flying in skyblock

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as the days go by I'm forced to confront a disturbing truth I'm not getting any faster so you finally reached it the speedcap a speed cap why is there a speed cap the admins knew there was a risk no matter how unlikely it may have been that a player might start actually enjoying the game they had made to prevent this they capped speed at 400% so this is why I haven't been able to get any faster so now that you've reached the limit of speed how do you feel I feel nothing nothing at all at first the realization that I couldn't go any faster left me depressed all I had wanted to do was go places quickly but I couldn't even do that was the dream I chased for so long really meant to end here until I remembered the grappling-hook sure speed allowed me to move quickly on the ground but with the grappling hook I could fling myself through the air at Mach speed and reach places previously unreachable but with the two second cooldown the grappling hook wasn't enough if I wanted to fly I'd need better equipment and that's when it hit me I needed the spider boots the spider boots have an ability that allows you to double jump keeping you in the air long enough for the grappling hook to be used a second time after genocide and countless spiders I finally had enough string to craft them with these spider boots I'll truly be able to fly in Skyblock well I won't be needing these anymore ye dude what are you doing what we could have auctioned those oh alright no Mak murmur kind of sucks without the set bonus so we're gonna be using speedster armor to fill in the other slots cuz it actually gives pretty good base defense speed and it's epic armor so you can get a lot of intelligence from wise oh but tech know why don't use the Monster Hunter set oh because it sucks just give me wise please all of my money all of my money is going away right now No all right we got wise on the speed which gives us more intelligent which is important because you need intelligence and you kind of lose a lot from losing magma River but more importantly +1 percent speed we have the right refinements but we're gonna need enchantments for this armor to be any good I could just enchant them at level 60 to get things like growth 5 and Prof I've you know like a loser but I've got a better idea all right we're here there's this reduction here that sells things like level six enchantments and also an epic artifact I need for the intelligence boost but it only shows up at midnight on certain days so we're gonna wait for it any minute now any minute now any minute now do you guys ever think Skyblock is just an elaborate practical joke by the admins to see what ridiculous things they can convince people to do for marginally better stats better this is like the wrong house and I've been waiting here for 40 minutes like an idiot yes yes let me in all right dark auction time is anyone here rich please everyone here but dirt poor dirt poor I don't want any competition what armor do people have a hardened diamond hardened diamonds hardened diamond okay we should be good everyone hears broke this music is so bad oh boy a power six book and the midas sword which is completely worthless even the chats making fun of it everyone knows it sucks oh man a flower minion that that's what I came here for and the auctions over and I have to wait another hour and this game sucks here we are boys round 2 sharpness 6 I'll take that Oh No I've been outbid why why would you spend that much money it's it's just it's just 5% better you gotta relax and it's the mitis sword again nobody loves you might a sword stop wasting our time and a flower minion and it's over wait yes yes do that alright here we go boys third time's the charm let's go let's go and the first item is the spirit mask which sucks yes something I can actually use it's been three hours yes yes give me it yeah get outbid idiots yeah yeah out of here nerds yeah that's what I thought yes it's very possible I overpaid for this but I seriously don't care it's been three hours it's 200k why is there just why is there just some seat guarding here did it just did you just run into a wall and die incredible it's dark auction time boys Road 6 epic talisman not the might hand it's a power 6 book tears tears huh it's actually doing it's actually doing the thing it actually it actually gave me the thing I want alright bid 12 million dollars um I don't want to like escalate as much as I did last time three hundred ninety five thousand they're gonna make me overpay for this aren't they oh four hundred eighty thousand five hundred ten thousand no way it wasn't yes Angier artifact acquired I assume I'm overpaying for everything I get here I don't even care you losers gonna have that flower minion I'm out doors locked ruined my exit yes an epic talisman you know that work I did last time to get the bat talisman that was a rare talisman okay this is way better give us something good vivid +1 percent speed all right usually I'm up for speed but but that's just terrible ooh +10 strength but I want to get over 500 mana so or just negative 32 intelligence me that's fine oh I think it's kind of nice okay even the large talisman bag can't can't fit all these anymore but still got to get that intelligence man alright never mind I'm getting growth 5 on my armor like a casual I just don't have the patience man every dark auction takes 12 years Bam Bam prop 5 prop 5 prop 5 now for the boots prot 6 depth Strider 3 and now feather fallin for ah yes ladies and gentlemen it is time to fly but first we must flex on as many people as possible follow me nerds yes yes everyone everyone pay attention to me I have a pink nametag that means I'm better than you better than all of you I'm kidding I'm kidding do follow me though hurry up clowns we have a whole entourage this is great I love this the pink nametag man it's too powerful go go go go come on come on guys come on we climb in a mountain today boys now that we have as many people as possible here I must go now my people need me later idiots see ya bye look at me look at them they're getting flexed on you can't wait I thought okay you can't do this you can't do this yeah well some of them are trying it dude so many so many people are fallen to their deaths no you were not you were not supposed to imitate me no no so many deaths I'm a murderer not even close yes yes I'm soaring above the clouds yes they all look like ants see Oh losers we're going all the way all the way to the spider's den boys all the way okay never mind we're going like 80% of the way to the spiders done with short breaks we got good news and bad news good news is I can fly and I can flex on all these peasants below me later idiots bad news is if I ever touch the ground I'll die because follow damaged water you peasants get that pearl out of here we're going all the way to deep caverns boys don't even need the launch pad nobody cares about the launch pad we're going all the way and it's not gonna change servers so it's just gonna be bugged because you're not this is not how you're supposed to get to deep caverns everything is sponge they paved right over the lapis mines man rest in peace you know I just thought of a minor flaw with my whole flying thing and it's that literally everything in Skyblock is on the ground you know where all the players are we're or you're supposed to be there's nothing to do up here there's literally no reason to be up here this is completely pointless why have I done this you know what no no there is a reason I learned to fly to have my revenge zooom [Music] the great thing about flying is that usually when you get to the spider Stan you got to navigate these like ridiculous staircases and you just spend like a half-hour when you just want to get to the blazing fortress anyways but when you can fly you can just I'm here for years guests have thought of themselves as above humanity but no longer no longer get over here get over here kid you're mine I'm gonna melee you I'm gonna stab you directly in the face go get destroyed oh you're retreating you're retreating you think you think this gap means anything die in fact you know what you know what you two you two over there you thought you were safe you thought you were safe cuz you were like hundreds hundreds of yards away and hundreds of yards in the sky wrong wrong you are dead imagine using a bow to kill gasps it couldn't be me could not be me you know what you know what buy one get one free deal here yeah yeah get dunked on I am the new king of the skies the gasps still have to bow down to me [Music]
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 11,315,889
Rating: 4.9610791 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Hypixel, skyblock, minecraft skyblock, hypixel skyblock, technoblade skyblock, flying, flying in minecraft, skyblock flying
Id: vLLJAiII6p4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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