5 Ingredients to an Anointed Life | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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let's just do it if you believe it's giving praise this morning magnify the Lord with me praise God praise God praise gum the name of Jesus are you glad to be in church this morning I believe you are tell the choir how much we appreciate them [Applause] don't look good too that matters don't they look good tell them they look good they say good they are good god bless you welcome to all of our campuses were so thankful that you there would you give a warm welcome there they're coming in Midtown do perdon go ahead Spartanburg and Orange County and there's about to be another one in Brazelton praise the Lord we're pretty excited about that god bless you smile with somebody on your way down tell them you're glad they're in church today you look good I've been listening to Kanye West snow week I'm omitting it publicly not his old stuff his new stuff but my lord I don't know what's happened to him but he's had an encounter with Jesus something has happened to that man and he called my office a few weeks ago and his assistant did and said that he wanted to talk with me and I my assistant thought that it wasn't real and so she didn't put him through but he'll call back a man if he bet nun will call him but I tell you what God is doing something did you all see the other day where Brad Pitt did y'all see that he said I'm coming back to my Christian roots he said I was raised by parents who loved and believed in Jesus Christ and this is what he said I'm cooked and they spoke in tongues and he said I can't get away from it I've tried everything and I'm coming back to that's good God loves good-looking people too aren't you glad aren't you glad they're coming home and let's not judge you but let's not attack on them let's not put them down let's show them some grace let's have wide open arms let's say come on come on the gospel is for everybody the rich and the famous the down in the out rich or poor whatever come on home come on home it's time ah I love it I love it I'm excited about it and I don't know it's just amazing what God is doing don't feel good our number freaks just a few minutes if you have your Bibles look with me in Exodus chapter 30 Exodus chapter 30 and verse 22 of Exodus chapter 30 moreover the Lord spoke to Moses saying take for yourself quality spices 500 shekels of liquid myrrh half as much of sweet-smelling cinnamon 250 shekels of sweet-smelling cane or calamus some translations say 500 shekels of cassia according to the shekel of the sanctuary and a hen which is a container that's a basically five quarts of olive oil in my Bible that I'm reading from this will get different study Bibles and go through them and the particular one that I'm reading it has a heading over these verses called the holy anointing oil and that is exactly what it is this is God's recipe for the anointing and he says that it was to be made of five different ingredients the precious anointing all that they used to anoint kings and priests and for so many other occasions it had to have five ingredients specific a specific recipe was given for the anointing all now I want to speak to you for a few moments today on the subject of the five ingredients of an anointed life don't you want to live an anointed life not just a life but an anointed life and the five ingredients are found in this text and they must be present in your life to produce an anointed life the recipe for the anointing and he said the first thing that you are to put in the anointing oil is a spice called mer mer is a fragrance that comes from the trunk of a coma for a tree in a ray it's produced in the form of Tears alcohol is added to remove any impurities and listen carefully then it is stained and as the stain passes through the gum it's melted into a flowing old and that all becomes a perfume myrrh is a beautiful picture of meekness and Submission and I'll make that clear in just a moment the number one ingredient for an anointed life is meekness and submission to God's will meekness is not weakness meekness is strength in harness for service meekness is the raging river no longer flowing wide and wild but submitting to the dam so that from it might come hydroelectricity its submitting all that you have in obedience to God and when you do that the anointing is attracted to your life submission and meekness is the wild untamed powerful stallion submitting to the bit the bridle of the saddle in the tug of the reins the Bible says in numbers chapter 12 and verse 3 that Moses was the meekest man who ever lived how did it come to be how did he become so mink it was because it took one third of his life to get to that place 40 years was spent in the wilderness stripped of the marble columns of Egypt stripped of the silk and the satin in the prosperous place that he had grown up most of his life and now he finds himself in a desert and from the high life that he was living in Egypt to 40 years of tending sheep in the desert but during those 40 years see all of you want to be instantaneous successful people but 40 years of Lading and calling on God until rebellion was gone it just was stained out of him self wheel was gone in submission and meekness to God began to happen stubbornness was burned out of him the steam of God's Spirit had passed through the gum of a man's very fiber and now the oil is flowing out of his life and God sends a burning bush and speaks to him and God's watching him and his reaction and the first thing he does is in maintenance he takes his shoes off as a sign of reverence and respect to the presence of God then he listens to the voice of God because he knows you'll hear many voices but that voice is the one I must follow and God says I'm going to teach you faith Moses I'm going to teach you faith that confronts your greatest fear go to Pharaoh and tell him I am sent you and in submission to God in great meekness understanding that my job is just to obey God and let God deal with the consequences I'm just going and submission and in total meekness doing what God told me to do and God in that said to him Moses don't ever forget there is a place by me and you can be in that place you can settle for the multitudes at the foot of the mountain or you can come halfway up with the 70 holders or you can come up to a place of nearness to me for there is a place by me and when you get to that place of meekness and when you get to that place of total submission where you say what Mary said to those servants whatever he says unto you do it when you reach that point when you can carry out Mary's orders and whatever he tells you to do you were submitted you are meek enough to just do it God says now you are discovering the first step to an anointed life and you'll never be able to submit to your husband to your wife to elders to leadership you'll never be able to submit to them until you submit to God the first ingredient of an anointed life is meekness its submission it's saying God I will do whatever you want me to do and it doesn't have to be big I'll be obedient when you do that the anointing is attracted to your life the second ingredient for an anointed life was something called cinnamon the cinnamon came from a tree that grew 30 to 40 feet the remarkable thing about it was it grew straight up they say that it grew so straight that it had no curves and they would take the leaves in the fruit of that upright tree and squeeze them and out of that would come a fragrant all they made candles for the king of Simon that had a beautiful fragrance second ingredient of an anointed life is called uprightness or how you stand when I talk about standing upright I'm not talking about you acting like you are so self-righteous that your own spiritual steel looking down and all the unspiritual people who don't leave this Puran as clean as you do we don't our down on people looking down on people but there's a truth that when we take an upright stand when we stand up for what is right the anointing is attracted to our life did you know the Old Testament said that if a man had a crooked back he was disqualified from being a priest in the temple it's because it affected the way that he stood and God wanted to make a point he wanted us to know that our stand are upright stand matters it matters to whether or not the anointing is attracted to your life if he had a crooked back he couldn't stand straight and then God said in his qualifications for priesthood if his back is crooked he can't stand straight he doesn't qualify God is saying to you and I I want you to stand for truth added light brings added blessing and added blessing brings added responsibility and this is an hour when we need to stand for truth stand in his righteousness not your own Billy Crabtree said on Christ the solid rock I stand and every other rock is a shamrock and that's the truth I rise today to tell you that if you are standing in your own righteousness you will not make it but what is the basis of your stand I point you to Jesus I point you to his blood shed on the cross and without one plea but that thy blood was shed for me that is how we stand thirdly we stand on his promises you need to understand you either have a living faith or a dying faith whose report will you believe stand on the promise of divine healing you may have gotten a bad report from the doctor I respect and appreciate the doctors but they do not have the last word stand on the promises of God that by His stripes we are healed with long life he'll satisfy us and show us his salvation you may be fighting all kinds of things that are trying to destroy your children in your family in your home but stand on the promises of God that say believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and I shall be saved and my house as for me and my house we will serve the Lord no weapon formed against us will prosper and if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything it's time to stand on the promises of God then there are times where if you won't be anointing you have to stand against the world the devil in the flesh Martin Luther was asked do you know the whole world seems to be against you he said good I'm against the whole world there comes a moment where we have to get a divine backbone and take a stand for what is right and it doesn't matter what public opinion says about it and it doesn't matter what people think just do what God tells you to do and when you are upright in your stand it drawls the anointing the Bible said in Hebrews 11 that Moses made a choice to say no to Egypt and yes to God there was a yes and there was a no I wonder if there's any knows in your life are there any is everything yes yes bless me yes yes but do you ever get a no in your life where the Holy Spirit says no don't do that don't go there don't touch that don't listen to that don't look at that we don't just need yeses in our life we need a stand an upright stand that says no to sin no to the world no to the flesh no to the devil get out of my house get out of my mind get out of my heart you got to save him both say yes and no to God because when you say no to the things God tells you to say no to his favor and his anointing begins to flow in your direction first John 2:14 I have written to you young men that the Word of God abide in you and you have overcome the evil one the only way you're gonna overcome the evil one is to have the word in you and to take a stand beware of charismatic shortcuts to spirituality there are none some things can't be improved on you can't improve on the wheel make one Square and just bump all the way home and see how it works you can't improve on water try to take a shower in Pepsi it doesn't work good you can't improve on breathing air try any other things for three minutes and see how it works and there are certain fundamental things like prayer and worship and reading the word and listening to the word and coming the church and tithing and giving that cannot be improved on just do it and when you do it God's blessing and his anointing will be attracted to your life these things cause the anointing to be attracted to your life four times in the book of Ephesians God says stand stand stand stand what it looks like your prayers aren't working when it looks like the fasting isn't working when it looks like the Bible isn't working when it feels like the dream is not working what do you do you don't quit you don't get angry you don't throw in the towel you stand four times and when you've done all to stand stand therefore with an upright stand that says I will not back down from what God has told me to do the third ingredient of an anointed life is given when he said sweet cane or one translation says calamus the cane or calamus was a frag was a fragrant read read that grew in swamps and the head of that reed was filled with all this is interesting they knew that it wasn't ready to be used until the head of that reed was bent over and almost touched the ground it speaks of bending low in humility if you want the ingredient that will attract the anointing of God you must have humility john 13 and 5 jesus had a level of humility that most of us do not understand in this proud society one by one the big smelly peasant fisherman walked in with grindy sand and filth and dirt on their feet and Jesus cry God in the flesh bent low bent over and began to wash their feet in an ultimate act of humility the hands that wash those feet were the hands that created the universe from magnificence to the menial task of foot washing it was his answer to the question who shall be greatest in your kingdom so if you have any ambitions if you want to be great bring your basin bring your towel and bring your water and wash feet because if you're not willing to bend low in humility and serve people God says it's not about your name it's not about your popularity it's not about your fame it's about serving people nothing or no one should be beneath you serving them blessed are the Saints of the second fiddle people who do the job and they get no credit the first seat of an instrumental section is the one who gets the solo when I was in school and I was the first seat saxophone player and I would get to solo but there was a second he was called this the second seat saxophone player the third seat and we would compete every every semester for who got first seat and the point is this that if you had first seat you'd walk out and take the solo and everybody clapped but if you were second seat or third seat you didn't get any attention you didn't get any praise but the music would not be what it should be if you didn't have those incredible people in the shadows that's how the kingdom of God is blessed are the Saints of the second fiddle Psalms 84 said I'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God I don't have to be the first seat I don't have to be in the limelight but I want to do something I want to wash somebody's feet maybe it's in the nurse maybe it's in the parking lot maybe it's an assuring maybe it's small grouping maybe it's something but I must do something that serves people and when you do the anointing is drawn to that kind of humility no humility no anointing the problem is the more God blesses us we lose the humility we lose the willingness to be bent low in humility but Jesus was as great as you could get and he modeled humility in washing the disciples feet the more humility you have the more anointing God will put on your life walk in humility then the fourth ingredient for an anointed life is cassia this is interesting they said there were 400 types that grew in in tropical climates and one of the things that it produces is something called Cena and older people may know that that that phrase but it has and was used for inner cleansing in other words when something when someone was sick they would take this particular ol and they would pour it down Castro or they would pour it down I wrote down debt to charges it was used for inner cleansing in other words if you won't the anointing every now and then you need an inner cleansing you need everything inside of you to be brought to the cross and be brought to the altering you need to go back to saying God search me and try me and see if there be any wicked thing in me Lord I need an inner cleansing am i letting things get into my life that are not pleasing and hindering the anointing before it's a deed it's a thought and before it's an action it's an attitude so cleanse me search me know my thoughts know my inward thoughts Oh God and let me be clean inwardly and when your clans inwardly you have to clean up your temple you have to clean up the areas of your temple the study of your mind what are you feeding what are you putting in your mind if we're now and then we need to just clean it out and fill it up with the Word of God again we listen to all the negative all of this that and the other the noise and we need to clean out the study of our minds you need to clean out the dining room of your appetites you need to clean up the workshop of your talents you need to clean up the play room of your pleasures and pastimes and entertainments Malachi said he will sit as a refiner of silver he'll keep turning the heat up until the scum comes up and he'll scrape it off until pure silver is nothing nothing that is left but pure silver and then it says this he'll sit as a refiner Speier and fuller soap fire on the inside and soap for the outside he says there are times when I want you to come to church and I want you to get cleaned out and cleaned up I want you to come in one way with your study of your mind and your appetites and all these things that have gotten a grip on your life I want you to be completely cleaned out and when you do when you submit to the Word of God and come with a plea of God forgive me God cleanse me god I'm strange so far from the cross I haven't really really really been in your presence in a long time so Lord cleanse me when you cry like that when you have nothing but a plea that says I'm not trying to defend what I've said or what I've done and what I've got on the inside but I am asking you to cleanse me he'll never turn that kind of person away and he who began a good work in you will complete it clap your hands on that verse that's a good one inner cleansing attracts the anointing inner cleansing attracts the anointing and then one more he said you are to take a container five quarts the biggest component of the anointing is something called olive oil and olive oil represents and speaks of the Holy Spirit in other words he saying be filled with the Holy Spirit olive oil was used to cook food in ancient days it fed that the Holy Spirit feeds us they would use it to bring rest and comfort they would put it on them after a long journey the Holy Spirit is called the comforter and he anoints our head with all the Good Samaritan used the olive oil and poured it with wine into the wounds of the man who had been robbed and it healed his wounds and his hurts the anointing all of the Holy Spirit can heal our bodies our minds our relationships our broken hearts it was used to anoint kings and priests and prophets and if you haven't heard anything else here's what I hear the Lord saying in Psalms 92 David said I shall be anointed with fresh oil there's nothing worse than stale oh there's nothing worse than old old it attracts flies according to the scripture and when they get in the oil and Satanists Beelzebub the Lord of the Flies so when we're living off yesterday's all fighting today's battles with yesterday's touches and oils and anointings it attracts flies it attracts the attack of the enemy and there's a stench to yesterday's all that's why David said I'm crying out and I shall be anointed with fresh all fighting today's battles and depending on yesterday's ol is a futile thing and it's a it's a humiliating defeating thing that happens yesterday's all is miserable as a substitute for fresh all today the five ingredients of an anointed life meekness up brightness humility inner cleansing and a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit I wrote this last night I am a candidate for a fresh anointing every day we need a fresh anointing there's nothing that can take the place of a fresh move of God in your life money can't the house the car everything that you think is so important and they are and it's sometimes we just get so obsessed with these material things that we forget what really makes us happy I shall be anointed with fresh oil is anybody here hungry for the qualities of an anointed life would anybody like to bend low in humility anybody like an inner cleansing that everything unlike Jesus would be washed out anybody here like to walk in meekness and Submission instead of arrogance and pride and stubbornness and rebellion anybody here say I wish I could get filled with the Holy Spirit all over again lose myself in a river of worship end up on the floor somewhere praying in other tongues as the Spirit gives me the other that stuff scares you just hang around we'll get all that fear out of you because that's where the life is that's where the joy is hallelujah I shall be anointed with fresh all I need it I want it I'm a candidate for a fresh anointing if you are would you lift your hand right where you're sitting at every campus I know you folks you'd go to some other Church if you just come in here and hear a little thing and leave no I'm not putting that down everybody's got their place and there's great churches that do it totally different from the way we do a god blessing but you come to this church not only to hear the word but to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit so lift your hands high right where you're sitting and say Lord my house needs a fresh anointing my mind my body I need an upright stand I need a divine anointed no I said yes to you but I need to say no to some some temptations and some lies and some compromises so Lord it's not just a yes but it's a no I need cleansing I need revival I need the Holy Spirit to feel me again until I am aware that he is with me he's here right now feel the presence of God in this place he's there at every campus just lift your hands high those of you streaming lift your hands high just begin to worship God just stand to your feet why don't we just stand to our feet at every campus lift your hands high I got up this morning and I said spirit [Music] even God for fresh on me [Music] spirit of the leaf begone for freshen me melt me mold me man me you're the Potter I'm the Claymore the feel me use me fear oh yeah me speak the lead would you raise your hands and sing it all over the building make it a prayer right now spirit of the Living God all freshly sing in church god for bridge on me [Music] the No [Music] memo's me [Music] Naomie you see [Music] holy spirit [Music] Oh [Music] oppression be Melanie Miller [Music] [Music] lift your hands toward heaven the presence of God is in this place I want everybody in this room who is a candidate you don't have to do it nobody's gonna make you do it but I feel like doing it a little old-school today Oh some of our passengers and wives to come down front I want them to bring the oil out we're just gonna lay hands on people and anoint people and bless people if you need a fresh anointing if you're hungry for the anointing on your family on your home maybe there's an attack coming and you just don't know what to do and you don't know where to turn the anointing has the answer the anointing breaks the yoke the anointing lifts heavy burdens give me an altar team that goes from one end to the other I need every owner worker that we've got down here we're just gonna take time today to minister to people we're gonna take time to lay hands on sick people go take time to anoint people with all and believe that the fresh power and anointing of God can touch and change lives just come on down if you are a candidate for a fresh anointing or to speak anneal you want more out of this service than just you know I appreciate it but but if God is calling you to the cross calling you to a to a fresh anointing this is your service get it as close as you can get and if you really want me press your way through there's something about hunger there's something about desire there's something about someone who says I will not let go until you bless me to wake you free qualities that attractive some of you need a divide I know some of you need an upright stand he won't look at you in condemnation we're not standing on the spiritual steels looking down at you humble yourself come home for yourself mercy of God and he'll feel you he'll claims you he'll anoint you holy Oh Holy Spirit me feel me Holy Spirit [Music] where's Fyodor [Music] you can receive a miracle to suit your hands and worship all over this room and every campus the pastor's are coming [Music] you can be [Music] some addictions and bondages that have tried to destroy you it's time for an inner cleansing let God into you out and fill you us Oh get sincere get dis forget artist before God Oh [Applause] Oh [Music] me won't you feel [Music] he's here church the Holy Spirit is in this room walking up and down these aisles to spy face the Jesus has begin to worship filled with all of your heart [Music] god [Music] me [Music] me [Music] the word to the world provides [Music] won't you be [Music] this board in the old [Music] [Music] you can Jesus [Music] I see a church [Music] Oh just worshipping more [Music] [Music] here are Camille [Music] that's a sphere like this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] think about [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it was [Music] let's or bus thank you geez [Music] Yuji shall be annoying with special he avoids my hand [Applause] and the crispy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are raised [Music] wonderful Jesus wonderful Jesus [Music] Fuji's [Applause] worthy is the lamb worthy slant Jesus [Music] this reach over lay a hand on somebody's shoulder try form right now there's such a beautiful beautiful flowing river of the anointing in this room strong it's very very strong [Music] halleloo [Music] hallelujah [Music] we are stand [Music] on holy ground [Music] Oh Oh [Music] let us pray [Music] me [Music] his presence and in his presence there is joy beyond all measure and that is peaceful I can still be fine [Music] so we you ha [Music] he had sure oh yeah cheetahs reach out [Applause] claiming for child you're standing on the ground [Music] [Applause] he's here the holy spirit is [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa they're fighting your battles [Music] [Music] we [Music] Oh he's worn down his whole receive it [Music] we're all [Music] [Music] [Music] again we are standing [Music] every head bowed every eye closed you haven't left for reason backsliders are about to be saved people are about to be freed from shackles in prison house of sin you're still here for a reason everything in you said get out of here because the devil knew what was coming but greater is He that is in us then the voice that tried to get you out of this room said all that to say it's time to come home to Jesus if Hollywood's starting to wake up what touched me about that kanye album is this so jesus exulting i've never heard such I'm not I don't know what he'll do tomorrow you know you never know but now I'm gonna tell you one thing God has used him millions and millions of kids instead of listening to blankety-blank blankety-blank they're listening to Jesus is King of Kings and more than water God is listen to that song God is on that CD I wasn't even gonna listen to it I thought well you know Joel judgemental Christian no judgment no wonder nobody wants to come home we judge them don't leave it you don't know what he's gonna live he might live a lot cleaner than me or you I know some things too about that you know they did an interview and he said if you if you are drinking and you doing this and doing that and he told them said if you're fornicating and you're working on this album and you're part of the mixing and all that I'm asking you for the next three days no fornication no no drinking no spoken no none of that he said if you can work on this album you can't be doing that cuz this is God's project [Applause] oh lord have mercy this is the same yes kind of like the Apostle Paul and when it happens we shouldn't be surprised something's going on and it's good and on all the young people that don't have it to go get that CD and listen to it and I've never been a big super duper fan of rapping I like some of it but boy what he does the way he does the mix have you heard the song God is and I was in tears I was in tears to a rattle I was in tears like that's my Jesus [Applause] anybody want to get born again save no questions about it you just want to leave it all at the foot of the cross and you can't really say how good you are but you can say how it's not about your condition it's about his condition and he says I'll save you if you'll ask me right now so if you want to be saved you don't know you're right we're gone you want to be throw your hand up in there throw your hand up in there nope no playing games throw it up salsa salsa salsa everybody pray this prayer out loud with them if their hand is raised lay your hand on their shoulder pray this prayer and say Jesus cleanse me save me I'm running home I'm running back to you I strayed so far but I'm coming home wash me cleanse me forgive me in your blood I am free I am forgiving I am your child in Jesus name I ask and I receive forgiveness of sin therefore I am saved I am born again I am a new creation praise the Lord give Jesus the biggest praise of the day [Music] it's awesome awesome if you prayed that prayer go by the next steps Center out there and they will it's right out here in the foyer if you go out there and just tell them I prayed that prayer with pastor Franklin they've got free gifts to give you and they're gonna tell you exactly what you need to do to go stronger in God have you been blessed today did you feel like you got a fresh touch of anointing idea I pray for me this week just say a special prayer I'm gonna be your Wednesday night we're gonna have a praise and prayer time right this Wednesday night that this Wednesday night so I'm gonna get to be here this Wednesday night but we're gonna do something a little different we we our team felt that would be a good night to come together and worship and pray worship and pray worshiping praying I'll be leading that and of course our amazing team will be leading that and you've got some new songs that you've written that we're gonna introduce and just it's just gonna be a powerful night Wednesday night I sense it but pray for me I've got some extremely important meetings this week very very very important meetings I need God's wisdom and God's help will you pray for that will you pray for people for the anointing that's is what a priest the anointing of wisdom and in God's voice God's voice at the table amen that's what I want to be God's voice at the table it's a pray and fast even still little fast in this week let's do some praying let's and then come in here Wednesday night and let's see what God's gonna do hallelujah feel good about it welcome to the family of God all of you who got saved what a tremendous thing nobody wants to go home praise the Lord I love it have a great week everybody we'll see you Wednesday night god bless you be blessed next Sunday will be awesome can't wait to see what God's gonna do there either I see you have a good week if you're visiting if you're a guest if you'd like to say hello I'm not in a big hurry I'm going to stand right down here and shake people's hands and say hello whatever you want to do we'll pray do whatever you want did I'm coming right down let me come [Music] [Music]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 191,131
Rating: 4.8504066 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Spiritual Growth, Direction, Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, Sermons
Id: vZiXwxCTtcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 5sec (3905 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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