Dream SMP: The Red Festival

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the story so far there once was a country called lemanberg they held an election and j schlatt rose to power his first move to banish his political rivals tommy and wilbur that's where i come in democratically elected leadership not on my watch so i joined them in exile and began plotting to overthrow the government hopelessly outnumbered i began searching for weapons which could turn the tides of war in my travels i found a trident that lets one leap through water a prototype firework launcher and six mysterious skulls but one day i received an invitation from jay schlatt our greatest enemy an invitation to a festival you like that intro you feeling immersed right now well too bad because now i'm gonna tell you to hit the subscribe button hit that button oh my god i get so many subscribers every time i say this in a video okay i'll stop sun tzu says know your enemy and know yourself and you need not fear the result of a hundred battles now the thing is i know myself i know what pog topia what my allies are capable of but i have no idea what manberg is who my enemies are what sort of gear they have what their country looks like i am completely in the dark we're gonna use this as an opportunity to gain intelligence all right this is a reconnaissance mission however it could also be a trap i don't know what's going on we're going an arm to the teeth dude everyone is here we got wilbur tub oh tommy do i have to i have to meet up with those guys somebody talk to me please please i'm lonely we aren't invited losers oh hi tecmo hello oh hello these are all the people that were actually invited to the festival right i was talking to these guys i couldn't believe it that there were people lame enough to not get invited to this festival but apparently they exist could you imagine they didn't get invited like they're not cool enough to get could you imagine oh hey guys oh fundy has there you guys are playing the games oh there's games i like games yeah punk go up there go up there i want to give i want to give it a shot check this out yeah you guys got it one you got it what is happening though whoa hey it worked what is he doing wait a minute he's just gonna replace it with obsidian [Laughter] you really got me dead huh funny easiest armor of my life see ya wait techno can you you you ever tried it right like a like a shooting trying yeah can you try it into the water right there right into what water can do that all right i'll try there's no way you get this wait am i you're not gonna immediately drown me to death if i land in there right no well it doesn't sound like something you do all right now do it first right i lied this is the end for me there's nothing i can do any second now i'm gonna drown to death before i die i'm gonna plug my channel to the very end i only have a few more hours of oxygen with my respiration three helmets subscribe to technoblade please please everyone can this guy die already oh this is the end yes any second now i'm going to die you could take a damage oh there he goes people won't have subscribed oh the life it's draining out of my body oh no only slowly oh no my life oh the death already please tell me you're at least low oh i'm on seven and a half hearts [Music] i'm feeling kind of hungry actually oh no no no no no that's better that's better all right i'm kind of thirsty i'm gonna go get a glass of water all right techno please just die it's got some water i had to take a break from drowning to drink a glass of water oh my god oh i'm back okay that doesn't make sense i hate this i hate this oh i'm hungry again oh almost dropped oh stop eating hold on i left the i left the stove on at home oh everyone gather check out these cool fireworks i actually like those yeah uh hello everybody welcome to the festival [Applause] i've invited all the citizens of manberg why am i here very close friends of mine to enjoy the festivities that have that this uh nation something i don't know yeah i think basically i just want to throw a party let me get a democracy on three one two 3 [Applause] i love minecraft everyone let's go dance at the pokey main island all right yeah any critical national weaknesses that we want to talk about for fun uh what what what what you know just just this guy just guy talk i'm not really getting a party vibe from you in techno right now oh i am partying party fireworks you see there's this really cool thing that tubbo has installed those fireworks cost ten thousand dollars we can do matches yeah violence i wanna fight oh i wanna i wanna fight technology all right all right fair and square no armor in hand no weapons no no nothing all right i don't think it will all right fine fine we can do it your way yeah just just a fist fight a good old 1960 fist fight all right get ready to run count is done mr frost ten nine oh we're gonna be here forever [Applause] and obliterated who's next who is next who is next what technoblade we're going to have to conduct a drug test on you real quick could we could we wait 24 23 22 seconds 21 seconds before we do that test today please i feel like we should we should wait 16 seconds no i don't think i should i need to run i feel like i'm i'm not here anymore no he's gone he's got it and finally we gathered to hear a speech from tubbo the event organizer who spoiler alert is actually our secret agent when tuppo said you know schlatt i'd like to say my peace about how great this country is and about how awesome you are i mean who am i to say no to that right so without any further ado i think i'll put big man tubbo my right hand man my uh my my protege [Applause] a wise man once told me that lumamberg was like a lettuce there are so many layers of tasty and healthy goodness i said once you wash your worms off the surface it's a pretty good thing good meal [Applause] schlatt has successfully washed all of the insects off our great nation and with that he's allowed the goodness and tastiness to shine through but i would like you to know they're really going with this metaphor we've built today look at each other all of this thanks to democracy and the leadership of jay schlatt yeah amen our people have been beaten down by royals and dictators for so long now we are finally free free to elect who we want free to live how we want and most importantly free to go wherever we want without the confine of those huge black walls so with that in mind i'd like to thank everyone for coming to this wonderful event what's wrong with that no it's just i was just thinking about it tubbo you know how we like to have fun yeah we like what's up you got anything else in the speech no i'm not gonna let the festival begin yeah you going with the speech yeah i'm done with the speech all right getting some ominous vibes here take some of this all right take some of this what are you gonna take some of this thank you thank you help me uh here help me help me do something real quick okay oh right here in front of everybody i mean it's kind of awkward i can't get out hello yeah i know what you've been up to compromise [Laughter] what have i been up to the tyrants that we kicked out of this server that we kicked out of this great country i don't know if you know this but treason isn't exactly uh exactly a respectable thing around here you know i know what you've been doing it all adds up buddy do you know what happens to uh to traders tubo nothing good oh oh stop not right hey uh hey techno blade you want to come up here for a second uh you want to come up here for a second let's just send a message real quick now that we've got a tubbo in that in that top box hey what's going on here we uh i'm actually i still can't uh schlep oh as as the enemy of the state and as a perpetrator to these awful awful people i don't even know either to be honest but you want me to get him some breakfast technoblade we're uh we're what do you want out of me mr president wait listen we i only call you in for special favors i mean we we we we go way back right i i don't know what you mean wait it's been schlatt what are you actually talking about what this man needs a special favor heck no i need i need you to take him out what to dinner you're not gonna take him out to dinner bro you're gonna kill him kill him and make it dirt it's a festival man are you kidding me my right hand man jesus i'd rather rule alone than with you oh no i can't even oh i'm in a high stress situation i deal with these poorly just do it slash are you sure listen we haven't we haven't trapped he's jailed i think i think that's enough for uh we could just imprison him not enough techno blade i'm sorry i'll make it as as painless and colorful as possible i'm sorry i'm being subjected to mild amounts of peer pressure tub oh my god oh he lived oh my god kill everybody everyone go after tommy in it right now tommy wait oh we gotta get out of here tommy's on his own don't let him go we're on we're out of here after the festival i met up with my fellow revolutionaries [Music] oh look at the gang the gang's all here look at the old watch out technically tommy's angry you look at him look at him look at his eyes why'd you kill him techno i was under peer pressure you have to understand what's wrong with you uh a lot of things really i have a bad attention span uh bad at conversation don't really deal with the social conversations well i might have just committed tax fraud recently you killed you killed oh and the murders listen if i if i didn't follow their orders there were like 20 dudes there that would have jumped me tommy all right literally all day but i'm having some respect wait we can who i bet i don't know about you tommy i forgive tech nobody i forgive technology yeah i do not forgive tenno blade i do i forgive him he just murdered tubber when when the old nikki what do you always i want him to leave i want you to i want you to get the hell out of here you really think you can destroy manberg without my help tommy next to your president you can destroy man berg without my help tommy stop talking on behalf of tubbo i want to hear what he thinks i want to hear come on tubbo tell tell tommy how much you want i want to see them fight i want to see them fight dude please for content oh i actually do quite want to see them fight but how do you feel tubbo how do you how much you hate that man look at him look at him he murdered you in front of a crowd look at that face yeah screw you that you didn't sound very did you hate him how much do you hate him tubber yeah i can't honestly i was a little bit surprised yeah it took me by surprise i feel like i'm in shock you literally got betrayed by ev by him and you said you wouldn't but you said you were on our side i'm going to make a combat pit hold on you you guys keep trying we're going to fight okay oh that's gonna be great i can't wait i can't wait are you ready you wanted to blow up manberg oh yeah yeah yeah so all in the past man it's all in the future just fine before we do the fight look just rile them up i don't i kind of forgive technoblade thank you taboo i mean no no think about it think about it it makes it makes sense okay like okay it was u3 versus an entire nation of people exactly more powerful than you and there was a lot of peer pressure and you think about it now all you've done is gained pairs of hands you know this is a huge win for us i don't think there needs to be like in fighting so you're saying they shouldn't duel in the pit oh fine real boy let him drool in the pit look at him look at him even after you've said you forgive technoblade he's still gone into the pit to fight him in hand-to-hand combat this is a man driven by his emotions not by political goals look at him someone's gonna kill him oh there's quite a few actually you're right i'm sure you want to do this stop me i don't i think tommy just do what we could settle our feelings with our fists but who when we come out of here win or lose no hard feelings it stays in the pit it killed turbos i know stays in the pit you killed you killed my right hand man kill him kill him punch him i don't i'm not doing this for wilbur none of this is to do with wilbur anymore you just you betrayed us tanner i was peer pressured i just keep saying look there were like 20 guys that would have like shot me where i stood all right literally it wasn't raining it wasn't raining yes yes get it out tommy think of what he did think of what he did to taobao think of what he did and there we go there we go it stays in the pit that's perfect that is the trade technology it stays in the pit that is absolutely perfect thank you thank you conflict has been resolved i'm satisfied with today i am it's the bombs are still there as far as i can tell i just need to make a new button thing uh tecno when i set it off next time you ready to oh wilbur i have some ideas for destroying man i haven't i haven't told anyone this but in my travels i came across the materials to make two creatures of mass destruction the likes of which the server hasn't seen before technoblade it would be my honor for you to show me those and to help me out i have a i have a tnt duplicator device if you if you're interested as well which can be very good look i'm not going to keep you i'm not going to keep you all right tommy i know you're angry at technoblade but like you know you killed him man it stays it stays in the pit tommy i thought you would have stopped yourself from killing turbo to the hands of j schlatt's orders but you still did stays in the pit it wasn't in the pit look you we were gonna resolve our conflict in the pit you threw the first punch you threw the first punch tommy the thing is you're using words but the thing about this world tommy is that the only universal language is violence and we've had that conversation we've spoken that language in the pit it's over tommy on to a new day a new plot to destroy manberg and so the day came to an end on the one hand i'd been forced to gunpoint into killing one of my comrades causing my fellow insurgents to lose their trust in me and the revolution to descend into infighting on the other hand the firework weapon test was a huge success overall mixed bag but i did gain some valuable intelligence manberg isn't nearly as united as i thought it was i think this fact will prove key to the revolution but for now i'll continue stockpiling weapons for the final battle someone in my chat just said pink sauce vods
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 7,844,796
Rating: 4.9765472 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Hypixel
Id: laNQIp_S2AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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