Netflix Should be Cancelled...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and ladies and gentlemen we truly live in a society let me just put that one out there now if you've been around the internet yesterday you would know that netflix has now been getting canceled and ladies and gentlemen i'm not a proponent of cancel culture but in this case netflix may have went a bit too far now if you don't know the big outrage right now if you don't understand what's going on netflix decided to release a trailer and announce this new movie called cuties which is a movie about get this i get in fact you know what just stop just stop we're going to read the original netflix log line okay because i i i don't think i can just come across at you okay we're going to get it straight from the from the from the netflix's mouth now i'm going to censor the poster here because the poster is actually for those of you don't know a bunch of 11 year old girls yes 11 year old girl actors apparently at least the lead as far as i know uh dressed up in in in pretty much nothing booty shorts everything you could call i'm actually gonna censor it netflix didn't do it but i'm gonna do it now you can see that it's a tvma production meaning that it's uh it's it's it's it's for the grown-ups it's an hour 36 minutes and it's coming september 9th amy 11 becomes fascinated with a twerking dance crew yes twerking the sensual sexualized dance right again the age 11 added up hoping to join them she starts to explore her femininity defying her family's traditions who now i don't know how you can really uh really really kind of justify it it definitely comes across very creepy in fact it's it's to the point where even netflix agreed that it was really really weird which is why get this they changed it they actually changed the poster originally to something that wasn't showing 11 year olds dressed scantily clad and they change it to 11 year old amy starts to rebel against her conservative family's tradition when she becomes fascinated with a free spirited dance crew so yeah you can kind of understand the the weird almost illegal romp that we're headed into so it's great that netflix actually just apologized to this whole thing too like they admitted that it was wrong where they said we're deeply sorry for the inappropriate artwork that we used it was not okay nor was it representative of this french film that won an award at sundance and then they updated the pictures and description i like the fact that they said won an award at sundance like that's some scientific barometer for what is a great movie or not but you know they did technically apologize on it but regardless of that who the hell even okayed the original poster and description in the first place like the marketing team absolutely shot the movie down before it even had a chance to try and run in the first place like what the actual hell now ladies and gentlemen i made a video a while ago not a while ago not too long ago where i talked about the map menace on twitter and everything and quite honestly i'm one of those people that is totally against normalization of people who are obviously pedophiles let's be real about it and whenever you get media like this no doubt in my mind is it there to somewhat help normalize this [ __ ] nonsense i mean quite honestly pedophilia should not be a normalized you know thing it really shouldn't be you know most people are against it now this movie i watched the trailer of it one minute 30 seconds which is currently sitting at about 5 000 likes to like 38 000 dislikes i mean it's getting a lot of [ __ ] hate to the point where like it's hitting the netflix reddit boards it's hidden everywhere like this is a this is a pretty pretty disliked situation people are unanimously getting on board and saying maybe sexualizing minors isn't okay i mean that's just not so i watched the trailer of it and quite honestly the trailer did not help the situation much the trailer is about this woman this this little girl 11 year old named amy who's basically growing up in this like uh traditional muslim household where she is suppressed you know or her her her femininity i guess you could say she comes across a bunch of girls who are part of this like twerking dance club and i guess they're they're they're into the social medias they're sure they're sharing themselves on the good old tick tocks and uh you know it is definitely it is definitely sexualized for sure i mean let's be real here let's let's do [ __ ] basic mathematics 11 year old plus twerking uh yeah that come on now what the [ __ ] people jesus christ there's nothing to argue here it's [ __ ] weird all right let's get down with it now now to understand okay this is a 2020 french movie and there's a big misconception right now where uh in people are assuming this is a netflix original like netflix themselves produced this [ __ ] movie uh actually no it's a movie that was i think it premiered as sundance and we'll get into all that real quick so this is a french coming of age comedy drama film and it's uh written by a senegalese french woman who basically she's sharing some of her personal experiences and if you can see real quickly it actually speaks about hypersexualization of pre-adolescent girls right internet culture and all that stuff now this is a very important topic and it's something that definitely can be talked about i mean let's not deny the fact that social media and children kids are growing up way too fast and and they're and they're growing up in situations where they're posting their entire lives on social media so let's not pretend that this isn't some kind of an issue however the way that netflix marketed it is [ __ ] stupid it it definitely shot this purpose down i mean if your entire goal was anti-sex hyper-sexualization of children well the way that netflix marketed this entire movie by hyper-sexualizing young children is [ __ ] wrong i mean ladies and gentlemen is not a cutesy scenario this is this is not something that should be normalized this is not something that you can this is this is not okay all right so again it's pretty goddamn hypocritical if you're against the hypersexualization of young girls that you partner with a company that decides to do just [ __ ] that in its promotional materials netflix did not help in any case now i actually went by and looked at this uh director's like uh interview and this is a french interview that was google translated so if there are some inaccuracies bear with me okay i'm not a french native speaker i mean i can get by but i mean let's be real here okay i'm more of a metadata indian if you wanted to know that okay anyways let's get down into it so uh one of the interviewers asked you also tackle hypersexualization of preteens another subject that we see very little in french cinema i think you actually see this very little in most legal cinema it's it's not something that people really get down with and she responded i don't think these are disturbing subjects but it's true that this particular age is not covered much wonder why these subjects are above all very representative of what is happening in reality and are perhaps difficult to admit then doing a preteen cast means taking the risk and seeing them transform three months later given that they're in a pretty big growth phase now i'm gonna chalk this up to google translate but it seems like some weird [ __ ] experimentation going on and i don't know if i'm cool with it but again let's just dial back to what i said earlier okay it's pretty goddamn hypocritical of you to be anti against this which is a very novel you know point to take by doing the exact thing that you're kind of against i mean i get that it's a touchy subject but the way that you're presenting it just isn't [ __ ] okay can we say that this is a film that denounces this is a deeply feminist film it was important to me to find the perfect angle to talk about my heroine amy was torn between two role models one on the on the one hand that of her mother who undergoes a certain form of oppression and one that she will seek outside though this group of girlfriends which is for her a form of liberation questions the place of women in society and the tools we give to our young girls to build themselves with this film i question the notion of choice when you are a woman so she's obviously talking about you know the it's it i believe the actual film is probably [ __ ] way more nuanced than the actual advertising let it go off as but let me just tell you right now first impressions are everything and netflix [ __ ] shot your ass in the dark now i get that this is a coming-of-age story and the actual movie may be way more [ __ ] nuanced because the reviews for this movie have apparently been [ __ ] stellar and people are saying that it's a very like i guess artistic and like nuanced look at the situation but again may i remind you the netflix marketing really really [ __ ] threw you down i mean if you go to their official trailer real quick and you just go down you can actually see they [ __ ] kept the original [ __ ] up that they backpedaled on so if you look in the description and you know just real quickly i'll show you right now refresh this entire page and we'll go all the way down all right show more amy 11 years old tries to escape family dysfunction by joining a free-spirited dance clique named cuties as they build their self-confidence through dance and then you look at amy 11 becomes fascinated with a twerking dance crew hoping to join them she starts to bro they literally kept the original [ __ ] up in there netflix does not care about this i mean jesus christ you know you might say that people are getting way too outraged and the pitchforks are already out but again if your movie is more nuanced by this the first impression that you first laid out onto people is is is the worst one you can possibly put even if this movie is nuanced people who will actually watch this to give it its fair shake so to speak are going to walk into this with with like with like these preconceptions okay they're gonna they're gonna walk into this expecting the goddamn worst all right so even if you try to convince people of a nuanced take congratulations you have [ __ ] up with what you started and i want to assume that this may have been intentional to an extent because what better marketing than that of controversy it's a very fine line that you work on and maybe someone in netflix thought that this was the case understand this even if netflix didn't make this movie there was somebody at [ __ ] marketing for netflix a group of people who probably looked at this and i guarantee you when that when that when that like twerking dance crew line was written there was somebody that you know had a little scratch on the back of their neck that said maybe this is a bad idea someone greenlit this and that person from a [ __ ] pr perspective from a marketing perspective should not have a job at netflix and that's not outrage speaking that's common [ __ ] sense the other thing that this movie kind of gets me a little bit on is even if it's a nuanced take they're trying to paint it as if being traditional and like having these religious values is somewhat and it's somewhat the bad thing to have all right at least from how this trailer is portrayed because obviously the mom that that is supposed to be a role model actually slaps her daughter and like [ __ ] chastises her for being a part of this when let me tell you it's not about being a conservative it's not about having a traditional value system it's not even about being muslim in this case all right literally every culture you go to every place you go to every parent you talk to because i have a lot of friends and family that are now parents they have young children and i talk to them about this it doesn't matter what culture what race what religion what background you come from no one gets down with watching 11 year olds [ __ ] sexualize in this manner it's not [ __ ] okay all right and and the fact that there are people that defend this by giving me [ __ ] like let's just go over the defense squad real quick because that that's one you have to talk about real fast too there's this one response where it's like where's the same outrage with toddlers and tiaras or dance moms it's literally the same but y'all call for boycotting when it's a film starring a black girl as the lead role and was created by a french african woman okay first of all all right this whole [ __ ] notion that hey this is a female director you know person of color all that nonsense you're using these [ __ ] what about isms all right nobody is okay with nobody is even okay with toddlers and tiaras or dance moms people find that [ __ ] [ __ ] creepy if you watch child beauty pageants you're probably [ __ ] doing something illegal with your free time let me tell you yes i know that's a big stretch to make but is it really i mean if people are outraged by this do not expect that people [ __ ] aren't outraged by these toddlers and tiaras i still find that [ __ ] [ __ ] creepy most people i talk to find that creepy and if you ever find if i find somebody who genuinely watches that i'm probably going to question what kind of a [ __ ] person they are and why they're watching that in the first place when they have so many things to do and i'm also going to question the parents who let their children [ __ ] get into that world anyways or or better yet the ones who force their kids into that nonsense anyways yes nobody likes that this what aboutism doesn't actually [ __ ] work in your favor nobody's okay with that and nobody's okay with this either the other notion that i hear too are people like oh this is a french movie it's normal over there no not really because even on the french side of the internet even on french twitter french reddit [ __ ] i've been to france i know what french people are like too from my experiences and guess what they're not even [ __ ] okay with this [ __ ] either nobody is all right so again it doesn't the the arguments don't make any sense they hold no validity now a lot of people are saying that this is [ __ ] art or something like that right where somebody's like you don't have to like something or even think it's effective to be art bad art is still our listen i'm not going to get into the is this artistic debate i'm just going to tell you right now sexualizing minors is just not [ __ ] okay it's just not what you want to do this is not the hill you want to [ __ ] die on okay and you know what even if this movie again like i said earlier is more nuanced the marketing clearly doesn't [ __ ] help that favor at all the one the trailers are usually supposed to hook you trailers are kind of like a mishmash of the best pieces of the movie to hook you in that trailer that they cut together did not hook me in it [ __ ] weirded me out okay and that's not a good impression a movie can leave on you now here's another one where like people fell for this massive [ __ ] troll bait so on imdb people who again haven't really watched this movie are throwing in like really revolting disgusting and this person over here who like [ __ ] outraged i've been seeing this comment float around where some dudes like amazing actress also sexy i hope they make man it feels [ __ ] disgusting saying that i hope they make more but don't wait too long don't want them to be too old for the roles uh i want to chalk that up to a [ __ ] oh god oh [ __ ] that actually is disgusting dude i feel like my body is rejecting my soul as i say that but you know what that's obviously a troll i'm pretty sure and people are getting baited by it on the off chance that isn't a troll i've already you know sent the fbi whatever cyber tip they [ __ ] needed so you know it is what it is but ladies and gentlemen i just wanted to talk about this because it's [ __ ] weird and i i i don't think it's okay you know i'm not one of those like prudish type of individuals i can kind of see the value in most things but there's a line that i have and the line is when you start sexualizing a [ __ ] minor in what is obviously something that they probably should meet i mean the fact that the the girls that are portraying their roles in here actually match the 11 year old st which is way too [ __ ] young by the way let me just put it out there the fact that they match it the fact that they're dressed up this way for the movie creeps me out too all right it just shouldn't happen this way and i get they're trying to make some weird provocative piece and they're gonna make you think when you watch this movie but the way that it's shot man i mean the way that it was marketed also scares the [ __ ] out of me they had to have known what they were doing you're calling this thing cuties the original poster where they're all dressed in pretty much nothing and then you're gonna give me a line where they join a twerking crew like there's nobody that can tell me twerking is this like crazy dance style bro the last time i've ever seen twerking is at strip clubs okay and if that [ __ ] isn't sexual i don't know what is dog but anyways though ladies and gentlemen uh i'm probably gonna cancel my netflix subscription not because i'm like super duper outraged but because netflix has not produced anything good in the last 60 days so i've literally been paying them for no reason so yeah after this video is done i'm gonna go to my account i'm gonna cancel that subscription and [ __ ] if they make another season of the ozarks or narcos mexico then maybe i'll sign back on but as for now uh [ __ ] netflix uh back out of it i don't know what they were thinking i don't know what they were smoking but whatever it is i definitely don't want some but ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it i am out [Music] [Music] 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Channel: undefined
Views: 1,321,166
Rating: 4.9386744 out of 5
Id: RtMj5GPsOn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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