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in the past thousands of years one thing that had become increasingly clear is mankind's limitless capability for achievement we've spread our civilizations across the world we've explored the ocean's depths we've even walked on the surface of the Moon but all these accomplishments will be mere footnotes in future history books compared to the greatness that we will be achieving today because today we aim for the true pinnacle of human achievement gold prestige and hypixel bad Wars all right guys we're a bit over a level away from prestige in however the weekly quests were set today so all we have to do is break 25 beds and we'll be gold prestige so that's our goal we need to break as many beds as possible when in does not matter get in final kills doesn't matter one bed down 24 to go let's just run it and I don't even care I don't even care I got beds to break all right we got wrecked I should probably actually go for them final kills before you know they come and beat us up but still one bed down we got this gold prestige boys my parents will finally respect me again once I get this prestige maybe I don't know maybe they've moved on to Diamond prestige maybe they don't even care about gold prestige anymore teammate you're being very useful keep it up ow die not even close thank you very much 24 beds to go we're obviously not gonna achieve that in this game because you know only 7 beds available per round but still I believe in the dream red team is still alive hopefully they're not at their base they're all at their base all right here's how we're gonna do this we got the bed die die die die thank you all right 23 beds to go 23 beds to go we got this I believe in America let's do this please don't break the beds before me I need that bed you can have all the finals okay No stand back yes I'm gonna be honest I just don't care about the yellow do it at all wait white I don't have enough blocks that's a scam all right you didn't even get the final kill what a clown well thanks for weakening them up for me man I don't feel like our beds gonna survive much longer unless white team went for a yellow team for no reason at all you you want to fight I'm gonna be honest I am perfectly fine leaving all white teams disconnecting so who knows what they're going for oh boy yes okay we've broken for bed so far die 21 beds to go all right it's a 1v2 I don't have a bed my stuff is it's not terrible die I don't know what the Funari you're trying to achieve but I'm here for the Batman here for the bad day got it died I took a lot of damage in that place that is not ideal that is not ideal at all oh whoa ten emeralds I'm rich hello hello oh you knew I was here die thank you very much Gold prestige here I come and we're back my teammate wasted about half a second before disconnecting but that's alright man we're not here for wins we're here for beds at this rate we could get the weekly quest in only five games I don't think it's gonna happen because I'm gonna be honest getting five beds per game consistently that's not the most realistic goal to set for yourself but I believe in the dream man I believe let's go got to go faster man there's already one bed that's eliminated itself so there's only six available this game let's get as many as we can man let's not even care about defending our own bed man we're going all-in man who cares about the win I feel like Green Teams really good at the game I mean they just failed their speed bridge but still doesn't really mean much in the long run all right there's now five beds available what is this huh all right you got one bed oh he's going for us now he's mad we have an angry gamer die thank you very much is it even worth storing items it's not worth storing items so we're not here to win we're here to break beds and if we want to break beds so you've got a hurry-up Green Team is good at the game we want to kill them first because otherwise they're a they're gonna break our bed and B they're gonna break other people's beds one of them just got killed though which is very unfortunate for us because now we have to deal with them yep I'm having so much fun so many beds are getting broken alright we've broken two beds there's only one bed left man I'm not too concerned about winning games because I have like a 5 win streak right now oh I gotta protect the 5 win streak man but you know two good players actually you know what let's just go for pink team yeah pink team's gonna kill my bed we have to go for pink team we have to get the last bed available who cares about final kills let green team get rich let pink team rush my bed I don't even care I don't even care one of you guys just had to fall off the map didn't you just had to fall off the map can't place blocks mmm all right we got three beds oh the trap didn't go off do we have a chance we have a chance we don't have a chance rest in peace all right here we go mm-hmm I was hoping invincibility would last slightly longer okay rest in peace that's actually one of the things they changed and now bed worse 1.5 is how they deal with a respawn invincibility used to be you got like a few seconds of invincibility so in the old system I could have charged out hit that guy a few times then we would have been fine but the new system once you get a hit they can instantly hit you so I'll hope they would just do that but for now all I need is beds these guys already defended so we're in a bit of a bad spot here I need my teammate I ain't Tyler 1v2 them or I need my teammate teammate no don't break the bed yourself I need that bed I'm having a good time they're gonna be counting rushing us because they're sentient players but still oh boy nope this is gonna be frustrating oh my god were actually breaking the bed ah mmm oh the 1v2 is painful we got the bed we have a bed oh hello hmm bye all right we got one bed we got three games three beds last game 16 beds to go guys I believe in the dream my I actually kind of want to store these diamonds oh you backed off mm-hmm nevermind we're fine we can even spend these and to think before that I thought I thought of sacrificing myself so I could store my diamonds greens all the way over there what kind of Defense do they have is that glass I see oh hello you didn't see that guy there fortunately fireballs are awesome oh no [Laughter] I'm having a good time oh hello I was hoping that would knock you off dude behind me is right there by oh wow that dude was rich whoa look at how rich I am you can have my bed green man I don't even care oh yeah how are you not at my bed yet how many years does it take to walk across the mat man hurry up and break it dude I don't have all day what's he doing is he spelling out a message his teammates probably spectating so I should keep that in mind yeah that's one way to end the game a lot less climactic than I was hoping but whatever and Rebecca run Amazon I've actually only been playing maps where the beds are pretty close to each other so far Amazon is sort of a but I kind of like Amazon so whatever the map not well I guess the company is fine as well and the forest isn't half bad either anyhow we're gonna be we need 13 more beds so if we can get like four or five per game that would be ideal four or five per game is a lot so you know probably not gonna happen but I believe in the dream you're not what are you doing it didn't didn't even wait is I think his team leader just like warps him out immediately didn't even wait for him to die would it be faster to go for emeralds and then I could like speed out my Russian yeah I'm just gonna keep going for the beds closest I think that's gonna be the fastest way at the end of the day I mean that's assuming you can break it on the first attempts but you know why not make that assumption I mean we're up against like afk players 11 beds left this guy hasn't even noticed he's like your bed has been destroyed well that doesn't mean there's any enemies near me or anything that'd be ridiculous iron armor alright this could be good and this could be bad news it's mostly bad news because his teammate just fell into the void so he's gonna respawn in his base but I was thinking I could just ignore this dude and just go straight for this bridge over here hello where's this teammate I don't there he is oh that's bad I'm blind yes we're gonna get destroyed here but I got the bed yes Oh his teammate also jumped into the void all right I was gonna say where'd that guy come from I thought I left him in the dust all right dude ten more beds Oh pink teams right there oh wait that's I have a teammate this game I'm just so not used to that do we have any prot okay you took that diamond but I'm assuming you have more diamonds so I assume you're gonna make only the best purchasing decisions are you mm he is very strong items but we managed to kill him his teammates gonna be coming first I don't really care about them but I don't feel like I'm gonna be able to win the game in the next life so I might as well plus they're on the way to my next target so I might as well go for them do we have prot you got Ironforge okay oh he's rushing from there that's a pain wait this guy's a pig yes how come I don't see the pink dude anymore where'd he go what y-you know what I'm not even gonna ask questions I'm just gonna go for these teams who we need 10 more beds and there's two left two available I just I just want a level of pride it's just so nice to have I don't know how my teammate didn't buy it instantly he's buying forage the games already over it's too late for forage to be helpful for just what you buy when you're gonna camp all game and you know it's really early on but all the teams were already dead I'm gonna be mad if their bed breaks right before I get there no I'm mad mmm divide and conquer his teammates right behind me all right we can still get this bed though and we killed all of the white team players so there's no one left to take it from us I don't see aqua rushing us are they getting items really going straight for our base I'm gonna be honest I don't really care either way I'm pretty confident that we can get them here khalessi fireballs me oh no thank you die where's the other dude we just need nine more beds man nine more beds well the only other bridge is this way so yep that's right that's where he is and he leaves and we're back one team's already left so you know probably not a five bed game here oh snap we got some savages this round ladies and gentlemen I don't think we're gonna get any beds I think I Chi is just gonna roast all of us into oblivion well what's the team next to us now there's a scam all right whatever pink team looks pretty sentient we want to wipe them out first cuz they're gonna break all the beds before we can mmm this might be somewhat difficult because one of them just bail them to the void anyhow anyhow we need nine more beds just nine if we're pvp gods so we can do that in two games I don't think it's very likely though so you know let's see if we can do that in like two or three games one bed wait that was the only pretty that was the only person he didn't even disconnect or anything he's just gone erased from existence anyhow eight beds left I believe in the dream does anyone here care no okay guess I'll just do this one I guess I suppose there are three available right now I want to go for gray team's they seem like the players most likely to kill the base next to them and also I want to see that monkey guy rage in the chat just cuz I don't know what what he'd say if his bed was broken but I bet it would be hilarious that's my motivation here oh it's his teammate it's his teammate ladies and gentlemen this teammate just doesn't care what a boss he just lets me walk into his base he doesn't even care he's confident man he knows he doesn't even have to respawn that's how good he is oh here we go 1v1 against the SAPS oh he's just straight-up using ok whatever bye hey hey Green Team Green Team now don't do it Green Team Oh Oh No all right six beds left do you mind young man oh that's awkward Hey Hey look out okay that dudes breaking your bed yeah he's a huge threat you guys should I don't have tea and tea I'm an idiot okay bye nothing I can do here at all time I thought I had TNT I'm dumb six beds left if we get to hear that be five beds in one game which is really good I love you oh wow that's a lot free iron armor here have one golden when one diamond that's not if that's not a fair exchange but I gave you what I had okay I hate my life okay let's get uh we need stuff we need two items all right I kind of want to break blue team's base first is that it's that green team coming to fight me why why are you fighting me here why what did I do to you there's just no reason to go for a fight on the other side of the map by Haiyan there's not one leave me alone I don't know how we're actually gonna do this because we have to kill both of them simultaneously they don't seem really clever or anything but you know they have enough gear that I can't just walk into them I mean they just split up for no reason so it's possible or I could just do this that that would also work bye we got five beds this game nice noise one excuse me sir divide and conquer already that's gonna fall mm-hmm got killed it's okay we got the bed we got a final kill we're in the clear here I don't even know what to spend this on but still it's the thought that counts enjoy the gold wait is this symbolism does he know I'm getting gold prestige and he how where's this dude he's probably rich actually he's been to Middle he could afford to invisibility rush us I mean that require like multiple brain cells on his part and who knows if he is that but you never know man bed wars players are always intelligent when you least expect them to be are you waiting do you have a firewall I'm just gonna let you stay there nah nah nah out of here yeh and Rebecca I didn't actually get to choose this map I joined the lobby and the game like immediately started there was just no well it says five seconds for that that's a lie I didn't get five seconds I think how we're playing on this map apparently we just need four more beds if we actually get four beds in this game that means we did that we did the quest and only six games which is actually pretty ridiculous but still I believe in the dream well I don't hear anyone oh there's a person hello three beds left I believe in the dream and all the teams are still alive this could happen this could happen I mean we could also get our bed our own bed destroyed in like two seconds but the dream really bad slip you know I should have expected that easy solution we just need to get three beds without dying also all the white team players just dydz they're gonna respawn right when I break that our bed and they're going to be understandably slightly upset all right we're off to a good start if these dudes don't want to fight I'm fine to just leave yeah bye I don't want to be here either two beds left wait there's only three beds left in the game no no no I need my quest oh hello oh you're gonna be a pain aren't you bye oh no teammate teammate why I got this mm-hmm bye they all jumped into the void I'm mad I'm mad just two more beds I'm so gonna die breaking these guys as beds there's no way I survived this there's no way okay the problem is I blocked off my own method of escape here here we go oh I hate you nope how did I win how did I come out of that alive what were those guys thinking you know what don't question good things one more bed can we actually get it in only six games oh my god see I see all of these teams they're all like kind of spaced out or whatever don't think about it let's follow Green Team they already have please don't fall off the map they need respawn and I'd have to deal with you later okay maybe he's not gonna jump into the void because he's already like rich or whatever so I just have to deal with this dude see he's bridging off but he doesn't know I have this so Oh his teammates here I'll leave me alone hello we did it we did we got the weekly quest in only six games the place all the beds are broken that's actually very convenient oh one of them got killed without dealing like any damage tell our team what happened what happened and then the other one gets wiped out what is this now up against these guys they don't have cried but they seem to be competent so I'm scared I take all of my compliments back all of them have been revoked all of them have been revoked I take it back I take it all back Gold prestige yes yes let us go to the lobby let's fight I'd celebrate in Lobby one but if you celebrate in Lobby one like gamer boy 80 it's gonna be there to say whoa Gold prestige nice with this like okay fine we'll celebrate in Lobby one big boys oh yes oh oh that scared me I thought I thought oh my god gamer is actually here oh yes Gold prestige yes and there's only one diamond prestige to make me feel bad about myself yes this is the best possible outcome we did it boys we did it gold prestige my parents will love me again anyhow if you want to see more episodes of Edwards check out this video right team with an admin and a youtuber and let me tell you those guys were the worst teammates you have ever seen check out that video if you want to and if you don't well then obviously you shouldn't click on the video cuz you know you don't want to see it but if you do want to see it you should left click on that box yeah anyhow bye
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 5,961,814
Rating: 4.9544702 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Hypixel, bedwars, hypixel bedwars, gold prestige, hypixel bedwars prestige, bedwars level 200
Id: nxZj6XVJFv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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