bullying famous youtubers in minecraft minigames

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we made a giant redstone computer and we're gonna be playing for at night on it how am i trance code it's Chris oh my dad's going it's technically it's incredible the crossover my first week of Minecraft Monday was me just saying how sweaty techno blade was and now I think all of that back that is not true he's doing he's doing his best and I support him honestly the lower-priced pool just means techno blades gonna be bidding paid less that's what it is his paychecks a little low this week but that's it have you been going to like a massage father or anything your shoulders are getting a really sore hearing me buddy it'll be great it'll be great I've done nothing but Train in minecraft bingo for the last 7 days it is I'm a professional now well yeah all right so what's our plan Tecna immediately go up that ladder and hope hope we don't die in the first 10 seconds where it's like a chest I need weapons so I don't get immediately stabbed just follow it techno there's soup again there's soup again okay let's go for a 15 kill win chest and here might get cornered oh my god great watch this is great yes these items he fell into the trap every time every time someone falls into the trap my job is to survive 4 points I have no armor except for pants alright girl gamer spotted get her get her die okay here's Togepi he's got stuff but I've got soup but he's got a teammate who I think knows how to play Minecraft actually so we're gonna leave oh god he's coming for me okay here right yeah yeah back off boys back off there we go he's know he knows don't die Tecna what they put a 30 second cooldown on super you kidding me run I knew they were going to like nerf it a bit but 30 seconds are you serious dude oh I'm leaving I don't want to be here anymore they put a 30 second cooldown a 30 second cooldown dude are you serious while you make it a half hour they don't tell me these things but its Grande and Doland dark they have three times my stuff I still feel like I have a chance but I don't they want they give me give me the health give me give me the sword it's literally too easy for Tecna oh my god dude this game is stressing me out I don't want to actually I have gold we should get that Apple so I can craft a Golden Apple mmm yes I knew exactly it's right here right here all right cold cold cold cold cold cold whatever right take a look all right you're on over here over here over here yes I can't hide you you're hot you're you're hot you're hot you're getting so hot oh my god this is the ghosting that's gonna win us the game right there disqualified Apple ghostin negative 30 points to Gryffindor for Apple ghosting oh there's uh there's a team in the chest no wait it's Connor alright there's more SNP live guys in here now I kind of want to beat them up if I'm being honest wait wait that kill looks way easier this poor man you've got this Tecna dude it's just a huge mosh pit of people if anyone can win this it is you prey on sister yeah prey on the weak listen we got it we got to eliminate Skippy's team they're actually good at this game I'll protect you James Charles oh man oh god this is it this is it no no we're down we're down I got eight kills I'm bad oh god no no I left a minecraft team alive I failed I failed dude I thought techno never dies isn't that like the hashtag er this is Photoshop look at the score dude dude they won they won the game and it doesn't even matter reverse herobrine wins again dude I'm stressed out there's so many people there's so many people Connor get him some it's like is that the map or is like some it's like okay you got this I believe in you yes you got this man to spleef carry believe in me I accidentally killed you but it's okay we've been sweating spleef for the last week this is the only thing we trained for we didn't bother so this is kind of weird how does this not take forever if like multiple people we're doing five rounds of this we're doing five rounds of spleef that's what it says on the top right this is the easiest one in the world you could not conceivably mess this up bro get'em do you know how many Monday I think it just goes on forever and ever as long as there are Mondays there will be minecraft Mondays so fast its Chandeleur sabotage I didn't get him get him get Skippy yeah I just ruined the whole game for I'm doing this for realsies no no don't do this don't do this still alright I kill that guy it's a shame you don't get killed points in this game Oh God got him he tried oh wait nice nice nope oh I have to approve myself is the spleef champion revenge there's four people left it's just wrong or mods or mods or throwing stuff at him yeah I can't tell if that's the map or if that's like the admin knows I'm looking at it's an admin I just walked off on my own I'm a god only three around say oh there might be might be a good idea he's going in he's going in intense music intense music and victory stay on the top floor as long as you can mind your business don't make enemies too many people for me to like start picking fights when it gets when there's like less people then I can consider it but until then I minding my own business oh my god he pushed me off the edge but Chandeleur get him dude destroy Jenna confidence I got up it's quit it's squid out of here oh don't do this to the boy he's gonna be the lad no he's just a lad he's gonna beat me no he's just a lad he's on the first floor now oh yeah some people are I'm jumping down one floor - better - better egg this man yes I win a game of spleef I get one extra point from winning dude dude Skippy's team is on top just from spleef wait dude they're like 40 ahead scam it's okay I'm top on individual no points lost undying you just got to get to the bottom we have to fall all the way through without dying alright I died oh is it first to do it or what yeah we ought to get all the way through I have not played the audio game before I know where it is I know where it is nope okay wait I did I have a chance I did it all I was so close how do i what do I do afterwards click the button at the bottom what button oh there it is there just get the button we did it man oh here we go again dude I did it instantly this is great - shout-out to technical aid number one number one small this is so small dude I just became a dropper legend with with like one minute of total playtime I have mastered this game definitely not luck at all go down oh yeah okay that's fake that's not real I was gonna say that I hate it what you got to go for the cobweb wait what I thought it was the cobwebs is that not real water no it's not real water that's wool go for the cobwebs how which cobwebs are real okay these are real oh dude I gotta get through got to get through yeah number 14 is the most eventful Matt not doing good at this I'm yeah I'm I'm not the best at this one I'm not gonna lie I did it my boy was so close where's the buttons here it is oh my god I should like people should like hire me is that our minecraft Monday teammate yes all right techno so you're gonna get a pretty decent cut obviously they're just like you you mentioned the word twitch Prime I didn't make it go go go first oh all right can I just like immediately start studying is this what the cool kids are doing my goodness guys that's what they're doing that's what they're I'm ghost in I'm gonna snitch and everyone else I'm kidding yeah I'm gonna act like I'm snitching on everyone else snitching and then I'm gonna actually be doing that as an excuse to ghost myself how do I reach this end dude no one completed it they're all going through the tunnel like idiots he walked through the tunnel Carson you're bald you're bald he is no idea he's not so bald right now he's so incredibly bald wait what no we dropped to third oh my god I'm still first individual oh so we got this this is so I can flex on people I have a question so it says team score 341 and it says total score 83 for me so what I'm assuming is there's a glitch that score is not substantially lower than yours correct there must be a rendering error maybe you installed Optifine incorrectly wait I forget how you play this you just keep walking and the ground disappears oh my god what why why are the frame why why are there why are there particles whose idea was this why must we suffer I can't I can't stop moving to disable particles why whose idea whose idea who set this up I'm getting all the points from people like disk crashing they're all crashing I'm gonna die rip Skippy's alive if he's a god at this my frame why disable all particles do i disabled particles and it didn't it didn't even work I still see them keemstar better bring me a fan for my room cuz it's hot in here now it's because your computers just overheating the frames the frames they're mine and Bitcoin on art compel I'm gonna die here wait I'm alive I'm a legend not even close it's just me versus Vic why is Vic good at T and T run I got it I got a window into you run dude great I got it I got to do the individual hop strats like the absolute trihard I am yes I'm just hopin block the block guy how is he such a gamer dude he's gonna just start buying houses off minecraft Monday morning just gonna be band next week oh my god I can't type the game starts instantly Elizabeta it was a bait look when I spent this much money on a gaming computer for Minecraft people made fun of me but look who's laughing now look who's laughing now I have one fourth of our team score let's go I'm not getting carried as hard as I thought I was gonna be oh I'm dead that you can do that man I'm a legend how am I not dead Wow imagine being this good at Minecraft or you can do this this is like the one game here that's actually on hypixel are you serious are you serious right now you can even play TT run are you serious dude my viewership went up I have 63,000 what is this no one elses frame say alpha to me to get like 30fps viewership do I ever thought TNT run would get this money views dude this is not a good place to be you can do it no I can't oh the TNT wait one techno blade never dies never dies no Dolan is straight-up fly-in he's hacking rapport rapport watchdog what was that hey hey as long as Chandler I beat Chandler that's all that matters because Chandler's my family playing with hey did anyone else see that Gigi did anyone else okay we just have to parkour as fast as we can oh I felt immediately what are we go he does parkour in the other direction from the lava I'm going to rage no he beat me my ego yes I'm past me go away I'm past Vick it's the invisible maze they put an invisible maze in this map who thought this was a good idea I'm way in the lead parkour legend here let's go it's not it's not even gonna give me points is it it's gonna be like participation points and then Skype is gonna come in behind and get as many and it's gonna be a huge L how is my viewership going up from parkour this 2019 is the strangest timeline currently three levels ahead of Vic oh my god dude you're insane I wonder what it feels like feels pretty good not gonna lie no I remember asking like so am i find a team with squid again and keemstar said and i quote just like that it just full cap so it's invisible no we did it oh my god you're just you're insane Matt bye techno house he's so well-versed and everything minecraft did wait a minute I just googled the creator of techno blade I know you don't you don't get score for placement you just have to beat it you do not get points for surviving after you beat the game wait are they gonna get more points than me for doing it Jerome's about to get more points than me I hate this how many points oh I got 165 you got less they got more points than me right it's been 84 years 84 years since I finished this parkour and I lose in the last 15 minutes and my chats gonna go we have a 7 a 7 minute grace period you gotta at least where are you okay I'm with you just go this way let's go dude imagine imagine we get versus I could ex missed Oreo on all of these fools the fight has started no I just lost all of the prep time because I was busy trying to fix my stream no we just get some basic armor so I don't die instantly if someone like attacks me you can you slash top you can what you can do what you can just type slash top to teleport to the surface they don't tell me these things or maybe they do when I don't pay attention I blame the ADHD I need to smelt this all faster oh dude my chats telling me odd F for duplicates items to I didn't even know that incredible we should type that in the chat and never get invited again oh here's the border here's the border I hate this I hate my life I'm out I'm out of here slash the top no we escaped I see you I'm right here oh yes sweet do you have anything to smell I have a little bit of iron Oh coming coming coming coming coming they have a diamond chestplate what are you serious I don't want to die I do not want to die to these clowns they're getting destroyed absolutely decimated get back here give me that give me that chestplate it's mine it's mine dude I didn't did I not get his stuff do you not get their items you don't get their aw dude that's why what I just want to make my sharp four I don't even a full iron right now that's what everyone's here Jerome is in full he's got enchanted stuff he's got enchanted stuff dude junky is a diamond sword I hate this but I don't think I could he's a small man number two I just want to craft and they'll never let me gumball chill gumball chill dude gumball where are you where you coming coming coming coming he's not even gonna let me put this on how's he doing this get out of here gumball a grand is right near me hmm yes yes I can't even heal they don't drop heads in this game I hate this I hate every part about this why no item drop what it drops up middle oh that would have been nice to know about ten years ago I'm never gonna get this sharp for a diamond dude it's not happening he has my diamond chestplate doesn't he dude everything drops in the middle that would been great to know no and I fall in the lily pad and this game sucks no I hate this wait can I not you can't even place blocks here I don't know any of this game I just have to kill Phil with way less stuff and three hearts I got this I'm actually not doing that terribly that makes no sense you do all the work and it goes to mid I might have showed a bucket of lava a baby get him I don't even have health but I gotta get him anyways how are there five people alive where are they all of their underneath probably or they sky block their sky blocked oh no this is circle moving in I noticed as far as it moves in and the thing is you're not supposed to people to build here so the fact that people are building here is not supposed to happen they use slash loot slash loot that's not a thing they're just making things up slash top o / I could actually work a enchantment table by the way they wanted me to tell you that techno God up there yeah just Tom Rowley whoa oh my gosh that's a big brain play know what how did he get up he did it he he did that stop that's amazing genius plays dude yeah I did / top it worked I said / top it work dude dude Thank You Chad the chat it's too strong he has no idea what just happened Oh God nope nope no who's the other dude who's the other guy still alive here is I just lost two hearts of fall damage and I'm gonna lose I'm gonna lose to this man we did it victory yes tech no weakness they renamed me tech no weakness they did it so we just dropped I just instant park do what what there's speed I was not prepared well I have no idea how to do this dude you don't even need to jump you can just walk what is this I was not prepared for speed 50 parkour dude hey can you skip some of the math though no no my weakness stop jumping okay I'm not gonna clear that gap without jumping I just need to not jump a second time the second jump is on No okay apparently you can run on the diagonal but I don't know if it's like a good idea maybe more like I was standing on it I was on it and I just fell wow this is a great idea never mind baby don't look at these dudes still jumping on it like a bunch of amateurs don't even have like 63,000 people to tell them how to play the game in the chat what a bunch of noobs finally yes I completed a check but I can't even see the map because there's the giant you completed a checkpoint text in front of me nothing I did it take time to advertise ah yes where did that port come from no every team has to get the same nine items wait there's only nine we need an apple I'm gonna destroy a few trees and then I'm gonna then I'm gonna keep breaking them manually and that way we can we can do both at the same time for maximum efficiency why can't I get an apple I found gold oh my god you're actually got some gold you're gonna get the golden apple before me what is this what is this yeah that gold we're gonna make you actually a baby yes oh my god you're gonna get it before me no I mean it's the same point yeah go get the other items techno yeah moocher oh my god are you guys ready for some hardcore minecraft fishing the most exciting minecraft Monday to date please the fish the fish no are you kidding me wait there's a fish there's a fish I got I got a tripwire hook I didn't even know you could get that from fishing give me a fish it takes like 45 second a puffer fish raw fish is like the most common thing you can get and it just will not give it to me please if one more team completes it the game's over just give me a fish is this is this intense chat are you excited right now I'm gonna put a big music over this in the highlights yes fish required get him yeah yeah PvP yeah Skippy wait eat this I don't think we can win this week but imagine if we could dude imagine I have a sword if anyone's like a free kill we can just instantly stab them points yes who's this who's the sweetest many kills this possible dude all right you can go you can go for that kill and hopefully you'll get it get him yeah yeah get him got him got him got ya good job captain sparkles and antvenom techno blade of course we got to go through god we got to go elsewhere they're actually another team that could win I kind of want to fight him we both need points dude we both have you points ah stuck in this spiderweb it's just me it's just me here dude let's go I'm gone let's go coming I'm coming where did you go now see it I got him I had to use my ender pearl so they couldn't get away but I got him wait they had another ender pearl yes yes give it to me yes oh there are some rich people over here dude oh yeah we can't get to mid they're rich help help help help help squid yeah I can't I'm chasing some dude dude one tap it's alright man you have snow balls by the way I do no I don't said is a liar where's the enchantment table there's no enchantments here nice oh they have enchantments I do not want to die who's got a bow they've got enchanted stuff dude hey Supes it's over it's over man no no no it's over it's over five kills kept you still alive GG dude look at individual bro we slaughtered wait did they just win the event they just won the whole event rip rip Skippy no rip scabby that was minecraft monday week three hope you guys enjoyed if you guys want to see more footage of me stabbing celebrities in Minecraft check out this end screen video and if you guys want to see Minecraft Mondays live there are there every week at a 4 p.m. est which is which 1 p.m. PST which is like I don't know 9 o'clock at night in London or something I don't you can do the conversion oh but techno you didn't say what day it's on
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 12,684,351
Rating: 4.9514732 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Hypixel, minecraft monday, minecraft monday week 3, technoblade minecraft monday, minecraft monday minigames, minigames, minecraft minigames, tnt run, run from the lava, battle arena, minecraft battle arena, spleef, minecraft spleef
Id: cn0twamefS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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