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passing guidelines number one very quickly commit yourself to God and constipation too fast and pray everybody say I've done it commit yourself means that you have decided you can make this to the end whatever you decide you can go seven days you say no I ain't gonna break that I'll go for ten days I'm not gonna break that you go 21 days we're gonna bring them you got to commit yourself to it and consecration is important conservation means I am going to dedicate myself to what I promised unto God surrender to God number two when you fasting get a drink plenty of water I want to warn you you'll get it over and over again during this fast all the leaders will tell you or oftentimes remind you drink plenty of water why because your body is reducing or omitting or getting rid of a lot of junk poisons and little poison could actually make you sick if you don't get rid of them so you need to get that water the water will cleanse them flush you out all the time keep you very healthy and by the way you should drink at least eight glasses of water every day beginning tonight start drinking water eight glass counter classes tomorrow get them down I mean get more than that is wonderful but no less than that because your body can stand even with some stuff tomorrow already and it needs to get rid of that stuff number three also drink hot herbal teas we allow this cranberry juice is a good cleanser by the way it's a very very good source of natural vitamins to help your body we build itself and also apple juice is not too acidic so you can use that but these are the only ones that we ferment on a fast like this because these will help you cleanse your body and have you washed all the garbage out while you on the fast guidelines when you fast remember that your body is disrupting its habit if you ate three times a day you'll have a lot of challenges if you ate twice a day if it uses it by one if you ate once a day you reduce it by two if you H 5 times a day like some of you might be struggling with you got yourself a challenge now the more you eat and the more often you ate the greater the challenge to break the power of your body now here's quickly I want to say cause I want you to understand when you have a good time on this fast today was easy wasn't it no problem no problem tomorrow is gonna be fairly easy - you're gonna find it but no if you ate breakfast and lunch and dinner and those times you will find out your saliva will begin to talk to you because that's remember that your tongue is tied to your rectum okay everybody all right with that yay your tongue is the top of your rectum your rectum is the bottom of your tongue it's just one big cord the middle of it is called your intestines and attached to it is your stomach your stomach is a part of your tongue and your rectum your intestine is a part of your tongue and erector now when you eat food it goes down into your stomach your stomach then produces gases acid gases hey where's the acid gases the gases that produced gastric juices they call it gastric juices and what they do is they the acid breaks down the food you just ate and it actually makes it absorbable to go into the lining and stomach and then it goes of course down into the intestines your test times then take all the things from the you need to get you know and then it takes the garbage and put it inside your rectum and then it comes out now the stuff that is liquid that is garbage the body will take it and put it in the kidneys if there's contamination in the blood it put it in the liver if it's just junk garbage it puts it in director okay low intestines so the body is doing is it's reducing this juice to break down the foods now I want to thing with acid okay the first thing that your stomach produces acid when food comes the acid breaks down the food hey buddy with me once you can once you get ready gonna happen tomorrow somebody get used to it when that acid comes the asset is time because of your habit your brain sends a message eight o'clock time to eat breakfast so the brain knows that every eight o'clock everyone you eat breakfast over seven about whatever Kevin Park you always say this cereal or juice or apple some the brain is used to that is called habit so the brain says here comes cereal then you know cereal there right but the brain is telling the body here comes - you're right it's it's seven o'clock so the brain says get ready stomach stomach says thank you very much and then the neutrons send a message to the stomach produce gastric juices why cereal is coming so no see who comes down because you're fasting but the stomach produces the gastric juices that's it now the acid acid burns doesn't it so the acid not looking for the cereal as it wears the cereal and so it has no cereal to digest so it begins to digest the lining of the stomach now your stomach is filled with food they've been there for seven months after a year did you know that doctors talk to me see dr. Simmons will tell you that your colon is so full of old food you'll be afraid to look at you get food in your stomach have been there for seven years what do you think cause colon cancer colon cancer rotting food that's been there for seven eight years that's finally rotten in the lining of your colon the colon is your intestines Oh food now that's why fasting is good fasting finally gives the body a chance to start burning out all the garbage of being kicked up along your stomach the old pipe in your bag have been there for seven years they will pipe ten years little pipe you're pretty fitting on old pipe okay move little thing on your sink tonight and it's put your finger there and lift it up and you see all that stuff and being all of those so called oil grime all here and they that's our stomachs are your intestine Oh food now every time you actually used your your Basin whatever you flash goes pass all that it stays that's how your system works so when you eat new food it doesn't push out the whole fortune you don't think it does the old food is so caked up on the corners and the walls of your intestines and on your stomach that a new food just come through it comes up and then some of it stays and cakes up so it keeps building building building and then every cancer the stomach cancer the colon etc what happens when you're fasting is the fasting finally gives the gastric juices a chance to start burning the stuff caked upon your stomach and that's when you say I got yes you are correct the asset begins to work burn the lining in the stomach all that stuff and it gives off the gas so your stomach becomes bloated by the gas simple solution what's another word for releasing gas let me go I can't you're smart what's that a nurse will tell me what is it flat flat you say it again what no wonder why we say boom man fluctuates flatulence I am flatulating no no one can remember that word anyhow hey buddy following me see I want you to enjoy the fast I don't want you to let the devil tell you you die in when I learned of it fast I was 16 years old that's when I passed it 28 days that are you because I read this book and I booked bye bye Franklin well his last name I'm wet had his book and I read his book and I said fast I guess it's simple what you know what's going on now what do you do when when assets are produced this time of easy would dilute acid liquid so you drink water that's all so I guarantee you tomorrow morning tomorrow morning your body gonna say it's breakfast time now remember your body talking to you not the devil it's breakfast time how's about how does the body say it it's really it's releasing these gases what do you do you take a glass of water you drink it we go to work and then around now some of y'all get midday stacks and thing you know and some of y'all got problems if you always see separate 11 o'clock here comes that juice again so you had drinks on them again that was every time you feel that little tingly that's just gas assets and your stomach we got a fresh him up and that goes on until the body begins to catch on and the body says you know something then coming out here so what are you doing you're breaking the mental habit in the brain so the brain says reduce release gases and the stomach sends a message back and says there's nothing here so around the six or seven day which is the hardest days is when the stomach and the brain have some real chat chatting going on cuz when a brain says release and the stomach says ain't nothing here and the brain says still release and the stomach says ain't nothing here and the brain says you better release customer says ain't up in here and then eventually on the eighth day the brain says I ain't telling you to release nothing no more hey boy say freedom say it loud that's when you free it's when you're free you gotta get to the point where you're free the way you become free is to keep that water fluid keep that water flowing and you're gonna find your urination is going to change because unit you're gonna turn different colors because all the garbage is coming up and around an eighth or ninth day your urine return very very clear you purify after that it's fun you can look at food never have a desire the next four they don't look at food too much we see Jesus because psychologically your mind gonna say I already tasted that you can face it in your mind so it releases gas reduces your problems okay but once you're free you can do it is that helpful to you we understand it okay last thing no no juices please why because orange juice is high in acid and I'll be trying to get rid of pineapple juice iein acid grapefruit juice no no no no no no because you know you actually making your stomach worse you want to read you want to reduce the acidic intake in your body doing it fast because your body is throwing off assets or producing assets rather and you want to get them out is that clear hi thank you so much for watching please remember 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Channel: Wisdom for Dominion
Views: 2,947,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, fasting and prayers, fast, fast effectively, getting results in fasting, spiritual growth, kingdom, teaching, prayer, heaven, Jesus, landry dubois, bodas djoumessi, wisdom for dominion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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