Twitter's Zoophile Community is Disgusting...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and if it's anything that makes me even the slightest bit happy in life are animals i love cute little animals okay my personal favorite are cats okay i don't own any animals myself because i just don't have the time or or or you know whatever to to really to really have animals so that whenever i go to my friend's places i always love cuddling with their cats and dogs or they're the cutest things in the world life doesn't get better than a cute animal by your side okay let me tell you all right the most lovable creatures out there but you know what there are some people in reality that love their animals a little too much and this whole video is sponsored by an actual argument that i've had with somebody else okay someone that i no longer talk to someone that i've completely cut out of my life because uh this person tried to actually defend this is sort of uh a sort of a sort of something that is is slightly normal which is a relation with animals now don't get me wrong this person was never close to my life actually i actually despised this person anyways but now i had a good reason to completely cut off communications so ladies and gentlemen if you don't know twitter has an updated terms of service okay most terms of services have uh uh have been updated all right twitter had a problem with maps and it actually still does in fact there's still the mega links problem on twitter which i'm actually going to be diving into again because twitter is not doing anything to combat that okay i don't know if they're trying there have been accounts active for months just trading disgusting material with each other and it's like twitter doesn't even care now they've updated their policy in 2020 okay where uh in their in their in their child exploitation policy they went out and said promoting or normalizing attraction minors is a form of identity or sexual or that's not permitted so by definition stuff like maps isn't allowed and you know why maps aren't allowed is because attraction to minors eventually snowballs into actually going through with it i don't care if you say that you're a anti-contact or at the end of the day that's that's some pedo stuff to me okay that's that's like trying to normalize the whole world and i don't like to live in a world where that kind of disgusting behavior is really normalized no one accepts it in any side it's not even up to debate with most people okay they just think it's wrong if you try to die on that hill and defend it know that there is a watch list with your goddamn name on it okay now that being said twitter finally updated in 2020 they're like oh wow we better we better get rid of that that's just bad now the side is something else called the twitter zoo file community now if you don't know what a zoo file is it's it's basically someone that has an attraction to animals now for me i look at this kind of stuff and when people try to normalize it when you have to look at it this way okay if you have that attraction to animals right and people try to like push it they try to normalize it the next logical step that happens to most impressionable people that go onto that side of the internet is they're like well i guess it's kind of normal to do fido and then they start [ __ ] doing fido and that's when you get into some goddamn problems now this leads us down to the first little rabbit hole which is the word zeta now zeta which is uppercase z lowercase zeta ancient greek demotic greek classical is the sixth letter of the greek alphabet in the system of greek numerals it has a what what was that oh you were like what what does that have to do with the video that i was going i don't [ __ ] know all right i don't [ __ ] know what the word zeta has to do with sticking your dick in your dog's [ __ ] i don't know but it's somehow related because if you go on [ __ ] twitter of course like all deniz and crapples you know you know how like deep web browsing i could just do twitter browsing every sunday it would be darker than anything i've seen on the deep web by far all right now you go into this stuff okay all these zoo files on twitter have started to use the zeta okay like a symbol as a sort of an identity right a sort of a way to guide people into the to the zoo file world which before we get into it we have to start discussing illegality now if you look at these symbols symbols are kind of common on twitter uh kpop actually had a symbol as well too i think it was like a circle with a strike through and whatnot like a t circle top it was a weird thing okay k-pop had this thing and now twitter has its own like you know the symbol but uh if you look into the legality okay let's just cover this real quickly okay there's a lot to cover legality of bestiality in the united states i'm picking the united states because most of my audience is from the united states okay that's simply why i'm doing it now if you look at the united states okay the legality from the map perspective red means it's pretty [ __ ] illegal it's actually a felony yellow means it's a it's a misdemeanor orange means it's either a misdemeanor or a felony okay depending on how much you tear that rectum up the the judge will decide if you really should go to prison for it uh green means it's all [ __ ] good fam tear that tear that horse [ __ ] up you know what i mean you know you know how it'd be dude now if you look at dc which is the district of columbia which means if we go back all right what that effectively means is if you go to the united states on a federal level okay it's all legal fam they don't give a [ __ ] about it do tear a final all you want i guess is what it really means now if you go to the illegal side it means it's illegal for armed service members since february 4th 1921 which means some time before then it was all [ __ ] to bang your [ __ ] kangaroo on base right until after that they were like nah dude we don't mess with that the penalty for it is a dishonorable discharge imagine being like let's say you're a navy seal right and you're like man i just have this itch to do my dog they will they will dishonorably discharge you you don't get any pay or anything in a majority of the united states it's actually very illegal right for example if you go to just delaware the maximum is eight years in prison i think that's actually longer than my entire youtube channel's run time eight years in prison imagine going to a prison cell in delaware after doing your horse and people in the prison cell are like what are you in for oh man i just tore up my dog's butthole or just an average friday night right fence caught me they they i i was slacking wasn't i but you know as far as it's illegal it's totally okay in delaware okay to to [ __ ] to to to sell videotapes of some zoo file action going in progress but that's all i really wanted to look at can we just can we just go on the fact that it's illegal in most part of the world okay it or or just in the united states now um uh one of the things that i i can't believe i'm ever googling in my search history is um can animals consent okay like this is an important fact this is why this stuff is illegal uh animals are they're not typically the smartest creatures okay animals are smart okay but they're not like you know as smart as a human being they don't have the mentality to truly give consent okay you might be wondering oh but luda if the dog didn't want it they'd bite me and push me away now if we're gonna go with the [ __ ] layman term like that sure i guess maybe if you're a smooth brain but an actual level-headed like 10 head would tell you that no doing your dog it can't really consent it just doesn't have that logical capacity to do so you are taking advantage of the animal by by forcing yourself upon it because that's what it is and by that definition yes what you are doing is illegal it's immoral it's wrong and no matter what social media you're on uh there should be like a [ __ ] zero tolerance policy for it at least the aspect of normalizing it should be [ __ ] contained because it's really disgusting behavior now if we go back to this sign the the zeta the zeta sign which actually started around 2019 but it's it's alive and [ __ ] well ladies and gentlemen for instance okay i found one account that says just some aqua dick for all my zoos imagine having a mate with that going in and out of you holy what a dream stay in love and empower zoos zoo pride zoo zoo positivity zoophobia and i have to censor this out but that's a [ __ ] dolphin dick okay if you've never seen what a dolphin dick looks like it's a [ __ ] let pipe on a goddamn animal i feel bad for the dolphin receiving this [ __ ] in return that looks like an actual like sentient being attached to this person okay there is no human that could ever match mandingo all right is but a tiny creature in comparison to the phallic organs of a [ __ ] dolphin but hey on the other image i'm actually seeing to do jack it off so it's kind of [ __ ] wild now if you think this account was memeing okay this has been here since october 2020 since the same time twitter updated the date if you think this is a [ __ ] joke okay they have uploaded without a doubt and i have to censor this i guess i'll explain this disgusting process okay that is a human getting his his starfish his chocolate starfished uh tongue jacked by a dog all right yes it really physically hurts to watch all right ladies and gentlemen that will be burned into my mind till the day i am actually dead that dog is having a [ __ ] time dude that dude's [ __ ] must taste like [ __ ] peanut butter you never know but uh yeah they're actually sharing this this this stuff and by the way all right just just to put the legality in question uh this account since uh i don't know if it's from the united states or anything but if they were in the [ __ ] uh if they were in the state of washington that shit's a [ __ ] felony by the way uh rightfully goddamn so here's another one does this isn't even like bad okay this is like what gets retweeted all the time like does your life include life story include a horse with a striped butt if not don't you think it's not i really i really don't think i need a horse's ass in my life dog i mean i don't i mean i mean i get enough ass plenty as it is boys and girls all right ladies and gentlemen i'm good on that department i don't need a horse's ass to add on top of that you feel me here's a here's another one by the way this is really [ __ ] gross uh animals can't consent official sources stated this is false if you don't know what this meme is it's a play on what they're doing with like donald trump nowadays who's been maulding since the [ __ ] presidency has been over uh every time he tweets something twitter basically corrects him uh and tells everyone yeah this guy is bs'ing right it's it's just the funniest [ __ ] troll on twitter's end like if jack dorsey has ever done anything right it's found a way to troll the current acting president of the united states that is [ __ ] hilarious but yeah official sources stated this is false how about it tell you that animals actually can't consent like you're trying to like justify this [ __ ] [ __ ] and it's really disgusting like what they're trying to do is normalize the idea of having sex with animals which is an illegal and a moral act by the way all right again i'm not trying to be the [ __ ] morality police but i'm just saying like i think most human beings can agree that doing a defenseless animal that really doesn't know what the [ __ ] is going around that's happening to it is actually immoral and wrong i think that's a pretty [ __ ] constant on most people's radar right uh yeah and like we said earlier animals actually can't consent you're full of [ __ ] get out of here i really want to see your sources i really do too this is where you stop i i i agree kozuma i agree is where everyone god damn stops do that is just wrong you can never have a good song video without some good ol sonic the hedgehog man let me tell you [ __ ] me up man that hedgehog is what worth dying for i love how like they have this graph now zoo files account for 20 of furries right so approximately half a million furries i guess are actual zoo files which i don't really believe by the way it seems like now they're not only now they're like trying to get onto the point of the [ __ ] now they're eight percent of the world is into this [ __ ] you're telling me 624 million human beings in the world are like yeah man my dog looks mighty goddamn cute let's just let's [ __ ] that rectum up fam no i don't think that's true at all i don't know where you're getting these like facts from but again as you can see the zeta symbol is being used as sort of like a calling like dog whistle card for this kind of bs okay gotta tackle this one no scientists don't agree that animals cannot consent to humans and no that is not a scientific source therapy is not given unless a person is destructive or distressed impaired in social occupational or other areas of function no actually actually no so where's the sword i love when people are like no scientists don't agree okay if you know that then provide your [ __ ] source like they're so quick to call out the other person's source but like like they actually gave a source this person didn't give a source they're just like no you're wrong none get out like bro the world doesn't work on your [ __ ] the world runs on facts not not opinions okay like that's that's just reality therapy is not no it actually is destructive you are destroying the the sanctity the holiness of this this [ __ ] cute little animal that's wrong that should be that should be treated as wrong people praise me for treating my horse very well when they don't know my attraction the same people who swear that zoophiles mistreat and abuse the animal yeah if you take it all the way that's actually mistreating and abusing the animal you know it's fine to like your animal but the moment you cross the line and start you know really loving your animal that's mistreating and abusive to the animal and if you don't agree with me then you should probably agree with the [ __ ] government that makes these rules rightfully so that tell you it's wrong now ladies and gentlemen that was just a small taste of what effectively is going around on twitter now ladies and gentlemen i just want to reiterate the fact that this is no call to action i don't want anybody to just like go out of their way to harass or attack anybody in this they don't deserve to have that nobody deserves to have harassment or any attack towards them and i certainly can never condone that and i actually [ __ ] vilify if anybody does that too because fighting fire with fire is just terrible these people don't deserve hatred if anything these people deserve rational level-headed responses like if somebody tries to normalize this the only healthy thing that you can do as a person is tell them that they are factually [ __ ] incorrect like this is wrong behavior and the fact that it's even somewhat normalized is really [ __ ] disgusting like i don't really despise or hate anybody it takes a lot for me to hate somebody and if somebody's doing this or if somebody is allied with this kind of cause hey look you can believe and do whatever you want i'm not gonna hate you but in reality all i can say is this is wrong behavior to have i think both sides of the situation before i end this i gotta say like these people are wrong too and the people that promote hatred and violence against these people are also [ __ ] wrong too because you're not really doing anything to delegitimize this bs that exists if anything you're assisting these people and looking like the [ __ ] victims when in reality the actions that they would commit to an animal does not grant them victimhood honestly all you have to do is pretty much approach it with the gandhi perspective that most indians have [ __ ] come to know and it's to be relaxed it's to be calm it's to understand that listen you have to tell these people that they're wrong and that's through using facts and [ __ ] logic because zoophilia is wrong and bestiality is what it effectively leads into regardless of whatever you think right it that will lead into that it's it's it's honestly a [ __ ] slippery slope in that case and it's why this has to be stopped right here this stuff is too [ __ ] normalized and there's too many people who have been basically utilizing these symbols to help guide impressionable people to start thinking of or potentially maybe even [ __ ] their animals right like it depends on how you get into it it depends on what communities that you got into but overall it's a really disgusting practice and no real state really allows this and honestly i shouldn't surprise you why they don't and most social media will not let you do it for instance you know if you if you go all the way most social media services will probably [ __ ] cut you off right there and i guess rightfully so because by definition you are bringing harm to a [ __ ] animal that cannot in all honesty consent so yeah you know [ __ ] the twitter you know the nonsense twitter has just the weirdest [ __ ] communities the weirdest rules and zufili is just one of the biggest [ __ ] pillars of youtube or twitter in this case ladies and gentlemen i find it disgusting this is me mudahar and uh yeah i'm out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,509,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ruBM9wVOs0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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