The New Helldivers 2 Update is SO Much Worse Than We Thought...

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hey guys earlier today we released a video with our first impressions of the new hell ofs 2 update as usual there was solid discussion both ways in retrospect that initial footage I shared didn't quite capture the gravity of what's going on in the higher difficulty levels and I totally agree with those of you that said some of my examples didn't quite hit home I'm back now with footage that I can't actually believe myself I can't believe I just experienced this and I just want to share it with you I'm so glad I got to capture these moments on video it was my first ever termicide Mission I dropped in as a reinforcement for an SOS beacon in a public game at difficulty 8 and what followed was unlike anything I've ever experienced I loaded out with 500 kilo bombs recoiless rifle Mech and a Gatling Sentry to be ready for anything but honestly I don't think anything would have got me ready for what I experienced not knowing what this Mission type was about I landed and threw down my Gatling Sentry to Zone off an approaching Patrol and then promptly called Down The Recoil rifle to get ready for anything requesting Sentry calling down a support weapon calling down a sry it wasn't long before an approaching charger needed a head shot which I gladly obliged I will say I do really like this new one- shot headshot meta for charges it gives the at weapons Far More utility about 30 seconds after I dropped in the team had already dispatched three charges this was followed by the first B Titan of many oh God so many charger number four quickly took out my Gatling Sentry while getting microwave by an orbital laser the moment I finish reloading charger number five was already making his way in a well- aimed rocket to the face puts an end to [Music] that a finish loading to turn around only to see the team taking on B Titan number two the old 500 kilo bomb in team missile to the face combo two Taps I turn around mid reloading to see B Titan number three has spawned back where my Gatling Sentry was I throw my 500 kilo bomb and just as it deploys Titan number four emerges right where number three was the 500 kilos apparently small AOE doesn't get it so I shoot it with the old at Rocket to the face I aim for B Titan number four only to see that number three still isn't dead my teammate's amazing f kilo aiming skills embed the bomb inside the Titans carrus for a glorious finish now I've had my recall this rifle out for a minute and I'm already completely out of rockets and the B Titans are still coming luckily I find a supply pack brought down by my team earlier and my guy vaed automatically like a I start reloading to take out Titan number four not before I'm massacred by a hunter of course everyone's new favorite critical head shot fluff bunny re the team brings me back and I quickly realized the breaker incendiary has nowhere near the stopping power for the masses of chaff the game now spawns on you I then look up to see Titan number five making its way over the horizon I take it out with my recoil list only to realize that I'm going to need a lot more ammo if this is how it's going to be fire in the hole what I assume is Titan number four is still walking around I pull in a Gatling Sentry to cover myself and I'm forced to bring down the Patriot ring down a sentry Titan number four is Wrecking havoc on my team as I follow in the mech trying to position for a rocket or two to the face I turn around only to see number six in the distance requesting Advanced weapon heavy Norwest 50 m it takes five damned Rockets to take out number four but we finally did it I decided to leave number six alone hoping it doesn't pull aggro mind you at this point I have no idea what this Mission type is about so I'm just moving around trying to give my team some cover I go up the stairs only to see Titan number seven in the distance closing on my team and then of course number eight teaming up with it request approved reinforcements on the way in the distance we see number nine has spawned and is making its way over to using an eagle tagging Man heavy Northwest M heavy West close three rockets take out number seven while number eight does a nice little break dance after seeing its mate taken out I take a moment to ruminate on the fact that a ninth Titan is in the distance and I've been in this game for all of around 5 minutes Chargers spawn in all over the place but at this point they're the least of our worriors re in the distance I see Titan number 10 while to my left is what I presume is still number six I run out of rockets and think boy this is going to get properly interesting now do I stay in the mech and do light chaff cover for my team with HMG and let them deal with the Avalanche of Titans or do I get out and start throwing half ton bombs around I opt to do a bit of both ending in an eagle unleashing democracy what I assume is Titan number nine has made its way over to us I nail a sick 500 kilo bomb on number nine just as it melts me there were charges and breaches everywhere which at this point is barely a blip on my concern radar I look up to see Titans 11 and 12 in the distance coming toward us as a meteor one shots me I try to at least land my hell part on one of the Titans but the game doesn't let me I desperately try to find my recoiless rifle and pack because I know this onslaught of Heavies isn't going to stop I look up to see what I assume is number 12 in the distance as a charger Stars me down at this point I know I need ammo I need guns or it's all over my Mac is still on cool down for another 5 minutes but luckily my recess rifle can be called in again with a new ammo pack requesting Advanced weaponry an we lob two 500 kilo bombs onto number 12 and hope to kill it through sheer attrition it somehow doesn't work I look in the distance to see number 13 on its way over to us quick reprieve to take out a charger number 13 now making its way over to us as the orbital laser takes a vacation I shoot it in the face as it's being microwave waved which seems only mildly annoy it out of ammo again I look over to see the team taking on number 14 quick reprieve to take out the charger messing up my team calling in reinforcement I've lost count of the amount of charges we've taken out by this point but I think it's still less than the amount of B Titans by this point we're all out of ammo strategems on cool down and getting ravaged by endless chaff reinforcements the half a dozen Hive guards make me think it would have been better to load out with my precious Slugger for this requesting s my teammate experiences the rocket glitch and one shots himself in the mech he is very happy about this ma empty I take out charging number one bazillion as it's [Applause] zoned and of course over the hill comes B Titan number 15 good thing shooting it directly in the face does nothing neither does an air strike by my teammate with any luck my farm jilo will do the Jobe my 5 kilo does not do the job as B Titan number 16 comes around the silo I embed a glorious picturesque 500 kilo bomb directly in 15's head as number 16 massacr my team and of course number 17 soon follows its friend the Pelican pilot delivering my Mech does a stellar job on number 16 and we're left with only a single Titan to deal with it looks like my team dealt with number 17 as I was melting some chaff with the HMG breaches pop up everywhere as we attempt to dial in Solo number three again bear in mind at this point I still have no idea what the premise of this Mission type is so I'm just walking around trying to be mildly useful out of HMG ammo as I take on charger number one squillion and one reinfor have launched charges one squillion 2 and one Squan 3 promptly charge us one of them does a glorious pouette 9.5 out of 10 I'd say very graceful its corpse acts as a shield and of course we see Titan number 18 in the distance number 19 comes out of a breach next to me I unload my last two rockets into its face as its mouth is open but it doesn't seem to mind much I need a team reload sending in an eagle Max empty my glorious F jilo finishes the job we look up to see number 20 wrecking havoc on my team I throw a reinforcement hoping my teammate can act as my bomman number 20 request approved reinforcements on the way no such luck so I try with the resupply beacon resupply doesn't phase it too much now there's a Titan between me and the ammo I so desperately need to take out said Titan this is going to be interesting I hope my Sentry can pull aggro as I go around to flank it the Sentry lasts all of a second I set up to make my glorious Last Stand loading my recoil list as the Titan rolls back to spew and the host rage quits and the mission ends over 20 b Titans counting conservatively countless charges not to mention the endless ads given that the recent update specifically bumped up their spawn rate an update specifically set up to reduce the spawn rate of Heavies in difficulty 7 to 9 and this wasn't even the highest difficulty that you just saw I honestly don't know what to say that this footage wouldn't have already said for me if you believe that hell divers 2 is currently in a good state of balance then we're simply after drastically different things in our games I'm not going to tow the line of toxic positivity blowing hot air to tell you that every new update is is great and amazing just to get the community on side the problem with ideological possession and ingroup defense is that people will watch an entire video like this and contrive reasons like oh the team play wasn't good enough you guys could have fought them off if you worked together better or you missed that one bomb while being mobbed by dozens of ads so it's totally a skill issue or hey if you aim that recall Rifle right into the whites of the Titan's eye as it was moving across the battlefield 100 m away from you ganking your team you could have saved a rocket all of which are true to a degree do we really expect people to play at the level of sweaty Esports Professionals in public games the cope is endless and the evidence is right before your very eyes you just need to open them anyway My Hope Is that more people wake up to this we can revert hell divers 2 back to where it was on launch and then use that as a baseline to build from CU these constant balancing regressions are destroying the game make sure to subscribe to catch our feature of the new upcoming Cutting Edge war bond coming I think tomorrow see you then
Channel: Ermz Plays
Views: 420,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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