The Return of Dhar Mann!

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/M3m3Commander πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œMom, Dad, it’s Barista!”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrTripDub πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rich ppl have Gucci bags

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Musta403 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lhiz_jordn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Classic Cody, cyberbullying Dhar Mann like the coward he is

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/violet_beard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
derman he's back baby the man himself it's back well actually he never really left he's been just doing his thing ever since I don't know if you remember what we did the episode of that's cringe on him and his content he'd rather have his credit card or his presents presents presents this fool has this was left so many girls on red he's the dude that does like the you know whoa deep videos where you watching when you go they're all about like [ __ ] you learn in kindergarten like be nice to other people and don't steal and stuff like that people require love honesty respect trust passion and energy to keep them beautiful to anyways people have been hitting me up about his newest videos because what I didn't realize is he is killing it on Facebook [ __ ] killing it I swear to G you know I toss the term claw camilli around I'll say that you know when one of one of your tik toks goes viral you know maybe you did like a fun little dance you know some like this you know or maybe something like that yeah maybe a little oh you know a little something like that who knows or maybe you did this and then oh body roll where'd that come from you know maybe something like that maybe it goes viral pops the [ __ ] off you clock a million views on that oops now you're a celeb you're a tick-tock celeb cuz you clock the milli and you're pumped right you're pumped that you got a million views on one of your tic TOCs look at these numbers look at this [ __ ] this was posted yesterday it has a hundred and thirty seven million views that's unfathomable that's unfathomable are there even 137 million people on earth I don't I got a tough to say honestly cuz I'm not a scientist but I that's a lot here's another one posted in March 7th 69 million views the perfect amount of views' that's what I'm quitting YouTube is when one of my videos gets 69 million views in one day the sex number legend so guys um if you wouldn't mind just use a VPN or whatever and click on the deaths cringe playlist and just let that [ __ ] loop all night until we hit the sex number thanks Pam how are they even getting this many views like I'm guessing people watch them they resonate with the message then they repost them and it kind of goes viral that way maybe before you don't appreciate someone watch this what the [ __ ] kind of click bait is that like who looks at that and is like Tom you know what I was looking at my [ __ ] of a wife today thinking I'm not gonna appreciate her today just like I do every day because she's a [ __ ] but then I looked at this and I said wow that might that's right up my alley I was gonna not appreciate someone today boom and they watch it and they're like babe you look very pretty today but you're still a [ __ ] so let's watch one of his most recent videos just to get like a sense of you know what the Darr Mandor has been up to Dhar Mandor he's a Pokemon but his power is telling you not to cheat on your wife dar mandir used stay faithful it was very effective okay let's watch this one that it looks like he posted four times in a row it's called shoe salesman who humiliates poor woman then instantly regrets her decision look what just came in texts are any emoji I'll leave that up for a second just in case any of you want a text are Mandor some wacky emoji or something like that so that he has your number and then he can just spam you with whatever he wants whenever he wants so just give you a second to do that if you want to maybe the eggplant for something all right cool let's keep going the limited-edition Christian Louboutins the commission on these is gonna be insane Oh Christian Louboutins Christian Louboutins red bottoms baby a very elite shoe these bad boys will cost you a pretty penny they certainly will and as you can see from the first frame here they're just hanging on like a wire what the [ __ ] is this store dude these don't even have this is these are just one shoe they don't even have the pair was this [ __ ] a [ __ ] Payless when did they start carrying Louboutins unless you know these are for maybe these are for people with one just one like which in that case I respect that that's very inclusive of you these are really nice if anyone can sell these it's gonna be me no offense um offense taken [ __ ] hi-oh those the new Christian Louboutins I loved our man's riding man I love it just waste zero time zero time he gets right to the [ __ ] meat he's just she walked in she said hi are those the new Louboutins she didn't have the look she just sensed it this is a $1,500 pair of shoes might be a little bit out of your budget oh you [ __ ] immediately I hate I hate this woman I hate her dar man is so good at writing hateable characters cuz he just like he just thinks what's the worst thing somebody could say in this moment what's the worst thing and then he's like alright cool and then he just makes them say that and then you're just left with your blood boiling so I'm guessing she she's assuming she can't afford the shoes cuz she's dressed like not that rich so she's like well you clearly can't afford these but guess what don't judge a book by it's cover that's something I learned in the fourth grade and I bet you it's also the lesson in this video this is a $1,500 pair of shoes might be a little bit out of your budget plus we only have a size 7 left oh well that's actually my size do you think I could try one on look I'm not trying to be rude here but I really don't feel like wasting my time we have a clearance right right not a problem you can absolutely try these on wasting your time [ __ ] what are you even doing what are you doing what are you doing what do you do what are you doing what are you working a shoe store what what else is there to do oh you're gonna I really don't feel like wasting my time going all the way to the back and grabbing a size 7 for you like that's my job ok what a [ __ ] dude I hate this chick I'll go get some nylon socks cream what are you doing why would you let her try those on she obviously can't afford it well appearances can be misleading you shouldn't be so quick to judge look at that folks we're one minute into the video with four five minutes left and he just said the lesson in the video he just said it literally look I know who buys and who doesn't okay she's just gonna try them on take a picture for her Instagram and leave like everybody else just wasting your time these are so Oh do you have any water um my mouth is kind of parched I'm sorry we don't come on first of all that's a sick way to ask for water my mouth is kind of parched like there's another reason why you'd ask for water in a shoe store excuse me do you have a water I could have yeah oh yeah I was just gonna dump my balls in it cuz my balls are hot so and then she [ __ ] says no she says no come on you can't give her a [ __ ] some [ __ ] water so what if she can't afford the shoes not only is this [ __ ] too poor to buy these shoes but I'm gonna make sure she leaves part with her mouth parched as a desert for wasting my [ __ ] time do you mean putting those back I need to keep them clean for the next person you know and actually afford to buy them oh how do you like them apples huh don't get them dirty with your poor people hands I need to keep them clean for someone whose use not pathetic dar man you [ __ ] Savage [Music] uh-oh look at that what's she holding Gucci shopping bag that's the easiest way to tell someone's rich or not if they're carrying a Gucci shopping bag if they are carrying a Gucci shopping bag they are rich if they aren't they are not easy equation do you have the new limited-edition Louboutins that just came out hi there ma'am welcome yes of course but you only have a size 7 perfect I'm a size 7 perfect I love those great hold on let me peel off this homeless person that's touching them right now and then I'll get them free I'm just gonna call the cops she'll be out in a second I love those would you like to try them on well that won't be necessary I'll buy them oh wow ok hell yeah [ __ ] a master salesman at work that's why she knew she could sell these bad boys all she to do is say you want to try them on and she the other woman said nope I'm just gonna buy them ok got a slice thank you so much for waiting that won't be necessary this woman's gonna buy them right ma'am oh yeah I can't wait to wear those I'll meet you at the register next time take my advice and don't waste your time on people who can't afford expensive things maybe then you'll actually be able to sell a pair of shoes oh now I'm gonna hit a little tiny bit different I love the lack of subtleties in these scripts it's really a beautiful thing it's almost like a literary device in itself just being insanely literal for the whole time like we've been over you know the theme of this videos don't judge a book by it's cover right so you think you'd find ways of communicating that without literally saying it like if you just let this sketch play out it would imply that that's what you're supposed to do but that's not enough for these videos you got the top the Gucci bag and then you get shoes to tie it all together everyone's gonna know how much money you have you get it ha ha see I told you this is exactly what I'm talking about it's implied that she's rich I mean she's carrying a Gucci shopping bag come on but then she's like she's like everyone's gonna know how much money you have and she's like yup you get it that's the goal darman come on add a little a little coyness a little [ __ ] a layer of some maybe like a metaphor at least like a wink a wink instead of you get it anything that's not yes I'm extremely rich I'd like to show people how rich I am that is why I buy these expensive items here you can use this kinda okay great that'll be one thousand six hundred and forty-five dollars on the credit card Oh rich saying it's declined that's odd sometimes these readers don't work nope is there a problem so saying this card isn't working you want to try another one no that's the only one can you try it again I really need to money um unfortunately it's still not working but no worries you could just pay cash there's a bank right next door if you need to go get some money cash no I don't have that kind of money my bank account oh damn I didn't see that coming at all she can't afford the shoes I don't even know what to believe anymore what do you mean you have a Gucci bag you can clearly afford it that's what I'm talking about maybe maybe we do maybe we would get along me and his blonde check you know look don't tell anyone it's actually I'm Dean I just borrowed it from a friend okay anyways I'm sure you can guess what happens in the rest of this sketch so the the you know the girl that the blonde [ __ ] judged initially turns out she's got some guap so she offers to buy the Louboutin skis now that this other woman can't and so the blonde chick is like well if her card got declined yours would definitely get declined and she says who says samba who said anything about a card so she opens her shitty brown purse and she's got like fifty thousand dollars in cash just sitting in her [ __ ] purse oh just carrying around racks in her bag well I own my own million dollar company and the reason that I look like this is because I just came from the nail salon oh so that's why she owns her own million dollar company oh that's some [ __ ] that people definitely say when they own a million dollar company you think anyone that as a million dollar company has ever called it a million dollar company hey Bob how's that million dollar company that you've been running Oh Steve it's fantastic it's still worth a million dollars at least maybe even a couple million by this point and life is good what can I say life is good when you own a million dollar company I should take you out on my fifty thousand dollar boat sometime oh hey next time appearances can be misleading shouldn't be so quick to judge and maybe then suspicious oh you just got owned [ __ ] not only does he say the lesson again for a second time but then he just just straight owns er afterwards obliterate sir maybe then you'd sell some shoes I can hear every middle-aged aunt in America just smashing repost right now smashing it dude sending it to all their college aged nieces and nephews like you should really check this out it's great message hadar man fam I hope you loved that message doorman Durr you just add our man fam buck that's sick [ __ ] rhymes and everything god damn it that's so sick about why you should never be so quick to assume his hat says focused and as Joe D says work smarter lifestyle [ __ ] yeah dude I appreciate you watching and remember we're not just telling stories we're changing lives and when you share my videos you're helping to change lives too because of the support that you guys show me we just hit this many views damn Darmon four point nine billion [ __ ] views speak good comments on this thing let's see he says he's changing lives let's check out the comments alright so the first two are himself and they're both promoting something so the first is a link to his YouTube channel where he's posted a gender-reveal vlog which I see what you're doing dar man the old ace family model nice well done congrats on the baby but more importantly congrats on the fat revenue stream you're about to have second posts is promoting his Instagram where he's doing a iPhone giveaway that's how you spot a genuine creator that cares about you know changing people's lives and stuff like that not money or followers or anything like that is when they do an iPhone giveaway I'm sorry I know I'm being a little bit mean right now I know going a little hard on Dharam man but you know I I just now these videos probably do make your auntie feel good you know and she likes to share them I mean that has to be the case so he's clocked almost five Billy's anyways this clearly is not about the money okay it's not it's about it's it's about inspiring as many people as possible but it got me thinking I don't think I inspire as much as I should I gotta take a page out of darman's book start doing this [ __ ] so that I can clock up Billy views and make a [ __ ] ton of money so that I can inspire people that's why I inspire that's my man inspire bunch of people that's what I want to do I want to [ __ ] you know inspire as many people as I can and make a [ __ ] bag and it's like you know it's inspire people so I will I'm gonna make one of these I just have to think of an important life lesson hmm good Brenda gay yo what's up I'm tick-tock superstar chase Janssen and I'm here at the Starbucks to order a coffee hi welcome to Starbucks that's where we are right now I'm the barista what can I get ya Oh renegade let's see I'll get a oh yo a double mocha decaf frappe with almond whipped cream and [Music] a GERD parfait and a parfait great yeah that'll be 1450 wait what 1450 I have to pay for this [ __ ] yeah well this you know this is a store so that's usually how this works you'd have to pay yeah Do You Know Who I am damn I'm chase Jansen you might know me from a little map I like to call tank top renegade oh I'm so sorry I don't you know I don't go on that app my family we can't really afford phones so we do have one though it's just you know it's at home it's only for emergencies so you know I'm not on social media very much not on social media what [ __ ] is this guy dude nobody that's who you are never heard a Tech Talk come on dude how do you even know what good songs are then huh Who am I way who my my family can't afford fun you know where's my Girt part they brung get out of here hey that's not very nice you know online Klout isn't everything there are more important things in life yeah like what having a job yeah right no thanks simp where's my [ __ ] frappe I'm about to go bust a nut on this [ __ ] later fine later mom dad a mom it's chase I'm home mom wait a minute what's this if thought mom dad it's barista I'm home hello son it's so nice to have you home I love you and I'm so proud of you you [ __ ] rule and guess what you're not a simp come here sometimes online Klout isn't everything sometimes the real Klout is family Klout thanks for watching Kodi co pham make sure you smash that share button make your auntie cry alright please stay focus I hope you guys learn something from that alright I know I did thanks for watching guys before I before I jet before I bounce out of here I got to mention that I do have a bunch of new merch that's live right now in the store went up last week and it's it's just great [ __ ] it's really awesome I really dig it I worked with this guy on Instagram his name's Dean's nuts I've been following him for a long time he's an artist he's a murse designer he's incredible he's really [ __ ] talented and he was nice enough to work with me on this stuff and it turned out really really dope and I really appreciate it thank you Dean's nuts give him a follow on Instagram Dean's nuts I'll put his [ __ ] in the description so yeah kappa hoodie if you want to support the channel and i appreciate you helping me on my way to having a million dollar company or avoir that's buying french i don't know why bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 6,374,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dhar mann, motivation, inspiration, facebook, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: O7qO-KokAHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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