of in our space they don't exactly have the most powerful of ships I think it's probably in our best interest to pursue them and hand it to my second-in-command to try and win the fight oh my goodness I love these thousands of people called British Empire shinto home are people who love it it's fantastic how's the colony doing student ok actually it's generating a decent profit yeah about 4,000 credits a month which isn't too bad it could be improved but we've time on short wheel this is great what's this we discovered some occupied sleeper pods running on backup power we just gained six crew from a random sleeper pod we've randomly fine on the side of a system subscribe I'd be a bit suspicious of all of that if I were you am i we're a bit over our fuel capacity which means sadly we're going to have to jettison some of this fuel off into space oh well goodbye fuel you can stay out there right at the moment we're currently tasks we've tried deal with this unknown defence drone which is kind of hanging around disrupting my space and colony area and I say that they're not really doing anything wrong I just simply want to try and steal its stuff it's not like they're particularly powerful either so it's going to be relatively easy fight for me I'm afraid I'm going tastic the ship has been destroyed meaning we can now pick through the wreckage good stuff not too much to steal but quite valuable nonetheless you know to make the Colin even more stable we're also going to build a makeshift comm relay right here it's going to increase the stability of the local area if you're fantastic we're really setting up the British Empire to be a lovely stable and happy place with certainly more food than the start in tutorial area my goose was this a massive abandoned orbital habitat let's go see what this habitat is like looks like we're going to have some decent recovery effectiveness here as well let's see what we get from the orbital habitat oh my goodness that's a very large amount of recreational drugs and it's a gamma cor-ai oh that's exactly what I wanted for Christmas and a couple of low-tech blueprints lovely stuff oh my that's enough food to keep our colony going for a while that's a gamma cor-ai which is going to run our Kali more efficient than we ever could at some good metals some heavy machinery some fantastic recreational drugs and of course a large amount of supplies that is fantastic oh my goodness we did another savage in the area with glory success even more fantastic unknown space drugs have been located I mean would you trust random floating drugs which you found just lying around in space no you probably wouldn't but these things happen now with that fantastic brand-new AI core we gained we're going to invest that AI core into the population and infrastructure oh my this reduces the demand of everything by one unit which is quite impressive and with that the entire population of the colony actually no longer desires drugs see take a look at it is 1% demand for drugs and a 2% demand for food but no no no no no you install a gamma AI Corps and suddenly the population forgets that they actually want food and growth is now skyrocketing my or mine that looks good and the fact that the people don't know that they're being ruled over by a fickle artificial intelligence well what they don't know doesn't need to worry them you know ladies and gentlemen I think that is enough star sector for one day I've had an absolutely fantastic time in this game we've had such a fun time going around choosing the tutorial and also we've set up a glorious colony of our own now governed by a unknown AI which didn't behave at its own whim who knows what's happening but what I do know is that dr. Seymour claw Bosch is a very intelligent fellow and he's going to lead this colony to glorious prosperous success anyway ladies and gentlemen I've been the spiffing Brit if you've enjoyed this unique take on Starr sector then feel free to give the video a like it really does mean the world to me thank you very much you lovely people and also pop down into the comments section I'm actually interested in something I'd like to know what your favourite genre of games are be they sci-fi adventure games to be there for X grant strategy games RPG games classical RPG games heck your favourite brand of games could just be bat Oreos whatever floats your boat I'd be very interested to hear what kind of games you guys would like to see featured on the channel as always a huge thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos possible thank you very much of lovely people without you guys we wouldn't be able to play a silly game like star sector and not really mind if the video does particularly crazy well or crazy bad because at the end of the day we have you guys supporting it so thank you very much you lovely people if you're wondering what video to watch next then look no further than this one on screen now it's been hand shows and by myself to be right up your alley trust me if you enjoyed star sector you're gonna like this one got Spacey stuff probably it's gonna be a bit of shooties hopefully who knows what happens in it anyway I'll see all of you in the next one having absolutely lovely day ladies and gentlemen good bye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,530,706
Rating: 4.9113693 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, starsector, starsector is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits, perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced, unlimited money glitch, unlimited money, unlimited money exploit, rpg, open world, sci fi, mount and blade, no mans sky, unlimited money glitch is broken, video game is broken, is broken, spiffing brit, funny moments, funny montage starsector, starsector review, starsector guide, english, rt game, video game exploit
Id: 98E0vd44jJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 52sec (2572 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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