Helldivers 2 - Consistently Extracting Solo On Helldiver Difficulty (Guided Run, Gameplay)

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what's up guys let's talk a little bit here about successfully extracting as a solo hell diver on the hell diver difficulty here for the terminate faction I'm going to be playing here a full game and we'll be attempting to complete all main objectives side objectives as well as successfully extracting so let's get right to it we'll be going here for the 500 kilo bomb as well as the cluster bombs as well as the generator pack and the flamethrower no longer the rail gun rest in peace rail gun I miss you dearly but we will uh I've been preferring the flamethrower recently due to its uh strength at dealing with chargers uh as you will see here in this game play We also be going for uh High kills we'll be playing pretty aggressively I'm not going to be playing this stealth um let me get my shield generator pack and my flamethrower right away and immediately oh we also got the mech suit that's right they're G giving us the mech suit for these next couple of days right away what I want to find out is which objective I'm going to be doing first we got a mushroom there the sport Speer uh but mostly I'm kind of looking to see if there's a radar station satellite whatever thing that unlocks the map I think it's called the radar station uh let me see if I can find it usually there is oh there it is all right so that's initially right away where we'll be going for since the map is obscured by the bugs and we got our first little group Let's Get Right busy see if that cluster bomb gets rid of him I think that cluster bomb's pretty bad but I don't know it might still hit that bug breach how' you like the taste of 15 kills for it that's fine we got pouncers on this map as well it's going to be a bit tough let's get rid of this charger first focusing on that right leg and I messed up that dive but thankfully I didn't take any damage finish him off okay char charger is down I'm going to be worrying about getting the 500 kilo bomb to land right on this biot Titan oh that's not good he got busy acid spewing so that 500o might not hit okay hit him in full but he's full health so I'm going hit him here with the drop ship that's a mess up by me but I guess I guess that uh made it a bit worth it totally messed up there but uh I think that might have been worth it did I pick up yeah I picked up the flamethrower all right let's go for that uh radar station that should be our first priority since we can't see the map we don't know where anything is so this will be helping us quite a bit against the bugs I think after I get rid of that radar station I might do the spor spe next um you know what I'm going to go ahead and handle this at a group I thought that was a little bomb but it's not this guy found something oh this is one of those Twan doors isn't it it's pretty bad feel like I really missed the the rail gun when I'm fighting The Hive guards man it's pretty crazy I hate having to shoot them in the little Corners to be able to actually kill them oh boy Hive guards and the Chargers they they're what makes me missed the uh rail gun the most B Titans I feel like they're not hard to deal with you know after I got espcially used to using the 500 kilo on them I don't miss it for the B Titans at all for me is it's just about the Chargers and the hive guards feel like I waste so much time with the hive guards nowadays even with the flamethrower I feel it takes quite a bit all right we got another group here there's something here should be some good loot these guys so someone was asking me in the comment section uh in my previous video for the flamethrower they asked if the ark thrower or the flamethrower like which one is my favorite which one do I prefer and I think I got to go with the flamethrower for bugs the arthow is quite good but the flamethrower can do this you know just handle the charger super quick and I feel like that's kind of like the purpose of using a support weapon at least for me is for dealing with those units that you can't deal with uh with your primary weapons and I feel like the arc thrower just deals with chargers so slow that I'll prefer the flamethrower to do that job CU with the flamethrower I can get rid of charges in just like 2 3 seconds meanwhile The Arc thrower will take me what is it like 10 plus shots to kill him it's quite a while you got two three Chargers not going to look too good all right Raider right here I think I'll be dropping a cluster bomb right on top of them squeeze in as many free kills as I can get that guy almost called for reinforcements am I going to be able to prevent them from calling for reinforcements two of them attempted to call for reinforcements all right that held them back that's good get this Raider station going resupply case we get a bug breach as why I need to top off so wouldn't hurt after we do this Rader station we'll find out where all the side objectives are Hunters lot of bullets all right called in a little group that resupply is going to quite useful then get rid of the hunters and the pouncers first you got to prioritize them I like these little ramps on these radar stations because they always go through this ramp they never kind of climb from the sides so you can just kind of focus fire down the ramp and you're pretty good to go as you can see here even though the hunters can like jump they always come up the ramp just focus fire there should be good and I think that's the entire bug breach rid of this Hive guard and let's see how much we have to turn this radar a little bit to the right oops all right that did it all right let's see where these side objectives are so we got a stalker Nest right in front of us let's go ahead and deal with that first then we don't want to be getting uh caught by stalkers as we're going on about our day we'll go ahead and we'll we'll stalk them first they reload guys before they call for reinforcements oh we got a big boy all right I'm going to just go ahead and kind of going to kind of go ahead charge in here and just just get rid of the stalker's nest and then we'll we'll deal with the threat hit it from here nice you jump over this make sure you die a lot of people they just kind of walk through that corner and they'll they'll have to swim but if you just dive Howes you a little bit of time all right so we got the stalker Nest I thought that bio Titan was maybe going to come over but he didn't so my as well move over to the next objective the nearest objective is going to be activating the pumps over there um although I'm considering getting rid of the spor Speers first um I'm not sure I'll go towards this objective and if this objective is like covered by the fog then I'll get rid of the [Music] mushroom but I feel like it might not be be covered got something here I think I'm I'm go ahead and check it out usually only has about three or four little bugs just can't let them call for reinforcements though oh close call almost called it reload we got a stalwart don't want that pick up some ammo and we're topped off again after you play quite a bit you also kind of come to realize what each point of of interest uh will contain for example that point of Interest we just uh cleared I know there's always that lock door and I know there's always ammo grenades and stem so you always top off back to full um so just by playing quite a bit um kind of get used to the points of interest and knowing which ones you should attack and which ones you shouldn't that little sucker just called for reinforcements even though I took his head off didn't he or did the little summon thingy focus on his right leg jump as soon as he gets near jumped a bit late there but that should still do it there goes the charger lots of hunters so I don't like Flames against Hunters here as because of this they can surround you extremely easily i' rather just use my shotguns when in maps like this full of hunters and pouncers aded they really just keep the flamethrower just for the Chargers everything else I just pump them with the shotguns right get rid of this one I think I already went think I already attacked this one twice oh boy we're surrounded not looking good not looking good I think we might go down here oh the syringe this clet bomb this cler bomb is going to kill a ton of them can't let it kill me as well oh that CL of bomb's going to kill so many haveit of democracy 14 charger should go down there he goes okay is that it all right good good good that was so close I definitely should have died there I was backpedaling and I backpedal right into a patrol of hunters really thought I was going down down there all right um start this main objective still got a couple of enemies in here sending down equip okay do the flamethrower just for Chargers yes the flamethrower is just for Chargers pretty much only for Chargers feel like it's not really that useful against anything else um I feel like most other things you're kind of well off uh with they primary you kind of don't really need to use your flamethrower to deal with Warriors or brute commanders or anything like that you only need a flamethrower either for Chargers or like a group of Hive guards but of course if they're all kind of like piled up if they're lined up like in that situation right here flamethrower might be good see how they're all grouped up there if I was a bit closer to them like this then a flamethrower is pretty good cuz it's just going to hit all of them together super like that and it's insane at that but the problem is when you're playing against bugs pretty much every group at least on the hell diver difficulty has like Hunters it's actually pretty rare for you to encounter groups that don't have any hunters and Hunters since they just jump to the side just kind of has you like swinging Your Flames around uh and not really doing any effective damage a little group there in front of us so after this pump here uh I think oh no we got something here right next to us I was going to go for the sport spure first but since we have a uh what is this one called Escape pod data data data data yeah we'll do this one first and then we'll go for the Spore this is usually like a pretty free objective there's like no threat it gives you like five sample and you kind of just have to wait around it's pretty cool three samples we'll be talking about how to success UC F extract once we uh of course kind of get closer there to extracting going to be showing you a little strategy to extract with a pretty high success rate groups of hunters get rid of the hunters first the side stayers ler bomb we got a big group incoming as well Dodge discharger he's not priority right now the hunters are what was the explosion there I'm genuinely not sure what exploded there I'm genuinely not sure that was weird kind of want to rewatch that okay that's the entire group we'll be making our way down here uh since both the sport spear Wares are close together I might be I might attempt to take them both out at the same time uh actually I see I only have three grenades and since I use two on each might not be able to take them out right now I think I'll just take out this one first throw two grenades from pretty far distance and you're good to go you can also go to the Spore skewer as it usually has lots of samples around it but uh I'm not too worried about that not farming samples what happened there bu bomb came all the way back might be pretty good though only six kills that almost got me too I did not realize that oh boy did not realize that CL of bomb landed so close these flamethrower is pretty good at dealing with Hive guards in the sense that it like causes them to get stunned cuz when you're lighting them up on fire they kind of turtle up they pretty much give you a free kill um I think yeah I'm going to get here the uh mech suit and mess around I don't need it but I also don't want to get it at like a critical moment where it's kind of like oh I only won the run because I had the free mech suit so I'm just going to use it now cuz I I want to get a little bit of gam play on it as well get this big boy I'm also going to get the Spore with it since I'm out of grenad wonder if it takes two shots no that that that went down with the first shot only one shot to take down the sport spewer oh we got a big nest here I think I might want to take this on cuz why not that's called democracy get some Mech kills each [ __ ] many Rockets we have eight Rockets left seven bugs bug holes to go yeah I don't think this was worth it wasting my Mech pretty much just to close the heaviness but at this point sticking through it said we were going to do it so we might as well do it hello to this thing is so powerful I tried this on against the tomaton it's not as nearly as good against bugs it's quite something man against the tomaton you're just pretty much everybody's Target you just lose it pretty quickly if you're not careful all those rocket Devastators how you like the taste of freed oh man only one bug hole left how about a nice C of it's two bug holes left God damn it now I have no nades but I really want to take it down only one hole away just going to wait for this resupply here we'll get the grenades close this hole God dang it I hate Hive guards sometimes all right let me close this up what throwing grenad all right that's the heavy whoa this spawn how is that a thing no way bro they really got to fix that oh boy oh no that's why you don't use flamethrowers against Hunters as well re the team killing potential or the self killing potential is so high ready to liate got our stuff back here all right which objective am I going for next wait did we already finish all the side objectives I think I did we only have two objectives left here a couple of kills this charger out see we can get this other one actually I saw some Hunters creeping up so Hunters are always priority guys they have to be priority wow I really thought that charger was dead no way oh no way that's exactly why you make the Hunter's priority funny cuz I went against my own word yeah whenever you just make the wrong choices man it's just going to bite you in the ass always prior ize your Hunters boys always prioritize those Hunters little spawns of hell are so annoying so dangerous too trying to finish off this group so they don't kind of creep up behind me wow there is still a lot of them and they're calling for a bug breach have AE of democracy also some people were saying in the previous video they were asking how come does it look like my games have such little amount of bugs the answer to that is always kill the groups guys a lot of people the thing is they kind of leave the bugs alive like they kind of just run away from the bugs if you do that eventually it's going to come back and bite you in the ass because there's going to be such a large group of them roaming towards where your character is that's why you will often times find yourself in those situations where it feels like there's like a 100 bugs if you just kill the groups on site the bug breaches I mean I I personally like to do that I like to get rid of bug breaches on site get rid of this charger except uh patrols of course if there is a patrol just kind of that skill there's a patrol just kind of roaming around I'm not just going to attack it blindly but personally I like to play it pretty aggressively in the sense that I see a bug breach I'm going to get rid of it before I move away and that's why it constantly feels like my game uh looks like it has like less bugs because I'm just always clearing them as soon as they're in sight but something like this that you just saw those Hunters there that's a lurking Patrol I'm not going to engage Eng with that unless they come over and actually engage with me then I'm just going to go ahead and leave them alone these guys are in my way so I'm going to get rid of them yeah when I've seen a couple of game plays I see that people just kind of run away a lot and I totally understand that strategy and automaton games tomaton games you will 100% have to play like passive and like kind of stealthy I'm going to throw a cluster bomb there just in case see if it kills a bunch of them against the tomaton it makes a lot of sense for you to play really stealthy and not to engage that much but I feel like bugs is much more forgiven not that bugs are easy it's that automaton are just extremely hard you know as they have range and they have so much better utilities than the bugs you like the taste of Freedom feel like they're even kind of like a little bit overtuned a little bit another Hive yeah I am not going to bother with hives I feel like there's I've already seen like three heavy hies or heavy uh bug nests ahead and leave this one alone I took out that other one cuz it was kind of in the way and I had the mech equipped but I'm not going to be going for nests and in this game get this uranium um all right main objective is right up front so in this situation we got a group following us we don't want to just run into the objectives while these people are alive these bugs are alive we're going to want to get rid of them here or else my life is going to be dramatically harder you can see there's like 30 of them we're going to get him before it's too late B bomb's going to hit pretty hard these guys he got his summoning spell out Spell ability the cluster bomb Oh I almost got killed by a scavenger that's going to hit pretty hard as well okay almost all of them throw a 500 kilo here just to try to get a free kill there on that charger let's get rid of the survivors here all right I believe that's pretty much everybody let's call resupply got few more bugs in this objective should get rid of them so they don't call Bug breaches oh heard something getting flanked okay terminal's right here actually call the resupply on the other side cuz I thought the terminal not today make sure you can comfortably dive when using the flamethrower so you can put yourself out on fire like the taste of Freedom Light yourself on fire all you need to do is dive and it instantly goes away case he didn't know have a taste of democracy all the hunters out of ammo we'll do this little puzzle almost time to extract 12 minutes left resupply I threw it all the way back here thinking the terminal was here since I was going for since I'm going for extraction could have gone for more samples I just realized usually when I play on Hell diver difficulty I don't really care too much for samples oh that's a another one of those annoying spawns how you like they're going to call for reinforcement here for sure yep had been long enough that cluster bomb is going to hit like crazy though democracy throw another one yeah oh I actually the 500 Kil that was an accident is that a patrol that's coming to us PS are not stopping they're Relentless look at that there's another one ahead of us try to finish this up all right there's one more objective isn't there I thought this was the last one but there's one more okay that's the end of it now we're going to do the main objective good totally forgot that there's a third part to this one go ahead and Sprint all the way over there we finished all the side objectives and we're only one main objective away uh pretty far feel like the flamethrower has been quite strong been really enjoying it against the bugs it's not as nearly as strong as the rail gun was feel like it's only big use is either getting rid of Chargers or getting rid of uh groups that are completely grouped up the rail gun just had so many things it was uh strong at it was such a versatile option to get rid of any unit like Hive guards and Warriors and brick commanders with like pretty much one shot nowadays it's uh definitely need the flamethrower now it's the flamethrower turn might do an arthow hell diver difficulty play through somebody had uh requested it but generally speaking I do prefer the flamethrower kind of does what I wanted to do better which is kill Chargers Max empty okay breach going a bomb as well that bug went flying how' you like the taste of Freedom right this pretty solid fire the oh they're still coming another cluster bomb here will be pretty good throwing grenade that's called democracy back pedal and shoot back pedal and shoot that's the way to go boys fighting groups never go forward always go either to the sides or behind you just hope you don't really run into the the grou we're on our last life actually I did not realize I already died this many times what happens when you stop paying attention to the hunters pretty sure they've been my uh died five times right or four times I forget how many lives you actually get five five lives right I'm pretty sure I died two Hunters pretty much like four of them I had one self kill I had had a random explosion yeah hunters even though I pay extra attention to Hunters you need to P pay extra extra attention because these little suckers man they are pain in the ass all right where is this valve again oh it's here isn't it oh no no I got to right I got to do this little tank first where's the okay prompt all the resupply you already know I'm going to be getting attacked here real soon we should get ready got a group of hunters back there kind of seem to be standing still I think I might return to doing my uh 1,00 kill challenge soon with the flamethrower now that I'm getting quite comfortable with it quite comfortable with not having the rail gun get some get [Applause] some sick all right I got to lock the fuel hose right right [Music] right lot of waiting unlock the hose think there's a another another shuttle that comes through and that should be it and then we'll be going into extraction mode we'll be talking about how to effectively do that let me just finish with the shuttle there is a group creeping up things might get ugly here real soon come on shuttle B faster and the group's already caught up I think I'm going toage of the hunters first leave the charger for last [Applause] last all right screw that Hive guard man Dam dang it all right you know what [ __ ] it let's get rid of this charger oh boy always dive to the side Boys Don't dive backwards like I just did okay unlock the hose that it yeah that's it very nice all right we're going into extraction mode now got a little gr creeping up let me just get rid of this group all coming up those stairs so let me Focus fire kill them empty oh put myself off oh the hunter the hunter yep yep yep damn it all right uh I think I'm going to try to go no I was going to go through that bio Titan but I was going to land in the middle of them you know what this is risky I'm going to do it for democracy I'm going to kill all these freaking bugs and get my loot back just realized we didn't have that many didn't have that many bio Titans did we we only killed one or now this was the second one crazy cuz I I don't mind them that much as you can see oh boy oh [ __ ] no mistakes no mistakes too come on this Hunter we should be able okay here you go be able to get my loot back here where's Shield back there all right now these [ __ ] are going to go down burn them all all right oh boy another group yeah I don't think I want to oh man I don't want to fight these I think like deciding whether I'll fight them or bail now with the bug breach I think that calls it that calls it to bail we also got 2 minutes left not sure how long we have all right so we're going to go into extraction mode now so this is what you want to do right get rid of a couple Hunters here so there's less of a threat a cluster bomb as well to help my life a little bit what you'll want to do on Hell diver difficulty when you're playing solo is you don't want to call for the extraction should ideally wait until the time Runs Out entirely because what that will do is uh if you call for extraction it will force you to stay in the area which I don't agree with I wish the game would change that but when you call for extra you have to stay near the extraction Zone meaning you you'll get surrounded you'll get overwhelmed very very very easily destroy um I don't know if I'll throw this cluster bomb it's not letting me switch tried to switch weapons there but it wasn't letting me switch I wasted that closet bomb anyways democracy if you call for extraction you'll spawn a bunch of units and they'll be going for the extraction Zone and just overwhelming you and pretty much putting you in a horrible situation instead what I recommend is just let the time run out as I am doing here I'm going to try to get rid of this batt Titan as well kind of a dangerous move but I can still afford to die once more in the next 20 seconds but I think that will oh that missed yeah that missed that's not good let me see if I can hit him with the another 500 kilo before the game ends I don't have 500 kilos I only have CL of bombs all right um yeah so we'll just be running from this so we just let the time run out here uh and now I don't need to stay around the extraction Zone what I'm going to do is I'm just going to run oh we got two biot Titans now so it wouldn't have mattered that much if I killed this one what we're going to do now is we're going to pretty much just run away we got 3 minutes and 30 until the shuttle comes because there's the delayed stratem effect or else it would be 2 minutes which is a bit of a shame for us but uh we'll just be focusing on just getting really really far away here until the threat is gone this is going to be the easiest way to extract if you just stand around the extraction Zone I right now would have been forced to fight multiple biot Titans and you know I wasn't going to win that no way I was going to win that I only have 500 kilo bombs I can only kill a biot Titan every now and then can't kill him consistently calling for extractions is not going to be your friend if you want to oh wait pretty close but if you want to extract when you're playing solo especially in Hell diver difficulty you will want to wait you'll want to let the time run out at least until they they change that at least until Arrowhead makes it I don't know if they will make it but if they make it so that you can call the extraction Zone and actually not have to stay around it that would be a pretty good update otherwise yeah you're better off just doing this just running away also you'll need of course light armor for this I don't I don't know if you can effectively kite bio Titans and monster and bugs like that if you don't have light armor so I see some Hunters back there so right now we're just kind of playing the time a little bit we're not engaging we're going to try to minimize our risks and just show you guys how easy it actually is if you take no risks they'll have a whole minute and 40 so I don't quite want to run back to the extraction Zone yet because if I do as you can see the hunters are perfectly following me as if they know exactly where I am cuz they do right like when the game ends it's like the bugs just have a really good idea of where you are for some reason and they go straight to you so they'll always want to be on the move you see they're creeping up got about a minute I think I may be able to give it a Sprint back now they're grouping up what I'm going to do is I'm going to run east and then I'm going to drop down south towards the extraction Zone here I'm going to Sprint away from them and as you'll see pretty much minimal threat bringen away from them the long way round we want to of course try to estimate um the shuttle arrival got bug Nest here that's not good 15 seconds I think we're good to just Sprint back now I'm charging here to my left don't want to mess with them and that's pretty much it this is how you very easily extract on the hell diver difficulty as you can see no bugs around the extraction Zone it's just fre free extraction no threat see some Hunters there throw some grenades cuz [ __ ] them eat that and we're good that's how you usually extract on Hell diver difficulty that's how you do that pretty easily hopefully that was somewhat prevails more useful for you guys um went for a commentary uh gameplay there rather than a non- commentary so let me know in the comments section below if you prefer with commentary or without commentary for me really it does not matter I am truly fine with doing either one only3 Stars we did all objectives in the map bummer bummer bummer let's see how many kills we got here we got nine common samples 10 rare and six super rare totally forgot in the beginning of the game that I was going for an extraction or else I would have gone for more samples let's see how many kills that game turned out to be thank you guys very much for watching I appreciate you all being here just see the amount of kills and we will Hop Off 721 kills quite uh more kills than I thought but yeah thank you guys for watching I'll be catching you guys in the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 260,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: _Db_Ti6yN1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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