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I wonder if the rudeness is cussing or something else, I’ll find out later

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

No incorrect statements were spoken

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/thatoneguydoost 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Oh yes I saw... he made one on Command and Conquer generals. I was not super pleased with him making fun of my favorite RTS and now making fun of this one oh boy...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NGC_Phoenix_7 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the smithing brute and today you join me in no man's sky wait seriously today we're proving if no man skies perfectly balanced scape no man's sky quite historically sniffs least favorite game of all time I mean Ukrainian ball in search of gasps an ottoman empire spectacular millennium our games which I honestly rate above no man's sky yet for some reason Here I am playing it because naturally the game recently went for another massive set of updates and we've updates comes exploits and with exploits comes joyous entertainment for the crown something which I must of course maintain so here we are playing no man's sky today we're once and for all we will be definitively saying if no man scar is a perfectly balanced game or if perhaps there are exploits now what exploits could there possibly be well I don't know something like an unlimited money glitch oh yes that could that could probably imbalance the game couldn't it Sean Murray yeah Sean Murray you know this game those meant to launch of multi play no no you waited until only a couple of weeks ago to add actual proper multiplayer to the game even that is not the multiplayer you promised Sean is it you promised an entire universe with thousands and millions of players everywhere but no it's just a hub Center with 32 players maximum what a guy okay anyway it doesn't matter we're gonna be seeing back relaxing and enjoying a good bit of no man's sky and as always the best way to enjoy a game is with a friend especially game like this which has absolutely no content and is about as entertaining as watching paint dry on the back of a tour toys which died about 17 weeks ago it's fun and entertainment for all the family if your family is comprised of mostly just woodlice so you know what I think it's time we dive into this monumental game and by monumental game I'm not talking like beautiful art monument I'm talking it's just a monument made of concrete it's big but it's just concrete as nothing joyous about concrete's anyway this games been released it's had a load of updates it's added base building its added kind of multiplayer it added minecraft kind of question mark but also it has loads of jank lots of crashing it's beautiful now ladies and gentlemen you join me on a glorious planet this planet called oh hello thank you heat communication device this game is kind of beautiful you land on a randomly generated planet and encounter randomly generated wildlife like for example this creature over here called Sean Murray can suck a fat one Maya why I wonder who discovered this woman aha yes it was indeed discovered by the sniffing Britt let's upload that thank you Sean Murray for the free nanoclusters that I receive for bloating Sean Murray can suck a fat horn anyway let's quickly hop into our ship oh goodness I love the reed Avik capabilities of this game it's fantastic anyway so what we're going to be doing today ladies and gentlemen is we are going to be manipulating items in this game in order to duplicate them now there are various ways to duplicate items in the game that already exist for example you can duplicate carbon quite happily you see in order to duplicate carbon all you need is carbon what we're gonna do is put a hundred carbon in here that's going to allow us to get 50 condensed Carbon Wow now condense carbon is like carbon just more powerful now you might notice it takes two raw carbon to make one condensed carbon so as you can see we basically turned our existing raw carbon into around about 50 refined carbon and loaded it up inside the porto refinery to be used as fuel now what we're going to do is disassemble the portal refinery and on the right you can see we gain 150 carbon as well as the portable refinery which we can just immediately place back down and there you go it's back but of course as you remember we received 150 carbon from that and we still have a spare 19 condensed carbon left now 150 carbon is more carbon that we started with because for some reason when you put 50 condensed carbon in here and destroy it you get a hundred and 50 raw carbon back meaning you get the carbon back on a 1 to free ratio so for every one condensed carbon you get free carbon back yet when it comes to creating condensed carbon all you need is 2 carbon so basically you're getting one extra carbon for each and every condensed carbon you're turning two carbon into free carbon from literally nothing it's fantastic however it's actually not really the best because as you can see carbon is only worth 12 units meaning we're only gaining what like maybe a couple of hundred units for doing this that's pretty useless if only there was a way to make more money ladies and gentlemen more money more profits more goods so that's where my trusty companion kana Brown comes in you might remember him from our lovely borderlands video while he's here today helping me demonstrate to you the lovely ladies in general at home how to choose the game you see we're going to be manipulating the player trading system in the game to create some fantastic setups which are going to give us the ability to duplicate unlimited money and we like unlimited money don't we so where we are in terms of actual progress in the game there's only a couple of hours in really you should have maybe a couple hundred units in terms of money which is your currency up here and that's pretty much all you should have it's not really an incredible amount you can't really buy any new ships of it it's a pretty terrible amount of money however if we look into our inventory we can see that we actually have a completely full stack of gold a completely full stack of chromatic metal activated Kay diem and a pretty large amount of salt which is a good representation of how I felt when this game was first released now you see we found a way to basically duplicate every single item in this game beat the cheapest item in the game like I don't know a piece of dirt to the most expensive item in the game which I do believe is like a 1.4 million unit a special item scanner or something or you can duplicated an unlimited amount of times we basically started out with only about 200 gold yet we've managed to increase it up to 9999 yet between us we actually have much more than that we have hundreds of thousands in terms of gold and also the ability to get more if we need it this gamers technically become extremely trivial due to the fact that we have access to everything as soon as we find one copy of the item now what we're going to be showing off is how we do the export and then what you can do with your ridiculously large amount of money in a game where there is literally nothing to do other than look at the pretty landscapes so how do we do our exploit so step one of our lovely and simple and easy exploit simply involves hopping into your spaceship here so I'll jump into my lovely ship Sean Murray tore a big fat lie now once you're inside your ship you simply want to hop into your inventory and as you can see we can transfer resources between our inventories by simply hitting the X key we're gonna move the stack of 10,000 copper worth 1.2 million from my inventory into my starships inventory or also move over the 4.5 million stack of cadmium move over all the gold and all of the chromatic metal and also once we're at it all of the salt so as we can see all of that lovely good stuff is in my beautiful starships inventory so I'm going to simply pop out my starship now as I do that you can see the middle of the screen it says restore points saved that's basically Sean Murray dropping down a fantastic save now this is why we can exploit it quite happily because now that we have that save I'm going to simply go to my starship transfer the copper not from my starship into my inventory but into Cana browse inventory now by doing that we've just given our good friend corner 10,000 copper and he's his inventory is full so I'll give him the gold carnet empty your venturi now because we've done this exploit so many times collars inventory is actually completely full we're gonna have to actually nip to the space station soon to clear it out but as you remember I gave him 10,000 copper and that's basically all I've done so it's gone out my starships inventory into his inventory and what do we do next quite simply I'm just going to exit from the game and jump straight back into the menu as you can see our last save was 48 seconds ago prior to us moving over that copper no we need to do is hop back into our game choose the last save we have and something magical is going to happen ladies and gentlemen ah fantastic we're back in the game and if I hit tab and look into my inventory's I can see my starship has the exact amount of copper we had you see corner over here could you please transfer me the copper which I gave you moments ago it should be the stack of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety three copper there we go I get my stack of copper back and that is put into my inventory this is the same stack I gave corner which came out of my starships inventory however by loading back in we now have two of the same stacks because I gave him one and for some reason my starship decided to keep a duplicated copy of it meaning we've just doubled our money and we've gained 1.2 million in the span of a couple of seconds now what's it like from the other perspective work on it could you please hop into the ship put all of your items in there dropper save and then try for everything back to me and we'll see how much money we can get in a fantastic duplication run now bearing in mind we haven't made this perfectly efficient there are probably better resources you can do this with but the resources we found which were quite easy to get in quite valuable with gold because there 353 units each KTM which is quite good as 450 and salt which is 300 all very good easy resources to trade with now as we can see Connor over here is transferring all of his inventory over from his ship and remember we're going to be ending up with two copies of this one which exists in his ship one which exists in my inventory however because we are both currently technically on the same timeline that ship over there is empty and my inventory is full all it takes is for him to jump out exit from my current save and time line and simply load back into his original one so we're going to see him pop in in a couple of seconds time on why it's magical and there we go suddenly he's back I have a full inventory worth of goods and also his starship is absolutely RAM packed with stuff you know what to prove that this has actually successfully worked could you please transfer the stack of silver which you have in your ship it should be roughly four thousand five hundred and six because that is there we go I just received exactly four thousand five hundred and six silver lovely stuff as you can see basically we doubled the amount of silver we have raising our silver up to a beautiful value of 1.6 million now there we go as we have our stacks of duplicated items I think it's time we go sell some of them so we're going to teleport over to our nearest Starbase and sell a ridiculously large amount of goods now once you've teleported or flown to your nearest galactic Hope or you simply need to do is find this beautiful galactic trade terminal lovely stuff and what we want to do is simply sell items from our inventory now we have some pretty valuable items as you can see we have a ridiculous stack of 10,000 unyte school bought which we're going to sell completely for four million units and away it all goes and suddenly you can see all of the achievements starting to rack up oh yes we've just gone from having only a hundred thousand units right up to having four million oh my it really is fantastic and of course don't forget the chromatic metal as well so we're going to sell all of that off glory stuff and the stack of gold and now I suddenly have a love million units which is certainly more than I probably should have access to at this stage of the game but it's going to allow me to go from my lovely spaceship over there to a spaceship which is much more valuable like say this one here so even though we have made basically no progress in the game I'm going to immediately buy a very nice-looking spaceship so this lovely spontaneous alien life-form over here has a beautiful ship a B class ship bearing in mind ours was at sea this is much better and it has so much more storage space look at that now this ship I've imagined is going to be much much more valuable than my ship yes yeah my ship valued only 385,000 this one is twelve million and you know what we can just straight-up buy the entire thing it's better in every single regard I mean look at it it's got 30 slots whereas ours only has 15 it's so much better so naturally that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to buy this nice great big expensive ship ago we've sadly sold Sean Murray toward a big fat lie but instead we have gained this massive brand-new ship oh my goodness it's huge look at all of the fantastic storage space we now have access to now when it comes to actually fighting in this game you can own these beautiful gorgeous looking spaceships I mean just look at them they're fantastic and you can shoot or you can use the guns of the spaceships to mine asteroids like for example this asteroid in front of us BAM we shoot it we get some silver but you'll notice if we hold down our shooty laser the bar in the top right rises and we're slowly going to overheat Oh No how terrible however if you just download a literal basic find on I don't know Safari or Firefox auto clicker suddenly by holding down the auto clicker the game decides even though you are shooting as fast as normal we shouldn't actually add overheating to your gun so for example non auto clicker oh no guns overheating I could only fight for so long we've auto clicker actually the guns cooling down even though it's shooting just as fast thank you game it just works doesn't it Sean Murray now after selling ten thousand worth of our gold as you can see the value of gold is absolutely crashed it's down 82% now selling a stack of 10,000 will only get us six hundred eighty seven thousand units which is a lot of money but it's not fantastic now because the prices have crashed in our system we're simply going to buy a hyperdrive module and load it onto our brand-new starship and we're going to be using this lovely hyperdrive module to simply exit the system we're currently in and move to a system where the prices are back to normal so to allow us to go to a system where the prices are more favorable for item duplication I've installed a beautiful bog-standard hyperdrive which you can get exceedingly cheap and I'm going to be using this to simply travel to the nearest system where hopefully the gold prices are much better know where we go I'll tell you what you know it's a good game when you've got a waste a good maybe five to six hours on the tutorial well that's how you know it's a premium game which 100% certainly won't just have you pulling all of your hair out with its fantastical repetitive features the kind of fundamental idea of the game is that you have a core gameplay loop which is fun enjoyable rewarding and it makes you feel good this game why it's just got none of that has it now no it really doesn't but I'm sure it's I'm sure there's fun there for someone yep can I tell you what though I would genuinely never have to play this more than I have to I mean imagine streaming this game sure it's got a multiplayer of 32 people but god I don't know if I'd I'd i couldn't physically bring myself to stream this game would be terrifying not even if 20,000 people in the community told me to I don't know maybe like 30,000 maybe but 20,000 no wait no no no no no this game it's too much from suffering I know hey we're almost done with the tutorial segment and with that we can finally leave this system and now that we've traveled to this new system using a glorious fantastical hyperdrive technology which doesn't cost us that much at all to help from system system maybe a couple of thousand that's all but by doing so we've managed to tap into a brand new market in which for example the price of chromatic metal is only 11 percent beneath where it should be instead of the previous 90 percent where we left it on so bad that's another two million in a Cell our gold for free million the silver for 1.6 the cadmium for 4.5 and oh my goodness it's fantastic and there we have it we now have 30 million if we include the value of our ship an absolutely astounding amount of money to have this early in the game God you know I'm done with this game I really am I skaar anymore we've done enough we've done enough for this game I can't fly any wall cover let me get some see us go back in my blood oh god I'm gonna need water csgo and oh god it just may be a 24 hour session of openttd to get me back into good gaming anyway goodness sake I'd be the spiffing Brit this has been no man's sky a game I intend to never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever return to no matter what they up to this game my goodness this game we've got we've exploited it we're never revisiting it again there's no need we've done it and we are not returning no matter how many of you might ask it's not happening it is 100% not ever happening honestly we're more likely to see myself become literally the God of the entire known universe before you are going to probably see me return to no man's sky anyway as always thank you to patrons they make these bloody stupid videos possible where I sit down for 312 hours we were mate and have to sit through the worst gaming experience ever created so thank you very much for your donations they go very long way and if you order all video torch next hopefully a game which is much better which is almost certainly guaranteed on this channel they'd go for this one on screen now it's been handpicked by myself it's gonna be perfect trust me don't you worry got this so glad this game's over this video is sponsored by Squarespace Dollar Shave Club audible audacity Yorkshire tea Tetley the Queen herself just about everyone excluding hello games the craters of no-man's guy's sponsored this video so go down into the description and use referral code know when sky is the worst game in the universe to get 20% off everything in existence right that's enough for this video I'm done I'm completely done oh thank God it's over
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 996,386
Rating: 4.785737 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, no mans sky, spiffing brit, funny moments, funny, montage, no man sky, no mans sky is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits, perfectly balanced exploits, Unlimited Money Glitch Is Broken, unlimited money glitch, overpowered exploit, sci fi game, space adventure game, no mans sky beyond, no mans sky multiplayer, multiplayer glitch, multiplayer exploit, money glitch online, multiplayer money glitch, english, british humor, perfectly balanced game, rt game
Id: yLR3_Kr12rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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