Helldivers Solo Difficulty 9 Guide - Easiest Helldivers Loadout

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all right how's it going guys there's been a lot of videos about soloing and Hell divers but I'm going to show you the easiest way to do it this load out is 100% doable for pretty much uh I won't say any skill level you still have to be okay to to do this but this is going to give you your best shot at completing some solo missions so so here I'm looking at our map I see we got a a lot of stuff over here I'm going to drop right here and just kind of try to hit both of those on my way over all right so for our load out our equipment first I'm using the level 50 armor but you can get the same effects on a lot of different armors uh the this is the uh one you get I think it's battle pass level four so that one helps quite a bit or you can also get it from the premium version of the game uh there is a another kind of armor this kind right here they all have the same effects so even though I'm using the level 50 armor there are other options and the main thing I like is the Democracy protects it gives you a 50% chance to not die when taking lethal damage and prevents damage from bleeding uh which actually comes in handy more than you might think I'm using the breaker shotgun I'm using impact grenades and I am using the p19 Redeemer all of these you get fairly early on the impact grenades maybe a bit later but you can actually use the regular grenades just as well okay so aside from that I didn't mean to close that screen aside from that we're going to go into the strategems we want the 500 kg bomb we want the eagle air strike we are going to want the grenade launcher and again like I said if you're playing a mission that's more stand your ground and fight instead of running the grenade launcher you want to use the Expendable anti-tank this patch because this thing one shots Chargers and just does a lot lot of damage now um they really made these super good so the other thing we're going to want to run is The Shield generator pack if you're very good you can run the jump pack the shield generator pack is the easier one to use so that's what I'm going to drop with the boosters now you can run hell pod space optimization and that's great or you can run stamina enhancement and that's also good too uh I'm going to use stamina enhancement just because I I run this solo and I know that I can stop by minor points of interest and I I won't have that much of an ammo problem the space optimization is a lot better when you're playing with a group uh I personally like the stamina when I'm running things solo all right for the drop I'm going to make sure I drop away from Bugs I see some down there into my uh I guess would be my Southeast the we're going to drop our stuff nice distance away from Bugs now when you open your tab menu you can see a few things you can actually look around and try to detect the radar station uh it will be a kind of like this but it'll have a small hole next to it uh I don't see one and I'm not going to spend too much time doing it I just kind of like to get an idea of where I'm at and if there's something nearby I can quickly hit like this no okay so now we're going to grab our stuff and we're just going to get a move on we're going to go and hit this first and then hit the bonus objective uh next to it afterwards it's okay to die a few times you do get five reinforces when you're running it solo um you know I'm not going to sit here and tell you I'm a deathless kind of player because that is very difficult to do uh I have done it before but most of the time I I usually end up dying at least a couple times to random stuff so a big thing about this uh especially on higher difficulties even when you're not running solo is you want to be sure that you're not taking fights with every single group of bugs you see you want to try to avoid patrols and avoid stuff like this as much as you can I'm just going to go around them they will wear down your resources and you're going to have bug breaches called on you the Le Le breaches you can force yourself into dealing with the better I think there might be a sport spear over here as well all right so the hunters they can see me from here I'm looking for the eggs they're going to start walking this way cuz they heard something I'm going to go around them at this point it's pretty inevitable that I'm about to get spotted but I just want to get as close to these eggs as possible with my grenade launcher we're actually just going to throw an eagle right in the middle over there and I'm just going to close that hole while I'm here here haveit of democracy so the grenade launcher is really good against these bile spewers and those guys add a lot of Randomness into your runs so don't be afraid to take a second to like clear them out a little bit I see Hunters on me so I'm actually just going to run back and deal with the hunters if I can't kite a little bit here like I said you're going to get bug breaches called on you it's pretty unavoidable uh again unless you're like one of those guys who does those death runs freedom forever but we're just going to kite and uh look for a good opportunity to go after the bugs make sure you're turning and killing Hunters as you're getting chased cuz those guys will do the absolute most damage to your run I'm going to use another Eagle strategems are very important that's called democracy I'm just going to kill that bile spewer so I can run through oh didn't mean to walk onto that used our first stem but that is a okay now we're going to go up here and it should be mostly clear for us to deal with the remainder of these little eggs here there we go that's our first objective done for this bonus objective we definitely have a Spore Speer over this way that one's really easy you just got to kill it but for this bonus objective the laboratory all you need to do to actually clear this objective is look for the building that has a little satellite on it I'll show you what that looks like here in a second it's not that one is actually that one right there so what I'm going to do is as I'm running by I'm going to drop a 500 kg bomb on it now I don't need to deal with hell bombs or any of that kind of stuff it's going to break my shield that's fine cuz that means my Shield's going to recharge there's the sport spe so we're going to clear that as well there it goes usually takes about One Clip at this range sometimes it'll take a clip and a half now we're heading south I'm going to use this rock cuz I hear something big uh behind me kind of samping around really need to get my stamina back and walk for a bit all right now I'm going to run use these really tall like termined rocks to actually get distance on bugs because they try to follow as directly behind you as they can and when they have a big hit box they'll get stuck on the rocks and it forces them to kind of move sideways in order to to get to you so you can use these to kind of alter their pathing and get a bunch of distance on them all right so I see two spots that might be the Super sample uh Rock I wasn't paying attention to the meteor storm so that looks like one and that looks like one right there so we're going to work our way over there I'm also just going to keep my eye out for ammo at these uh points of interest so there's ammo right there that little yellow box so on my way through here I'm going to go ahead and just grab some we also got lucky there's stems and grenades and all kinds of goodies here gra these samples over here too might as well is there another stim pack there's not okay we're going to keep moving don't be afraid to get hit by stuff when you have your Shield up cuz it's going to protect you it can even protect you from big explosions like the 500 kg I'm actually going to switch to this objective here go for it I got I'm going to remember those super sample rocks are like over that way but we're going move around the bile uh spewers there remember it's always best to just kind of avoid conflict until you absolutely need it uh I have one more Eagle air strike I want to make sure I use my Eagle bombs here so they can come back off cool down stop that guy from calling in a bug breach if I can they still called one that's fine how' you like the taste of Freedom okay so oh it's right there than it's always strange for me like the bug breaches will sometimes not be where the bugs called them uh but luckily it didn't spawn like a bile Titan or anything right in front of me as soon as I got up sometimes you get one shot from weird hit boxes all right so again using these rocks I'm going to kind of kite them away until the bug Brees is over I see a lot of hunters Hunters you want to make sure you're always dealing with when you have an opportunity to make sure you're paying attention on where you're running as well there's a hive over there I don't want to run into of democracy and get all these guys over here and I'm actually going to uh I'm going to call in my 500 kg just so my Eagles start coming back up off uh cool down so now I'm going to try run this way and I'm going to look to get close to this uh these eggs here cuz I should all be behind me which means there should be an opening here there's like one guy I'm going to just run past this one cuz he's armored and we use our grenade launcher just quickly clear these eggs all right that's another objective down now we're going to go after this one and I've only seen two uh bonus objectives and at this difficulty there are five of them it's interesting we're we're still deathless as of right now I mentioned that as a charger coming to me cuz this Loadout is not very good against Chargers the best thing to do against Chargers is what I said before where you're kiting close to these walls here and trying to mess with their pathing to the point where they lose track of you if they charge you and you're running close to a wall the good thing is that the charge will 100% hit the wall every time all right here we are we're closer to an objective now there's a charger right here I have no stamina he ran into the wall anyway that's good I don't think I can climb this I'm going to try just to see nope I can't always worth just seeing if you can parkour little things like that cuz parkour is a great way to get away from the bugs when you can actually do it it's pretty inconsistent as I'm sure you guys know but when you do get to use it it's really good clear these little acid guys the acid guys are really annoying cuz they slow you o okay back to kiing hell kers we're going to run around so we know one of the objectives is a stalker Nest now cuz we can obviously see stalkers so we're going to make sure we go and deal with that reload oh there's the bile Titan I've been waiting for we're going to throw a uh resupply very far away I'm going to try to move towards it in a not straight line I 500 kgs back I'm going to throw that there get him to start a spit animation run away very fast that should hit him that's the batt Titan dead I actually shoot this uh stalker here oh run to the resupply all right the bug breach is dead so I'm going to try to clear this out just a little bit cuz I do need to get back over there these stalkers are I know it's kind of the point of them but they're coming out of nowhere I use this I reload reload animation got bud out there oh this might be our first death here I want to make this a deathless rung so that' be very interesting but how' you like the taste of Freedom use our Eagles we can't clear that area just a little bit got to find this uh stalker Nest too I bet that's it right over there I'm actually going to make a detour and go for it this is where the jump pack it really exceeds uh The Shield generator by the way the shield generator is a bit of a crutch uh as you can see I would have died multiple times throughout this Mission so far had I not brought the shield generator but in this instance I can easily kite all these bugs around and then just jump pack away from them and I probably would have been able to clear the other objective and this one by now I only have a think two shots in this I'm going need to reload as soon as I'm done with this and that's got a beacon next to it so that's not a radar station so when you ping stuff at distance like that if it's an objective it'll actually Discover it on the map for your teammates and yourself into a patrol that's unfortunate all right by now we should have enough distance to where I can actually get close to this thing and uh pick out some of the eggs I don't know if I can climb that so I'm not going to try here's another Eagle here see this Elite has to kind of move around the Rock and it gets stuck on the eagle just little little things for using these big rocks always run alongside them uh impact grenades will onot the bers taste of freed so when I see one that that close to the objective I'll sometimes just use my impact grenades oh this a good I'm getting M Block that's called democracy I don't want to drop down here but if I don't it's probably going to kill me yeah it's definely going to kill me if I don't drop down here now I have a stalker on me oh y a man I knew I was going to die here that's okay so now I'm just going to drop uh on the other side of all those bugs or I'm not going to it's not going to let me that's not good really unfortunate spot to get dropped in there but I can uh probably take out a lot of these eggs okay I mean guess it could have been worse always practice your strategems or set macros I don't use macros I think it's a lot more fun to actually have to quickly input the strateg I think it's one of the charms of the game for me but I throw them far away so that by the time I run to their location they've actually dropped I don't have to spend a bunch of time dealing with bugs keep it moving all right now I got to find this other stalker Nest cuz there's definitely a second one I think it's in that direction I think it's West but as you can see we've now completed the mission um going to throw that out bar we've now completed the mission so if we get into a situation where you know we run out of reinforces doesn't matter cuz we' already passed look I actually threw that next to my other resupply I didn't even know we're just going to double up here and now we're moving on there's a b Titan bat there I think I can lose all those bugs I don't think I actually need to fight them I'm going to use this big rock here to get away from them and then we are heading towards hopefully this other stalker layer I don't know where it be maybe over this way usually the stalker layers don't overlap extremely hard sometimes they do let's see one two three four St okay we got one more secondary but I'm kind of tempted to just leave here I don't usually spend a ton of time running around looking for the last secondary unless I just see it um or I have like an idea of where it's at like the stalker layers it just kind of waste time um knocking out four is good enough for me I'm going to run this way I'm just going to head to the uh the drop ship got Hunters on me and a stalker hunters and stalkers you pretty much always have to turn around to shoot just because when they start when those guys start swarming you there's nothing you can do there's a lot of options against bile spewers and even bile Titans when they start like swarming you but the hunters and the uh uh the stalkers like you got to make sure you're managing them as you go I don't even think those bugs knew where I went they called a bug breach in and I don't think they have any idea of my direction yeah they're kind of moving like at an angle from me so usually they'll move straight towards your last known location so if I'm running this way and I see the bugs moving that way I know that they don't really know where I am they're just kind of heading in my last known Direction we're going to just run straight to the drop and uh be done with it someone in the comments going to point out like I missed the other secondary objective I probably have seen it at some point I just didn't spot it or something like that proed maybe I'll see it from like here wow that's a lot of bugs I don't see it right now for extractions you want to be very careful I also never grab the super samples extractions you want to be very careful cuz these can definitely uh be painful I'm going to hit it and then I'm just going to kind of move away from it and try to be sneaky here for as much of it as I possibly can a lot of time during it stretching you're going to have Patrol spawn and start moving towards it like those guys there just going to try to keep close enough to the extraction that it doesn't start AB boarding like that but I'm going to try to avoid conflict as much as I can this is a really unfortunate situation I'm in I think they know where I'm at too yep they know where I'm at we're going to circle around this way that b Titan is let all the other bugs know my location use Eagles SEC cleure that distance a little bit but just that little 20 seconds can be very uh very helpful here how you like the taste of Freedom oh we don't have another Eagle air strike use that and use a stem don't know if I'm actually going to hit that Titan or not I'm going to die here maybe not I'm definitely dead here that's unfortunate but think that Titan died cuz he's not moving he didn't die we're going to land on a tall Rock here is that still too far from the chel no it's not that on tall Rock so they can't get to me go care some of those B [Music] [Applause] spe now the bot Titan can 100% spit on top of or spit through solid rocks like this uh so you got to be very careful about that okay we have no more we have no more grenades I'm watching this bile Titan as soon as he comes over here I'm just going to drop in I'm going to move hurt my leggies that's okay now we're going to grab our sample container and our shield and we're going to get out of here run under the legs oh no he did the spit that was almost run ending or at least life ending there I was hoping he would not do the uh the spit animation and instead would do the melee but anyway as you can see I'm really not that good at this game there are people who are way better than me um I mean I'm I'm decent I'd like to say above average but I'm not some crazy player that can do this deathless we we definitely died twice there but uh that's it that's the level 9 difficulty we extracted with time got four objectives of the optional objective was done got our samples yeah that's it thanks for watching guys follow for more [Music] content
Channel: Highway
Views: 49,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 Gameplay, Helldivers 2 Guide, helldivers 2 loadout, Helldivers 2 Level 9
Id: TQuR4xTJDyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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