M&B Bannerlord Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Infinite Money Glitch Is Broken

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daily goal changed 5575 oh that's a unique quantity of money because that's just one tiny little Factory and it just paid for 50% of its upfront cost oh dear oh dear oh dear hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Britt and today we're playing banner Lords now this game has just released into early access and you know what that means ladies and gentlemen fresh makings for exploits this is the long-awaited sequel to mountain blade warband when I say long-awaited I mean really really long-awaited and as you can probably guess just about everyone in the entire world is playing it at the moment because of course it is a very fun game although because it's in early access it's very buggy so we're going to see if banner Lord is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits today if you're new here welcome do consider subscribing and if you're extra majestic you might have even given the video alight so sit back relax grab yourself a nice cup of Yorkshire tea make yourself right at home and let's dive into this video but before we actually jump into any of the exploits today ladies and gentlemen what do you think spiffs actually going to destroy today is he a going to find a way to get unlimited money be fun way to get unlimited free troops see find a way to get unlimited experience or D all of the above with extra helpings of Yorkshire tea go down into the comments section and vote and you may be right let's dive into this video so today ladies and gentlemen I'm going to be demonstrating quite a few fun little exploits for you you see the developers have got a very nice custom character creation you can make your perfect chappy and send them off into the world to go conquer it or just make a lot of money or just do whatever maybe just raid a bunch of places whatever floats your boat the only downside is the developers forgot that one issue might arise with the game that is that it might fall into my hands and in those hands we found ways to make money Oh some ways that really should not have been discovered and then using that money is also completely broken and I'll be demonstrating that later on anyway it's time to create our character so who's going to be our super-powerful character today of Landon's who get more upgrade and XP stuff a sturgeon for lower penalties snow an empire for construction speeds extra speed on horses more Sweden forests yeah so basically free of these upgrades are useless because their speed bonuses in minor regions why or know if you'd won that I don't know we don't really care about speed Empire sure that's great but you've got a control actual towns and cities in order to get that bonus land Ian's I don't even care who we care about that's just pretty much useless you're gonna upgrade your troops no matter what they'll die before they hit max level anyway if you're playing it right we're going to be playing as the asuri reason why caravans are 30% cheaper to build and there's a 10% less trade penalty these are the trade boys and trust me the trade boys know how to make money so it's time to make our character today ladies and gentlemen I know a lovely powerful character going to give him lovely and defied cheekbones just like that however instead of that lovely spiffy moustache or any of that facial paint I got a proper big bushy beard and here we have it ladies and gentlemen our legendary character just look at him he's a majestic and happy chappy little does he know it but we're going to actually take him only into the world of Cowell radio and he's going to conquer the entire thing although he's going to do with his little fighting is feasibly possible so he won't stretch Lee invade land you don't need to in this game anyway we need to create an upbringing for our lovely child and of course what you're going to do is just spam all of the merchant options so that you max out your trade status as fast as possible there you go just drop them all in and of course when it says before your life sets out for adventure your biggest achievement was investing some money in a workshop this is very useful books we also gain a skill in smithing which you're actually surprisingly going to need so here is our legendary character The Fantasticks Biff I know look at him he's majestic is going to be making a lot of money and don't worry it's not going to look silly like that for much longer oh my look at the wiggle physics on this yes so it is just one long salami stick is just really Wiggly the bows are inside of spiffs arm or that's not comfortable at all any less for ourselves into the game whack everything to Normal difficulty and trust me do not enable death cut cut that's painful stuff indeed anyway it's time for us to start the game now that we finished the little tutorial section which I've skipped over we actually need to create a family name for ourselves and of course we're going to go for the Brit as our family name so we are of course spiff of house Brit oh and of course we need to make a lovely banner oh well when it comes to banner design of course what do we go for are the humble Tea Leaf what a beautiful design oh now look at that doesn't that just inspire you when you see such a beautiful Tea Leaf majestic indeed when you start out the game you only have yourself and a thousand dinars to basically get you by now for most characters this is kind of a death sentence but for ourselves this is actually pretty good indeed because of the character setup we have in actual level 1 we can sync a focus point into trade and focus points basically a way of saying I want to specialize in this category so because we've respect so much into trade and we have a social skill of 5 we're going to learn the trade skill at 14 times the normal rate trust me this is very necessary because learning the trade skill takes a really long time also 100% please pick up wholesaler if you don't you lose the campaign very important and then charm lovely stuff pick up charm as well good stuff so we have got a lovely trading character and how on earth do you trade in this game well you simply buy products from one place and sell them to another now because we're only in the game we only have a carrying capacity of 30 which is not really enough to move any Goods about in any profitable way so we're going to need to use exploit number one in order to generate enough money to become a trader because 1000 just isn't enough now in order to get ourselves started we've purchased 648 Gold's worth of salt from the settlement of after FINA over here only 18 gold pieces each now we've recently empower us and we saw that the price of salt was much much higher than that and so even though we are massively over encumbered we're going to slowly waterway over to PO gross and drop off all of our salt now I did actually have to drop off some of the salt and recruit a couple of lads but I was getting chased around by bandits most of the time but the salt which we managed to buy for only 18 we can sell here for 40 meaning we get 700 of our gold back anyway how do we gain more resources well we can take our small squad of men over to Annika here Monica here sells olives olives we can buy for 20 and sell for 42 so we're going to buy as many olives as we physically can even go over the party limit just a little bit and also recruit a couple more men just so that we can carry more Goods and then move the goods all the way back to Pyro's maybe we can then trade them off for 40 to each vari nice now we're up to 1,100 gold and we have a party of six dudes lovely stuff now in order to really get the trade rolling in it's good idea to buy a couple of pack mules because they're really good to increase the amount of carrying capacity you have they provide one hundred each which is really good also I'd strongly suggest walking around with a group of about eight men and just feeding them only grain and that should keep them onside and happy with you which is good oh that was one incredible fight with the looters they outnumbered us but we did manage to beat them and cement did flee the battle good stuff there we go we've leveled ourselves up oh we even get some prisoners - lovely lovely a lot of our men are now dead because that but you know these things happen now once again we're going to buy a bunch of our lives as well from the exact same settlement for about 20 each and then ship them all back to power us once more it is literally just around the corner and we make a profit of about 10 on each of them there we go we're now up to 1400 gold and we've actually leveled up on trade stat 247 as well very nice I've made my way over to talk to Chris which is just a little bit further on and these guys produce grapes now grapes are incredible because they only cost 20 to purchase and you can sell them for 60 free of Ostrom which is not actually too far away from us so we're going to buy 45 grapes and make her way over to boström which is just a quick hop for our little caravan now grapes aren't that good to sell in Peru sadly but that doesn't really matter because we can still stop off here for a trade and buy ourselves another two mules to give us a carrying capacity of 590 which is of course very nice anyway on woodstove Ostrom with our brand new upgraded party look at that we're moving so much faster now 5.1 speed 4 may not look like much but trust me this is true pod racing now and here we have it we arrive in the lovely city of Ostrom where we can deposit some war which i've bought and seeing that grapes are actually not selling for much here we're actually going to move on yes the grape trade is not strong here we must go to other places so it's time for us to head to Dan News Ticker Dan News Ticker is a lovely city very very useful little city to have we're going to be doing a lot of business with it later now you might be sat there wondering why on earth is trading so overpowered in this game well it's over powerful one very very strong and simple reason if you look at your character skills they see the trade skill tree is a pretty perfectly normal balanced skill tree you have your little modifier here so that you don't have to upkeep your workshops that much you get more carry weight you have this one here so that workshops gather average price rumors which is very useful you can add toll gates and distributed goods art design communities and all that but the most important one by a very very very long shot is the everything has a price upgrade this requires a level of 225 in trading but when gained you can now trade settlements when doing barter bartering is a lovely simple mechanic where you can walk up to any Lord or character and say to them hello I would like insert thing from your inventory I will give you either gold or something from my inventory for it in our case we can give gold lots and lots of gold oh my goodness I found just a tiny little villager in the middle of nowhere where for some reason they're willing just to buy grapes at a price of 30 that's fine that's gonna improve my trade school thanks lovely person evidently you haven't had a grape supply wagon in a very long time no I'm going to buy a metric ton of hardwood here because you know it's ridiculously cheap at only 19 and there we go we've purchased us of 61 units of hardwood now hardwood has many uses you can use it to trade and gain money that way you can also use it to cause a few shenanigans in the game you see currently the economy of the game is a smidge broken not only can you sell resources to villages it way above the price you should actually be able to sell them at you are also able to abuse the smithing mechanic in this game you see you can buy yourself a bunch of these crappy iron pitchforks for 66 gold each same for these pickaxes and these pitchforks and these simple bastard swords they're quite good 151 each so you can buy all of these bad boys for 745 we paid and then what we can do is smelt them down for resources so we can turn these to pitchforks into to bits of wood fantastic we can turn this simple bastard sword into four wrought iron and two iron as well as one crewed iron which is a fantastic trade for one piece of charcoal and then we can actually just go back and sell the resources we gained so one piece of iron is enough to actually pay for the bastard sword which we smell down only cuz 151 to buy it and yet we've managed to sell its parts for 430 we can do the same for the wrought iron and the crude iron and we can also sell some of our hard wood as well which we gained lovely stuff that's how the smithing mechanic is pretty cheesy early on in the game so we're going to buy the other two bastard swords as they are the most perfectly balanced weapon to use this wave they only cost us 302 and we're going to convert them into more than that remember 302 to buy how much are they going to sell for ah 1413 Oh game I mean that um that doesn't feel very balanced now does it especially considering you can get these swords from fighting in battles so yes if you are out in the fields fighting people do not sell the weapons take the weapons back to a smithy you don't even need any skills in the smithing tree and just melt them down into pure money so we've made our way up to three thousand eight hundred dinars at the moment but we are going to need more so we're going to buy a bunch of flax to sell at the new sticker which is always a great thing to do and buy some furs as well they're quite useful they do sell for a fair bit and even buy some silver or why not and BAM after that trade our trade skill is now up to fifty and we have four thousand gold in the bank so why not visit the new seeker and see what lovely weapons they have they have no weapons in fact we can sell pitchforks and pickaxes to them and why not because they're just garbage but Wow never expect that from such a town you've gone to honor a once again bought a sword for 151 and we're going to smelt this bad boy down so we spent a hundred and fifty one buying the sword and we'll sell the swords components for five hundred thirteen another glorious upgrade let's go sell the rest of this hard wood and so we sell all of our hard wood and we'll bomb even more profit we're now up to almost 5000 gold now this process of just hopping back and forth buying hard wood or fish or grapes and grain from over here and trading them or the lovely hard wood trade where you can buy hard wood from here or this village and run it down to the news ticker or listen fool is up to you you can do any of those you're gonna make a lot of money and you want to keep doing those until you hit a roundabout level 20 and then that's when the magic funds go and start happening so you join us sometime later we now have 10,000 gold in our entry and we've actually improved our clan a bit we're almost clan Tier two but most important we have a few companions with us who are able to aid us in combat which is very useful now a interesting thing has happened here with the game's economy you see grain is actually selling from de News Ticker at a cost of 9 which is a unique price for grain to be yet to say the least now because grain is selling at only a cost of 9 that means we can probably sell it for more than 9 because I'm pretty sure that's the lowest the game will even allow it to go we can then take our legendary grain supply just over this bridge heading all the way to honor where we are going to sell about 300 units of grain yes we've now hit the point where we are moving massive quantities of goods about because we have 9 mules and 8 sub 2 horses who are providing 1700 carrying capacity which is very useful stuff indeed at the end of the day carrying capacity is speed we bought this cream for nine and we can just dump all of it into the market over here together price down to ten there we go a lovely trade well we've managed to actually improve a level and get up to trade level 66 which is very good now with all of our fantastic trade we're hitting the point where we can actually buy our first Caravan now caravans in this game are a fantastic source of infinite wealth I strongly recommend everyone purchases as many as they can one also once again another lovely easy trade is to buy salt from de new sticker here and sell it to the city bordering it just to the south now as you will notice the map borders have changed a bit because the seven empires expanded massively for some reason in the card bill of the game base of an empire are just very very very very powerful I'm yet to see them lose a single fight anyway let's sell that salt now even though it's a risky term to do this because only have 16,000 in the bank we are going to actually start our first exploit here right now ladies and gentlemen and it's going to be broken from this point on we have just unlocked the infinite money button Missy as soon as you hit around about 15,000 ladies and gentlemen what you can do is off into the city of on over here and just take a walk around the city center now this game like the previous game has workshops these workshops produce goods and the goods are sold on the market and of course they make a profit depending on how well the good sell now in this lovely city here therefore world we've revolve we've re and a pottery shop - fantastic businesses I'm sure they're probably only making around about a few hundred or so a day a few hundred or so a day is not enough for me no no no no no we need much much more than that you see there's currently a bit of an issue of the games coding and that would be that one business seems to all please ignore the deadly texture on the floor as well that's fine it's not their only access Gav it's fine but yes there seems to be an issue with the games coding and that's that there is currently no balance with the workshops some workshops are just objectively better than others and can be built in just about any location and still make a ridiculous amount of profit so we're going to go to our shop worker here and say I'd like to buy this workshop it will only cost you thirteen thousand to buy what a lovely idea of course we're going to do it now he probably wants us to keep it open as a wool workshop which is what it is instead we're going to choose the wood workshop option you see the wood workshop crafts bows and shields out of just simple hardwood and this is a fantastic idea so we've sank 13,000 into that ladies and gentlemen a great starter and must say as well as you can see we have our carpenter here that's 100 wages and tomorrow it's going to give us some money now what the carpenter does is as the game expressed vice hardwood offer the local market and makes goods for using it now because we have a hardwood village right here if hardwood is very likely to end up on that market at a very low cost we can also manipulate the market by buying a hundred and seventy hardwood from this local little village here and dumping it onto the local stock exchange sure we might not necessarily make much of a trading profit but what does matter is something else entirely so we're going to dump all of the hard wood we gained into the market and technically make a loss on it ladies and gentlemen Oh No what a shame but what if that loss lasts for no time whatsoever so simply sit back relax and just wait in the village for some time there's no rush ladies and gentlemen the local wood workshop is about to do its magic now it's going to take a while for this carpenter to come online in its first day of operation it made fifty-one gold which is the lovely mint we didn't really lose much money operating our army but I'd actually like that wood workshop to actually pay itself off but don't worry all of that time oh gold change 211 did we just gain 211 gold it's like we did our wood workshop is now actually making money very strange oh no I wonder what this could possibly mean oh and now it's really starting to happen ladies and gentlemen daily gold changed 5575 oh that's a unique quantity of money because that's just one tiny little Factory and it just paid for 50% of its upfront cost oh dear oh dear oh dear well this is certainly a unique situation to be in and you know what we're going to do we're just going to keep dumping hard wood onto the local market because we can I'm beat might as well just wait in the city until the next day takes over we get our next injection of cash oh look 4,000 lovely stuff now I think this is bug because there's an extra zero in here somewhere most of our workshops are going to be making you around about four hundred sixty four rather than three thousand six hundred forty war but nonetheless we can just kind of sit back relax and let the money tick in one thing else we can actually do is we can talk to our workshop and we can actually sell it for 30,000 now considering we bought this workshop for eleven thousand this is absolutely ridiculously fantastic anyway we're just going to let it tick by and then with the next injection of cash we should actually be able to set up yes yet another workshop and that's what we're going to do go in to buy some hard wood from Audrey sir here and probably set up another workshop in done new sticker so we're going to dump all of the hard wood onto the trade market of town new sticker and actually make it nice decent profit off of the back of it and also walk around the town centre to find the local woodwork shop or actually it wouldn't be a woodworking shop but it will be now once you can make money using trading and I have probably made around about a hundred thousand from trading on my main character it's not actually anywhere near as effective as the workshop because the workshop allows you to maintain a massive army and not have to worry about paying them I think I was fielding around about 200 troops which was costing me around about 1700 a day but all of the wages could be paid for very quickly by just one single wood workshop and we're about to double our income from the wood workshops by setting up a second one right here so hello there shop worker get ready for me to buy this workshop only 14 hours of no problem you're now would workshop away you go my friend good luck now it's going to take him a little while to get themselves up and running but once they do they really do and we watch that's happening where'd she go to travel over to Voss trim and let them set up their lovely little workshop it does take my while to get the workshop up and running so you do need to make sure you have a little bit of money ticking over from other things like say other workshops or trading or taxation whatever floats your boat so we're back some time later ladies and gentlemen and the legendary party of spiff her as well after only a few days generated eighty-two thousand gold we are generally making around about six thousand to fourteen thousand a day just by doing quite literally nothing which is a very nice position to be in and yes our infinite wealth is really starting to come online but of course we need to get our entire character and clan up to clan tier two before we start making ridiculous quantities of money and also before we can join the southern empire as being one of their vassals because it is relatively useful to start out as a vassal and then go on to conquer the world so spiff is already a very very wealthy individual although admittedly you wouldn't be able to tell that from the way he dresses all the weapons he uses it's mostly just all of the cheapest stuff you can find in a shop because a spife does not have to fight suspicion use the broken tactic system in the game you see carefully we have 14 points in tactics if we were to get up to a hundred points in tactics we'd have a plus 10% simulation advantage if you were to get it right up to 300% and beyond which you can technically do then you'd be getting over 30% in terms of a simulation advantage the only issue is the tactics leveling up system is pretty damn broken looks you can pick up tactical superiority meaning all of your soldiers do 5% more damage in simulations you can learn couple that with ambush specialist meaning archers deliver 60% more damaging simulations in forests so you add those two together suddenly you get 65% more damage from any arch as if they're sat in the forest and guess what they also have more ammunition and you can make your infantryman do 50% more damage to cavalry in simulations it just gets more and more broken eventually you'll hit a point if you go down the tactics path where you can auto resolve battles far better than you could actually do by playing them and honestly there's no reason to not just auto resolve every single fight you find yourself in anyway to adventure about the map and hunt down a bunch of bandits in order to get myself up too renowned level 2 if you want some tips on how to grind out renown I recommend going toward one of the factions who have settlements which are really really far away from any castles like say this satin Terra version herb or this one a pair of Iroquois scarlet because you can often defeat the peasants without anyone interfering which is lovely as you can see ladies and gentlemen some time has passed and we're on the trail of some lovely looters 35 of them in fact oh and they cannot ever in US I mean come on have you seen us and got such a majestic army surrender or die brigand yo she'll never take his life hi I think I might right let's just send the troops in because after all a true general doesn't fight his own battles oh and we increase our tactics gained some influence gained some renown and we didn't even lose a single soldier now that's a good victory now you will notice that there's a change in my flag and that's because I've joined the southern Empire and in return they've given me Zaira toast Castle right here a lovely little castle although admittedly it seen better days it's a bit shaken up at the moment its prosperity isn't too high but equally is not the worst it possibly could be now even with this level of prosperity and having a castle in two cities this combination of land is actually only providing me with about 500 gold per day this is terrible it says remember 500 gold per day is much much less than were actually able to produce using our lovely wood workshops owning land is actually useless but what isn't useless is owning a lot of factories now that's where the money comes from and just to demonstrate how crazily overpowered the wood farms are this here is my clans profits without any wood farms if two iron mongers working one mates 1607 one makes 437 the same time we also have a bunch of caravans running around the world and each Caravan gives me anywhere between fifty and a thousand each day which is exceedingly varied but it is still rather profitable and I'm going to switch over to using the woods factories instead and you're going to be noticing a slight change in my profit ladies and gentlemen we now make 21 thousand gold a day this is broken to say the least because we are generating twenty thousand gold per day which is more gold than most characters half who are running around on this map the system is not particularly working now what do you do with all of this money well what I've decided to do is just sink most of it into my caravans my caravans doing quite well at the moment making about a thousand to six hundred each it's my caravans of running about the map with some companions who I literally hide in a pub knew them for a day and said here take 15 grand find about 40 lats and go make me Millions and that's what they're going to do oh look we almost made 30 grand that day very nice or we just sold a bunch of flax oh that's very nice and a bunch of fish and all of the hard wood in the world oh the world is looking good we're now trade level 105 we're on our way to making a lot of trade now in terms of how to use trade to take over the world one thing we can do is use great investors so that each profitable Caravan gives us an extra one renown'd per day or use our design community meaning every profitable shop gives us one renowned day I've weight doesn't matter we're going to get a lot of renown from them what is crazy powerful is villager connections your workshop production is increased by 25% now that is very nice anyway we could really do with increasing our stats because in order to level up in this game it's not a case of killing people I need to gain a total of 28 skill points in other categories in order to level up that might be helping wounded soldiers healing settlements building and operating siege engines spot tracks to hideouts or travel on rough terrain just ride on a horse use a crossbow throw something it's all things we can do quite easily Ginga which we can go to train some skills on these looters running around why not now instead of using the auto resolve system which I would like to do actually going to attack these bad boys because I've equipped a spare and by using the spare to get a couple of kills like I'm going to gain a couple of points into getting closer to levelling up this is the pay2win method of leveling up ladies and gentlemen alright now I think it's time for me to go get myself some kills with my pointy spare cost of course I get backed up by my lovely men in the background oh that's a nice kill but so one crazy broken thing in the game at the moment is horse archers because horse archers can skirmish around the enemies and they can always outrun them and they do crazy amounts of damage on my pole arms up to 9 now very good are there's only six of them left oh goodness scissors beam and absolute slaughter for the poor mieze oh and they've killed my horse oh well that was good to happen and of course when I'm in danger we just send all of the men in to assist although there's not really much to be scared of because fighting looters is not exactly too difficult oh no they're all running away that's not very nice of them horsies go chase them down good horsies good sadly my horse is dead but it's fine he resurrects himself after the battle for some unknown reason anyway that's a glorious success for all of us I've gained 13 skills in the Polo category which is very good of course when you're out and about on the world fighting your troops do level of now what do you do with your troops when they level up well you can't promote them into glorious higher categories I know it's amazing now when it comes to upgrading your infantry the game's quite nice it does cost money but the game does warn you how much money it's going to cost so we're going to upgrade this watchman we're going to grade those archers we're going to upgrade those footmen sure why not make them all hunters that sounds great get some more brigands in there a massive veteran super shield dude there we go just spend a lot of money upgrading all of my boys now because this game doesn't want you making any mistakes and so it allows you to go back on your decisions you won't actually be spending any money until you hit done here so as you can see we have 533 thousand gold 427 so yes a lot of money but of course it's going to cost us 970 upgrade old men we don't want to do that so instead what you do is you just click off literally anywhere I'm gonna click on the inventory and it says do you want to make those changes and we say apply and what you'll notice is that our gold didn't go down at all we still have five hundred thousand three hundred fetch freemen but what you'll notice is all of the troops in my party have upgraded to exactly what they said they were look here's our brand new veteran warrior dude yep that's a that's fine game oh dear oh dear wrote it of grading troops in this game is a very important mechanic and of course you can just choose it like that another way you can absolutely defeat the troop recruiting mechanic in this game is by abusing the party system is if you stand near one of your own castles you can create a brand new party and this party will immediately go out and try and recruit some men then come back and assist and the only downside is that it's completely naturally broken because the pond of creating a new party if you a character it doesn't cost you any resources and yet they immediately appeared with five units of their culture type so if they're of the people of the West they immediately spawn in with five units of heavy cavalry they spawn in with basically five late-game super good units what you do is you take that and you immediately disband the new party and what that means is you get the character and all of their men immediately become yours so you've just suddenly MAGIX five greatly game units out of thin air you can then repeat this process as many times as you like because it costs you nothing to do so consequently you can run around the map with an army much larger than you really feasibly should you could quite easily pair it with the infinite gold so you just buy a million grain and then even though you'll have men deserting you about every five seconds it doesn't matter because you'll have such a large army am i Taurus the hand with forty six dudes oh you my friend are a lovely target to have come back here you're not gonna run away we gonna point one speed ever so slightly faster than you we will catch you oh and of course we've got some assistant Saren always party lovely and there we go we've caught up to them and they have no wish to fight us but we can still kill them nonetheless and because they're 46 very well-equipped men even though it's going to be a bit of a tough fight and I could gain a lot of tactics from this it's a very valuable fight to have indeed all right let us attack this actually manually I tried my best not to off myself by accident now even though we've only been fighting for a very brief period of time all of them have suddenly decided to route oh my goodness alright so we're just going to have them charge down by all of our men I'm not even gonna be able to get many kills from this and there we go we've killed as many of the enemies as we feasibly could now here's another cheeky exploit demonstrated by spiff and his desire to improve himself at the cost of just about everything else in the game when it comes to leveling up any weapon in the game it's entirely calculated off of damage you do what this means is once the battle is over you can actually just straight up farm damage from anything left on the battlefield these can include friendly troops even my own horse now what does this mean in practice well it means I can use my bow and arrow here to straight up kill the horse of one of my own men here and don't worry it doesn't matter because he's gonna respawn with a horse as soon as the battle over by just shooting the horse in the head I'm gaining experience from this despite the fact that it's an ally oh and he's fallen off his horse I can also shoot him in the foot and wound him if I like as you can see we gained one increase in skill from our archery one in the horse important in the pole arms very good now would appear that my faction has decided that we are going to war with the northern empire which is fun and exciting I mean they're apparently of equivalent size to us so that's good I don't you know they look even larger oh this is going to an extra challenge I like it Badman there we have it ladies and gentlemen and then for our glorious first episode in The Adventures of mountain blade banner Lord my mind really wanted to say war band it's gonna be really strange getting used to calling this one band a lord but hey I mean there's hardly much of a difference between the two games where did the game development go certainly not on adding new features nonetheless I did that you have a lot of fun playing this game and I have a very very exciting second part to the video coming up very soon of course it's absolutely rammed full of even more exploits and even more bugs which I discovered along my journey so hey if you're one of the game developers you might want to consider subscribing because it's a very interesting bug report going to be ending up in your sub feet very soon as always if you have enjoyed the video feel free to give it a like as it doesn't massively help myself out and if you're a patreon thank you very much for your majestic support you lovely sausage and if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next after this absolute monstrosity of an exploit well then look no further than these ones on screen now hand chosen by myself to be exactly your cup of tea and we all see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,362,711
Rating: 4.9174523 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, M&B, M&B Bannerlord, bannerlord, mount and blade, bannerlord exploit, infinite gold glitch, money glitch, money exploit, infinite money, bannerlord glitch, mount and blade exploit, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, rpg game, rpg exploit, mount, and, blade, mount and blades, bannerlord gameplay, mount and blade 2, M&B exploit, bannerlord overpowered, overpowered, infinite money glitch, bannerlord trade, bannerlord workshop, bannerlord guide
Id: 01sVKulbZrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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