The Most Overpowered Build in ALL of Baldur's Gate 3

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the Divine Smite sorcadin is one of the strongest builds in balers Gate 3 because of the extremely high damage output thanks to guaranteed critical strikes from a number of spells and conditions and very powerful spells and auras to complement it the build has great crowd control by casting control spells like hold person as a bonus action thanks to band of the Mystic scoundrel the build is also incredibly strong very early on and is perfect for a Tav thanks to the high Charisma and strength to get started choose half work Paladin at level one half work is by far the best race because the build is focused on guaranteeing critical hits with Smite half Orcs get a passive feature called Savage attacks which causes your Critical Hits to roll one of the damage dice in additional time and add it as extra damage to the critical hit what's crazy about this feature is that it also activates again on all other damage sources from that critical hit that includes it being added to things like Smite and F L shriek which means in this scenario you'd get three additional dice worth of damage added one for each damage Source we'll always have SM SM activating uncritical hits as a reaction for this bonus damage and don't worry about Overkill if an enemy would die without the need to Smite it won't cast also if you don't like how half Orcs look you can use disguise self and still keep these racial bonuses this can even make logical sense to change to gith Yankee if you want to use the silver sword of the astral plane for example and you'll get the bonuses from being a gith Yankee from The Sword and at the same time keep bonuses from being a half orc half Orcs also get a passive feature called Relentless endurance which causes them to regain one one hit point instead of being down when reaching zero hit points this can actually be very helpful if something unexpectedly terrible happens like falling off a glitched elevator and instead of losing your honor run your half orc ends up saving your honor run at level one make sure to select oath of Vengeance as your subass oath of Vengeance paladins get three amazing spells from their oath that are always prepared vow of enmity Misty step and hold person all three of these spells are great and we'll discuss them more when they're unlocked for your background I prefer soul Soldier for Proficiency in athletics and intimidation this helps a lot if this is your Tav and your dialogue character allowing you to intimidate your way through conversation for your ability points take everything out of dexterity and add them to Constitution and Charisma paladins gain Health points equal to 6 plus their constitution modifier per level so this will add up as you level it also helps with maintaining concentration which we'll want Charisma is really important too for both dialogue and Trader prices but your charisma modifier also increases the number of prepared spells you can have and makes Aura of protection much more powerful which grants your allies a bonus to saving throws equal to your charisma modifier at level two you'll unlock a fighting style choose great weapon fighting this allows you to roll when you roll a one or A2 on a damage die for an attack with a two-handed melee weapon this is especially powerful for a paladin because unlike in 5e added damage Dice from all damage sources get rolled such as F Alo shriek gith born psionic weapon hust gloves infernal touch Divine Smite or even damage coming from a dipped weapon are also all rerolled so this is perfect for our build for your prepared spells choose blast command searing Smite thunderous Smite and wrathful smite these smites can be used situationally against enemies with certain vulnerabilities at level three you'll unlock vow of enmity this class action gives you advantage on attack roles against the enemy you use it on for 10 turns however it is much more powerful if you instead use it on yourself this gives you advantage on all attack roles you make on all your attacks for 10 turns instead which is incredibly powerful especially since at level four our first feat we are choosing is going to be great weapon Master which will give us plus 10 damage to our two-handed weapon attacks at the cost of minus5 to our attack roles the minus five to our attack roles is made irrelevant from our vow of enmity granting advantage against all enemies and because of our crowd control spells like hold person which give you a guaranteed critical hit great weapon Master also gives us a bonus attack when we land a critical hit hit or kill a target with a melee weapon attack which we can use as a bonus action that turn since we're Critical Strike focused this is a perfect fit that will be utilizing frequently at level five you'll get yet another Power Spike from extra attack we can now make two attacks per action with our great weapon Master feat we will now be attacking three times per turn you also unlock two of your oath spells hold person and Misty step these are always prepared in our both great spells hold person can be used to guarantee critical strikes and Misty step can be used for getting to your enemy quickly I like to prepare Aid branding Spite and lesser restoration you can upcast aid for a powerful Health buff for your whole party which is great for keeping everyone alive and branding Smite is fantastic at stopping an enemy from going invisible like your gear lesser restoration can also be very helpful if blinded or if a teammate is paralyzed you can help them get their turn back at level six you'll finally unlock Aura of protection this Aura grants you and nearby allies a bonus to saving throws equal to your charisma modifier this is a bonus to all saving throws which is incredible to resist crowd control effects and other hostile spells and actions creatures will take against your party for example if you're hit by a fireball but you succeed the save you'll only take half the damage or if hit by Thunder Wave you won't be pushed back by the spell which could potentially save your life if you would have been pushed into a Chasm at level seven we're going to take our first level into sorcerer and the rest of our levels will also go into sorcerer as well for canant trips you'll want friends Firebolt and light friends is similar to two guidance and that we'll be using it a lot during dialogue but it gives you advantage on the rooll which is really helpful to make sure you succeed Firebolts can be used to activate resistance to fire which we'll get into when we talk about subass and light is important to activate bonus damage from callous glow ring for whoever in your part you might be using it for your spells you'll want to choose shield and sleep Shield can be used as a reaction to increase your armor class by five until your next turn it's incredibly powerful since you're only prompted to use it when you would otherwise get hit sleep is powerful as well because attacks against sleeping targets are automatically Critical Hits sleep is also an enchantment spell which means after you attack you can cast it as a bonus action thanks to band of the Mystic scoundrel for your subass you'll want to choose draconic bloodline and draconic ancestry gold this gives you a large number of benefits you'll gain draconic resilience hit points granting you plus one hit point for each sorcerer level and you'll also get access to disguise self in case you don't like how half orc looks or you want to unlock bonuses from gear you can do that now without needing the mask of the shape shifter from the digital Deluxe upgrade and you'll also unlock two more amazing bonuses once we get to level six for choosing draconic bloodline at level eight choose false life this necromancy spell can be upcast to Grant 27 temporary hit points for free by equipping the staff of cherished necromancy and slaying anything you'll get a condition called life Essence which you can activate to make your next necromancy spell not cost spell slots this can be repeated an infinite number of times essentially letting you reapply this this at will for free for your class passives take metamagic extended spell and twin spell twin spell is very powerful for doubling the effects of your spells this is great on something like Drake throat glaive to Grant two of your party members the bonus to attack rolls and Elemental damage or to Twin cast haste on yourself and an ally or even potentially using it to cast hold person on two enemies at level 9 you'll gain access to mirror image this spell is great for increasing your AC each image increases your AC by three and you create three when cast that's 9 AC you'll gain and the best part is that you can cast this as a bonus action after attacking thanks to band of the Mystic scoundrel for your class passive choose metamagic quick and spell Quicken spell can be used to cast hold person as a bonus action if you upcast hold person you can have it Target more than one enemy which lets you get two guaranteed critical strikes which will usually on-shot both of your targets that turn at level 10 we're going to pick up some utility choose Mage hand for your can trip and feather fall for your spell for your feet choose ability Improvement and put both points into Charisma we want to get our Charisma modifier as high as we can for our Aura and for our draconic ancestry subclass bonus that we get at level six sorcerer strength can be easily increased throughout the game from elixir of Hill giant strength or even better elixir of cloud giant strength at level 11 we can finally learn Fireball this spell will be our source of AOE damage which will become really strong next level also make sure to replace featherfall with haste and finally at level 12 we will unlock two powerful subclass features Elemental Affinity damage and resistance Elemental Affinity damage lets you add your charisma modifier to the damage of a spell you cast that is the type associated with your draconic ancestry since we chose fire our Fireball will be getting our Charisma modifier added to its damage which makes it monstrously powerful we'll also be able to activate Elemental Affinity resistance by casting Firebolt before combat at the cost of a sorcery point to gain resistance to fire damage and for our final spell choose counter spell this can be very useful to prevent a devastating spell from hitting your team and next up is how to guarantee critical strikes since this build doesn't try to increase Critical Strike chance at all and instead chooses to guarantee critical strikes it's important to know all your ways of getting a guaranteed Critical Strike attacking a sleeping Target guarantees a Critical Strike when made in melee range sleep can come from other party members from the spell sleep and can help a lot with the early game before you have access to hold person sleep can also come from drow poison which can be coded on your weapon or thrown by an ally or you can even cast an AOE sleep through Glyph of warding which is quite powerful attacking a paralyzed Target will also guarantee a critical hit paralyzation can come from crawler mucus which is a poison that you can coat your weapon with or throw hold monster will also guarantee a critical hit because the target is considered paralyzed and even ghouls you summon from dance maab have a chance to cause paralysis so it doesn't hurt to get that spell especially since with life Essence it doesn't cost a spell slot there's also a wild shaped form that can synergize with the oath of Vengeance Paladin the wolf wild shape has an action called exposing bite which causes the next attack against the target to be a critical hit which refreshes on short rest you can also get a guaranteed critical hit from Wild magic enchant weapons which causes All Creatures within a radius around the wild magic sorcerer to have their next attack be a Critical Strike this is going to be so Random though that it's not worth going after in my opinion there's also a ring called Killer's sweetheart which gives you a guaranteed critical hit after you kill a creature which can be used as a reaction once per long rest and you can find this at the end of the selfsame trial in The Gauntlet of sh and last you'll want the elth power luck of the far Realms it lets you turn a successful attack roll into a critical hit and ideally you're also going to want to get every single ithd power possible in order to get some amazing Co the week activations once your enemy has 27 HP even one damage can make their mind collapse from Co the weak and this can come from psionic backlash as they cast a spell your flesh melts are close if they hit you or infernal retribution dealing burning damage from Hell dusk armor when you succeed a saving throw which is actually quite common considering we'll have plus six to all saving throws from Aura of protection however you will want to prioritize getting luck of the far Elms first for the guaranteed Critical Strike before you go after other elith powers and next up is the best in slot gear for this build the best Helm for this build is the diadem of Arcane Synergy this ciret grants Arcane Synergy when you inflict a condition which causes your weapon attacks to deal additional damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier that's Charisma since we put so many points into Charisma this is perfect for us granting us a nearly Perpetual plus six damage to all of our attacks but it will vary depending on how much Charisma you have at the time and you can find this circlet on Ardent jarth in the inquisitor's chamber in cres yic the best cloak for this build is the flesh melters cloak this cloak deals 1 D4 acid damage whenever a creature deals melee damage to the wearer and while this might not seem incredible it's serves two important roles one it allows you to easily clear large groups of weak monsters who will melee attack you and then destroy themselves and then later on once you've acquired all your elith powers your cloak will instantly slay any creature that hits you in melee range with less than 26 HP thanks to co the weak cloak of protection is another fine pick since it grants plus one to saving throws and AC but I prefer the utility of an aura that deals damage anytime we get hit in melee range which can activate Co the weak and you can find the flesh melter cloak and a gilded chest in the house of healing morg and the best armor for this build is Hell dusk armor this armor grants infernal retribution when you succeed a saving throw the Caster receives burning for three turns which deals 1 D4 fire damage this 1 D4 fire damage can activate C the weak instantly slaying the enemy if they are below 26 HP when you have all your lith powers the armor also grants resistance to fire damage and you cannot be burned and you take three less damage from all sources and it also gives you the ability to fly so that's pretty cool it's an incredible armor and can be looted from Raphael and the House of Hope since that's pretty late into the game the adamantine splint armor is another great armor that you can get before you get husk and the best gloves for this build are the hell dusk gloves these gloves Grant a plus one bonus to spell attack rolles in spell save DC which is perfect since we're going to be casting hold person frequently it also grants infernal touch granting 1d6 bonus fire damage to weapon attacks this is an additional damage source and as such it will get rolled whenever we roll a one or a two thanks to great weapon fighting and on a critical hit will gain additional bonus damage thanks to Savage attacks the gloves also Grant plus one two strength saving throws and you can cast raay of fire which gets your charisma modifier added to the damage thanks to Elemental Affinity from your draconic ancestry you can get these gloves from harop in the House of Hope since that's also pretty late into the game you could get gloves of dexterity first From a Jack near jira in crush yic and the best boots for this build are the he dusk Boots These Boots Grant steadfast making you unable to be forcely moved by a fo spells or actions and you ignore the effects of difficult terrain you also gain infernal evasion when you fail a saving throw if that would ever happen you can use your reaction to succeed instead and when you succeed a saving throw the Caster starts burning for fire damage which can instantly kill them if they are low enough Health these boots also Grant hell crawler which lets you teleport to an area and deal 2 d8 fire damage where you land kind of like a misty step but angrier and more fiery the best amulet for this build is the Amulet of Greater Health this sets the wear's Constitution score to 23 and grants advantage on Constitution saving throws the additional hit points are great and more saving throws means more burning damage if another party member is using this amulet you can also go for the phas semblance amulet which gives advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws combine this with your plus six bonus to all saving throws and it will be very rare that you ever fail a saving throw this Amulet of Greater Health can be stolen from a pedestal in the archive of the House of Hope and the Amulet of face semblance can be earned as a reward for completing the quest Avenge the hag survivors in act three and the best ring for this build is the Killer's sweetheart this ring grants you a guaranteed Critical Strike as a reaction after you kill a creature you can activate this once per long rest this can be found after you complete the self-same trial in The Gauntlet of sh once this activates you can switch this ring out for strange conduit ring or you could just leave it equipped for your second ring you'll want band of the Mystic scoundrel this ring grants illusion quickening after hitting a creature with a weapon attack you can cast illusion or enchantment spells as a bonus action this is amazing for our build because we can swing once cast hold person as a bonus action and then get a guaranteed Critical Strike without the help of any party members you can also upcast hold person to Target more than one target but even better you can cast it on two Targets with metamagic twin spell at the small cost of two sorcery points and the best melee weapon for this build is balan's Giant Slayer on a hit with this weapon it deals double the damage from your strength modifier and grants advantage on attack rolls against large huge or gargantuan creatures you also gain a class action called giant form which gives you 1d6 additional damage and 27 temporary hit points along with advantage on strength checks and saving throws the temporary hit points fade after 10 turns so remember to reapply your free upcast and false life using your life Essence another weapon that is also incredibly strong with this build is the silver sword of the astral plane if you disguise yourself as a gith Yankee the blade grants you an additional 1 D4 psychic damage advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws and resistance to psychic damage along with cannot be Charmed if you like being a gith Yankee this is a great option otherwise the balin's Giant Slayer will deal the most damage from Giant Slayer and for your ranged weapon slot Gunter male is the best it grants a spell called Celestial haste which lasts for five turns and doesn't cause lethargic when it ends this is great since we can also twin cast it on two allies and if you ever accidentally cast another concentration spell after this you won't be instantly stunned from lethargic you can get Gunter male from the steel Watcher Titan in the steel watch Foundry before that another great ranged weapon is the dark fire shortbow which is almost as good it grants resistance to Fire and cold damage and lets you cast haste you can purchase the dark fire short B from Damon in last Light in in act two and that's the build it's one of the most powerful I've ever played and has a ton of synergy across the board if you enjoyed the video please give it a like And subscribe for more balers gay 3 videos thanks so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 202,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate iii, divine smite, sorcadin, paladin, sorcerer, oath of vengeance, oath, oathbreaker, half orc, hold person, vow of enmity, shield of devotion, fireball, hellcrawler, cull the weak, build, guide, honor mode, honor difficulty, savage attacks, misty step, paladin build, paladin guide, bg3 paladin, bless, command, searing smite, thunderous smite, shield, best, ultimate, great weapon master, great weapon fighting, extra attack
Id: RzX1qqR8y-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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