The Power Of Fasting | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] walking around these wall I thought by now faithful but you have failed [Music] waiting for change [Music] knowing the by heart for you have never family [Music] Crete is your fave [Music] you favor I'm still in your head this is my car she never [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Durga [Music] sporting club we mess up this together as one body where we stand even Jesus and they're gonna be today often we sing it together [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] where your promise to spend Crete is your faithfulness your faithful man [Music] [Music] [Applause] can we lift up a mountain shout to the Lord this morning - shout Cologne release a great praise to him if you're believing for great things in 2018 oh god we praise you today we give you our praise we give you our life we give you our future we give you this year we give you our needs we want to we trust in you we cling to you we need you we need you and we rest in you we stand with confidence in you we're fearless because of you we receive today strength we receive today health we receive today healing we receive today provision we receive today miracle help from the heaven angelic protection and blessing on our lives in Jesus mighty name thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven in 2018 and all of the church who agrees with that say Amen give a big shout one more time come on it's a new year praise God braised gum all right turn to someone and say you're not hungry yet that's just your mind playing games on you because you decided that the moment you say I'm fasting the hunger begins even if you just ate a meal it's crazy even if you just ate a meal it's like oh god I'm dying no you're not dying you're not dying you're gonna make it you're fine you're good for about a month really if we want to get tell the truth about it good morning everybody Happy New Year everybody and we want to welcome all of our campuses so delighted that Buford and Gwinnett and Spartanburg and Orange County are joining us right now hey today is the one-year anniversary of Buford and we love you guys down there all that God is doing Fester Shane and all the blessings of the Lord that are happening it's a miracle what God is doing and it's just begun it's just begun in the city of Buford and Spartanburg and Gwinnett we'd love you so much Orange County any good to know that the family's growing right well are you ready to enter in to these 21 days of devotion and consecration to God I got to tell you that the first service was powerful but it there has been a I mean you sung the same songs and it was powerful in the first service but there's there's already been a notch taken up in the worship if you were in the first service you can feel a difference already and I know we don't live by feeling but the truth is every year we watch this that if I were don't miss services I wouldn't miss the next few weeks because there's just no talent some of the greatest memories that I have are in those services as the church is fasting and praying so let's agree together for mighty mighty things I love the fact that we've got a brand new book this year called 100 one most asked questions on fasting so I don't have to take a lot of time and explain what fasting is I don't have to take a lot of time I've got books man I've got all kinds of material and best-selling books back there that you ought to get if you read those books they're better than any diet book because they will make you fast you cannot read those books and not have a desire to fast I'm guarantee your money-back guarantee if you read those books and don't want to fast I'll give you a money back and this one because every year we get bombarded with questions on fasting all everything you can't imagine people want to know like can I can I put a stake in the blender and juice it I'm kidding but we some things almost that that crazy we get and we have answered every conceivable question than top 101 questions on fasting in this brand-new just released this week book is very it's about maybe a hundred pages is real easy to read it has full of quotes brand-new material and it'll be a blessing who wants this I'm gonna throw it out here it's coming all the way to Beaufort or somewhere there you go god bless you must have been a Tyler down there on the second row if you have your Bibles open them with me to the Book of Daniel the tenth chapter I want to go to Daniel chapter 10 and Daniel chapter 10 I want to welcome our stream in audience there are tens of thousands of people joining us now can you give them a big warm welcome thank you for being with us television audience welcome I believe God is going to do something in 2018 that's gonna revolutionize your life and right here in Daniel chapter 10 just open your Bibles get them out open them and we'll get to that chapter in just a moment but I want to give you a story a true story that I read about and and it's been reported in numerous newspapers true story Mount Vernon Texas Drummond's Barre began construction own expansion of their bar to increase business the local Baptist Church started a cane campaign to block the bar from expanding with petitions fasting and prayer work progressed on the bar right up to the week of reopening when suddenly lightening struck the bar and it burned to the ground after the bar burned to the ground due to lightning strike the church folks were rather smug and started bragging about the power of their prayers that is until the bar owner sued the church on the grounds the church was ultimately responsible for the demise of the building either through direct or indirect means in its reply to the court the church vehemently denied all responsibility in any connection to the building's demise so the judge read the bartender's complaint and the church's reply and he said and I quote I don't know how I'm going to decide this case it appears by the paperwork we have a bar owner who believes in the power of fasting and prayer and an entire congregation of a church who does not believe in the power of fasting and prayer now that's a dilemma that's a dilemma well I've come to announce that there is still a church in the earth that believes in the power fasting and prayer if the Muslims believe in fasting and prayer and they do it for 40 days you're in Ramadan and they pray five times a day if the Hindus and the Buddhists believe in fasting and prayer and they do I believe the Church of Jesus Christ should believe what the Bible teaches about fasting in prayer Jesus did it for 40 days Moses and Elijah did it for 40 days Daniel did it for 21 days Paul did it for 10 days 14 days seven days often he said I was in fastings the early church Peter did it for three days the early church fasted and had days of fasting on the day of atonement every writer of the book of any book of the Bible would have fasted at least one day a year because the Bible teaches that if you are a believer you will fast you will fast so I want to talk to you today on this subject what happens in the unseen world when you fast and when you pray what happens in the unseen world when you fast and when you pray I want to first tell you a quick story from the book of Exodus the 17th chapter because it has a profound lesson to teach us today about fasting indirectly it's the story of Moses and the Amalekites Moses and the children of Israel fighting the Amalekites and God told him to go up on the mountain and lift his hands toward heaven he said in Exodus 17 and verse 8 verse 11 lift your hands Moses God commanded him to and as long as he had his hands and a physical posture raised toward heaven and obedience to what God told him to do with a physical command and place a posture the way what he did with his body as long as he had his hands raised the Bible said the Israelites defeated the Amalekites in the battle they were fighting but when he became fatigued and weary his hands began to come down and two men the high priest Aaron and another man named her ran up under his arms and held his arms up toward heaven because when his arms would go down the battle would turn and the Amalekites would begin to defeat Israel as long catch it now as long as as he had physical obedience he was winning the battle in the unseen world because of his physical obedience this story 'im is important because it reinforces the fact that physical obedience listen brings spiritual release you can say well if god's gonna win the battle he'll just win the battle but in this story god said what you do with your physical body Moses determines whether or not this particular battle is going to be won because physical obedience brings spiritual release that's why this story is so important that somehow there is a connection between what we do physically and what happens spiritually what we do here with our physical bodies makes a difference of what happens in the unseen world angels were released into that battle when he raised his hands physically if his hands started coming down because God told him to do it and if his hands started coming down then the Angels with withdrawal and the enemy would begin to defeat Hebrews chapter one you know you don't hear much about angels in the Western Church I don't know why we don't talk about supernatural things in the church anymore but we don't hear anything about angels but Hebrews chapter one says that angels are sent out to render services on behalf of those who inherit salvation it says the angels of God are spirits that are set as as flames of fire it says that in that same chapter later in that same chapter there he'll make his ministers flames of fire his he mentions that there is breath there is wind this wind and fire that's what angels are like and he said I'll release those angels and they will be dispatched into the situation so get it now here's the point hands are raised and as long as Moses obeys what God tells him to do with the physical act the battle is won because of what he's doing physically with his body if his hands go down then he begins to lose the battle you see the Bible said lift up your hands without wrath or doubting the word wrath means don't get mad about the instruction God's giving you to do something physically do it without wrath and then do it without doubting doubting means don't question well what good does it do don't question when God tells you to do something physically he said lift your hands don't stand there arguing with God saying I don't have to do that no the truth is physical obedience brings spiritual release every time and how much more if if the raising of the hands brings victory under an Old Covenant what it would fasting and prayer do under the New Covenant as Jesus you know showed as an example for 40 days fasting prayer if we follow him in a set aside time to fast and pray our physical obedience will bring spiritual release especially when you do it without doubt without sitting around saying what good does it do to fast what good it does good because God said to do it it does good because mark said this kind comes out but by fasting and by prayer in the modern church we have reduced everything down to feelings and intellect and not to any physical actions I feel like I'm humble so I never have to get on my knees and bow before the Lord I feel like I love the Lord and I worship Him on the inside and I don't have to clap my hands I don't have to raise my hands I don't have to stand to my feet and worship God physically with my body God knows my heart I feel faith so I don't have to risk anything I have faith in my heart everything gets reduced down in the modern day Church to internal stuff and there is no outward manifestation but if you tell your wife or your husband I love you on the inside but you never show it on the outside they're gonna question you and God says sometimes I demand of my people a physical act of obedience before I release spiritual reward and fasting is one of those acts of obedience there are times when God requires of all of us a physical action a physical action why because there's a connection between the physical action here and the spiritual power that is released there Moses with his hands up as long as his hands are up Israel wins physical obedience releases spiritual power favor help protection healing miracles blessing I want you to understand that it's foolish to worship angels no doubt about it we don't we don't go around in you know amazed and looking for weird angels it's foolish to worship the Bible's clear on that but it's equally foolish to ignore them they're in this book therefore they are real and when you begin to fast and pray you release God's supernatural power and forces of heaven i'ma show you this right out of the Bible in just a moment I want you I want you to you know think with me for just a moment some people always worried you know I hear this little say in higher levels higher Devils and that's a good saying and I get it you know that the higher you go up in God the more the devil fights you but it's almost that's that statement almost glorifies the devil to me higher levels higher it's almost says I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to go too high cause then the devil and know who I am and really attack me let me help you with that he already knows who you are and who is protected more on a battlefield a private a new enlisted soldier or a five-star general who has more soldiers around him protecting him the private or the general the truth is listen to this higher level higher angelic protection higher angelic participation in the assignment God has given you the greater God trusts you with greater assignments the greater heesu like he Liza when he when his servant went out and said oh my god the Syrians are surrounding us what are we gonna do prophet he said just relax Lord opened his eyes and he looked out and when he looked again he saw chariots of horses and fire surrounding them because the higher the call on your life and assignment the higher the divine protection of God around you and your family don't be afraid to dream big to ask big to believe get big I'm not gonna back down cuz I'm scared the devil will fight me more if we keep doing more we've just begun and we're going to higher levels and we're going to have more angelic protection clap your hands and praise God if you believe this story in Daniel chapter 10 shows us how fasting and prayer affects the unseen spirit world you've got to see this Daniel chapter 10 I'll begin reading with verse with verse 2 don't worry I'm halfway through my sermon right now in those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks I ain't no Pleasant bread no meat no wine came in my mouth nor did i anoint myself at all till three whole weeks were fulfilled verse 10 suddenly while I was fasting while I was eating vegetables well I was seeking God while I was praying I made a vow I told God and if you read Daniel chapter 1 he goes into detail of what he ate he said I ate vegetables and water and I abstained from pleasant food he said while I was in this three-week time an angel came verse 10 suddenly a hand touched me that made me tremble on my knees and on the palm of my hands and he said everybody say these next words Oh Daniel man greatly beloved understand the words I speak to you this is an angel talking to him and notice he said I come and this is how God feels about you old Daniel man greatly beloved understand the words I speak to you stand upright for I have been sent to you while he was speaking the word to me I started - tremble verse three he said I ate no Pleasant bread listen carefully the word pleasant there is desirable I ate no Pleasant or desirable bread in other words my translation of that is I became a vegetarian I hate no Pleasant food how many of you know how many of you love me come on your meat eater all right I was wondering I was wondering if I was in the right place or not he said I ate no desirable no Pleasant food now watch this Oh what's interesting is when when Daniel 11 said our Daniel 10 and verse 11 says old Daniel man greatly beloved the word greatly beloved is the same word described desirable Oh Daniel greatly desired I ate no desirable bread god's response was Oh Daniel you are greatly desired by me I ate no desirable food I became a man greatly desired by God during this 21 days there's a difference folks between God's love and God's favor God's love is 100% full on seven days a week it 24 hours a day there's nothing you can do that can make him love you more there's nothing you can do that can make him love you less you don't earn it you can never deserve it his love is full his love is free and God loves you there is a difference between God's love and God's favor favor is different because it is initially given to us as a gift and it's increase in our life is dependent upon our stewardship of what we do to gain God's favor the love of God is absolutely fooling free it's perfect love and it's full and it's yours but the favor of God does not come in its fullness on your life until you do certain things that gets God's attention you can't buy God's favor but you do not get more of God's favor without sacrifice the increase of favor comes from obedience and sacrifice Daniels story is a story of favor he was feeling the weight and the destiny of his family of his people of his nation and so he in desperation says I will push away from the table and I'll eat no desirable food he sat aside all that was desirable for a period of three weeks for 21 days and he said for 21 days for three full weeks I'm going to seek the Lord the Lord's response to what he did eating vegetables drinking water he didn't say what good does it do he didn't say it doesn't matter what I do physically God's gonna do what he's gonna do he said Lord you put me on a fast I don't I'm giving up pleasant food I'm doing this unto you I I'm eating no desirable food and God's response to Daniel was old Daniel one who has found to be greatly desired by me it's a picture of unusual increase of favor that's my story I shouldn't be the pastor of this church I'm certainly not qualified if you look at my walls you see no degrees I am a followed man but when I was just a kid even though I was born into a great home my mother and father were godly people are godly people my mom's still alive but at an early age something got ahold of my heart and I realized that I can't live off daddy's relationship with God and I can't live off mom's relationship with God I have got to find God's plan for my life and I began as a teenager pushing away desirable food pushing away that which was desirable first today and then three day fast and then seven day fast and then 21-day fast I would drive down to the beach in North Carolina and get me a hotel as a young man and shut myself in and stayed for three and four days at a time and just be in that room and read the Bible not watch TV and consume the Word of God and while I while I did that somewhere I don't know I went on a 21-day fast and an another one and God began to move in life and some were in that process God said spiritually over me you have become greatly desirable to me because you gave up that which is desirable that's why I'm here today that's why I'm preaching to you today I'm just a country boy from North Carolina I'm not qualified to be and go all over the world and do what I do and speak to people that I speak to people who who are who are so powerful but God says when you win my favor when you do things there's something about you doing a physical act of obedience that brings spiritual release a favour and blessing look out miracles will come favor will come blessing will come God will raise you up it's less of you and more of him and you know when you get there to God be the glory to God be the glory clap your hands and praise it if you know I'm preaching the truth today there are times strategic moments in your life when God comes not with a demand but a challenge you don't have to do it you're not more saved if you don't if you fast and you're not more holy if you fast it's a divine challenge from God and he says at strategic moments in our life I won't a partnership with you and what you do physically like Moses is going to really spiritual things when you obey me I'm convinced of that I'm convinced to that the physical response of Moses raised hands was recognized by heaven the physical response of lepers falling to their knees saying have mercy on me was recognized by heaven the physical response of David dancing before the Ark of the Covenant with all of his might some could have said well if you love him in your heart it doesn't but the physical response of him leaping and dancing' was recognized by heaven the lifting of the hands and the sanctuary to some is unimportant but God says I watch what you with physical obedience and I determine whether I release spiritual rewards somehow to give him a shout like you believe that my body is not my own therefore present your body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable listen to this it's my reasonable service to throw my hands up to not just know it on the inside but manifest and enter into a partnership with God that certain seasons if I fast physically it impacts the unseen world spiritual children who are under the influence of demonic powers what I do physically the next 21 days will affect my children and my children's children in the name of Jesus somebody praise God oh I feel like praising them just a moment the presence of God is coming in this room lift up your voice and praise Him at every campus daniel said daniel said daniel said I said us Daniel Daniel said I set aside food that was dishonorable that's all I did the day vegetables changed the world I set aside food that was desirable and I'm mourned for 3-4 weeks you don't understand that phrase if you've never done it mourn means I was not in a hyped positive mental attitude you really start fasting you you fast effectively enough that you feel it don't let you eating something all the time trying to keep full but when you got you gotta learn how to fast your for you I I can tell you how to fast but you have to work out your own thing but you know when you're feeling it you know when you you know when the flesh is being beat down you know when you're connecting to God and disconnecting from the world you know when God is doing something you sense it that's when the fast is working if you don't feel it if it doesn't move you it won't move God sometimes you'll come in the middle of it so fast all day today fast sunup sundown fast one meal just I just want you to eat one meal tonight you just be real sensitive to him he said I'm warned I was not in a height positive attitude but you may be right now but by about 3 o'clock this afternoon you're gonna be in mourning and you're gonna wonder you don't have wrath and get a little mad and have doubting what good does this do I'm telling you Daniel you turned away the desirable you have come you have become extremely desirable to me when you love to hear God's say that over you instead of saying old Daniel Oh Jacob Oh Charisse Oh Brock Oh Tim Oh Jensen you have become extremely desirable to me even greater than that old Courtney Oh Karissa Oh Caroline Oh Connor Oh Drake Oh Amelia Oh Luke I got two more in the ovens whatever their names it will be you have become greatly desirable to me because you had a granddaddy and a grandmother who would fast for 21 days and I have this family has found favor I'm greatly desirable of this family hallelujah this story illustrates in closing what happens when a man prays and fast in the spirit world can I show it to you real quick listen to this let's read it I'll begin with verse 2 of Daniel chapter 10 he said in verse 8 let's go to verse 11 daniel man greatly beloved understands the words that I speak to you stand upright for I've been sent to you do not fear Daniel listen from the first day you set your heart to understand and humble yourself before God your words were heard and I have come because of your words I was reading a book this week in my office that a man wrote and he said God put him on a he's a pastor and he said God put him on a three-day fast physical fast to fast food but then he said God added one thing to it he said you have become extremely negative he was going through a lot of stuff in his church and in his life and he said you have God said to him you are a you have become extremely negative the way you talk and what you say and what you speak and I want you to fast your words for three days don't say a word for three days while you fans said he went off somewhere and shut himself away for three days he didn't he didn't he didn't eat and he didn't speak he wouldn't answer the phone or nothing no words he fasted words so that God would cleanse his tongue of negativism and he said God is my witness he's a spirit-filled minister and some of you will have trouble with this but I don't he said when I opened my mouth to say something after three days of saying nothing I started praying in a heavenly language and then I started speaking words of praise and tears were streaming down my face and he said God turned my tongue from bitter to sweet God don't we need that I have come because of your words listen now the Angels talking but the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days there was a principality over Persia which is Iran and this strong demon power withstood me the angel said for twenty-one days but because you kept fasting and praying Michael one of the chief Prince's Michael came to help me there are three major angels Gabriel Michael and Lucifer Lucifer failed Gabriel brings messages but Michael is the warring angel and he was sent as reinforcements to break through the enemy's resistance it doesn't get any more graphic than this we're seen into the unseen spirit world when you persist in fasting in prayer the prayers that have been hailed up break through listen God likes using everything he made he loves partnership he likes to colabor with his creation if he wanted the gospel preached he could just come down on a cloud and do it but he wants to use you and I if he if he wanted to just show up he would but usually he shows up on and presence of angels are there because they were created for a specific purpose wonder how many times we've had answer sent the first time we prayed but they never actually made it to us this story implies it is totally possible that the answer has been sent and stopped and held up and sometimes God says I'm waiting on you to do something physically that will release the power spiritually now let me explain something to you there is no battle between God and Satan God God's not warring with the temple God said if I by the finger of God cast Satan out all God's got to do is flip his finger he gave the devil the finger and cast him out of heaven there's not like this big bang there is no war between God and Satan but listen everything was created for purpose there is a war between the angelic forces and demonic forces and you and I get to vote who wins that's what this story teaches that there are angels and demons that are battling and angels have the answer to prayer and they're battling and you and I what we do physically can release spiritual power to those angels this kind mark 17 said cometh but by fasting and prayer we vote in the Battle of the heavenlies let me close with this thought in that story in mark chapter 17 when the disciples said why could we not cast this devil out Jesus gave two reasons he said you have unbelief and you are a perverse generation in other words he was saying to his own disciples because that's who asked him number one if you have unbelief you have you have disconnected from God you have disconnected from the word you have disconnected from praise and worship you have disconnected from church you have disconnected from my presence you have disconnected from hunger in for me and when you disconnect from God unbelief begins to take over your not faith filled unbelief begins to take over your life fear anxiety hopelessness despair and he said first of all your unbelief you're disconnected from God now watch this and your perverse it comes from the word pervert in other words he's saying you you're not connected to God and on top of that you're too connected to the world you're connected to the lust of the flesh the pride of life the lust of the eyes you you you're picking up stuff that I set you free from you're compromising you're just like the world you're you're not connected to God you're too connected to the world he gives the problem and then he turns around and says but let me give you the solution you want to know why you couldn't cast this devil out you're not connected to God unbelief you're too connected to to the world perverse but let me tell you how you fix that this kind comes by fasting and prayer what is prayer prayer is connecting to God connecting back to God fasting is disconnecting from the world disconnecting from the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life I don't care who you are constantly I am your pastor I am your preacher I do this full-time and I constantly have to go back and align myself and say God help me because I'm disconnecting for you and I'm connecting to the world and that's why I love this season when we get real when we get honest when we get to this place where we feel like we're disconnected from God we're too connected to the world in comes fasting and it disconnects us from the world and in comes prayer it reconnects us to God and suddenly we have dominion and power over the enemy and a fresh anointing and we obtain the favor of God again on our lives somebody give him a great shout of praise don't you want that in 2018 I said Lord what are you gonna do what are you gonna do and the Lord said to me in my spirit he said I'm going to I'm going to increase favor on your life on the church on the ministry I'm going to disconnect you from the things of the world habits addictions bondages compromises besetting sins I'm going to disconnect you during this fast I'm gonna reconnect you to prayer the word Bible reading fasting seeking me loving me worshiping me and you're gonna return in the power of the Spirit and nothing will be impossible to you nothing [Applause] say this if I give up desirable food [Music] I'll become very desirable to God the next 21 days [Music] that's not a boastful statement that's not an arrogant statement but the fact that God can say over me and all he did was gave up meat and bread and sugar and ate vegetables and God said Oh Daniel you are greatly desirable to me because you're seeking your doing something physical that brings spiritual release in heaven lift your hands Hollis stand to our feet at every campus please don't move right now just stand to your feet and lift your hands high come on just like Moses I'm giving you a command you're hearing it don't despise it don't say what difference does it make it makes a difference because God said do it raise your hands high open up your mouth and out loud for the next thirty seconds I want you to lift your voice to God and cry out to him and say God I'm coming after you less of me and more of you I must decrease you must increase these next 21 days it's the - sign of me it's the plus sign of you I'm ready to surrender myself my family my business my future my relationships completely to you again I want to disconnect from the world from social media from this from that from all these distractions from all the clutter from the besetting sins from the habits from the secret sins I disconnect and I reconnect to you because you love me and I know your love is for me but I want to increase your favor for me I want to become very desirable to you the next 21 days [Music] come on raise those hands hi on behalf of your family every battle going on every circumstance every situation raise those hands high over your family over your loved ones over your over your financial situation over your health raise those hands high and say god watch my physical posture watch what I do with my physical body of the next 21 days and if I obey you in my physical in my physical demonstration of sincerity I ask you to release something spiritually that will win the victory for me and my family he'll do it he'll do it he'll do it now every head bowed and every eye closed I was astonished that the altar call in the nine o'clock and I believe it's going to be even greater in this service at every campus see the Lord strongly prompted me this morning before I got to church and he he said him the way he talks to me I don't hear audible voice but I know he said now don't you don't you just talk about fact there will be many who will want to be saved this morning and the Lord told me to say it to you like this if you will do a physical act of obedience it will release spiritual blessing of grace forgiveness and mercy what did Moses do he raised his hand what am I asking you to do if you're a backslider if you're lost if you're addicted if you if you're tired of the life you've lived if you--if you can't go another year living like you've been living and you're sick of it you're ready for a change you're ready you are disconnected from God and to connected to the world and to connected to sin and you want to disconnect from sin and reconnect to God if I'm preaching to you right now and you know it all I'm gonna ask you to do is a physical act what God told Moses to do if you know you're not right with God and you want to get right with God right where you're standing at every campus in the overflow wherever you are I want you if you know I'm preaching to you and it's time for you to get reconnected to God I want you to raise your hand high I want to see it raise it high I'm not where I want to be with God and I want to get right with God I want to get right with God today I want every one of you that raised your hand this is a physical thing I'm asking you to do every one of you that raised your hand get out of your seat at every campus and walk down to the front of the building just as quick as you can move if you're an overflow you can come in to the building come into the name down to the to the to the to the front of the church come on I'm waiting on you come on come on don't say what good will it did it's gonna it's gonna be life-changing don't don't get mad because because you have to stand for Jesus come on this is your service this is your service this is your year 2018 is the year that God's favor is going to return in your life and his love is for you it's perfect love extended to you come on get in get in get in and get in on this get in on this couple mushers quickly quickly quickly come on come on come on come on come on let's sing a little bit I feel like y'all to do that Mountain Sun I feel like you all to do that Mountain song and sing that first verse okay you're still come on come on come on get him in get him in get him in good amount of the eyes anybody got walls that you've been walking around saying win-win how long we get to vote Angels win or demons win we get to vote with our physical response sing that verse again [Music] [Music] singing church [Music] [Music] I'm waiting with James it's been delayed but not denial [Music] probably how Daniel fish [Music] the glare is safe from this over a new year hello lift your hand time of Steel in 2018 your hands your mom raise [Music] this is my car [Music] me everybody at every campus say these words out loud those of you down front this is a holy moment when you moved in faith and lifted your hand you became greatly desirable to God say these words the Lord Jesus it's a new year and I'm ready for the change I come with a physical response I walk down this aisle I lift up my hands and I surrender my life completely to you Jesus cleanse me release forgiveness and grace favor and goodness on my life again I receive a washing a cleansing disconnect me from the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life disconnect me from their own people and every ungodly addiction disconnect me and now reconnect me by your grace by your blood reconnect me back to God back to his favor back to his goodness I receive it right now in the name of Jesus Christ oh we need to lift up a shout we need to lift up we need to lift up a shout I see em in I do Oh ah [Music] come on do it again speaking over here Oh you I see away [Music] I know I'm taking a little extra time but I want you to get your communion set out those of you down front relax we got we got communion ready for you I want the ushers to come quickly with your communion if you don't have it you're gonna have your first communion in right relationship with God in a brand new year Wow come on guys hurry hurry with that communion come up if you need to come up here if you don't have a communion set anywhere in the building at any campus lift your hand up and an usher will get to you immediately keep it up you got to keep it up they can't see you we're gonna wait just another moment keep your hand up high and an usher is coming I need some Usher's down here with with with the communion sets and there's people out in this area keep your hand up it's very important I love that we're doing this across the board at every Church those of you at home get a piece of bread get some grape juice or any kind of juice that you've got water whatever it is tear it open what you do is there's a little plastic piece on the bread tear it open and get the bread in your hand we're gonna have communion together as we start the fast we're gonna feast on him the bread of life are you ready are you all ready too fast how many of you gonna give up some desirable things so that God was saying when he looks at you you're greatly desirable I tell you he'll do it he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him he is try not to miss any of these services this Wednesday night I'll be here we're going to have camp meeting in this place I know what happens next Sunday there will be even a greater level of anointing you watch what I tell you we don't plan a whole lot we're gonna I'm gonna announce Wednesday night some days and nights of prayer meetings in the brand-new chapel we're gonna have hundreds gather in that beautiful Chapel in one time we're at least we're gonna pray all night long and all day 24 hours a chain of prayer and fasting in the new building it's gonna be beautiful take the bread everybody jesus said this is my body which is broken for you take eat this do in remembrance of me until I come [Music] and he said this is my blood which is shed for the remission of sin take drink all of it this do in remembrance of me until I come [Music] so pastor what are we doing we're doing the Daniel Fast and and then you need to decide what that means you because some of you may need to eat bread or may need to eat meat one time a day because of a you know medical thing or something you work all that out that's between you and God I'm not going I'm not gonna get legalistic about you figure out and then the key to it is make a vow to God this is what I'm gonna do for 21 days and keep it figure out what works for you and keep it and again if you don't feel it God will feel it but it will reward you for anything you do for it but but do it to where these are not normal days I'm in mourning a little bit just a little bit right you ready you ready for the blessing every one of you that prayed today welcome to the family of God Wow look at this huh we have altar teams all around you we've got a free Bible we want to give you you've started the year off the greatest way you can we want to help you in your new walk with God I know and I'd love to baptize you in water are you ready for the blessing get signed up order team I really need you to do your job to pay us we got a big harvest here and every one of these Souls matter we've got to follow up and help them in their new journey with Jesus you ready and now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine on you may the Lord be gracious unto you may lift up his countenance upon you may give you peace and may he give you grace to fast grace to fast and seek his face for the next 21 days in Jesus mighty name we love you so much god bless you everybody great week go by and pick up that book hundred and one most often asked questions about fasting you to really open up your mind to some new concepts next steps in the connections lounge next steps right now the connections lounge if you're wanting to go deeper in God go get signed up for the Bible College it is a powerful the school of ministry I should say I get a mixed up now when I was in Bible College one of them something else go figure it out but it is powerful school discipleship is that when it's gone school discipleship starts tomorrow night still not to is it too late is still not too late to get signed up hundreds and hundreds of our best leaders every year come out of that school discipleship what a great way but I must say I think attendance will be down to bar night because I'm fasting and praying for the Bulldogs to come on let's not play fair let's believe for a national championship I'm sure I'm sure the people in Alabama are doing the same thing we love you god bless you everybody stay after God [Music] [Music] and as we leave here today I want to encourage you to join in this fasting journey that we're taking in the next 21 days all the resources that you need are available at free chapel dot o-r-g or if Jennsen franklin dot o-r-g but again i invite you to join us on this journey as we fast together and pursue God as we say in our with our motto for this year's fast less of me and more of him but not only that we want to invite you to join us for school of discipleship online a brand new session begins tomorrow night it's an amazing four phase discipleship program that will completely transform your life so go to a free chapel 0rg /s od online register today I promise you your life will never be the same but we love you so much let us know how we can pray for you submit your prayer request because we have a team not only us our staff but a team of prayer warriors that are gonna be praying to see God move in your life all throughout the next 21 days and going into the rest of 2018 we love you so much we're thrilled that you join us here today for service and we'll see you next Sunday morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 378,452
Rating: 4.8344226 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Fasting, Jentezen Franklin, The power of fasting, prayer, church, sermon, online, jentezen franklin live, fasting edge, daniel fast, favor, gods favor, Encouragment, Jesus, 21 day fast, jentezen franklin fasting, how to fast, what is fasting, 2018, reasons to fast, obediance, trials, success, spiritual growth, miracles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 47sec (4127 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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