Open TTD IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - Excluding Unlimited Money Glitch Is Broken

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Just downloaded the game because I watched his video.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/blast3db3nny 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

we need graystillplays to get on the OpenTTD wagon.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/anoxiousweed 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Does one of the mods have a tea industry? If not let's see if we get one of those.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Imosa1 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Anyone interested in taking up this game should really watch Masterhellish's YouTube videos. This guy is the sole reason I began playing again after many years. He is both knowledgeable and funny in a very British way.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/CGA1 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

What an annoying video...

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/IfaqYurmama 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wow. That's like the second time spiffing brit has made a video on a game I just got back to.

Also does anyone like his videos? I find he can condense those 40 minutes into 10 easily.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/SuperKrook22 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Count me as a new player from his video. This game definitely could pull me in.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Singing_Sea_Shanties 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Just saw this vid today, though I found out about the game a day or two ago from a Jschlatt video from over 3 years ago, and found Brit's vid from searching for more OpenTTD vids

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AwesomeGuyDj 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Given that I know nothing about this person, can anyone who watches his videos tell me, is this going to be good or bad publicity? Watched the first 5 minutes and have no idea whether he's being sarcastic or not...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mane25 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the smithy britain today we are playing openttd which stands for open source transport tycoon deluxe that's right this is the open source version of a game that was released in 1994 yes just put that into perspective this game was released in 1994 here we are playing it in 2019 what a fantastic situation we find ourselves in just how old is this game this game is 25 years old and it still receives regular updates because for some reason it has a fanatical community surrounding it and you know this community it's still up and running today let's load up the main menu and click on the multiplayer section let's see if we can find any servers my goodness look at all of the servers admittedly there's not too many people actually playing on them at the moment there's only 9 people online come on TTD community what's happening here I'm just - they're just being so many more people playing this is terrible where have all of the gamers gone come on guys you should be do me proud this games free why shouldn't there be thousands of people playing this game it is one of the greatest games ever created anywhere in the meantime this game is fantastic and you might also notice hang-on spiff I can't hear anything where are the game noises well I've muted them at the moment because you want to hear the openttd game music yeah race for some uniquely loud noises here we go [Music] oh my German what an absolutely fantastic collection of music I mean before it was composed by the legendary who made it John Broome Hall the John Broome Hall what a man he actually looks quite adorable em I say he also composed the music for XCOM and even did Forza Motorsport this guy is a veteran of video game soundtracks what about you've probably all started with transport tycoon deluxe I mean transport tycoon deluxe is probably these stepping stone and starting point for so many people who got hooked on the tycoon genre I mean the people who made prison architect for them they're probably quite inspired by things like transport tycoon deluxe I mean this thing it was revolutionary this being paved the way for roller coaster tycoon it paved the way for I don't know hotel mogul or all of those fantastic games heck even farmville if any of you remember farmville farmville I'd like to claim was inspired by the powerhouse that is openttd our what a game now you know what ladies and gentlemen they said it's not possible to exploit a game from 1994 they said there's no way exploits will still exist especially considering the fact that this game receives updates of roundabout every three months I mean we're on version 1.9 point two god I love the developers of this game hats off to each and every one of them now instantly if you're new here or you haven't seen openttd before the chances are you look at this game and you think what on earth is that there well that there ladies and gentlemen is a boat and whilst this game might not be graphically pleasing this is one of the most rewarding gameplay experiences you will ever have this game cannot be recreated it is glorious it is perfect and it is full of so much charm and charisma it is a glorious game I would genuinely say this has been my game of the year since 1994 to 2019 this game every single year wins hands down in my opinion so here we go ladies and gentlemen today we're going to dive on in and have an absolutely fantastic time today and openttd as I demonstrate to you how you can win practically every single multiplayer game or every single single-player game and have an absolutely fun time was doing so so without further ado ladies and gentlemen let us dive into this fantastic game of openttd but of course before we do so we need to make sure you're nice and comfortable make sure you sat back you're relaxed you have a nice warm cup of tea in front of you and say make sure you saluted your picture of the Queen and blown a kiss to the flag as fear not British Empire to electric boogaloo is on route to a local city near you and hey if you're extra majestic and you're feeling fantastically special today and that you know you just want to give back to someone randomly on the internet than hey you can give this video like oh my goodness how fantastic of you to do such a thing and you know what I think we're ready let's jump into this fantastic video so what you want to do is start up a brand new multiplayer game now I don't really want to ruin anyone else's multiplayer experiences today and openttd so I am going to start my own server that's right ladies and gentlemen go to host my own it's gonna be fantastic what's this game name gonna be all well I mean transport tycoon deluxe it's literally capsule II simulated 9000 it's fantastic I love this game language spoken yeah we'll set it to Ukrainian that'll be fine we won't have any issues of that what are we going to do which is gonna start a brand new game and I say 512 by 512 lovely let us generate this brand new map you see each and every single game takes place on a brand new map in a brand new world and this world my goodness it's beautiful look at it I'll enable the trees so that you can see it look how gorgeous it is you have these fantastic lovely little trees and we just look at this this is a city ladies and gentlemen so you can see it's dard worth that that won't do we need to rename it don't work it's not my kind of gem instead we're just gonna have dad worth its dad worth ladies and gentlemen 1377 people here live in dad worth II know what they want to do they want to leave dad worth because who wants to live in dad well they'd much rather go over to Ren Finkley market who wouldn't want to go to Ren fingery market so what you can do is the player is set up a little transport route moving passengers from dad worth to Ren Finkley market or you could move cold from Ren Finkley market coal mine to rent Findlay market power station it's a fantastic experience ladies and gentlemen perfectly glorious oh my goodness this game is fantastic it comes up with like random names that apparently are from a British name list so this is kind of a simulation of what a generic UK city or town or village might be called for some reason we with places like farthing born and Duffing well we're not here today ladies and gentlemen what are we here to do well we're here to make a lot of money this game is all about making money and having a lot of fun whilst doing so so how are we going to make money today well today ladies and gentlemen we are going to be making unlimited money in openttd by exploiting the game and it's fantastic share price manipulation system oh it's just like when we did prison architect except so much better because here I am in my home turf playing the greatest game in the entire universe I mean this game genuinely it is well as capital e simulator as you can get what you to be fair all of this talk of capitalism has reminded me of one of my favorite jokes why is it the Communists only drink iced tea well it's because they absolutely hate property they go you get it cuz you know they they don't like ownership of things what bam thank you very much I'll be taking my Grammy right about now I've been the smithing Brit ladies and gentlemen comedy genius of the year 20 19th Mitchell to install all of the laugh tracks and then we'll also have the Big Bang Theory rolling credits insert like a Sheldon to the left going boson go there we go ladies and gentlemen thank you very much comedy genius but here we go let us actually get into the game so what you need to do is you want to get your company set up up and running we want to be making some money ladies and gentlemen this game is all about making money but before you do that ladies and gentlemen you want to get a second copy of openttd running and you want to move at him there you go because you can run as many copies of this game as you like it's just a dot exe file and we're going to be opening up our multiplayer or let's go for player name dummy account fantastic dummy account our brand new player and we're going to be searching for a server now where is our server here we go fantastic apparently we're struggling to show up on my game list but here it is my server captain's simulator 9000 I think it was probably because it has the Ukrainian flag next to it that it was kind of throwing me off but here we go as champions capitalist simulator 9000 what we're going to do is we're going to start a new company so once we have our first existing company we've also joined as dummy account and we've started a second company for some reason it wants to be called dummy account transport you know what yes that's what we're going to actually call it that's fantastic and who do we want in charge of W account transport well let's go for a new phase oh my goodness these are some fantastic faces Oh lovely you look like the manager of dummy account transport well of course you're going to be Rebecca real body the real body of actual human being who 100 percent owns dummy account transport and it is 100% not just a shadow backup under company to simply be filled with cash to manipulate the share market trust me dummy account transport is a 100% legitimate working business and enterprise Dwight let's just close that down and never look at dummy account transport ever again so what we can do is just simply slide on dummy account transport away and get back to our lovely real company that's right unnamed company for now okay apparently our manager is F Quigley which is a fantastic day but I'm afraid you've got to go instead we need to give our company a true name of real name something that strikes power into people like I don't know Smith Co yes that's right it's beef cow ladies and gentlemen the fantastic tea based transport company hey did you know ladies and gentlemen there's a line of spiff Co merchandise now available oh yes subtle side way plug very good right you know let's get a new face for our manager has to change these jackets around oh those are fantastic lips hair oh yes that's powerful it's very public oh my goodness oh wow fantastic this is it this is the face this is the face of our manager her name is of course Karen custody this is the legend Karen of the internet she is so good at winning custody battles over literally everything she's gone from winning children to actually winning the entirety of spiff go for some reason during the year of 1969 smithco was won in a court case by karen custody i don't know how and were BAM she's now head of a 99 thousand pound worth transportation company but she's an intelligent lady she knows how to make money and so that is exactly what she's here to do today ladies and gentlemen right so here we are ladies and gentlemen in the fantastic openttd we need to start setting down roots for our fantastic company spiff code now swift co generally the best location for a nice little starting region isn't in between two cities and we fantastic setup here with the lovely card field and sanding ville so what we're going to do is we're going to place down our company HQ offices down here and as you can see our company HQ it doesn't start off as much I'm gonna hide the trees it is literally a shed of a door and a tiny gravel path to a road but don't worry it's going to become very impressive as more time passes so how are we going to begin well you know it's always lovely beginning with some bus routes that's how most place start but instead no no no no no I'm an efficient openttd player I want to create some kind of horrific first route which makes a large quantity of money okay so what you need is two targets basically one first entry station and another secondary station what we're going to is we're going to place down one train station slap-bang here right in between card field and sanic Ville and then we're going to place our second station right over here in selling pool Falls very nice two very large locations because selling pool falls of course has 2,800 people living there and of course they all want to be moved or if they don't want to be moved they don't have a say in the matter but we're going to forcefully move them anyway so what we're going to do is get our lovely train lines set up like so beautiful lovely stuff and there we go now we have effectively one line which we can connect between our fantastic stations what is going to cost a lot of money but holding train tracks it's a very important thing to do and also in classic Transport Tycoon style instead of actually building a bridge over this small stream here research is going to explode it and fill the land in with dirt by doing so it means our trains won't have to slow down as they go over a bridge fantastic glorious train construction right there yes it does cost an exceedingly large amount of money and is completely not really efficient or viable but it doesn't matter okay doesn't matter I'm the one building it my say oh no look at this there's a house in the way rent fingery markets some peasants build a house in the way all my cousins yes yes punish the peasants and fire we need this land for train tracks if only you could do this in modern day like actually just bulldoze houses willy-nilly just in the name of building more efficient and better train tracks anyway we need to get our second loop back around there we go fantastic we've done the most basic openttd setup imaginable we have done a fantastic lovely little loopy boy now all you need to do is make sure you get your signals up and running because if you haven't signaled your train lines correctly you're gonna have trains colliding with other trains and if that's the case then you've got a bit of an issue on your hand and there we go fantastic our first loop has been completed now all we need are a few trains to start actually running on this line so what we're going to do slap down a lovely little train depo and get our first train sorted so basically we want a quite powerful train which is able to do this long journey and do it quite quickly because of course the faster you move a good the higher they're going to pay you if you can move a passenger from one side of the map to the next at a very fast speed they're going to actually love that and pay extra so for that reason we want the floss 47 and I'm not talking about the dance move okay this game invented the floss it invented it with the force 47 so what you want to do buy one of those bad boys and then just fill it with a ton of passenger cards there you go that's all you want now what you want to do we have our fantastic brand-new train train one you want to send it to Caulfield woods and tell it to just full load on everything we just wanted to go in there pick up all of the passengers that aren't even waiting there yet and then head on down to setting pool and do the same over there fantastic but there we go it's a huge celebration for us citizens celebrate first train arrives at Carr fields woods fantastic but what are we going to name this train because I mean come on you can't just have trade one so let's play my favorite minigame ladies and gentlemen of name that train ladies and gentlemen introducing our first trade of the day it's Terry the Train now you might notice ladies and gentle with spending time waiting here for passengers to fill up as you can see the train is 33% full on passengers but we need more you can see that they arrive and they slowly load up onto the train but the passengers they're just not arriving fast enough even though we sandwich between two towns so how are we going to increase passenger arrival speeds well ladies and gentlemen that's when you start invoking the powers of mandatory forced buses you see the fastest way to actually load up a train station with people is not to simply have it be in a nice location no no no no no it's to use a feeder route that's right that's the pro-gamer name for it but a feeder route is effectively a system of buses whose entire jobs as is simply load people up and then transfer them into a station so what they do is they go to a bus stop and they will pick up all of the fantastic people that they won't tell the people there where they're going and they'll just drop them off at the train station but of course there's no way to exit the train station other than the train because all the buses that go there they only unload they won't ever pick up any passengers and for that sole reason you end up with thousands and thousands of stranded passengers who just sat at a train station wondering when they can leave and the answer is they can never leave so here we go our train has naturally managed to fill itself up and it's going to be on its merry way as it goes around the world dropping off all of its brand new passengers how many passengers are we carrying on this bad boy well we're carrying a few hundred at least which is very good so enjoy train you're off on a fantastical adventure down to sending pool Falls North goodness that is too much of a name for a station right we've renamed in the station its call it somewhere that at face value sounds very fancy but in actuality isn't actually no even better what we can do is we can click bait the passengers that's fantastic this station is going to be called you won't believe what she did next oh no you won't believe what she did question mark question mark fantastic there we go this is the perfect station people will go to this station be like whoa I want to know what she did I don't know well apparently I won't believe it so please do tell me but you know what our actual train station is filling up with so many passengers look 500 people are waiting here a car filled wood so you know what that means that means we're going to need to clone our train Terry the Train is getting a clone now we have Terry the Train - okay tell you the train to go fill up at Caulfield woods Caulfield woods I'd also like it if you could be a little more clip Beatty please so card field woods what are we gonna name you well of course it has to be fortnight twitch compilation 74 it's a fantastic train station and if you're a young person you see this train station you beg your parents for the money to hop on one of these fantastic wild buses and then you get taken down to fortnight which compilation 474 you know what maybe we need to rename these buses as well right Road vehicle one no no no no you're gonna be called free candy way there we go don't ask any questions you just bored the free candy wagon and you enjoy your time there and road vehicle - what else are we gonna call you that really gets the kids on a bus oh you know what we can call it fortnight bus the fortnight bus we've slash named ninja I think that's his name no that's no that's not a cape did you there we go fantastic it's the fortnight bus we've ninja ladies and gentlemen who wouldn't want to get on this fantastic lovely little vehicle I mean look at it it's brilliant Terry the Train - have you picked up all the passengers there yes Terry the Train twos already picked up everyone there and is why I think we need more trains though that's the only logical explanation right we need - Terry the Train free that's what we need ladies and gentlemen BAM give me another Terry the Train Terry the Train free the next iteration of Terry the Train you know what you won't believe what she did train station we're going to be dropping down some extra bus terminals because we're going to need to start that's right siphoning off the young local population of sending Poole Falls and convincing them to ride wacky Wonderland buses all the way to train stations where they just don't know where they're going to end up it's a fantastic system ladies and gentlemen trust me so what you want to do new road vehicle BAM we're gonna get the Regal bus that's right and we're going to tell them to go to a setting pool for Central and then simply go back to the train station and just transfer leave empty go my friend go there we have it ladies and gentlemen now we've got this system under way as well you'll notice we're going to start making a lot of money very quickly but what you might also notice is there's a lot of passengers waiting ground here in car filled because they've heard that fortnight bus with ninja is driving around in the area which means we need to buy more fortnight buses with ninjas there we go go fortnight bus we're now a fortnight bus number three okay young people it doesn't matter technically there is only one fortnight bus if we claim all three of them are fortnight bus it won't mind you know I think we thought you need more trains down more trains are bora-bora it's okay to take out loans okay you're taking out loans to make trains which is fine now we're probably going to need a few more extra buses down here yes I mean sending poor 4s and selling full central are starting to fill up with passengers okay we need some more money okay luckily a brand-new trainers arrived I finishes Terry the Train three years just dropped into the station Terry the Train drop your load give us some money Terry the train how much money do you get for a full load of passengers arriving at this station what do you give us you give us twenty five thousand pounds fantastic twenty five thousand pounds you know honestly sending pool fools it doesn't really have a good ring to it instead let's name it a true British town right I've instead decided to rename this town to what might look like gibberish but actually ladies and gentlemen it's just Welsh a very easy mistake to make but this is actually half of the longest town name in the UK land fair probably will be the liberal ability to wear and there's actually another like 30 characters after this is just the game can't actually fit in any more than this but this is our brand new city it's a fantastic lovely little Welsh town I do believe oh good this you know we should probably rename signing books I mean is now the headquarters of spiff Cove which is now valued at a hundred and eleven thousand look at that we starting to really make the money if we take a look at the operating profit graphs you look at a shoot up there that's a lot of money we're making has a rival company doing a buy rival company I mean the dummy account transport well Rebekkah real body real person - no - mannequin wearing glasses has managed to do absolutely nothing fantastic well you know I think we actually need even more Terry the trains they were on Terry the Train number six here but it just doesn't really seem to be relented this just endless quantities of passengers you know instead of signing ville we need to rename this place because i mean it is the headquarters of our home company well this is of course going to be America the entirety of America and the sole reason why is because this is our headquarters we've dropped down a little base we're in a new land and here we are basically trying to colonize it with fantastical transport opportunities that's exactly what we're doing but for some reason if we keep an eye on America apparently America their opinion of us is appalling why would that be America what have we done so instead let's stop funding some medium advertising campaigns as you know I tell you what really makes American like you how about we simply pay you in trees that's right we're gonna spam down a ton of trees just we're gonna layer you in with trees there we go it's six grand on trees another six grand on trees BAM we've probably spent around about 10,000 or 20,000 on trees just there but it's going to be worth it and the reason why is America loves trees and so there we go they're good like us now fantastic America you've gone from absolutely hating us to loving us in the space of a week solely bugs I placed out a ton of trees that's how it works ladies and gentlemen that's just how it works anyway what we're going to do is we're going to coat America in bus stations now as we need a way of making extra monies and here we have it ladies and gentlemen the colonization process of America's begun admittedly their population has dropped significantly as soon as the British have arrived but I mean come on that's just how it works really but fantastic things are starting we've just arrived and we are soaking up all of their lovely population and immediately depositing them into our fantastic little train stations yes and as you can see ladies and gentlemen we are making a lot of money from this over the last year how much no trains make our trains made three hundred and forty four thousand pounds that's glorious we're going to have to be pay off all of our loan but it could be better it could be much much much better and so how are we going to take it from making 168 thousand a year to making a ridiculous amount of money a unlimited amount of money just out of thin air well ladies and gentlemen what we're going to be doing in this game is we're going to be doing effectively a duplication of sorts and tricking the game systems into duplicating money out of thin air it works fantastically it's glorious and so that's exactly what we're going to be doing and there we have it ladies and gentlemen our are in a perfect situation where we are just set up they're going to be making money it's going to be nice and constant admittedly the dummy company at the moment they're certainly not doing anything that doing absolutely terribly why is it we even need a dummy company world ladies and gentlemen it's because there is a fantastic system in this game called shares as you can see we can buy twenty five percent shares in this company of dummy account transport however the company itself needs to be around about six years old I do believe meaning we're going to have to wait till 1975 buying shares in a company is quite strange it's very easily manipulated and it's going to go massively awry which is why we're going to be having a lot of fun today ladies and gentlemen you know I kind of find it quite interesting the Karen custody the lady who you think would want to speak to the manager is in fact the manager herself that's fantastic look that she's finally made it from just arguing and fighting to we've all manages to being the ultimate manager but you know what makes an even more ultimate er ultimate manager it's a manager who owns the moon that's right ladies and gentlemen for some reason if you want to buy land on the moon you can an acre of land on the moon is only 25 pounds and you know what oh I'll buy some land on the moon this if this video hits assayer to 15,000 likes I will buy land on the moon but not for myself of course no no no that would be too easy instead we're going to buy land on the moon for Karen custody a human being who doesn't technically even exist is that interest you Karen custody oh yes it interests you yes your eyes have turned to bright blue with the power of the moon dust you know what Karen it's time to put on your serious glasses there you go let's put on some serious aviators because we're gonna go to the moon Karen got the things our different videos sometimes they just get you know a little bit out of hand I mean I'd legally owned the titles to being a sir I am also a reverend I also have a dog shirt from the University of Australia I mean just the things you can find online are just absolutely wacky I do love it you know what title you can't buy Yorkshire Tea you can't buy the joy of Yorkshire tea except you can ladies and gentlemen for a limited time offer and buy limited time offer I mean it's always been available you can buy Yorkshire tea from your local supermarkets everyone says it's the single greatest beverage in the universe and you know what it is with the land we purchase on the moon I promise to dedicated to Yorkshire tea so the one day we will be the first people to grow tea on the moon and not just any tea Yorkshire tea did you know ladies and gentlemen 100% of residents of the moon said the Yorkshire tea was their favorite tea and also was the only thing keeping them alive that's right ladies and gentlemen stick to York City today the greatest T in the entirety of the galaxy oh my goodness Karen you're gonna be making millions we're at nine hundred thousand Karen you're absolutely breaking in the money look at this lovely graph this is the operating profit graph and as you can see mmm tasty profits right ladies and gentlemen and we are practically basically set up and ready to go for our exploit to begin however we have to be patient and so we you must return in a few years time to see what Karen has done - ready she's built a nice little wall around our brick Shack that we used to have and now we've got a little driveway or done Karen although Karen come on if it's a driveway at least connected to a main road what is she doing what is she doing welcome back ladies and gentlemen where we have now managed to reach the year of 1977 Wow it's absolutely fantastic we're making an incredible amount of money look we're almost at the five million mark if we take a look at our profit graph things have never been better but what if they could be oh so much better we're talking millions of times better and also with hardly any effort you see up until this point we've been a company which the people have relied upon and consequently the people have given back they pay for these fantastical journeys admittedly they are just getting scammed into watching fortnight twitch compilations but I mean they're paying for this experience so we need to give it to them however we have a plan here at Swift code so it's time for word from the fantastic dr. Karen custody manager of Swift Co as we explained to you our fabulous investors at home are brand new up-and-coming new business strategy hello there ladies and gentlemen we are of course the e fantastic people it's been going are you absolutely tired of running a business where eventually the customers get bored of being scammed and tricked a day after day or maybe they just want something new which quite simply you can't provide welfare not we here at Smith Co have discovered a brand new fantastical way of managing to generate money even when Humanity is ended right we found a way of generating money even if you were to exist in a world where money has no value but I'll tell you what does have value value can simply be found in a company's value that's why over here at Smith Co where we evaluate at five point five million pounds we are going to be generating even more with no people required whatsoever many people said no you can't do this it's not possible it's unethical but we decided to go No it's bloody fantastic [Music] so how do we do it ladies and gentlemen well of course what you want to do is step one you want to activate your dummy transport company now thankfully the dummy account transport company led by Rebecca realbody has been doing fantastic they'd be making loss after loss every single year by running this single bus transfer system but look it's a real transport business it's spending money and it's transporting Finnair from one location to another but it's transporting okay and also we can buy shares in it yes this is a genuine company we can buy shares in so let's do a quick shift click and see how much shares are worth okay estimated cost to buy and 25% of this company is 0 pounds so there we go 75% of W count transport is now owned by Smith Co of course however this is very much useless but if we were to sell our shares in this company we're only gonna get 0 pounds back so we bought shares in a company and selling the shares will [Music] necessary so that everyone wants to buy them and that way we'll generate money so ladies and gentlemen what goats do is we're just go to a click on client list and oh look at this there's those play a red that's right the red player who's Rebecca realbody running the dummy account transport world Oh what's this give money ah what a fantastic idea let's just crank it up to the maximum amount we can physically give so what you're going to do is you're going to give Rebecca a real body here your entire account value of 5.3 million so let's do that what BAM and suddenly we've transferred all of our money out of our company and into Rebecca real bodies dummy account transport company and has managed to raise the company value from one pound to 5.3 million in the space of a day yes and what you can now do is you can sell those shares what's that estimated income 1.3 million but we bought these shares fours nothing absolutely nothing okay so we'll sell our shares in the company and now we have 4 million and Rebecca realbody who's 5.3 million how do we get our money back well ladies and gentlemen don't mind me I'm just going to a slide in another winter of affronti to do this come from anyway you know because we have actually expanded the company a bit I am thinking we should probably make it look a bit more realistic so I'm gonna plunk down two extra roads here there we go kiss we've just created a multi-million pound industry and transport company out of thin air and the government has gone from okay I mean they didn't have much money before but apparently moving Finnair from this side to this side is now extremely profitable so vo yes we're just going to set up a nice set of bus routes for some fantastic buses to run in between this seems great lovely lots of happy buses let's clone all of these vehicles there we go and we have to put the money somewhere otherwise it looks suspicious so there we go thirteen perfectly legitimate buses moving air from this side to this side fantastic absolutely fantastic oh it is glorious isn't it you know let's get some more let's get some more buses there we go fantastic look it looks like an actual transport companies doing things over here now isn't that just glorious to watch I mean yes it's just a bunch of red buses breaking down every five seconds but trust me it's a realistic transport company but now we need to get our money back so we're going to go back to the client list find your original company and give them all of your money again what bam there we go fantastic and now we want to get rid of this transport company and worm we're back with our fantastic main company which is of course spiff Co now Swift Co has shot up in value from 5.5 million to now 9.8 million in company value and also dummy account transport is gone from being worth 5 million back down to 200,000 so what you can do in dough shift click and we can buy shares in the company for 57,000 so you know yes we're going to buy all of the shares in this company for 57,000 perfectly fine doesn't really set us back that much and once again we're just gonna give all of our money over to dummy account transport BAM there goes our 9 million then we switch back over to them and now if we look at their company we can see that it's gone up in value at their company's net worth nine million that's how much is selling 25% of the company or it's 2.3 million so which is going to sell it all back and we're bound that's 7 million we've now made that we switch over to the perspective of our dummy account transport and then we simply transfer almost all of the money back into our main account perfect there we go absolutely glorious so on our main account now we have 15 million we're moments ago we only had five million and we're effectively making money out of thin air because we're not transporting extra people we are simply manipulating the stocks and shares system for massive profit I mean just look at the company value graph that we've managed to create it's an absolute mess the fact that red has gone from being absolutely worthless to then a whoop it's worth more than everything else oh it's fantastic and then we can see look here's our incomes for at the entirety of the year so our trains gained us this year 1.2 million very good but then income from other what's this nine point three million where's this other income coming from well ladies and gentlemen shares were a very wacky fig oh and there we go there's the updated company values graph we have just heated into the sky well done dr. Karron custody legendary manager of spiff co you know what what do we do with all of this money well oh well ladies and gentlemen when you're given all of this money it's only fair that you just go a little bit mad isn't it just a little bit we need more buses I love you red company but I'm afraid we need more buses oh it's begins ladies and gentlemen it begins the great bus expedition of I could its Sartre bug has never seen this many buses I mean to be fair it's still never good to see them because Sartre Berg the actual village is located over here and meanwhile its buses are all okay to be hang secondly you're actually loading something up there's nothing to load what are you doing bus wow there's a lot of buses now but what do you do when you have this many buses well ladies and gentlemen you need to do something to the buses I'm afraid that's why we're going to need to switch over to spiff Co as we're now going to start doing some very strange things now of course when you do commit as some kind of massive company fraud on this kind of level the best thing you can do is to sweep it completely under the rug in some kind of tragic accident which is why ladies and gentlemen I'd like to introduce you to electrified trains hmm they're absolutely fantastic as you can see and so we're just going to build some train tracks er coincidentally through the bus lanes so sorry buses oh I'm so so sorry there we go we now have an electrified train route and now all we need is a train which is nice and fast and can go on this route just why we have the SH 40 a fantastic little tree whose entire job is going to be to loop from one end to the other there we go right train 14 go oh no what a tragic accident the buses oh no oh no the buses are in the way oh oh what a tragic accident oh no driver dies enviable collision with train more to find some devastating news today coming out of stuff who could have seen such a tragic accident occurring it's devastating now don't cross all Mike oh goodness you chose the wrong time to cross Oh No but it does prove that the company really existed because these are real company level tragedies which are happening on a daily basis and that's how you know it's a genuine real transport company luckily however we have managed to create the full loop so we just go towards our train does a full loop oh you should have got out of the way should reverse that one I'm afraid oh yes just spin on round train just spin on round you know let's get another one going wow this is good fun oh I've created a full kind of like donut ring of just high speed trains go around to the loop oh just obliterating small little buses oh good this this is kind of quite entertaining sorry oh the little red Bertha's well ladies and gentlemen remember if you are ever riding a bus from the dummy transport Cove make sure to be careful when boarding and also if you ever bought a bus by Swift Co make sure to double check to the location you're apparently promised you're heading to does actually really exist anyway you know what I've been this wishing for today ladies and gentlemen this has been openttd an absolutely wacky game but it is fantastically glorious I absolutely adore this game it's fantastic it's lovely and my goodness I strongly urge all of you to go play it it is bloody fantastic anyway as always if you've enjoyed the video today ladies and gentlemen then hey feel free to give it a like it really does mean the world to me and also hey if you're new here make sure to wave and say hello actually loved it you know you and welcome to the community and I've seen lovely group of people who just generally like drinking tea and being quite spiffing and polite to each other if you know what I mean and hey also for all of the interested members of the community we've managed to now create the first line of perfectly balanced merchandise that's right we have our own t-shirt line now thanks to the yogscast and their fantastical artists Barry Harry Herry we sat down and created this gorgeous piece of art it is absolutely majestic and I'm sure that hopefully by wearing it it will provide some perfect balance to your life anyway nonetheless I've been the smithing Brit thank you as always for watching and as you would thank you to all of our fantastic patrons who make these lovably and fabulously silly videos possible each and every one of you are amazing all of you listed on screen your extra amazing and just anyone doing anything to help and support the channel hats off to you you are glorious and fantastic people you know if you're wondering what video you'd like to watch next and look no further than this one on screen now trust me I've hand-picked a nice retro game for you to enjoy this is as glorious and retro as it possibly can get but you know if you have a glorious retro game from your childhood which you four have fond memories of and you'd like to see me break or hey maybe you know an old exploit of Europe then hey feel free to email me about it I'm sure we can see if we can make it into a video anyway ladies and gentlemen I'll see all of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and good bye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,141,295
Rating: 4.9098105 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, lets play, transport tycoon, transport tycoon deluxe, british humor, open ttd, openttd, open ttd funny, tycoon game exploit, tycoon game funny, tycoon game broken, british, perfectly balanced game, video game break, video game exploit, open ttd perfectly balanced, unlimited money glitch, unlimited money exploit, unlimited money glitch break, spiffing brit, funny moments, rt game, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, tycoon game 2019, management game 2019
Id: M1YlJ9J7_Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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