Baldur's Gate 3 - 5 Best GAME BREAKING Builds in Game - Honour Mode Class, Spell & Multiclass Guide!

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hello and welcome back once again to rage gaming and more Boulders Gate 3 I'm back for another round of potent and interesting builds to consider for your general gameplay but of course also on a mode I've made a couple videos like this now and the response has been pretty staggering so I just wanted to say I've appreciated the feedback so far the kind of responses so with that said let's just get started for the first build I wanted to give Moon Druid some love before I get into that I need to say that Druid is my least played Boulders gate class and in fact I've actually never played D and D with one in the party before which is partly why despite it being very strong right now I've never covered it even though it's been requested so if there's anything you want to add to this build or advise around it you can do so in the comments you might just help someone but I have researched and tried to put together what is the best concept for this I can why is it so strong now though well Mund Druid has had this major buff after patch five because Tavern brawler one of the single strongest Feats in the game now works for any wild shape not using a weapon therefore counting as unarmed damage outside of Honor mode this is particularly busted since it seems to apply twice on un armed attacks that have multiple damage instances such as certain DED attacks but it doesn't seem to work in on a mode specifically only applying to attack rolls in the harder mode there is a lot of discussion whether that's intended or not and if it isn't they might patch it and so this might even get stronger but with the damage not playing twice in honor mode what's going to be the best form for this concept that seems to be the Earth madon Tav brawler increases its damage by a surprising amount which means it'd be a good idea if you could to get weapon proficiency from a feat or multiclass and that's just the nature of moon Druid though it's quite hard to cover in detail there's so many options so many different ways you could run even this specific build I've also read that when you take on a new form as a druid you given new stats while in it for Earth meridon that this build centers around you'll have 18 strength 10 decks 17 Constitution and 18 AC while you're in that form but since this is centered around strength that's great for Tav brawler how do we level this then well there's a bunch of recommendations my favorite has been 11 levels into Moon Druid resulting in the all important level spell slot at the end however you can multiclass with you know other forecasters to achieve the same this idea will leave one level over for three popular options sorcerer using draconic bloodline for the Fantastic element resistance and concentration proficiency and also the really impactful armor of agath spell which is why we take white bloodline but you could also think about one level into war cleric getting you some bonus action attacks or we could use fighter so we can get the weapon proficiencies for the form but also defensive fighting style like I said there's a lot of options even in this specific build whatever you do you're going to want 10 levels in Druid as soon as possible there's going to be a lot of perks to that but one of the big ones is the fact that you have three attacks while in that form so it's very important at level 11 you'll resp work in sorcerer to then follow up with 10 levels of Druid again then you can have another level in Druid to finish it off or go for cleric or fighter like we talked about for your starting points though we'll start with 16 wisdom as your main stat for outter form gameplay you can take 15 Constitution since we're going to get plus one from Tav brawler 14 decks will help with the initiative the first feet you'll be taking is of course Tavern brawler and the second feet in the build you could either get your wisdom to 18 or go for alert instead in terms of spells while you're leveling I'd like to highlight the fact that Druid has incredible summon ability and so you definitely want to be using those upcasting a summoned Elemental right before fighting such as one of the strong meridon and being pre-buff with armor of agathis from the sorcerer bloodline these are smart routines to have before a fight even begins but some spells to pick up on the way while you're leveling I'd recommend flam sphere Spike growth for control and sleep storm leveling aside is time for us to talk gear though now awkwardly almost no Equipment Works in Wild shape leaving plenty of room for your other party members to use the good stuff but there are a couple useful things you could grab some medium armor and any AC increasing accessories you can find that could just be a shield or say the cloak of protection is a classic pick this is to protect you when you're not in your wild shape also the legendary Mace of course blood of left Ander is a nice thing to use generally because its passive provides that auto revive which can be very clutch now now outside of that you'll want the shape shifter hat longterm which provides an extra wild shape charge and also the shape shifter's Boon ring which is a one default bonus to all checks while shape-shifted or disguised there are some tricks you can do to get that in act one without an issue you know without killing the strange Ox so look that up but that's my best overview I can give for a quick take on a strong Moon Druid build that's going to work well in honor mode I hope that was enough detail to work and consider and then go forward from but remember check the comments on this video I'm sure there's going to be discussion around what is a very complicated topic like this kind of build but now let's move on to the next one a followup from last time where we talked about a super high damage Ranger build this one is instead the highest damage sorcerer build that Josh could make the build centers around the classically effective spell magic missiles which can be upcast to send out more and more missiles per use that being the core of your damage is awesome you're able to interrupt concentration using it very well and yes it was nerfed in patch four in terms of the build the spell m gloves only work with spells using attack rolls so it was wasn't meant to be helping magic Missile that would give a lot of extra damage in the build and now it doesn't work but it doesn't change the fact that this core class setup and the spell itself is still super strong and will do very well but what's the setup well it's mainly wizard 10 levels with one level into Sorcerer And then one level into cleric We Begin leveling with sorcerer though picking up Storm sorcery for the flight Mobility though you can also consider draconic bloodline for one of the good resistance picks make sure you pick up at least Shield to begin with and avoid grabbing magic missiles at the stage because you want the wizard version since we're going to be scaling with intelligence now in terms of starting stats we take 16 decks for the big initiative 16 intelligence as our main Wizard and also 14 Constitution and dump wisdom to make that happen if we're doing this from the ground up then it'll be a good idea now to go 10 levels into wizard for max power as soon as possible but once you hit Level 12 you respect to go cleric at level two and for that cleric we're going to be going light domain the five base pck taking this will give us Sanctuary which is absolutely fantastic you become un targetable or make an ally untargetable though you could also consider taking crate water here for the extra damage on thunder and lightning which will happen in this build the domain is going to provide warding flare though great survivability for yourself or others on top of your normal Shield spell but what about the 10 wizard levels well at this point we're going to get magic missiles on our first wizard level since they work with our main stat and then any utility you find use in once we get our subclass we're going to be taking evocation this will immediately give you sculpt spells which is nice normally but since we're using magic missiles it doesn't matter for us at level two you want to get Misty step and knock as some good utility picks at four you're going to get your feet what we put intelligence to 18 for the higher modifier at level five we get level three spells which is going to be obviously haste and counter spell and then at six you will get potent can trip as a passive which is nice if you ever use those but mainly you're going to be using magic missiles pushing on to level eight you'll get your next feat which is going to be dual wielder this is so we can increase the potency of our magic missiles as we'll talk about in the gear section finally though we reach level 10 wizard for our 10 and one one split giving us empowered evocation the main passive that adds our intelligence modifier to damage rolls with evocation spells so with that in mind you'll be casting your missiles upcasting them to send out loads of them eight total at a six level spell version and then you're adding tons of damage to each missile through the passive for the gear we can really push this obviously we'll have the two glow Rings the coruscation ring and the callous glow ring means each missile is going to be doing a little bit of extra radiant damage which is stacking up per each missile that hits ideally you'll be using the spell Crux amulet to gain an extra spell slot to maximize how many missiles you using but you only equip that to revive the spell slot that you've used otherwise using the psychic spark amulet for an extra Dart which is awesome now previously you'd be running the spell mik gloves but like I said patch for nerfed that so gloves of the blant Skies is the great alternative whenever we deal thunder lightning or radiant damage which we're going to be getting in the build will reverberate the enemies possibly knocking them prone and deal dealing even more Thunder damage for the Hat you'd like the Hat the sharp Caster helping prevent low rolls on your damaged eye very impactful per magic Missile Dart then we have the weapons of course you're going to want the king of staffs marah hesia the legendary weapon with Arcane battery and caresa favor on that you'd be using bolts of Doom to get the Lightning Charge whenever you deal spell damage giving you lots of procs of lightning but since you get that in act three you could go for the spell sparkler in Act One leading to a way to get early lightning damage in the build but like I said we're going to be using two weapons thanks to the duw wield defeat where of course we're going to be using the very strong sword fou this provides the class action Melody where we'll be using shriek all enemies affected by your aura of shriek will be taking an extra 1 D4 Thunder damage which happens per missile stacking up even more and that is basically the build in its concept even though the spell m gloves have been nerfed in patch four it's still super effective as a build and I think this updated version is still going to work really well in auto mode all right let's move on to something totally different the full control build of mixing Sorcerer And cleric to lock down every fight which could certainly be helpful awesome AOE Cc or intense specific CC for the most resistant of enemies control is really one of the best ways to reduce enemy damage by completely stopping it before it can even happen the build itself is simple level 11 Sorcerer And just one level into cleric the cleric is going to provide key spells like command and Sanctuary but we kick things off of course as a sorcerer and then grab cleric at level two putting the rest of the levels into sorcerer the build wants as much Charisma and wisdom as it can get though so will start with 17 Charisma and 16 wisdom and then 12 intelligence with strength being the dump start for the sorcerer subclass I go draconic bloodline for the survivability that provides there's the element resistance and extra Health as you level the sorcerer up later why is the common pick because it provides armor of agathis the extra survivability can be very helpful in terms of spells you definitely want the shield spell as an early survival option but then let's explain that follow-up cleric level we pick up knowledge domain with this Warden cleric level which is what's giving us that command spell command is used to control not just one enemy but many enemies at once what's incredible about it is the fact that it doesn't require concentration very important because a lot of the CC's we're picking up and choosing they do use concentration so command and a main concentration cc is how you do double in one turn regularly all right so in terms of the spells that we pick up on the way I'd recommend early you get whole person for meta magic we can get twined and extended twin lets us cast things like double haste or you know control multiple targets extend lets us increase how long conditions actually last but also quickened and heightened are going to be very helpful too at your first feet I would recommend you push wisdom to 18 for the next modifier and also in Act One definitely pick up Ethel's hair and get your charisma to 18 at the same time now other good spells I should mention will be hypnotic pattern which prevents enemy actions in AOE it's very good counter spell to stop anything deadly polymorph for the incredible hard CC on one dangerous Target much like banishment can be used for the second feat I'd recommend alert so you're always early in the turn order if not first so you're able to kind of start the fight by controlling the enemies before they can do anything later we can consider spells like dominate person hold monster and an offensive control tool which is telekinesis at level 12 total though you'll have your six level spell slot and I would strongly recommend you pick up the globe of invulnerability which is a real Lifesaver spell in terms of gear it is anything and everything that's going to provide spell save DC certain spells require enemies to make a saving throw like many of you control ones so having higher spell difficulty makes it hard to resist that we get a good amount of that from our base setup but there's a lot you get from items that you're going to want now ideally you'd have the hood of the weave the cloak of the weave and the robe of the weave which all give loads of spell save DC on top of the gauntlet of the Tyron for gloves and the staff of spell power or makah heska as well as the Amulet of The Devout for even more spell save DC now these are all amazing obviously but they're found in act three so earlier than that you can get Krick Shield the fist breaker Helm the proty Sparks wall and Mel's first staff as a few options on the way also you can get the ring of mental inhibition which is great for when an enemy fails one of those saving throws because it'll give them mental fatigue making follow-ups even harder for them to deal with so with this build you're all about that control AE or single Target I've given lots of different options for that and you're just there to buff and support the team reducing the incoming damage or entirely stopping it before it can even happen a very unique and yeah effective play style something a bit different for this kind of build list all right moving on to build number four though big damage and a pretty well-known one since it's brought up in the comments of these videos quite a few times this is the College of Swords Bard centered around the awesome early game bow Titan string Titan string deals extra damage equal to strength modifier which as many will know by now is very easy to maximize in this game you can get the hill giant club or just a reliable source of Hill giant strength Elixir all in act one to push your strength really high without ever spending a point on it so this is why we start with a Bard and start with good stats of 16 dexterity 16 Charisma and 14 Constitution I will say that there's a bunch of ways you can multiclass this setup but this is just the one that I'm suggesting so we start with Bard and push that pretty far to get power ASAP I like to start with the canri friends but be wary that it uses concentration and that can be a problem at the wrong time level two you'll have the insanely strong song of rest for that third short rest per long rest and also jack of all trades turning this already great party face into a top tier one at level three we of course get the subclass College of swords and then we have our incredible flourish attacks really bumping the power immediately so with a range play style like this you'll of course be using slashing flourish most of all of these options attacking targets twice per use it is so good at level four you get the feet which is C Sharpshooter to really help and we keep pushing The Bard at level five you get Bic Inspirations and you can grab Glyph of warding for seriously helpful element damage just pick whatever is going to be most relevant and then at level six you're going to get your extra attack and between that and slashing flourish you'll be attacking multiple times already then we start multiclassing leading into a quick three levels into robe for thief where we can get things like sneak attack for even more burst all you need is advantage or stealth which we'll be using a lot from our cunning actions outside of using slashing flourish Thief once you get it will give you fast hands meaning a second bonus action so at the end of every turn you can cunning hide making you a harder Target to deal with and also sneak attack obviously alternatively midf fight you could be using potions or Oils which is just handy at level 10 we can snag One More Level into Rogue for another feat where we can push our decks to 18 for more DPS and the last two levels can go straight into fighter this way we can get archery fighting style really helping with the negatives of Sharpshooter and after that we'll also get action surge meaning another action per short rest we have three of those in this build so you should be using it every fight with all that you have got great utility many attacks a turn high damage and pretty good survivable options gear is going to be pretty important though but what's oh so good about this build is most of it comes in Act One Titan string the main weapon is in The zentrum Hideout but I will say once you hit act three and you're ready to get G male you obviously want to get that cuz that's going to be self haste and other awesome perks for gloves you'll want the gloves of archery which gives you plus two range damage and we can also get say the adamantine scale chest in the Grim Forge you'd also want to consider a shield for some AC and maybe you'll be relying on the club of Hill giant strength to keep your strength high without elixers though the knife of the undermountain king can be a great pick lastly the cloak of protection will get you a little bit more a in Act 2 start and there's also killer sweetheart for some crit potential in late Act 2 in the end game though like I said you get gone to a male but other items that you want to consider would be the Helma baleron and the hell dust G for better survivability and you can upgrade your gloves to the legacy of the Masters that'll be another plus two two attack rolls very nice but yeah that's the build concept lots of damage great ability to look after itself with on a mode in mind there is a lot of ways you can run this type of build and I'm sure we'll be talking about it in the comments but this brings us now to our fifth and final build for the video this is the very unique one that Josh made the lightning Raven build the core concept here is playing within a cloud of Darkness while being immune to its effects yourself enemies are going to be disadvantaged while you have Advantage fighting within and ranged enemies can't actually attack whatever is in there the spell is basically very potent and Powerful a lot of people know about it but it also has a lot of restrictions the commitments that you have to make to even get it the concentration and so on this build avoids those restrictions by making use of an incredible summon you and your Raven teammate and since you can fight within that cloud a range play style works wonders firing out at those too scared to enter the crooks of this is then the Raven and level 11 Ranger unlocking companions hidden abilities as a Beast Master the hidden ability for the Raven is tied to its fly it creates Darkness for two turns by landing on a Target location you are spawning these clouds it allows for Darkness without committing to a multiclass to even have it or using concentration to apply it yourself which is absolutely mad every turn the Raven is flying around applying more and more consistently providing that Darkness without you having to do it yourself so here's the setup we start as a ranger picking whatever favorite enemy you like and whatever suitable Explorer perk the stats the matter will be 12 strength 16 dexterity 14 Constitution and 16 wisdom we dump int and Charisma to make that work at level two you get your fighting style which is of course going to be archery since we're using a bow at level three we get our subass of Beast Master where we then get our Rangers companion we'll Rely Upon Our companion through normal range gameplay on the way to getting this build going the Raven summon and its hidden abilities out the long-term plan but classic Ranger is still going to be great DPS and utility anyway at level four we have our first feet so we take two levels into decks to bring it up to 18 at level five you have extra attack the build gets pretty strong pretty quick at this point you also get companions bond which will buff your current companion nicely at level seven you get exceptional training and at level eight you get your last feet for the build pushing dexterity to 20 at level 9 we have a really big DPS Spike we have level three spells we get the very potent lightning Arrow the primary damage dealer for this build that only gets stronger once the multiclass by level 10 Ranger you'll have all three waste and Wanderers for your Explorer perks meaning lots of helpful element resist and then finally at level 11 Ranger this is where the build comes together we get beastial Fury giving your companion an extra attack which is nice but more importantly we get the hidden Inner Strength for the last level we multiclass into cleric though getting War domain that gives us the war priest passive it gives us lots of bonus attacks to work in giving us opportunities to finish off enemies faster in a fight also cleric is going to provide great utility like Sanctuary healing maybe bless or DPS boost but the most important is create water because we're going to double the damage of lightning Arrows by making sure enemies are wet first so that's the whole concept at its maximum and here's how you gear it there is one very important item the eversight ring making you immune to blinds it definitely going to want that before you have the Raven and you will cuz you get it in act two on the helm we have the mask of Soul perception ideally for the plus two bonus to attack roles as well as the initiative which is really important and perception checks also longterm you'll be using G male as the ideal bow it has self haste which is nuts without the downsides of a normal haste when you become lethargic and the incredible bolt of celestial light as one attack and the passive that gives you sort of guiding bolt effects now on the way to that you can happily use Titan string while making use of course of giant strength Elixir or the giant club for strength levels and if you want Max damage in the end game you definitely have mareski in the main hand using it for cesca's favor so you can get bolts of Doom meaning extra lightning damage on top of everything else especially when you're creating water on the way to that though you can much earlier get something like the knife of the under Mountain King as a good option in game you want the hell dust gloves which will provide you with extra five damage on your attacks but you could get earlier the flawed version or go for the gloves of archery the armor of agility is going to be your ideal chest for end game because it'll take you deck modifier and add that to your AC giving lots of survivability on the way to all of that though you can pick up say the cloak of protection and importantly the killer sweetheart ring from all crit potential but that's the cor of this Ranger build tons of attacks turn all from within a Darkness cloud of safety your Raven goes nuts moving around the battle attacking targets spreading Darkness constantly and you will be blasting targets with you high damage hits creating water and then popping people with those lightning shots or while maybe blessing yourself and allies if you got the free concentration it's honestly quite a simple play style just pretty unique and fun making the most of Darkness but that finally brings us to the end of the video another set of awesome builds certainly worth considering for autom mode or just decimating the other normal modes it's been good to finally cover some of the stuff that I've played a little myself such as yeah Moon Druid and Beast Master Ranger as always though if you have more information and suggestions for these builds you can drop it in the comments otherwise I just hope this was interesting or useful to you for now I've been Hollow you've been you thank you for watching and I'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 164,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 honour mode, honour mode, honour mode build, baldurs gate 3 honour mode build, honour mode best build, best build, baldurs gate 3 best build, best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, multiclass, multiclassing, sorcerer, paladin, wizard, warlock, guide, multiclass guide, multiclassing guide, feats, best class, build guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, best, subclasses, class, multiclass build, level 12, subclass, highest damage, ranger, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: WINCeVCh-t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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