Helldivers 2 - NEW LAS-16 Sickle Rifle Is Insane (Solo Helldiver Difficulty)

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what is up Legends hell divers 2 as you may know has just released a war bond two days ago and yesterday I played a full game with the plasma shotgun on Hell diver difficulty but sadly I didn't quite think the shotgun was that great for termined play So today we're going to go ahead and test out the new heat-based laser assault rifle known as the SLE I'm not mistaken that's what it's called um so we're going on to Heath here which is currently the world that we're trying to take back it's something it's like a 95% or something like that we're almost done with it and it's a frozen world and in my experience Heath is actually one of the easier uh planets out there usually it's very open space and since it's super cold it's going to actually give us a little upper hand here so we're going to be going with the flamethrower um the last time when I did the plasma shotgun video yesterday I used the ark thrower and what ended up happening is I actually ended up using the arc thrower more than the shotgun since the shotgun wasn't that great I actually ended up using the arc thrower like 95% of the play through oh we're going to be bringing in here the flamethrower just so I'm less inclined to using it oh [ __ ] and I go ahead and spawn right in the middle of all of them it's great so I've already tested this assault rifle a few times and I'm feeling very optimistic about it I don't know what you guys think about it but uh I've been quite enjoying it myself got to call in here the shield generator pack but things are pretty ugly here oh [ __ ] okay shoot generators down I'm going to get the flamethrower but yeah as I expected going to get eliminated but uh that's quite all right we're going to be s him back here right towards the flamethrower got to pick this bad boy up uh can't reach the shield generator be too risky let me just go ahead and play this safe call oh [ __ ] okay that dude's a hill climber the great thing about Heath as well is these little blue plants on the floor and when they go over it they actually get and become such an easy target to get rid of and speaking of stuns as you may have noticed there I swapped out from the stun grenade into the impact grenade before we got into this game the stun grenades really really good but the problem is I've been facing a lot of bile spewers and I need as many grenades as I can get to democracy to handle these bile spearers down I'll say man I'm really enjoying this weapon for clearing out uh little swarms of little guys as well as Hunters dude you know personally my the biggest most important thing about a primary weapon for me is its ability to deal with Hunters this weapon is very capable of that just look this get some get some easy work boys easy work I'm digging it honestly I was kind of ready to diss on on this weapon as well just like I dissed on the plasma shotgun yesterday but this weapon is actually quite good it does not deserve any disc quite a good weapon quite a good choice uh go ahead as far as to say that I think this may be my favorite assault rifle in the game the B Spears are a pain in the ass to deal with if I had the arc thrower these little guys would be pretty dead but since I don't have it pretty much my only viable way of dealing with them is going to be grenades so it's going to be a very long game dealing with these bios Speers that is assuming I managed to pull this game off and this recording is not a way least finally got the shield generator pack here and let's go ahead and get started with the primary objective I actually intended on landing on the secondary objective but I accidentally landed right in the middle of the primary objective one thing I've also noticed about Heath I don't know about your guys' experience by the way the Raider station's very easily seen there um but on Heath I've noticed that units they're much more rare for some reason feel like there's way less enemies it's more Barren you know kind of easier I think for me what do you guys think about this but I think for me the hardest planets are usually the planets with like lots of trees and [ __ ] oh that went way too far like the planets with lots of trees are good in a way like you can much more easily run away from enemies cuz like as you kind of blend into the trees they actually lose sight of you much more easily than they do oh my God that almost got me much more easily than they do on a planet like Heath but um it's also harder to see them so when they're swarming your ass it's PR you to too dangerous pick up here as much samples as I can we will of course be attempting to extract should be easy work to extract on this planet although this planet can be a little bit hard to extract cuz usually I like to kind of circle around the map as the extraction is coming down but this map has lots of like water so it may be hard we'll see bug breach incoming it's time to put this bad boy to work let's see how it handles business say hello to democracy fantastic a dealing with little guys it struggles a little bit with taking off the brook Commander's head other than that really good I think the breaker just slightly outperforms it but this weapon is really good at doing the job that I needed to do which again clearing the uh Hunters I got distracted there uh oh [ __ ] s Liberty could it feels so weird not bringing in the uh ego air strike I'm such an elego air strike addict oh [ __ ] I'm okay I was so sure I was dead okay that charger ran into the stun that's pretty good oh crap got a large group here you know I didn't quite test when I used the Punisher plasma shotgun I didn't you I didn't get a uh a b spew Planet but I'm wondering oh [ __ ] God I hate bile Speers but I'm wondering is if it's going to be good against bile Speers since this kind of like explosive damage I wonder if it's going to oh [ __ ] I wonder if it's going to be great at like dealing with them or not since they're pretty weak to explosions makes me wonder if the plasma shotgun may like one hit them or something like that let me know in the comments section below if you've if you've used the plasma shotgun against BOS spewers got me wondering now cuz if it does if it like counters bios Speers entirely then that's that would be quite uh quite an interesting feature how' you like the taste of Freedom this thing beans dude Rico is so low see this is what I really like about this weapon that it does have a little bit of downsides but it has a lot of upsides so for the upsides this weapon's got minimal recoil it's got a [ __ ] ton of bullets it's heat based meaning you can essentially have infinite ammo oh it got super uranium there and the downsides is it's just it's got weak damage that's pretty much the only downside of it you know it couldn't be just great in every sense you know it couldn't have amazing ammo amazing recoil and amazing damage it would make that quite overpowered but this weapon's got a lot of upsides and not many downsides which is what I think it makes it so great unlike the plasma shotgun which I think has a lot of downsides and very little upsides got a low ammo count a lot of bullet drop off very slow bullet velocity this is going to be an easy kill boom nice okay and the only upside the plasma shotguns got is it's got a [ __ ] ton of stagger cuz even the damage isn't that great and I guess you could argue that it's got AOE damage so that's kind of a plus as well that's the thing it's kind of like a plus and a negative right like you can very easily kill yourself and kill your teammates yeah as of right now truly truly digging this sickle weapon whereas the plasma shotgun is a bit lackluster this is the crazy thing about Heath right like just look at the map we've got seven points of interest and the rest is all just baren very very empty map also makes it very easy the map being as wide open as this you know giving you perfect visibility as well it's going to make it even easier eth is pretty easy I'm hoping we can come together as a group to liberate it you know after finishing up all these uh termined planets I'm pretty sure they're going spoiler alert mute your video for for 30 seconds here but they're going to be releasing the flying units uh and I believe that will happen after the uh after we get through this terminate major order and I believe this uh sickle weapon will be amazing at dealing with these units because since they'll be flying um and this weapon having great recoil control is going to be fantastic at dealing with with them whereas the breaker might actually struggle cuz those little guys they're probably going to be hard to hit I change the subject now in case people don't want to hear the spoils spoiler got a damage charger here oh what what you can prone under a charger did you guys know that I did not know that yo new meta dude when a charger charges you just prone yo I got to test that out is that consist can you consistently do it yo I really got to test that out I did not know you could prone underneath a charger that's great warm clearing potential of this bad boy is fantastic look at this AE democracy that is that is crazy dude do take into account though that this is a heat based weapon so since I'm on Heath and it's a frozen map this weapon does shoot more bullets than it generally would but I have played with this assault rifle in other weapon or in other planets as well and still had a lot of ammo yeah it has more here but still really really good man well that's the other crazy thing about this weapon too right hold on let me stagger these Hive guards by the way you can you can light The Hive guard on fire and he will be staggered just like this and then he can run to his side and kill him that's the other great thing about this Weapon It's got uh like I was saying it's got amazing recoil amazing ammo count and it's heat based meaning you can have infinite ammo but another great thing about it is it reloads extremely fast so even if you do actually run out of bullets it reloads so fast brother it's great dude definitely my favorite assault rifle right now and honestly the more I'm going on here with this game play the more I'm actually digging it I don't think it outperforms the breaker cuz I think the breaker still will do a better job at dealing with Hunters which is my priority but it's still very very good we got a for be were here let's see how many Clips this is going to take to get rid of it oh [ __ ] Jesus so this is where it's lackluster right you see that damage just spent an entire clip and it did not take down two charges it only took one down okay one full Magazine still intact okay so a little bit over over one full Magazine on a frozen planet that's rid of the sport spewer guessing on a regular Planet that'll be about two magazines let's get rid here of the stalker layer I'm guessing it's the double stalker layer since there were two of them yep okay it is the double stalker layer and I have no grenades awkward let me call in this resupply oh [ __ ] I did not hear you spawning dude oh the resupply took one of them out I know you guys can't tell on your end but I constantly have this glitch where I'm coming down from a drop pod and I can't control my drop destroy does that happen to you guys too is that just me is that just some PC like what's going on yeah I definitely heard something there thought I was getting FL oh my God yeah like often times when I die I try to control my drop pod and it just like it will not go where I want it to go it just like has its own mind what is that bile Titan doing dude he's just chilling I'm like scared of this stalker I'm not going to lie to you there you are how are you still alive bro oh my God it's still alive going to hit him with the orbital rail Cannon live 500 kilo administered that 500 kilo was perfect should have maybe used it first by the way yeah 500 kilos were definitely ner definitely I've definitely made my mind up on it they definitely nerfed it against B Titans I don't know what what they did with it there is definitely a hidden nster got a massive group here let me back up time to put this bad boy to good use oh [ __ ] don't me what you wor say hello to democracy get some get some [ __ ] no I was kind of saving that hell pod for bile Titan oh man that only got five kills but figed I might might as well shoot it I don't think a bile Titan will be coming here I think I still have a 500 kilo in case one does how you like the taste of Freedom nice really good dude really really good how about a nice cup of Li definitely recommend you guys picking this weapon up definitely has my seal of approval oh wow that was going to kill me if I didn't have the shield throwing grenade definitely has my seal of approval this is quite a powerful weapon low on damage but otherwise everything else about it is great like no downsides only downside being the damage also before I forget I want to thank you guys for the 11,000 subscribers which we've just crossed yesterday we came into hell divers 2 I believe with uh 2,000 subscribers which were previously from ready or not we have gained a whopping 9,000 subscribers in Hell dver 2 so that is fantastic thank you guys very much the hunter clearing potential is quite good man quite good if this game had if this was one of those plans with pouncers and Hunters rather than BP I would have preferred that it would have been better toest test out this weapon even more this weapon would absolutely demolish that planet type I don't think any of these are hitting me have a taste of democracy say hello to democracy pretty much save all of my grenades to deal with the file Speers cuz we have no other means of dealing with them the flamethrower takes far too long shooting them takes even longer hit them with the rail Cannon theny kilo again you do a combo like this 500 kilo doesn't even really need to be that accurate even though that still was pretty accurate but it'll be enough to take him down I also could use here the rocket pods I forgot we have free rocket pods for today but totally forgot about it tip that I've mentioned in other videos and you guys definitely may know by now but when you are flamethrower using the flamethrower on a charger focus on one of its legs their heads were nerfed recently and they die fast from you know being shot in the head by a proper armor penetration weapon but the flamethrower still kills faster if you focus on the leg from my personal experience we got to go down again all right I keep get getting asked in the comment section why my game looks like why my character moves so fast um I figured I might as well answer it here Allin one because I mean I constantly go around answering these comments but um first of all use the Scout uh gear also equip the Scout helmet which also will increase your speed as far as I understand and on top of that I play on Max fov one cler which kind of causes your screen to warp a little bit which makes everything look faster from my understanding that is what's going on that's why it looks so so much faster comparing to somebody who plays let's say on PlayStation and they got I think they got a locked 45 FV right I don't know if PlayStation players can change the fov setting at all but um this is twice as much like literally I think the minimum is 45 which I think is what's default right I could be wrong and the max is 90 so that's twice as much which is definitely going to make the game feel a lot faster but really it's the same speed all the resupply there don't have a grenade to deal with these bios Speers so that's kind of [ __ ] uh couldn't pick a leg there oh no no couldn't pick a leg on them probably shooting his back leg switch to his front leg get some get some them down can empty damn it dudee flamethrower is so weak against B Speers I hate B spearers God damn it Patrol group here I was thinking of shooting them but think they spotted me anyways no they didn't now they will though that was not my doing let me get rid of these hunters and then onto the flamethrower we go to handle that charger let me see if I can bait the charger onto the blue plant here waiting for it to pop up there he is is he stuck bring him over here charges me down he's going to step on it I guess the bow Speer stepped on it but that should still stun lock the charger which it did to the that was quite close last reload I'm guessing this weapon is going to Fair quite well against U automatons as well I don't see why not seems very pinpoint accurate which is going to help a lot with hitting head shot against automatons this seems like a type of weapon that will work pretty well against both factions whereas the plasma shotgun my theory is that it's going to be good against going to be good against automatons but it's not going to be very good against uh terminat is that glitched or is it okay it was glitched but I think this weapon the cckl is going to be good against both factions got pinpoint accuracy so it's going to be great at hitting head shot and it's really good at him Hunters I think assault rifle lovers are going to to really really dig this one you haven't unlocked yet and you dig assault rifles you're going to really enjoy this one damn it oh I'm stuck am I stuck on right I believe we have one side objective to do thought there were supplies here guess not we have one more side objective to do we got the stalkers Nest right here stalker lay then we launch the ICBM and onto extracting we go quite a decent amount of samples as well 18 common 12 rare six super rare that's quite good going to be taking here the beach I'm not going to be messing with nests as I've said before I don't know if you guys knew this but I actually learned this a couple days ago from a Reddit post but the more nests you get rid of the more patrols there are the game makes patrols spawn more often if you've cleared a bunch of nests making the game harder and harder so just one tip for you to know on your hell diver difficulty games you're going around destroying nests odds are you're going to be getting a lot more patrols which is going to lead to a lot harder of a game oh [ __ ] I did I did not see this guy so generally speaking you want to play it safer just leave the nest alone don't mess with them even though that sounds kind of backwards right the more nests you do the more enemies there are that kind of makes no sense I feel like unpopular opinion but I feel like if you took out all the nests in the game as well as all objectives I feel like there shouldn't even really be enemies on the map anymore maybe that wouldn't work out but maybe that would cause some serious balancing issues but I I feel like it makes most sense right if you figure out everything they've got they shouldn't have infinite amount of units right I don't know anyways k them bug bries is pretty easy to deal with in this map since it's such an open F map how about a nice cup of Liberty use the assault rifle here a little bit haveit of democracy look how good this is is right how fast it reloads and it's already back God I love it I actually really love it these hve guards though they got to burn this is like the first weapon after the breaker that I actually enjoyed feel like every other weapon just like all right but this one's great dude's great a slugger is good too but it does shoot fairly slow so for for what I wanted to do which is deal with Hunters when I'm going up against the terminats feel like this is one of the only weapons that can actually compete with the breaker again I am on the heath world meaning I am able to shoot more shots per magazine but still how you like the taste of freedom I love the pinpoint accuracy of it that's my favorite aspect feel like can kind of play like a training okay quite easy after this we complete all objectives and we already completed all of the side objectives this is already the final one 2 five 7 5 3 okay all the hatches I cbms are quite easy missions in my opinion which is why by the way I prefer to play the terminate bug missions as you can tell the the combat is just not on the same level I'm probably going to end this game with like 500 600 kills but like the egg map you're guaranteed like 700 if you're pretty much taking on on every fight feel like most of the other missions do have less enemies the get some get some feel like ICBM is one of the easiest ones in the game generally speaking anyways I don't have any nades let me call a resupply did I call a resupply already you're stuck fre kill nice right the resupply have a case of democracy this is great get get up dude even the breaker couldn't do this dude I I totally forgot about the resupply I got distracted twice even the breaker couldn't handle handle them from this distance right here this is actually really good man oh [ __ ] love it E3 all right all right so we just got to wait for this a then there is another loading part and then the mission's done I wish this was either a bit faster or there was a little more to do a couple of enemies there I could probably leave them alone but you know I don't want to come on boy oh [ __ ] I'm stuck holy [ __ ] dude actually back up here I forgot the ICBM now actually does damage to you I don't know how close you have to be but you're stuck so I'm going to get you killed can empty you guys up [ __ ] them bugs look at that beauty of an explosion all right extracting we go we got lots of samples too this is looking good got one more rare nice going to start to slowly make our way back I'm not going to Sprint back or else I'll arrive a little bit too early if I arrive too early they'll just group up on the extraction Zone and I'll be pretty too screwed slowly make our way there killing any potential threats want them calling reinforcement got one more here oh [ __ ] he's calling reinforcement mother oh did he not call it oh that was delay we got a we got a group right in front of us we got to handle these guys first or else we [ __ ] and that's the whole group in one clip fantastic even the breaker can't do that dude that's all I'm going to say honestly got me wondering dude honestly got me wondering I think I still prefer the breaker though because of these brute commanders the breaker is like three shots to their head or whatever they're dead but with this it does take quite a bit fire in the look at what this can do get some get some a patrol spawn but in fact that thing that I was saying about the patrols spawning more often when you complete primary objectives they'll also spawn more often sending if you want to maximize or I guess minimize the amount of patrols don't do any nests and only do the primary objectives when the game is about to end or when you're really ready to extract I get it yeah that got it nice B Titan oh [ __ ] B Titans have not been an issue this game not much has been an issue this game the bile Speers have have actually been the worst thing throwing grenad got 2 minutes left for Prosperity going to try to fight these bug breaches back a little bit oh [ __ ] that was close have a taste of democracy gain my distance lowkey kind of scared of one of those mortars mortars mortars to actually just hit us right in the face here and one hit us I guess it can't one hit us since we have the shield but still scary as [ __ ] get some get some minute 20 and start making a way there in a second oh my god oh that's crazy I Speers Manesty oh no oh I'm dead I'm dead yet oh Jesus can empty oh no I'm out of bullets or out of fire I guess God damn it Charger go away leave me alone just want to extract my samples in peace yeah as you guys get to use this weapon let me know in the comments section what you think about it I'm actually really really surprised I did not expect that much oh you're just a last Straten did not expect it to be that great I've seen a lot of hate a lot of dissing on it a lot of negative opinions on it but I am genuinely enjoying this weapon I think it's great it it's underrated right now why are people demonstrating so much hate for it oh [ __ ] we're oh God damn it okay this is bad this is really really bad we got a minute and 30 and we're right next to the extraction Zone and I have nowhere to run if I run forward here I'm not going to be able to W make my way back because of the bio Titan yet the extraction Zone oh [ __ ] get the extraction zones like on the edge here as you can can see meaning I can't circle around it just run in circles until the time runs up oh God this is not looking good dude okay let's just hope that the little bugs are going to despawn oh no no he went into the extraction Zone I led them here oh freak oh this is not good this is really really not good so this is why you you want to be as far away from the extraction Zone as you possibly can afford to be or else this happens since I was so close and I kind of ran towards it I baited the other bugs into it and now they're inside of the extraction Zone dozens of them oh the odds of me actually making it back is very small dude of course we're going to still try okay so it's Landing let's make a run for it oh [ __ ] I'm actually nervous as [ __ ] holy [ __ ] there are so many bugs oh dude I don't think prep toart oh my God come on oh no oh [ __ ] come on come on come on oh no why did you spawn there if they could speak I know our heroes would not have us mourn their loss but rejoice in their victory there's no [ __ ] way that just happened that is the most devastating ending of a game I've ever had I had like [ __ ] 20 common samples like 15 rare [Music] samples oh my God anyways going to have to suck it up thank you guys for watching I hope you guys enjoyed that sad sad loss I'll catch you guys on the next one man definitely try this weapon out this weapon is great catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 88,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: k3oNUWrnUlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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