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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
today's sponsor ladies and gentlemen is once again manscape now last time we were here we're talking about how scared i was putting blades up to my balls but manscape was there to help me through the process of fear and finally move up to my nose and the ears they've produced a product called the weed whacker which comes with their skin safe technology which like i said putting blades up to my balls ninety nine percent of people fear the one percent of you are wacky indeed but for me i can weed whack my nose and ear hairs with style and grace and let me talk about long nose hairs i once went to a job meeting and totally embarrassed myself still got the job but i spent the next hour ripping nose hairs and let me tell you it hurts but the weed whacker comes with 9000 rpms and 360 degrees of rotary dual blade systems meaning you'll get every freaking hair imaginable plus it's also water resistant if you're a little wet up there you know what i mean it also comes with cordless rechargeable batteries that lasts up to 90 minutes and then it also comes with a replaceable blade every three months if you get the peak hygiene plan which i do recommend so yeah please use our code and you'll get 20 off and free shipping at manscape.com keep those pubes trimmed and nose free of weeds hello guys and gals me mudahar longer video than usual right as you all know once in a month i have committed to a bigger video than usual sometimes you might get them twice in a month but ladies and gentlemen today's topic is me using god's operating system now i might be like oh that's a bold claim there muda god's operating system what are you doing yes ladies and gentlemen today we're deep diving into good old temple os now if you have never heard of temple os temple os is devised by terry davis who quote unquote in his words is one of the smartest programmers who has ever lived do you want to know why do you want to know why i'm the best programmer in the world you see this this is the trend they start it starts with hello like this first year new professional seasoned professional and master programmer okay guess what i moved it backward and that's why i'm the smartest programmer that's ever lived i took something that wants to be clustered and i made it simple you know what i'll give terry something okay less code the better the more optimal terry is without a doubt not not just not just a dumb programmer if anything terry is an individual that has a master's degree in electrical engineering from arizona state university pretty much mastered assembly code during the commodore 64 era which terry is also pretty old school i mean i've met plenty of computer scientists that are super old that have definitely mastered the era of early computing the machines he used to develop were vax machines he worked at ticketmaster as a program you know if you like moodle what's a vax machine that's a good question let's use good old google to figure that one out ah vax is a line of computers developed in digital equipment corporations he was he was programming on these oh damn the terry really is a vintage lad holy [ __ ] here here's the important part the context for the story the native vax operating system in digital vax vms renamed to open vms in 91 or 92 was boarded to alpha modified to comply with posix standards and branded as compliant in the xpg4 so this is like early open bsd bsd technology so our boy terry was really into that unix programming lifestyle which a lot of programmers typically pick up as they go through now not only was that the case but terry designed god's operating system which as a programmer and people who know anything about programming computer systems designs and things like that making your own operating system compiler and kernel and everything that goes the root of your computer is not necessarily the easiest thing to do this does in fact prove terry's aptitude in the computer science field to an extent now it was around 1996 that terry had started to develop various mental illnesses or at least was diagnosed with them if that's the better word one of these early on was bipolar disorder and then later on terry was diagnosed with full-on schizophrenia and it was throughout these mental illnesses that later on terry claimed to have talked to god himself now the big man upstairs pretty much wanted to build the third jewish holy temple after succeeding the current second jewish holy temple but instead of god telling terror to do slash creative and start building a temple on his own no no no terry decided here's another way terry was going to build the operating system why god would choose to send a temple in the form of a [ __ ] operating system i don't know you got to ask terry if he was still alive but that being said terry did in fact go through with god's revelation because in 2005 terry released an operating system called the j operating system uh i actually don't know on the top of my head if it's the jesus operating system but i'm going to call it the j operating system and then in 2013 it was rebranded to something much more rolly off the tongue which was temple os which we all know and love now before we begin i know there's a lot of people who've probably watched other videos there's a lot of other videos on terry davis specifically ones that cover his entire past and his history and a lot of his troubles there are some racist rants that terry has done and i'm going to show you pieces of them some of his more like really off-the-cuff stuff so viewer discretion is actually heavily advised for this section so let's let's go through a couple of these real quick here's an infamous one called glow in the dark now you're gonna hear a lot of beeps going forward but here he talks about in the most politically correct way i can put it bioluminescent african-american federal agents okay uh there are game award equivalents i'm not going to go there because it's very offensive but this is one of terry's most infamous rants the cia slow in the dark you can see them if you're driving you just run them over that's what you do now okay i'm not condoning anything terry said over there at all that is very very reprehensive but it's a showcase to show you especially in the beginning of it to add more context obviously terry has some clear mental problems however terry is also some [ __ ] weird visionary because on this like entire thing he's got putin god jon snow star wars uh god china virus oh my god election dude terry relax his operating system is like planning things in the future jesus christ this is a video from 2017 terry was on something back in the day let me tell you here here's here's an infamous phone call that terry got let's listen to this i can't understand you what'd you say do i see the fun in gcc hell no i'm a white man i wrote my own [ __ ] compiler i'm not like linus i'm a professional i started at ticketmaster night okay it seems a lot of terry's rants have to devolve into like some [ __ ] weird racist white supremacist [ __ ] which no one should stand by but for those adding context somebody called him and asked about the gcc compiler which is something that we used to build programs underneath linux there he called out linus torvalds who is the actual author and the father of the linux colonel himself uh i i i don't know what spawned this anger this hatred towards linus torvalds but uh yeah see it seems to it seems terry considers themselves a cut above let's pray for the souls of the linux atheist and their leader mr torvalds i think the cia's after me but to see him go on a tirade that's going to hurt it but again take into account that terry does it doesn't exactly have everything going on right upstairs bill gates and the illuminati got a herd and cattle whoa we gotta hurt a cattle we gotta hurt our cattle they got a big herd of battle yes he does in fact say the gamer word like [ __ ] 90 times during this entire [ __ ] ultimatum and everything going on forward so yeah this video got age restricted by youtube obviously let's be [ __ ] real if it didn't we'd have so we'd have to ask some questions uh but yeah this is this is just terry's mind going at it i mean i'll be 100 real with you you can kind of see from all of his rants that he doesn't exactly take too well to everybody else who's very influential in the computer space bill gates linus torvalds i mean uh if you find if you find anything else you might find something about steve ballmer that he's going to just completely lose his [ __ ] over so yeah he he thinks himself a cut above everyone else he's got that god complex style deal which is fittingly so for what he's actually going to set on to his life's later endeavor i like elephants and god likes elephants here's a a realistic elephant see not everything that he does is a complete racist rant sometimes you come across really wholesome [ __ ] like god loving elephants god bless dude i really you know you know terry is a weird weird guy when he was there man terry he you went way too soon brother let me tell you do it like a white man a white man uses an iso file this is the way a white operating system is installed yeah me too like lioness me too oh that is bad when god listens to a song what pleases him is sex with it okay all right stop terry okay jesus christ all right you know what i think that's enough of terry i think if it's one thing you can understand terry is a very eccentric individual when he was alive his mental illnesses definitely caused him to say a lot of the stuff and you know i've heard a lot of people write this guy off of some crazy white nationalist racist nut job and you know what i'm honestly going to say it for a fact maybe terry was a racist maybe terry didn't like the color of my skin maybe terry maybe this was the truth that terry had internalized with himself until he was finally given no filter and he could have gone out and doing what he did but you know what ladies and gentlemen with all of that said i i wanted to show you this because i think every other channel might have already shown you this kind of stuff when they were covering terry davis but terry davis to me is a very very intelligent programmer and what he has done that we're about to see in the second part is no short of a magical feat for a lot of people there's a lot of programmers that wouldn't go to the depths that terry did and we're about to go right into that so now that we've gotten past terry davis himself let's go to part two and go load up god's operating system now unfortunately as you all should know terry davis has passed away he passed away all the way back in 2018. uh terry his death is written off as a potential accident or maybe suicide in some case it's not exactly identified as what it is specifically one way or the other terry had unfortunately passed away after you know impacting with the train and things like that so terry unfortunately is not here with us anymore but his operating system is now kept as some sort of digital tombstone for all of his life's work to pass into now this website over here says you can download the free public 64-bit operating system temple operating system now there's also other various downloads terry also adds i think like speed updates for linux qemu virtualization uh he has like tos distros light distro supplemental distros which are actually c files and then he's got like the temple os iso and the iso light but we're going to download the full fat experience and get the actual temple os iso which is only 16 megabytes in size so it's not the largest operating system in the world by far so we're gonna download this and you might be wondering muda can you run it on actual official hardware uh yeah actually you can there's a youtuber out there that you can actually go to who is showing himself running this exact operating system underneath a thinkpad uh a laptop from like 10 years ago so it is possible to get this running i unfortunately could not on any of my hardware simply due to the fact that temple os doesn't really work well with like eufy bios's i don't think it even works well with original legacy bios simply because there is something in the operating system in the boot process that just doesn't work well with certain hardware that's now commonplace on system so the only way to really use temple os all right for most people is to run it under a virtual machine which we are doing we're running it under virtual box so let's get to it let's mount it and let's run this bastard okay now to for virtual machines sake all right what i am running this on is a six gigabyte system so six gigs of ram and eight cores uh the reason i'm giving it six gigs is since this is a 64-bit operating system it should be able to recognize memory values and register them above three gigabytes or 3.5 gigabytes so immediately one thing to consider is temple os boots really fast and obviously i shouldn't be a shock because the 16 megabyte operating system and uh yeah it it loads up exceptionally quick to a very simplistic 90s gui that honestly will reflect a tiling manager that on on the right side it's a basic you know directory uh structure system and on the left side a bit of that is also reflected but you also get asked the question if you want to install this to a hard drive yes or no obviously i hate yes it installs really quickly one thing to note too is despite that terry did advocate using this on a vm he really doesn't have any form of gpu acceleration meaning that immediately upon booting i wasn't able to resize anything on the display so you can see that i'm trying to do it like auto-size it or trying to find a resolution prompt but there's none so you're kind of stuck using this in 800 by 600 and a lot of that probably has to do with terry really relying on very basic gpu uh the very basic gpu virtual gpu that is used on virtual machines anyways so yeah around here effectively all that's left is to you know start up his operating system and actually have it installed and it goes through a pretty fast install all of it is done through a script that he wrote and within like a matter of like literally 10 seconds you're done so now it's time to unmount that drive that you installed temple os with and reboot and when you reboot it by oh boy do you get the question terry has his own bootloader as far as i know like he doesn't tap into anything open source the way that it works is terry asks you if you want to boot off the old boot record never worked for me drive c and drive d uh loading in both c and d does the same thing okay like it boosts into the same operating system i don't know what the key difference is so honestly i just go with drive c because it's you know what the route should be but yeah once you load it in it starts decompressing a dictionary which takes again a second and then you can take a tour of the operating system now the operating system is very very basic in terms of how it's designed uh at any moment you can hit f5 on your on your keyboard and you can compile whatever is in that window as far as i see so you can actually start programming nearly immediately as you jump into the entire thing as far as shell prompts and things like that are considered i don't think it didn't really launch me into an entire shell to begin with but it does have a shell it does have its command line system so to speak on the right you can see a little window pop-up that basically tells you you can in fact left-click right-click do whatever you want so there is mouse support in temple os so in many ways it's it's it's future-proofed and in a lot of ways it's it's [ __ ] lacking and i might be like but muda does god let you game on temple os oh boys you gamers of course god lets you game on the operating system silly terry's got a whole bunch of them that he's programmed by himself for all things and some of these are [ __ ] impressive which we'll get to now terry has these classified under fun games unfun games code scraps and miscellaneous extra tools that are never meant to be games to begin with i think it's safe to say we should go cover all of them so here's titanium which is a scrolling shooter from the air and as you can see full graphics and everything i'm flying over a city just blowing all these tiny pixels out yes ladies and gentlemen it does in fact and it crashed by the way it actually did crash on me i don't know why it crashed maybe the six gigs of memory i gave the operating system wasn't enough to contain such [ __ ] holiness uh but it also spiked at like 16 like percent cpu usage on one core now remind you that this did in fact detect all my multiple cores it doesn't scale well across multiple cores terry pretty much uses one core and all the other cores that you give it pretty much use one percent of it which is like nothing like those cores are dormant you could pass this thing as many threads as you want but i don't think terry really developed multi-threaded applications that effectively now here's black diamond now this is uh this is basically skiing except i couldn't control it and there was like literally no [ __ ] collision detection uh but the map did scroll so that's kind of cool nothing really that impressive there's also flap bat you might be wondering what the [ __ ] is flat bat and flat bat is basically me uh flapping my wings and trying to eat these tiny particles that all pretty much statically flow in the wind the whole goal is to eat all of these particles and do you think that i did it oh hell yeah dude i beat the first [ __ ] level entirely look at this [ __ ] there was one up there now there is a problem with this okay you have to spam the space key and like perfect momentum to do this all right because because that's how it works right you have to like rhythmically tap it so that the bird can fly i'm kind of failing right here but eventually i get the hang of such gaming and i eventually beat the level so that was my first and probably only game that i ever finished on temple os here's varum and this is this is crazy full 3d driving engine you've got a 3d model and everything you are actually driving in the world of temple os so again may i remind you terry programmed all these games on his own terry programmed the [ __ ] driving game into it and it works pretty well it has some collision problems yes and i hit a game over but he got a full driving system in man come on you got to be impressed by that to an extent i don't know what this has to do with god by the way i don't know if god really planned on f1 racing cars back in the day but sure now you may be noticing there's no sound and yeah you're right there is no [ __ ] sound what can i say now this is like flat top or fish top or something and it looks like battleship but i had no idea what the [ __ ] i was doing it looked like i was just i was way out of my depth here i think what's going on is like each ship has to send out like missiles to blow up each other but i again i have no idea okay like some of these games are like way above my pay grade bomber golf is the next big game and as you can imagine it is a game all about flying a stealth bomber above enemy lines as far as i know so you got to blow up the pink tanks driving as the blue stealth jet and i didn't know what exactly to do over here like i guess one thing changes your entire direction but the bomber can actually be moved in this like open area and you can in fact drop the bombs i just couldn't figure out the key and i also couldn't figure out the objective really and it also doesn't seem like there's any difficulty in this at all terry davis if you were still alive because there's nothing shooting me from above maybe i'm on the first level maybe that's how it works but my cpu spikes were the highest during this game so there was a lot of [ __ ] back in the back end calculations going on on the stealth bomber that's for sure all right so this is this is a basketball game that terry has and can i just be real with you this is like basic artificial intelligence it's a bunch of roblox characters i mean well minecraft steve versus purple steve just going at each other and then the ai i gotta say you know he's got ball dribbling he's got everything going on it's calculating fouls they're tossing at whatever i don't know what the goal of any of this is there's no nets or anything but the ai is totally acting anonymously okay like i'm not interpreting anything i thought i was but i just sort of stood back i mean you know maybe maybe i i just don't get it i don't get what's going on half the time the characters are colliding into each other and sometimes they're just tossing balls everywhere they go some of them are just off screen the entire time i am generally confused and like the first time i could ever imagine i had to abort this maybe god wasn't going to be happy with that but i really had to abort this [ __ ] mental cesspool of of of of basketball gaming if you will here's a here's another game where you sheep her or were you like her cheap the entire time this might be more reminiscent of what you'd expect out of the bible right maybe more so than f1 cars and stealth bombers and and basketball players now the whole goal here is to basically use your mouse left click and you're trying to guide these sheep into into a pen now i'm gonna [ __ ] say for the record here i've never liked this game type on any game that i played i hated doing it in twilight princess and i hate doing it in temple os it's not that [ __ ] fun i don't know who gets their rocks off to this kind of gaming half the time these things will not listen to you they don't care these are the dumbest groups of animals that i've ever [ __ ] found okay so if a meteor struck this world and ended it right now i would not complain whatsoever let's play excalibur let's get into it yay and this is excalibur so it's kind of like asteroids except there's other enemies shooting at you and i died you know what god bless i'm not going to give it an attempt i'm going to abort it like good old god intended so let's actually god didn't intend that holy [ __ ] all right so we got men slash all right and you might be wondering what is this and before we begin can i just stay for the record it has a [ __ ] story mode to it like a full storyline good king men's last looked out uh on the feast of stephen stephen when the snow lay round about deep and crisp and even rightly shown the moon that night okay yeah you know it's it's fine all right winter fuel let's get let's get to it baby and uh if you're wondering oh is the game as good as the story no no you just light up branches and i guess you're trying to warm up the people over here while also not colliding with your [ __ ] giant house uh yeah i don't i don't really get the gameplay over here it's uh certainly could be better all right sir i a lot of these games are the problem of not really having a plot it's kind of like action 52 uh if except if it was made with a holier twist in hand right you know for fun games these aren't really that great now here's one that he's got called like i think this is like sort of a rts style deal uh i'm the blue team and and the purple team is like god's holy knights now there's a i you would think that the whole goal is to zerg rush the enemy which ideally you would win now you're supposed to use your mouse to sort of guide them away from it and run towards the enemy but like dude i don't get what i'm doing here i'm just losing like it's like i'm it's like i'm like absolute dumb white blood cells going out or going like they're just so organized and i'm so disorganized and i hate it and none of these games are fun let's go to the unfun games maybe maybe they might maybe they might be actually no they're going to be [ __ ] more unfun than this [ __ ] yes terry did in fact classify some of his games as unfun i don't know what the [ __ ] would be unfun i don't get it but we'll click on talon and see exactly how unfun this is what boy yes ladies and gentlemen be like what the [ __ ] moodle what's going on here uh terry davis didn't just design his operating system terry made a flight simulator and a game out of it too as you're seeing this is a full 3d location the whole goal here is to fly as a bird and start picking fish from the ground it's a lot harder than it looks but terry's got a full flight simulator now of course the graphics start to screw up and that's because i think that terry isn't maybe not the best 3d pro i mean he is also designing an os sorry if he screwed up the game a little bit but yes this is a full 3d open world environment that you can in fact fly through and i was a little [ __ ] baffled at this by the way all right not only is it a 3d environment but he's got like depth to mountains he's got like multiple characters he's got like oceans mountains it's like in a way i almost wonder if some of this might be slightly procedurally generated maybe initially because obviously when you start in you see the same areas as you as you fly around but dude this is like crazy what terry's come up with it's a whole flight simulator yeah it's not going to give microsoft flight sim a run for its money but come on it's pretty impressive what one person single-handedly has done you gotta admit he's even got a little animation work on the bird now of course i never captured any of the fish because i'm not i'm not good enough to play this game let me be [ __ ] real with you but i'm impressed i am impressed that's more fun than half the other fun games terry put in jesus all right is a shooter called castle franken all right now you might be wondering oh terry's made a shooter obviously way more fun than any other crap but it's got a little doom vibe wolfenstein deal to it and the whole goal is to basically shoot down these frankenstein looking deals that just run across the map really hardcore now there's no death state to any of this i don't think terry put that but yeah it's a full 3d engine to an extent like he's got obviously 2d sprites but he's got 3d locales that he can run through and frankenstein's constantly running back and forth like it is very interesting tech it might not be a finished game but again what one person did with his own programming language that he wrote his own compiler his own colonel also decided to have the spare time to write a 3d game engine shooter as well that that is that is some impressive [ __ ] that really is impressive now here's another game that's sort of like tanks if you will uh this is zone uh shot or whatever the heck it is and as you can see it's it's not really 3d but it's kind of like battle tanks like atari stuff where you're just you're you're fighting these tanks in this 3d space obviously they're in like this desert and he's just blowing them up with these like purple jaw or blue jolly ranchers and yeah nothing special but kind of way more fun than the other fun games he had i'm noticing a pattern so here he has like a battle zone game and like here he has like a risk game or like [ __ ] some some strategy game and this is kind of wild you can actually write your own ai into this okay so if you go into the source code language for this stuff you can actually go write your script your own ai and you might be wondering script your own ai for what look at this game real quick so this is a simple ai it is literally calculating every single move and fighting amongst each other like this is some crazy game again all he was doing was building an operating system he is also a game developer and a relatively competent game developer too he actually made some of these games to nearly full completion i could bet if all you wanted to do was play some of these games you actually just could terry wasn't just a programmer for an operating system he programmed the application suite that came with the application came with the operating system this would be like a third-party job but terry did it all in one like the master programmer that he actually is he's got he dude he's got like a dungeon crawler net hack style deal what i mean it's not finished but he's got a whole fog of war system and everything my god dude terry could probably port dwarf fortress to [ __ ] temple os if you wanted to man god he went way too soon i really wish i could see more development on this stuff man terry was an absolute genius now we looked at a lot of his game suites which obviously on a first glance a lot of people look at that's kind of what you would see in a in a dive but i want to show you some of the stuff behind the scenes that kind of really does set itself apart real quick now when i said earlier terry didn't just write his own operating system tempo as he wrote the actual programming language which is holy c and there are other programmers that have dived into the actual holy see programming language and have discovered the quirks with it it's based i guess off c but for quick comparison's sake the way that you program as far as i know it doesn't really have like a main function and what's what's really also important about it is it's written in sort of a sequential style meaning that everything terry does is he defines things first then he programs everything in like succession so basically he goes from he basically flowcharts his code from top to bottom and as soon as you hit f5 it compiles the code using his own compiler for holy c his own programming language and emulates the game you can actually do this right now if you look into the source code for games like talon his flight simulator you can scroll through the code you can see where he defines the actual 3d models like they're actually rotating in in the window manager you can see where he defines the graphics the sky boxes then he designs the flight systems the the world generation everything you can look into every aspect of his code and for the world that he made even as simple as some of these games are he really doesn't have a whole lot of code a lot of his code is written somewhat simplified in a way right like terry is big on simplicity it's sort of a core tenant of temple os and as he writes this code out and as you as you can compile it yourself you can make your own changes you can run this code and it will work provided you haven't screwed up any of the mathematics or logic behind it it's actually really [ __ ] cool stuff you can write programs like hello world and again as simple as one line programs that you would probably write like a bunch of lines in another programming language can be written somewhat relatively simply over here in fact we're going to look at this a bit later on because there are people who have ported terry's operating system and have actually written discord clients for it but we'll get to that in a second now here are some examples we're looking at of like hello world which is the tutorial program that most programmers were writing just to sort of get their foot in the door for any programming language in terry's case he writes these program files into hc files or whatever their source code files and if you hit f5 you can compile this code and basically have it execute on the operating system now here you can see that he's got things like hello world he's all now i said earlier there wasn't anything like a required main file and there isn't anything outside of the main file when you're programming underneath temple os is just red cons is red like uh is read like in in order of top to bottom uh in fact there's actually like an analysis here's one from harrison toddy on his github right here where he talks about switch statements and this is in this programmer's words terry explained multiple times how switch statements are the most powerful constructs in holy see in the language switch statements always utilize jump tables in assembly and thus the documentation mentions not to use them in cases with sparse large value ranges the ones in holy see offer quite a range of convenience improvements over the c counterparts for starters holy see offers experienced programmers an unchecked variant of the switch expression he definitely had a vision in his mind right like god definitely did speak to him at least on some weird metaphorical level on how to design like updates to an already established code set so yeah terry is no dumbass but again it is also not a perfect operating system to turn your entire uh source code like design into almost a shell prompt may not exactly be the smartest way to go and we'll get to that of course as we go due time you can even write simplicity is the goal to keep the line count down so it's easy to tinker with no it turns out simplicity makes it faster in some ways too it never switches privilege levels newer changes address maps everything pretty much had kernel level access and now a lot of people would say that muta that seems like a security nightmare i actually completely disagree because if you haven't caught on to something this doesn't have any network access terry's operating system didn't decide to connect to the internet i guess because the internet is filled with really terrible rule 34 and absolutely disgusting uh deplorable [ __ ] that terry decided maybe it was ideal not to input a network stack so might i add what's the point of worrying about a ring zero operating system that runs everything alongside the kernel if you have no network stack to run like even if you were to get malware on what the [ __ ] are you gonna do have it send out to a non-existent network come on man now terry isn't stupid terry actually designed it this way because this is how he grew up this wasn't some revelation from god terry grew up in the era of the commodore 64 where effectively the end user had pretty much all the power on the computer a privilege levels were was never really a thing that terry believed in because of how he grew up and what he was most comfortable with it's not that he didn't know the importance of it i'm sure that he did after he designed all this it's just that's the kind of ethos he was going for in his operating system now being with god himself in a much better place uh free from the demons that he kept on this earth terry unfortunately cannot develop the program for us mortals down here on the on the earth right now and again i like to say god bless i'm glad that terry is in a much better place he had death he definitely had a rough last couple years dealing with homelessness and and just and just it really gets to you okay when you look at all the rants terry went on all the racist stuff all the tirades a lot of it really was just compounding not only with the mental illnesses he went through but also because living on the streets man that [ __ ] is tough there were moments where fans came up to him and genuine fans and terry lost a [ __ ] on him but what do you expect when you have to deal in in in in a homeless scenario anybody's going people will become rougher to deal with if that if they're presented with that lifestyle but i i i like to see that terry also believed he had genuine fans and people following him and i guess in some ways as rough as his life was towards the end there were a lot of genuine fans that came by that had their interest peaked and and even though i'm being really [ __ ] nice right now there's definitely a group of actual losers and smooth brains who actually harassed and bullied terry throughout the later stages of his life when he was dealing with homelessness and his mental issues definitely compounded it was never okay and it's never ever okay in any situation even if it's somebody that's not going through all of it and those people have to be mentioned and [ __ ] shamed for this entire situation too so while there were a lot of good fans for terry davis there were also equally a lot of [ __ ] as well that picked on an individual that had already these many low points to deal with nobody can say that terry davis didn't know what he was doing terry davis you can't just [ __ ] out a kernel a compiler an operating system your own [ __ ] programming language and then also a flight simulator if you weren't at least talented and terry nobody can take away from the fact that he was a talented individual which is why terry's operating system even if it serves no practical usage let's be real there is still followed by a lot of people who want to walk the path of will not necessarily walk the path of terry davis but keep his memory alive and that's where we're going to be looking into the two projects that are still here so one of them is zenith os which is a modernized professional fork of the 64-bit temple operating system guiding principles of development include transparency full user control and a adherence to public domain and open source implementations now here they got a github where github even recognizes that ninety nine point four percent of this is holy c uh whereas point six percent of it is in fact heathen so it's it comes with a full iso that you can actually download and get running and this is a pretty freaking awesome iso if we actually like boot this up into temple os you can see that it starts off with a much more pleasing to the eye color scheme recognizes multiple cores and actually is far more usable at least in terms of how it presents its ui it's got this dark theme to it a little like you know a little detail of what it is on the right while it's installing on the left a lot of this is effectively just temple os down to a nutshell it just comes with modern day like uh it changes to to it it comes with that modern fork that you would expect temple os definitely was dated zenith os is something that i wouldn't say is a daily driver but hey man people were committed to make it somewhat work and somewhat work they did now it also comes with several games like for example a full version of chess that one can play with other people or in fact an ai that was great it also did in fact come with plenty of the original games i don't know some of these were redone some of these are worded differently it it definitely it definitely does come with that original source style so over here you can see that you can still see the original source code for a lot of the programs and a lot of the games that they made in typical holy see style where they're all just read sequentially of course you can see skybox at the top hitting f5 renders the game you can even modify values such as where this hose for instance starts just by going down the source code and changing it to your heart's content there's a beauty and simplicity to how holy c is designed once you get your hand around it there's a lot of powerful stuff you can do with a lot of the on built a built-in software that's present right there and again being that it's its own programming language with its own kernel compiler you can actually write your own standalone software for temple os if you're willing to go through that which some people definitely are when we look at our next project now this is shrine systems or shrine so to call it which is a big big big update to the entire temple os world it's a very connected easy to use operating system key differences are it actually includes a lambda shell it includes a shell for you to actually like write things into it actually includes a package installer right here you can actually list packages install them so it has actual network access now this is a massive deviation from temple os terry never had a network infrastructure jerry never had all these assets that they're providing so some would argue this is more of a heathen operating system and it sort of deviates from what terry's initial design really was but you can download it run it on hardware or in a virtual machine and to show you how it runs it effectively looks precisely the same as you would expect temple os to except with a slightly more bluish sky blue scheme going on with it not as pretty as zenith os but hey you know for people who are making an open source equivalent pretty damn good setting up network isn't exactly too difficult but it really isn't that worth it to be honest with you in fact asides from the package managers and the network there's not really much that's different in shrine os to set itself apart i would actually argue that you would want to use zenith os because zenith os is more true to terry's original vision again versus shrine but hey none of these are going to be used as a [ __ ] daily driver anyways you're never gonna find anyone that's actually going to be using temple os or any of its [ __ ] variants in their day-to-day life listen linux is one percent of the market share for desktop users as far as i know one to two percent and we're still lagging far behind when it comes to certain softwares and professional grade solutions temple os dude they don't even have [ __ ] chrome browser brave browser whatever they don't even have furry fox for temple os yet maybe they never will temple os doesn't even have proper gpu support so let's let's temper our expectations hell right do it write a spreadsheet in temple os and tell me how it is ladies and gentlemen port libre office and maybe i could consider using it as a jail daily driver for something that would be interesting in fact this one person actually wrote i've [ __ ] you not i haven't tried this because i couldn't get it to work under shrine but they had a discord client literally written for temple os yes someone had a discord i think it's like a [ __ ] front end where they were actually receiving messages from other users i don't think you could join chat calls or whatever but you could chat with your friends over discord from temple os imagine imagine there is like three people right now on discord using temple os is their [ __ ] primary operating system maybe it's wild imagine loading up a virtual machine just to let up god's operating system to talk with absolute losers on the internet sometimes on your weird discord channels that ladies and gentlemen is life [ __ ] goals right there of course ladies and gentlemen this takes us to our finale and our conclusion i think i've taken up way too much of your time as it is already ladies and gentlemen you know temple os is a dream temple os is is magic in a way all right temple os is is what happens when one person all right who is a talented individual on one end a very very talented individual on one end but also a very disturbed individual on the other end terry davis was a man who i guess a lot of people could easily write off as a crazy crackpot individual one that has severe bouts of racism and and other and other isms attached to him but i guess if you can manage to look past all of that i think one thing to understand is as troubled as terry was what makes everything such a shame is terry davis was one of the most talented people that you could probably find on the internet right there and sure a lot of people can laugh off his operating system it's just a joke but i think people who can see the true value of one person's a sole enterprise developing all of this their life work is actually kind of substantial when you [ __ ] think about it terry davis might not have been the [ __ ] smartest programmer available i don't think that he was but terry was probably one of the most memorable programmers out there maybe in a lot of ways for the wrong reasons but i like to remember terry davis as somebody that had a [ __ ] dream and a vision and in many ways he met his [ __ ] vision and i hope wherever terry davis is god is proud that he built the third temple even if it was just an operating system even if it was just some computer thing that people look at to a loden for five minutes terry made a [ __ ] legacy and that legacy is why tons of people have made videos on him i'm making a video on him and tons of people continue to even develop for temple os even after his passing i hope that wherever terry davis is he's in a much better place i know that he's in a much better place and i hope the people that go through the same illnesses that terry davis went through can get the help that they need before the worst actually happens terry davis is a perfect example of a man that is incredibly troubled but a man that is also incredibly one of the most smartest people in his own way that exists in our world or it existed ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar and this is all i got to say about temple out so thank you for tuning in i know it's a long video this is a lot of stuff to cover we deep dived into his operating system and even went beyond that so ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar and if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 769,775
Rating: 4.9471817 out of 5
Id: YX5Sm0_aIo0
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Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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