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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Definitely a favorite for me too of his recent videos! I also really liked “MTV’s Funniest Show” 😂

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DramaticallyBreathe 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
all right [Applause] guys i can't always look stunning neither you do you look great i look like a little girl at a carnival i look like a little loser no you don't you look beautiful welcome back uh your two favorite reality tv show watchers are together again doing another video today's video well the last one let's reflect on the last one a little bit oh we're also boyfriend and girlfriend by the way yes by the way if you're new to this channel um yes hold on speaking of beautiful people banging the last episode we did of this was on the show hot or not where they were trying to find the hottest person in america yeah um this is a version of that this is called manhunt it was on in 2004 hosted by carmen elektra and this is the hunt for america's next top male model interesting are you i mean are you probably looking forward to this right get to see a bunch of hot dudes they're probably not gonna be hot i can tell you one thing that a guy can definitely do to get hotter is use the sponsor of today's video sorry listen taking care of your skin is very important whether it's dullness redness fine lines breakouts it can be hard to find the right treatment until now now we have the sponsor of this video roman and rory roman's got the guys covered rory's for the girls and they make it as convenient as possible to get customized prescription skin care it's as easy as just grabbing your phone or a computer you do their online consultation and then a doctor reaches out to you within 24 hours and if appropriate a us licensed physician will prescribe you a custom treatment that arrives in just two days with free shipping i've been using this nightly defense lotion and uh recently i've been glowing to be honest with you plus i've got an offer for you with the link below your first skincare treatment is just five bucks that's a 75 value for just five bucks just hit the link in the description it's free to chat with a doctor and again your order is just five bucks in case you didn't hear that before eligibility requirements and additional terms apply okay first up this is episode one let's meet the guys more doors for you when we get looking sean russell from madison he's a marketing student i'm pretty much threatened by everybody every everybody he looks like an eagle he looks like this animal that i was just watching on on tick tock let's see she just said he looks like this which is pretty [ __ ] accurate honestly by the way i know we're judging someone's appearance but that's what these shows are about so you know what [ __ ] it we're like i'm not judging simply stating facts that's just what he reminds me of and i love that thing fox i'm threatened by everybody but my strategy is just to stay focused and to roll with the punches i'm certain by everybody that's what he said yeah oh poor guy i know what a weird thing to say that is weird usually these guys are like too much machismo yeah they're like [ __ ] everyone else on this show i'm the hottest person i'm the most alpha but this man is just a he's a he's a humble steakhouse host if i were to change anything about myself i would uh advance myself forward learn new things and you know try to experience as many things as i could how is it changing something about yourself that's so funny they probably asked him that as like a surface level like what would you change about your body it's like what would i change about myself damn that's a pretty deep question learn even more than i already know yeah it's another one of those like job interviews i try to just advance myself okay how so just by learning more than i already know okay it doesn't mean anything at all my morning ritual is take a shower that lasts like 15 to 20 minutes get out of the shower blow dry my hair 35 to 45 minutes the precision that's a lot of that's a long hair routine 35 to 45 minutes and did you see what he was doing one strand at a time blow drying it up it's honestly impressive yeah want to rock these straight guys out of their minds they can bring their testosterone they can bring that jockey football player where they can bring whatever they want to i'm the gay guy i have the passion stance i have what it takes and i'm going to bring it to the table he's 19. what the [ __ ] that dude looks like he's 30. he looked like he was 30 in the video but like in that picture yeah no i can't see the 19. 19 is really young why do i feel like all these names are made up i know right it's like joan clark real what was his name ron brown ron brown kevin peake yeah these are just fake names yeah they were like you can choose whatever name you want um for me i believe that i'm supposed to be just with one person and that's how it got intended he looks like gumby why are you talking about god i don't know i just personally believe that's what he has for me justin timberlake and usher raymond are role models in certain aspects but i would say my biggest role model is uh jesus i mean clearly he's like no not like not mentally or not like lifestyle wise just like fashion wise he's my biggest hair and body goals jesus i think a lot of people see me as you know a good old southern boy i think the first impression though i give people is just honesty what if he was like i always think that people see me as a good old southern boy but i'm not i'm actually from l.a i know that what they're seeing is what they're getting i guess i'm still kind of uh trying to learn the world of male modeling because uh yeah i guess we do have to wear makeup some and have to try on a lot of clothes uh sounds like stuff i guess women would be doing okay all right [ __ ] that's a traditional southern boy right there yes i'm gonna just get do this girly [ __ ] typically i i think females will be doing this and the men who were doing this would be homosexuals i would say mostly [ __ ] you jason at a crossroads right now where uh i could either do modeling or i could go and do my physics and astrophysics and stuff wow sick dude sure okay so he's hot and smart [ __ ] you i'm kidding he's like the only one that actually looks like a model yeah yeah he's got a model he's also the only one that actually looks like an astrophysicist so true i was gonna say that life in the first place you know be content with what you have and you'll always be happy so i'm a happy guy but that doesn't mean i don't want to win john johnson come on that's not an actual name fake fake as a male model you have to market yourself you have to do certain things to get what you want it doesn't mean that i'm going to go down on some guy because of it what i don't think anyone's asking you to do that dude i don't think a single person thought that you had to do that i think you might have just been thinking about that he's like it's not like i like what i'm not gonna suck you off right now stop looking at me like that i'm not gonna suck any dude off in this room unless i really have to because i'm dedicated to my career yeah as a male model so if it's something i have to do then twist my arm maybe i'll do it they always say if you're gonna be a male model you're gonna have to suck a little dicks guy or two suck a little dick you're gonna have to suck a little bit of dick i wish i was six two i know i'm a little same damn that one hits home in this in this house smaller but i've done everything in my power to get to the top of who i could possibly be except suck a dick and when i say everything i mean everything to get on top so um you know now we know kind of what it might take or what it might not take in this case to be a male model of course let's find out um you know what it actually takes right the proportions are nice i believe i got the chest got the shoulders abs are very washboard-ish i'm gonna bust the male model myth by showing the world that you're allowed to be very decent or good looking as well as very smart in the head he really just said very smart in the head very smart in the head he used some pretty great words there washboardy that's a good word yeah and also smart in the head that's a great phrase because you could also be smart in your penis it's so true so that's awesome yeah their first challenge of the day takes place at a skydiving facility where the dudes will meet the one of the one of the hard-ass judges bruce his name is and they go skydiving in their underwear let's meet bruce so that was him parachuting in there i believe and now i think he's landed and he's walking down the road towards them okay but he's like a mile away look at this guy i'm really badass he's showing us the runway walk so we get out to the airport it's so far away [Music] okay gentlemen listen up my name is bruce hulse i've been a successful working male model for the past 25 years bruce weber found me on the beach in new jersey when i was a lifeguard uh about a month later i'm in greece shooting calvin klein with andy mcdowell making a bunch of money and eating free food and i'm thinking thank you god what do you think of bruce so far i think he's a i think he's thankful i've been in every major editorial spread including the cover of gq i've shot over 100 tv commercials all right we [ __ ] get it bruce you're hot we get it dude we get it okay no one knows who you are buddy you don't have to name every single thing you did so we believe you what do you mean he was on the cover of gq in 1984 one time i've been in gq i've been all over the world you know i'm like i've never seen you man matthew matthew should be here doing this with us matthew lanter call us we're on the same page no no don't don't seth wrong they called me and i was tired i was shocked like i was really gonna bawl like straight out cry because i was really really shocked i don't know what's happening here i'm not either i have like absolutely no idea you know we kind of fast forwarded we're gonna jump forward a little bit so yeah calling names why though we'll see we have a good group of guys here however [Music] 2016 of you guys are gonna be moving on four of you will be eliminated right now and i'm gonna for what nothing just this is the very beginning of the show like this is like literally two minutes this is the commercial break after we just learned who they all are he's just getting rid of for them it's male modeling guys it's not [ __ ] gymboree i mean it's kind of true though that's a good point it's like as male models you're judged like in two seconds on your appearance yep like someone flips a magazine page that's it they think what do they think of the product right so and you so that's what we're doing now cutthroat world of male modeling bruce knows where it's at he's been a working male model for at least 20 years unless you suck a little dick yeah then you get to stay on longer yeah gentlemen thank you very much but for the purposes of this show your services are no longer needed your services bruce is a [ __ ] hard ass bruce is a little bit extra yeah your services are no longer needed i love that they just have to embarrassingly walk down a dirt road of rejection with no destination yeah for two and a half miles they're like are we has the producer called you guys or anything where are we walking to do we just we don't we're not supposed to stop right yeah boy island that's good [Music] all right good to see you guys [Music] i should be top five yeah dude sorry dude brian's wild i know i should be top [ __ ] five look at my shoulders look at my proportional body i'm not gonna name any names but i mean america can figure it out by themselves you know i mean it's both your body and your mind is is what you put into it oh wait that guy he got rejected he actually got eliminated the dick guy the dick sucking dude we haven't even gotten into the actual challenges or anything yet this is still like this is still just the intros and that's it so do it strip now let's move it come on [Music] this is awesome this is boot camp for male models gentlemen strip now let's see those abs sir okay you're in the underwear man use a little skimpy for me got that european look going maybe you're hanging out in too many nudist colonies hey blake you got to build a chest up got a little bit of a pear shape going there oh my god i just like i don't want it i don't want to see it you have a little bit of a pear shape going on there this could be worse than odd or not honestly no it's not nothing's worse than that nothing is worth nothing close to that yeah i don't have a parasite body i i don't know what that means john looking good there man you got a nice shape it looks like you're surfer or swimmer underwear is a little raggedy man john that pair of underwear you look like you're on saint tropez beach or something man but the body looks good look fit that's like way too much dick yeah for the tv yeah so then what do they do he judges them and then he makes them go skydiving in the underwear there they are our air force [Music] from that high up and everything it was just breathtaking and like it was awesome the one thing that i probably would be most embarrassed about is the fact that i was skydiving in my underwear with a guy strapped on my back oh my god like he's not gonna [ __ ] you i got a monster wedgie but it's hot the underwear i got a monster boner and i'm not gay i got a monster wedgie and it's hot you have not lived until you skydive but you know i wish though if that a guy wouldn't have been strapped to me because that's gay we're gonna go through an array of looks okay give me your best shot hunter give me seductive [Music] hunter didn't move muscle hunter didn't move a single moment well it's a very subtle art babe all right give me seductive nice give me scared wow give me constipated i can feel that i have to poop now huh don't look too seductive to me okay jason give me you just won the lottery a million bucks but just from the inside oh you do it just won the lottery only from the inside though what ready watch no that's too outside okay ready watch [Music] that's actually pretty good like a car's about to run over you dude kevin uh your dog just died that was the most tick-tock [ __ ] i've ever seen in my life imagine making that face after your dog just dies sparky just died [Music] damn he did wait sorry mom what'd you say [Music] you got any feelings in there nothing good nice teary man come on now okay flake dog die [Music] this is the funniest [ __ ] thing in the world this is so funny all right ready your dog just died oh i can feel your pain i'm successful i don't want to be a [ __ ] seth give me a little flirtatious i mean he [ __ ] nailed that [ __ ] no flirtatious okay give me you've been out in an all-night binge partying all night give me a little druggie okay okay good okay so i've done it before yeah this is just me right now i'm so hungover just caught the wave of your life standing on the beach you're stoked give it to me oh my god are you kidding me you're supposed to be a model dude what the [ __ ] is this like you don't have to take out that literally [Music] surfing okay so let's watch the next segment i mean i can watch that forever but the next segment they actually go shopping which is uh something that women normally do but in this case the guy's got to do it because it's what you got to do to reach the top coming a little bit looser that's a nice house so while we were you don't have to do that that's a nice ass i like how you imagine if that was a guy yeah we should we shouldn't do that well it happened in hot or not that's true they used to just everyone used to just objectify everyone ugh sickos shopping at our money exchange whatever i noticed um two girls like very catty and just kind of like hey very old there with the big booze and blonde and stuff like that oh my god why do you say it like that big boobs yeah i was like whatever get out of my face like oh does that work for you does that work for you a lot dude he's like oh they come out they're not trying to suck get out of my face you catty [ __ ] typical la girl in my face with your big old boobies they're not tight enough that's the problem no that's really good i like those let me see your dick are they are they little they're they're little i'm like a kid in the candy store right now i think i'm going to be eating all the candy ew oh my god get yourself together like that's [ __ ] disgusting not a kid in a candy shop you know and they're like eat all of all the candy what why she's gonna help me [Applause] let me see your dick all right so they all find outfits right for the big night yeah they all they're all dressed really good really good the dress of the nines look at this man's what is this they're all someone wasn't helping him he kind of was just fending for himself i think they're like holy [ __ ] did nobody assist you yeah he's like just kind of toss it together it's pretty cool right now they tried to help me but i said i've got this yeah i work in fashion i know what i'm doing [Music] damn it we almost made it man kevin keep pimping in there man yeah you got that girl i was really surprised we got to be like listen you're freaking both ugly get away from us what did he say we got to be like listen you're freaking both ugly get away from us really really and are you hot are you hot that's what i would have said i i almost said that i was thinking it but then like i didn't get the chance she walked away before i'm assuming they didn't talk to him yeah which is why he's saying that we want nothing to do with you you can shake your boobs much yeah with the big boobs you could stand you know you look like she got hit in the face you're gone [Music] [Laughter] oh my god absolutely not oh my god that's that was [ __ ] up look at you [ __ ] ugly piece of [ __ ] are we seeing them tonight yeah they're gonna come and party they're actually like yeah they said they're gonna call some friends do them girls are going to be at our hotel we do we get that i'm going to talk to the front desk and not little man why are you guys so disturbed why are they so mad it's just it's two women dude it's just like it's just two girls like half of you are so self-conscious about making sure people know you're straight and the second two girls talk to you you're like i'm gonna knock i'm gonna make sure they don't get let into this place i wanna hang out with the 20 dudes just kind of like vibe out with you guys yeah you guys are my brothers yeah and honestly like they weren't even talking to me in there and so like i don't even want anything to do with them like they wouldn't even like look at me it's like i know they're scared they could shake their boobs in my face if i let them in which i'm not going to do sorry i'm really passionate about this i'm pissed off okay so the show ends with them they go out with their snappy new clothes snappy is that a word yeah looking snappy right sure and they come back at like 2 30 a.m and maybe they got some girls with them you guys all take your shirts off and just stand by the door for one [Applause] i minute it's night night time i think it's time for bad good time for bedford for my girl back there with the blurred face love women supporting women they said oh my god ew did you see that [ __ ] idiot girl they go to bed thinking they're gonna get a restful slumber for tomorrow and then bruce wakes them up at 2 30 a.m i'm getting woken up by my roommates i hear bruce jones at me put on your money exchange clothes we're going up through a shoot with marissa miller i mean that is the plight of the modern male model you owe mmm mmm if you will yep uh multi-level marketing or modern male model uh you always have to be on offense it's not defense i don't know which one but you know like you always have to be prepared to work right it's like being a doctor being a doctor you're always on call you know yeah i mean some of you most of the time you are this is actually harder than being a doctor because you're always on call uh to look good so that's the lesson that we can learn from this damn um thank you guys for watching this episode of couples react we appreciate you and we'll see you guys next time love you guys bye let me shake those boobs in my face [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 3,840,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: nM4f3ySu4Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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