Great Mercy | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] where the embarrass on that could have the c-word leave all the praise we could ever breathe worthy of every bath we could ever do we live for you Jesus the name above every [Music] Jesus the only wine for any Americans we could ever we live for [Music] [Music] when we sing worthy of every song every song we could ever see birdie father praise we [Music] whoa Jesus [Music] [Music] we live [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] as we stand to our feet over this we [Music] decided a few entries [Music] come on sirs can we sing this together yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Tamati praise to God come on give him praise love of God we bless you Lord we bless you Jesus we bless you jeez we worship beauties in that a beautiful song that's my second time here in it today and hit me both times I'm building my life on that firm foundation that he loves me he loves you want to share the love of God with a whole world what a tale the lowest to the lowest to the highest of the highest that God loves you just like you are he loves you you don't have to do anything to hurt his love Tippie loves you we don't really comprehend that love he doesn't try to love you he is love that's what he is don't you love him back with you one more time on a Sunday morning in Gwinnett in Buford in Spartanburg in Orange County those of you streaming live all over the world and right here in Gainesville which you lift up a body for - gone right now - tell the Lord how much you love him to him for his goodness and his we bless you over in someone and say you look like you've lost some weight smile that um this smile back you may be seated what a beautiful beautiful group of people it's an honor to have all of you with us thank you for worshiping thank you for being at free chapel in all of our campuses thank you for all of you who trust us with your family trust us with your soul today I believe here in you're in the hands of God today and he's gonna speak to your life and I'm believing him for great things in this service today if you have your Bibles I'd like for you to open them up I want to go in the Old Testament to first chronicles chapter 28 me and Cherise took Drake yesterday by the way today as my son my only son my beloved son in whom I am well pleased after four girls we had a boy and today is his 19th birthday and Drake if you're streaming live from Virginia where he's in school I love you son so much and there's an empty place in my heart and got nobody to eat with Cherie stayed up there with him she said it's his birthday and I'm not leaving my baby on his birthday you go preach and now I'm all at home in that big old house sitting around eating nothing praise God except crazy vegetables and I'm totally sick of somebody needs to encourage the preacher today come on I felt like quitting and going and eating a steak amen you ever feel like you about to break down just too much I'm gonna be all right though but it's it's great I didn't do that in the first service I don't know why it hit me like that but I'm thankful for all that God is doing aren't you I love them and if you haven't fasted with us jump on the last week go these seven days on the Daniel Fast and just eat some vegetables and drink a lot of water and whatever else you work out between you and the Lord and he'll bless you it'll do great and mighty things I want you to look with me to first chronicles chapter 8 I'll begin reading with verse 10 I preached last Sunday on great grace that's a biblical phrase great grace was upon them all from the book of Acts and today I want to preach part two and I want to call this message great mercy because the grace gives you what you do not deserve but mercy holds back what you do deserve and we need both we need great grace that gives us what we don't deserve mercy forgiveness blessing favor all those things that we can't earn he gives it to us but then mercy is different mercy holds back what we do deserve the judgment the condemnation it holds it back and I want to talk about great mercy today verse 10 consider now for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary be strong and do then David gave his son Solomon the plans for the vestibule its houses its treasures its upper chambers its inner chambers notice this and the place of the mercy seat and then it goes on and gives all the better descriptions of so many rooms and places in the temple but God and his instruction to David and then David and his instruction to Solomon God said I want you to have chambers for this and chambers for that and I want you to have vestibule and I want you to have all of this outer Court inner Court all these things but he said you make sure that when you build me a temple you put a specific place in it that is designated to be a spot where the mercy seat will be I want a place for mercy in my temple I want there to be a lot of activities going on but you cannot have a house of God without a place of mercy strategically located in that in that temple I want to tell you what mercy is by giving you a quick story there's a famous rivalry between Texas A&M and and and Texas University they hate each other as most rivals do and the story is told I don't think it's true but the story is told by Texas A&M about Texas State that they had a ball player on their team who was outstanding and he was so good that he probably could win the whole football game when they played one another but he had trouble academically he was not very bright this is how they tell it and so they say that the team realizing that if he didn't pass the exams for that semester he couldn't play football the coaches and the president of the University and the professor's got together and made up a special exam just for him and they just I did to give it to him verbally and he had to answer the questions in front of 70,000 Texas fans in their Stadium as they were about to play Texas A&M and so the story goes that they gave the answers to this player two weeks in advance and said study these three questions there's three questions study them and get them down pat we're gonna ask you right before the game and if you pass it then the rules say you can play so he walked out on the field in front of 70,000 fans and they're all knowing that if he doesn't pass this exam we're gonna lose the game against Texas A&M that we hate so they're all cheering for him and when he walks out one of the professors takes the microphone and he says to him here's the first question two plus two equals what and you could hear a pin drop and he said for an unbelievable cheering 70,000 fans screaming to the top of their voice question number two three plus three equals what moment of silence six again an eruption of joy by the 70,000 fans then the last question this is according to a the the the Texas A&M fans how the story goes the last question three plus four all of a sudden the ball player begins to break out in a cold sweat he says I I remember this one but I'm really struggling with it three plus four he said I'm just gonna guess seven and when he did collectively all 70,000 students screamed to the top of their voice give him another chance mercy is all of heaven standing in the grandstand screaming out over our sin over our failure give him another chance give her another chance and the Bible proclaims that his mercy endures forever God says I'm going to give you another chance if you're thankful for that just take a break I know it's not a big deal but can you thank him for another chance that's the mercy of God that's the mercy of God David told Solomon David told Solomon he said I want you to build the house of the Lord and here's the perfect blueprints there won't be the sound of a tool of iron or a hammer it's going to be so perfect the blueprints that I give you that everything will be according to the pattern there's a pattern for the porch there's a pattern for the chambers there's a pattern for the vestibule and listen there is a place and a pattern for a place for the mercy seat the mercy seat another name biblical name for it is the Ark of the Covenant it was the god box the top was the mercy seat but inside of that box was three things it was Aaron's rod that budded it was a dead stick that God brought into back to Supernatural restoration in life when it when it got in the presence of God's mercy and then there was a pot of manna that would turn to worms every 24 hours the man who would turn they couldn't store it up but they put some in a jar and they put it inside under the mercy of God and under the mercy of God that which would have been corrupted it stayed fresh it stayed alive and then there was the Ten Commandments the Ten Commandments that killed when it was given on the mountain the Ten Commandments that when newsa lifted the mercy seat on one occasion acts Bentley the Bible sits 70,000 people died with a plague because the Mercy was not covering the law and it's interesting that when the Philistine stole the Ark of the Covenant and David finally got it back two things were missing the manna was missing and the rod that budded was missing the only thing left was the Ten Commandments and the point that I'm making to you is this one of those Commandments today that was you shall not commit adultery but if all you have is law you can't live it you got to have the mercy you've got to have the grace of God you've got to have the law written on your heart and it's not enough to have it on stone so David failed and David messed up and what's interesting is when he finally does get the Ark of the Covenant back and I found this very interesting you check me out on this David after his failure never referred to the Ark of the Covenant as being the Ark of the Covenant every time he ever spoke of that box he called it the mercy seat the mercy seat the mercy seat because he received such mercy from God when he fail and he and he had fallen and he had he had messed up with Bathsheba he said it may be an Ark of the Covenant to people who've never experienced the mercy of God but I didn't just get grace God didn't just give me what what I needed but he held back what I deserved he gave me mercy and from now on I can't just refer to that box as being the Ark of the Covenant and every other time and he mentioned it over and over and over he calls it the precious mercy seat because to him it was personal he had experienced the mercy of God I'm saying to you today that if you want restoration that dead-stick that had no life when it spent the night 24 hours inside of that box near the mercy of God it came alive if we want to see people restored we've got to have a place of mercy in this church if you want to see God's provision the manna you got to have a house of mercy if you want to see the the wall turn into something that gives life instead of something that brings death you've got to have a place of mercy I want to give you a couple of thoughts very quickly I I would like for out just just I just need nine volunteers to run up here on the stage with me as quick as you can just the screen give them a big hand as they come this takes a lot nine nine nine quick it doesn't matter who you aren't one two three four five six seven eight nine come on one more one more just one just one come on whoa hey he beats you out I'm sorry yeah those are good because a good try but the dude did a bit of rolls come on now y'all got to get in the picture because we're they're joining us live so you got to all come together real close do I have nine one two three four five six seven eight nine sorry Jacob I love you praise God all right y'all got to move in you got to get any closer maybe come out this way if you're standing there they can't see you in Gwinnett they can't see you in Spartanburg so get in close now I want to show you something about the mercy of God you want to know how important mercy is the Beatitudes Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit then he said blessed are they he gives nine blessings blessed are they that mourn they'll be comforted and then he says blessed are the meek they'll inherit the earth and then he says blessed are they that hunger and thirst for they shall be filled he says something in verse seven that I'll come back to then he says blessed are the pure in heart they shall see God nine blessings he says blessed are the peacemakers for they they they will be called the sons of God and then he says blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake and then he says blessed are those our reviled and put down for my sake falsely he puts four blessings over here four blessings over there and right dead in the middle he says blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy he says whatever you're preaching whatever kind of ministry whoever you're ministering to the broken the mourning those people who are being persecuted those people who are going through it I don't care what kind of ministry you have going on in my house make sure that you put right in the middle of everything that you're doing everything that you're preaching everything that you're singing everything that you're saying Mercy Mercy Mercy blessed are the merciful these don't work if you don't have that in the middle blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy now all of you leave but you three and give them a big hand thank you so much you three are good then there's this verse in Micah chapter six throw it up it says what does God want from me what does God require of you but watch this to do justly to walk humbly but right in the middle what does it say to love mercy he says if you want to please me do justly live right live clean live pure do what's right obey the word and don't get proud about it don't get arrogant about it don't get self-righteous about it and look down on everybody cuz you're so holy walk humbly do justice walk humbly but right in the middle if you want to please me love mercy love mercy mercy holds back what people deserve it says I'm a merciful person and God says that's the three things that you do if you want to please me give them a big hand thank you so much God gives us balance he gives us that balance that right in the middle not just mercy but love to be merciful love to be merciful one of the great miracles in the New Testament happened at a place called the Pool of Bethesda the Pool of Bethesda is where a man for 38 years lay paralyzed it's interesting that it's a place that the Bible said had five porches which represents the fivefold ministry the office of the Apostle the Office of the Prophet the Office of the Evangelist the Office of the pastor the office of the teacher and these fivefold ministries they they cannot do anything for the impotent for the crippled for the broken person until somebody picks him up and puts him in the water and the pool was called Bethesda which means house of mercy all we will produce with our ministry is broken people who are impotent who cannot get over the breaking that they've been through and they'll lay in our house year after year until we can get them into the mercy of God somebody's got to put them into mercy we can't be mean we can't be hateful we can't be judgmental we've got to be a house of mercy the church needs to be baptized in mercy we've got a room for treasures we've got a room for inner chambers we've got a ring for porches and vestibules david said but you make sure when you build god a temple that you have a place for mercy it holds back what people deserve hallelujah he said make it out of pure gold where did the blood go it went on the mercy seat if there was no mercy seat there was no splatter seven times of the blood if we don't have great mercy in this church then there won't be any of the blood of Jesus Christ and the overcoming power of the blood on this Minister the more that we provide a mercy seat the bigger our mercy seat gets the more the blood of Jesus comes to save that which is lost make a place for it I have experienced it in my life I want mercy I want it not to be left out of the equation why did David get mercy when he committed adultery I believe it was because he had mercy on one of Saul's last living relatives who was named massive a chef who was a crippled boy who could not help himself and and judgment said you kill all the lineage of the previous king and that's his last seed it's mephibosheth he's kin to Saul you ought to kill him David but the Bible said that David brought him into the temple or into the palace and put him at his table and fed him and took care of him and I believe I can't prove this but I believe that the reason that judgment did not hit David and wipe him out when he messed up with mushiya and killed her husband in an attempt to cover up his sin the reason God gave him mercy meaning holding back what we deserve is because he showed mercy to a crippled boy who couldn't help himself and God saw it and God said blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy Tim come up here and help me just a moment the mercy-seat had on one end a cherubim stand right there just hold your arms up like this both of them the Bible said that that Moses when he made it was commanded to take gold and a hammer and and and and beat that cherubim to stand guard over the mercy seat and then there was another angel which I am on the other side and the Bible said this is so important that their wings touch come my way a little bit because I got a hold this month their wings touched but they did not look eye to eye the Bible said that God commanded Moses that their heads would be looking down on the mercy seat in other words keep keep it right there in other words keep looking down in other words I don't have to see eye to eye to get in agreement with you on everything if I will see you through the blood and through the mercy of God we can see each other through the blood see each other through the mercy and then we touch and agree and God said I'll dwell above the mirth mercy seat and the cherubims wings wherever people get together how good and how pleasant it is for men and brothers to dwell together in unity they're not looking eye to eye on everything they're seeing each other through mercy through the blood through the good grace of God and because of it God says I'll dwell in that house I'll dwell in that marriage I'll dwell in that family they don't want always see eye to eye they'll have arguments and disagreements but if they'll see each other through the mercy see each other through the blood I'll bring unity I'll bring healing and my glory will feel that house somebody give him praise if you believe it somebody give him praise if you believe I say to the body of Christ I say to my Methodist friends we don't have to see eye to eye I'm Pentecostal I'm spirit filled I pray in the spirit I shout I raised my hands I I rejoice out loud even in public places but it's okay we don't have to see eye to eye let's just see each other food mercy let's see each other through the blood and let's come together we need each other the Baptist's the Methodists the Catholic anybody preaching Jesus preaching His grace his blood the death the burial the resurrection is my brother is my sister and I'm not gonna fight you black and white we don't have to agree on everything let's see each other through the mercy through the blood that's what America needs that's what the world needs God have mercy on us some of you don't understand what marriage is all about and I just gave you what it's all about you're not gonna see eye to eye on everything so what a family has to do you see each other through mercy through blood you hurt me but I love you you disappointed me but I forgive you you broke my heart but you're mine and I'm yours and treat me not to leave you your people are my people your God is my god no we're not perfect people perfect families perfect ministries but if we'll see each other through the blood his glory will come our imperfection and make us something beautiful for his glory and his namesake everybody take a praise break it every campus and thank him for the mercy its own your house its own your marriage its own your children we're criticizing quit attacking it show some mercy Michael Angelo is that right I got it wrong in last service I'm just checking Michael Angelo the only Bible he had to read was the Latin interpretation and in the Latin interpretation of the Bible which was before the King James interpretation it was much much much more accurate lived in literal from the Greek in Hebrew the Latin interpretation of the Bible - when it talked about Moses being on the mountain and the glory of God coming on him and having to cover his face with a veil in the Latin Bible there was a misinterpretation of the word glory and instead of glory being on his face it said they misinterpreted it in the Latin Bible to say that Moses had horns two of them coming out of his head well we know what horns represent had two horns coming out therefore when you see any of Michelangelo's paintings because of a misinterpretation all of the classic priceless paintings have Moses with horns on them here's my point sometimes you hear something and you put it through your Latin interpretation you hear something about somebody all of a sudden that person you're talking about you put horns on every time you think of that person you have a picture painted in your mind of that person with horns cause somebody said something about him or you heard somebody say something about it you heard a secondhand third-hand there's something somebody said about him and so you just in your mind paint horns on some on them and that they're the devil and it takes a lot of dehorning to get the horns off of a person that you painted horns on in your mind I've come to preach to you that mo is didn't have horns and there's a lot of people that you're painting horns on because you're not showing a mercy and you're not showing them grace and you're not showing them the love of God and God is saying they don't have horns you just don't have mercy because what listen to this what what one interpretation said was horns God's interpretation said it's not horns it's my glory my glory is gonna come upon that area of his life so you get your horns off of him just because people don't agree with everything doesn't mean they have horns you married that man don't go around now saying that thing's got horns look at me no he's a saying dummy you married come on look at him say poor a dumb thing come on look at it just say poor old dumb thing she said she hadn't got horns either I got less a man's on there she hadn't got horns either dehorn him show mercy see them through the blood God forgive us love again or you can keep the horns on and fight for another week do you want to be reconciled or do you want to be right cuz sometimes you can be right and be right lonely sometimes it's just better to be a peacemaker say I'll see you through the blood I see you through mercy I'll need it down the road I'll be the one guilt deep down inside even though you won't admit it I know you know that you were wrong and even if you won't say it I need Cherise right here right now even if you won't say it I see you through mercy I think because next week it'll probably be me problem I'm almost done we used to take the kids to Destin for vacation when they we had five of them you know like little drunk midgets running around all the time that's just awful something and they always wanted to go catch crabs you know like out on the beach crabbing and you take a little bucket in a flashlight at night and you shine it you see them and then you dig and you put them in throw it into the bucket and you get a bunch of them in there but one thing I learned quick you don't ever have to put a lid on a crab bucket because just as sure as one of them just about climbs and climbs and climbs and is about to come over the top there's always one little crab down there that will reach up just as he's about to get out and grab him and pull him back down oh no you don't you come in right and I can't get out nobody's gonna get out you're coming right back down here with us mud slingers I'm not about to let you get it that's how the body of Christ dear somebody starts to do good and we got little crabby Christians that just reach up and won't tear them down talk about them pull them down attack on them thank you something you got that car you got that house you got this you got there why don't you rejoice with them so that when you if one gets out it's just a pathway that all of us can take turn to your neighbor and say you're too crabby I'm almost done give me a minute you know the nearest you'll ever be to God on earth is when you're showing mercy I close with this thought but in Greek mythology xanthus invites Aesop over for dinner these Greek gods and he says I want you to bring for a present the most wonderful thing in the world and that night a saw brought as a gift in a package a tongue tongue he said this is the most wonderful thing in the world invited him back the next night he said bring the worst thing in the world the next night Aesop brought atoned because he knew that the tongue could be the best thing in the world or the worst thing in the world because death and life are in the power of the tongue it's the most wonderful thing in your life or it is the worst thing in your life and it depends on how you use it what you speak whether you show mercy and you show love what you say your tongue will either become the most wonderful thing for your family to hear or the worst thing and my prayer is this on this last week of the fast God put a place of mercy and love one for another in our hearts and let it manifest through our tongues let's pray this last seven days touch my lips with a coal from off the altars of heaven help me for the next seven days too fast criticism I really wanted to do when I read that God did that fasted for three days words he didn't say nothing he locked himself up somewhere and he wouldn't answer phone and he wouldn't do anything and he said that at the end of the three days after saying nothing for three days because he said my tongue had become so negative as a father as a husband as a church leader he said I had become negative and said God said I don't just want you to fast food he said you don't talk to anybody for three days I need to do a work on your tongue and he said he went somewhere and shut himself in and he said at the end of three days after saying nothing for three whole days he said when I went to speak I opened my mouth and I started praying in the Holy Spirit and he said I started praising God and he said it was so pure it was so powerful he said I knew God had touched my lips with a coal from off the altars of heaven I don't know who I'm preaching to today exactly but God has great mercy for you there's a place of mercy my body is his temple and there's a place of Mercy that needs to be in all of our temples for people who mess up and I don't know what you need today but I feel led to tell you there's not just great grace there is great mercy God can hold back maybe and this is what I really felt that it's like the Egyptian army and Pharaoh you you got out but now the something from the past the chariots are rumbling and is trying to come back and get you something from your past some shame some guilt some some mess up some failure and it's coming that Pharaoh's Army's coming back to enslave you but the Lord said to Moses look I want you to see this and he turned around and the Bible said that the Red Sea swallowed them up that's mercy holding back what you deserve he's been once he got through God said I'm ready I'm moving my hand and the enemy was swallowed up and I love what God told Moses he said these enemies you shall see no more my mercy has forever held back what you deserve the Red Sea the blood of Jesus has swallowed up your past and the mercy has held back what you deserve and Grace has given you what you what what you don't deserve and you you can be totally restored and renewed there is in this house and at every campus a place for you everybody in this room and overflow wherever you are stand to your feet at every campus no one moving please just stand to your feet I want our altar teams to come forward at every campus and stand down front I want you to come forward I believe in physical demonstrations of spiritual truths and the Lord gave me specific directions in my heart he impressed upon me how to do this altar call he said each one of these altar teams will raise their hands and that will become a space of mercy for a person who needs forgiveness who needs cleansing who's being tormented by the past who needs mercy meaning what you deserve held back by the merciful hand of God he will do it for you and I don't know who you are and I don't know what you need I don't know what your family needs I don't know what kind of week you've had I don't know what you're dealing with but the Lord said that there aren't guys I want you to raise your hands those of you down front and in between these wings would be the mercy seat and you just come and stand and let them pray for you and lay hands on you we've been fasting we've been praying for miracles and I decree that this is a day of miracles in people's lives and people's families you've got an addiction if you've got a bondage if you've got sin if you need forgiveness if you need restoration if you need God's help if you need God's mercy the greatest phrase in the Bible's son of David have mercy on me they said it over and over and he never turned anybody down if I'm preaching to you right now and you say you're talking to me let me see your hand all over this ring let me see it at every campus pastor you're preaching to me I need what you're preaching let me see your hand raise it high and unashamed there up there up there up there they're there they're there at every campus get out of your seat if you raise your hand even if you didn't and God's telling you to slip down just go right wouldn't go right down that aisle down to the front and find you a place of Mercy a place of Mercy with one of these people we're gonna agree we're gonna agree with your less worship less worship lift your hands high all over the swing lift your hands high into this room they'll be campus yes [Music] please mother sales [Music] [Applause] one more thing while they're praying just keep praying just keep playing I want you to find you we're going old school for just a minute but I just believe that if we'll prepare the place of mercy God will perform miracles and show his glory in the service some of you need healing some of you need children say some of you have lost loved ones that your fasting and praying for would you find you a prayer partner Tim run up here would you find you a prayer partner in would you get your hands extended and would you take someone and put them on the mercy seat you're creating a loved one a son a daughter another a father a husband or wife whoever it is in your family just agree and click build while we're fasting on the mercy seat come on turn and face somebody and say will you be my prayer partner you put somebody old chauffeur's what we do [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] just be the same just one more time just in the Lord come I said it in the Lord good I have not written a book really we put out some material on the team gets together and takes transcripts of sermons and puts it out you know like the one-on-one fasting and all that but an official book I have not written in five years I got burnt out I got tired of writing books so I just quit from until God gave me one but I believe change lives it will be out in March it's called love like you've never been hurt Cherise co-wrote it with me we told the story of our own family some of the challenges there are some of the greatest testimonies that have happened in this church and Families the response is already they they were amazed that you know it's two months before it's released and they said that they had they just started social media in about a week they've already had 9,000 pre-orders of this book and it's going to go everywhere and I'm praying pure reason I know I know what's in this book will heal people's lives and families if you'd like to preorder it and keep pushing it on up so that'll reach more people because what that does is it says the big distributors like Walmart books-a-million and all of that they're already calling saying we want to double our order for that book we're getting such a response and it'll be in airports it'll get everywhere the more that you help us drive that so please pray about that consider doing them and I promise you this book is going to change your life by the way you can go online and you can read the first chapter for free and I believe it will speak to your heart and we give answers and solutions of how to heal through hurts and love like you've never been hurt right you know what we're all about so thank you so much lift your hand up receive the blessing and now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine on you may the Lord be gracious unto you may he lift up his countenance upon you and may he give you great grace and great mercy in your heart this week I love you so much I'll see you Wednesday night listen at 3 o'clock today 3 o'clock today we're having a prayer meeting in the chapel ain't got nothing else to do my wife don't come home to this afternoon so I said I'm gonna pray anybody want to come pray with me for one hour at 3 o'clock in the brand-new chapel we'll be having an old-fashioned prayer meeting and you can join us online if you can't come we'll be streaming it on our social media for an hour we're gonna bombard heaven don't just fast you need to pray you need to pray pray pray pray pray join us it's a beautiful thing the last week we did a prayer meeting Sunday afternoons beautiful don't miss it I think it'll be awesome we'll get you in there somehow god bless you thank you the way from Miami is always an honor to have you great pastor and preacher preaching the gospel in the city of Miami Thank You pastor bless you be blessed everybody [Music] as we leave service today I want to remind you to go ahead and submit your prayer requests in preparation for next Sunday morning when we have our annual miracle prayer service at all of our campuses not only on the East Coast but the West Coast as well and so if you are able to make it we invite you to join us for this amazing time of prayer as we conclude this fast but if you're unable to you can submit those prayer requests at 2:00 Jensen Franklin o RG take a moment to do that today or throughout this week and invite your friends to do this as well because our team here in Georgia we're gonna lay hands on every single one of those pray requests and we want to see God move in your life but not only that I did want to encourage you to go ahead and pre-order your copy a pastor's brand new book that will be released this March love like you've never been hurt and in fact if you go to Jensen Franklin o RG you can go ahead and read the very first chapter completely for free so check that out today I'm Noah's gonna bless your life and we hope that God continues to move in your life as you conclude this fast and one final thing if you haven't yet jumped in on this fast do it for this last week join in with us and see God move in your life I promise you you won't be disappointed because we're gonna continue to live out the motto of this fast which is we must decrease so that he can increase less of us and more of him but we love you so much we're thrilled that you join us here today on our online campus and we'll see you next Sunday morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 87,606
Rating: 4.8263516 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Jentezen Franklin, Live Worship, Christian Music, Jesus, Free Chapel Live, Jentezen Franklin Online, Jentezen Franklin Live, Live church, online church, 21 day fast, fasting, great mercy, great grace, free chapel online, free chapel live, Grace, forgiveness, faith, encouragement
Id: KDny7g-8MFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 54sec (3534 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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