Helldivers 2 - I Unlocked and Tested EVERY New Weapon in the Cutting Edge Warbond

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hello everyone my name is swanie and for today's video I'm going to be going over all of the new weapons in the brand new Cutting Edge war bond that just released for hell divers 2 now I've unlocked and tested every new weapon that just released in today's new war bond and I'm going to go over each of the new weapons in detail give you a bit of a mini summary and go over my first impressions of each weapon this includes the las6 sickle the G23 stun grenade the SG 8p Punisher plasma shock gun the las7 dagger pistol and The RK 12 Blitzer shotgun now at any point if you guys enjoyed this video then please consider giving it a thumbs up because it helps me out in the algorithm and it's greatly appreciated and if you're new here consider hitting the Subscribe button that way you don't miss out on any future hell divers 2 videos now with that said let's go ahead and get right into it now the first weapon I want to talk about is the first one that you can unlock and it's the las6 sickle energy based weapon so first things first this weapon has no alternative firing modes it has one firing mode which is just full auto it has no flashlight which kind of sucks for those nighttime Maps but it does come with three different Zoom modes so for the weapon stats it says that it has light armor penetrating and it has heat it says it does 55 damage it has a fire limit of nine it has a recoil of two because it shoots lasers and it has a fire rate of 750 now after playing a handful of matches with this weapon I have to say that this is honestly probably my new favorite weapon in all of Hell divers 2 before today I was going with the sg8 Punisher shotgun I really love how they buffed it in the latest balancing update and I thought that the sg8 Punisher was just really powerful but now with the release of the las16 sickle I just absolutely love this weapon it does pretty great damage which means it has a pretty fast time to kill and since it's an energy weapon and it has heat if you pay attention to your ammo meter you can essentially have unlimited ammo as long as you don't overheat the weapon but if you do overheat the weapon you can reload it a total of six times which kind of segus me into the only negative that I have with the weapon and it's that this weapon overheats pretty quickly that's literally the only downside and they did that for balancing purposes honestly if this weapon could fire any longer without overheating it would probably be borderline overpowered so that's kind of how they balanced it you know it overheats pretty quickly but as long as you pay attention you can essentially have unlimited ammo now this weapon is super accurate because it shoots lasers so it's pretty good at Mid to long range and I got to mention that this weapon just sounds and looks really cool I mean you're shooting just straight up laser beams especially at the nighttime Maps when you're facing the robots and there's tons of red lasers coming at you and you're returning fire with the yellow lasers and it's just so cinematic and it looks super cool it makes me feel like I'm in Star Wars or something and this weapon does have a slight charge up time so like if enemies are straight up in your face you do have to hold in the trigger for about 1 second before it starts to fire so do keep in mind that if enemies are getting straight up in your face this isn't really the best weapon to deal with that kind of situation I'd say this weapon is designed for more like medium range but like I said this is one of my favorite weapons in all of Hell divers 2 now I really really enjoy it and I think you guys are going to as well so up next is the SG Punisher plasma shotgun now I'm going to be honest I thought that this weapon was pretty underwhelming now I played a number of different matches with this and I just wasn't very impressed now I'm sure someone out there in the community is going to make a video saying that this is like the best weapon in the game and maybe I'm just using it wrong but first impressions just picking it up and using it I wasn't really having much success with it compared to the las16 sickle I mean I was getting kills left and right with that thing but with this gun I was struggling a bit so first up this weapon has no flashlight it has no attachments it has no scopes and it has no way to change your fire rate then looking at the stats it says it has a damage of 100 a capacity of eight recoil of 110 and a fire rate of 80 and for the weapon traits it says that it has explosive damage now right away I'm going to tell you that the capacity of eight shots before you have to reload is really holding this weapon back because if enemies get close to you and they're rushing you and you're kind of panic firing you're going to run out of ammo constantly it just always feels like you're reloading this weapon so it's a plasma launching shotgun it's got to be good at something right I mean it looks really powerful based off the Traer it looked like it was doing a ton of damage and honestly I found that this works best when you're trying to shoot at like a small group of enemies maybe there's a bunch of robots that just got dropped off at a drop ship and they're all clustered up or there's a bunch of bugs that just came out of a hole in the ground and they're all clustered together you're going to get the most out of this weapon when you're shooting those large group of enemies cuz it does Splash damage and it has a bit of an AOE effect and it's going to hit multiple enemies at the same time so it really exceeds in that regard but when it comes to individual enemies this weapon really struggles because you only get eight shots and this weapon is very inaccurate I recommend that you don't aim directly at enemies try to shoot the ground in front of them cuz you want to take advantage of that Splash damage if you try to hit an enemy rushing at you directly I noticed that a lot of my shots were just straight up clipping through the enemies they would just phase right through so when you use this you're definitely going to want to aim at the feet which kind of brings up another big downside with this weapon and is that it's super easy to kill yourself if you're getting sworn Med and you're kind of in a panic and you just shoot the ground you are going to do a ton of Splash damage and it's very easy to kill yourself like as you can see here I had a personal shield and I was at full health and just one shot at the ground was enough to just instakill me and with it being this easy to kill yourself it's also extremely easy to kill your teammates so you're going to want to watch out for that so overall honestly this weapon kind of felt gimmicky like it's fun to just kind of lob plasma grenades at stuff and it's fun to take out groups of enemies but when compared to the previous weapon I just wasn't enjoying it as much and I think for this weapon to really shine it's going to have to have some sort of ammo capacity buff because you're definitely going to find yourself burning through those eight shots pretty quickly so next up let's talk about the las7 dagger pistol now the las7 dagger pistol is the First Energy based secondary weapon that's come to Hell divers 2 and honestly I thought this was a pretty good secondary weapon when we look at the stats it says it has 150 damage per second it has a fire Lim of five it has a recoil of one because shoots laser beams so there basically is no recoil it has light armor penetrating it can be used with one hand it shoots a beam and it has heat so that means that this secondary weapon can also potentially have unlimited ammo as long as you're paying attention and I got to say from the couple matches that I played just using this thing like I played an entire match literally only using this pistol and it was doing pretty good it has surprisingly long range because you know you're just shooting a laser beam so you can accurately hit targets at medium range and farther and since it's one-handed you can shoot this thing while you're on the run so if you're being chased by enemies you can just look behind you and shoot while you're trying to escape and the only downside that I really have with this weapon is that it doesn't do that much damage I found that this pistol would come close to overheating after pretty much every single kill I think that's kind of how they balanced it since it has long range and it can potentially have unlimited ammo the trade-off is that it just doesn't do that much Dam damage but overall I think it's a pretty solid secondary I don't have too many complaints with it I think out of all four of the options that we have in the game right now this is the one that I'm probably going to be sticking with so the las7 dagger pistol definitely has my seal of approval so up next I want to talk about the G23 stun grenade now this stun grenade definitely caught me off guard before it came out today I was thinking what's the point of a stun grenade we have impact grenades we have just regular grenades like why would I ever want to use a stun grenade and boy was I wrong because this stun grenade is great it's honestly probably one of my favorite grenades in the game now and I was having a blast with this grenade because it does such a great job at stun locking enemies let's say a drop ship lands or a bug hole appears and you're getting swarmed you can just throw a stun grenade it will stun all of the enemies in the area and that will give you either a couple of seconds to escape or to mow them all down and one thing that I really love about this stun grenade is that it can actually hold the bile tight and the Chargers in place I was able to kill a number of different bile Titans this way simply just throw one of these stun grenades at its face and it will stun lock the biot Titans for like 3 to 5 Seconds which is the perfect amount of time to get off a strategy to finish off the bot Titan I also found that the stun grenade works really well with teammates there was a couple of different times where I stunned a bile Titan and then pinged it and then called in a reinforcement and they were able to land directly onto the biot Titan because it was stunned and wasn't able to move so that was definitely pretty cool another thing that I really love about the stung grenade is that it can stop Chargers mid charge now it glitches out the animation and the charger basically just going to be running in place but it will stop them completely in their tracks there was a couple times where I just threw a stung grenade at a charger ran behind it and was able to unload in its weak spot the only thing I found that the stun grenade doesn't really work too well on is the automaton tanks there was a couple different times where I threw every single grenade I had had a tank and it just did absolutely nothing to it but the stun grenades worked on pretty much everything else so the stun grenade definitely has my seal of approval if there's large groups of enemies it will completely stop them all on their tracks I found a really good combo to do is to just throw a grenade and stun lock a big group of enemies and then call in one of those quick air strikes that can be done in like two to 3 seconds the stun lock air strike combo is really really powerful so just in the couple matches that I played using the stun grenades it saved my life a number of different times and honestly I really really enjoy it the only thing I don't like about the stun grenade is that when you have it equipped you're kind of sacrificing the ability to blow up like bug holes or factories or anything like that so if you're doing any of those types of missions I recommend not bringing the stun grenade and then the final weapon on our list is the ark 12 Blitzer shotgun and my first impressions of this weapon are pretty mixed so for starters there's no attachments at all there's no flashlight there's no different fire modes there's no zooms so that kind of sucks for the weapon stats there's no special traits at all and then for the damage it does a beefy 250 it has a capacity of unlimited which is pretty great it has a recoil of 60 and a fire rate of 30 so it definitely has a pretty slow fire rate but that brings me to the first thing that I really enjoy about the weapon and it's the fact that it has unlimited ammo having unlimited ammo is a pretty big deal in this game like I'm always constantly running out of ammo and I'm looking for ammo on the ground or I'm trying to call in resupply packages you don't have to worry about that with the ark2 Blitzer you can shoot as much as you want and you just never run out it just always recharges and you know that part of the weapon is really great you can shoot as much as you want you don't have to worry about reloading you don't have to worry about Ammo management none of that stuff so that is a huge Plus for this weapon and the second thing I really enjoy about this weapon is that this weapon is great I mean great at taking out small groups of bugs any enemy type other than a charger or a biot Titan will get absolutely wrecked by this weapon I was having so much fun facing the terid with this thing it is an easy 10 out of 10 when it comes to fighting the terminats it is awesome I was taking on entire swarms of the bugs just by myself I went like an entire match without even dying because of just how good this weapon was performing it was awesome so when it comes to killing the small bugs it is great now the downside is that when it comes to the bigger enemy types like the Chargers or the biot Titans it really really struggles I tried so hard just to kill one charger with this weapon and I couldn't do it I kept throwing stung grenades to hold the charger in place and then I'd run behind it and try to shoot it in the weak spot and it just was not doing enough damage I wasn't able to kill a single charger using this weapon same thing goes for the biot Titans I unloaded into the bile Titans and I wasn't able to do hardly anything I couldn't tell if I was doing any damage at all to the biot Titans to be honest uh so it just definitely struggles when it comes to the bigger enemy types and then another thing that I didn't enjoy about this weapon is that it struggles against the automatons you would think that a shotgun that shoots lightning would do really well against robots but surprisingly it struggles a lot of the robots like the Devastators the ones that have the Rockets or the shields it was doing like no damage at all to those guys same with the big Hulk robots or the tanks I was doing like nothing to those the only robots I was able to kill consistently with this weapon were the smaller ones like the ones with the sword arms or the basic ones that have like a rocket launcher the smaller weaker tier robots I was able to kill those but anything outside of that this weapon just really struggled with those and I think the reason that this weapon struggles so much is because you can't really aim at weak spots when you fire this weapon the lightning bolts just kind of go out and do their own thing like if you try to get a head shot for example it's pretty much impossible because the lightning bolts will just go wherever they want in any direction and because of that it's good at damaging multiple enemies at the same time if they're in a group but it's definitely going to struggle if you're trying to hit a specific body part on an enemy so overall with the ark 12 Blitzer I was kind of mixed it's both simultaneously one of the best weapons in the game and one of the worst weapons in the game it's it's really weird now there may be more to this weapon that I just haven't figured out yet like maybe it's good in combination with some of the strategems or something but based off of First Impressions just picking up this weapon and using using it for a couple different matches I honestly wasn't very impressed against the automatons but when it comes to the terid this is definitely going to be one of my go-to weapons so those are my first impressions for each of the brand new weapons that we just got for hell divers 2 let me know what you guys think of the weapons down in the comment section down below and if you enjoyed this video then please give it a thumbs up it's greatly appreciated and if you're new here consider hitting the Subscribe button that way you don't miss out on any future hell divers 2 videos and that is going to do it for me guys and I will talk to you all next time [Music]
Channel: SwanyPlaysGames
Views: 670,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 boss, helldivers 2 patch, helldivers 2 dlc, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 news update, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 patch notes, helldivers 2 patch 1.000.102, Helldivers 2 Nerfs, tips for playing helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay customization, helldivers 2 tips for beginners, helldivers 2 gameplay showcase, what's going on with helldivers 2
Id: 5ARuXMMx8V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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