Prayer and Fasting Consecration | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message prayer is the most important key of the kingdom prayer is the most important key of the kingdom there is no key to the kingdom of heaven but there are keys of the kingdom of heaven and the most important one in my humble estimation is prayer that is verified by Jesus Christ the king himself he saw a prayer as more important than anything else we will see that during this next few days as we show you in Scripture why prayer is so important we also talk about fasting as being the most powerful tool in prayer prayer is the most important key but fasting is the most powerful tool of prayer praying is wonderful and praying effectively is wonderful but when you mix prayer with fasting it's awesome and we need to see why those two go together and to rekindle our love for prayer we begin the talk first of all about the priority of Prayer why prayer is so important you will notice that all religions pray all of them Buddhists Hindus Muslims Confucius Scientologists Unitarians everybody prays so prayer is a part of a religious mechanism for mankind now let me explain something as to why all religions pray all religions pray because the desire to contact and commune with the supernatural is inherent in the heart of all human spirits so don't be confused that because a person prays it means that their prayers being answered to the right God the desire and the hunger to pray or to commune with a supernatural being is proof that the human spirit is not from this place many times we don't know who we're praying to or don't know why people want to pray if you study the uncivilized so Colin civilized tribes that they keep discovering and you go sometime into the history and you read how they find these tribes that were way in the jungle somewhere no contact with more than humans and yet that tribe has a ritual of prayer maybe they pray to the moon or they pray to the mountain or they pray to an animal or they pray to a tree they pray to something there's this human desire to pray so because we say that everybody prays doesn't mean everybody is praying correctly and praying to the right or to the true God there is a scripture I want you to turn to that you probably don't read much increasing after this chapter 3 and there is a simple verse found any crazier these about Y seven billion people on earth have a desire to contact the supernatural even the atheists would get involved in VG boards even the agnostic will want to practice black magic or white magic even those who claim that there is no God but still want to how however even follow what they call horoscopes in other words everybody no matter what they say don't let them fool you deep in their hearts they want help from somewhere that is above the natural whether it's a star you know on their birthday or whether it's some unknown spirit or spirits even ancestral spirits humans are always wanting to contact the supernatural here's why get your pen and underline this I'm going to show you why Ecclesiastes chapter 3 it says to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven and it lists all the different seasons of life and then it says verse 10 I have seen the God given tasks with which the sons of men are talked to be occupied he has made everything what beautiful in its time also underlined this he has put eternity in the hearts of every man except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end he has put eternity in the hearts of every human that statement means that every human being knows somewhere that he came from somewhere that is not here and he has a hunger to reach out to the Eternity some use idols some use ancestral spirits some use voodoo some use white magic some use seances some use Ouija boards some news booga-booga everyone wants to reach out and so when the Buddhist sits down and burns an incense or a Hindu puts food out in the night and burn candles and build little houses to feed the spirits and render the Muslim reaches toward the east and barrels to Mecca and place seven times a day and when the Jew goes to the Wailing Wall and and borrows and cries out rocking in power and procession these are all human spirits feeling the need for eternity so prayer is common because prayer is man reaching out to somewhere else for help write this down number two prayer is not an option for us in the kingdom of God we are commanded to pray you cannot say that you follow Jesus Christ as your king and don't pray it's impossible he commands us to pray thirdly prayer is the most common experience of those who say they are believers normally when you give your life over to your so-called God whether this Buddhism Hinduism Shintoism Scientology Christianity whatever they always tell you gotta pray to this God and so we have people burning incense people go into a temple to the Buddha people go into the Hindu gods six million of them and everybody's going through their rituals they're getting the Royal baths being bathing and bathing in the Royal River all this stuff we go through because everyone is wanting to experience the supernatural God commands us who believe in Jesus Christ to pray and number four prayer is the most talked about but least practice activity of religious Krishna's every so-called Christian talks about prayer and hardly none of them do it prayer for most people is like buying a cookbook you got a cookbook in your home but never made a single meal from the recipes we know that we should pray but we don't do it we don't practice it and that question is why don't we practice prayer why is it prayer an excitement for us why is prayer so difficult here's another question why are prayer meetings the smallest meeting in every church you go to any church in this country or any other country and you will find on Sunday mornings or view our Shabbat worshipper on Saturday mornings the place of silver people but then Monday night prayer meeting three old ladies who ain't got nothing else to do they are praying then what happened to all the folks who were there Sunday morning watching TV playing games going on to social events question why our prayer meetings the smallest meeting in every church how about this another question what did Jesus say the house that we meet in supposed to be called now we normally say a ho shall worship as we call it he didn't call it that so we run to this building whatever your building is we went to this building to worship Christ says my house shall not be called the house of worship it's to do something more important oh dear you looking at me funny What did he say his hunk should be called house of prayer in his mind it's the most important activity of humans especially when they come before God so if prayer is the most important activity of God's priority on the list then why isn't the prayer meeting the largest meeting in the church answer because people don't get results and the human spirit is a very interesting spirit we don't like to do things that don't benefit us we love to avoid resistance when things don't work we avoid them so we refuse to keep going to a prayer meeting if we feel that this is not working do you remember when you first got born again you went to prayer meeting seven days a week they couldn't keep you out of the church and now no comment but why because of lack of results I was the same way I was brought up in a very religious environment and they are prayer meetings I align myself with the Brethren Church and then we went to the Baptist Church then I went to the Pentecostal church I went to the semblance of God for a while and then I went crazy I went to the kingdom and in all those experiences the prayer meeting was always the smallest meeting because people didn't get results for most people is like going to a vending machine to buy a soda and you put your first two quarters in and you hit it nothing comes out you put two more quarters in it you hit it nothing comes up you put another two quarters and nothing comes out and after a while what do you do first you kick the machine don't forget that I ain't going back to no prayer meeting bound that don't work and then you start talking back to the Machine you dumb machine you stupid machine and then you walk away and you avoid the machine that's what prayer has become to most people they keep crying and crying and crying it and nothing happens so we decide to stay away I hope that after this 21 days God will give you so many answers that you would want to love prayer every single day matter of fact you would pray like Jesus said pray without ceasing let's talk about the prayer principle then make a note John Wesley said something that was very interesting he said it seemed as if without God man can do nothing but without man God will do nothing write this down very important and he's telling the truth I don't even think Wesley understood what he was saying he said without God man cannot and without man God will not in other words it seems if when God wants something done on earth he has to use a human vessel and yet it when a human wants something done on earth he needs to tap into God so there is a dependency between God and man that's the vision of Prayer he also says what happens on earth depends on you and this is a truth nothing happens on earth without a human getting involved I know this is difficult for you to understand because we talk about the sovereignty of God and the power of God and God is all of those things but he also has established some principles by which he works you call them laws by which God functions and those laws are intact by God they they're kept intact by him and he uses them to keep order one of God's laws are very simple he will not do anything on earth without the cooperation of a human so here's the conclusion prayer is earthly license for heavenly interference prayer is God receiving license from a human to interfere in earth you'll understand this later on during the sessions that are coming but it's very important that's why you are here God needs this prayer time to get things done on earth matter of fact no one is more excited about this consecration than God God is more excited about this consecration than you are because God finally will get you away from that television even finally get you away from those friends God finally is gonna get you away from all your activity in your business every night all the fun and games goss's wow I finally got a few people on earth who are gonna give me their attention and their license God's excited so prayer is not an option for you nor God breath is necessary for you to get things done on earth and for God to do things on earth and this is why I love to play humans can stop God from working on earth how by locking up the license when you think about a scripture like second chronicles for example chapter 7 verse 14 a very common one but please don't read it fast read it with me out loud first line go if stop if is enough to rest for the next two weeks what does if mean oh-oh answer me what does it mean in a sentence I'm in trouble thank you if is a condition write it down if means a condition god begins this communique about prayer but if now he's talking about a country that's in trouble you'll see it there and he says the country is in trouble the nation is in trouble the community is in trouble the whole earth is in trouble and I cannot fix it I am powerful are magnificent I am a mission I am almighty I am the creator I can do anything but I can't touch that planet he says why I'm waiting for a condition what's the condition breathe if my people now cuz it look a lot of people praying what are people doing stuff a Muslim prays seven times a day they would spread their rug in the middle of a store but what about you you sanctified Holy Ghost filled baptized Tom talking Jesus loved impressing don't answer that question see he says I'm finding a lot of people but I can't find my people my people implies not everybody I listen to 1.2 billion Muslims does it that's fine 300 million Hindus that's fine 800 million Buddhists that's fine I said looking for my people everybody bowing down to something anybody burning incense everybody giving food to the gods but I try to find my people don't be impressed when you see two million Muslims in Mecca on that TV bowing down with their black rock in the middle in the little box and look so impressive God says I still looking for my people my people means I have a different group of people that I depend on and I want to hear from now God has a little problem with these people he said my people got a cover the problems faced he says they wicked I think I'd better stop right there he says I'm they full of pride the opposite of humility is pride I'm kneeling down in my nice sauce Dawkins I prostrate myself in my suit I ain't going to no Prem Eden to make no noise for no two hours I got things to do pride if my people in other words God is begging to find some humans so he can do something if means I am depending on I need I must have some people you cannot not just take time to pray heaven is depending on you a Multiversity trust cross over to Chrome or opera can develop emotion pardon me it's the Holy Spirit when you talk I was in your business if my people should do what humble themselves now the word humble here is also the word used for striking your chest or tearing your clothes it's normally a word that is identified with we call it fasting but it's more than fasting it is like beating your chest out of righteous indignation humble yourself that means let the things that make God weep cause you to weep how many yourself means to feel would God feels about the your neighbourhood humble means to identify with God's burdens he's carrying he's looking for a human to dump his answers to the burden true he need you to stop long enough to say Lord you can use me to solve that problem here's my thing prayer requires humility read the next statement if my people who are called by what my name shall humble themselves and pray pray and do what and seek my face now pray is separate from seek my face right the term seek my face down it means consecrate and that's why we cannot fast and pray and still watch TV this is why we have to come here every night he's at the pastor miles we gotta come in for 21 days yes that's consecration consecration means you sanctify yourself for Peter time and you don't mix with your normal life anymore you set your face to see God that's why many times you confuse fasting and losing weight see you can fast for the purpose of purifying your body and losing weight and get no spiritual benefit because you can be fasting for the personal private purpose for reducing your weight in other words you're missing meals but not seeking God he says I don't want people he just humble themselves and who just pray I want people who will also see my face set themselves fast to seek God's face to put aside distractions and other priorities in their lives and to say God this time is set aside just for you that's called consecration so you cannot be on a fast like this I live a normal life if you do that you are simply on a diet is anybody with me so when God says I'm singing for people I'm not saying that somebody who is trying to lose weight I'm trying to seek someone who was waiting on me pursuing me God says if I could find those people a condition okay now and then he says and they must turn from what their wicked ways God is suggesting that most of the people he trying to use our wicked people don't look now there's one right behind you don't look keep looking at me I'm not talking to you I'm talking to poison right behind you okay he said the people I'm trying to find how wicked now we think of wickedness you know as witchcraft and stuff like that No Jesus used the word wicked a couple of times to describe some people and they are nothing to do with the devil the first one he talked about was when there was a man who had three servants from the story and he gave them some money talents one of them took the money and did what buried in the ground and did nothing with it Jesus used the word wicked that means this person did not use the gifts God gave them to bring profit to God I wonder if you in that category quick the second place he used the word wicked is when the people start asking for miracles they want to see science they leave now saw catch a bus and drive to Baltimore to watch Benny Hinn work miracles he called that wicked oh dear he said only a wicked and an adulterous generation seek as the solids I'll only believe in God when I see something happen gars what if you don't see anything happen do you still believe in me see wicked people want to put a conditional God I'll serve you if you do this God because if there's no burden in this you are product I am manufacturer you are what I am what maker you know deal it'll pardon with me rod if you get me caught in a scrape I'll sign you causes you wicked he's looking for people who don't make deals with him they just show up and say God I am sorry i humble myself and I consecrate myself and I opened myself for you to use me Oh Lord use me cuz I like this man God ain't looking for dealers he's looking for vessels are you with me that's why if you're gonna go on this fast this is not a game and if you're gonna be serious about this God's gonna watch you he's gonna say let me see if this just you try to be religious on me whether you truly genuinely are gonna put your face toward heaven and put your heart toward the throne and say God I won't let you go and tell you bless me that's what Jacob did manchicken he wrestled he told God I'm leaving you I'm gonna let you go until you bless me God changed his character that's what name means I wonder if you're gonna have a Jacob experience in the next 21 days anybody ready to wrestle with God I believe that many nicest alter shall be filled with restless who would hold on and say God I am NOT gonna let go until I know there's a breakthrough in this area of our nation this is not casual encounter with God this is wrestling time with God prayer means that you turn from your wicked ways your ways of lackadaisical shallow spirit making deals with God notice he says then will I hear well from heaven Gaza Hank I'm a dirt I'm staying in heaven because you're trying to get heaven on earth then I read what forgive this sin notice the word singular sin not sins the word here is the word rebellion is the word used when Adam fell you rebelled against me one act is called sin you try to do things your own way that's sin you try to run the earth without me that's sin you try to abandon me and not have me interfere because if you are full of sin rebellion he that forgive your rebellion why because now you're coming back to me saying we need help from heaven and that's why this consecration is so important heaven has been waiting for this three weeks all you God Jehovah Jesus the Sun the word the Holy Spirit have been discussing this meeting and they've been saying it's getting closer it's getting closer I think they're gonna do it I think they're gonna do it I wonder who's gonna last I wonder who's gonna commit themselves I wonder how many of you gotta have this time that we can just work through anybody want God to work through them lift your hands up and say Lord use me Alleluia that's how important you are you are so important to God that God put a condition on healing earth he said if I could just get you to line up with me I can get some things done look at the last part he says I will forgive their sin and heal the country you know I am sure you like me wonder many times when they call national prayer meetings nothing seemed to improve could it be that they're not getting it right Jesus said these words they think they will be heard because of their much speaking you know these people we should be with their lips but their hearts he says how far for me calling meetings doesn't mean God is meeting with the meeting I will heal the land if I could just get some people see God don't want no one day for a meeting read it carefully humble yourself pray and then what consecrate I need when you read the back then you read the Bible whenever there was a national problem you know who declared the facts the king what the priests we're serious in our countries and guess what when they declare the fast the whole nation stopped we have national problems right okay so a small group of Christian believers have a national prayer meeting in a hotel with 20 people and every member of parliament is drinking wine or have a little meeting somewhere you know I will it will a club or something or have a little meeting drinking have a little team in other words this is God's I'm confused here I'm waiting for my people all your claim to be a Christian nation is this you are so you have my name I want everybody just stop and I'll heal the land what I like about God though if God just have enough he starts working and I got a feeling looking at your face tonight God just might have enough to heal this country and heal your family and heal your community and heal your neighborhood if you have faith lift your hands and believe God right now Lord use me to bring healing to my land prayer in the name of Jesus Ephesians 6 verse 7 3:17 read take the helmet of salvation he says and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God now this is why I put this verse in here is because when you read verse 15 16 17 it talks about the armor of the Lord helmet of salvation breastplate of righteousness seeing the fate sorted a spirit blowing chord of truth we've got the shoe piece all this stuff right now people listen to me are very preachers preach on that scripture and God forgive me if I did it - please forgive me when they preach on it as if the church or the believer is a soldier are we going to faith the devil and so we get this idea that we going out are we gonna just beat up the world are we gonna beat up everyone who's even gonna fight people on faith things but look at the verse after you dress in all of that he didn't say go outside the church and beat up people he said the reason why I dress you he said is because I want you to do the most important activity what is it prayer that's it you dress up in heaven of salvation breast bit of righteousness shield of faith sort of the spirit no mind of truth chew a piece you ready to go a glass then just stay there and pray that's it the most important job is to pray you gotta fight for the kingdom just pray you wanna fight for God God says pray give me license because the battle is not yours can I hear just someone say Amen what about there this one please he said look this ain't about you fighting it's about you giving me permission he's the reason why I save you and made you righteous and gave you faith in the word and give you truth so that I could come through you and get things done in hallelujah so the first week you normally and probably deal with you we check your helmet to make sure you're safe but some of y'all made a slide in the wrong way and then we check the breastplate to make sure that your life is lined up with the word cuz if you were living in righteousness then your words make no sense to God let me go check and make sure your faith is intact that you believe what God says and then they gotta make sure you have the word of the sword in your hand that's why we teach every night and we got to make sure you got truth right in the secret places around your loins where all your secrets are the pitch of your life is clean privately otherwise you can shut down this prayer meeting in amazing hey you could look good helmet shaming breastplate shining shield shining short thought shine it and got duty lines David always says this Oh God give me truth in the inward parts because you can always lie openly you can look shiny outside but truth is always around here your sex life your your lust life that's where the junk is he said I want annoyance of truth is they're gonna start pray come and get everything out before God an open I said Lord forgive me deliver me from this habit from this wrong life otherwise you were wasting your time in this fast after putting on all of that he says pray I'm not something that's what you have to do your work is pray your fight is pray because all God needs is for you to give him permission to get things done comprende Matthew 6:9 Jesus said look they asked Jesus a question they said teach us to pray he said okay here's how to pray our Father who is well in heaven hallowed be thy name that means your name is different distinctive thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven he said look to get things in heaven done on earth you have to pray for that to happen they ask it what should we pray for he said you gotta pray for heaven to come to earth heaven cannot come to earth with out new praying for it to happen the kingdom of God can be locked out of Earth by a prayer less Church I expect miracles to begin to happen this week and the deeper you get into the fast I expect more multiplicities of miracles to begin to happen in your life and in those in your your on your family life anybody ready was the miracles to happen yeah this is a good time if you to bring people who you believe in God for a miracle for to the altar matter of fact in a little moment we're gonna handle some prayer cards this is where you got to put the burdens that you carried on those cards so we can't DOS them in fasted prayer and invite God to come in and interfere in those affairs amen prayer was the only thing that the disciples asked Jesus to teach them there's always been treats me I can't get over this still I discovered at age 15 when I read the Bible I realized that the only thing they asked him to teach them was teach us how to pray that is not a Bahamian request am i right it's not a Filipino request if you live with Jesus and you saw him walking on the water cast no además he just said grace in the dead thinking the trees you'd say hey teach me how to do that why I wanna learn to do the sensational stuff teach me how to walk on water teach me how to talk to a tree teach me how to speak the fish teach me how to cleanse leprosy teach me how to open blinded eyes please they saw all of that and never asked them how to do it the only thing they asked him is in Luke 11 verse 1 one day it says Jesus was praying in a certain place what was he doing praying this is very interesting God is praying to God why because God is in a human body and to get things done on earth through humans the human gotta give the father permission so here he was in a certain place praying I like this part when he finished one of his disciples said to him let's pause there for a minute I want you to picture that for a minute he's in the bush prayin and all them people they were not praying with him they were watching this happen it says and when he was finished that means they waited till he was finished now why would they be following him to the bush and then stopped a little distance off and watch him do this thing and they saw him do it every day as a matter of fact the Bible says Jesus arose a great while before day and went to a solitary place to play as was his custom a great while before day day in Israel even today begins at 4:00 a.m. that's when the merchants go to the market that's when the shepherds take their ghost to the market for exchange and safe they rise early to get to the market in time a great while before day so calculate what time he got up markets open around 7 o'clock great while is 4:00 a.m. he got up a great while before which means that Jesus would get up around 2 a.m. in the morning and start praying and he prayed and tell that he started at 7 how many hours that is 3 4 5 6 average of 5 hours they would miss him in the night where'd he go he's gone to do this thing everyone he's good everyone he's gone he's gone so they stopped following him what's he doing with everyone and they kept wandering and they began to notice he's doing this thing seven hours five hours and then when the day began he would heal a blind man in two seconds and they began to figure something out he did that for five hours and healed him in five seconds hmm so that is more important than that and that makes that possible so we want to do that then we got to learn how to do that that was their conclusion so they developed what I call inductive deductive logic they deduced that if he does that for five hours and then heals a lame man in five seconds then healing a lame man is related to what he does for five hours which means and their conclusion was simple taking the conclusion was if you spend more time doing that you spend less time doing that you mean you are going to go on a prayer and fasting consecration for 21 days are y'all crazy down there y'all fall in that Mouse Monroe he can make your fast and pray for 21 days and I'm making y'all do nothing okay all right but they say that they say you know what are you doing you can just you know pray in the morning ten seconds brother you know prayin prayin and go to work God Himself in the flesh prayed average of five hours everyone who do you think you are their conclusion is more time with God less time with man can I say it again the more time you spend with God the less time you spend with man's problems so when you got a problem go lock yourself up sometimes we go to the problem you work in the problem but I was waiting apart with hours on the problem I was costly look leave the problem and just shut up with me instead of spending forever I was trying to fix that spend five hours with me and let me fix that Lord Jesus can I hear amen some of you got some relatives who are sick and God is saying let's use this fast for them okay I don't want you to ride with them just think of me and make me obligated to come in and impact the situation miracles shall happen here I can smell malkov shall happen here the set of miracles are in the air you haven't smelled them yet I could smell up there's going to be powerful miracles because God finally got a few people who are gonna consecrate themselves I'm gonna tell you now the devil hates this he gonna fight you with chocolate cakes Peter I see chicken steamed down with onions in the name of Jesus precious market barbecue ribs dripping with sauce attaboy shot he gonna mess with your mind why he gotta break the consecration he's afraid the devil is as afraid as God is happy let's make God happy give him a hand let's make him happy Lord teach us to pray they say teach us to pray don't eat enough enough teach us to do this thing that you keep doing because we have deduced from observing you that if you do this thing a lot you do this thing little Jesus cast out a demon with the finger of God the Bible says demon Donna just for the word out why because the morning of that day he spent five hours with the father what do we do we do the reverse we spend 15 minutes regarding the money and then try to cast a demon out in five hours come loose come out you're in coming out you better come out you take or you take okay come on Luce Luce Luce burn you Devils look I'm confused lucify we spent hours trying to cast a demon out and spend no time with God in prayer remember this side was did that a deciphers pray for a demon to come out the demon laughs remember he was I ain't coming up and then I asked Jesus Christ they said why couldn't we cast him out what is the answer he says prayer wasn't enough he says this kind you can just capture demons with prayer and there are some situations I guarantee you in your life right now that are spiritual problems he say I'm praying I'm praying console if you don't understand this problem is a spiritual problem it has a physical manifestation but it's a spirit behind it and you can get rid of it by just praying I smell miracles come on let's believe God I said God is gonna do some things you've been trying to get done for the last 12 months he's gonna do it in 12 minutes because of praying fasting first don't listen to you because you pray they listen because you paid the price to pray fasting all right let me and they go to something cuz we're gonna pick up here tomorrow night but I want to just close on on this subject of of fasting and don't miss tomorrow even mr. Morrow you mr. Mario miss God can I get an amen I want to just show you why I see when I was when I was 18 years old I read a book by a man named Franklin my mother had this book in the in the house the book was on prayer and this guy was it was a miracle-working guy cast of demons have big tent meetings and he said he said the secret to his work was fasting and then his book he talked about how important fast was I was 18 years old and I said god I want your power you know all these folks and these Baptists people this I think I do I say won't power I don't want just go to the ritual stuff I won't power Oz's pay the price 18 years old in the back of his book he had a list of what to do too fast and I tell my mom I've done fast she say you not gonna eat nice I'm not gonna eat go in a fast money fast till I've seen God's power and I fasted for 11 days 18 years old and I used to suffer from hay fever and I got healed from hay fever even to this day never had a fever like that I had asthmatic condition it would come and go never had it since cuz I'll show you my power we found a group called the vision is and we had a meetin in a little church in Baytown the thing is we were singing on a young boy with a demon was sitting in the room and that demon started acting up in that chair kicking it over break up the whole meeting and something came over me I'm a teenager you know I'm I got up and I said I'm the whole church man quiet come on a little boy ran up up the ground in the mid air spin over BAM hit the ground and I walked over to him I said come out I'm stay out I didn't know what I was doing and the demon said if I come out I'm coming in you and I heard myself say I dare you in the name of Jesus and the demon left instantly pow everybody is scared the other members of the Greek was hiding behind the pulpit but when he come out here coming to me because I have fasted there was an authority inside mind that same powers coming to you this week in Jesus when you are fasting in prayer your boldness goes up a thousand times because you do have you develop an authority that is not yours listen look at matthew 4 after fasting forty days and forty nights then he was hungry ladies and gentlemen look at me sit up straight I got a little surprise for you read the verse again at la Reed after fasting forty days and forty nights he was hungry the human body is designed to go without solid food for 40 days I repeat listen carefully in television the human body is designed scientifically to do it out food for 40 days you don't hunger until the 41st day so what you call hunger is habit 21 days is half of 40 no one in scripture fasted more than 40 days Moses 40 Zico 40 Daniel 40 Jesus 40 why because the body can live without food for 40 days the 40 first day the body begins to consume itself that's why it's called hunger the body begins to eat its own muscles we call that starvation so if you begin to feel a little pain tomorrow at 12 that ain't hunger that's habit for the grease if you feel a little pain three days from now you feeling the devil coming down on you and the all hell breaking loose that ain't no hunger that's the lust of your flesh talking to the taste buds of your town telling your mind you need a piece of chicken you don't as a matter of fact those who will go for to anyone will learn that you got to force yourself to break a fast when you pass 10 days because your body is no longer in charge you're gonna make it huh you go make it you know so don't tell me you you have to break it person I asked them not to listen you know they took me for lunch hey they take you for lunch tell them I just want a cup of tea I don't need to eat I'm enjoying your company tomorrow I got a meeting in the morning I got a drink tea I want to fast go to restaurant with Buffy I want tea why I'm in control of my body my body is dirt are you concentrated and concentrated so until you hit 40 days don't tell me you can die that's my point yeah when you fast Jesus said what's the first word well not if you will do this is it when you fast do not look sober as the hypocritical it means actors acting whoa you know we on the far side church you know Rihanna for house boy yeah buddy philosopher 21 days oh shut up matter of fact he says don't disfigure your face like they do on show man that you are fasting don't even talk about it why it's a supernatural business it's ain't none of their business I'm not eating today that's all don't get all supernatural on them saying about the LORD thy God told us that we shall pass it you know and I'm a spiritual woman of God you know and I want you to know that no one is going to break in on us elevation just tell them I'm not eating today they supposed to even know he says I saw you fast look at the next verse it says so that it will not be obvious to men that you are what fasting Christ is saying you will fast and here's how to fast only to your father in heaven who is unseen will see you fasting and you see what you do in secret and he will what reward you openly lift your hands thank God you can get a reward because you're fasting hallelujah this new you matter just calisthenics you're gonna get results God says I guarantee you rewards glory hallelujah I am believing God that before the fastest over there'll be a few people standing here testifying saying my mortgage was paid off by somebody I didn't know what rewards he says will come I want to hear people testify and say they went to look and the cancer was gone last week they couldn't figure out why and you tell him I know why it's a reward from my concentration you don't just fast for fasting sake he says there will be rewards expect them second chronicles says verse 20 was through three rather alarmed Josaphat was the king Joseph had resolved to inquire of the Lord and he proclaimed a fast for what the whole country he said look this nation is falling apart and our policy is ain't working our government legislation ain't solving this problem he says I got a tap into something more powerful he says and he passed an edict in the country everybody studied disaster Wow I wonder what would happen to crime if the House of Assembly goes on a five-day fast she como si la cita if I ever become prime minister of the Bahamas mm-hmm my first act would be to declare national day of fasting and prayer because there are some problems that are spiritual and we trying to reason them out with our intellect Josaphat is a king he's a politician he said look we need to declare a fast in the country because we can solve the problems after that fast they begin to win every war 1/4 yeah fasting is the willful abstaining from natural pleasures for a spiritual purpose what is fasting the willful abstaining from natural pleasures for spiritual purpose someone asked you what are you fasting for tell them I am abstaining from natural pleasures for a spiritual purpose natural pleasures like cheesecake on my tastebuds some dailies chicken dipped in grease with some ketchup on it as a pleasure for some of you scorch conch with lemon juice running all over it that's a pleasure for some people sheep tongue I might mess in your lap over there a little bit pleasures sex with your spouse watching your favorite Lifetime movie that's a pleasure fasting as you abstain from that drinking coke pleasure that's lasting it's matter-of-fact fasting is a personal commitment to renounce the natural in order to invoke the spiritual you telling your stomach and your body you are no longer my priority I am seeking God and God is a spirit and they that were with him must do it in what spirit not in pizza fasting is the dedication to a period of time to devote yourself to spiritual priority of Prayer without food as fasting we got some folks who will have some interesting fasts I smile with them they say we got a fast you know I said yeah I church on the fast right we missing breakfast I do that every day that's not a fast we are fasting until 6 o'clock every day and then we eat that's not a fast you just building up home good for six o'clock you understand me people get all kind of ways to get around it you know they don't want to pay the price he fasted 40 days with our food it says and then he was hungry putting away the pleasure man boy listen Eden is a pleasure night that's the honest Oh Lord some of your colleagues if I said miles area cuz you know I got hit some before you have a clock look at them over there look at it young spirits over there okay yeah I see it's just sit on the back there yeah we're working about a portable stove still huh and it's that awful for sure I'm gonna keep going right here till 12:05 one last place your pastor Myles just know some of y'all playing look at that Father forgive them they know you they just what they know just what they doing fasting is not just missing a meal fasting is not dieting fasting demands replacing the reading of the word and prayer with your meals in other words when you were gonna eat you eat spiritual food fasting requires spending more time in the word and you'll be amazed how much time you will have on a fast as a matter of fact I guarantee you that for the next three weeks you're gonna get twice as much done in a day than you did in the last three months guaranteed every time because fasting gives you back your time you will be amazed how much time you spend eating every day and you get that time back Britta is a 58 read it why have we fasted they said and you have not seen it why are we humble ourselves and you have not noticed yet on the day of your fast God says you do as you please stop reading I said look you guys still watching TV you still hanging out you're still doing so he said look you say you ask me why I don't hear you're fast is it because it's like nothing changed you can't do what you feel like doing on the fastest you can't do with what would you please ever say please it weighs a please yeah he said a fast is not just missing meals and then watching TV for five hours because you ain't easy that's not a fast you must focus on God pursue God hunger for God Reedus word study meditate spend time before God fasting fasting is getting quiet and there's noise around fasting is getting into the closet of life when the whole world is a racket fasting is consuming yourself with the passion of God and the expense even of friends you might want to call some friends tomorrow and say look I'm gonna be missing certain events the next three weeks I'm not participating in certain things I am focusing on some important things that I need to get done in my life let people know that you're not available for certain things that may be distracting to your spirit he said you exploit workers you-you-you confuse yourself I got the last part he said you cannot faster when you do the daisies and expect your voice to be heard that's in the Bible are you ready to go on this fast are you ready for 21 days 14 days 7 days are you ready to go I believe you already benefits are fasting I want to close with this Chris I want you to go home and let motivated today these are the benefits of fasting you want to write them down number one spiritual discipline when you fast your spirit begins to take over your body and for the first time for some of you it's gonna be such a joy you won't believe how good you feel your body will no longer run your life right now you are in control by your body your body controls you fasting takes the spirit and put it in charge at a flesh number to increase spiritual capacity then you fast you have less flesh and more spiritual capacity so more of God's spiritual access is available to God thirdly fasting gives you clear sober thinking your intellect is gonna be called tripled by 14 days your thinking will be explosive you gotta think so clearly you're gonna think that you got a new mind because your body will no longer be interfere with your thought life fasting gives you a pure heart a pure mind you've said to see things that appear away no more lust will be battling in your mind your mind will see things purely because your spirit is in charge fasting gives you a hunger for God you have a desire to read God's Word the more you fast longer you fast the more you want to be with God you'll see it happen fasting also gives you physical health all the free radicals and and the the stuff that came from all of that food you ate that's in your joints that causing all the pain and aches and swellings and an ant rightists and different rice and data writers all of them will start coming out of your body through your urine my health today is because of fasting the Bible talks about the fast that purifies your body there are people here with testimonies who've been on a long fasts with us who got healed from things and they couldn't get healed from the medication fasting is one of the purest form of health we don't practice it enough number seven everybody praise the Lord say it again hallelujah praise the Lord fasting also benefits you by losing excess weight in your body which puts more burden on your heart to pump blood which causes you to have hypertension which causes you to develop sugar diabetes fasting can cleanse that stuff out of your body we know fast fasting purifies your body spiritual freedom matter of fact your clarity spiritual would be so exciting that you would want to be with God all day free in the spirit it also brings you physical freedom you feel lighter you feel healthier matter of fact you'll find yourself working longer with more energy because your body will have pure energy after ten days something happens to your body on the fourteenth day there's a miracle your energy quadruples did you imagine lack of food and fasting gives you energy that's why you're tired right now too much food your body is struggling trying to digest yesterday's meal it haven't started on the day's meal yet they've tried that while you're sleeping that's why you're tired when you wake up your body never slept that's why you can't get her to bed in the mornings your body wasn't sleeping too much joke fasting purifiers all of that fasting also cause the Bible said your light to shine light means the knowledge of God in your life will explode you get revelation it protects you by God watching over you we gonna read that in Isaiah tomorrow God says when you fast he himself watches over you you get divine protection why because God needs you to way through you so you protects you Alleluia when you consecrate yourself God protects you coz God finally got you now he got someone he could work through number 14 answers to prayer that's happening fast intimacy with God increased retention capacity the capacity to read and remember goes up when you fast and the longview fast the shopper your memory is that's why I get most of my revelations during a fast I get most of my reading of the Word of God that stays in my mind during a fast because there's no clutter for the memory to work with then you read a page it goes directly into your spirit and it stays in your memory from fasting finally fasting increases spiritual sensitivity you become a discerning spirit you can pick up spirits far away cuz your spirit becomes so sensitive that if a demonic thing come into the room you can actually discern it you'll know it's there fasting is the greatest solution to man's problems for and fasting key to our power welcome to a journey we're gonna take together welcome to the greatest life you will ever live the life where the body is no longer the leader may you the Spirit takes over welcome to the period of time when God will finally not just you draw near to him but he will draw near to you welcome to the biggest fight with the devil you ever had for a long time don't forget him okay because he is so afraid that you are about to become energized with power that he cannot resist he will force you to eat that piece of chocolate on your death take it off give it away before fast I would tell my wife before a fast we started from one week ago we start getting rid of stuff in the house we give everything away Christmas time you know I got him cakes inside giving cakes baby blessing god bless you actually the pot and get it out of the house why we don't want no temptation in the house I know some of your lingo do that but dry it please the name of Jesus go home and eat all of it to me Oh Lord you cannot eat that cake don't try you like it take it to work tomorrow bless some people praise the Lord push away the plate and receive spiritual substance from God thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at world
Channel: Munroe Global
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: 1TO3yVW0X18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 5sec (4745 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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