10 Tips For CADET Helldivers (Helldivers 2 Tips & Tricks)

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did you just reach a space cadet Rank and feel like you're a little bit lost or missing some crucial information or maybe your Admiral is disappointed in your performance on the battlefield if you feel like you checked at least one of those points then I have a few tips for newer hell divers 2 players that might help you rid these beautiful planets of bugs and robots and spread democracy way beyond our galaxy also I do not believe in spreading generic tips that should fit other players too the election is coming up even in the midst of War managed democracy Stands Strong anyway I wanted to make this video from my own experience because if I ran into something I didn't fully understand at first then there's definitely going to be other people who felt the same all right let's go so the first thing that you might have heard already is changing your WD keys for strategems to arrow keys to do that you go to options down to mouse and keyboard change bindings go down until you see strategy under it there will be four key bindings for up down left and right set those to your arrow keys and now you can run and call in strategems at the same time in highrisk situations this basically lets you to run and Gun it when there's like a million bug swarming you you don't need to stop moving keep running hold your control and just keep pressing your arrow keys I realize that a lot of people don't understand that you can wait for enemy patrols to pass by and prone behind rocks or trees by pressing Z to not get seen on the planets there are usually two types of enemies one's guarding the area and one's patrolling sadly I realized that I actually do not have the footage to Showcase this exact scenario but I hope you get the gist of it and if you're not attacking some kind of an objective and simply passing by you might want to be careful of those patrols especially on higher difficulties because there's little enemies that can call in reinforcements whenever you start shooting them so what you can do to avoid that is to lie down and wait for them to pass by you do not usually need to fight and if you suddenly start fighting well be prepared for a B drop or a bug breach this tip is about how many samples you can actually find in the the missions I feel kind of stupid for saying it but I only realized this about 20 or 30 hours in the game so if you've played for some time you know that when you press control you can see the whole map at the top right corner you can actually see how many samples there are scattered around the map to be honest this gives you a real good idea if you should look for more or you should just go straight for the extraction also I feel like I should mention it when you reach higher difficulties you will find this um well BEP shaped Rock which will have those super samples everyone's been creaming about of course they can only be found on higher difficulties like 7 8 and N but once you reach that keep that in mind one thing that you might want to start doing is calling in support weapons from the very beginning because one they have a cool down and two once you actually want to use them you will have to wait somewhere around 10 seconds to actually get them on the ground oh and trust me when you see five bile Titans in one place you will not want to wait for that rail gun okay I saw a lot of discussions going on around this topic but terminats are definitely easier to deal with than automatons terminats do not shoot back and have to get close to kill you for example if there is a bug breach you can always start running to the opposite direction and not look back because these bugs have to catch up to you but then of course then these [ __ ] Hunters automatons however will keep shooting you from even a mile away also if you didn't know automatons actually have tanks and huge cannons and some of their bases that will one-hot you so you might want to keep that in mind next time you're dropping so if you've been playing with those Eagle strategems that you can get at the console at your ship you might have noticed that there's actually an additional shaty which is called Eagle rearm used for reloading all of your Eagle strategems once reloaded you can use all of your Eagles again of course it takes time around two maybe 3 minutes so you might want to be clear of enemies when doing that but I hope it gives you the right idea of how it works in the the game there is actually only one single strategy which has limited uses and that is the orbital laser every single other strategy can be reused again and again for example the autoc Cannon as I just mentioned all Eagles any other orbital strategy or even sentries orbital laser is the only strategy that has three uses and that's it you're done so simply be mindful when using it so if you've already played a few missions you should have noticed that there's actually an additional optional objective called seaf artillery where you need to bring shells into the objective which you can actually use later on there are actually five types of shells that can be found around the objective area so the first one is high yield explosive which is red then there's Napal which is also red but just slightly different which actually works insanely well against the bugs then we have the static shell which is blue and the last two are smoke shell and mini nuke which both are yellow so just be mindful of which one you're picking up smoke shell actually actually works surprisingly well against automatons because once the smoke drops automatons cannot see you and therefore shoot you through the smoke and well mini nuke I think it speaks for itself the first one that you slot in will be the first one shot out when you use the strategy I didn't realize it the first time I played it but it's definitely going to be useful if you're not running a lot of heavy artillery of your own of course don't rely that there's going to be SCF artillery optional objective by bringing backpacks support guns and other stuff into the mission cuz you might not find it did you know that some support weapons can actually be reloaded by your teammates I believe there's around 10 support weapons in general but there's only three that can be reloaded by your teammates which is spear autoc Cannon and recoiless rifle once you call them in on one side of the Pod there will be a gun and on the other side there will be a backpack of course you can take them both but you can actually get the gun yourself and give the backpack to your friend what happens then is your friend gets a prompt to reload the weapon when he's near you which makes it way faster faster so if there's multiple enemies swarming you and you don't have time to reload and of course if your friend is not running any other backpack you can use this strategy to clear loads and loads and loads of enemies and the last one it's not really a tip but I feel like I should say it for the sake of the game don't be a meta slave have some fun play with what you want to play if you feel that you like a certain gun or strategy use it because they're all useful games like these are supposed to be for fun not to sweat your ass off by try Harding I already saw some people in the official hell divers Discord flaming the Developers for nerfing the rail gun and the backpack with the shield on it so try not to be one of those people who gets upset for getting their toy taken cuz look I get it some guns can be way more fun than others hell I've been playing breaker and rail gun since I got them but when developers decide to change something maybe it's time to try something new maybe find that Laser cannon which already started to grow some mold on it or maybe try the primary laser you know the pew pew thing on the last note I believe if you cannot change the course of action you can always change your reaction so just try out new things maybe you'll find your personal gem so these are the things that I myself actually found useful by playing the game so I really hope you will too and if there was at least one thing that you found useful hit that like button and subscribe for more content I will be making a video of more advanced sell divers 2 tips and tricks so you can stay tuned for that oh and by the way I stream on Twitch a few um days a week so come over and say hi I would really appreciate it you better be liberating those Planet soldiers
Channel: ultimateOG
Views: 13,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r4qqJjWRS4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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