Helldivers 2 - Consistently Dominating Terminid Faction On Solo Helldiver Difficulty (Guided Run)

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what is up Legends I see a lot of people that are struggling with determinate faction on various different difficulties and today I want to show you guys the best and most effective way I consistently manage to pull off hell diver difficulty runs completely solo so we'll be going for a random Mission here and today let's go over this hell diver difficulty game where we'll be going for all main objectives side objectives nests and trying to break our personal kill record we'll be going here for this or Mission here usually has quite a lot of enemies so it will be quite fun and as we go through this game I'll try to keep uh keep some tips flowing and tell you guys what's going on through my mind as we go on about this let's have some fun and spread some democracy here so I'm not going to lie we will be using the uh best loadout in the game I am not going to uh pull back any punches yes we will be using the meta Loadout guys sorry I know a lot of people hate the word meta but it's the truth um so yeah we'll be going here for the rail Cannon strike the 500 kilo shoot generator pack Arc thrower stamina enhancement primary is going to be the breaker secondary is the Redeemer um and that's about it yeah we're also using the Scout armor set as well to give us that extra speed and allow us to kite as many bugs as we possibly can so as soon as we start we always call in Shield generator pack and an arc thrower and we spawned right on a spce beer let me get rid of that so underneath sport Speers there's always uh kind of like a a little swarm so we're going to go ahead and deal with this first so when you're dealing with groups in my uh personal preference I prefer to deal with the hunters first they're the top priority and the second highest priority uh is going to be the Chargers so every time I'm fighting a group like this I'm looking out for the hunters getting rid of them and of course trying to focus down the Chargers as much as I can as well especially if we got multiple Chargers cuz we don't want to get overwhelmed and just die for no good reason so underneath sport Speers as you may know there's also lots of samples we'll also be uh going for an extraction this game uh we'll be try we'll be trying to get lots of samples and extract with lots of samples as well so I'm intending on doing all objectives all nests get a bunch of extraction samples you know just a whole deal we're going to be hitting him here with a rail Cannon and I heard that you can of Li all right that worked I heard that you can rail Canon then uh strike a biot Titan and then only shoot him about five six times with the ark thrower and it's dead um but I am not entirely sure um since they nerfed the 500 kilo bombs I've been looking for uh another efficient way to deal with bile Titans so we threw here the 500 Kil bomb just to get rid of this Rogue station and we're already down two side objectives so uh one thing that I have mentioned in my previous videos I will quickly mention this again on this video uh someone made a Reddit post by the way we got the Raider station right in front of us here which is absolutely perfect we're going to be doing that someone made a Reddit post talking about how patrols work in this game and essentially keeping it simple um the more main objectives you do once you complete the main objectives there will be more patrols going around the map also essentially the more bug nests you do the more patrols there are keeping it simple I mean I would recommend reading the Reddit post it's very good information very very good whoever made that Reddit post deserves a lot of credit because that could not have been easy um but anyways the reason why I said that is uh we will be getting rid of nests early on on in the game essentially forcing the game to spawn a lot of patrols um I do not recommend doing this in your runs if you want I'm going to let this little guy here call for reinforcement in your runs just avoid nests and avoid factories if you're playing against the automatons because they will just call in for more reinforcements or rather Patrols but in this game I will be taking out as many nests as I can on purpose to spawn more patrols on purpose you will never because I want to try to get a new kill record I believe my highest kill record is 940 kills in one solo game want to see if I can hit that thousand might be a little bit harder because in this planet they don't have those little pouncers the the little guys yeah they they help add up to the number quite a bit but it seems like this planet type is not planet type that really has pouncers so it's going to be a lot harder we're really going to have to fight a lot here I'm wondering yeah I think I'm going to want to take down this biot Titan as well so this is a good way to do it 500 kilo run to the bio Titan get him staggered and let the 500 kilo do the rest boom there we go we go so if you just kind of run up to the biot Titan's feet it will try to stomp you down you just kind of reach it you get really close to it and then back away right away before it actually does manage to stomp you what that will do is it will poop them in their animation and make the 500 kilo be much easier to hit now of course I know a lot of people are not going to be playing on Hell diver difficulty I know a lot of people are going to be playing on Lower difficulties and that's completely okay but I wanted this video to be done on the hardest difficulty so you could see what it looks like on the hardest difficulty uh going for all objectives nests bunch of kills all that um and if it's doable here it's definitely doable on Lower difficulties as well in here lot lots of samples already looking pretty good on samples we got 11 different types of samples I mean we got I meant we got six common five rare looking pretty good so we'd be better off ignoring this Patrol but I am going to kill them so one thing that I have been doing I've always done it if if you've seen my videos you know I always do this that helps me a lot uh against terminats is I take the fight to them first I find that uh attack attacking the terminate proactively we got a stalker here attacking determined proactively has been working much better for me rather than treating it reactively like essentially instead of letting them attack first I'll always go and attack them first and it constantly gives you the upper hand it will mean you will have to get into a lot more fights that you generally wouldn't have to but I feel like against determined it's not only just a viable strategy but I think it's the best strategy now this does not work against the automatons as a solo player against the automatons you should definitely play solo or you should definitely play stealth because uh against the automatons going aggressive just does not work it just doesn't I mean you can pull it off you can pull off winds you can pull off winds playing aggressively but it is not going to be consistent at all which is also why I don't really play much against the automatons because since it favors stealth play a lot I don't find that to be very entertaining I'm not much of a stealth guy got another bug breach here so what we're going to do is we're just going to keep back pedaling and hitting them with The Arc thrower Focus down the charger since there's no Hunter threat got to back up though or else the B time is going to spew on us finish off this charger okay now we can switch Focus uh I'm going be trying to hit him with the 500 kilo let me see if I can stagger him in place oh that Shield just saved me saved me so hard okay we managed to pull it off that's good already down to two bile Titans quite quite nice quite nice so I had somebody asking in the previous video uh flamethrower or Ark thrower which one is the best for solo play honestly both are really really good I think the arc thrower does take the victory though um there's less risk with the ark thrower uh with the flamethrower you need to really get you know close to your enemies and there's a lot of potential in self-killing but the flamethrower is extremely violable the ark thrower right now is definitely just the king of support weapons there is no arguing about it it's just the king of support weapons against the terminate anyways not not against it automaton it's good against the automatons as well don't get me wrong um but it may not be the best but against terminat 100% the best choice and then it's probably going to be the flame rer probably third place would would argue be the uh Expendable anti-tanks probably funny that the developer said the uh the rail gun's play style was quite brainless I can't well I can't agree with that man I can't not when comparing with the ark thrower I mean I love the arc thrower I'm having lots of fun using it but it's dramatically easier to use than the rail gun cuz it requires minimal aiming oh I'm dead I'm stuck I can't move come on get me out of here nice the rail gun actually took quite a lot of aiming it it wasn't something that was like super easy to do dark thrower on the other hand much less aiming required I wish when they nerfed the rail gun they would have just nerfed the damage that would have been that would have done it democracy oh boy got yet another B Titan creeping up on us the patrols are starting to get a bit heftier I think or is this still the same bug breach not heftier but uh I mean they're spawning more actually no that's not true we haven't even done a single Nest yet I'm talking I'm talking ignore me okay I chok that yeah yeah I totally messed that up that Hunter was quite a tough little guy that to land on what didn't hit him I can get him with the nade again where's my loot oh it's back there a should be a yeah beautiful so you can just orbital rail Cannon their brain open not brain but you know their armor and then just throw a nade in there and it's goodbye biot Titan third B Titan down so we're going to be going for the first Nest here what I said earlier was wrong the patrols have not been affected yet as we have not done any nests nor have we completed the main objective I'm actually going to let that that biot Titan Go if I waste uh time on him I'm not going to be able to hit my personal kill record okay so we're going to be doing this Nest this should accelerate the patrol spawn rate after we do this remember six shots to the charger face and it's a kill we can keep counting that that way sometimes you're not really going to be needing to dodge cuz you know you can get that six shot off before it actually hits you with a charge groups like this prioritize the hunters get then Chargers then bro commanders Hunter Hunter arger three I believe I've hit him three times three more to go how' you like the taste of Freedom four five six you M outside the Miss area all right now back onto the nest we go let's try to get rid of this first Nest uh we got three bug holes left here what how did I miss that so the play style with the ark thrower is fairly simple I'm I'm not going to lie to you guys I'm not going to sugarcoat it it's very simple you um against the bugs you just backpedal you put yourself in a position where your enemies are in front of you and then you backpedal and shoot and that is it that that is it um it's uh much much easier than it was with the rail gun much much easier especially because you can use it to deal with every enemy type except a bio Titan but yeah there's not uh too much to it in terms of uh handling your fights um as the best loadouts or yes I will use that word as The Meta shifts I will keep you guys updated with the best loadouts and I'll be remaking videos like this and kind of talking about the most effective ways to you know get high kills and beat games on Hell diver difficulty completely solo but as of right now I will admit that uh handling the bugs is uh easier than it's ever been and uh also I guess I should mention a lot of people have been saying hey man stop making uh videos like this you're going to get the uh weapon Nerf but uh I just I don't agree with that mentality at all I don't I don't feel we should be so scared of the developers that we should hold ourselves back from making content or from talking about things related to their game because we're scared they're going to take something away from from us I don't think that's a healthy mind state to have have a taste of democracy how' you like the taste of freedom but yeah overall I think these things should definitely be talked about shouldn't be kept in the dark no reason to do that it's a co-op game we're all trying to help each other here five what oh I guess that was hitting his uh left leg I don't think it was actually hitting his face all right so we've handled one Nest one of the primary sub objectives the trolls are starting should start to accelerate here real soon I believe after we handle all of these nests we got a heavy Nest here so this should be 10 bug holes yeah by the time we clear these this Nest right here it will definitely accelerate the spawn rate on the patrols things should start getting a lot harder a bug breach incoming what I did he just spawn there didn't I just look behind me oh that's craun ah the game didn't let me um move my drop pod towards it I was trying to slam myself into it lame all right we're going to try to make our way back here to the backpack uh so we got two charges to dance around with and the biot Titan no okay that's not good um let me see if I can reach it here nope far too many bugs let's drop in I'm going to be trying to throw the arc thrower kind of far away here see if we can loot it back get some distance heght them down a little bit uh actually I think that 500 kilo was off I wanted it to hit the bio Titan but yeah that's that's yeah nowhere near it now we focus down the group the Valentine's got his uh armor open there I might be able to land a grenade what does the arer not take it down okay the grenade works wonders it's fantastic what is that four or five bot Titans I don't know either way pretty good um start to close these bug holes yeah the problem about these heaviness as a solo player is cuz 10 holes is far too much right unless you're carrying that armor type that allows you to bring six nades instead of four it's quite tough to close's try to do it anyways feels good let me know if you guys would like to see any sort of uh challenge type video as well I'm always looking forward for different challenges actually matter of fact most of my video ideas kind of come up from uh the comments section where people like make requests to say oh it would be nice to see blah blah blah you know like usually think oh that's pretty cool yeah I'll go ahead and make one of that somebody was asking oh 34 kills to make a video um go like hyper aggressive and get a bunch of kills and do all nests and all objectives which is where I got this video from how' you like the taste of freedom I was also thinking of maybe going over some of the less used strategems try them out on Hell diver difficulty as well I was thinking of that not sure yet get some get well that little guy blocked the door throwing grenad I hate when they do that yeah see we're already down low on nades and we've only taken out four h so far and we got another B oh by the way when fighting Hunters yeah dive is going to be your best friend that's going to be the best thing you can do when they get close to you just dive that's going to be key dive spamming matter of fact is is like super super powerful in this game I'm try to stop that battle Titan on that 500 kilo did I get him nope still intact get I'm going to have to use this other 500 kilo on it again let me see if I can bait him oh I think that was far that was too far okay that's good that's good that got him what five or six batt Titans already it's quite a lot okay um we don't have a resupply we do have four nades but we still got to get rid of five or six nests sadly we're not going to be able to close them all off feel like yeah okay I feel like I was hearing something behind that's called democracy wow I see I couldn't get up tried to get up so many times there that's like the downside of the Ark thrower it does have uh quite a bit of inconsistency with how it works like dead bodies for example right here with all these dead bodies they kind of block the AR thrower shot sometimes s the ark thrower doesn't hit if they're too close I don't know it's kind of weird how' you like the taste of Freedom all right um so we're still low on nades I guess I'm just going to have to wait it out though so after this heavy Nest we got another Nest up north and a main mission right next to us let me just finish off this Nest we'll move on to the next primary objective and uh that's almost most of the map I think I I've already done all side objectives and one of the primary objectives uh We've also done two or three nests by now after this one all right that should be F oh God damn it we missed it again we got another bug breach let me just close this Nest finally got a nice cup of Lem no way got a little guy coming out of the door as soon as I threw it we got two biot Titans now oh boy we have oh we got the ion storm going on so stratem are currently disabled going to have to wait a little bit just going to weaken down their forces they jammed what this little guy break dancing case of democracy hell we got our stuff back let's see if the roen and we'll do the job um I was wondering since what no way oh that was God damn it the game's not letting me steer towards it again en I really don't like that mechanic oh I know that they they put in this thing apparently according to you guys they put in this this mechanic in the game that you can't steer in certain directions because it people were oh my God I missed that so bad people were abusing uh an exploit where you could land on top of rocks and fight against the bugs and the bugs couldn't reach you which is why oh my God is that a third bile Titan the hell if that's going to if that doesn't get at least one of them it's not going to be worth fighting them no yeah this is not going to be worth it I'm going to end up spending like 5 minutes here before uh so I'm going to get my stuff here and I'm going to go to the next primary objective yeah as I was saying the apparently the drop pod you not being to control it sometimes it's actually intended it's made to prevent people from landing on top of rocks which is sad for people who don't intend on exploiting at all get some get some hell I wish you would just like if you Tred to land on top of a big rock it would just slide you down instead of likein it actually breaking your drop pod cuz drop pods have been useless these days not useless but like how is nearly as good all right so uh patrols are going to be a lot more frequent now things are going to get even scarier than they have been four five ah no okay all right that's about two deaths that I've done to silly mistakes definitely try to avoid that did I land on the charger yeah I did okay good good good good good okay I couldn't loot that oh I'm in trouble I am in trouble oh that's a hell pod right there oh yeah nice 17 kills quite nice right so we charge right back you're taking out a bunch of uh nests on this difficulty you definitely got to charge can't take too long I mean you can't rest in between waves or else they're just going to patrol faster than you can actually handle them let's jump right back into this mess rid of this wave from the n okay we got quite a lot of samples as well 23 common 17 rare good E4 oh oh the key is get distance back pedal and shoot back pedal and shoot let me know what your guys's uh highest kill count is in a game I'm actually kind of wondering in a Solo game if possible actually kind of wondering what's a really high number to go for 1,000 is 100% achiev if you just get the pouncer planet and you force Patrol spawn you'll definitely be able to get 1,000 kills but I'm kind of curious what kind of kill counts you guys have gotten as well you guys have seen in this game I wonder if on Group Play there there are more uh one St closer to mission complete there's like a higher possibility of getting more kills or not so this planet variation has a lot of good commanders doesn't it thankfully they're super easy to this is probably like the ideal um planet type against Ark thrower because I feel like this is where it's going to shine the most the pouncers can be quite tough as they kind of jump on your face and the arc thrower just doesn't work effectively all right so we're going to be doing here the main objective we have 7 minutes left I'm actually not quite sure we're going to be able to do this Nest to our right here because I'm guessing by the size of it it's a heavy Nest meaning there's going to be 10 bug holes since we only carry four nades it's going to take at least one full resupply maybe two so that that just might take too long to complete but we'll try let's see what we can do let me do this objective first we'll try to do it quite quick don't have a resupply but no time to waste we're just going to start this one thing I like to do in this objective here is to just go up this little Hill on my left here as I'm going to show you so once we turn this on a bug Bridge comes in and I like to go up this little Hill I find out where the bug breaches coming from over here just then just Hammer them down 500 kilo try to bait him into it I think that's going to be good that called democracy perect that about cleared the entire bug breach oh crap we got another biot Titan coming freedom forever I'm going to hit him with the rail Cannon first I might oh boy I actually almost got killed there I might try to n him here how about a nice okay thought I missed that first one good good good which by the way this is why I carry I guess I should have mentioned in the beginning of the video but this is why I carry a rail Cannon and a 500 kilo we take with the ark thrower it does allow us to pretty much only focus on strategem I have to deal with biot Titans cuz pretty much everything else we clear ourselves that charger is just going to take it let me take say hell to democracy yeah I know the bug breach didn't finish but I'm going to go ahead and start the next one now I'm going to backpedal get a little bit far away from here I don't see where the bug bridge is coming from is it does it okay it does I was wondering if it still came out from like the same place or did it come out from the other side of the mountain I'm not sure no yeah it's still there I just like backpedal into it all right focus on the hunters oh Hunters how'd you like the taste of freedom ma empty all right that's fine now it's just Warriors left clear out the group quite fine all right that's good and I believe we have now officially finished all of the main objectives yes we did okay let's resupply here let's see we have a chance at this Nest so I'm going to have to reach there one batt Titan yeah I don't think it's going to be doable sadly sadly I think I took a little bit too long maybe with the armor type with six nades I could maybe take this out I took too long on the other heavy bug Nest I think I spent nearly 10 minutes there you see I don't have a resupply the resupplies on a 2minute cool down and there's 2 minutes until the game ends so yeah sadly it's not going to be doable not not all the nests uh I'm just going to kill as much as I can now until the game ends as well as I will extract so we'll be getting all objectives we'll be going for all extractions and still going here for the personal kill record now patrols are definitely spawning like once every like 20 30 seconds if I'm not mistaken I got to kill them really fast or else they respawn so much that they'll overwhelm me quite quick have a taste of democracy see if I can land that I actually think that was a bit too early wo that's perfecty nice if you have space like this to be fair the AR thrower is strong but the this map has been ideal for me the planet type being brute commanders rather than pouncers is helping map type being very open uh open map as well has helped tremendously it is strong but this map is helping quite a bit down to 20 seconds here now we're going to be going into extraction mode here in a second by the way we have a lot of simples this game oh crap 4 seconds got a bot Titan there but I can't deal with them don't have anything to deal we'll just focus on the little guys had that kill count and a minute and 42 so I'm going to start making my way a little bit back to it and pretty much taking out all of the points of interest on the way there four guys here yeah pretty much this is the easiest way that I've found for dealing with terminats is honestly proactively be aggressive I mean you've seen here the gam playay with me taking on taking out nests which will increase the enemy count by a lot um but if you ignore nests and you only go for primary objectives and side objectives then it's going to be even easier than what you've seen here so we got super samples as well that's fantastic this is going to be a pretty stacked extraction as well so on the way back to the extraction I have talked about this in previous videos but we like to let the time run out and then run back to it as the plane is landing because that way there will be nearly nobody in the extraction Zone 20 seconds fight a couple more here it's arriving got to make my way there bile Titan let's get the hell out of Dodge and I might be too far might too far don't tell me I messed up on that oh God oh go go go ini stand for no I'm good I think H okay yeah I'm good let me get the simple here there's usually a couple samples here there's one here oh okay yeah I'm not going to look for anymore that is so freaking close dude oh another viory for the right side of history that is pretty good so yeah that's pretty much what I like to do to consistently win on this difficulty is just honestly just be proactively aggressive on determined using an ideal Loadout um sadly this Loadout is a bit mindless I had the more fun with the rail gun but um I believe I will I might try to do this as well with uh different weapons different support weapons maybe even a run without any support weapons and only using regular strategems let me know what interests you guys what type of challenges you'd like to see I'm honestly looking for challenges at this point uh I do try to avoid automatons but if you have automaton ideas as well yeah generally automatons forcing stealth play isn't much my my Val Vibe let's see how many kills we got here so previously we had 940 oo nice 959 not quite to the Thousand kill mark yet but we will get there very soon we will get there thank you guys for watching man I'll catch you guys on the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 135,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: 8v4t1BjYQy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 19sec (2719 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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